tv [untitled] September 5, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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generally there should be. a. limit. on archie. the syrian activists report more grotesque to death since russia urges the view when to get signs into talks to avoid a repeat of libya's cagle six to set. israel authorizes its special forces to shoot at palestinian protesters as they prepare as a margin support of a u.n. bid for independence paving it's to prevent bloodshed. the gas impasse that ukraine backpedals aver its threat of taking russia to court to force price of. gold found its ground on the already signed deal. with the most could still lower gas prices if you crazy close to marja state from enough to grasp of russia's gas
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problem or in prison twenty minutes. a very warm welcome to you this is our life our moscow new deaths are being reported in syria as the head of the international red cross meets the country's senior officials he's in damascus discussing the humanitarian side of the conflict which is claimed even to animals and lives meanwhile russia is rallying members of the un security council to encourage the sides to stop violence and start negotiations the kremlin believes president assad has worked to change the situation on the ground through reforms and his efforts deserve some credit for the u.s. and its western european allies are pushing for action against present ourselves a regime which they've already sanctioned french political analysts believes there's an underlying motive and calls for protect. syrian civilians. sanctions in
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general do not work because countries always find ways to go around the sanctions and so on the sanctions expired the only. go on with production of oil although they would be about banning the importation so it's not quite logical and most probably syria would find different outlets were in every single one of these situations is every time that the west or other countries talk about of humanitarian intervention the question that needs to be asked is why if there is a humanitarian intervention so-called in some countries but not in others for example in bahrain people wanted to get rid of their regime since it was so close to the u.s. there was no question of human caring mentioned and there's no question of a humanitarian intervention in saudi arabia no question of humanitarian intervention to help the palestinians so the humanitarian question cannot be forced from the digital and economic questions you have to find the political and economic
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and military interest before you start believing in humanitarian reasons because most in all so-called interventions humanitarian interventions you know that we use and which is far more important. well while syria is a struggle of drugs let's see how it impacts on the people stricken country. that has been eating those at the sharp end of the sanctions. now dealer is a master barber those small his shop was floored until it all ended in the snip. meaning customers would come from a forest twenty kilometers away from damascus but now the flow has come down. first came the unrest then a crackdown then the worst weekly stepped in with sanctions of the economic pressure on the chief the political stop the bunch to help the people of syria to
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achieve the magician nation at first all major credit card transactions were stopped earlier this month but mainly affected for and tourist because fear runs its own payment system and those with syrian accounts didn't feel the pinch however of the e.u. in the us are tightening their grip by opposing oil embargo on damascus so won't that have any probable effect on the people here but on one or sanctions will have a negative effect on syrian economy it's a diversified economy with a stable debt which gives it a certain immunity against these sanctions or saddam and this is not just government gloss in the face of imposed adversity syrian opposition figures are also unconvinced but for a different reason. the syrian government have chosen and no matter what measures are taken against them continue down that road. are sold as a precise weapon to hit the regime where it hurts but syrian analysts say there are too blunt a tool and it's the people who will suffer the most when you are talking about of.
