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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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hey hey. welcome to the lower show where you get the real headlines with none of them or see we live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look at the new jobs numbers that come out for the month of august let's just say that there is a big fat zero that defines that we're also getting examine the growth of the cia from an intelligence agency and to a paramilitary operation that now just goes for the kill scott morton will join us for that what am of his speech investigative reporter radley balko about a new video that shows an examiner used by mississippi courts fabricated evidence to send a woman away for forty four years to have all of that including
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a dose of happy hour but first take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to me it's. all right so say the jobs numbers for the month of august came out of the months prior to this what could be called disappointing negative bad dismal pulled in august is just. now excuse my language but that's basically the only way to look at all the official unemployment numbers stated i'm point one percent the economy added exactly zero jobs last month that's right they say not one not two not even three but a big fat zero so as we always point out there of course is a difference between the official unemployment rate and the real unemployment rate as measured by you six and you six is the one it takes you can into consideration those who are discouraged marginally attached working part time for economic reasons and that number actually went up from sixteen point one percent in july to a nice sixteen point two percent in august now of course you never hear the
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mainstream media report that you six never do you god knows why but that's a constant but today back she called a new trick went for another number that they normally always ignore but today they decided. and one group in america black americans struggling to find work are really stand out in terms of the bad situation here the only get worse among african-americans if you look at the number of black americans unemployed the figure is just about seventeen percent as congressman cleaver said you know the president is have a single low united states card that's up to the congress and wow just wow you know it's like the people who are ox news woke up today and said hey how do we talk about those black people who live in this country they exist right we usually never mention them unless there's something bad to say but you know if it's obama's economy that we should just go for the juggler far the worst number that's out there to rub it in i would just like to say welcome mainstream media to
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reality yet sixteen point seven percent black unemployment is a huge problem in this country but it's been one for a while if you look back at every month of this year black and inflame it was always much higher than overall unemployment in july was fifteen point nine percent in june it was sixteen point two percent in may it was also sixteen point two percent i'm not going to keep going but i think you get the point it's been that it's a really big problem and one that needs to be addressed one that we've spoken about consistently on the show that is mainstream media just remember today that black people exist maybe tomorrow they'll remember the word war so congratulations for finally catching up to the real world where people are struggling where it's not all about he said she said on capitol hill the one that so far the d.c. new york media bubble has been consigned to men's. all right so now let's get into the economic figures that came out today and try to figure out what they mean as i mentioned zero eight jobs were added in august the
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private sector out of the measly seventeen thousand but i can not say nothing when you out of the seven hundred thousand public sector jobs that were lost and in fact if you look at the figures since the recession officially ended a joke in itself the u.s. economy. has lost nearly six hundred thousand government jobs and the private sector isn't making up for it much according to some conservative thought is supposed to happen so can we just move onto any theory already here to discuss this with me as anthony rand as though director of economic research for the reason foundation i think thanks so much for being here tonight sure sure you seem rough not so sure i just i just know your last caller was kind of funny i'm sure you will get into that well for starters let's. zero in jobs were added which has happened since one thousand forty five apparently at the same time you have hours of work that went down you had wages to go down you could have said that even rise in strike that's forty five thousand people in that part of that did but they also revised figures for the month of july they revised figures for the month of june
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it's all just a really. good yeah it's a really horrible it once again it's a really bad or a good sort of employer report same thing last month was a really bad employer report and we're going to see this stuff kind of continuing on where we're not really at a bottom of sorts we're just really in this list we're going to be sliding down in terms of jobs for a while it may pick back up but even the white house today revised their sort of the white house estimates for next year predicting nine percent unemployment through the end of next year and we revised you just mentioned june and july down we would rise to a third of the jobs that we thought we'd gained away so it wasn't just a small revision it was june july actually we thought we had about one hundred fifty thousand jobs there it was more like a hundred thousand jobs that's really bad particularly if you see our you think of in next month we're going to revise that zero number that's probably going to go down into the negatives so all in all the job market right now it's not a good place and it's not going to be bouncing back anytime soon because of the
