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tv   [untitled]    September 1, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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almost all the so-called war on terror the bush and cheney brothers. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's going to break through get through it if we may who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. for. a. few.
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talk about the big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour a recent leak on the site wiki leaks shows disturbing evidence of a massacre of iraqi women and children in the hands of u.s. soldiers so listen sort of be the straw that breaks the american wars camel's back and leader dick cheney who got five draft or permits blog started wars there's a word for that i'll share with you in tonight's guilty. so much for shock and awe a new wiki leaks release details shock and horror in iraq one of the latest
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leaked state department cables alleges that back during bush's presidency in two thousand and six u.s. troops executed at least ten iraqi civilians including five children and four women and then called in an airstrike to destroy the evidence at the time bush's military officials denied the incident but as wiki leaks release shows a un special investigator uncovered evidence to the contrary noting that more reports showed that all the victims were handcuffed and shot in the head execution style investigator philip alston recent writes in. table u.s. troops enter the house and past all residence and executed all of them after the initial intervention a u.s. air raid ensued and destroyed the house so why is it that we have to rely on wiki leaks again to reveal to the american people or war and just how widespread is this sort of gruesome behavior and military operations in the middle east joining me now
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for some answers is raija our enemy and iraqi american blogger political analyst who was just interact two weeks ago right welcome to the program thank you for having me thanks for joining us is this is shocking is a seen as or is this just how a war is it's struck but not for the reasons that the u.s. audiences would think i think iraq he's used to these types of stories you know this particular story five years ago because the iraq you need to get it got it and then iraqi human rights organization called tom what are you. exposing on this particular story and i was surprised to be because the u.s. public don't seem to know much about this and i think the story here is the cover up of this of the incident of the of the crime itself because i went back for example through march of two thousand and six and they saw all of the news on the new york times or the nonsense of the pentagon regarding this incident it just
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sounds like any other incident be the u.s. military was driving someone shot at them someone from a sky that was there they shot back it got to this guy and there was some could i thought of damage this is what we hear every day in the news the new york times but that they need to be broadcast the same things that they were told by the military and i think that is the story is that this exposes how the war machine works we have hundreds of this story that happened and all of them were covered by the media the pentagon and the government. to what extent is that different or is it not for that matter from the covers of cover ups of atrocities committed by other governments by saddam hussein's own government by the rain government you know that long war but. again the kind of a variation of you know they say war is hell and and in my opinion when george bush and dick cheney lives in this war they open the gates of hell. isn't there
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a certain amount of this tragically just always comes along with war you're going to have some fairly very bad actors they're drawn to worse i completely agree with you i think what's happening in iraq and what this incident choice is not an occupation and military occupation that has gone wrong but it was mismanaged i think this is how military occupations like this just in a war this is how it looks like and so when they when they put eleven members of a family in a room and execute them and then call for an air support air strike to cover up now that doesn't seem like a single incident you know no one would come with come up with such a sophisticated scheme and execute eleven people with cold blood one time you know this is maybe a big year to cut an event that has been happening in iraq when we talk about a million iraqis killed in the last few years alone you know these numbers are huge
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numbers and these incidents explain how iraq looked and it still looks like on a daily basis you just came back from it what is the perception of iraqis by iraqis of america and what isn't there a certain damned if we do damned if we don't right now i mean if if we pull out there is going to be a certain type of crisis if we don't pull out there's going to be another kind of crisis. can you describe what those might be i don't think so i disagree with this notion that if we withdrew the sky would fall on iraq use or if we withdrew and get iraq back to freedom but we would be irresponsible as americans on how iraqis would run their own nation these are you know not three hundred thirty and paternalistic does not give you iraqis as humans who can take care of themselves i think the way that iraq is viewed the u.s. in general is not very negatively but the iraq is doing the u.s.