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course what we call it sort of my life as a so yes it was. but while the power dealers of the west in syria trade insults and blows for syrian workers like my dear the daily battle is to keep his modest livelihood together while hoping for the best even go r t damascus syria. all over libya the old regime may have been toppled but the findings showing no sign of letting up for the rebels say they've done enough talking say with r.t. the latest from the front line in the hunt for colonel gadhafi is his loyalists remain determined to be. now israel allows security forces to shoot at palestinian protesters who are preparing to march in support their bid for statehood at the u.n. later this month tell of these claims it's trying to prevent bloodshed arming
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settlers in the west bank and self-defense artie's policies across developments there. in some quarters there is talk of a into florida that some will say will be as bloody and as violent as the first two seculars of whom there is some three hundred thousand living in a land that has some two and a half million palestinians in the west bank all bracing themselves for violence as is the israeli army and the israeli police now for several months the israeli army has been preparing in an operation called operation ease and it's now in the final stages of putting the finishing touches in place to this end we're being told that they have taken a line around every statement in the west bank and what this means is that palestinians who approach so that beyond that red line will be shot at by soldiers who have commissioned to do this so now there also has to be intensive training in terms of security groups or in these to commence they have been participating in the roles that the army's been undergoing safety and provided so i'm going aids
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with water cannons as well as with tear gas canisters are also being told that some twenty million dollars has been screened on training the police a lot and there are twenty eight thousand police officers have been mobilized around the country one of the focal point that they'll be watching is jerusalem which is where many fear most of the violence could erupt on saturday we saw a lot just protests in this country's history where some one hundred thousand demonstrators took to the streets of ten cities here in tel aviv was one of the focal plane a number of speakers a number of artists address the crowd they spoke about making history they said really that this was a turning point in the history of this country what protesters have been demanding for the better part of two months is social issue justice and really what they saying is that the netanyahu government needs to be focused on issues of security and focus on the internal problems problems such as the high cost of living in this country and this is
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a criticism that netanyahu is facing of criticism that he is spending too much time on issues. the international agenda rather than addressing real domestic concerns here at home just this past weekend to be expelled the israeli ambassador and for all military cooperation between both countries the relationship between israel and egypt is at an all time low after israeli fire was taking he killed a number of border guards there with that kind of regional isolation and certainly in the context that it's just several weeks before palestinians will be appealing to the u.n. recognizing the human after all because mention of statehood there is a lot of concern that what is happening on the international stage is really becoming an excuse for the little yahoo government not to address real concerns that people have been talking to protesters they accuse netanyahu of the path of. constable and of being out of touch with people in israel. if you want to talk
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more on israel arming up to stop violence let's cross to tell of these israeli peace and social campaign that. he she joins me live now many months of being with us here ok let's try and picture just crowds of palestinians marching peacefully among all the second is and security forces ready to shoot how does that suggest the bloodshed can really be prevented. well obviously. there's a lot we're hearing out of about the army. briefing the settlers to open fire is not going to do anything to prevent violence. it's a extremely. dangerous situation and i think. as a citizen of israel it's really difficult for me to believe that the government instead of doing with everything and to prevent. violence from breaking out
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actually. is almost promoting it almost fueling you know giving creating opportunities for breaks in a situation which is already very very tense that is not some sort of legal basis for all this who we're just hearing earlier from our reporter pool asli he's in tell of the and she reports on a red line if you like which israelis put around settlements which will see palestinians shot if they cross it what is their legal rights that allows this all but tree line in the sand to be deemed a lethal border if you like. well. i'm not expert on law but it seems to me that there is no legal right and it's very dangerous. you know it's the first time produced and
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basically the army is now meeting civilians to open fire it is in fact creating. civilian militia civilian militia and we will have right now to shoot should have been crossing these lines that are as you said arbitrary and a lot of times these lines. go between the unions in villages and. their fields the places where they work there are lines of they have to cross and. yet it is a. difficult situation but the israeli prime minister has said. this to go ahead out of self-defense do you think there is a genuine concern the. defense is. saying at this during these protests that will take part that will happen if the palestinians.
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well i think of course the lawyers and not only settlers people in israel are afraid that there is i think genuine fear. and. you know you can't say it's completely justified but from everything we've heard the posting ins are planning nonviolent marches and demonstrations are supposed to be. women and children on these demonstrations from everything we know and i've heard these reports from israeli army and intelligence as well the clothes are definitely not interested in any. event anything like that not anything like. but. yeah obviously in a situation like this the smallest vocation. can create.
