tv [untitled] September 4, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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firstly a ski preview next few minutes rather some serious really. good twenty two look you he could scream for you. know so to. day's news and there was a week's top stories levy as new leaders try to bring calm to tripoli after capturing the capital with a massive flood of weapons on to the streets leads to believe and still be a long way off. moscow slams that use news sanctions on syria aimed to put pressure on president assad over his crackdown on protesters but doubts over the adversity of media coverage coming out of the country are raising questions about who's to blame for the bloodshed. ukraine threatens to take russia to court in its push for a discount on gas prices the kremlin claims it's on solid ground in a looming battle saying cleaves complains have no legal grounds. and hundreds of
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thousands rally across his role in the nation's biggest anti-government protests the demonstrators demand the authorities turn their attention from security to social justice. and that's the story of an american filmmaker who searched through supermarket waste and salvaged thousands of dollars worth of goods. every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of food. two hundred sixty three million pounds a day. eleven million pounds an hour. three thousand pounds a second. hand
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so there are three basic rules to dumpster dive rule number one never take more than you. unless you find if your rule number two first ones to the temperature as first did. that you always gotta share and rule number three leave it cleaner than you'll find you've. found it before you leave it cleaner and you found some right it's an unusual night in l.a. because it's it's freezing outside freezing for l.a. so i think it's you know forty three to forty five degrees which is good because it keeps all the meats and stuff cold is but. there's. no antibiotics ever no added hormones ever free range good me all of
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these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked didn't even get all over the other ones just through all the way is what they're doing with everything they have bags of of a card those one goes bad through the entire bag because out apples oranges everything is tossed in it for no good reason they're all good these are all good aches like not and cheese from the german alps. much better. than i ever have for her we started two years ago and we have clearly like the upper class makes me crazy. now so i can stop crying only for itself it's double back. what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. and getting me for my own consumption. and for my baby showers more for the dumpster at one am this morning. at three pm this afternoon on the grill.
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i think i'm going to have a pretty healthy. time making a public announcement everyone talking exactly with it i'm just like we wouldn't tell him that we went to montserrat see get there but i say most of our friends are aware of the fact that we get all the people dumpster and i think it's pretty cool . living off the ways. of the consumer isn't the american. league.
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so we got. a lot of. them i wash arms. and then we're going to have to bury thank you x. the dumpster stuff is really great. because there's such a large quantity of it it can turn into a lot of work so i. figure out about stuff clean every day and. there's like i know my raisin and i'm out there washing trays and that. i miss not having to deal with it it's just. a lot of more work than just going over she sort of picking up exactly you know you need fifteen or twenty i could just like this kitchen you wake up in the morning and contract to clean up the palace dumpster by the way it's
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going to kill me she's going to wake up in the morning all this food to be rotting rotting in my kitchen but. the fan will have to struggle years even though we still had to buy groceries we really began living off food pulled from the trash . eating food out of dumpsters is repulsive to most people but there's a certain beauty seeing garbage transformed into a meal with friends and better meals than we could ever afford to buy especially when our friend alfonzo a professional chef would cook up gore made dishes from food we had just scrounge out of dumpsters look at hallowed to try to personify. as pretty decent this good. about the fish it's good to pull the chicken was looking a little funky a little like purplish food makes up about twenty percent of landfill waste which means we're feeding our landfills as much as we're feeding our country so instead
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of rotting underground acts beneath the earth and producing harmful methane gas this garbage was feeding my family and friends and doing it in style. well this will be blood orange and onion salad. with a trunk show on. sand and stuff with feta cheese and spinach risky from your local dumpster. and a beautiful little orange citrus purple ink. the take is made from and one doesn't come straight or egg whites to the strawberries are one hundred percent. hamster. delicious. oster de la i.
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found myself wondering through trader joe's hoping for certain items to be waiting for me in the dumpster that night i got excited when i saw a bad tomato in a pack of four for me that in turn the slightest shade of brown anything dated for the next day would most likely be in the dumpster even though the sell by or best by dates don't mean the food is bad they're just overly cautious states for absolute freshness and protection from possible lawsuits i dreaded more locked dumpsters which seem to be a growing trend to keep dumpster divers out and ensure total waste. says the trader joes are going to many many many times in iraq. so the food can then rot inside the dumpster sort of people getting it that's that smart. i don't hire i don't even want to take all this good homicide. i'm tired of it
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there's. there's too much we only took as much because we didn't want our ways but i like it's like almost in the morning and i don't have anywhere to put it or even though i would be breaking rule number one i decided to buy a freezer for all the excess food. we rarely saw other divers around town so i knew that most of the discarded food was ending up in landfills i had to save as much of it as i could so many. like i looked and books for a freezer i just plugged it in but that's right ok. i knew i wouldn't need your. yeah yeah place here yes. thank you anyway we got in the garage for free for free donated.
