tv [untitled] September 3, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT
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that is their force. syria lover of criticized what is described one sided sanctions against syria including imposing embargo on oil exports from the country sanctions are rarely the best possible solution he said and could even make matters worse earlier the european union imposed embargo on all experts from the country and western powers are pushing for farther majerus against president assad the brutal crackdown on protests that russia's fears concerning sanctions against syria are justified as many believe that sanctions are the first step to repeat e.b.'s disastrous scenario in syria russia calls for more corporation rather than military action and today sergei lavrov in particular said that moscow sent an official invitation to representatives of the libyan national transitional council to come to russia to discuss potential energy projects and leave but as artist daniel bushell reports not everyone is eager to cooperate or even share with lining up for
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its lucrative energy deposits italy's top oil company any has already moved its workers back into libya britain's b.p. is said to be in private talks with the interim government for in travel to toll did noise reports that france was promised a food of the country's forced reserves by rebels patella japan a france's foreign minister calls it a. call to favor those who backed the winning soit war against gadhafi is not even over but allies already appear to be fighting for the resources he once controlled actually this war with this activism of the it was a war of france against italy. ownership of libya's oil say experts key to control of the country libya's a very unusual economy in that it depended depends entirely on all production and the money coming from oil shale oil is so crucial some libyans call forums. on the
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occupation which the challenge people will not accept. he was speaking at a demonstration that's brought together the north africans and europeans who oppose the takeover of libya's resources these people are denouncing what they're calling the looting of libya they say nato states stealing the country's oil under the pretext of helping its civilians libyan politicians they should have their most important assets libya is a population we have we have that i for some of determination we don't want or oil companies to our future rebels are set on blue boarding states bombing them to power then you will shortie human rights watch claims as discovered thousands of documents in libya that suggest close cooperation between gadhafi regime and british and american intelligence is thought that much of the data deals with the
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rendition of suspects to libya for interrogation and european peace activists told r.t. that it's not unusual for the west to turn against its allies to secure its interests . users are usually going to except by waste that powers i mean they played a game we cannot forget that the biggest american enemy are. being allowed to enter wars like the beginning their brand. war against the soviet union in their galleys donna and yes of course that we're even eagerly daily like now at libya underachievement about her i think now they told us that they can't control the islamic groups so why very much in. the end they gave military support till they gave them the money and every englishman writing now. western powers should. be fairer to door
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idea we do is lead me to groups and also racist to group sure you know do have abetted the use for a day or because not a government indian people who want to deal. for western powers are. second of all also spoke out ever nato is missile defense shield in europe which the us is actively developing the russian foreign minister says there's no indication of washington's willingness to cooperate with moscow on the issue the kremlin wants to create a joint missile defense system but the office be met with a nuke warm response from nato on friday turkey agreed to host a radar for the western russian feels a system to threaten security but brussels claims it's aimed against so-called rogue states moscow's requests for written guarantees and so far being brushed off by the arts. and while the u.s. remains reluctant to cooperate russia is working to make sure its own nuclear arsenal is in top shape it successfully test for an upgraded version of its topple
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ballistic missile on saturday with a maximum range of ten thousand kilometers it's capable of evading advanced missile defenses. being modernized to make it even more difficult to detect which military officials say is an in direct response to washington's plans for europe. but still to come here on r t when the sky turned white with grief last march the painful anniversary of the deaths of over three hundred thirty victims of the terrorist attack on the school seventy. first hundreds of thousands of everyday israelis have gathered for what is thought to be the country's biggest rally and marking the climax of a summer long movement of discontent and other protests of the culmination of what's become israel's most serious domestic crisis they initially targeted soaring housing prices but quickly evolved into outrage against
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a wide range of economic troubles activists demanding the prime minister steps down the only issue on the israeli leadership plate right now foreign policy has been dealt a major blow off to turkey seven its military ties for refusing to apologize for killing nine turkish activists in last year's gaza flotilla raid on the head of the israeli diplomatic mission turkey told r.t. that the real threat is for israel to be left isolated in the region. is what is lost its closest friend in the region in the last two decades which is a strong diplomatic political blow also a strategic blow because their armies used to train together i think in addition on top of the damage to their bilateral relations we have to see if there will be a spillover to egypt and jordan i think this is the moment the critical issue if the question is about these wally politicians the only thing they can do in the