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core structural things of what's going on in the economy let's also talk about some of those things right because as i mentioned earlier some of the thought out there at least for conservative thought too is that we need to get rid of government spending we'd get rid of government jobs they're bad bad bad don't worry the. private sector is always going to make up for it well now we've lost six hundred thousand government jobs and the private sector isn't really making up for it so what exactly i mean has that has the private sector changed is there something different going on right now in the situation will ok so in terms of you frame it from here that way i would say actually yes some things in the private sector have changed first though. the white house is actually trying to frame this as if we stimulate the economy then we can pull it back and private sector jobs will will somehow be created and that's what we've been trying to do that's what white house and congressional policy has been over the past couple years is let's try and stimulate a way to this and then the cola back and nothing was sustainable the stimulus the stimulus did not create sustainable jobs as the private sector is and creating
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everything but the private sector has changed it we've walked so from the beginning of two thousand and seven through today there are about two or so million fewer construction workers now and about a million of those have found another jobs is about a million unemployed construction workers so does that mean that we should build more roads and create more jobs for instruction workers or does it mean that leading up to two thousand and seven there were too many construction workers there was the how do you know perhaps there are so many construction workers building too many houses are going to need to give the learning about all that there are infrastructure projects there are a lot of roads that need to be repaired a lot of things that could be built in communities right there are things that could be done but they're small things are not big things are not things that are going to bring us three million jobs so we have a high plateau that you're right through the entire united states are not going to bring three million jobs and they're not going to be sustainable jobs construction jobs were huge part of the stimulus and we saw an uptick in jobs the falling unemployment number but then those jobs went away because construction those
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construction work jobs are temporary leading up to two thousand and seven we had all those workers because it was a housing bubble and that housing bubble was fueled in part by the government now that means the private sector shouldn't be trying to get back to where it was in two thousand and seven it's changed. it's going to look different and that means it's going to take a while for things to readjust so where are those other one million construction workers going to go will they need retraining and that's going to take time and they need to move elsewhere in the country well that means they need to sell their house those are things are going to take a long time ok but there are other things that are going on too and for example i'll give you the samples that really just irked me this week first of all we saw eighteen c. trying to get its merger with the go through which of course the justice department ended up stopping before that they made all these grand promises and says well if you do let us have this magnificent thirty nine billion dollars merger what does bring back five thousand call center jobs like it's nothing you also have amazon right now in california they don't want to sales tax to go through on line they're saying well if you just postpone it for two years then we'll bring you seven
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thousand jobs so it's not like these companies can't bring jobs back if they've already taken them abroad it's not like they can't create them they just choose not to and for me that's a perfect example of if you actually hold their feet to the fire if you actually say we will raise taxes we will do that you change their minds and hire again you know perfectly i'm confused as to why you want these companies to do this because what you're asking is you think you these companies should be buying political favors because that's irish are you do you like job seekers at all but i'm saying it's a very blatantly obvious candidates going on the way isn't it government is scared of companies that they want to put any pressure on any companies right now they don't want to close any tax loopholes because god forbid the companies please take jobs elsewhere but they're already doing that so instead of trying to force companies to bring jobs back you know by pointing a gun at their head let's ask ourselves why was eighteen she have five thousand workers overseas in the first place why does it was and why is it cheaper because of texaco's because of the regulatory code because of various licensing because you
