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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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oh geez my old. street now in the palm of your. machine. welcome back you're watching our tv's are the top stories the dog is seeking for girlhood avi and his supporters to accept an extended deadline for surrender meanwhile our team has crew visits the ousted leader's underground city thought to be one of the hogs he's escaped route from tripoli and. a un investigation slams the deadly israeli raid on gaza validates until last year as unacceptable but the review finds israel's blockade of the region is legal. the international war crimes tribunal turned sarti for assistance in the trial of
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former bosnian serb general rock a lot of asking to provide a unique interview with a genocide suspect. the next one report on how the anti-war movements that emerged in the u.s. during the vietnam war changed the course of history. in the early one nine hundred sixty s. the united states government began sending combat troops to south vietnam. that's going to make them go down or graze or. ask yourself what's going to happen all the other little america's stated goal was to spread democracy and defend freedom but thirty years later the legacy of that ten year war which left fifty thousand americans and over three million vietnamese dead still remains unsettled. and in the decades of debate to follow the end of the war some stories have yet to be heard. today your soldiers sailors airmen marines the coast guard are better educated than
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before are better informed. traditional american ingenuity and if. not better i suppose for us at higher up and understand what the war is all about. telling. links. it's a. misunderstanding and it might be. something to the good. when i feud with the military or when you're colonel in basic training you're just fragmented portraiture scores for night want stuff. really you know really i try to spend my whole life having people live a better life and basically feel better since women are still around. they tried to
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trick me into a killer they tried to turn me into somebody who would take their life if there's one thing in my life i feel like there because that's just the way i did or the. president. ok i hear. and then i will agree you could cite a couple or one of the most profitable. notes of those almost three in which clause of the server. there wasn't too much you do on a troop ships old shit up on the docket like never read a lot of time to get to where we are what we're drawn to what was right or off we go back and forth back and forth and we always are looking for well that's all we're doing the right thing because as are all. during the vietnam war in iraq to war movement emerged that altered the course of history this movement didn't take place on college campuses but in barracks and on ships it flourished in army
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stockades maybe gregg's and it did she towns it's right to return bases. atena traded elite military colleges like west point and it spread throughout the battlefields of vietnam. it was a movement no one expected least of all those seven hundred twenty prison and thousands attacks and by nine hundred seventy one it had in the words of one colonel infested the entire armed services. yet today few people know about the g.i. movement against the war in vietnam. and i was really proud of what i thought i was doing there earliest days of the war planted the seeds for the movement to come even among the first american troops in vietnam the elite green berets the problem i am was realizing that what i was doing was not good i was doing it right but i wasn't doing the right. i was asked to train green beret people special forces men why were they training these guys to endure mythology
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while they were training them to do german taji in vietnam because they knew that if they were able to offer a few simple remedies and help cure a few children of some simple bacterial infections that that would shape themselves to the vietnamese community and you know you remember the phrase the winning the hearts and minds of the people so this was this was how you were going to win the hearts and minds of the people and while they were offering the bandaids of helping to cure a few cases of him to tie go they were bombing the hell out of the villages. i was out on patrol. and near here paula and. we took a couple of prisoners whether they were combatants or not you know. patrols led by americans but every vietnamese arvin there and they were turned over to our.
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guard and use the old fashioned methods of interrogation force torture that was pretty common practice. i tell you as bad as that is that is that treatment was the cynicism that attached to it was a part of it was really sick. and ethical everything i've been talking to the thing i've learned everything i grew up with this is just not the way you treat human beings. it's all done for you couldn't because i guess. i got out of the military and nine hundred sixty six i got out because of things i saw the things i was doing and that's the reason the step we were given for doing it was a personal protest it was just me getting out of the service and there was no movement to join i found the war in vietnam mordaunt repulsive and i felt that i just couldn't be a part of eventually i said look i'm not training you guys anymore i don't agree with what you don't want i think it's immoral i think it's medically unethical and
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i just stopped threw out of the clinic. it took a few weeks for the army to catch up with that and when they did they invited me into the commanding officer office and said look what are you doing here and i told him exactly what i was doing i said i'm not training and they said well you know you should know the consequences of that and i said i'm perfectly aware of the consequences and i'm not training at that point it was obvious that it was going to be court martialled a few days later i got to court martial nokes. howard levy spent three years in prison. along with him three g. i's of fort hood who refused orders to vietnam and received five years hard labor and a dishonorable discharge army lieutenant henry how who carried a side at a demonstration reading and johnson's fascist aggression in vietnam was sentenced to two years and two marines william harvey and george daniel received six to ten year sentences for organizing
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a meeting about whether black people should fight in vietnam. and on march third one thousand nine hundred eighty six former green beret donald duncan was the featured speaker at antiwar a meeting at the town hall in manhattan i just wanted to do what i knew about it. and it would let people judge for themselves. i think the most startling thing to me occurred however as the court martial began what would happen was we would walk from the parking lot to the building with a quad wash was being held and it was the most remarkable thing when hundreds hundreds of g.i. s. would hang out of windows out of the barracks and give me the east side oh give me the clenched fist this was mine but to me this was a revelation and at that point it really became crystal clear to me that something had changed and that something very very important was hacked. only people
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would. think. i would inch i don't know how many but i know how many i met those a majority of the men that i met in the service were opposed but really didn't know how to force their opinions given much thought. yes. nine hundred sixty eight with the turning point by then america had over a half a million troops in south vietnam during the lunar new year holiday called tet the enemy of the north be enemies and national liberation front arms launched an offensive that overran the entire country before being pushed back the tet offensive revealed that the enemy had widespread support in the vietnamese people and america was mired in a war it couldn't win and with soldiers beginning to question the war in the wake
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of the tet offensive thousands began going a wall were absent without leave many found their way to san francisco where series of events brought the emerging g.i. eighteen war movement on chicken national stage. he joined together. in july right you sixty eight we took sanctuary in a church chain or sense ministers. we essentially called the press and said when we're not going to get on we were refusing orders and in fact we were resigning from the military come and get it. through the fact that it took three days to decide how to deal with the secular first rate. ok nothing to lose. and i had no idea what was going to come out and that's a free place to really free place you know you're you know what's going to happen you know where you're going but you know what you're doing.
