tv [untitled] September 1, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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flock of the low show that the real headlines with none of them are see me live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to speak to republican presidential candidate buddy roemer he's a former governor of louisiana he's been excluded from every debate thus far and he's refusing to accept the big checks from political action committees so i wonder what our elections will be like if all candidates did that also the media is right now going crazy over the tit for tat between joining us on down the guardian as to how the unredacted version of state department cables made it to the internet let's look at what they're missing in the midst of all this drama we're going to speak to having a stolen about the latest state department cable that reveals evidence of
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a gruesome murder of iraqi civilians which the military tried to cover up or you have all that and more peter knight including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to. ari so yesterday president obama announced that he would be presenting his new jobs plan before a joint session of congress on september seventh and that is when everything a rocket is the september seventh just happens to be the same night as the next republican presidential debate john boehner also made a fuss because giving a speech in front of a joint session that involves all kinds of security sweeps and planning and what not and so the president agreed to budget and move his speech to september eighth roger simon city folk all night so now americans are even more angry you know and it's been a ridiculous chain of events and so of course the mainstream media has gone full force with it. trainer refused to let the president have the house and the
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president has caved and some democrats frustrated with this white house that's not a fight the latest round of obama versus boehner it goes to banner yet again this is just silly isn't it oh it is absolutely it's embarrassing the president versus the speaker of the house what a difference a day makes washington d.c. . and i really wonder how many pundits out there were called in last minute last night to talk about this most important story of the day how many of the stories had to get bumped to discuss the never ending tit for tat between president obama and john boehner let's face it we're starters and most of america most of america would have given a crap if the republican debate and the job speech over a lot because they probably wouldn't be watching either one anyway and when you mess with football that's a whole different story but alas here we are again remembering of the mainstream media well which is incased in a glass bubble that includes washington d.c.
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and new york they are the establishment and they live in this bubble and they know nothing else they got ahead and completely missed the point of this entire debacle american still want to speech they want action they want to see the government figure out a way to create more jobs if the government doing it itself by investing in infrastructure and education you name it or maybe they want the government to kick the big corporations in the ass and tell them to stop complaining about uncertainty when all of the odds are already clearly in their favor because they get the subsidies they find the times loophole they set up subsidiaries in offshore tax havens basically they don't give anything back and they do all of this while threatening that if they do their have to give anything back they're going to take jobs elsewhere as in abroad the poor they're already doing that even though those tax loopholes that they already have are supposed to provide the incentives for them to keep business here so oh that's just a whole frustrating mess but that's a problem that can be solved that's something that congress can fix with action that's what we pay them court we all pay them to sit around and pick partisan
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fights but unfortunately that is exactly what they get to do because the mainstream media become so obsessed with the partisanship and only focuses on it so their entire function in america today has turned into simply being a distraction and set of talking to people who have credible ideas about how to create jobs they focus on the partisan gossip and said calling out the president going out congress for allowing debt ceiling debates to take the center stage over the suffering of a. or than fifteen million americans who need work they focus on the sensationalist celebrity style feuds between john boehner and barack obama and you know how you always hear the terms well that's just washington that's how lodging works blah blah blah well guess what part of the reason the washington works that way is because the mainstream media lets it so go on keep arguing over who gave more points what hour the president should deliver his speech in the meantime the rest of us will keep calling for some action we'll take in our surroundings or member that people are struggling out there but the mainstream media now is they're just
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content to miss. our now before we move on to our interviews there's one more story that has to do with the absurdity of the media say on wednesday morning b.p.'s offices in moscow were raided by russian law enforcement officers who are looking for documents pertaining to a three billion dollar lawsuit from minority stakeholders in t.n. k b p a joint venture between b.p. and the russian government so this raid was met with official outrage by b.p. representatives and a statement they said that there was quote no legitimate grounds for such a raid and they went on to say a police invasion was illegal but what's more interesting about this whole situation is the way the media has decided to cover the event the on c.n.n. international based in london check out what one analyst had to say. so you put this on top of all the problems of the other problems with the ross material that didn't have been announced in january of this year that fell apart in may and it's
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just been it's just been such a hard time for bob dudley we were talking about this earlier the c.e.o. of b.p. who you know took over after all the problems in the gulf of mexico when he came from a b.p. he was the been sent out there to try to sort all that out the first time and now he's back in london and now he has to have yet another headache was russia. horror be he either serious we're supposed to feel sorry for b.p. because they've been through a lot after the oil spill the gulf i mean come on i was back in graduate with some savvy to paint b.p. as them so i have some sort of corporate victim out there but domestic news sources also decide to sprinkle their own two cents on this story as well the new york times headline for this story reads memo to exxon business with russia might involve guns and a lock all of its guns and a lot of us you know this raid must have been pretty intense i think of luck.
