tv [untitled] September 6, 2011 10:01am-10:29am EDT
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friends are the solution daniel bushell explains their slow introduction could backfire william hague britain's foreign secretary says horrific scenes of brutality have forced this oil burner on syria but bizarrely sanctions won't start for over a month. they will kick in only when european oil firms complete their supply contracts which. and oil fields developed by e.u. energy giants like french to toll on being touched from an ethical point of view because the sanctions would start only in november. we go on with reduction of oil as a result the e.u. may end up subsidizing the regime they oppose the oil industry can use sixty day payment which means the e.u. could still be funding. into next year if a list of crimes the horrific critics also why the e.u. is putting profit above syrian lives. diplomats warn sanctions won't even hit the
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mark they hurt ordinary people not the leadership they claim to target or most importantly not europe's oil companies have to be on the shoulders of the syrian people while their companies out of protective the e.u. is also hurting itself think exposed as damascus will simply shifts a ploy to the competition if you look at syria. already the chinese authorities have said that they would by any count e.u. officials hope new stocks of the black gold from libya would take up the slack but they may be disappointed will not start being very productive until maybe the end of next year and if they were an embargo on syrian oil today of course they would be short. with the war against colonel gadhafi taking much longer than the west expected maybe cutting off one supply before a secured another new bushel for our team in brussels. at the u.n.
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estimates the number of people killed in syria to be over two thousand since the uprising began in march while many are pinning the blame on the government but analysts in neighboring jordan believe the opposition is a wolf in sheep's clothing. there's two thousand people. there so they say but these two thousand maybe they are insurgents or some of them are but remember there is also one thousand soldiers killed in syria so these one thousand soldiers impossible that they are being killed by by peaceful demonstration definitely have been demonstrations in syria was not peaceful in any sense because otherwise how could it possible that one thousand army men and policemen have been killed during these five months yes there is the mistrust from both sides but we have the current situation and we should sit on the table and negotiate because there is no other
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solution. and all the way where in spain to meet those being kicked out for a struggle to survive for seven years band together to form the off court order of the actions people suffering the consequences of. that crisis. for some reason we have nothing to do with that we came here to earn money peacefully to this people say that they've been provided with food and water but some of them have been severely beaten and tortured by the rebels the russian embassy has actually managed to release two owners of the russian passports and ukrainian couple but around twenty other ukrainians as to been held by the rebels here in tripoli the scope of the ukrainian embassy refused to take them they said they don't have running water they said that they don't have proper accommodation. they would be better to stay and give c.b.c. . while the latest what we are hearing from bani walid southeast of the capital
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chiefly where they fight it off his last name stronghold has been continuing in the last few days is that the rival forces have reportedly reached a deal with the kid off his loyalists on the ground to and to the city without fighting this information is yet to be confirmed. if the research should do the research an agreement between the rebel forces and gadhafi forces. that actually would mean a breakthrough and we also receiving reports that scores of that have been. called have reportedly crossed the frontier border into niger and many believe that khadafi himself could also be in monday and could also have fled the country we are receiving these reports just hours after. information to bring in has claimed that the embattled colonel is in the country and has no plans to leave it and it's time soon. earlier human rights groups confirm reports of the mass abuse
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of black people by the rebels in libya or the council of europe's rights commissioner says many of those captured could be heading to europe and must be helped by e.u. countries. we could just do our best in order to ensure that those people are well treated some of them of course may well be genuine refugees from other parts of africa who were trying to reach europe past via libya and got stuck there and i think it's very important that also european governments deal with refugees from libya coming from other parts of africa in line with international standards when it comes to asylum and refugee policies. middle east analyst rosemary hollis from london city university believes that the war in libya could fuel british and french appetites for new interventions and she explains that r.t. in around twenty minutes time. cameron and how cozy took a massive gamble that they could pull something off in libya. that would contrast
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with the disaster that was the intervention in iraq and you now have president sarkozy talking as though this is a template for future interventions this is very much a kind of proxy war which must be extremely exciting and exhilarating at some level to be involved so the appetite for further interventions will exist. now italy's the biggest trade union is vowing that up to a million will march against the seven believe that there was a classes of a system cannot work. the problem is that there is no growth norm problem and to need to spend greece friends because the euro zone is not working and after ten years of people realize that. it's not working that
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greece will be forced to leave europe because the only means for greece's economy to recover to sell products. outside to develop it you cannot have the same currency for countries who are completely different on the economic scale and i think that we are going to see you the explosion of the euro zone that all the governments try to impose rescission. taxes we will have a revolt and revolution of the people of things are a little better across in spain which also faces protests after its parliament bowed to e.u. pressure and voted to amend the constitution to limit national debt or the senate is voting today but unions and rights groups to fight it saying that the death cap would decimate the welfare system and hurt the most vulnerable as are to sit in
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a gallery score of ports the country's predicament is leading some to take matters into their own hands. this was the last time i got him and had guests over at her house just a day after artie came to visit she along with her fourteen year old son was evicted from the subsidized flat she called home for five years. i was fifteen days late with a payment i paid five hundred twenty four year zero and they still want to victor me even though i paid everything and it was months ago since then marie carmen has spent most of her time fighting to keep her apartment calm and collected but the pressure of losing a roof over her head caused mary carmen to suffer a heart attack call that these apartments should be distributed in such a way that people can afford to pay for them but a lot of times they can't and i'm going to fight to make this type of housing more affordable. fair money carmen's case is not unique in spain the country's in employment rate of over twenty percent means many people are simply unable to make
