tv [untitled] September 1, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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lol. oh on charge in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture g.o.p. presidential candidate jon huntsman reveals his jobs plan a week before president obama so are republicans actually offering any new ideas to create jobs is this more of the same corporate hocus pocus that got us into this mess in the first verse and trigger happy texas governor and presidential hopeful rick perry claims the government doesn't create jobs all the same time bragging about his impressive record as a job creator in texas see one of the facts don't quite add up for governor good hair.
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you need to know this so with the scheduling dustup for the president's jobs speech resolve and speaker john boehner getting what he wants president having to compete with the saints and the packers for the nation's attention next thursday maybe now we can actually focus on a plan to create jobs now president obama's jobs plan has yet to be fully released we didn't get a clear picture of how republicans would create jobs yesterday and presidential candidate jon huntsman he'll do his job creation plan which will likely mirror much at least of the rest of the republican party's ideas so what does huntsman want to do here no surprise he wants to shill for transnational corporations millionaires and billionaires first up on its own wants to address the nation's debt by endorsing the paul ryan plan to privatize medicare and just hand more billions to
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for profit companies and huntsman's taking on taxes his plan would lower the top income tax rate on the wealthiest americans and thirty five to twenty three percent lower than. it was during the coolidge and hoover administrations in the twenty's who was writing the great depression as in more tax cuts for the so called job creators that aren't creating a single job today even though they're paying less in taxes right now and they have at any other point in the last fifty years is also proposing eliminating the capital gains tax altogether you know that income tax paid by people like paris hilton will make their living sitting on their butts around the pool waiting for the dividend check to arrive and how will huntsman pay for these tried to gigantic tax cuts for the super rich by taxing the middle class and cutting benefits to seniors collecting social security and also push for more pollution by saying we should eliminate e.p.a. regulations we have more power for the banks to gamble in the stock market by limiting wall street reform and have more drilling for oil in sensitive areas
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because they apparently didn't notice last year's b.p. disaster in the gulf and of course he wants more of the same free trade policies that have cost our nation millions of manufacturing jobs. so this is really the best republicans can do when it comes to job creation basically more of the same policies that ronald reagan gave us and eventually crashed our economy with a little sprinkle of what calvin coolidge and herb hoover gave us that caused the great depression here to offer his take on it on this whole issue as ever langar president of the institute for liberty andrew welcome. first of all you want to correct to contradict straight the saw there's a one hundred seventy seven you know you sort of left out there is that while the corporate tax rates may be lower going lower than they have been a long time regulatory costs have never been higher the regulatory state according to obama's own s.b.a. cost the american economy nearly two trillion dollars annually two trillion dollars so with a meant for america's job creators are small businesses businesses with twenty employees or rather. two thirds of all share her uterus alvey the homes anybody
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who's there is around and i think i'm going to create a job as an oh sure the higher kid who does they would make money and other another put. it through a third of all jobs are created by america's small businesses those are the businesses that are faced with an eleven thousand dollars per employee per year regulatory process we have able to request breaks out how hillary breaks up in cities an example it's you know environmental regulations as you've talked about the loss of this case so the e.p.a. i realize the koch brothers are very upset about the pm there's a major i would know snickers that we're going to vote for the organization but god bless it but the point is the common no no the point is that the regulations that are usually talked about are let's do away with the e.p.a. so we can have more crap in our air and more crap in our water and thank you very much ten or twenty thousand cases a connoisseur you're just. that's isn't enough let's talk about you know if you want to talk about the clean air and clean water act and how clean is clean the fact is that there was a there has been a cost down the road from the great environmental acts of the seven interesting to
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read i tell me that corporations in america are sitting on two and a half trillion dollars in cash are not spending. that money because they're afraid that they're going to spend some money with the e.p.a. they're afraid down the road that we're going to spend money on. increased energy costs because we are shutting down every aspect of the mess to energy in the united states they're going to have to you actually are going to leave if that's how absolutely all fair costs are going to a lot of companies hire people because there's demand for the top and i don't know i don't know how often you talk to companies out there that want to hire people or think about how i'd run companies and i have every day i'm pleased that i have brought his knowledge over to us and the people in generated more than a quarter of a billion dollars and you want to and you want to do business certainty in your i never hear about certain a quote i did about was customer she did down the road you were looking down the road what your costs were going to be and how you can manage those costs down the road and if your energy your sort of your customers i feel absolutely i have ok been pinned you know that it's customers that make your business and if your