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in iraq is very near. people hate the u.s. in iraq they don't want the u.s. to be in iraq and i think they want to things to stop these incidents from happening they want number one the u.s. to withdraw completely before the end of this year but president obama has promised a number to all of these incidents that took place to be investigated so that iraqis who were harmed are compensated and the criminals who are behind. our interest what you've written about the president or obama saying he's going to pull out of iraq and you know i think this is there's a lot of skepticism in this country especially after we just built this massive palace there the u.s. embassy but nonetheless if he does what is the most likely outcome in iraq is it is a possible the country will split our various factions or will there be another strongman or could there be a full blown democracy or will it become an islamic state. in your opinion and you've been there. i think all the. possibilities for the future of iraq and iraqis
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will decide what they want they want more christian good looks like the u.s. it's their choice they want to understand is their choice as well as a secular person i would like to see a secular democracy there have a secular democracy here in the us as well it was a very. good but i think i think iraqis can choose whatever works for their country and i think the government plan for withdrawal is not under the stick the u.s. is planning to withdraw all the department of defense or jobs by the end of this you're bringing down the number two zero u.s. soldiers and zero bases but there is other types of intervention but the u.s. is keeping that are around sixteen thousand person who will stay with the state department and i think those should leave as well within the next few years but when it comes to that would throw it at the end of this year i'm not very skeptical i think it is doable i think it's a must actually to president obama if it's his promises let's hope you're right thanks so much for being with us and sort of very nice to measure. it's time to end
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the senseless violence call back the dogs of war. the science is my opportunity to share with you some of the week's most in will interesting or weird science news this feen all a b.p.a. is a chemical that the body reacts to as if it were a synthetic estrogen it's commonly used polycarbonate plastic and resident blind food and beverage containers here in the united states where it's still legal it's been outlawed in much of europe it can be found here and almost anything packaged in flexible soft plastic or wind with plastic for baby bottles containers even soda cans and energy drinks doesn't just change your body the way hormones do by causing
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girls to reach puberty early as we've seen here in the united states over the past thirty years there's some concern that b.p.a. is causing this but now we've discovered that it goes beyond that it actually changes our genetic code exposure of lab animals and sell a models to doses of b.p.a. even below the recommended tolerable daily intake have been shown to alter specific questions your response to genes it's changing our gene it's in fact rats exposed to b.p.a. in test labs developed breast and testicular cancer diabetes and hyperactivity its effect on humans is not entirely known and the manufacturers of b.p.a. in their lobby has continued to claim that it's safe. but a new study shows pretty solidly the b.p.a. can trigger a hormone response of gene changes in humans and international research team collected blood and urine from ninety six human male sussed subjects as urinary markers of b.p.a. exposure rose the likelihood that questions in response and genes were activated in
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the blood also increased and the doses of b.p.a. the list of these changes were about what the general population is exposed to in their daily use of products made with b.p.a. the authors of the study of concluded that b.p.a. is active in humans and they can be linked biologically to all known signaling and related disorders in humans and that includes things like diabetes by road diseases and obesity so you might want to rethink that next of it probably made by passing through plastic tubes so often would be t a's therefore packing a double whammy of the health right. after the break five so-called news loves to call people anti-american or un-american in my daily take hold see how much they like over the tables which are. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions
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come to break through it through a period made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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my take is the part of our show where you get a chance to make yourself heard our first comments and i came to us via twitter dick cheney has been back in the headlines this week as he travels the country to tout his new version of history in my time cheney continues to defend the crimes lies in atrocities that he and president bush sanctioned of the slim disguise of keeping the homeland safe this week former chief of staff to colin powell lawrence wilkerson told a.b.c. news that cheney was president for practical purposes for the first term of the bush administration and for years being tried as a war criminal last night things got a little heated here in the big picture when i asked two conservative commentators whether we should try to cheney for war crimes here and get money or let the world try him and to hey. nine eleven happened because this guy refused to do anything for eight months how can you go out summit itself out if this is the america
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islamic extremism is going to go in america and a muslim group islamic extremists attacked america you're the one who did this in charge of the counterterrorism task force that never met until september of two thousand and eleven. tell me how could this be just a. moment the change he has for us didn't even meet once until september two thousand and one all the while our allies in england france israel and russia were warning us of something big was coming all the while richard clarke and others were running around the national security system with to use clarke's term their hair on fire because they knew something big was coming and cheney was too busy with a cations in wyoming and lunches with his oil be industry buddies to bother with worrying about an attack that might happen and did happen on his watch joseph tweeted after that segment i saw you got a big a bit emotional during your debate regarding dick cheney's war crimes all i have to say is it's about time well joseph this is a topic that always gets me riled up all the way back to the one nine hundred
