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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2011 4:01pm-4:31pm EDT

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a look back at the past week's top stories and the latest developments this is r.t. the un's most powerful body should demand an end to the violence in syria a move all parties into dialogue that's russia's view line by the foreign minister during a meeting with his brazilian counterpart on sunday. we strongly believe it's unacceptable to instigate the syrian opposition to continue boycotting suggestions to start a dialogue this is a call for a piece of the libyan scenario the brics nations will not allow this to happen the un security council will not tolerate how it's reason lucian's being implemented that says russia has sharply criticized the latest sanctions against syria calling them harmful and ineffective in solving the crisis europe's imposing an oil embargo further steps to force president assad and the five month crackdown on protesters
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the u.n. claims more than two thousand people have died since the anti-government demonstrations began in march and some including the syrian government say the reports about the conflict are far from reality ortiz only in english though is among the few journalists there here's what she found a mass murder scene tarion catastrophe a country on the brink of a revolution this is what you see every time syria pops up in the headlines but what is really happening in a country where hardly any foreign journalists are present there's even been the implication that some of the images we're being shown have been digitally nipple manipulated and there have been reports about that are available online that you can watch of the footage that was taken in bahrain and said to be taken in hama and it's showing the same footage and on different stations with different backgrounds digitally dragoon so there are some very strange things that are going on right now an example of such manipulation is the case of palestinian refugees in the coastal city of latakia the stadium in the dark it became the center of the controversy when according to various reports anywhere from several hundred to several thousand
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people were gathered here most of those people were palestinian refugees who came from the palestinian refugee camp in the sunni quarter of latakia now according to the opposition forces and to some of the palestinians when they got to the stadium their ideas were taken away their cell phones were also taken away and they really prepared for the worst because you have to realize. that hurting large numbers of people into stadiums carries somewhat over very macabre macabre association especially in this particular region so the ankle state has developed sort of a practice of hurting people in stadiums and then and then committing mass executions we went to the part of the city which supposedly came under fire from warplanes and navy ships and spoke to the refugees to find out what happened we've argued with some people walking around the neighborhood yelling there will be shelling from sea soon and everyone has to get out i didn't go anywhere just stayed
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in my house i can see the bay from my window and there was nothing in there aside from the usual patrol boats still gunfire did break out between the army and unknown gunmen so some five thousand palestinians left their homes fearing for their lives. we wanted to leave so that our kids wouldn't hear the gunshots we hear in our house and when there was a break in the fighting we went to the stadium we stayed there for three days then came back. so did two thousand refugees only to realize there was no air and navy attack taking place on the city. we felt like we were lined to the heart of the. syrian authorities have long been insisting armed groups are behind the unrest in syria and it's them who starts shooting first during the most racially prompting bloodshed those statements are all but ignored by the media. syria is fighting a media war and it's losing it that the syrian government might have realized its
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mistake of banishing foreign journalists from the country and the media law has overturned that ban but there is no guarantee it will go a long way towards changing series image as portrayed on major networks even those carty syria. across in libya now the new interim leaders say they're sure that one of colonel gadhafi sons who commanded. and the lead military brigade was killed in the past week how many get off is reportedly being buried in bani walid new tripoli is one of the last remaining strongholds of gadhafi supporters and is surrounded by rebels the lawless have until next saturday to surrender but the rebels say negotiations of failed are about to begin the final assault. reports now from the libyan capital. is the name for the tried populate in this area one of the biggest lee bin tribes and a staunch in the devotion to the embattled colonel its plate a prominent role during the current uprising he libya since the beginning of the
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vans here in february people from these tribes have been fighting against the rebels all across libya volunteers from this area have been dying for khadafy in misrata things braga and in other cities they've been all the time ardently supporting the colonel who's provided them with the past weaponry in the past and actually khadafi himself as well as his sons have all the time in thought to hide in that area and that's why many here on the ground are saying that if the rubbles managed to take this stronghold that was officially mean of the and of the colonel and the regimes for the national transitional council have recently repeatedly been claiming that tripoli is safe tripoli is now secure that rebels there is are coming here from and guises soon but so far we haven't seen is find of them here in live in capitals the situation here is very complicated the streets are literally for the armed rebel fighters with. a clear agenda of the interior minister has recently
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claimed that the national transitional council will soon try to bring these people under their control but as we can see here they're not quite successful so far here's my report about that. mohamed is a libyan rebel he got a bullet in his ankle fighting against gadhafi soldiers in tripoli but with a shot coming from his own side which. i didn't even notice until my friend told me that my food was bleeding he pulled the trigger by mistake he was himself. this is a reality of today's libya for when the rebels triumphant march through the country tons of khadafi is captured weapons have fallen into the hands of nonprofessional fighters one of the biggest stories of was discovered at the top security prison in southern tripoli where inmates were released after nato bombed the area of the dude who's the father of three young boys refuses to appear on camera still fear of