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customer you don't have an eye or if you tom if your customers don't have any money to spend especially in that in those business to business transactions that are out there if they don't have any money to spend because they're there waiting for it to see her you know don't know what to spend because their customers have no money in there but how about a lot of talking let's start with the let's start talking about business to business let's start talking there because in those business to business transactions there are going to be no business of business transaction that's right because they're all going to have his or all their all it all begins really consume it all it all began and consumer can only result still company is going to do so in a doorway to our house it is because somebody's going to buy their you larry costs are going up for those and their and their impact on a consistent is not pretty blue is regulatory you cannot ignore two trillion dollars if not only can you can the regulatory fairy the fact is that we have ignored the regular american the nineteen years. on forty's when regulations were fairly minimal until the one thousand nine hundred regulations were quite substantial did we have an economic disaster in this country no we don't know yet
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because we had company had to have to go to zero hat's rates going down and we had and the fed energy rate if it is not fairness until the one. nine hundred eighty should tax it at the top corporate tax rate corporations are paid forty seven percent in taxes there as look what have we built seventy huge and does what happened in the seventy's look what happened in the seventy's when energy costs spiked and and the dollar was completely undercut worldwide the fact is that there were all sorts of things other words our biggest risk is the fact that the saudis don't like us and they might screw us again well the far there is that i want to go which is to send in the heart of billion dollars if we were ignoring a two trillion dollars i was john huntsman not want to why why is the core of his issue if what you're saying is true that our biggest problem is is that is that we could like jimmy carter we're actually richard nixon we could get screwed by the saudis or the middle eastern oil why is he is his jobs program saying let's move to alternative listen i think well i think first of all because without without
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a carbon based energy system in america you cannot pay for those green jobs if there's one thing that we've now learned over the last five years of trying to develop into a green energy policy it's that when carbon based energy prices there is a guy doing it where the germans do know where the issues with the chinese are still building what is it one coal plant a week and i mean the phone it's about half our thoughts are one coal plant every two weeks their yard sales are power but there are gas going to be using country the economy is still fundamentally based on carbon based energy yes and so you know they are but they're building solar because they know down the road they're going to want to they're going to want to spread that risk throughout their portfolio because it is getting more expensive both and in terms of direct costs and indirect costs like them and a lot of that is a lot of that is artificial i mean a lot of that if you've got much more of his wealth of their of their of their land is looking at the possibility of famine in the in the little we could go do would go down the road as to why the why the chinese why the why the chinese just why
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don't we have it the reason i don't i don't understand is i don't see anything in here from since the topic here is jon huntsman i don't see anything in here that's not just you know recycled republican well it's certainly better than the poor the president's proposal which is at this point three years into his administration nothing. ok i got no answer from. the labor day andrew thank you very much and same to you it's a definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and over again expecting different results so how will it act in the same policies of deregulation massive tax breaks for the rich that george w. bush and herbert hoover championed create jobs this time around the world economic forum us infrastructure ranked sixteenth in the world if there's nothing in huntsman's plan about infrastructure spending a proven method to get americans back to work has been endorsed by both the chamber of commerce and the f l c o y republican satisfied with the crumbling infrastructure free trade free trade how will allow in more corporations to ship us jobs and factories create jobs instead of drilling for more oil to create jobs
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should we build a building solar panels and high speed rail and green technology instead so i just you know i just don't get this any i enter thanks so much jon huntsman seems may seem like a moderate ron paul may seem like the extremist but all the republican candidates he's basically want the same thing that's to turn a nation over to the rich and the polluters i think they slept thank you. it's time for. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here is that is question is it appropriate for representative joe walsh to boycott president obama's jobs speech to the joint session of congress the choices are yes he says he doesn't want to be a problem we're going to speak to the real job creators or no he's being totally disrespectful to the office the president's going to thom hartmann dot com let us know what you think with the whole be open until tomorrow morning.
