tv [untitled] September 2, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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six to ten am eastern time on channel twenty eight welcome to all of you it's let's get this thing rolling. makes it official zero net new jobs this was the report that came out today or yesterday however there's there's a nuance to that there we actually created seventeen thousand jobs in the private sector the private there's this myth making this the eighteenth consecutive month that we have been creating jobs in the private sector but seventeen thousand government jobs almost all of them in red states republican governors and most of them teachers actually seventeen thousand government jobs vanished and we've seen this month after month after month in fact we've got a. chart here someplace here it is right here this shows the cumulative job growth since the stimulus act of private sector versus government sector the government sector is the red line which is falling off of the than private sectors the blueline private sector seems to be doing fine the government sector is falling
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apart so why are the republicans so busy laying off public sector people while the economy's trying to create jobs i don't think anyone would say the private sector is doing fine it's not a significant number of jobs well that's ok certainly there in the recovery the fact of the matter is when you buy a ministration path that stimulus bill that used. christina romer used there you know mathematics this will add one point one point so dollars in the economy doing this way and they said it unemployment wouldn't rise above eight percent it went up to ten percent it's like nine point one percent you have obama economic program has not done well it failed and going into an election year when they want to have a place where losing eight hundred thousand jobs a month we've had eight tons i mean i'm not i'm only i'm only using their metric to do something to to to describe if they failed by their own standards and they have a failed president ever said that that was one of those lies a stray ship that was that was a press conference they say is a chief economic goal as a goal. they said it wouldn't rise above it which is what the ten percent at this
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point if i was the president to go back to eight hundred thousand jobs a month you know he doesn't want to go back eight hundred thousand jobs a month as we reason he hasn't mentioned it and that's what their game is let's let's understand you ask the question why are they going after public sector jobs because they're trying to make teachers unprofessional so that they can go after their salaries look every republican out here that they're on these programs that are out there in congress they haven't their number one job and don't let america forget this is to make obama fail they have not in a new slow single job bill at all they have taken for example congressional black caucus has introduced forty job creation bills guess what they haven't gotten out of committee so i think what's going to happen this is going to slap on in the face come next this this election turn because people are suffering and they're going to remember that it leads the president set a goal at least he's trying to least they're introducing job creation bills and
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what you've got is a party that has been the obstructionist all you have to ask them is what is their job creations bill so where's the public policy bills they create jobs they don't have so we said what's the explicit in that the thing as is eventually you know like i've said it is the public sector is going to catch up with private sector and if we're trying to hide government spending that's going to be people now trust me it's not the best thing you don't want people to lose jobs but at this point every single thread is a president who's isolationists sure you do. any deals. with the republicans can pass a jobs creation bill like this tomorrow only for happen on race related. this. is a matter of you know it's a matter of this message this is noise the president has to drive. it's the president pass his job creation bill it's called the economic stimulus and it didn't work. do you see how they change the argument then i say the republicans can
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introduce the jobs creation bill you put a job creation. you can get they said they made what is it plain and what is it's to reduce regulations on the economy. forward anyway like a. joint you know what you. don't do with. you know me as well as i may show a democrat if you give me you this only way you want to joke with it is i think that it matters you that the democrats controlled the senate mean many presidents and you're probably going to introduce their own bill but it would pass. if that is she number two the banks and ethical as they can be just got jacked up didn't and we will give that guy a jag that's irrelevant to the second question first i'd like to i'd like to continue with this issue of republicans democrats and politics in two weeks funding for the f.a.a. is going to run out again we saw the f.a.a.
