tv [untitled] September 3, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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call. them. useless but harmful russia's foreign minister sums up a new set of e.u. sanctions against the syrian regime. ukraine's downs pressure another winter of discontent looms is here fails to reach a deal with moscow over its previously agreed fuel bills. russia pays its respects to more than three hundred thirty victims of the terrorist attack on a school that took place seven years ago. a
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very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow europe's launching an economic offensive against syria this time targeting oil imports which russia's foreign minister says will be useless in solving the arab countries drawn out conflict so the last last comments came as a summit of c.i.s. countries where he also mentioned libya's new leadership as well as having some sharp words for washington for its intransigence over missile defense. is there. terry a lot of criticized what is described one sided sanctions against syria including imposing in bargo on oil exports from the country sanctions are rarely the best possible solution he said and could even make matters worse earlier the european union imposed the embargo on all experts from the country and western powers are pushing for farther measures against president the brutal crackdown on protests that russia's fears concerning sanctions against syria are justified as many
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believe that sanctions are the purse step to repeat leave years disastrous scenario in syria russia calls for more corporation rather than really a tree action and today sergei lavrov in particular said that moscow sent an official invitation to representatives of the national transitional council to come to russia to discuss potential energy projects and what is r.t. is daniel bushell report but everyone is eager to cooperate or even share with lining up for its lucrative energy deposits italy's top oil company only has already moved its workers back into libya britain's b.p. is said to be in private talks with the interim government for a trifle to tall did noise reports that france was promised a third of the country's forced reserves by rebels to tell and pay france's foreign minister and logical to favor those who are willing soit. against gadhafi
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is not even over its allies already appear to be fighting for the resources he wants controlled by through this war with this activism. it was a war of frost against italy. ownership of libya's oil say experts key to control of the country libya's a very unusual economy. depended it depends entirely on. the money coming from oil shale oil is so crucial some libyans call for once. on the sector an occupation which they say they will challenge you out of people will not accept such occupation he was speaking at a demonstration the spruit to give the north africans and europeans who opposed the takeover of libya's resources these people are denouncing what they're calling the looting of libya they say nato states this feeling the country's oil under the pretext of helping its civilians libyan politicians they should owe their most
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important assets libya is a population we have we have the right for some of the terminations we don't want companies to them and our future. rebels are set on group warding states whose bombing helped them to power then you will shorty. well speaking at the summit with the leaders of the full soviet state sergei lavrov also talked about plans of the u.s. to build a new missile defense system in europe and he said there were no signs for a compromise from washington on that russia is more eager than ever at borders of syria level to come up with a claim a solution to the common system where russia would be offered an adequate level of cooperation but so far it hasn't received any invitation to participate or legal guarantees that the system would not neutralize its offensive capabilities washington's of the system is not aimed against russia russia's ears that it could threaten its security just recently turkey great to stay new and he read our system
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early warning radar system as part of this missile defense shield in europe has been criticizing that's at the moment remains the biggest irritant in relations between the u.s. and russia but so gay lover of such a date he didn't give up hope that they could come up with a compromise and moscow's pushing for a new dialogue on this sensitive issue. this hour the pressure to push aside palestinian statehood american to block the road to recognition of the upcoming u.n. vote on giving a voice to occupy palestinian territories. ukraine struggling to pay the gas bill to moscow it is warning out marching its nationalized energy with russia's gas palm to try and lower costs previous to europe of the cold our chances of pars were cause as an s.k. reporting cranes are not busy looking for ways to go to. win the two thousand and nine disruption to european p.r.
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suppliers sparked when ukraine blocked friends of the russian gas and hit the continent gave a collective sigh of relief but the issue has remained a thorn in the side for. you scorching hard for a discount from the current market price of four hundred us dollars four thousand cubic meters. we made ourselves clear if they want cheaper gas going integration into a common economic space if they don't want us and give us a good commercial offer like selling our gas transportation system to us they don't want any of those only discounts however it seems key of is already looking for an alternative escape route it has signed an eight hundred million dollar contract with royal dutch shell to school or its reserves of shale gas that experts warn about the danger to public health rabid what chill gases extracted by hydro fracking that means special chemicals are added to the water to break up the rock formations the components of these chemicals are kept secret by the companies in
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the united states implements commercial secret water laced with chemicals that ends up in frankie water here is the social gas development is a serious like the environment and how it's going to stay apart from being seen as unsafe is also described by many as too expensive and can hardly replace natural gas. we're watching the situation and we think that locally it's very viable but it will remain a local gas supply it's impossible to extract gas in the last along and if you look at the shield guess where is right now you'll see that most of them are losing money experts say shale gas reserves in ukraine may be the biggest to europe but it may take up to a decade to develop them over the last few years claims next year it wants less russian gas slashing the amount of plants to buy by more than a third armies the toilets that will thousand nine deal and could see europe's energy supplies once again on shaky ground another tussle over gas price when the
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north pole left many warring in europe that there will be another gas war and another disruption of supplies into the european continent but the russian energy minister reassured that the events of two thousand and nine will not happen again and that there is still enough time to find a compromise solution alexi russia as the r.t. reporting from kiev in ukraine the signal now was they had days if you had come today at a check out all gallery of moscow's massive annual military music festivals in the iconic setting of red square and. also online a want all of whom will he leads to the whistleblower takes a hit from some of the world's biggest newspapers and the publishing on the edited cables that said all the talk on along with all our news and video games. is to. keep.