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it's time for the good the bad of the very very very already asleep ugly a good republican senator chuck hagel what do your political party leave behind you call him out that's exactly what senator chuck hagel did in an interview with the financial times the reference to the republican behavior after the debt ceiling to be hable said he saw and i was standing lack of responsible leadership by many in the republican party i think about some of the presidents we've had on my side of the aisle he said ronald reagan george bush sr the way through them eisenhower is that they would be stunned senators right it's no longer your dad's republican party it's the party of billionaires it's on the folks in iran it's we need more
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republicans like chuck hagel telling the truth about this transformation the bad the shell are you hypnotized bachmann or the poll numbers dropping bachmann is trying to lure voters to her side in florida i think she's getting some bad advice campaigning in tampa bachmann called for oil drilling in the state's most pristine natural environment the everglades still bachmann doesn't back down on drilling for oil in the everglades let's abscessed is wonderful treasure trove of energy because it's given to us in this conference let's add system these products. god gave us all that oil underneath the everglades but not all the animals and plants that are thriving in the everglades would just kill off those things to the well one big problem long as the geologists at the university of south florida noticed. there's no known evidence that there's actually a significant hydrogen carbon deposited in the everglades and other words there's no oil there but screw it let's drill anyway right michel. and the very very ugly
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pima county republican party yes the republicans in the same county the congresswoman gabriel giffords was shot in are planning to raise money by selling raffle tickets to often auction off a forty caliber glock and gun the same type of gun that was used to shoot congresswoman giffords in there and killed six others earlier this year republican party is selling one hundred twenty five tickets a ten bucks a ticket and goes to the gun comes with three thirteen round magazines and just will grips and a case at least they didn't include the same exact high capacity magazine that was used in the tucson massacre and uses a pile and give away the pima county republican party is going to net about twelve hour blocks which it will likely use to contribute to more right wing anti immigration gun nuts in that state and that's very very good. coming out sound the alarm visionary michigan governor rick snyder is a committee a terrible crime stealing from the poor and handed over to the rich so how will the
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thousands of needy families stay afloat in the peninsula. and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through if you have made who can you trust no one who is you be you with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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if you live in michigan and you've fallen on hard times you're screwed michigan republican governor rick snyder is donning his reverse robin hood ad again stealing from the poor to give to the rich the governor is expected to sign legislation that cuts the temporary assistance for needy families t.n.f. program in michigan from sixty weeks to forty eight weeks as a result of october first more than eleven thousand deaths really poor people in michigan or lose a critical lifeline however the same time rick snyder wants to toss a c.e.o. corporate donors a nice back tax break signed into law an eighty six percent tax credit corporations it will cost michigan one point seven billion dollars far more than the sixty
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million the state is saving by cutting welfare the poor in other words for every dollar governor snyder is taking from the poor he's giving thirty dollars to transnational corporations so how is he taking money out of the hands of people who would spend it and giving it to his billionaire buddies how is that a good way to create jobs for more of this i'm joined by david silva conservative commentator an advocate for republican governors who screw their constituents david welcome a thank you very much for having me as always it's a pleasure i mean i'm still listening audience they've sent me some very warm e-mails as of late oh let's wait that's that's very nice now why do you hate pro-family michigan. well i sell and i'm going to have to take issue with the gross mis categorization of what you said stealing from these needy people first of all the michigan system is rife with fraud longstanding fraud and the governor is taking some steps to correct it additionally david is trying to probably know
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what byrd two thousand and eight there was there was a big scandal around town with t.n.f. program and they upped the penalties to ten years in prison a quarter million dollar fine it busted a bunch of stores in detroit and they've basically cleaned that program up that's nonsense that was there was a couple of hype there was a couple of high profile issues and then it was business as usual status quo now what the governor is doing in this particular case is he's trying to keep his state afloat by not kicking companies square in the fanny and as far as doling out it was the companies it was billionaire audience that's the president the president this company is close to amazing that. they did it was the compass and they were committing a fraud. you and i are having two separate conversations and i thought you were talking about the high profile fraud cases in the public assistance service i don't know words there were publications explaining to these people how to go ahead and
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build the system built the taxpayer and by the way they're not stealing from these people they're just turning the spicket back a little too because a lot of the people who are not deserving you too can make a couple thousand bucks are. ok and what he is doing with the corporations is a necessity we can't keep kicking the businesses where in the patootie and expect them to keep paying the bills it's just a matter of economic necessity would you rather have fifty and actually receive fifty or demand a dollar and get none of it well i still don't know whether and i suspect david that you're coming in from new york and i'm not sure if you have a monitor there that you can see but there's a there's a case of let me just explain this chart this i cannot i'm just looking at the camera ok there's a chart here that we're going to put on the screen right now and this chart shows two thousand one corporate income taxes and percentage of g.d.p.