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ok i know that we can show you that much there but that's also because there wasn't really much to show there was no guns there was no balaclavas you know these are awfully openly loaded opening statements for a paper to make out there but i've got a question how come the media barely paid any attention to the rate of the feds here at home waged on the guitar company gets it and you probably haven't seen any coverage but fed's rate of the gibson facility in memphis because of the tiger wood that they used to create their famous guitars and the video actually looks strikingly similar to the d.v.d. rate so while the music world is probably infuriated infuriated excusing over this move rather than dedicating coverage to it the media wants to focus on b.p. as a new york times and c.n.n. international see a story involving russia western company in a police raid despite what the actual story is a combination well it's just too good it's like catnip for the mainstream media and then when the u.s. government raid the gibson factory it's just business as usual nothing to even talk
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about now sadly nobody's me the effort to call them out on their obvious bias here so i guess i've got to be the one to do it. now we've spoken to gary johnson and fred karger on this show both republican presidential candidates for two thousand and twelve and both of whom have been left out of the recent televised debates so tonight we have yet another candidate that isn't being allowed to voice his opinions and share his ideas on the national stage and that's former governor of louisiana buddy roemer see but he hasn't met the qualifications put in place for the next political debate because each participating candidate must have registered at least four percent in polls and that's something this campaign manager calls. rules actually use the forward but you know i can't say that on t.v. but what really makes buddy stand out is that he's put a one hundred dollars cap on his campaign contributions and is not going to accept any money from political action committees so why give yourself such an obvious disadvantage and say no to big checks let's find out earlier i caught up with
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former louisiana governor and republican presidential candidate buddy roemer and i first asked him about his history of switching parties see but he used to be a democrat but in one thousand nine hundred one it became or republican. a couple of things one was over time i found myself in my official duties. being more and more prone to doing republican things whatever public and. a budget that was in balance taxes that were low business friendly jobs being important a strong military to keep america free an education system that works best locally and didn't come from washington those are kind of republican principles that they don't always follow. and they're not always successful but i just found myself i grew up a democrat in the south a conservative democrat most democrat most southerners born in the forty's and fifty's were democrats. so i was born
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a democrat conservative and then over time i changed and then number two while i was governor of louisiana i found it was a one party state everybody was democrat all my legislators were democrats now you know what a one party state is it's a dictatorship there's no debate. i mean typically i do not but it's true i missed three hours there you know it's a one party state wouldn't wouldn't go as far as calling it a dictatorship but i wonder how much power president ronald reagan may have influenced your decision in that sense and i was just speaking about the old you aside when you were a member of congress and said that if you ever want to be president you have to do want two things you have to a governor get the executive experience and be you have to be a republican so is that a little bit of it to you just want to leave or is there i mean it was there in the in the congress i was the head of a bull weevils these were conservative democrats there were forty three of us and
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we gave president reagan his majority in the house the the republicans were a minority and we made big difference for them so i was used to working with republicans i was used to crossing the aisle louisiana was not really a party state as i said it was mostly one party so i decided that one of the contributions i could make to my children and grandchildren was developing a two party state so now that i would be a republican we had six members of our legislature republican out of a hundred forty four today it's sixty percent republican in the louisiana legislature and we were two party state i was mean and secondly do you think of the state as any better off just because there are two parties that you start a lot of people with years ago could say that the two parties look very much alike these days surely there are some of those those fringe issues you could say are some of the social issues that really divide them but at the end of the day and this is something that i know you you fight against even if we look at your
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campaign contributions one hundred dollars a limit that you set on it in a day they're all getting the same corporate money they're all getting the same money from all the banks and it's fair to say that i think they serve their interests above the people's. let me approach it this way good points made i give you an a in this debate thank you you're welcome. but i look at it slightly differently. the two parties encourage bickering and occasional debate and i think that's very healthy every issue i've ever known. and i'm sixty seven i'm not a baby all the issues i've looked at abortion. the power of government size of government or multisided they need to be touched and felt and debated and the trouble with the one party is that the party always falls victim to the cult of the personality and sort becomes
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a one man or one woman show how like two parties there are three parties but rather for a party is what about the possibility for more asking for an america but there's a limit to chaos as compared to debate and i've been very independent i also call it democracy well it isn't occasionally very issues that calls for that but i agree with you that both parties or an awful water like i agree with you that most debate is nonexistent but i've disagreed that one party can ever be as good as two or more i disagree with that i make that statement well let me only continue on here with why it is that you want to be the republican president in two thousand and twelve you left politics for a very long time so why is it now that you decided to come back and run i think america is in for a. and i don't think the normal political process is going to solve it