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also you pay people a lot less money you would you would not call minimum wage here in the united states you can pay people less money but the incentives to hire people in the united states whether it's the way that benefits work whether it is. tax burden and regulatory burden driving a cost on companies they look for for cheaper labor elsewhere because of the laws in the legal system here in the united states because of the butt burden that's placed in the companies here so we could point to gun i think i've heard this argument a lot of times but at the same time we have reports coming out this week right that the c.e.o.'s of some of the top one hundred companies in this country the axons and you know whatever else is on there they actually made more than their entire company the largest corporations in the world paid in income taxes they all have subsidiaries in tax haven so there are a lot of things that they're getting around and i'm just tired of hearing these excuses but let's move on because i also want to talk about housing with you right now we've heard reports that there's going to be a federal agency is going to launch a lawsuit against
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a number of the big banks here for selling bad mortgages and is that supposed to be a good sign or is this me we're finally getting get some justice and some is going to go after the banks or is this kind of ironic because you have the government that bailed out the banks to keep them alive and now the government is going to sue his parents for thirty billion dollars which some people are saying could cripple them if you have this whole package went through and so the question is what is the government doing at this point what do you want you want to save the banks you want to hit the banks the main reason why f.h.a. fail which is the agency that oversees fannie mae and freddie macas finest lawsuits because the taxpayers are going to bail out fannie and freddie fannie and freddie made a lot of bad business decisions and they bought a lot of loans from a lot of the people and now they're saying the big banks to see what's in those loans so now if you're free on behalf the taxpayers are going to try and soon get that money back so you anywhere that it is true that any of the banks
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defrauded fannie and freddie with a lawsuit should be brought to them and we should we should get justice in the question here should i do that i will the in this case actually probably does have to be done by the government because the government is now running fannie and freddie. in our part of the government's holistically they're the conservator of it so they need to do that but the question the question is is this going to help matters any is this going to help the housing market it's not going to help the housing market bounce back anytime soon is this going to provide a whole bunch of tax relief to the united states taxpayer because we get a couple billion dollars back you know it's not really going to do that is there going to be much justice felt probably not because a lot of this isn't provable and a lot of this is fannie and freddie's fault too even if the banks the front of them fannie and freddie should have been looking careful more carefully at what they were buying in the first place so this is largely it's a political move on behalf of f.h. f.a. it's the government who's going to try and look like they're not in bed with the big banks at the end of the day it's not going to be
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a three billion dollars you know settlement that's not talking about that whether or not they're in bed with the big banks so this is you know if this lawsuit actually goes forward then the other lawsuit of course this massive settlement that you and i spoke about attorney general eric schneiderman in new york was trying to block this i mean that. that can't go through though but at the same time our base signing on part of the compromise saying that they're barred from any other litigation so the the mortgage servicing right issue can be dealt with separately by the agee's in such a way that they actually passed an agreement specifically about failures with mortgage servicing rights and one of the things that the new york attorney general wants to do is he wants to get a big grand deal that would wind up covering them from everything what the other attorney general wants to do is they want to just focus on the mortgage servicing right issue so that they can still bring a lawsuit and so the banks are only covered on mortgage servicing rights which is this sort of really nobilis aspect of the whole thing i want housing services. i
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can already see your viewers sort of falling asleep but it is not possible for that deal to be settled and for this deal to go through without them conflicting ok that's now anthony thanks so much for joining us tonight. now coming out more interesting information is revealed about cia methods after the vales left on secret rendition flights around the world on an update on that story next and also has the cia turn into a killing agency instead of an intelligence agency pretty good on that subject was scott horton contributing editor of harper's magazine. into that only a military mechanisms to deal with a cut to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you
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know sometimes see a story and it seems so sorely asleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. says. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime in britain. i think iraq is beatable and wanted well. we have the government says the bird keep you safe get ready because your freedom.