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revenge from khadafi loyalists he was among the first at the scene and helped destroy the arsenal. i don't want weapons to fall into the hands of my sons or the youngsters i'm concerned where our country will be going with god this is a very dangerous thing it's not a toy but with the country in war with arms it looks like libyan kids have already developed a fascination for the weapons of war. when i grow up and have a real one and will kill bad guys like gadhafi then your thorazine is savior will soon start gathering up weapons through mosques and well police are back on the streets the young gunmen demonstrate their readiness to. will give it back to them as soon as they ask a stone which many here are afraid that this addiction may have a painful withdrawal and the gun has become one of the symbols of the libyan rebels and freedom for a new country though people want more peaceful symbols but fear that all be easy
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for many to lay down their arms when the guard has played such a prominent role throughout libya's volatile history. r.t. tripoli libya coming up to ten minutes past the hour still to come for you here in r.t. putting pressure on the press british police flex their muscles of the media telling news groups they have a responsibility to hand over riot footage of looters to help make arrests. that's still to come but first now to israel a furious public could be making sure their government in no doubt about their anger with the largest demonstration in the country's history social protests have been swelling for two months against the high cost of housing corruption and other living standards reports now from the biggest rally in tel aviv. it was the climax of nearly two months of social protests here in israel the launchers that this country has ever seen now for weeks organizers have been dropping by the
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million man march they were really hoping that a million people would turn out on the streets of israel though we are hearing figures of some three hundred and fifty thousand that's three hundred fifty thousand in tent cities where here in tel aviv is the main focal point various speakers as well as artists have been addressing the crowd the rallying call remains that of social justice which people here are demanding that the netanyahu government change its focus away from issues of security to issues of social justice that people here are saying that it is simply too expensive to live in israel. today that you know one of the new slogan is we're hearing is where were you the pain but that is a throwback to november the fourth one thousand nine hundred five when the former israeli prime minister yitzhak been ever been was assassinated people say where were you then so of course people here are saying where are you now with people really wanting to come to the streets and make a change and make their voices heard and yet instead of concentrating on domestic problems israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been focused on the international stage on september the twenty eighth palestinians will go to the
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united nations to declare a state and the ten yahoo has responded by arming settlers and trying to convince countries not to support the palestinian move instead of listening to the discounted messages at home. israel is also facing a rift on the global stage as turkey prepares to channing's the gaza blockade at the international court of justice it comes amid a dramatic saren of toys between the once close allies expelled israel's ambassador and severed all military cooperation over its refusal to apologize for last year's gaza flotilla raid which killed nine turkish activists on friday the un investigation published a report into the attack and found that israeli commandos used excessive force when boarding a ship but it concluded the blockade of gaza is legal turkey says that the findings are not binding and believe the hague should rule on the matter a former head of israeli diplomatic mission to uncross says israel has to make peace for the palestinians before turkey becomes
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a friend again. is well and has lost its closest friend in the region in the last two decades which is a strong diplomatic political blow also a strategic blow because the army's used to train together i think in addition on top of the damage to the bilateral relations we have to see if there will be a spillover to egypt in jordan i think this is the moment the critical issue if the question is about these welly politicians the only thing they can do now in the near future is improving their relations with the palestinians sitting again and trying to reach an agreement i think the issue of the israeli palestinian relations will be the critical issue also regarding their relations with turkey i don't think that by lead to an early something could be done now i don't think it's too late to
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apologize so i think by led to a leave very little could be done things have to move regionally. ukraine's grumbling everett's gaspin again with a row over the agree price with russia threatening to end up in court camps having trouble paying but it's nationalized energy firm with russia's gazprom to bring costs down kremlin insists the contract cannot be revised unilaterally and will stand its ground. has this report. very harsh words are coming from both sides and right now the ukraine president viktor yanukovych is saying that his country is being humiliated in the course of negotiations over the gas price and also says that the ukraine might take this whole negotiation process into international court in stockholm to try to have the two thousand and nine gas deals revised moskos position is that it is ready to accept any legal action because it is completely confident that justice is on its side and it's ready to fight on the
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court should this happen saying that until a proper commercial offer comes in the price will stay the same and the negotiations will continue no the essence of this dispute this time is that ukraine has been very much unhappy with the price it is paying for the russian gas and right now it plays up to four hundred u.s. dollars which is a market price for one thousand cubic meters of gas and it wants a lower price once a discount at the same time mosco says that any commercial offer would justify the discount something like should that be either a marriage or of the ukrainian gas monopolist not to gas with the russian. war approaches by mosco all of the transport gas transportation system in ukraine this harsh stance voiced by ukraine sent shock waves across europe many have been worried whether they would be another gas were another disruption of supplies and either be incontinent but the russian energy minister said that something like what happened in two thousand and nine will not happen this time that there is still
