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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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please. see. so if you expose the israeli ambassador in cults military ties with tel aviv over the country's refusal to apologize for the deadly raid on a gaza. last year. that i'm a sponsor to meet you in the port that claims to have a pull you think it's a force that still finds that israeli blockade on gaza is needle i'll bring you more developments in just a few moments on television. libyan rebels close in on gadhafi is last remaining stronghold with the colonel himself a man on the run one of the secret bunkers to reveal the fugitives escape routes could stretch way beyond the rebels. and starving the regime a new round of sanctions against syria is a green card in
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a new targeting the countries on exports account for twenty five percent of its entirely income of the top stories this hour. good to have you with us this hour international news and comment live from our headquarters here in central moscow where it's now just past eleven pm this friday night turkey is downgrading its diplomatic relations a military cooperation with israel over televisa refusal to apologize for last year's deadly raid on the girls of bound flights into its act after nine turkish activists killed in reports suggest a un investigation has condemned the use of excessive force cheering the incident but he's part of some it isn't one of the. what we are hearing now from turkey is that it is the israeli ambassador and with immediate effect now this follows is always refusal to apologize for killing nine total citizens who were part of that
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first fertility tends to break the israeli blockade on gaza we are hearing from the turkish foreign minister that in addition to expelling the israeli ambassador they are also downgrading all diplomatic ties between both countries to the level of sick and secrete and that they are freezing all of the military cooperation not initially tookie had given the israelis the deadline of the publication of this u.n. report as the time by which they expected and were hoping and with planning for an apology but last night thursday the new york times published the u.n. report that report found that israeli had used to quote it explicit and reasonable force and that the loss of turkish live had been unacceptable the report though did find that the israeli blockade on gaza was not illegal it is a comply with international law and it did say that those israeli commando units that had stormed the ship were met with force and had the right to respond with
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force a ton of thirteen years ago if we can never the twain to get the palestinian leadership will be appealing to the united nations general assembly to accept a unilateral declaration of a palestinian state now there are already growing concerns on the ground that they could be violent at this time throughout the week we were following reports of the israeli army arming settlers there were reports that they were arming them with stun grenades and tear gas so those reports are be downgrading of relationships between israel and turkey comes at a particularly bad time when the situation on the ground is already tense and could potentially just be exacerbated even further meanwhile the u.s. congress is considering legislation that would block american sons for any u.n. body that supports the promise to me and push for recognition the obama administration is staunchly. opposed to the bill introduced by a republican lawmaker saying it would undermine washington's international standing judea and escobedo shepherd a writer from alternate news magazine that the proposal doesn't have any future but
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does send a clear warning shot to palestinians. a lot of the bill is really just about the republicans cozying up to the israeli state i mean they're very close already but you know especially that the woman who introduced the bill representative to roast mason and who is from florida is historically conservative and historically pro israel and so they're basically about not recognizing how the senate as it stands now this bill is not going to pass the senate will never let it pass the president will never sign it but it's really sending a vocal message to the israeli state that you know the republicans are on their side i think it's really just kind of the potential to cause a lot of work a lot more fighting across the aisle it's not helpful bill in general because it's another example of republicans trying to gum up the system and stop any kind of governing from happening under president obama but it is so very divisive.