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the highest country is israel it's almost four percent belgium then it goes down belgium canada denmark or ireland denmark compan on greece spain in winter slovenia now are getting below two percent of corporate income taxes a percentage of g.d.p. slovenia austria france germany the bottom two states are the united states and ice that we have of these roughly twenty five countries we have the second lowest corporate taxes in the world why do our corporations need more tax breaks. well it sounds like you're about to call for a five year plan to distribute the wealth to corporations if you haven't noticed they're suffering much more than the average individual who's working for a corporation these companies are really struggling to make ends meet i'm not talking about the large corporations who are powering around with the president and really sticking it to the taxpayer i'm talking about the the large companies that
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are employing american citizens now i do have to resist having to rush time with their corporate jets they can only do they can only depreciate them over five years and that is seven years like wait a minute don't forget why they made that rule so they could actually do more commerce so these companies could sell more jets so now that they've done it never once done their part it seems that we want to take these things away i wouldn't be surprised if that's what happens in the future with the roth ira it's going to be too sweet a plum for the government to allow you know to keep its promises so that's the case was appreciation so when we stop giving tax breaks to corporations that's taking away when we don't give money to needy families that's not taking away one minus a year no one is stopping you me or anyone else from giving money to needy families except for this administration that has made it much harder to deduct charitable giving i have to tell you have senator graham the private country we would just say
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that i'm talking about it secular government could do a lot better than the government serve because we wouldn't have so much misappropriation and so much waste ok you think what billionaires who have real they were going to just pass out the money to us are going to follow us around and really really carefully make sure that our you know that we're we're dealing well with the money that we get from them or from the churches. role do you think our elected officials are being good stewards of our tax money right now but actually you know yeah i do. you and i are you know social security has never missed a paycheck you know i still have i have a relative who is on unemployment he said to jump through a hell of a lot of hoops to make it work it looks like there are people who are actually paying and that is. ok i can't argue with that when the system works so it's great unfortunately the monies that we pay n. we are losing a big portion of it with a needless bureaucracy and wires and ministration people who depend on which field
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we're talking about if it is like if you look at things like medicare this three percent system for your for profit insurance. then i know that that's absolutely not true when you send monies to the federal government and they have to disperse that i assure you a great deal of that money is lost in transit and that's just the way the mop flops david david i will i will leave you with the last word on that thank you very much for being with us tonight thank you prescience thanks for having me again you're right. appreciate your being here rich snyder isn't the only governor who scream working families to a huge tax breaks a transnational corporations so too has governor scott walker in wisconsin chris christie in new jersey jon case in clear iow rick scott in florida and was goes on and on sheriff of nottingham would be proud of today's republican party. rick perry is a big government socialists but governor good hair is on the campaign trail touting
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his impressive record of job creation census data shows that most of that texas job creation the ragged about was thanks to the god or the government during two thousand and two thousand and ten governor rick perry added a higher percentage of government workers than any other governor in the country more than seven hundred thousand new governor government workers course this is the same guy who claims that the government can't create jobs is action show rick perry seems to get the single simple economic truth that the government is the employer and spender of last resort when the economy falls on hard times so why isn't he preaching this message now that he's running for the white house joining me now is dan gainor i am a vice president of the and t. boone pickens free market fellow of the business media and you know better than the use washington post the thick stone but. we've had two and probably
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three at this point recession's during the congress has been governor of texas ok during that time to look at it fairly you would not cherry pick your stats you use the whole time ok whole time he's added a million fifty thousand jobs over those two hundred eighty thousand are government jumps at the very same time the state is added more than four million new people and so in fact he hasn't actually added government workers the way you're pretending the or you are the ratio of government workers has gone down but is really well taken perhaps really if you if you look at the influx of people he's got he said an enormous number of people coming in from mexico many of them legally wealthy mexicans as escaping the drug problems there they have there you see a lot of people coming in from new mexico and arizona the state has grown substantially and when you look at the ratio of the influx. for people to the number of jobs texas is actually the worst in the nation in terms of job creation based on population texas is a government you just argued no our country has law has lost the time we're texas