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really you know violence in iraq and second well let's also talk about what's been happening inside israel and certainly we've seen big demonstrations against the high cost of living in israel is the prime minister doesn't know he himself having a difficult time of it over there over these demonstrations and the way that his government is preparing for this small inch provides further frustrations for those israelis who want to see him pay more attention to the high cost of living for ordinary israelis and less attention to money on international issues. well yeah i was definitely having a hard time he is. he's not there was a huge demonstration just today and there was actually no response at all on. side
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of the government and i really really hold these really public can see. here that the policy. is now working to work isn't going against their better interests in economic issues and generally and. you know what i think. it is it is difficult what. the israeli public at large is going to take should. be violent on the west bank but. we had such a big march for social justice for for against cost of living and i think it is that for israeli people to show that they are asking for justice period you know. for all the people living in this area. it's peace activists and social protest
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many that are speaking to us live from tel aviv. now the head of nato says the alliance is military intervention in libya will not end with the capture of colonel gadhafi on the front line rebel forces are waiting for the green light to crash one of the last remaining pockets of resistance by get out the supporters were able to go. towards the town of bani walid broken down but the country's interim government says there's still hope for a peaceful solution the national transitional council says two of the colonel sons who have been blocking the surrender of bani walid have now left the area and clear a number of. holed up in the town one hundred fifty kilometers from tripoli with a day early have been given until saturday to lay down arms more loyalists are making a stand in get out of his hometown of sirte and several other areas but desire for national reports is the battle for bani walid it could prove decisive. they've been
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preparing for this operation for quite a long time with nature helping them clean cas towards bombing facilities in the area anyway lead has always been known as a stronghold and people from this area have since the beginning of this conflict here in libya been fighting against rebels all across the country and have been dying for. all the time in supporting gadhafi who provided them with a very good imitation and the last weaponry so that's clear that it will not be easy for travels to take control over this area while they need is actually darkie who have been known and while the hunt for him not surprisingly remains the country's number one priority is thought to be right now with his sons in this area and this is. one more reason to take control of the area as
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well national transitional council has repeatedly been claiming recently that tripoli is not secure and is not safe and they're working hard to try to restore order in the country on the territory now controlled technically by the national transitional council that we see on the ground actually makes. a successful so far apart from humanitarian challenges this country actually currently facing such as severe shortages shortages of water food medicine and fuel politically situation is very unstable this thinks he is full of armed people with an unclear agenda many of them very young with little knowledge of how to use weapons and it's quite unclear who is controlling them. scuffles between protesters
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and police outside the courthouse in cars. i wrote with the trial of former president hosni mubarak is resuming hundreds of demonstrators including relatives of people killed during the third thing attempted to break through the main gates and gain access to the calls for senior police officers are due to testify against monday's hearing which will be behind closed doors the eighty three year old is charged with corruption and ordering the killing of eight hundred fifty protesters during egypt's revolution that toppled him other protests have been continuing elsewhere in egypt are millions of people still unhappy at the slow pace of reforms from the interim leaders. financial gray's guys the hanging of a march of the world to india's managing to ride the storm in the next hour here on r.t. one of the country's leading a columnist and some tips for europe that's arriving in the red. these generally recognize that if you want to have a single currency it needs to be bought by
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a single for school authority since the euro zone is different countries they must have a really shared understanding of who's going to pay the bills the full problem arise the trial if you're going to handle distribute it i would lose in anybody's interest to see a major financial collapse. ukraine says it's willing to make gas prices with raster after the kremlin said it would rigorously defend the already agreed deal in international courts foreign minister sergey lavrov met his ukrainian counterpart to talk energy costs after here push for a new discount because of struggles in paying current contracts. reports. we already received statements from both in the first place sergey lavrov russian
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foreign minister saying that this issue the issue of the gas price and gas contracts between ukraine and russia must be resolved in full accordance with international law and with international regulations concerning the interstate gas prices he also said that russia has not been trying to corner ukraine and humiliate your brain this is something that the ukrainian president to be on the court said a little earlier during his visit to the drink in the weekend that according to the cranium prime minister. regardless of the negotiations regardless of how hard they will be ukraine will still stick to the current agreements and will fulfill the agreement some to what the new agreement has been reached and the new price is agreed this comes some forty eight hours after victory in the cold which they did that ukraine might turn to international court in stockholm to resolve the case to have the contracts revised there's also been a very sharp response coming from the kremlin from the presidential press office which is that russia is ready to fight in court should ukraine decide to take such