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in fact i think the normal political process has been corrupted by special interest money and this is why are only even donations that maximum are one hundred dollars i need a million people at one hundred dollars an hour winds. it can be done and you know your lies they are quite a disadvantage there right for example all of the other republican contenders in the race have super pacs are taking in as much money as they can and president obama has been running for reelection is rumored to perhaps be able to have a one billion dollar campaign. it's true. but i consider it a disadvantage here's the way i look here. if your job if you were running for president and you got a record your job would be to lead america and be free to do what you think was necessary to do if you take all of the special interest money you're not free you
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can't regulate the banks yuki do health care without giving insurance companies a special place you can't do obamacare without giving pharmaceutical companies a little protection the trouble with money is it has hooks in it and it's my experience that if you get a lot harder group of small donations you're free or you're stronger you can be braver let me ask you what i'm going to say this ok i have a leader needs to be brave this time. the leader needs to talk to china honestly about unfair trade the leader needs to talk to wall street about the fun and games that bring america to its knees the leader needs to talk to mexico about sealing the border and by it's important to mexican americans as well as other
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americans the leader needs to have the courage and purpose of being free to leave and i think the power of corrupt money has harmed this city that's what i think. i we're taking a break to let me make a quick correction as a joint venture between b.p. and russian investors now the government and next we're going to continue our discussion with one of twenty twelve presidential candidate buddy roemer and a wookiee rein in wall street corporations if he were president and let's find out just not. into where. people were cutting justice or. i have every right to know what my government's through if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic. of american exceptionalism. you
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know sometimes you see a story of a six so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here so you saw the part of it and realized everything is ok. i'm trying hard to fix it. let's not forget that we are in a park right great. i think. either one well. we have got to be safe. because our freedom.
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a clause of money within in him of special interest could be more free to lead but one of the things that we've heard often about president barack obama is that he's had his hands tied by congress and that's why he can't lead so even if he were to get elected let's say without any special interest money you still have an entire congress you have you know almost five hundred people out there they do have special interest money the thing and the job is easy but how it all wrong i have no excuse. no excuse he has no experience he's never worked with the legislature always ever been was two years a senator he never started a company he never had a payroll he doesn't know the degrading power of overregulation i mean he doesn't even know his own country he needs to get out of that like house really i'll take him around new hampshire with me he would love to listen to real people look i mean the problem with a lot of politicians all these are that little problem with
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a lot of what americans think about washington in general is that they don't know what's going on in the country here and they don't care because they usually have brand money. well let me get to one other thing great so you have also been excluded from all the republican presidential debates so far you are a spokesperson went as far as calling that. the forward i unfortunately i can't say that on t.v. but what role do you think the media plays in that is the mainstream media get to choose who is a candidate and who is considered out there on the fringes for five years or anywhere inside yes they do i'm the only guy running for president who's been governor and congressman i'm the only guy running for president who's built eight billion dollars bank with these hands with no bailout money i'm the only guy running for president who didn't take the special interest money i'm the only guy running for president who defends american jobs and i can't get on a debate look i don't fuss much about it i'll get on it so they can run this
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election without the other guys are saying the same thing it's like eight canaries in a coal mine every now and then a fresh grip the wind will blow through that will be me and i don't need to be on every debate you let me get on to this race will be over well we'll see if that happens so let's let's go through some of the so when what you can do here right you have blamed parties for the recent that crisis you called for ten. to the fire you say that we not only need to eliminate. tax breaks for oil companies but all corporate tax breaks when it comes to energy companies but i think the problem is much larger than that right it's not just energy companies it's not only oil if we look at a report that came out yesterday that said that the from the top one hundred companies in this country twenty five of them took more in than their entire corporations in the biggest corporations in the world that we're talking about some of them and they paid in taxes so how do you fix that system how do you grade i three revenue