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we've got book coming up including an important piece of evidence brought to light boy ass r.t. a serbian war crimes suspect on trial for genocide speaks out in a sixteen year old interview that was missed by the hague tribunal. but still to come but first to libya where the rebels are tightening the noose around colonel gadhafi the last major stronghold his hometown sirte the fugitive leader's forces have been given an extended deadline to surrender which expires next saturday but in a different order and messages by syrian t.v. gadhafi running his supporters urging them to fight on against the rebels and nato in answers vowed to continue its air strikes on launchers forces saying the u.n. mandate to protect civilians in libya still stands coalitions also moving to release billions of dollars of gadhafi has frozen assets to fund libya's we construction an expert on africa political analyst but you know me as
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a kiwi thinks that nato is just gunning for its own profit in libya. they carried out over twenty thousand sorties approximately seventy five hundred air strikes against a country of six million people that has virtually no air of the finance and a very minute and very limited military defense capability so this is clearly not a war on the part of the libyan people against the government but a war on the part of nato to really explore the resources in libya they had a meeting to discuss the future of libya in pairs this movie did not take place in africa it did not take place in libya it took place in europe and this is nothing but an attempt to colonize north africa and they are beginning with libya which has the most lucrative oil resources in africa they have a higher standard of living in africa so this is clearly an act of forced removal and definitely regime change colonel gadhafi remains a man on the run two weeks after rebel forces overran tripoli his whereabouts are
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unknown and some reports suggest he may even have fled abroad but the rebels believe he is still in libya and one of his numerous secret bunkers where if a national went to ground for r.t. to gauge the scale of the challenging hunt for gadhafi. what's been hidden from the eyes of the public for many years remaining just one of the legends about the colonel became a bailable once the rabble to keep police here it is the answer and keep it up is underground city. we're going down to sign in arabic at the hatch says the rats they sway this is what people in the cold feet believe in his run away under the ground hiding from the rebels. there is no sound here of separate aeration teams apart ground it's dark and humid and scarey. some believe that khadafi had to build a bomb shelter are those that it was
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a facility for the mob and his intelligence services some. live in rooms like this one. others just like prison cells yet there were more exciting findings i had this incredible rooms here i just packed with electronics of all kind. look at this it looks like professional equipment for surveillance the very very old. james bond type gadgets abound in maysan how many with notes similarly never having been used shelves we have cases blair and brown little envy cases from the quartiles feeling there's took hours there. with quite old one. this seems to be
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a briefcase recorder and just next door piles of all do and video recordings apparently taken with it is not isn't a day to find a device to play all the tapes looks like some of the secrets will never be revealed. as this is the video recording of the interrogation of a cia agent and his his name. all people as we've found here are classified marked top secret well that's an interesting book about legal and illegal eavesdropping methods bugs amongst us it was from here that the libyan brother had been watching its residents carefully no one can say for sure how far these underground tunnels through each but i believe four kilometers and kilometers some claim one of the core of the recent leads to the airport let's try
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to. it's not easy ok. here we are. this country is looks completely different the roster is here let's check out where we emerged in the city it's good to talk about the way we spent a while like the ground it's not easy to recognise the area. let's ask the guys in the car. for the money. or the men thought our family that money. while we were in the money as far as i know this is more than fifteen minutes drive from robert as is here where we started our hidden journey which is of least twenty twenty five kilometers and this is just a fraction of what's buried there under the ground well while there and dark he had a presence in the country with one hundred percent is he like we've just seen that
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could prove an incredibly difficult task written off r.t. tripoli libya. to syria and al the country is facing a fresh round of sanctions targeting its all exports after e.u. countries agreed to adopt an embargo france britain and the u.s. are also calling for the u.n. security council to condemn violence in the country while he's done a bushel as this report. the new round of sanctions targeting syria's the oil industry comes into force only on the fifteenth of november because. to allow its existing contracts to be completed. percent of syria's oil which accounts for a quarter of the country's income so to raise them to the country this really syria economically libya's oil reserves have been. over this week as we've seen. exposed here say the you can safely go ahead and cut off syrian supplies without
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affecting deliveries to europe as well as all sanctions also plans to explain to people within assets and travel bans and other four top officials have been added to that list but there have been reports reports that some two thousand people killed since since march an anti government protests there is some amateur footage to grainy footage that no one's verified most foreign journalists from the country so it's unclear where they're getting that information from. actually anti-government protests the infighting between religious groups in the country our correspondent reports from syria we want to first areas this is your home state this is where generally people are gathered and then proceed on to the center of homes demonstrations this is where most of the rest happen is you can see this is a very lively area every time television happens it's more of an event now when we
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talk to people they told us that majority of the rest to come out in the sea happened because of the religious basis they're not against the government they're not for any political matter this is most of the things said to happen in homes most of the controversy that does happen it holds maybe problems on the religious basis of the differences between. the sunni muslims. out there takes down that we have seen we did see some i mean residents. we charge trying to keep the area under control or to prevent the invests to train their religious groups but other than that we haven't seen or heard any shooting we haven't seen any tanks and his wife really seems to be running the way it's usually runs until of course television crews show up and start filming in the middle of the day now we also have been in one of the most dangerous areas of homes and out of right around the time off the noon pierre unfortunately in syria the period after noon prayers has become somewhat a traditional time for people to take to the streets and for violence to break out
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but we were lucky there was no violence this time around. and i will for more the situation in syria let's not close enough to show chossudovsky he's the director of the center for research and globalization thanks for joining us live now the western media paints a grim picture of events in syria but as we've just seen from inside the country itself that doesn't appear to be necessarily the case everywhere so where does the truth lawyer here. i think the western media. totally briquet to pitch of the country and saw the polls isn't consequences of this so-called protest movement what we're dealing with is an armed insurrection and insurrection and it's documented for to by nato and supported by turkey and we have to understand that. the majority of the syrian population do not support this insurrection which is presented as
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a as a pro democracy movement it isn't. a call protest says at least those so-called protesters are gunmen they have they have military equipment they're being supplied with weapons like soucie it's. and consequently. we've depicted the situation which is which does not correspond to reality on the ground and we are i say we the so-called free press is lady. the syrian government for the deaths which have again we shall let's talk about the timing of this latest announcement concerning the banning all imports from syria is this a coincidence that these syrian sanctions come just a few days off to libya's vast oil reserves of well i suppose effectively being secured for the. well i think it's part of the road.