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you in the. the official ulti obligation to go on the phone and called to talk from the top story. on the go. below. zero as it reads now when the apology was. called. american lawmakers are considering changing the un's funding rules to fight to the cutoff accounts for any program supporting the palestinian bid for statehood
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the draft legislation says palestinian attempts to go it alone on the mind of casey asians with israel but human rights journalist ramzy barad says the focus should be on a global functions against israel to kick start the peace process. in order for peace to be achieved you have you have to have israel either conceive the peace would have to be achieved or israel to be arraigned in as any other vulgar occupier of another country palestinian decommission or a recognition of a palestinian state and the is not going to reign in israel as of yet i think it's a step it's a crucial step and it depends on two major factors how will this international support translate in terms of action in the future and b. will the palestinian authority will the palestinian leadership have the backbone have the have the courage to use that as a platform to acquire further international support to call for sanctions against
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israel to punish israel for the harm they have been doing to the palestinians or will you come up with it come to american pressures again because of the issue of funding we all know that the palestinian authority gets much of its money from from the united states and their allies will that money it should prove again a factor in. preventing the palestinian authority from taking further steps to isolate israel internationally and to sort of the brink palestinian rights to the fore of the international community. turkey said the military ties with israel for refusing to apologize the killing nine is how to best twenty ten percent rate and grow has also expelled israel's ambassador a former head of the israeli diplomatic mission to turkey told r.t. that the real threat is for israel to be left isolated in the region. is what it is
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lost its closest friend in the region in the last two decades which is a strong diplomatic political blow also a strategic blow because the army's used to train together i think in addition on top of the damage to the bilateral relations we have to see if there will be a spillover to egypt and jordan i think this is the moment that we pickle isha if the question is about these welly politicians the only thing they can do in the near future is improving their relations with the palestinians sitting again and trying to reach an agreement i think the issue of the israeli palestinian relations will be the critical issue also regarding the relations with turkey i don't think that by led through early something could be done i don't think it's too late to apologize so i think by literally very little could be done things have to move
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regionally. now u.s. markets have taken and there is dive as. a new recession and grow they were killed by the wise jobs report any year which showed employers birching stopped hiring can concentrate on twenty plus washington under the impression that regular americans content is that they now. we know that the washington is talking about. the same kind of voice staring measures that are are rocking through europe as well what does that mean it means more cutbacks so addicts why when the economy is already slowing down they created zero jobs which is just perfect for washington because they bad zero on just about everything that's thrown at the war on drugs wars in afghanistan and wars on education you name it it's what they do zero
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so what it shows us is that at a time when things are slowing down it's going to become much worse all of this q. we feel is all of the old promise david was taught the money go it's called too big to fail so the money went all to the too big and the rest of the people are too small to say the gap between the rich and the poor is the widest in the united states than any of the industrialized nations and it's the same trend that's going on worldwide. and american is decade long war on terror is just one of the drains of the country's economy trillions of dollars thousands of lives and they too we all stick with it was really trying. the war actually inside the north or as you put it so that's where you. see us
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being a producer of history as you know the europeans the numbers it received in the war against terrorism is here where in new york will be at the center of the nine eleven tragedies and find out whether people that will thanks paul. nearly a billion people in the world are going from free every day. in the united states even our trash cans or food the food you just have to go get it all of these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked in even get all over the other ones just thrown away rotten choose from the german oh you clearly like the upper cut off. from the dumpster at one am this morning three pm this afternoon on the grill take is made from one dozen times egg whites. delicious
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well. it's half of a sky above what the russians have planted and why today is hundreds of balloons were released in memory of the victims of the country's deadliest terrorist attack over three hundred thirty people died when a group of terrorists held around a thousand people hostage in a school for three days without food or water seven years ago is needed a cordon of our reports now from the public of north is that. today is the third
