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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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the week's top stories now. russia is rallying u.n. security council members to the modern end of the syria it's to try and prevent the uprising from descending into another libyan sanaa. israelis to stage the biggest ever government protest against headwinds being living unfounded three hundred pounds of them nationwide to get the government to spend more on social programs instead of settlements and the truth. ukraine has to. gas with them on the previously agreed prices are called refusing to make any
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concessions russia maintains the card complies with the central time as a copy replies you know not actually. takes a walk on the wild side of the world's most precious in nature is. this although i've been around for forty years since then. i still don't know what kind of magnitude cracks people here. and like when a man comes here for three years. he will stay here much longer but if he leaves
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and never comes back he will miss the place. above you can perhaps use the vast expanses these three be elements of the land the pacific ocean the stars over your head the winds they purify your. opinions as little here people are hard it was. a move of the city but i know this place is better than here a piece of heaven belongs to the. bearing i live russia's far east again hold still a ship has dropped anchor in a bank and a village of nickel square each year this ship bring scientists from all over
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russia to the islands they come here to study the unique natural environments of the kommando islands. is that folks our survey should we grab a sure thing it's our generator. vixen. coolin has done a good deal of research into marine mammals he spends each summer on the island. lonely without a doubt the nokia was and a high powered telescope our research is most indispensable tools here we mostly use them to record the number of first seals we count them every five days. because base is only twenty five kilometers from the village of mccall square the best way to get around is on an all terrain vehicle with caterpillar tracks.
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the island's main road goes along the beach where traffic is possible but sometimes . vehicles move along rocky paths along the tundra. these islands of the talk of an underwater mountain range stretching across the pacific from russia to alaska the commander of the pella go in times to large islands bearing and near the two small islands called the gulf coast and our economy. they were named after commander victors bearing a seafarer who discovered them in seven hundred forty one born in denmark vetus unison varing served in the russian fleet he was in charge of geographic expeditions organized by peter the great. betting ship ended up wrecked on this island. hardships they suffered during the winter define
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description of high winds and bitter cold militarism sludge ice. and there was an agonizing water just terrible. then a possum you came to the commander rollins when he was seventeen years old. since then he's worked as a sailor a fisherman and a hunter. he singlehandedly crossed the pacific. before reaching seattle. he is now a permanent resident nicole's going where he's preparing illustrations for his book about the commander rides. that will get to their ngs crew was lucky to be stranded at this place there must have been a guardian angel watching from above because the ship was thrown over a reef into this cozy bay. most of the varying crew managed to survive precisely because they had learned as sure of the commander dies
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unable to withstand the harsh winter for a long time nobody knew where he had been buried for his grave was found only in one nine hundred ninety one during an archeological expedition organized for the purpose local residents. was on that expedition to meet. with. scientists tested the soil in several places to see how much phosphorus it contained they found the greatest amount of phosphorous around bearings grave. burying was not put in a coffin he was buried on the plank survivors were too weak to dig deep graves all the greys were shallow this is the place.
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the members of the bering expedition were amazed by the diversity of the islands foreigner and simply the huge amount of marine animals according to their records the first seals breeding grounds took up nearly the whole coastline now there are just four seal mysteries on barren island one of them is in the northwestern part of it a scientist space situated next to it. the roar of sea normals can be heard many kilometers away from the beach the shore is divided by the high rocks into several sections and cannot be seen from one point in full. to count the seals scientists have to look in. every little day. because. even the first seals are playfully frolicking on the beach seals of the largest animals here they lie around looking forward to the arrival of fame or else after they come here the place will be teeming with harems the smaller
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seals will be driven away they will move to the edge of the beach. in winter the first seals head for the sea of japan where they spend summer on the commander runs nearly a quarter of a million seals gather here each year this is almost one fifth of the world's total . there are only males on the beach now instead the seals of busy dividing the breeding ground into plots of the whole regions once they have moved into the territory they will stay there until late august. after the famous seals arrive the beach will be off limits to outsiders the males will kill anybody showing up their. place powerful animals quickly respond to any sign of danger so strong that a brief jerk of the neck can send a forty kilogram carol flying over several meters. because of the beauty and
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your ability that cope's first seals quickly faced mass extermination much like the seals the other inhabitants of the island like arctic foxes and sea otters were not faithful of humans as a result they ended up easy prey for hunters who came to the island at the end of the eighteenth century valuable fur bearing animals but found themselves on the brink of extinction. every now and then the russian merchants pillaged the islands arctic foxes the sea otters where in incredible numbers here and then they were killed by the thousands in the sea cow was a. extinct within twenty six years late commander islands where the only habitat for that marine mammal. in one thousand nine hundred three almost the entire territory i'm on the lions was declared