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enough time to find a proper compromise solution besides russia is no longer so strongly dependent on the gas transportation system in ukraine to deliver its gas supplies to europe we know that several new pipelines are being built i right now the north stream by plan is due to be completed pretty much soon the south stream by blind will also be available in the next few years so with the gas war of two thousand and i will not repeat again even if there will be serious gas conflict and possible suspension of supplies to ukraine coming in the next several months or maybe starting next year. what's goes been celebrations central this sunday red square has been marched into a massive military to to drink hundreds of armed forces performers from around the world who've been showing off their skills the russian capital has also been wrapping up its eight hundred sixty fourth birthday with a stunning light show lottie's an italian overcover is following the festivities. the celebration sofa moscow's eight hundred sixty fourth anniversary i have and
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that's where they're magnificent laser show project tents outside mosco state university the oldest university in russia is said to make it to the guinness book of records all see the celebrations of moscow's birthday coincided with the last day hope distrusts gets our festival in the annual festival of military orchestras from all around the world that takes place on the red square in central square. mood st bands from fourteen countries gathered here today to trade alongside each other and it's a famous of strange finger agreement she has now become of the headliner all this annual event for the third time in a row for the third time she's opened this truly magnificent very bright sounds very loud for our performance he said truly amazing opportunity to see more thousands of us muscovites and guests all to see who are supporting the troops of their own countries to seek their own but if you have missed it you can always support you it's on our website our has been following all the five days of. this
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military orchestras parades in central russia of course it's a grades a happy peaceful and beautiful occasion when military bands gather for the purpose of music making. a ton of of that and as you mentioned our website called this plenty of if we can get it all on our website let's take you through what else is that at the moment. we hear from an award winning serbian film director about his plans to build a traditional russian village ethnic settlement that's a given. topic into the oil supply the people of a small town in georgia who were shocked to find fuel pouring into their homes those stories and plenty of other stories and pictures. british police have been putting pressure on journalists this week two hundred footage of last month's riots in order to identify loose. it is an action but media organizations are resisting the request to protect editorial standards and avoid
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being seen as evidence gatherers from the authorities police forces across the country approach media groups to voluntarily hand over used and seen footage with scotland yard said it would have taken a court order to force disclosure of the material if necessary in this matter and is totally causing says the police run the risk of compromising fundamental press freedom. and i was very disappointed to see that david cameron in the emergency debate about the riots was actually saying and i quote the media has a responsibility to hand over pictures and i think this is absolutely appalling thing to say that's the sort of thing you would expect in a police state where the police can go down to the independent broadcasters and just demand footage demand details of people who've been taking film this kind of thing then go around potentially and raid their homes too so i don't know where david camm is coming from on this as far as i know we live in a liberal democracy and we've got a free and independent press the other thing is ultimately what's going to happen in a demonstration situation if you're going to have the crown turning on the journalist
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they will come even possibly lynch camera people thinking if this goes through quite rightly in this case thinking that these people are actually this they're filming evidence for the police and this is an absolutely unacceptable situation police and the media are trying to do a similar thing in certain circumstances particular in a crime has just taken place and it's very important that both of them are doing it independently they have got thirty thousand they've told us hours of c.c.t.v. footage to go through and it seems to me that maybe they're getting a bit bored with doing that and they're actually trying to actually co-opt the press in britain to be evidence gatherers for the police and that would be a horrendous thing if it ever takes place. europe's debt dilemma shows no sign of dying down italy and greece and once again facing dark warnings about the state of their finances european central bank says rome needs to stick to its forty five billion euro austerity plan to avoid collapse while greece has two weeks to implement structural economic reforms or you could lose all benefits of the second
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. but experts say it's too late in the greek economy is effectively going down the drain. the cat is out of the bag and to be quite honest the statement is quite close to a simple statement of the facts greece cannot applause to believe repay its debt under under current circumstances the growth isn't there the debt is far too big and it's simply no earthly way it's going to be able to repay this debt on any plausible time scale certainly not by twenty twelve which was the original kind of hope the other european nations divisions in place right the way across europe now with countries completely unable really to agree on any kind of way forward out of this mess other than the essentially tried and tested and tried and failed methods they've heard last year which essentially is give a bit of a bailout to certain countries then impose austerity measures we've got to bear in mind that this bailout isn't really about helping the greek economy and certainly not the people who've suffered under austerity now for eighteen months of the most