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for. thank you. our we've got an update on a story we first brought you yesterday billing dispute between two aviation companies and of leaking sensitive details about the cia an extraordinary rendition of the company say they were hired to transport government personnel and their invitees to places around the world come to find out they were transporting
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detainees a secret prisons in places like pakistan sri lanka and libya on private jets that cost three hundred thousand a pop up for each of these rendition flights over the state department to sign off on sign a letter and then send it to the flight crew however as the associated press pointed out today those signatures may have been forged you see they were all side of the same person at a state department a mr terry hogan when the a.p. went looking through the state department directory there was no evidence of mr hogan ever working there and we should note two of the signature for mr hogan changed distinctly on each flight that he signed off so it looks like the cia was using mr hogans name as an alias for their rendition flights that way they didn't actually have to let a real deep state department official in on their program now this however is nothing new report from back in two thousand and five the cia often uses aliases in small rural companies to pose a front for secret flights around the world they use these products to send agents and detainees around the world because it's easier to be discreet less noticeable
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when you're using a huge military plane everything's what is sure that is new people as possible will be out there activities you know it's truly an amazing. but information which has been blocked with a cia for years has finally made it to the public record for most small loss to an upstate new york and like i said yesterday the more we learn about the cia's extraordinary rendition procedures and the written work to make sure the government's intelligence arm stays in line in the future. now published today the washington post takes a good look at the cia and how it's changed over the last ten years it's gone from an embarrassed and seemingly impotent intelligence agency that failed to stop the nine eleven attacks to now a paramilitary killing machine agency has about thirty predator and reaper drones at its disposal and is working feverishly somewhere in the arabian peninsula to construct a new base and runway for those drones according to the washington post the drone program has killed more than two thousand militants and civilians since two thousand and one the cia's counterterrorism center which on nine eleven had three
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hundred employees now has more than two thousand on staff and even with employer analytic branch about twenty percent of the analysts are now quote targets scanning data for individuals to recruit arrest or mostly kill with a drone strike this is a development it has many people questioning not only if the cia's usual intelligence gathering is suffering for example not being prepared for the arab spring but perhaps more importantly there is a lot of questions about the legality of their actions and the lack of oversight and accountability join me to discuss this is scott horton contributing editor on legal and national security matters for harper's magazine scott i want to thank you for joining us tonight now of course we all know that the cia launches drone strikes but this is something that they never publicize it's something of a try to keep a secret is possible now the washington post is reporting that they have thirty predator and reaper drones if they claim to have killed two thousand people since two thousand and one more than you expected. no and i think we can say the number
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is growing and i think we'll see it stepping up rationally and we'll see probably an entire anyway it's just expanded and you will buy that weapon systems coming in their hair and i think this points i think there washington post story actually that the rich very well done very well for sent there and the president's right where he didn't which is we have a militia rise for a generation cia was essentially an intelligence gathering and analysis operation where not a minor paramilitary component that would hire a mercenary is a blip in the bay of pigs invasion for instance if you think like that was a minor side show for it so outrageous that now it is really a full throated military operation and when we look at what's going on in rocket science for instance we see a sustained were fair campaign going on starting. terrorist organizations over
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a large fraction the three going on now for more than five years with probably about three thousand people killed and the objective is not gather intelligence it's to take out the enemy to craft a military operation that would you say it's more that the cia is starting to take over that they launch more drunk franks now than even the military it does or that the two are just starting to fuse together the cia and the military and the contractors and whatnot. well i think it's definitely it's generally the case the cia has become intent were part of the defense community. previously been said they were both elements of the intelligence community and now it's really an orderly organization that we can see that right i mean the last two secretaries of state were a mere prior in permeation record simple elegance and personally we now have a slew of generals going in and taking over to run the cia and the only question is
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whether they should pay proper uniform before they go in and set up the operation so it's a it's all integration into the defense and sara which is just now a circle back and i think we're supposed to reduce warning really and his words now of course i think we have to get see what perhaps might be the most damning thing about this all is the cia operates under its own legal pretenses it doesn't operate with the type of oversight that we see with the military right congress the majority of members of congress don't have the classification or are allowed to to see what the cia is up to so the more militarized the cia becomes and the less we know. well that's right i mean i think we've got you know we have the armed services committee and we have the intelligence committees and our interests and everything to do with the cia is the maynards of the intelligence committees which are very tightly controlled but i think what we've seen over it certainly in the course of the last six or seven years the process of what sociologists call chatter
