tv [untitled] September 2, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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live. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around. the clock is ticking for colonel gadhafi and his supporters to accept an extended deadline for surrender as artie's group reveals the secrets of the ousted leader on the ground city. a u.n. investigation slams a deadly israeli raid on a gaza bound aid for till last year is unacceptable but finds israel's walking out of the region is legal. the international war crimes tribunal turns to our t.v. for assistance and the trial of former bosnian serb general rock obliged by asking to provide a unique interview with the genocide suspect. this
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is r.t. coming to live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program now time is running out for kerlikowske and his loyalists to agree to a peaceful surrender the libyan rebels have extended their deadline for his forces to lay down arms to avoid further bloodshed nato has vowed to stay in the country until the end of conflict and urge lidia's interim authorities to negotiate a peaceful solution western leaders discussing levy's future in paris have agreed to unfreeze that office as it's clear the e.u. say it will lift some of the sanctions imposed on the country meanwhile colonel get out the whose whereabouts are still unknown has been reported recently saying he is ready q. finite on the war are his words an option and delve deeper on the ground in one of get off his bunkers thought to be one of the hubs on his escape route. but what's been hidden from the eyes of the public for many years remaining just one of the legends about the colonel became
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a bailable once the rebels took carefully he it is the entrance to gadhafi is underground city. we're going down the sign in arabic at the hatch says the ruts they sway this is what people in the cold gadhafi believe in his run away under the ground hiding from the rebels. there is no sound here of celebratory shootings above ground it's dark and humid and scary some believe that could garfield had the bomb shelter are those that it was a facility for the macabre his intelligence service some. living rooms like this one. others just like prison cells yet there were more exciting findings i had this incredible rooms here i just packed with electronics of all kind. look at this it looks
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like fashion equipment for surveillance but very very old. james bond type gadgets and pound in maysan how many with most similarly never having been used shelves we have cases black and brown little and big cases from the wall till the ceiling has checked ours there. it's quite old one. this seems to be a briefcase recorder and just next door piles of all do and video recordings apparently taken with it is not is a day to find it it buys to play all the tapes books like some of the secrets will never be revealed. as this is a video recording of the interrogation of
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a cia agent allison guy and here's his name oh people as we've found here are classified marked top secret. well that's interesting a book about legal and illegal eavesdropping methods but amongst us it was from here that the libyan big brother had been in its residence carefully no one can say for sure how far these underground tunnels through each but i believe four kilometers and kilometers some claim one of the corridors leads to the airport let's try to. that's not easy ok. here we are. completely different the roster is here let's check out where we emerged in the city but for the talk about the way we spent a lot of ground it's not easy to recognize the area. that's us the guys in the car
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. other members of our family that money. well get in the money as far as i know this is more than fifteen minutes drive from robin is here where we started our hidden journey which is of least twenty twenty five kilometers and this is just a fraction of what's buried there on the ground well well there could be a priority in the country with the extraordinary facility like we've just seen that could prove and credibly difficult task. are to tripoli libya me as libyan start to plan their opposed to that if you haven't gone from a washington based think tank says that the actions of the alliance could spark dangerous international consequences. the old rule that colin powell called the pearl pottery barn rule if you break it you bought it as we did in the us didn't
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iraq if there's some sort of an internal turmoil and the whole world is going to look to britain france nato and the united states to to do something about it and of course that will require ground forces people were asking him early on well who are these rebels that we're supporting and everyone just kind of looked at each other because no one really knew who they were and there's been many al qaeda members come from eastern libya where the rebels originated we don't know what will take the place of gadhafi khadafi was there but he had made his peace with the west given up his nuclear program that is also a bad. example for iran and north korea when they see countries like iraq under saddam hussein and libya under when these nations have given up their nuclear programs they get invaded or attacked what does that tell iran or north korea tells them that they must build the weapons faster the e.u.