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dreadful kind huge cuts in public spending in services and people's wages rising unemployment and no real prospects for the future that's what the bailouts really were always about trying to support the european financial system rather than supporting say the greek economy we are certainly i think in the early stages of disintegration of the euro the deep rooted structural problems inside the euro system the imbalances they've built up for the last ten years so i'd be surprised to see the euro continuing in its present form given the situation we're in at the moment. let's bring you some more of today's world news now in a world update this hour the former head of the international monetary fund dominique strauss kahn has returned to france after a sex assault charges were dropped against him in the u.s. he was arrested in new york in may after a hotel maid accused him of attempted rape trials carm was put on that house arrest but later the case against him was dismissed by a judge as well as having to quit the i.m.f. he faces another sexual assault allegation in france by novelist sustain
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a ban on. iran's first nuclear power plant is now putting electricity into the country's natural grid work on the bushehr facility began of the one nine hundred seventy s. but construction stalled until the ninety's when russia sent specialists to complete it both countries are agreed that spent atomic fuel from the plant will be sent to russia to reduce question concerns that iran could use the materials to build nuclear arms. called the storm lee is reach landfall in louisiana in the southern u.s. there's a state of emergency in the region as well as coastal parts of mississippi where evacuations are taking place two fifty centimeters of rain are expected over the next few days in louisiana including new orleans which is still haunted by the katrina flood disaster in two thousand and five the gale comes less than a week after hurricane irene killed more than forty people in the u.s. . the u.n. war crimes tribunal has missed
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a key piece of evidence in the trial against balkans war suspect rackemann outage it's asked our solti for a copy of an archive interview with the former bosnian serb general which aired just a few weeks ago on this channel it was recorded shortly after the massacre in one thousand nine hundred five where thousands of muslim men and boys were killed it shows me that it's making serious allegations against u.n. peacekeepers in bosnia ati's and he said now any reports. what was an archive never before seen video footage of that interview before r t published it some two weeks ago very serious claims there and really that's what makes it so shocking that the tribunals missed this what could be very important evidence in the trial of course will fully cooperate and hand over that video footage to help with the ongoing proceedings in the hague i just want to give you an idea of what exactly was said in that interview one of the strongest statements as we see it and i'm quoting here is instead of disarming the muslim formations as they had committed
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themselves to doing the united nations forces turned those safe areas into terrorists and fundamentalists bases from where our villages and towns were attacked now malott it also goes on to say that he believes the un was smuggling weapons into demilitarized zone so you can see the severity of these claims and how they could possibly be very important evidence and again shocking really that the hague tribunals missed this type of first off because it was filmed in one thousand nine hundred five just after the serbian it's a massacre which is one of the atrocities that melodic choices being accused of why he's standing trial in the first place and second of all it was filmed by a western t.v. station is available in the bosnian archive so very surprising that this video footage which could certainly be a very important moment and very important material in the trial was missed by the tribunals and it's eighteen years of existence the tribunal has faced harsh criticism about it being biased it's fiercest critics go on to say that it's
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a political show not a court of law and this is going to not weaken those claims and by this i mean of course this latest news that the tribe you know missed what could be very important evidence and part of the fact the reason i should say and what could these critics base their facts on is that seventy percent of the indictments that the court has issued have all been against serbs and when you look at. who is been tried over the past almost two decades you could say when you look at the serbs side and then other non serb generals or officials that have been tried a lot of them have been given much lesser sentences by and some of them have even been acquitted and again this latest if you will missing of evidence by the tribe you know is not going to help in criticism that the hague is in fact biased. and that interview would recommend that she's online in full on our website is dot com as well as you choose channel that is you choose dot com slash t twenty six minutes
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past the hour here now in moscow all these top stories for me in just a few moments stay with this night here in the russian capital. i don't know the military in the ninety's sixty six i got over because the things i saw the things i was doing and this is the reason he said we were given for doing
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that it was a personal protest. during the vietnam war and to war movement emerged that altered the course of history this movement didn't take place on college campuses but in barracks and on ships it penetrated only military colleges like west point and it spread throughout the battlefields of vietnam. today few people know about the g.i. movement against the war in vietnam. ask the army we always said free the army or fun travel and adventure but it really met before.
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now here in moscow top stories this russia is running un security council members to demand an end to the violence in syria prevent the uprising descending into another libyan scenario he's investigating who is really behind the bloodshed and how much is. the libyan rebels are poised to crush the last pockets of resistance from colonel gadhafi supporters with time running out for the loyalists to lay down arms. israelis of states their biggest ever anti-government protest against living standards with three hundred thousand people gathered nationwide to get the government to spend more on social programs instead of settlements and the military . crane is turning up the heat in his gas run with moscow demanding the previously agreed price is a cost of refusing to make any concessions russia maintains the current contract complies with international requirements and cannot be revised unilaterally. celebration this sunday marking its.


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