tv [untitled] September 6, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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sweet because if he so resort and spa. in this room look he's available in cinema but still to be reus someone who tells you recently. nine thirty am in the russian capital easier r.t. headlights the head of the arab league goes to syria demanding an end to the government's violent crackdown on protesters there this follows the e.u. announcing a new sanctions against the regime but critics say the ban on oil imports serves the interests of european companies rather than those of the syrian people. spain preparing for a fresh wave of protests ahead of a crucial senate vote on capping its budget deficit a move many fear will lead to social cuts meanwhile the european central bank calls for greater financial integration within the euro zone is the only solution to the crisis. and the pioneers of rallies against social injustice in israel forty years
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ago join recent protests against the same issue members of the black panther movement say they're frustrated that the problems in israel have only gotten worse up next algor nobs spotlight shines on russian universities and what are their competition for their foreign counterparts stay with us here on r.t. . hello again i walk into spotlight. on r t i n three my guest in the studio is alan goodman russia is trying hard to modernize its education system and bring it up to international standards but some experts believe this will be how the traditions of russian higher education they advocate russia its own way so what about an outsider's view of where an average russian student stands
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against foreign counterparts here is the president and c.e.o. of the institute of international education alan good. given the russian specialists are valued around the world the russian higher education isn't popular with foreign students only three percent of students who go to study abroad choose a russian university this has become a serious concern for russian educators they want to share in the international education programs russian universities are educating their students in accordance with the european higher education accords this tries to standardize the quality of education throughout europe but for some russians that's not enough and the bait is on the way ok which of tired occasions within the country. oh mr goodnow welcome to the show thank you it's thank you very much for being with
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us thank you well first of all i wanted to ask you to comment on what president obama said recently at the u.s. president he said that that education and innovation will be the currency of the twenty first century and therefore i quote we will expand exchange programs and increase. scholarships like the one that brought my father to america and that's that's what about him said could you explain this please ok well you know i understand that is farther back but what does it mean saying that the currency of the twenty first century it's how all of our societies fuel you know variation it's better educate our people that's how we prepare them for not only global citizenship but work in a global marketplace education today into all of that for all of our people he you are sure it really means it when he says that now that this probably will be well today there's nothing more important for america than the dollar but he says
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tomorrow and told you can't is that true well the way sometimes you get dollars or rubles us to get better educated and the more education you have the more chances you are to prepare to earn more for your family and more for your country so i think a president obama really means what he's what he's saying and he really believes in exchanges he is one of the few american presidents not studied abroad well you said the more the more educated you are the more money you make well not always and you know and you know this is true but you want to say together with obama that in the twenty first century this will be a rare exception young with an educated person will be able to make big bucks in their true world this century is one where we're all living in a knowledge economy living in a global marketplace and we're working today to create the jobs of the future and
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we're preparing students to have the jobs of the future and the only way to do that or surrender cation and more you have the better. state clinton wants graduates to become and i quote this special envoy is called your ideas as a citizen a master's using your personal and prefer. lives to forge global partnerships do you believe that really student change and they do war for and the standing between people of different countries different nations than any other diplomacy traditional official i do i do and i think you need both the will and the way secretary clinton was talking about the world it becomes representatives of your society representatives of your idea in exchange is the way in which we share that with other people but also learn from them so i think you have to have young people ready and willing to study abroad ready and willing to have that experience and
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then you have to have exchanges increasing so that they can do that well let's listen to the young people who decided that education abroad was essential to their future life and career sports life even at the near the reports from moscow state university. is aspiring to become a pro. from russia which to me and to the market economy twenty years ago in the public with friends is to provide anything to improve he's on the stand you know andrea went to new york who didn't know i just stock exchange i was able to communicate with. professionals this help me in terror and violence my knowledge i get ideas from my illness and is one of the thousand students who take advantage of the moscow state university exchange programs and some of them will eventually be rewarded with a very special kind of the pool the double one with the double diploma means you
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started in two universities in two different countries and your indication is acknowledged in both these countries it means more patooties for those who receive it when you're still in the university staff believe a mood in google ised world makes going abroad for a vacation and the troops. we want a view shared by spencer a u.s. student who was doing a degree in russian studies and came to my school on the ground experience obviously for the study of the world i think it is a lot more likely for somebody because you can get the credit of the culture not really or would be educated if you can understand somebody else's point of view. going abroad and studying in different countries very different universities really give you that opportunity spence's frankly gouri was wounded you with the song you are indeed it was say can you really boast of a global educational experience and is a go to compare systems in various parts of the planet's united states system
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educational system is very individual you pick your courses you pick your classes as far as germany goes i think it's more traditional i enjoy the russian system or because that's more. close to my heart while starting a new school greenland's of the school in the ration project and is now considering taking part something he would never have been able to do he didn't have a travel in spite of his education. hugh said recently in one of the interviews they're seeing in education in a foreign country allows a young person to develop the skills necessary to become an effective and productive global citizen and perhaps. does that mean the studying abroad makes a person more competitive in the labor market then