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seventy s. and cheney and rumsfeld helped start the committee for the present danger and began us lean fear as a way of getting political power and getting rich and since been a curse on this country i'll tell you how i really feel at the end of the show tonight and i still take our next comment is also from twitter i'm sure by now you've all heard that president obama agreed to move his address to a joint session of congress where he'll unveil his jobs plan from wednesday evening of next week to thursday evening after house speaker john boehner decided to show who's really in charge here in d.c. courses just a mere coincidence thursday night is the n.f.l. season opener and it's just a conspiracy theory that the republicans want the president to compete with the saints and the packers in the area romney rob tweeted obama will have to compete was saints vs the socialists i watch the game on new and listen to obama i believe green gold. the republicans may have pulled off an illegal block in the back
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against president obama but a white house communications director dan pfeiffer acknowledged today that not even the president would dream of competing with football. what everyone in america should be rest assured is that we will be done before kickoff in the. thursday night so no worries there. that he's going to have some serious competition the pregame show any of it's scripted no the some things are still sacred you know we seem to be entering the season of solutions the president is unveiling a jobs plan that the white house says will definitely get bipartisan support jon huntsman has unveiled his jobs plan mitt romney will be unveiling his jobs plan and on tuesday an hour after president obama asked for a joint session of congress yesterday john boehner said he'll give his own speech on the economy and jobs on september fifteenth let's hope that our elected leaders put all of this talk into action and cast partisanship aside long enough to put people back to work people's lives depend on on the other hand if republicans can
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block president obama from doing anything successful for another fourteen months they may well win the white house in the next election so i'm not holding my breath that's it for your take my take tonight if you'd like your comments and questions heard on this segment of the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments but visiting the martin facebook page by a twitter that underscore her but more in the chat room on the message boards through the blog at heartland but also leave a message on a rant line by three sixty three zero six agree disagree sound it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the year. currently are ruffled some feathers over at the right wing web site news busters when i suggested that today's republican party is infected with a powerful strain of anti american ism. there is
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a powerful strain of anti-americanism. disguises itself as the republican party and the so-called conservative movement is that i think would horrify moderate conservatives like to eisenhower and even serious conservatives like barry goldwater who actually believed that government can be and should be a force for good but none of them would have gone so far as reagan did and say a government is not the solution the government is the problem. and i'm not really sure if the right wingers are upset with my argument or upset with the fact that i took the buzzword but this guy is so terrible that he continues to do things like this that are not anti-american they're on american because he's creating an american almost anti american mentality if against the will of the people it's undemocratic affront america in this process through its fits into what i call anti american anti-constitutional and. we have
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a president who is fine policy can only be described as anti american i agree it's time to start calling people up because there's no more room in this critical debate over america's future for individuals who are fundamentally anti-american that includes the politicians the so-called newsman the phony economists and the greedy c.e.o.'s who have no problem destroying this nation just for a few bucks they spew poll tested terms like job creators to push for even more tax breaks for transnational corporations that already pay nothing in taxes off forgetting that this nation was founded as a result of an anti corporate revolt against the world's largest transnational corporation at the time of british east india company. they call a puckster is like thomas friedman it's out so-called free trade policies and sell off our factories and manufacturing jobs to the lowest bidders around the world well forgetting that our nation's first treasury secretary alexander hamilton
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george washington's treasury secretary laid out an eleven point plan literally called the american way that promoted protectionism and promoted american industries and not so-called free trade these guys give millionaires and billionaires the power to run amok in our politics claiming that corporations are people and as people we have the right to free speech and to dump as much money into our elections as they develop leads while forgetting that none of the founding fathers considered corporations important enough to even mention them in our nation's constitution and that the author of the declaration of independence and self thomas jefferson had a deep seated mistrust of too much corporate power and fought tirelessly to include freedom from anomalies in the bill of rights jefferson described corporate powers the powers that be as the selfish spirit of commerce that knows no country and feels no passion or principle but that of gain jefferson's tradition was carried