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is to place an embargo on syrian oil imports later on friday which will deprive president of his main source of cash this as the u.k. u.s. and france push for harsher sanctions while reports claim the death and torture of hundreds of opposition supporters russia is strongly opposed to a u.n. resolution against syria foreign minister sergei lavrov has blamed the international community for creating tension in the country as archie's ridiculous bill has been finding out not all syrians are unhappy with their government. we are in one of the poorest areas of the city of homes that this is where generally people are said to gather and then proceed on to the center of homes in demonstrations this is where most of the rest happened as you can see this is a very lively area every time something on television happens it's more of an event now when we talk to people they told us the majority live on the rest of the jew problem in the city happened because of the religious basis they're not against the government they're not odd for any political matter this is most of the things that
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do happen in homes most of the controversy that does happen in homes and the papas on the religious basis on the christmas tree the hell that we add to the sunni muslims in this state seems odd now that they're hopping no takes down that we have seen we did see some army presence we charge trying to keep the area under control or to prevent the impressed so trained at their religious groups but other than that we haven't seen or heard any shooting we haven't seen any takes and why freely seems to be running the way it's usually runs until course television crews show up and start filming in the middle of the day now we also have been in one of the most dangerous areas of films about a home right around the time off the noon pierre unfortunately in syria the period after noon prayers has become somewhat a traditional time for people to take to the streets and for violence to break out but we were lucky there was no violence this time round. renegotiate the reporting there for us know what you are feeling from moscow coming up later in the program
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greek debt is spiraling out of control levi's this report claims athens will not be able to meet its obligations sinking deeper into recession. and scotland yard's demands you pay media surrender food from west months rides to help identify looters but broadcasters say they won't be home for and believes. a u.n. investigation has declared that israel used excessive force during its raid on a gaza about aid flotilla last year however the report obtained by the new york times found that israel's blockade of gaza is legal nine activists were shot dead by commandos who boarded the turkish ship your has a story. the most significant findings of this u.n. report deal with the way the israeli commando units handled the raid on board the mother about that was the largest missile that took part in that was her turner and
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it was the very thought on which nine turkish citizens were killed to put the record it's it that the israelis have behaved in an excessive and reasonable manner and that the loss of life was unacceptable now the report says it has forensic evidence that points to the fact that those who have been killed was shot multiple times in the past and at close range and it criticizes the paces that the israelis said mrs not adequately accounting to this is the report also says that the way the crew and passengers were dealt with these rate dealt with by the israelis off to the raid and was what they call significant mistreatment it says that they were physically mishandled it says it was intimidation harassment and that they belongings had been and justifiably confiscated but on the other hand the source also says that israel's controversial cait on gaza is not illegal it says it does comply with international law and it admits that the israeli soldiers have ordered that ship displays significant organized and mine and resistance there did require
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them to respond in a violent manner to protect themselves later this month on the twentieth of september the palestinian leadership will be appealing to the united nations general assembly to accept their unilateral declaration of a palestinian state so certainly the timing of this report is significant now throughout the week there have been reports of these where your government and israeli army arming the roughly half a million israeli settlers who live on land that would potentially become part of a palestinian state now the israelis have been criticized for inflaming the situation by arming this court essentially trying to create a situation that will ultimately lead to violence the palestinian leadership has been accusing tell of they're trying to convince them in a bad light ahead of the september road because of course israel is against it and . trying to muster up as much support as it can internationally for countries not to support the palestinian declaration of statehood cause they are there meanwhile u.s. congress is considering a bill introduced by
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a republican lawmaker that would cut off american funding to any u.n. body that recognizes palestinian statehood the obama administration astonishingly opposed to the bill saying it was undermine america's international standing. across events in new york. this proposed legislation was put forth by us late and she's the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee and she is also a staunch supporter of israel part of this legislation calls for the u.s. to change the way that it's financing the united nations it wants her bill calls for washington to choose voluntarily choose the programs the word programs that it wants to fund and contribute to currently the united states is the biggest contributor and find it sirrah of the united nations comprising about twenty two percent of its budget and paying for twenty five percent of its peacekeeping missions now this bill proposed by ross latent also calls for all the funding to
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peacekeeping missions to stop and halt intell reform is put in place those peacekeeping missions also include the un relief and works agency which eve palestinian refugees since bill also says that. all finding for u.n. agencies or programs that support a policy and membership to the united nations would end immediately now late today did accuse. of scheming to get membership out of the united nations of all not recognizing israel's right to exist she has openly said that of course the timing is not a coincidence she introduces this bill in this legislation to stop policy and from seeking membership at the united nations this bill proposed by a u.s. congresswoman puts the us in a very weak position it takes away its credibility at the united nations because