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a person advantage occasionally here locally in his own country it makes a person mark imperative but also more compassionate and more confident. we're going abroad you learn a lot about self-reliance you learn about your ability to adapt to a new environment and you learn to work with people from. any different walks of life and cultures and that's what the global market place is today labor forces are multicultural or multinational you can only learn that in the classroom you have to get out of the classroom and go to another culture and work and study in that environment as well. traditionally people want people like myself who got good educational one i'm a trained journalist they they started a career and that was their trade for the rest of their lives and i guess this was pretty much the same for everybody. my generations and generations and my father
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and grandfather and someone to date it is changing the people are telling me there is no way that he will or will not be able to survive this way he let me on to be successful you should undergo training every additional training every other couple five years six years and change change your trade change your profession find something else in order to be successful is it true and is it true that in the twenty first century people have to spend more money more time and training them before there's no rule that education stops when you're twenty one or twenty two or when you get your first degree or second degree so we really believe education is a lifelong process your field is journalism you have had to learn many different media you had to learn about many different revolutions had to learn about many different places even if you focused only on russia because russia is affected by things all over the world so you can still practice the same profession but you
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have to educate yourself on it every day but we ration we did learn a lot but we learned a lot while working well when we started journalism as junior guy somewhere in a paper really read your station and then we learn from our colleagues will learn from. but we never thought ok i'll quit for here and i'll go to china to learn something new and then i'll come back and get a better job is this the way people should do it today yes i think it is a new paradigm it's in the school of thought. there's nothing wrong with the old school of thought of continuing to get degrees and continue to be educated but however you do it i think you need to have the international part of it whether you're a journalist or an engineer or a doctor i don't know how traditionally you are you something good there doesn't make you happy or does it make you sad that people people are not becoming super professionals in what they do but rather always look around maybe there's something
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better something some someplace where i can earn more some people are becoming super professionals but they're getting a global perspective and i think that's ok with other people yes you're right they'll change their job their career their direction many times during the course of their life and one of the good things about the education systems your country and my country has is it can be there for them. well it's more fun of course changing aware of life well every once in a while but but that that i think that doesn't really move progress. forward because in order in order to find something new to to to develop something you should you should stay and do what you're doing for years and years and years before you start being a locomotive any run trade is that true but you can't really today because super
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professional almost super expert if you're confined to only one country and only one discipline knowledge is multi-disciplinary now the best professionals the best experts next people that will win nobel prizes probably are multidisciplinary probably have lived and worked in several countries. are adjusting to the global economy you know and that's what really being a super professional was all about you the c.e.o. of the institute of international education tell me do you think new technologies can allow people to get an international education be educated in foreign universities without leaving the house i mean can i see technology replaced actually going to lectures seminars mixing with kids and living in canberra and so on you know i think you have to have that initial experience you have to know how you react to different food different people a different place and then you can use ip and distance learning to continue the
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relationship to widen your relationship but but if you personally don't know how you're going to react in another situation you can't learn that just on camera says al goodman president and c.e.o. are these to choose our international education spotlight will be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us to continue and let's tell him. worldwide manhunt for him lasted for fifteen years. one million euro award was promised for his count. political mass murder for the west. there are so many. general in the serbian army i.
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heard lynn are cheap. to give social t.m.p. kaixian phone the i pod touch for me i choose tops to. see life on the go. video on demand she's my old car. and says feeds now in the palm of your. welcome back to spotlight i'm old enough and today our guest is goodman who is the same institute of international education. can you tell us
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which countries today are the most popular destinations for for its national scholars well we think of you're really a big crier for the united states the united kingdom france germany and for the fifth country you can take a picture now it could be australia it could be canada could be china but those countries that i mentioned the g five the g eight account for about eighty percent eighty percent of all move move that's right. all of the countries outside the western world's thoughts of china which is pretty exotic but but but. properly that's that's our competitive well education wise you bet and in a sense every country is competitive because it's the experience of being in another place that can make you a different professional but there are about two thousand americans here in russia or about two thousand americans studying and each of. those are considered high
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risk they surely there's higher education those are exotic destinations they're just as meaningful as going to something like china because what you're doing is understanding a great nation an old civilization and how you relate to that well europe has already introduced a standard of education called the law new system russians are talking a lot about introducing it here in this country and we've already made steps well not everybody likes and many people disagree but still we are moving in the direction do you think they should be a global standard of education should it be used i think the transfer of credits of the movement of students and scholars across borders ought to be liberalized standardized something that institutions and governments can do to sharing. we in america are poorly understandable on your process we poorly understand the nature
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of the degrees and it begins with the fact that your high schools are longer than our high schools so it will take some time for us to be comfortable with the degree from europe but the fact that you're trying to standardize you're trying to make mobility easier you're trying to encourage people from point going to different countries or i think that's something that should be a global standard. recent reports by the institute of real questions you cation which you present here have found that there would notably increases in the number of us students going to stay. in less traditional this nations what you were talking about there fifteen of the top twenty five this nations were outside western europe and nineteen countries were english is not a primary language so what makes these countries attractive for for mathematical progress but americans these should be i mean american kids they should be pretty