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that is the agency dominate these committees and there's very little harsh oversight or critical questioning be agency because on the intelligence committee this was a little with war and the armed services committee but not a lot more so i think i think they're in an area of extreme weak oversight and now we see the process will be waging military operations and also reporting any serious congressional oversight so that's i think that's the big concern that the horse with her speech highlights and so so we have an intelligence committee that's the cia basically runs the intelligence committee like you're saying on the cia means is just checking up and judging and grading itself. well it was wrong with the torture issue with other issues in the bush years we say but they were scattershot reaping that went on a bit basically we had said to me the same groups of leaders who will get things who would take notes and never really do it never throw up never ask me questions
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and never it performed any serious investigation and they would hire people from b. agency as they're the staff of investigators individuals who are looking at jobs back with the same and college uncertain unity and even one notable pace going right back there to run the agencies it's a little bit too chummy an arrangement there's the lack of critical traction. that we had previously we go back to the to the sixty's and seventy's bays of cable you point right for instance progress really helped the agencies in the prior important size of the large are going to be talking about what happened in one nine hundred seventy or when there was the soldier in the cia's parent who will put it out there arose nothing like that happens. under this one of the things that the washington post allege there too was that now the cia is poking sings of focusing so much on these paramilitary operations now they have so many of their analysts looking for targets on the ground to perhaps send
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a drone strike and that is their intelligence gathering starting to suffer of course we saw a lot of the arab spring started to rise up and even coming from congress asking the cia not intern us is going to happen. weather intelligence gathering where the arab spring was a disaster that's completely normal and darkness right now and it's no where the american runs the government terrorism center. or not mean in this article was former station chief in cry row and it's a very narrow under investigation projection authorities because it didn't work with some very dark things that happened. i thought which i think points to some of the complications the cia has and has with some of its senior personnel how do you think to of course since president obama came into power i think that we've seen overall a difference in his approach in terms of not capturing as many people because well suddenly we don't have cia black sites to detain them and we don't want to bring
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new people to guantanamo bay and so we saw this strategy shift from capturing to killing now we're hearing the exact same thing about the cia but so do you think that just means that they've shifted more to proxies for example like the president somalia that jeremy scahill reported on. yeah well you're making a criticism but john you has been articulating a number of prisoners on the republican right their argument right now obama to see the black hole where i think it's right that simple and i think and you put your finger on it i mean there are the robert that relationships the u.s. intelligence community develop with really intelligence community the usual people and somalia cases one case where we noticed there was a major relationship that's war with the moroccans ordaining and we know what happened with the park expanding its unraveling smeary very slowly right now with the afghans and the iraqis but certainly the cia has many many relationships of
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this sort parable and most senior cia officials don't like the idea of running prisons to start with they think they are applicants know the training of the resources they much rather ride on local governments to run the prisons of course i'm sure it's much easier that way too because then you have your hands mark lane in a sense now we heard so many rumors so much speculation about this drone base the runway that's being built somewhere in the arabian peninsula do you have any guesses where that somewhere might be well i'll tell you the real focus of operations for this base is going to be damon and the question is whether they found a corner of that i'm pretty that sure enough for them for seven otherwise i think it's pretty obvious we have saudi arabia somewhere but in any event expect it's going to be in a remote corner of the peninsula not near any major urban area ok you know i just wonder to you said that we fact there are technologies to continue
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growing and there's going to get their hands on more drones well microsoft knowledge. well that i think is really the lead item here i mean the and that's what you weapons systems were ordered zealously guarded by the military so yeah they get their hands on it going in expects to ration turned around completely but i think we're going to see further agents of world poverty so right now we are we have ruined aircraft but expect comparable things develop their use on the way on the land and sea and newer generations of rome arbiters which are worse and it's a very war choir our. look deeper into. i thank you very much for joining us tonight great to be with you. i would take a break until the time we have our tools on a war that airs on a southern state some feel the lawmakers and people who live together marry expert
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witnesses expert witnesses are called to testify in trials across the u.s. but how reliable is suppose when he says and i have a story tonight radley balko senior writer an investigative reporter for the huffington post is rising interest in the. internal near military mechanisms do not work to bring justice or accountability. i have a right to know what my government's true if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you did something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't.


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