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measures and russia is completely confident that justice is only its side and it has every legal grounds to protect itself in court and is called put in that i should a new law as you go ahead that russia would win that's the clear statement which we've been hearing from moscow over the past several weeks. now a year shouldn't be left in the cold this winter even if ukraine's rally the transporting russian cow takes a turn for the prime minister putin says direct north pipeline should stop its moving first test to choose day the new gas should be for the operation in the near future russia is also building the sound stream that way that when the now gear to get its gas directs the russia without gave betweens to crane in two thousand and nine p. have turned off the chances that. european supplies drive following our prices must be. some of the world's other main news stories right now and again many papers
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reported bonds are lost in the south but was thought to be by islamic militants killing seven of people it follows the killing of seventeen extremists in yemen air strikes in the region insurgents were linked to al qaeda and you go over the city of joe in april immediately ongoing antigovernment demonstrations and political crisis in the country. some are still a trial of former french president jacques chirac is resuming with judges deciding whether the frail seventy eight year old is well enough to face courts he's charged with and puzzlement mayor of paris and paying party members for non-existent jobs the long serving ex leader is the first french president to go on trial since the second world war he faces ten years jail if convicted. rescuers in japan are searching for those still missing after a powerful typhoon that left at least thirty four people dead the storm caused
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massive floods and landslides as well as leveling roads and homes thousands of people are still stranded with many remain villages have been cut off it's cool to be japan's worst storms since two thousand and four with almost one hundred people killed. little girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice but later we meet one that's made of archtop a star she's only twelve but this young russian can be the voice when it comes to pumping iron i know just how large in our view sports next hour. and on the way is soon our special report on tackling the planet's plastic pollution first let's go to the subject if you're. thanks alex hello and welcome to the business program russia is easing in the gas just switching russia and ukraine says it will all of the current agreement but
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still wants to renegotiate prices moscow has set down its terms it wants to see any creature with the stick in the state run up to gas with russia's gas problem so defectively mean moscow will gain access to the gas transit network ukraine's president says the country will not allow all of its how the experts say it's ok ideally they will agree to create a joint venture of illusion the trends of business if they want cheap gas they will have to go buy the pipeline if they don't believe they will have to pay market prices for gas it will be around for a hundred and eighty dollars per thousand cubic meters starting from october and the thing is the industry in ukraine is much more power hungry then you rule so ukrainian goods will inevitably be more expensive. let's have a look at the markets or less losing ground isn't that suspect late signs that the u.s. and chinese economies are getting into the field and on will falter in the world's
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largest current consuming nations planter's trading out to one hundred ten is just under one hundred and eleven dollars a barrel while whites which is close to eighty five dollars per barrel does sound i'm sorry that war is a couple of bad jobs data from the us is leading european financial markets topics significantly as a result better the housing finance agency alleges that major u.s. and european banks misrepresented because hooters they sold during the housing bubble as a result royal bank of scotland and which are mentioned in the lawsuit downturn and ages have respectively. so in the picture here and ross all the markets are holding up somewhat against the drug scene in europe with the arches losing one cent on my six is there to front the south point two percent in the rats that's not a look at some of the individual shadows here on the mites. cast prominent role snuffed out losing ground on the cursing while cast from and for losing point four percent respectively and spare progress conceding this was
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a straight down point eight percent to stop the falling market present some of the charities for parking hundreds where the works in cheshire called for laurel sleep believes it's too early to call the boredom and the purge and the prudence and best would be better off sticking to the sidelines it might be somewhat close to the bottom as some people believe from say and through occasional boredom fishes around but to no problem more you probably weed before making any serious decisions any quotes are blue chip name which is you know essentially has come off strongly and has good ability to generate cash to play didn't would be a good church is clearly its own gas company a sort of sniffed local gossip room rush metal company just as last on there is between thirty to fifty percent year to date so they were the major loses and this game can force you know obviously they need a recovery center companies like the ross mitchell could be
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a very good bargain several style etc. and the end of the grain export ban won't help russia sending this year's crop across expenses to meet the total exports sensual this year's harvest to thirty million tons thought their sources say they'll be lucky to export twenty five million tonnes and it's all to do with the inability to get the grain from the farms to the ports the trucks were based on the best you could we achieve more than three million tonnes of green exports in august and we hope it's going to steal like that but as we see the railway system is not able to transfer more to the ports while the docks can handle shipments of up to five million tonnes amongst the real beast and barely managed to transfer the oldest volumes. wraps up the business because another business update in less than one time and don't forget that you can buy more stores an analysis in a web site r.t. dot com slash business. news
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two thousand and ten especially economic zone for industrial production it was established in russia's smaller region with a total area of six hundred sixty six as. its investors are granted exclusive tax and customs benefits which includes the five the exemption for profit seeking lands and transport taxes as well as an income tax reduction to fifteen point five percent of the special economic zone operates as a free customs own which enables manufacturers to market their products in russia free of importunate seems to some our region as he said is currently witnessing a sewage infrastructure construction the some are region special economic zone.
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