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workers eighty thousand contractors four thousand employees being held hostage so far not a single and i will give you. my word soon. so far not a single republican has been appointed to a conference committee by by the republican leadership suggesting they intend to do the same thing all over again. and then there's another hostage taking that may be coming up and that is that the federal gasoline tax which is always been rolled over i mean going back to eisenhower you just knew that thing if it pays for one rule eight million people do road repair one point eight million jobs and republicans are talking about let's end that gas tax and give everybody a tax break are we going to see in september a repeat of what we saw in august let's look at the i would say the republican congress and say we'll pass the bill as you want if they want to pass a version of a bill just less money over a certain period time but let's pass a democrat let's pass the democrats' bill for construction of roads so long as the demo. support the paul ryan budget that will get our long term entitlement under
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control none of those go for me how should i go for a deal like that look aren't we supposed to be putting people to work not cutting deals so that for ryan to get is bill through to protect their wealth in this country excuse me you know we need to we need to excuse me we need to see our highways in our roads because they do what they improve commerce and that what eisenhower did when he created the interstate i happened to be around younger than you are at this time where he created this substantial number of jobs but most important. the wealthy the businesspeople because it improved its commerce that's what we need to do you're absolutely right we need to do it and you don't have to cut a deal to save jobs and create jobs and most important of all to keep him from having to go to mine is to get his appearing i don't his car i'd like to get this i'm curious your thoughts on this do you is it your sense that the republicans are going to say no to the gas tax and are going to say no the are we going to see
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repeat of what we saw in august you know i think so and i think the reason is because republicans they're hearing from their constituents they want to fight they don't like when the publicans roll over and the thing is is there are important things that should not be cut there are also a lot of things that need to be cut and that's where the deals have to happen if you want to keep this this transportation bill and you know keep the gas tax than they need to cut somewhere else because the government is is getting way more than a second and that's that's the bottom line is it was fine to spend under bush and it was five spent under. different with different situation i don't know it doesn't look good i think that it's going to be this congressman joe walsh the guy who doesn't pay his child support. he says he's boycotting the president's jobs speech this week he also asked his constituents on wednesday how idiotic is this president
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and then today i was sad to see he had this to say. you said in the past that mr obama would never have been elected if he wasn't black and you say liberals here where in love with him being a black man you say it's liberal see the president through his race how do you see him are you color blind here you know he i here's what i think you're kind of i think that we'll i think i do my best to be colorblind martin and i mean and again not knowing you i'm sure you do as well here's what i think i think we elected this president because of food he was he was a historic figure it made this country feel good to elect him we did not vet him. and now in addition to comments like this john boehner made history this week by denying the presidential request first time since i mean not even since george washington nobody denied george washington. president a request for a joint session of congress no other president has been asked to release his birth
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certificate no other president has been called a liar by a supreme court justice in front of the state of the union address no other president has been called a liar by a solid congressman during a joint session of congress why have conservatism barked our pattern of disrespect for president i think what you offer is doing was showmanship and i don't think you should skip the president's speech but the whole litany of things that you just listed what he was doing if he was saying that president obama was elected because he was black. president speech is being showmanship ignoring the point because you mean. you did you just make new point the point of the discussion was that about you know it's about him being because i think he would also argue with you also that you've got a republican chairman in south carolina who referred to michelle obama as the relative of a chimpanzee that excrete do i mean your friend. what i'm referring to the chairman of the state i'm telling you that you also had a republican congressman refer to barack obama as a tar baby and i'm totally party people walked around with signs that had runs
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through. you know when you call him an african witch doctor the stuff that you just listed was mine you could say maybe it is not racist but to sit here and say he only got elected because he was a perfect he was president of harvard business review forget the fact he graduated top of his class you know i don't think you guys sitting here has those kinds of academic credentials forget the fact that this man debated all of the candidates including the republicans in and showed his intelligence he was vetted all right well he was vetted to the point that even on the day that he had to sit there and embarrass donald trump who was an embarrassment in itself he was capturing bin ladin what the meaning. of so i mean that was after the election so you are saying that i what are the other so it was before the election i mean the fact of them the matter is the things that you listed different varying degree and you're referring
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to supreme court racism is not very very is in his career the same as it was in races when he said not true under his breath when the president was attacking the supreme in the supreme court i'm saying what he listed there varies in the ground i'm saying i'm saying to you that no other president giving a speech before a joint congress has ever had a member of congress be so disrespectful that you call him a liar the idea of the ideas that are in the history of it was disrespect of the idea though that you know what the president's base this respect is this false pride i side nor the president has had i mean i've had sample has bush was basically video which showed him being a sad i don't remember going into i don't remember a killing president saying his i don't remember any president being caught up cracker honky or being looked upon in a racist way it's not going on in the congress it's not happening this is not just ronald excuse me did i not just say we had