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to. here and that was my introduction to be your servant cisco presidio struck a. population for sure usually upwards i was going to take a cold one would be sixty and there were some sometimes double that in there. that were crowded. for the church. because sure the guards were mean it was really fun. with the nine for peace held in military prisons soldiers throughout the bay area began planning for the first and she wore demonstration in the country organized by g.i.'s and veterans i was in a member of the medical committee for human rights we got together a number of times and talked about how we were going to organize active duty to go
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to the peace demonstration and then i remember also hearing about the fifty two bombers that were dropping leaflets on vietnam urging the vietnamese to defect and i thought well if they can do it overseas then we can hire a small private plane loaded up with three bullets and properly let the trades. ballasts balance and reflect that one point i know we were a little concerned about here. but nothing. every daily basis last year pretty accurately that's what they testified to. and my way. trying to get demonstration i decided i was going to wear me for. my opinion was fairly straightforward it was it was more like we are his uniform
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for the war. as an active duty person i certainly had the same rights that he did and i could wear my uniform protesting united states. and. cities and small this court martial by the navy for making a political statement while in uniform and following the march for a while g.i.'s turn themselves into the presidio army stockade keith mathur was being held so had been assigned kind of by the movement people to go into the stockade and find out what was going on because they had their shot this prisoner and killed him or nineteen year old private michael bunch life in the army had been little more than a series of a wall violations his last stop was here at the presidio stockade where he was fatally shot last friday while trying to escape from a work detail. but the guard shot him and killed him you know point blank and his only crime was so i want to be there. going to the wall.
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because he was cut down to really get a gauge. for no good reason not unlike a lot of his brothers. you know. so we reacted. this really. discussing our bridge. between our group the wires over the walls we ripped the squawk box off the wall and then they started calling john because we started playing we came to a decision they're just saying we could do was to have some kind of a demonstration and it was at the roll call coronation we had a signal that was we were supposed to break ranks and we didn't know we walked over here and sat down at a certain points. commandant came out and read as. we just kept saying louder and kind of linked arms and saying we were here and i'll tell you we were really scared we have them right where we want to finally listening to us for that's the first
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time i could ever remember anybody listening to us while i was in the military. the commanding general of the sixth army which was the jurisdiction he said that they thought that the revolution was about to start and they really had to set an example you know come down hard and we were the guys that they decided to do that with and they did it i mean we were on trial for a life. you know i got a game it was unable you know within two days of being the stockade i was i was placed in that sense. for saying we shall overcome. this nationwide support of the city and when he said.