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clearly this extends far beyond diplomacy this looks more like arm twisting. the morning of work i report in from new york well international owed war crimes tribunal has asked r.t. to provide a unique interview with former bosnian serb general. which the channel managed to obtain the interview was recorded shortly after of the alleged massacre and threatening to in one nine hundred ninety five for which is now standing trial in the hague speaking to journalists the x. army chief made serious allegations against un peacekeepers in bosnia and he said now we have the details. what was an archive of never before seen video footage of that interview for r t published it summit two weeks ago very serious claims there and really that's what makes it so shocking that the tribunals missed this what could be very important evidence in the trial archie of course will fully cooperate and hand over that video footage to help with the ongoing proceedings in the hague
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i just want to give you an idea of what exactly was said in that interview one of the strongest statements as we see it and i'm quoting here is instead of disarming the muslim formations as they had committed themselves to doing the united nations forces turned those safe areas into terrorist and fundamentalist bases where our villages and towns were attacked now malott it also goes on to say that he believes the un was smuggling weapons into demilitarized zone so you can see the severity of these claims and how they could possibly be very important evidence and again shocking really that the hague tribunals missed this type of first off because it was filmed in one thousand nine hundred five just after the serbian it's a massacre which is one of the atrocities that mulatto chooses being accused of why he's standing trial in the first place and second of all it was filmed by a western t.v. station is available in the bosnian archive some very surprising that it is video footage which could certainly be
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a very important moments and very important material in the trial dismissed by the tribunals and its eighteen years of existence the tribunals has faced harsh criticism about it being biased its fiercest critics go on to say that it's a political show not a court of law and this is going to not weaken those claims and by this i mean of course this latest news that the tribe you know mr what could be very important evidence and part of the fact the reason i should say and what he's critics base their facts wrong is that seventy percent of the indictments that the court has issued have all been against serbs and when you look at. who is being tried over the past almost two decades you could say when you look at the serb side in the other non serb generals or officials that have been tried a lot of them have been given much lesser sentences and some of them have even been acquitted and again this lead is if you will mixing of evidence by the tribunals is not going to help in criticism that the hague is in fact biased i mean our
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reporting there. we're watch the full version of that you need interview with rock on our website which has r t v dot com. russia is marking a painful anniversary up as on tragedy when over three hundred thirty people died after terrorists took over a school in the republic of north a city of seven years ago hundreds gathered at the school to lay flowers and light candles in memory of the victims more than half of whom were children people also brought bottles of water remembering our around a thousand hostages suffering from severe dehydration during the three day siege a period of mourning began in september the first and will last for fifty one hours and fifteen minutes exaggeration of the ordeal. grave warnings rang out in greece as a budget watchdog releases an internal report saying the country's debt is now out
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of control the committee said said athens is slipping on its entrance payments and could lose all benefits from the second e.u. bailout jamesian way from that you can omics foundation says the greek economy is effectively going down the drain. the cat is out of the bag and to be quite honest this statement is quite close to a simple statement of the facts greece cannot lose or believe under under current circumstances the growth isn't there the debt is far too big and is simply no earthly way it's going to be repaying this on any plausible time scale certainly not by twenty twelve which was the original call of hope to the european nations for the divisions that are in place right the way across europe now with countries completely unable really to agree on any kind of way forward out of this mess other than the essentially tried and tested and tried and failed methods they've heard here which essentially is give a bit of a bailout certain countries then impose austerity measures we've got to bear in mind that this bailout isn't really about helping the greek economy and certainly
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not the people of greece who suffered under austerity now for eighteen months or the most dreadful current huge cuts in public spending in services and people's wages rising unemployment and no real prospects for the future that's what's thirty means that the bailouts really were always about trying to support your financial system rather than supporting say the greek economy we certainly i think in the early stages of disintegration the euro deep rooted structural problems inside the euro system the imbalances that built up the last ten years so i would be surprised to see the euro continuing in its present form given the situation we're in at the moment but you know if you live from moscow our website r t dot com has more stories for you at a time you want and here's a taste of what's online today. a railway accident causes a toxic leak and rushes year olds with clouds of gas covering the city our audience . and over three hundred thousand dollars in taxpayers' money finds
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a questionable public service in washington d.c. as a cash goes towards opening a strip club for more go to our teeth dot com. police in england are putting pressure on the media to hand over. we're all used and on used food for last month's rides to help identify looters prime minister david cameron told them broadcasters and the press take responsibility and assist scotland yard by releasing the material voluntarily but media groups have been opposed to their request saying they didn't want to be seen as evidence gathering arm of the police scotland yard said it would have taken a court order if it has to to get the material it needs meanwhile officers are already looking around forty thousand hours of c.c.t.v. footage of their rides investigative journalist tony ostland says that by using the media food rich to gather evidence the police would make journalists a target for future abiders. i was very disappointed to see that david cameron in