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a congressman who referred to him as. tar baby that's actually wrong but the idea that you think i'm going to hamper yours and you're suggesting that this is a prevalent thing within the republican caucus it does not say that you know you know america well and say ok we see your plans to close out why we'll say that actually in one thousand nine hundred six president reagan did ask for a house session or to speak to the house and tip o'neill did deny him and he said he was disappointed but it didn't and beyond that beyond that and actually i you know i hate to say it but i'm going to agree that there has been some disrespect of the presidency and i think that this decision or this discussion between boehner and obama should have happened behind closed doors and i think there are some things that are politicizing it like one of the things that's happening this week is. a bunch of nascar drivers who are invited to the white house and five of them abstain we don't know if it's because of other commitments or i would hope that it's not political but you know i think
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a white house invite is always prestigious and that's really all you had was a nascar race drivers you know the nascar track owners. you know i didn't know that that's true ok we're going to. speak with the. staffers who snickered as john boehner. wrote about the u s news and world report he said i'm curious what governor perry and his fans think about the constitution of the confederate states of america if you subtract the slavery bits as far as curry is concerned what's not to like and then you go through i actually read the constitution of the confederate states of america today i thought this is interesting if there is again social security and medicare that because to the c s a constitution forbids such things as the general welfare clause it also forbids any quote for any internal improvement in sand to facilitate
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commerce and i was no no infrastructure construction. it was tariffs mandates free trade gives the president a line item veto these are all things that were kerry's asked for that i think is pretty much all the things that all the republicans want i can assure you that rick perry has never once read the confederate states of america i mean i do car insurance just for everything it's an acceptable slavery i mean there's plenty of people f.d.r. had a lot of problems pushing his agenda through congress to through the supreme court at the time remember they were voting down his proposals because they thought they were unconstitutional you don't have to go to the confederate states of america i think certain programs might be unconstitutional what i find amazing is how can he assured us sitting here the period. when i read i well maybe that's what he's saying and i agree with you for the first time i believe and i'm i've done more to go and i you know it's always good to read what you're in and you write you know i read it i refer to the republicans as the person the people that
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wrote and wrote the confederate states. yes what i'm referring to is that i think there's tremendous similarities in their policies and their attitude you we said here is that this is not the same governors that he wanted to sleep from the nation i mean that's not confederacy i don't know what is and of course now that he's running for president it was all just a big joke i'm sorry this is completely historical plenty of republicans opposing these programs in the one nine hundred thirty s. mainly from the north who had nothing to do with the confederate states of america to make a suggestion that perry's playbook is the confederate states of america is only the only only to tie him to what that stood for which was wrong and disgusting of thirty second thoughts here. well you know i just think this is kind of a stupid story i mean here's a guy who used to have a job that allows him to be able to be interviewed by somebody and then he uses a loaded word like confederacy and then takes out everything but slavery just to
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cover him self i mean i don't understand what the story ends. former a just just that was yes trying to put himself up in the press ok let's give you a quick fire question the white house unveiled a new program called we the people that allows anyone to submit ideas or clauses to the white house web site white house a white house spokesman said that if any idea gets the support of over five thousand people it will be seriously considered by people inside the white house and will be digested down to the point where it might end up on the president's desk so serious question. if you could come up with five thousand votes for an idea to put on the desk of the white house what would it be lisa i'm going to bait you and say to bringing rename dulles airport the dick cheney airport. you have been i'm going to see him being replaced joe biden on the ticket with their training as a calm steady adviser during the last administration so maybe this could help obama . you know our own since you guys want to be with big g.
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and colin powell in the same dream with congolese to rise to the colin powells manager watching it is not really. going to do the obvious serious wow i would i was going through their growth the constitutional amendment this is the corporations are people and money isn't speech and you know i think at the same time i got to tell you i don't like this this is a sign you know i don't want you know i'm concerned that the koch brothers which is highly fired i because we have all those who you know i mean i think that this is really it's going to be a game that will see any. genuine steam and joe madison thank you all very big think you have. after the break clear is in session in my daily take i'll tell you why this nation desperately needs to bring back the corporate death penalty. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who made a decision to break through it through he made who can you trust no one. who is you
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we learned this week the wall street needs to lawyer up because the federal housing finance agency is filing suit against more than a dozen of the nation's biggest banks accusing the banks of selling junk mortgage securities to investors which was the trigger of bush's two thousand and eight financial crisis mortgage lending giants fannie mae and freddie mac. for example last more than thirty billion dollars after the banks hustled them into buying these piles of mortgage junk and now the government is going to collect. but i want to ask you to hold off for just a little bit on filing this lawsuit actually was filed today going forward will say because it just so happens i'm holding my own trial against the banks that is tonight as well as a slew of other corporate criminals first up goldman sachs as c.e.o. of goldman sachs lloyd blankfein you are accused of defrauding your customers out of billions of dollars as a senate investigation released in april of this year found when goldman sachs realized the mortgage market was in decline it took actions to profit from that