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which eventually is intended to lead into some kind of military intervention and that is a very disturbing development already turkey has threatened. they've declared the north of syria as an internal political issue. and they have unilaterally stated. that they have the right to place the ball into syria derogating its territorial rights. a major role in a nato humanitarian intervention this to be launched i think what's happening now is the sanctions. which has been planned with all the road which according to many analysts is a military intervention in syria which in essence create would in gulf the whole
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region because of al-qaeda last year therefore surely old people or an innocent commentators keep saying that if a sad does fall then that will lead not only just to massive instability in civil war in syria but also within the region so why therefore would there be that military intervention some would say that they need to keep us out in that. well all right escalation is part of the military agenda and u.s. military planners perfectly aware that if anything if anything happens with syria in terms of military operations mediately level will be affected israel will intervene and then of course iran is also threatened because the route to run goes through the basket was so great we must understand from a geo political standpoint the military operation directed against syria for
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whatever pretext would lead to a much smaller wall which would extend from the eastern mediterranean north africa right through to the central asian heartland on the border with china. and again in. pakistan and saw so that we're dealing with something which. is very very serious and. the western military alliance is fully aware of the into. of that so do you believe therefore that syria should be left to its own fate indeed that the developments of what happens in syria should be decided by the syrians themselves and if that's the case it will be what people against a professional army although you're saying they're. dissidents there as well but do you really see some sort of peaceful negotiation and an end to the stability in syria without any foreign intervention. what we're dealing with
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his unarmed it's a recognition of al qaida affiliated organizations it's muslim brotherhood which targeting police. forces as well as civilians and the objective is to trigger a response from the from the armed forces and the police and then blame it on all the. goldmans no i don't i'm not suggesting that the government doesn't bear some responsibility but we must understand the ultimate causes of this crisis then not you to opposition this has been a lot of opposition within syria but most of the opposition to. do not support this this island protests they are they believe in civil society and that assad government whether we like it or not has a lot of popular support. this insurrection is there to create divisions within syrian society it's also targeting the christian communities their own
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gunmen going into the christian communities and killing people is is an insurrection. it's very similar to the insurrection in libya created by al qaida and. if you read intelligence reports they actually say yes we are supporting a muslim brotherhood yes we all supporting the salafi was yes we are providing them with weapons and consequently the issue is the syrian government the issue is aggressive. intent of nato and the united states of america attempting to call an ally is what we call in eyes a large sector of of that area extending from the mediterranean to the central asia it's a wall the gresham and what they're building is a pretext to intervene militarily and sanctions is. this is one of the stages and of course it goes the security council and there's
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a mention they may result in some kind of military operation we're not dealing with a country like libya this is a code you have over twenty billion people and it's up across roads that the geopolitical crossroads of several other countries including iran israel lebanon old. and iraq and. of course turkey yeah so if they want to go through all the area of war that is where you could do it michel believe that there i was interesting in your thoughts on this thanks very much indeed michel chossudovsky director of the center for research and globalization joining us on his webcam there in montreal thank you. the u.n. hague tribunal has surprised you missed an important piece of evidence in the case against war crimes suspect right coma let it show it's now lost all our teeth for a copy of an archive interview with the former bosnian serb general and just a few weeks ago when the channel was recorded shortly after the alleged massacre in srebrenica ninety ninety five in futures markets making serious allegations against u.n. peacekeepers in bosnia. artes and he said now he has the details. well it was an
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archive that never before seen video footage of that interview before r t published it summit two weeks ago very serious claims there and really that's what makes it so shocking that the tribunals missed this what could be very important evidence in the trial archie of course will fully cooperate and hand over that video footage to help with the ongoing proceedings in the hague i just want to give you an idea of what exactly was said in that interview one of the strongest statements as we see it and i'm quoting here is instead of disarming the muslim formations as they had committed themselves to doing the united nations forces turned those safe areas into terrorist and fundamentalist bases from where our villages and towns were attacked now malott it also goes on to say that he believes the un was smuggling weapons into demilitarized zone so you can see the severity of these claims and how they could possibly be very important evidence and again shocking really that the