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the emergency debate about the riots was actually saying and i quote the media has a responsibility to hand over pictures and i think this is absolutely appalling thing to say that's the sort of thing you would expect in a police state where the police can go down to the independent broadcasters and just demand footage and demand details of people who've been taking film this kind of thing they go around potentially raid their homes too so i don't know where they become is coming from on this because i know we live in a liberal democracy and we've got a free and independent press the other thing is ultimately what's going to happen in a demonstration situation if you're going to have the crown turning on the journalist they will come even possibly lynch camera people thinking if this goes through quite rightly in this case thinking that these people are actually this they're filming evidence for the police and this is an absolutely unacceptable situation police in the media are trying to do a similar thing in certain circumstances when a crime is just like that it's very important both of them are doing it
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independently they have got thirty thousand they told us hours of c.c.t.v. footage to go through and it seems to me that maybe they're getting a bit bored with doing that and actually trying to actually co-opt the press in britain to be evidence gatherers for the police and that would be a horrendous thing if it ever takes place. let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world a u.s. federal agencies through a number of leading banks who are misrepresenting the quality of mortgage securities sold during the housing bubble bank of america j.p. morgan and george back on those facing action the mortgage giants fannie mae and freddie mac. last surrounds thirty billion dollars partly due to the deals forcing a government bailout. and the jury over one hundred people most of them children have been killed by floods have you rains in the southwest of the country caused the river to overflow at a dam to collapse damaging three bridges and submerging buildings nigerian red cross said more victims could still be found in remote areas and rescue teams have
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not yet reached. american scientists have warned nasa that the round of space junk around the earth has reached a critical level they say the debris could damage satellites and even cause fatal leaks in space ships real experts involved in the research have suggested using magnetic nets and giant umbrellas to limit the buildup of junk. oh in just a few minutes our moscow our team explores the most poetic parts of the russian capital well that's after a business update with kareena. welcome to business here or not here thanks for joining me ukraine is preparing another move in the gas dispute that's become a chess game with russia the country's prime minister says wants to close down its gas monopoly enough to gus this would allow it to revise all its existing contracts something ukraine is team to do has been wanting to renegotiate the current gas
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deal with russia it's too expensive pascoe says it will only consider cheaper gas if ukraine joins a regional customs union or sells its pipeline to russia ukraine has been trying to break its dependency on russian gas has entered into a deal with shell to develop domestic cats. yes the sentiment has calmed down in russia following a panic sell off in the beginning of all the market players and now ready to splash the cash the country's investment funds have seen a significant increase in cash flow in the end of last month which compensated for the previous loss but it rest just referred to part cash in equities and loans although they are considered to be more risky equity funds so an eleven million dollar outflow in august and i was saying best of luck trying to make a profit on the outskirts which cost significantly cheaper during the period of uncertainty. let's take a look at the markets now paul is losing ground on concerns about global demand
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doesn't rest as they expect us jobs report to signal the economy is weakening losses are limited by reports saying the strengthening storm in the gulf of mexico sharp nearly six percent of all in the key production region bread is trading at one hundred thirteen dollars per barrel while dummy's guy is under eighty nine dollars per barrel. plants european stock markets are down in early trading ahead of the closely watched us known from payrolls report for all of us to the point he's losing over one and a half percent of the dax is down two percent chance among the worst performers including a four percent drop for dorchin back. and russian stocks drop in morning trading snapping the biggest five day rally this year both theology has in my six are losing over a percentage this hour we see a sea of red across the board on both the courses now let's have a look at some individual share moves all of them are sex energy majors among the
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main losers this hour of need we could crude bucking the trend is metal part may contain kate the company's first house net profit waterfall to two hundred fifty eight million dollars gold's it's also up on stronger precious metals. from for a good dialogue says the best bets for the moment are liquid stocks bullets eulogies the major word will see a lot of finger. we still i think just to recommend a stock you probably should true something from liquids and my favorite one is beer but if they just released really fantastic results if we look at europe in brains which has many problems starting from very low margins and being with a serious problem with the bed that's sitting on their balance sheets of these troubled economists greece spain etc so you could compare with there's been one hundred twenty three percent and these banks are never stops only twenty one and if we look at margins it's six point four percent net interest margin i think none of
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the global banks it's such a high net interest margin. motion comic after vos has seen its sales rise twenty three percent since the beginning of the year on the face of it that sounds good however the total russian kamarck it has grown twenty percent in the same period the company is managed to keep pace with a boost from the government's cash for clunkers program sales of new models have improved and those getting long in the tooth have fallen away with sales of four hundred thousand vehicles thought the still russia's biggest producer head of chevrolet and. then staying with the car industry there seems to be an end to cooperation between russia's vehicle maker sollars and italy's fear that the italian car giant has split from its local partner after five years of drone production and will run its business independently from next year now fiat's is now going to launch a new factory to produce hundred and one hundred twenty thousand cars
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a year eighteen months ago the two companies were on track to book a new assembly plant for jeep and fia models that could have produced by a third of a million cars a year but it's not to be solar's has decided to its truest fortune where detroit time for. lots of business out there could join me in about forty five minutes for him around. if you.
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