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i was wounded three times while i was out in the bush and then the third time i was no longer was on the summer of one of the sixty seven and we got overrun by north vietnamese regulars just sort of like a human wave a. new guy came up behind her all stuck his rifle in all and i saw the front side of an a k forty seven a muzzle flash i am sixteen point off and i so hold my target when i saw a case. and a bullet hit me in a new and i blacked out came to a few minutes later and. i was jammed in my new was shattered. after the fighting ended in the sun came out and they carried me over to this guy which. me and he was sitting up against a tree stump and he was dead he had three bullet holes up his chosen is a carry away in a crosas boy in a sergeant so it is good you killed he did a good job and i was
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a nice guy and he was about my age and. when i said things you know wise he did not live it was just a matter appear a lot and i started thinking oh i wonder if you had a girlfriend and it was not always mothers go to find things like. the one you just won through the experience of that nature and you find out that it's all lies and they're just lying to the american people and your silence means that you're part of keeping them by going i couldn't stop i couldn't be so you know i felt i had a responsibility to my friends and to the country in general and if you had to me the last guy who i shot i don't consider it was the first shot but it was the first shot where i was shooting it all feral to barrel with him and looked him in the face or afterwards and i felt a certain amount of responsibility to him to make good his life to visit his death not be in vain meant that i had to try in every case for all of the justice that he
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was fighting for good believe he was fighting for his country so i became involved in the mold and split it. with more and more soldiers turning against the war handful of peace activists open the first of what would become a network of dozens of manson war g.i. coffee houses located in the towns that hover near military bases. the dusty texas town of killeen just outside fort hood which housed over twenty thousand troops he came home with a g.i. coffeehouse known as the army you know stripes. being in the army you know over here and i now know right now. i consider. you know many are saying that in our. name only a strike came from a shock absorber on a holiday so that's what the only goes through it was it was
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a place where you go there and it's old soldiers and they had a record player and all the latest rock records and underground papers and using out right. and to go out on him was like one big we go on ambitions and we could be people in. the early morning and stuff. because they got a good guy who's there. a majority of women are they doing there right they were very. very good and they're they're friends and. anyone who thinks you can back out of them and hopefully be there and he's making it because he's already . put on one of his crop up at several army bases these days it's all gone underground g.i. press which consists largely of anti-war newspapers military authorities are
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clamping down hard on the papers recently when there was an underground newspaper laying on the bed and it's called the last harass a free man they were thinking that this is the rise material and this is so first material not a lot of how many copies this inside the barracks goes turn us into media make that like in the paper there and with one around in the barracks everybody is reading it through three guys a time sitting around on a pair of guys beds and stuff like that checking out this paper what i liked about it was the fact that the officers hate the. everything had to be good they had heard how to do something about this that was good tight mimeographed printed the g.i. underground press explode it. cost a ton traveling toward georgia last harass washington for benning georgia air force for your bomb with fort dix new jersey fort hood texas tech press it's published by a group of radical soldiers stationed on the face and we used to distribute it
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clandestinely on base from. leave bunches of them in their actions or go through the night and leave month footlockers if you were caught distributing literature on base there was a court martial friends shortly after the first issue was published the g.i. founded the press gypsy peterson was pulled over by fort hood police in a vacuum down his car and claimed to follow the remnants of the rest of him for america's national marijuana in an attempt to suppress his move following a true day trial in a texas court to see peterson was sentenced to eight years in prison for bragg north carolina's breach for jackson's sell short times our blog site where despite the military's past efforts the underground press became the mike flood of the g.i. movement as the army's own recruiting flow fun travel and adventure turned into the popular g.i. expression of the. press elite soldiers around the world and inspired many
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outside the military you know i grew up believing that if our flag was flying over a battlefield that we were on the side of the angels my father fought in the second world war you want to wards and medals and. you know i grew up during the good wars here's this one. who steps out onto the world stage is a famous actress comes from one of the ruling class families of hollywood and makes a political decision to change sides she steps onto the side of the people and particularly the vietnamese people she stands with the chiapas and she stands with the movement she says i'm going to stand with this i'm going to give vent i'm going to help support and build it you know it's like that you have to be a show mr president that's a terrible demonstration going on outside all there's always a demonstration going on outside richard this one is completely out of control let me ask you point this time brianna how great a problem because prisoners. have dropped all government official we have people
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who care about. your job and i'll do my job without you going to stop the storming i want our actors are going to call out a third marine you can't reach or why not. for years program or comedian bob hope the tour entertaining american troops but soon the cheers turned to cheers i mean you kind of entertainment emerged. howard levy himself the celebrity within the g.i. movement he met with donald sutherland and me and he said what if we put together. an antiwar show that's you know the opposite side of the coin from the from the bob hope show. next up look at life.
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after the army we always said free the army or fun travel and adventure but it really meant the army. here was a way that i could combine my profession my acting with my desire to end the war it just seemed like a perfect fit. for this show that we bring to these bases is not trying to tell the people on the bases anything if they don't know we are coming in response to what is probably the most powerful movement going on in this country the movement of the man inside the military and women who are beginning to understand how they're being used and what the nature of american foreign policy is and we come there because they have asked us to we come there because for the last year we have read in the newspapers from vietnam or from russia germany from okinawa the philippines and
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what we want is entertainment we want people to speak to how we feel and the majority of us don't know why we're going over there that we don't know why we're being shot up i don't know why our bodies are being killed we don't know why we're killing those people. i'd be shocked. if you will be right dealing with. me. here we need your mouth. washed up you all that we should be more military. is. all really like there's a place where you are. cripps i'm not being president. i'm not the. guys who come from all over the country so you didn't people coming in with different information about black power struggle with it being you know black unity you feel really good about yourself you want to really question the community and
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move. back. but i remember one day of the first sergeants talking about googs naive i was i didn't know any good was a racial slur i didn't really understand it you know one day he was one of the groups and i remember when i went over my head that's a good because the same things and then. things began to start clicking in my head like you wouldn't know no. question was that so much going to give each musician the person time to go to the friend's reasons for optimism or more uncertainty and violence at the end of the gadhafi regime one of the possible futures of libya can the.
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police. to lose. lose. lose. lose lose lose. seats. hungry for the full story we've got it from the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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man in the ship would be soo much brightened.


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