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in just over a week of nightly diving we had a year's supply of neat. stuff so the freezer is totally filled up there's just. a little layer of some bread and stuff. just not because i didn't find enough meat just because. or just tired of me you get kind of picky thank you don't want a lot of the same thing so ours are really nice for you meats and they're. rescuing food from the dumpster was great for the few of us doing it but it felt too self-serving to leave it at that the question nagged me why is all this food
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being thrown out and not given to people who need it. i decided to ask the grocery stores. ok so here we are a trader joe's saturday afternoon i'm going to go in and talk to him because i went to their website and their website says that they prefer to talk face to face i was i'm going off on and on and. you know right so none of the stores none of us he's going to give me the card for the place already called which refutes so basically it's impossible to talk to anybody on camera i mean even off camera they wouldn't discuss details so. we can go from. we. go they won't talk to me company policy no interviews no. no interview call this guy i got the card. but the number for the main office but she said she'll see
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a pallet and on that pallet are four trash cans and those trash cans are all filled with meat and all of that gets thrown away we're here. dumpster that has a locked gate another rule that i've been told is never penetrate into something that is not yours it's not mine if they don't open it then they don't they don't want me to get into it so i just wanted to log. what the gate is because i can respect that because what if they like this one because there's back stock and they don't want people getting into the news trucks i'm going. i'm going. i don't understand how i don't want to get upset are you stealing trucks. and we there's the bad one so we don't like it was a little bit of the cure you're still going to waste you know this is something not . just been discarded and just wants to be forgotten about you know you take it
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take that out. i don't see how that can be sued just being criminal in any way but to see you not you not because you just let like rot i mean mines have been shipped up from mexico like cheese from germany and meat from. chile and i mean you just let it rot because as the plans. for it you get it. it's kind of. like get back to your liking i'm on a fast. i believe that dumpster diving to civil disobedience is nonviolent civil disobedience because i believe in what i'm doing i believe it's right and i'm willing to break the law and i don't believe i don't i take it seriously to bring. well. that's just i believe in doing it if i get caught and
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arrested i should be proud to say i got arrested for eating somebodies waste i think it's just i think it's just and i'm willing to pay the consequences for that i do it openly when when when they catch me or people come i shake their hand and tell them what i'm doing i say where and from whom i say what i do and most of the time they're very from. me. but. it is technically trespassing and it is against the. very very good guys right now. that is where the conflict comes and it is a conflict between what i believe is just and what is legal and this lifestyle i believe is more just. going into the store and buying stuff with money but
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rather this is. totally different and outside the system way of living. the more stores i visited and phone calls i made the more silence and resistance i received. meanwhile i was attempting to educate myself and kept running into a name in almost every article i read timothy jones dr jones was former head of the garbage project at the university of arizona and probably one of the world's most knowledgeable people on waste and his sixteen years with the project dr jones found that what we throw out in its nearly unrestricted quantity and variety reveals a lot about us as a society i gave him a call the next for you come to a commercial lot what's clear is that if anybody trying. to bluff it's not even
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a cough it's not a question about the law and i'm not privy to data from the open they're just no different than anybody would you be if you thought of what life. took life to create. laws that it's more prestigious oddity like an automobile you know fifty percent of all the food up a credit card will never make it but if you tap that. all the protection i put into it it's like right oh except transporting. the bird why the increase decorations for the farming and everything else that if we were to cut our food waffle and half we would probably be for a total over all creation right back.
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to my conversation with timothy jones and i went to the l.a. food bank the second largest of its kind in the country since nearly all donated food from grocery stores goes through the food bank i hope to get a better understanding of the situation. located in the heart of downtown l.a. near one of the largest concentrations of homeless people in the world the infamous skid row i couldn't help thinking about all this wasted food in relationship to hungry people in my own city. los angeles county we have a population of ten million people but one in every ten people are at risk of hunger in los angeles and it's roughly just over a million people in los angeles county at some time during the year are at risk of hunger not knowing where their next meal's going to come from so los angeles regional food bank through a network of about nine hundred terrible agency sites we reach about six hundred seventy four thousand of those people so they're still you know over
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a third of those people that were not reaching so that's that's how big the problem is here even if we bankrupt our size hundred thousand square foot facility distributing thirty four thirty five million pounds a year still not reaching the demand here in america it's a big problem here in america where you do have all that kind of food and resources available that you still have people falling through the cracks and that should happen in this country we export billions of pounds of food to other countries to on top of what we keep here and we're still not making food available to everybody here in america which is. the sad state of affairs is that.