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realistic they you may be thinking of. going around i mean. it is introducing yourself to foreign cultures but kids think about how to hack how to find a good job how to make money so why are they going abroad maybe the chinese example want something else or your first question was about the global economy and the knowledge economy that's taking place outside of great britain that's taking place outside of france that is china that is egypt and so americans are very conscious of the need to understand those places so i think that's why they're going to turn on more and more tonight on traditional destinations and they ought to because that's where the global economic action is. in the most prestigious university rankings that we see and that there we can take a look at the russian indication looks quite many are and it's very sad for the
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russians because we we are used to especially the people that were raised in the soviet union as myself we're used to knowing that the russian education system is one of the best in the world what's happened is there's something wrong with the rankings is there something wrong with the standards we're talking about war is this something something really wrong with the russian system since you here in russia maybe maybe insolence i'd say just wait a minute they really will be waiting for twenty years a look and it's not being having any impact when i was just with your minister for education and and science. in all the rector's i met with the clothing the rector of moscow state mentioned the fact that government is investing now heavily in education that's the beginning. and that hasn't been the case here it isn't the case in many countries that's why they're not on the list but i think in five years russia will be on hold what's called the league tables people will see the patois
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designated research universities are making major contributions to the world especially in science and that's what's going to put us on the range put our schools on the rankings and your schools on breaking so so you think it's underfunding because of the perestroika and russian economy now that it's just the lack of money pain in the universities and this is the reason for the drawbacks of the money isn't everything but if you ask an american university leader what are the three most important ingredients that usually money money and money three dollars dollars cents and he said maybe somebody chinese you are. and you know our own system a great universities are built on huge and dominance fund research the front cutting edge teaching in the production of knowledge other countries are catching up with. your government's investment is going to make
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a very good start of this this is a very educated culture and a very smart students we send our kids here to have math and moscow because your most university because your university teaching of math and superior to ours and everything you can you name. a couple of russian universities which you think should be should be among the ranks among the best in the world i deserve to be i think you'll see moscow state and st peter's third simply and before too long the twenty nine universities designated for research and. the government is investing in excellent i mean this new program i think that's going to that's going to change the way you mention math what are the areas which would you recommend for international students to come to russia where we have. good or maybe even better than others russia is famous for physics for nanoparticles research for optics
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in addition to the fact that you've got a rich culture that's given the world. dostoyevsky tolstoy the place of jericho so there are so many things here that people from other cultures interested in knowledge can learn but i think the real growth is going to be in the science and tech and math area and what are the russians mainly go to to study in the us what they mainly what what science is all russian up because. i get that impression that most of the people going to america want to study business business administration is it true maybe something else probably half are doing the sciences and half are doing business in your graduate students in physics are becoming our graduate students and physics. there's a tremendous flow in the math field between the two countries so i think you'll see that continue but business is very important subject and how it attracts students
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to america we go abroad to study it and i think you'll see that growth continue. do you have a remedy against brain drain. it's called is there in his brain you bet it's called globalization and it's know that you know what it is what causes great knowing it actually would solve the problem because now you can be educated in the foreign country and then you look for a job and you realize that job is waiting for you back home because you have the advanced skills and it can be used in an economy so instead of brain drain we are seeing brain gain in many of the places like india and china were a decade before it was only a flow one way so globalization is producing jobs it's also producing a way with track people back to their home countries you said you met the russian reactors are being versus these the ministry of higher education well they should
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have told you a lot about how come about this need and evasion project well what do you think this is this whole convo educational center a special place designed for for education and for. getting scared that will bring together people from seeds from all over the world can solve the problem again bring to mind that russia russia is facing today i think the total set of activities that europe minister is undertaking a new draft law on higher education and the openness of directors so all of that's required special centers special programs and it was all that was going to help with brain circulation and you also have a rich the aspirant of russian intellectuals and professors in america and europe and you're attracting them back as well you're attracting their students back to russia that's also going to create a flow back here but but the meal real model we need to look at is not is not just
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a one way flow but a continuous circulation just like we talked earlier of continuous education how do you how do you do that i mean it is completely live you keep your borders open you encourage your students to study abroad you encourage them to come home you know encourage them to go out again because knowledge is also global that's what we're learning from the internet and and so the sites where it's produced exist all over the world and what we should be doing is keeping our doors our minds in our borders open thank you thank you very much for being with us and the just to remind you that my guest today on the show was alan that he's the president and c.e.o. of this new chief international education and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your say and start like all right maybe you have someone in mind that you think actually through next time then just drop me a line albion are out and see darts are leaving and that's going to spotlight and
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