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a protected area hunting and other economic activity were banned as a result there was a gradual growth in the population of rare animals. sir they rebel me as an employee of the reserves a moment as the population of birds and animals and keeps a record. that we are going to ari cameron and top are called we are in luck today the sea is camera and the weather is nice there is a big hurry there are lots of sea birds and there are also many animals sea lions harbor seals and sea otters we will try to take pictures of them. each year about a million birds nest on come on the island they were all khorasan almost all of the coastal cliffs the bird population on top of cove island is one of the most impressive. up to one hundred thousand has tough to. gather in an area of some
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five hundred square meters they're called northern pirates because of the bright plumage. of each year we catch and tag about a hundred birds it will let me go now i'll have to open and speak it's ok it happens. i'm going to try and target now it's best to let them get back to their holes or else be taken far beyond the places where the other tufted puffins nest if one of these birds gets into a puffins nest the own vital guest might well be killed by another puff and the room we usually let them go by tossing them into the air. which though it seems he doesn't want to fly today. these birds cannot take off from the ground which is why they look clumsy instead they use a steep slope as a launch pad tufted pathans feet in the open sea it drives the depths about two hundred metres in the hunt for small fry. quite often
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siegel snatch fish from tufted puffins that can fly fast enough they swoop down on puffins to make them drop the fish and then they snatch it up in mid-air. sure and for now from both you laser and america have it the commander violence and drug use wind go is native to north america at home on the run ins of the eastern most tip of its habitat protocol for island hosts russia's biggest nesting colony of cloudless when those scientists put the numbers at over one thousand five hundred pounds. before these eggs were laid by a glove because winds go such birds protect their nests by attacking intruders we've just heard these two from their nest should we stop here they will attack us from above sometimes they might even whack us over the head with their wings i would recommend that you should not hang around here too long. a soon as they feel safe it goes waste no time getting to the nests otherwise neighbors may destroy.
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the harbor seals are only thirty meters away from us we are going to approach the big rock and try to get a close look at them. call violent a rare subspecies of harbor seals have the breeding ground close to the water during load time the animals usually jugglers on the shore they slide into the water the slightest sign of danger. the commander islands are a kingdom of rain fog and relentlessly cold winds winters here last for nearly eight months for most of the year no clouds on the ground rare occasions some good sparing island the chance to reveal its true fields. the northern part of the
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island is flat with low shores. southern part is covered with mountains and vertical cliffs sticking out to sea. a one can see the two highest waterfalls on the island which are especially stunning in the snow melts and spring. you can take a boat to see the rocks. the sun millions of birds it all looks like a pillow that has been torn into pieces. a magnificent view. i got out of the military in ninety sixty six i got out because of the things i saw
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the things i was doing and this raises sept libertarian for doing it there was a personal protest. during the vietnam war an antiwar movement emerged that altered the course of history of this movement didn't take place on college campuses but in berets and on ships and penetrated elite military colleges. west point and it spread throughout the battlefields of vietnam. today few people know about the jihad movement against the war in vietnam. after the army we always set free the army or fun travel and adventure but it really meant the army. and the worldwide manhunt for him lasted for fifteen years. i one million year old war was promised for his counter. political minus murder for the west.
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the national hero sermonising conflict. general of the serbian army i. problem luggage little here are clinton our chief. airplanes arriving at nicole square airport are a welcome event for the population of barren island in winter time flights are often cancelled because of gale force winds and poor visibility.
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sometimes regular service does not resume for weeks at a time the islands are known for their rigorous climate. here cold arctic waters class with the warm currents coming from the southern seeds to create a humid summer uptake climate. zimmerman wonders here very long it may snow in may or in early june. in fact i'm sure you will see snow. and his paintings surrogate past the new tries to recreate the beauty of the local nature over many years he's traveled around with them on their islands. most of his works were inspired by his trips. now so they permanently lives in nichols square and teaches our children as
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a local stevia. irena to somehow make the nansen of the wing look more prominent cry again. and you won't want to have those dark spots in your picture or rocks the bird in the wing. the children usually draw sea birds which are the most common inhabitants of the command of nature. many of them nest in a room called out a common which is a fifty seven metre high rock and sledge is accommodate more than fifty thousand birds of seventeen different species reserve staff are very careful about taking stock of the islands and since they have to avoid startle the birds such an incident has accidently make them not legs down the side of the.