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their next mortgage payments in the past two years more than three hundred thousand people have been evicted from their homes as a result of spain's financial crisis this is where members of the fifteen m. movement come in. according to the international human rights convention every person has a right to decent housing it is inevitable they have to make sure these people are not going to go homeless because you just can't kick them out on the street that they're going to zation is known as the indignados or the outraged they staged protests by homes of those who are being evicted hoping to prevent court plaintiffs and the police from entering sometimes they succeed like with this woman who kept her house because fifteen m. interfered with either action process. these are subsidized housing people who are in tough situation financially so i can't understand how they can evict people who
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can't afford to buy their own homes. so far fifteen m. have managed to stop fifty vixens across the country and for. for me carmen and her son they were powerless. every victim is a cement job and the people gathered here believe they are fighting social injustice but some wonder with the efforts of this group of people are enough to solve the problems within this better system itself in madrid. one of the main purposes of the debt debate in madrid today is to send the message to markets that the government is serious about tackling its runaway finances but wider journalist would rather believe that it's those very markets that are responsible for spain's predicament today the markets are not rational and they are driven usually by fear sometimes by greed. they just think they feel that the spain could be like greece or like ireland or like portugal because the fertile country within
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the euro so so they tend to lump together countries that are very different but they resemble each other because they are part of the periphery and i think that that's the real reason is just a psychological perception and then again it's true that the growth in spain konami growth is not very good so that in the long term will be a problem for there we don't have a problem now but we may have it in the future that is true. still to come this hour dealing with the crown the day in the family business russia for the first time in thirty six years a rich cultural programs on the cards and on president a lineup of business brokers to seal deals. turkey's former friendly relations are withering fast turkey is suspending all trade military and defense ties and the prime minister is threatening more sanctions against israel and a visit to gaza already expelled israeli diplomats over the refusal to apologize
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for killing ninety eight activists in last year's gaza flotilla raid larches paullus leader is following developments in tel aviv. the turkish prime minister everyone has announced that he could be slapping more sanctions on television this follows the release last week of a united nations report into what happened on board the mamma now that was a turkish vessel that took part in the first the tiller attempt to break the israeli siege on gaza some one and a half years ago and often israeli soldiers stormed the ship some nine turkish citizens were killed israel has repeatedly refused to apologize for the deaths and in response and career has expelled the israeli ambassador it has downgraded diplomatic relations between both countries to the level of second secretary and it's also frozen all military cooperation the turkish prime minister used the word savagery when he referred to the israeli behavior he also accused israel of behaving like a spoilt boy in the region and he said that the turks would challenge israeli
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bullying in the mediterranean by increasing the naval presence there the turkish government has also rejected another finding of the un palmer report which said that the israeli blockade on gaza was not illegal with the turkish government saying that it would now lobby that with the international criminal court in the hague we've heard from the turkish foreign minister who held a press briefing with the top official now bill shaath in which he said that the turks had a campaign underway to help the palestinians be successful in may but come september the twentieth for a palestinian state now this is no surprise because for several months turkey has indicated that it is supporting the palestinians it is also indicated that it is embarking on a diplomatic campaign to help them in their struggle the official response from the israeli defense minister ministry is that turkey has a lot to lose but most people here really are questioning what israel is going to
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do because this is a crucial time when israel needs all the friends it can have particularly ahead of this u.n. bed which of course israel is against you need to remember. that turkey was israel's closest ally in the region and relationships between israel and turkey are at the lowest they've been in more than twenty years and certainly seen the same between tel aviv and cairo where relations between israel and egypt are also now at an all time low. while the tension between the two countries may cause some incidents even worse than the raid on the flotilla as gallagher linda shells from the institute for national security studies in television has been explaining to our two. differently when turkey says that it will start acting more decisively in the eastern mediterranean this might have an effect i don't think the two navies these ready made in the turkish navy will enter a direct confrontation but there might be mistakes like the flotilla itself home or sports states clearly that both israel and turkey didn't want to happen the way to
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do it but they did happen because there were mistakes and there were misunderstanding and if turkey says it will operate more decisively in the eastern mediterranean there might be an accident between israel and navies and this might be even worse than the frontal lobe and i don't think actually this crisis between his interviews has a direct effect on what will happen in the u. and of course the question is what will happen the day after the u.n. recognizes a palestinian state will that cause more violence will that make no difference and then it will cause palestinian frustration will this stop the two sides from going back to the negotiation table these are very important questions we still don't have an answer to all we've got more from israel on live where the panthers are again all the prowl forty years. old not only have we not great quest but the country has become an enemy of its people everywhere citizens are harassed anger over a social injustice is getting louder among israelis and the veteran black panthers have their hours are right behind them over got more on the move met at r.t.