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these vast entires of food be part of the solution. many of them already work almost every major grocery stores on the l.a. food banks list of donors the question is could they do more and from the amount of food thrown into dumpsters every night the answer is yes. darryn told me that the l.a. food bank is short eleven million pounds of food every year it's the entire country throws out ninety six billion pounds of food every year what about just los angeles
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county i'm going to use this whipped cream i got out of the dumpster the other night to do the math to see how much food l.a. county throws away every year every year in l.a. county we throw away twenty four billion pounds of trash. according to the e.p.a. twelve percent of that is food waste that means we throw away two billion eight hundred eighteen million pounds of food saving just one percent of valets food waste would equal nearly thirty million pounds of food that's almost triple what the food bank is short every year. food waste happens on all levels of production and consumption on farms in transit in the making of highly produced foods in grocery stores in restaurants and in our homes but grocery stores are the obvious choice for redirecting wasted food to hungry people. i decided to go to the trader
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joe's headquarters since it's only a fifteen minute drive from my house but i was a bearded mangy dumpster diver and thought i'd better clean up before talking with sophisticated businesspeople about policy changes in their companies a haircut and a shave in the tide did absolutely nothing for me we didn't have a camera rolling or anything we just walked in and i asked to speak with someone and they said we're going to have to ask you to leave because you can't be asking questions about trader joe's i can write a letter to the c.e.o. of trader joe's which i will do for picking on trader joe's because they happened to be the best store the dumpster dive so. we know we've pulled a lot of food out of their dumpsters in particular the so couldn't believe that there were actually hungry people in the united states the richest country in the world so we stopped by the regional offices of bread for the world an organization working through political means to and global hunger there are hundred people in the u.s. i'd say there are about thirty five and a half million people in the u.s.
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the fed. through ninety six billion. numbers in the millions and billions are hard to imagine and can feel meaningless without a way to picture them so what does ninety six billion pounds of food look like it's impossible to actually measure ninety six billion pounds of food waste because of the endless variables in size and weight one pound of steak takes up less space than one pound of bread but you have to look at the food behind the food the indirect losses through feed grains used to produce meat a cow which should be eating grass in the first place consume seven pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat so a pound of wasted meat actually represents seven pounds of food waste. but if we stick to the lower estimate of ninety six billion pounds what does that amount of food look like on a freight train. the average boxcar can hold up to two hundred eleven thousand
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pounds of cargo if you filled each one to capacity you would need four hundred fifty three thousand two hundred fifty seven box cars that's a train long enough to stretch from los angeles to new york city and all the way back. but if all this food were then unloaded and fed to pigs this will like they used to do in the old days with food scraps a three pound piglet needs an average of thirty pounds of food per week to reach its massive two hundred sixty five pounds lighter weight in five months redirecting our annual food waste and the grateful pigs mouths it would raise one hundred twenty million piglets and a massive hogs producing enough meat to give everyone on the planet three pounds of course. but meat is costly to produce both financially and for the environment and at two hundred twenty thousand pounds of meat per person per year in the us we have
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far exceeded what is healthy and sustainable for the planet. so instead what would ninety six billion pounds of wheat look like on average one acre produces forty bushels of wheat each bushel wang sixty pounds so one acre equals twenty four hundred pounds of wheat putting our annual food waste into acres of wheat total forty million acres that's a wheat field nearly the size of the state of oklahoma enough wheat to feed everyone on the planet three one pound loaves of bread her day for an entire week. or maybe a better way to picture how much food we waste would be to travel just six hundred miles from our southern shores to the tiny country of haiti. with our ninety six billion pounds of food waste the entire country of haiti could be fed for five years or more. here in the poorest country in the western hemisphere twenty five
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percent of children are chronically malnourished. reduced to eating mud cakes made from third salt vegetable shortening in filthy water to curb their hunger pangs unfortunately we can't simply put our wasted food on a boat and feed haiti. and that's not what haiti needs to become whole again. but the contrast of our excess and their lack of exist side by side as with the needy and marginalized in our own wealthy country if nothing more it is an unsettling reality that calls into question our flippancy with food waste. and in spite of the complexities around in food production consumption and waste we can no doubt eliminate both food waste and hunger in the united states as a start while looking more seriously at the dire needs of neighbors around the globe.
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