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go most have a long breeding period by guillemots female can lay up to seven eggs at a time if one of them goes missing she is ready to produce many more value which is to take advantage of this behavior before the nature reserve came into being they would come to ari come an island to move the eggs that had been late in order to get fresh ones a few days later. sea lions a fund of relaxing on the only common island this animal is closely related to the first seal but it is much bigger in the eighteenth century the loud howls signal danger to seafarers been that they should stay clear of the animals and the hazardous rocks in the area. the sea lion felt elation on the run dry lands a shrunken recently is about a thousand sea lines come here each summer with females a faithful a few months they need the beach seems the same.
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the sea lions are building hiram's for themselves by gallery and together a group of cows they always try to keep the cows by their sides because if they leave they may not come back this is a last ditch battle for the males. the . barren island is well away from normal sea routes and fishing boats in the rain giants will complete the security. of the beaches in wales often enter the bay. a local see them and say look at the whales to each other with friends as a common thing for the residents of london because whales migrate past the commander islands so it's very easy to observe them will go.
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talk to older philosopher and even fit buton i've been studying the behavior of whales for many years the scientists are in luck a recipe she says beaked whale has approached them. they were first discovered off the shore of the commander on. they don't let people approach them that is why we're in such a hurry if they come to the surface where we have only got a couple of minutes to get a few pictures up close but even that's not always the case nobody knows anything about these species or they always stick together. whales can dive to a depth of several kilometers and search food after getting a gulp of air they swim down disappearing without a trace of their birth and with your old this place is terra incognita each time we
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discover something new there's a simpler way of doing such research by studying mice or birds for example and you do get quicker results that way but we don't know much about this besides it takes a good deal of hard work to study them in usually really. when summer comes millions of fish driven by natural instinct strives to get the best morning areas in the northern parts of bering island there is a small fish farm. fishing is an essential part of the local economy. the fishing season means very hard work and i think any version will agree with me
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. but it's especially rough when you are part of a team of fisherman. you get up early in the morning and go to bed late at night you wake up before the cigarette between your teeth goes down. the fishing season last throughout the summer is very hard work indeed but people are virtually dying to do it. fish dominates the local cuisine and the fishery is the main source of income for local residents in early june a valuable red salmon is the first to light the spawning. so this caviar isn't right it's small and very fat later when the fish enter the fresh waters and begin to support this system gets transformed the fish stop eating
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us lose their fat and become bread. caviar gets bigger and ripens. out of everything the red sun and is the favorite food of first seals sailing a pass and observe this many time. was written they are real hunters this animal is very pretty it's impossible to tear your eyes away from the beach if the seals come here for summer the beaches are full of them. it's a strong beautiful missed. master of the sea. which in a cool and getting ready for the most dangerous part of his job along with his son sergei he's heading to the very center of the breeding ground in a special plywood box check on the health of the first seals and right now he's worried about what one sea lion is going to do next the lion pricks up his ears
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when he sees something strange appearing each. pierce he can crush of plywood box just as easily as a human can a magical oaks is no problem for him to destroy the shelter from the same lion weighs more than seven hundred kilograms according to published figures they can weigh as much as a ton the plywood is a little a thing as far as the seal is concerned. first seals just like any sort of movement they explore is trying to walk as slowly as they can to avoid startling animals. live but it does help one of the seals came up to us to say hello to you couldn't sniff us out because the wind was blowing our way otherwise he wouldn't have come anywhere near us. first seals liven up towards evening when the temperature drops marine mammals are
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quite comfortable at this time considering they spend most of their lives in icy water. as scientists are going to monitor the first seals every day during the whole summer period. for an urban resident custom to the hosam cities life from barren island may seem monotonous boring. regardless it will still come in droves to the commander runs. although i've been around for forty years. i still don't know what kind of magnet attracts people here but that one of the things that.
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was a moment for hampshire was the vast expanse of us here there's nothing the i can stumble against. the people here are different these three big elements the land the pacific ocean and stars already are heads in when they purify of food is the people here don't fool around they behave in a different way not like they do in the metro here people are more one hundred. aware weigel was the no that this place is better for to hear a part of heaven belongs to the island.
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