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hague tribunals miss this stuff first off because it was filmed in one thousand nine hundred five just after the serbian it's a massacre which is one of the atrocities that melodic shiz is being accused of why he's standing trial in the first place and second of all it was filmed by a western t.v. station is available in the bosnian archive so very surprising that this video footage which could certainly be a very important moments and very important material in the trial dismissed by the tribunals and its eighteen years of existence the tribunals has faced harsh criticism about it being biased it's fiercest critics go on to say that it's a political show not a court of law and this is going to not weaken those it seems and by this i mean of course this latest news that the tribes you know missed what could be very important evidence and part of the fact the reason i should say and what because these critics base their facts on is that seventy percent of the indictments that
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the court has issued have all been against serbs and when you look at. who is been tried over the past almost two decades you could say when you look at the service side and then i'll there are non serb generals or officials that have been tried a lot of them have been given much lesser sentences and some of them have even been acquitted and again this late is if you will missing of evidence by the tribunals is not going to help in criticism that the hague is in fact biased and he said now and then you can watch that interview with recommendation full no website it's all teeth dot com as well as you choose channel that is you chub dot com slash russia today here's a taste of some of the news we have waiting for you on line if you blow right now. we can be exposed as a diplomatic cable revealing the gruesome murder of iraqi children by u.s. troops perhaps available online also the red sky at night was not the city's demise as a roll way accident leaves a toxic cloud choking the life out of the euro skies one of
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a little funny about the features and stories about him. will be about the recap of our main stories shortly but first yearly is here with business news. hello and a very welcome to business update ukraine is preparing another move in the gas dispute that's become a chess game with russia the country's prime minister says close down its gas monopoly nuff to gust parties and he has details. the ukrainian gas monopolist now for gas company will cease to exist that is according to the ukrainian prime minister to go as out of his stated that in the next several weeks they will find
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means to wrest direct arise because many and liquidate the figures in its present form when we also understand that ukraine's president also said that by the first of october the company will be completely restructured renamed and all of its duties will be delivered to several different companies we understand partly the not to gas monopoly of them and after gas company will be merged with the russian gas dry gas problem and we've already heard confirmation on that from the head of the gazprom company aleksey mediator that is very interesting especially given the fact that ukraine has been pushing very hard to change the gas deal of two thousand and nine being unhappy with the price that he is currently paying to moscow for the russian natural gas so some experts suggest that so rapid liquidation of the natural gas monopoly can be somehow related to the fact that ukraine has been trying to alter the two thousand and. thirteen soon
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a from russia's national energy security fund any breach of the existing contract between russia and ukraine could disrupt gas supplies to europe. if they set up. its meals that there is no legal process. i would guess rule ukraine music ukraine can take this b.s. from pipes. so russia will stop our exports to europe and stop some why the fall against the grain so with me is the beginning of the second guess well. that's a quick look at the markets european stocks fell sharply on friday as sell few stocks survived of course based selloff on the data showed us jobs growth crunched to a halt in all of us tightening concerns the economy could fall interest session jump missteps and this was the worst performer of europe's main indices one of more than three percent. and russian stocks with deeply in the red up their close cracky
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europe and the u.s. well on disappointing to us jobs data but some a look at some of the individual show moves in the my since energy may just worry among the main losers and with the courage bucking the trend for special pipe maker t.m. case the company's stock net profit could triple to two hundred fifty eight million dollars gold was not going strong at precious metals. ok that wraps up the business portion you're up to date now with more news from our web site archie dot com slash business.
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will. remain you the latest in science and technology from the ground floor. we've got the future. thank you. thank. you. if. peace peace peace. peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace.


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