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day of all mourning and that's a small south uncertainty of bassline where hundreds of people from across the caucasus are coming to pay their last respects to the victims of the busline siege at one o five pm moscow time that's exactly the time when first explosions in the schools where the hostages were house all rang outs a church bell rang twice followed by a minute of silence jury. women started to cry and it was heard how they were bursting into tears one after another also after that three hundred thirty one wide balloons were released into the sky one for each of the victim and a woman was standing near us and when these balloons were released she started calling for her. and she was calling so loudly and crying and it was really a terrifying moments for many that hand meanwhile memorial services will continue at the cemetery for the victims which is called the city of angels this tragedy
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ruined the lives of many not only in the city of beslan but across north caucasus the sloan school siege is the deadliest terrorist attack alfred to take place in russia seven years has passed but the pain runs just as deep. as check out some other world news in prefer this hour and the taliban says it's holding the pakistani boys who were kidnapped on the mistakenly crossing the afghan border the boys aged between twelve and eighteen were visiting and they just want to celebrate the festival when they were seized sammamish to escape local authorities both sides face a challenge is to carry almost two and a half kilometer boundary. twenty one that people are feared dead after a chilean military jet went down in the pacific ocean and one body has already been found in the water a plane made to its hands around before disappearing from radar among those on
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board were chilean t.v. crew one of the country's famous it is a search is under way for both the plane the victims. a fast moving wildfire has broken out of the major interstate highway between southern california and nasa bagels in the u.s. a busy freeway was temporarily closed as the flames scorched the desert bush tried . q. to several kilometers as people trying to head out of town for labor day weekend. now david petraeus is retired from the u.s. military after years of command of the wars in iraq and afghanistan he takes over the cia next week to keep the money saying that any military budget cuts will come for the fragile and reversible gains made by the armed forces but military contribution things it's about time the peds going to cut its costs. during his
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farewell address the fourth mayor's general petraeus touched up on several very significant things first the general caution against being american state after vietnam war and to prevent hollowing the us army he also cautioned to keep counting insurgency doctrine alive and if you call for maintaining the full spectrum operation capabilities for the united states forces the real danger for the parents are going into a twenty first century is not the budget cuts might lead to a hollow army but the army itself is growing more and more relevant in vic conventional challenges at least for the united states for two reasons first due to the ass symmetrical nature of the currency and all the horizon challenges and secondly that it is more exception event as a rule but really the american g.
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i's being the most expensive soldier in the world it is the united states that has to be its celeste more than anything else regarding the pentagon cuts now in south dave we america will mark a decade. terrorism on home soil nine eleven it a touch paper for a war on terror that's the big u.s. invade iraq and afghanistan and eventually got to the killing of pathology but not for the style of the new york nor how often that's off people there what they feel pretty well is anything fam. the so-called war on terror that launched after the tragic nine eleven attacks on the us has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars by some estimates so ten years later as the african with it this week let's talk about that i think it's more secure now i think that i believe that yes is it trillions of
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dollars safer. i don't know i could say that i don't know the war actually incited more terror but it's that's my opinion but it's a european opinion so to speak as you know the europeans they are not as aggressive in the war against terrorism as the americans of both america and u.k. anybody's involved just just back off. you know because if you to back away they've won and you don't want to let the terrorists win so it's just it's not easy to come up with the right answer if anybody wants to you know to cause trouble or to or to provoke some kind of attack they can do so with or without a war though would you categorize the war on terror as a failure. as a necessary do you think the world a safer because of it i don't know i think that we have been out a fairly good waiting for to get in more than three hours and i think i may be
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a success but i don't know so do you think that support giving up too much liberty in the world in the name of security i think that yes the danger is very close we have to give more liberties and if the world becomes safer maybe we can get them back you're ok with giving them up for a while yeah i think so we should probably stop using the word for starters and the war on terror stop using the phrase just it's just a stupid phrase and was coined for political reasons i think we should should stop using bad and just just do what needs to be done whether might you think it's been . worth the effort the bottom line is the war on terror has been bloody and costly and we still have yet to see any clear plan for it that it's. on the way my skies a take from the eye of math and whether financing the cash its trunk and culture isn't helping them stay afloat will think of al how the headlines of us and if
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a personal protest. during the vietnam war american war movement emerged that alter the course of history this movement didn't take place on college campuses but in parents and on ships penetrated lee military colleges like west point and it spread throughout the battlefields of vietnam it's a day few people know about the g.i. movement against the war in vietnam. after the army and we always said free the army or fun travel and adventure but it really meant to be harmed.
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