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near future is improving their relations with the palestinians sitting in. in trying to reach an agreement i think the issue of the israeli palestinian relations will be the critical issue also regarding their relations with turkey i don't think that led to an early something to be done i don't think it's too late to apologize so i think by lead to and leave very little good to be done things have to move regionally. he crane struggling to pay its gas bill to moscow but is ruling out merging its nationalized energy firm with russia's gazprom to try and lower costs present inventive says kiev's proposals on the issue are not concrete and the current deal can't be revised unilaterally previous to speech left europe in the cold after transit supplies were cut as alexie reports ukraine is now busy looking for ways to go it alone when the two thousand and nine disruption to european gas
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supplies sparked when ukraine blocked transit of russian gas ended the continent gave a collective sigh of relief but the issue has remained a thorn in the side for. it is pushing hard for a discount from the current market price of four hundred us dollars four thousand cubic meters. we made ourselves clear if they want cheaper gas can integrate with us into a common economic space if they don't want got can give us a good commercial offer like selling their gas transportation system to us they don't want any of those only discounts however it seems key of is already looking for an alternative to scape route it has signed an eight hundred million dollar contract with boyle dutch shell to explore its reserves of shale gas but experts warn about the danger to public health that with the boy just chill gas is extracted by hydro fracking that means special chemicals around into the water to
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break up the rock formations the components of these chemicals are kept secret by the companies in the united states who claim it's a commercial secret but water laced with chemicals ends up in drinking water so shale gas development poses a serious threat to the environment and health care apart from being seen as unsafe it is also described by many as too expensive and can hardly replace natural gas. we're watching the situation and we think that locally it's very viable but it will remain a local gas supply it's impossible to extract gas at a loss for long and if you look at the shield get suppliers right now you'll see that most of them are losing money experts say shale gas reserves ukraine may be the biggest in europe but it may take up to eight decades to develop them never the last key of claims next year it wants less russian gas slashing the amount it plans to buy by more than a third a move that violates the two thousand and nine deal and could see europe's energy
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supplies once again on shaky ground another tussle over gas price between kiev and moscow left many warring in europe that there will be another gas war and another disruption of supplies into the european continent but the russian energy minister reassured that the events of two thousand and nine will not happen again and that there is still enough time to find a compromise solution alexy recess. reporting from kiev in ukraine. twelve minutes past the in moscow let's have a quick look now what's being updated for you on our web site it's all ttyl come online all the time. a wolf a wiki says the whistleblower takes a hit from some of the world's biggest newspaper publishing editing cables. also check out our gallery of moscow's massive military to see you in the iconic red square it's taking place at the moment where dozens of russian and foreign forces performers have been giving it their own it all to you don't call me along with all our news and video.
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a new recession grow there fueled by the worst jobs report in the year which shuddered ploys have virtually stopped hiring. gerald celente believes washington's under the impression that regular americans simply don't deserve a bailout. we know that the that washington is talking about. the same kind of voice measures that are rocking through europe as well what does that mean it means more cutbacks so at a time when the economy is already slowing down they created zero jobs which is just perfect for washington because they bad zero on just about everything that's thrown at war on drugs wars in afghanistan wars on education you name it they add what they do is zero so what it shows us is that at a time when things are slowing down it's going to be much worse all of this.
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me a list all of the. top way to go it's called too big to fail so the money went all to the too big and the rest of the people the too small to say the gap between the rich and the poor is the widest in the united states than any of the industrialized nations and it's the same trend that's going on worldwide. america's decade long war on terror is just one of the drains in the country's economy costing trillions of dollars and thousands of lives and then later here in the aussie what is really a place where. the war actually works or that it's that's my opinion but that's the european opinion so to speak as you know the europeans that i'm not as aggressive in the war against terrorism as the americans . were the new york the epicenter of the nine eleven tragedy to find out when the
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people that read through the site. discover its beauty. league communicate with the why don't. test yourself and become free. to see what nature can give you on all the. nearly a billion people in the world for knowing countries every day. in the united states even our trash cans are filled with food you just have to go get it all of these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked didn't even get all over the other ones just thrown away rotten cheese from the german oh you clearly like. a profile.
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in the dumpster at one am this morning three pm this afternoon on the grill a cake is made from one dozen. egg whites. delicious breakfast for the family eggs and toast for about a week every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of food. in. brighton if you move the sun from feinstein it's. nice for instance on t.v.