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has added more than a million jobs our country has lost more than a million jobs so we're going to tell you has a lost as a as you can imagine so you want to believe that the rate at which texas is rated at all here it's two thousand and seven to two thousand and ten ok we'll take a good chunk of time forty seven percent of the nation's government jobs were created in texas while texas forty seven or so the whole government jobs were created in texas or texas lost one hundred seventy eight thousand private sector jobs in that period and gained one hundred twenty five thousand public sector it had a huge influx of people so now if you let so cricket harry is doing whatever you simply know that there is a any rational state you add people then you and government you don't add government first so it's only natural they had lots of people then they had to add government but if you take since the supposed that obama recovery in two thousand and nine they've actually added almost exactly three hundred thousand two hundred ninety seven thousand and only thirty one of these one thousand of those jobs are
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federal workers so the state workers so it's a what they've done in fact is you're picking a cherry pick tiny if you're going to lay on road texas texas leads the nation in the creation of low pay or minimum wage jobs is that the kind of thing that we will fix this also is next to mexico which is your right on your border is that your labor is coming in you know i mean you know texas has is that the ends of the markets are other country if rick perry becomes president the model for every other country should be get next to have a good world every other state should get get next to a third world really not a way out is if you really get going are cheap you're clear with your view with the cards you're dealt just as if you're the president and the president we've got right now has not dealt well with jobs and your side admits that as well as our side but i think i think it over as he has done. well with jobs who went from losing eight hundred thousand jobs a month or george w. bush to fourteen straight months of private sector job creation that's pretty substantial defense we also ahead nearly half the time president bush was president
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we had unemployment of five percent or less so you know you can you can look and you can look at guys and borrow three trillion dollars to run these wars i mean you know we were building the heritage gone the reason i should give the dot com collapse he had the you know hero you want to know what he inherited he inherited a budget surplus and he inherited i am of course people always would tell about the one and not talk about the other as somebody who's veteran of not one but two of those job losses that result of the dot com collapse believe me i know a lot of people who loves jobs so so why do every end result in the economy every president gets the cards are doubling every whatever taxes are over fifty percent on people who make more than a million dollars a year in the last one hundred fifty years whatever taxes are above fifteen percent we don't have public companies or they drop below fifty percent we do it so you basically you're in the freedom you know i'm here and you're here and kind of not knowing if you're anti basically a law that applies equally to everybody i'm i am suggesting that's i mean that only
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rich people can get money really easily and at low cost that they gamble with and that produces bubbles you know what you're saying is we should set up laws and treat people differently taxes that's what the law yeah yeah i'm saying then why yes i'm saying that if you want has thought it was not right about that you know that we all back to the tax rates that we have one hundred forty of the one nine hundred eighty s. that kept us from the like the swedish law that we were replied traffic fines are simply based on wealth ice i am suggesting that we should go back to the taxes that we had where we didn't have bubbles and nice stable steady growth from the one nine hundred forty the one nine hundred eighty s. and then run into thanks for dropping by good to see you really is dan thank you republicans like rick perry know the truth about government spending and how to revive the economy. it is pretending they don't because they want the economy to tank in my humble opinion i think it'll help the chances and try to.
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raise the alert the great masticator. its original authorities are on the hunt for a man who allegedly walked into a museum and stole an eight foot tall grayle to a suspect described as a manager in forty and fifty were in a black leather hope hat and dark coat was seen fleeing the museum with a big white dog by his side or to the museum officials the will to this more than one hundred years old and yesterday to be worth about nine thousand bucks we hear from supply side economics that if the tooth thief can earn far more than that if he plays his cards right we've been to a ferry. going up wiki leaks is out in another hand as with war crime committed by u.s. troops in iraq one who's the execution style killing of a five month old complaint says the practice of murdering innocent children the newborn that was so.
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