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to the marrow you don't because you think that's fair i don't think it's fair but i think the board of directors and the shareholders that company or be responsible for their own company i don't know but that you know little already there were awarding those types of actions they're rewarding c.e.o. i think you're letting go is and i think they're stark will begin to see you watch it happen you know you can't change the world overnight we need more information we now have the information of what c.e.o.'s make and these guys are making five hundred or thousand times more than the average worker it's not right there needs to be balance in that look i'm not defending the system i challenge you here's the way i do it i try to do it in the spirit of the american constitution which allow also free enterprise system but it requires a corporation to have a board of directors you don't want those board of directors who are supposed to do run the company challenge the c.e.o. if he's making up thousand times more than the average man it's up to the board of
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directors but again it's not happening the board of directors like i mentioned again they're actually rewarding that kind of work so one of the happened in this country i think that you could've said one point it was your duty your responsibility to give back to the country to give back to the community where you have so much business opportunity and now they're more than happy to just make it about the bottom line to take jobs abroad what happened with that mentality well it's embarrassing. it's discouraging i mean i'm a graduate of the harvard business school that's one of the best in the world where all these guys went to school and i was taught that there were there were standards of conduct and it seems to have been forgotten but i would be careful here as a potential president i don't think the president or ruined the corporate boardroom i think the board of directors should i think the president can use his bully
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pulpit and talk about this issue and ask corporate america to stand up and step up and do it differently and you know see things presidents are scared of corporate america because here i don't see how your money you cause they have to be apologizing it to them we're running out of time so they need to have their last meeting and right last the last question i got to get a foreign policy question i have spoken so much about money or i do want to know since you have that on a debate what your stance is what you would do with the wars in iraq and afghanistan the situation that we're in in libya now with the shadow wars the drone strikes that we're launching in yemen in somalia and pakistan what you do with that in them as soon as possible in their midst soon as it's in america's best interest i use one test and it's not europe and it's not middle east it's the united states of america we have a constitution that says the president defends it and this country and my judgment will be open spirited open hearted to work with others so that we will right now in
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america's various interested you and the now i would put the end to this long overdue we got into iraq falsely we thought it was weapons of mass destruction they've yet to be found and we're still there going on home mr president afghanistan corrupt at the top. bring them home mr president i think we need to be a lot more careful about how we treat our neighbors and how we defend ourselves this is costing those troops losing american lives and not making the world a better place and maybe we need to get some of those claws from the military contractors out of congress and the president as well i have to wrap it up unfortunately governor thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you. for the sky. the light will come down. some last year
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choirs will be singing. i will tonight we have a true glimmer of hope and it comes from our country's justice department they might remember how many groups criticize the proposed thirty nine billion dollars eighty and merger it was announced this past march as anti-competitive as detrimental to consumers and owing all that criticism he went on the p.r. offensive claiming that it was going to bring thousands of jobs back to america as part of the deal but of course as an experience pointed out on yesterday's show eighteen he was trying to find ways to entice regulators to allow their massive merger. we know that the reason why they're sending jobs overseas is because they can get cheap labor but if they can make a sweet deal and get a profit off this merger then all right share will sweeten the deal will bring five thousand jobs back to the united states. so now in one of the more shocking developments of the year the government wasn't fooled the heads of eighteen t.n.t. mobil were slapped with
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a surprise anti-trust lawsuit yesterday from the justice department and a twenty two page suit was sent because the government felt thirty nine billion dollars deal was going to harm consumers and him hinder competition from other wireless providers now in a statement deputy attorney general james cole said we believe the combination of a.t.m. t. and t. mobile will result in tens of millions of consumers all across the united states facing higher prices fewer choices and lower quality products for their mobile wireless services you know what they're going to set it better myself but that's what's really surprising here is eight hundred top lobbyist have been meeting with the justice department continually for a few weeks now and they were under the impression that the merger was fine and dandy but the government reportedly never hinted that they had were sending out a lawsuit now it's no secret the justice department often picks and chooses when to lay out a sandwich or as lawsuits on corporations its history is rather speckled and that whole contrast every see merger that was all good so it's refreshing to see the justice department actually saw through at least one of the deals and decided. for
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it's so for the government's realization of these two companies as one major corporation to be bad for consumers it is a true glimmer of hope. now still ahead on tonight's show we have our thursday edition of show and tell and i don't want to make you big strong a lawsuit is filed over two hundred fifty thousand unredacted diplomatic cables that have now been released on the internet all the cables reveal a deadly killing spree in iraq at the hands of u.s. soldiers invited dive into that topic in just enough. insulin over military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability . i have every right to know what my government should truly do want to know why
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i think taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly is if you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right.
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