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dot com. could have you with this is r.t. live here in moscow the sky above the russian town of beslan turned white today as hundreds of balloons were released in memory of the victims of the country's deadliest terrorist attack over three hundred thirty people died when a group of terrorists held around a thousand people hostage in a school for three days without food or water seven years ago. reports from the republic of north of setting. today is the third day of mourning here in the smallest such an town of bassline where hundreds of people from across the republic of north assess you are coming to pay their last respects towards the victims of the busline siege their memorial services took place first at the ruins of the school number one where the hostages were held and then hand at the cemetery for the victims which is called the city of angels the names of the victims who were
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killed during the siege were read out to the sound of the ticking clock and during this time and it took more than twenty five minutes to read all the names people remained silent as the ruins of the school as one o five pm moscow time that's exactly the time when first explosions at the school were rained out as church bells ring twice followed by a minute of silence and during this minutes most of the women started to cry and there was one woman she was standing very close to us and she started calling for her son and she was calling so loud that it was a terrifying moment for many who gathered that the bassline tragedy destroyed lives of hundreds over here in the north society here and so seven years has passed the pain still remains. now for some of the world's news making the headlines this world update the taliban says it's holding thirty pakistani boys who were
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kidnapped off the mistakenly crossing the afghan border the boys aged between twelve and eighteen were visiting a nature spot to celebrate the muslim festival when they were seized some managed to escape and local authorities both sides face a challenge in securing the almost two and a half thousand kilometer boundary. in south sudan thousands of refugees are fleeing the disputed border region after violence flared up it's the fighting since the country became independent in july a state of emergency was declared in the region on friday after clashes broke out. armed forces and a rebel group the decades long war for south sudan's independence has claimed thousands of lives. police in germany used water cannon and battens against left wing extremists who were vanity protesting over an annual neo nazi march and dortmund at least one officer was seriously injured as leftist protesters attacked police by hurling stones and bottles and march through an immigrant neighborhood in
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the city and marks the start of world war two when germany attacked poland in one thousand nine hundred thirty nine. to the states now in a fast moving wildfire has broken out of the major interstate highway between southern california los vegas in the us a busy freeway was temporarily closed as the flames scorched the desert bush traffic queue for several kilometers as people try to head out of town for labor day weekend. just over a week now america will be marking a decades and suffering its worst terrorism on home soil nine eleven lit the touch paper for a war on terror that saw the u.s. invade iraq and afghanistan and eventually led to the killing of osama bin laden but the scars in new york remain. people there whether they feel today's world is any safer. the so-called war on terror that launched after the tragic nine eleven attacks on the us has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars by some
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estimates so ten years later has the effort been worth it this week let's talk about that i think it's more secure now i think that i believe that yes is it trillions of dollars safer. i can say that i don't know the war actually inside of more terror than it's that's my opinion but that's the european opinion so to speak as you know the europeans they are not as aggressive in the war against terrorism as the americans so america the u.k. anybody is involved in it just just back off. but that's not you know because if you do back away they've won and you don't want to let the terrorists win so it's just it's not easy to come up with the right answer if anybody wants to you know to cause trouble or to or to provoke some kind of attack they can do so with or without a war so would you categorize the war on terror as
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a failure. as unnecessary do you think the world the safer because of it i don't know i think that we have been out of offending the court waiting for to get him more than three hours and i think that maybe is excessive but i don't know so do you think that we're giving up too much liberty in the world in the name of security i think that yes if the danger is very close we have to give more liberties and if the world becomes safer and maybe we can get them back you're ok with giving them up for a while yeah i think so we should probably stop using the word for starters and the war on terror stop using the phrase just it's just a stupid phrase and was coined for political reasons i think we should should stop using bad and just just do what needs to be done whether or not you think it's been . worth the effort the bottom line is the war on terror has been bloody and costly and we still have yet to see any clear plan for it them.
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david petraeus is retired from the us military after years of commanding the wars in iraq and afghanistan he takes over the cia next week and wants to keep a firm hand on the money saying that any military budget cuts will hamper the fragile and reversible gains made by the armed forces and our military contributor thinks it's about time the pentagon cut its cloth. during his farewell address that fourth mayors general petraeus touched upon several very significant things first the general cautioned against being american mistake after vietnam war and to prevent following the us army he also cautioned to keep counting insurgency doctrine alive and to call for maintaining the full spectrum operation capabilities for the united states forces there real danger for the fans again in the twenty first century is not dibadj it might lead to hollow the army but they have the army
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itself is growing more and more irrelevant and they kind of anshan all challenges at least for the united states for to raisins first due to the ass symmetrical nature of the current and all the horizon challenges and secondly that it is more exception than as a rule but really the american g. i's being the most expensive soldier in the world it is the united states bad has to be it's so last more than anything else regarding the pentagon cuts. in a twenty five minutes past the hour now in the recap of our top stories in just a few minutes stay with us tonight here in moscow this is not the.
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i got out of the military in one thousand nine hundred sixty six i got out because the things i saw the things i was doing and this is the reason he said we were given for doing it was a personal protest. during the vietnam war an antiwar movement emerged that altered the course of history this movement didn't take place on college campuses but in berets and on ships penetrated elite military colleges like west point and it spread throughout the battlefields of vietnam yet today few people know about the g.i. movement against the war in vietnam. after the army we always said free the army
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top stories now. russia is laying into the e.u. for taking a unilateral approach against syria foreign minister sergei lavrov says the e.u. plans for a new born in bahia will destroy any unlike approach to solving the arab countries crisis. hundreds of thousands of israelis are still to be the biggest ever government is the latest in the summer protests against the high cost of living and a ray of economic problems. also reporting on r t the gas prices up in ukraine with another winter of discontent looming up to kiev to successfully negotiate with russia over its previously agreed fuel bills. and i'll be back with more on those stories more developments in less than thirty minutes from now in the meantime we've put the spotlight chicago's long serving man whose timely reforms transformed the city stay with us for that interview.
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