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out by both republican and democratic presidents throughout the nation's history with for example president grover cleveland who said in his eight hundred eighty eight state of the union address as review the achievements of aggregated capital we discover the existence of trusts combinations of monopolies while the citizen is struggling far in the rear or is trampled to death but a thin irony corporations which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law of the servants of the people are fast becoming the people's masters. or like republican president teddy roosevelt would challenge corporate power by passing the tillman act in one hundred seven which reads simply as she'll be unlawful for any national bank or any corporation to make a monetary contribution in connection with any election to any political office and like franklin roosevelt we called the economic royalists the economic shoals
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economic royalists at the one hundred thirty six democratic convention roosevelt directed his speech at these economic royalists sane duties economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of america what they really complain about is that we seek to take away their power our allegiance to american institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power in vain they seek to hide behind the flag in the constitution in their blindness they forget what the flag of the constitution stands for thirty years ago right in the coattails of ronald reagan these economic royalists of return to power in america and have been in for protecting this nation with their anti american propaganda ever since trying to clog up everything this nation has accomplished in the new deals of the great society they are dismantling the very programs and institutions that americans have fought and died for from labor unions to the social safety net to the right to vote
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itself and they do it the same way they did it roosevelt signed by hiding behind the flag in the constitution. even worse these anti-american cowards beat the drum for war because they know that in times of war pay there is money to be made and that our nation is more vulnerable during times of war to an ideological takeover they rally around war criminals like it cheney whose incompetence is only outweighed by his brutality here's a man who was head of the anti-terrorism task force in the white house in two thousand and one who was warned by former vice president al gore a human eye out for al qaida and who neglected all one need on the threat of terrorism but in sped instead spent his time figuring out how to divvy up and so off we were all fields of iraq we got hit on nine eleven because dick cheney drop of oil he didn't keep us safe he's guilty of gross negligence and a cover up his grotesque mistake cheney resorted to war crimes torture and illegal
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invasions is nothing more anti-american than torture historian david fisher explained the sentiment of our founding fathers toward tork toward torture during the revolutionary war by writing american leaders believed it was not enough to win the war they also had to win in a way that was consistent with the values of their society and the principles of their chorus that's why when general george washington captured a thousand patients in the battle of trenton during our war of independence he carefully sentence structures to his soldiers and how to treat the prisoners writing this is george washington the general writing treat them with humanity and let them have no reason to complain of our copying the brutal example of the british army and their treatment of our unfortunate brethren provide everything necessary for them on the road. unlike our nation's first president dick cheney sent down instructions to torture people until they gave phony confessions about
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phony w m d's in iraq and then under his orders we went on to humiliate our prisoners of war in ways that have caused muslims around the world to actually watch enjoy. and cheney wasn't satisfied with one war he got two wars and as he documented his new book he was pushing for attack on syria he wanted three wars cheney water continual warfare continuous kickbacks to his defense contractor buddies and his own company halliburton was almost bankrupt when he went into office until his administration started handing them juicy no bid contracts dick cheney would have horrified another one of our founding fathers james madison who famously said of all the enemies of true liberty war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises in develops the germ of every other no nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare cheney isn't just anti-american he's caused endless death and destruction around the world and it's
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responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of americans a crime he himself should answer for a summary point is this is that when the billionaires have seized control of dwight eisenhower's once probably public and party but they are offering us today and their vision of america is more wars more billionaires and then devastated middle class for thirty years they've campaign and spoken openly about their dislike for our government big government terrible stuff that extraordinary gift our government that extraordinary gift that was created by the founding fathers is as reagan saw the problem and not the solution to our problems i beg to differ. i love america i believe in america and i'm encouraged by the knowledge that most americans agree with that sentiment that america can be good it's time to quit pussy foot around
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and call the hustlers running the republican party and their mouthpieces on the right but they are there anti-american that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites of thom hartmann dot com please speech dot org and. also check out our show you tube channels the links of. the entire show is also available free video podcast on i tunes we have our i phone i pad app at the app store you can send us feedback at twitter at saumur scorecard on facebook at tom underscore our logs message boards and comment line tom. and don't forget democracy begins with you you get active when you show up to your it will see the.
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me believe. six.


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