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decline at the expense of its clients at the same time the firm was betting against the mortgage market as a whole goldman assembled and aggressively marketed to its clients poor quality c.e.o.'s they actively bet against by taking large short positions in those transactions and to translate that into english goldman sachs lied to its customers so in the massive amounts of junk and they made a fortune betting that those same junk investments they were selling would go bust which of course they did on these charges of defrauding investors and playing a role in the financial crisis that has since cost five million americans their jobs and put twelve million americans in danger of losing their own jury finds goldman sachs guilty. next up b.p. as c.e.o. of b.p. tony hayward is a clue accused of gross negligence in the deaths of eleven men and responsible for over forty billion in damages along the gulf coast as a result of an exploding oil rig in the gulf of mexico in april of two thousand and
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eleven that official report into the causes of the b.p. oil spill accuse the corp of nine faults in the run up to the incident and said whether purpose for not many of the decisions that b.p. albertan and trans ocean made that increase the risk of the macondo blowout clearly saved those companies significant time and money better management of decision making processes within b.p. and other companies that are communication within and between b.p. and its contractors effective training of key engineering rig personnel would have prevented the macondo incident b.p.'s decision to cut corners led to the deaths of eleven men and irreparable destruction of coastlines of several states along the gulf for those crimes the jury finds b.p. guilty the next corporate defended his big tobacco as c.e.o. of r.j. are for example who gerster you and the rest of your big tobacco c.e.o.'s are accused of lying to congress even though you've killed more americans than bin ladin did that's not why you're facing charges instead it's because in one nine
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hundred ninety four you guys were called before congress to testify to whether or not your product is addictive and you lied right through your teeth and soon video evidence to support it. yes or no do you believe nicotine is not addictive i believe nicotine is not a good to be here thank you john. congressman cigarettes and nicotine clearly do not meet the classic definitions of the kitchen i don't believe that nicotine or products are addictive. i believe. i believe that nicotine. and. i believe the not. to believe that. for the crime of perjury additional. selling one of the deadliest products known to man without a shred of regret the jury finds the tobacco companies guilty and the final corporate defendant general motors several c.e.o.'s that corporation are accused of manslaughter in the deaths of over eight hundred people between one nine hundred
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seventy three and two thousand as a result of defective fuel tanks installed in general motors vehicles a side set of fuel tanks were known to explode in minor car accidents and general motors did nothing to address the problem and instead covered it up it would have taken only it would have only cost the company eight bucks to make the fuel tank safer as court documents later showed after an internal quasi benefit analysis was done the corporation determined it would actually save money by simply paying out legal claims to the families of people who died when their gas tanks exploded like b.p. the c.e.o. of g.m. general motors chose profits over safety and as a result of exploding gas tanks killed nearly two thousand people so on the charge of manslaughter the jury finds general motors' guilty so now that we've determined all these corporations are guilty it's time to send some people to jail right well unfortunately corporate criminals no longer get punished in america even the corporations much less the people even though the supreme court has ruled that
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corporations are people and have access to the bill of rights for some reason they can't face the same punishment for crimes that you and i would all these fraudsters liars killers corporate killers and off scot free in some cases only tossing a few crumbs of cash to the devastated families whose loved ones were killed for having a company cut a small check to the government and that's right back to business as usual. it's a tale of two justice systems and it's yet another consequence of corporate personhood that i document my book on equal protection if an auto repair man knowingly rigs a car to explode and the driver was killed then that auto repair man goes to jail for manslaughter or even murder but if g.m. doesn't respect pay a fine if a guy walks into a mall and steals a fifty dollars pair of pants he's going to go to jail for shoplifting if goldman sachs steals fifty million dollars from the state workers pension fund they just
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pay a fine but it wasn't always this way in the early decades of our nation our government kept corporations in check with the threat of the corporate death penalty all the way up until lloyd eighteen hundreds of governments routinely revoked corporate charters forcing the corporations to immediately liquidate their assets and cease doing business in eighteen twenty five the state of pennsylvania passed a law that made it much easier for that state to administer the corporate death penalty when as the law stated the operations of a corporation may be injurious to the citizens of the community and quote by eight hundred seventy nineteen other states and similar laws on the books and throughout that century oil corporations match manufacturers whiskey trusts and sugar corporations were all given the corporate death penalty for quote operating contrary to the public interest and quote even john rockefeller standard oil was given the death penalty in new york state in one thousand nine hundred four for
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quote a pattern of abuses and quote. point is it's time to start holding corporations accountable again each year the f.b.i. releases a report on all the crime statistics in the nation about how much money was stolen how many people were murdered but oddly corporate crime is never included in those statistics even though far more money is stolen by corporations and far more people are killed every year by corporations than by human criminals enough is enough we know they're guilty now it's time to give corporations like goldman sachs and b.p. an r g r a punishment they deserve. off for their corporate jets and that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we cover visit our web sites at samarra dot com free speech dot org and. also check out to you tube channels or links from hartmann dot
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com this entire show is also available as a preview podcast on i tunes and we have a freeze on our big i phone i pad app and the app store he said his feedback at twitter it's time underscore apartment i face book at tom underscore our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom harkin dot com and don't forget democracy begins with you and you show up and get active get out there show up participate tag your students with.
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wealthy british style. sometimes. markets trying to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into congress a report on our. well. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realm of russia. we dumped this huge earth covered. for.
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