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dot com along with all world news and analysis. now ukraine is losing its key bargaining chip and europe's energy industry has been the only transit route for russian gas into europe but all that's about to change as prime minister putin explained during the launch of the nord stream gas pipeline . that ukraine is no longer. any transit country is always tempted to use its exclusive status as a transit state now ukraine will lose this privilege i believe all relations will have been to an. issue. well ukraine has been using its status to try and secure discounts for russian gas as well as higher transit fees such disputes lead to interruptions in fuel being pumped to
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europe back in two thousand and six and two thousand and nine where the north stream pipeline travels directly from russia to europe bypassing ukraine and eliminating the middleman the leverage of more and how the pipeline will change europe's energy map in our business bulletin in a few minutes. but before that here's an update on some of the world's other main news right now at twenty six kilometer wide wildfire that's already destroyed five hundred homes is raging through texas the arid states suffering its worst drought in half a century with far as blazing in several areas found by strong words from tropical storm lee thousands of people have been evacuated to safety as the flames consume an area the size of connecticut governor rick perry has postponed his presidential campaigning to tackle the disaster. in. the hague tribunal has sentenced a former yugoslav army general to twenty seven years in prison for war crimes.
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convicted of abetting atrocities during the balkan war and he's including the massacre of seven thousand muslims in srebrenica he is one of many ethnic serbs military officials on trial in the hague the ex-president of serbia and slobodan milosevic died while in custody while the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia has been repeatedly criticized for jailing serbs while giving modeler sentences to bosnia officials. former executives from news international says james murdoch knew about the phone hacking which brought down the new. of the world tabloid the son of media mogul rupert murdoch runs the business and has always denied knowledge of illegal phone interception of the paper was shot in july after it emerged that the voice mails were hacked of a murdered schoolgirl war veterans and senior politicians dozens of news international employees have been arrested over the scandal while senior police
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have quit over collusion. now the danish royal family has arrived in russia bringing top businesspeople with them and while the brokers regal deals the monarchy is planned a busy schedule of cultural and significant visits as a thaw you know because of us been finding out. poses not the first time when margaret the second comes to moscow she's already been here over thirty five years ago of course back then russia was a part of the soviet union but in a number of interviews that her majesty gave ahead of this three day visit to russia she said that she's very much looking forward to take a look at all the changes that happened to the country in the past years also for her it is a historic visit as well as her majesty is related to the dutch princes doug mater who married russian tsar alexander the third gent gave birth to of the last more like over russia nikolai the second the queen has already visited pushkin museum of fine arts visit to st petersburg russian cultural capital is also scheduled during
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the visit but of course is not just about history and cultural exchange she came with a large delegation of businessmen who will be sealing a number of deals during the three day visit. north stream gas pipeline project is probably the flagship of biological cooperation between russia and denmark unfortunately is queen's visit didn't start off as smoothly as it could have because of the royal yard sale to dog at the place where it was supposed to be in st petersburg due to a strong wind and the difficult weather conditions and up the docking at the wrong place at the guard's place nevertheless hoping the rest of the visit is going to be smooth and fool cultural exchange all that's what the news looks like for now next as a business update with yulia. thanks
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to a strike time to delve into the world of business and more on the opening of the north room gas pipeline russia's prime minister is calling the project a window to europe the twelve hundred kilometer length is now being filled before pumping begins next month this is our g.'s morning call through a has the details. it was a split gas implosion all by months and years of negotiations testing and construction came down to one play live here it's an old person lease up the wheels in motion and the pipeline has now been filled up with gas to get it ready to start pumping in the hope or the rush of munavvar have to rely on transit countries to get its gas and see europe export so that you are expected to double in the coming decade and nord stream of both carry at ford's are all bats the project has had its fair share of calling for seas with her transit countries accusing russia of using
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nordstrom's as a political solution but the government insists it's only there to save north supplies to europe has a plan to rely on gas from the majority shareholder all the words she has already signed many modes are of supply coincides with european countries like the fellow to france and the u.k. and when the second parallel pipeline comes on stream next year the odd billion to the creators of gas will flow from russia to its customers in europe. and it's been confirmed stream patna b.s.f. of germany will also take part in the sell stream pipeline for shipped the chemical giant along with france's easiest will each have a fifteen percent stake in the gas pipeline across the baltic sea to europe the reshuffled means it was any will have its share in the twenty four billion euro project to twenty percent still have a look at the markets brant crude has rebounded with the european markets despite
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persistent fears weaker appeals soaring debt crisis is us placing branches trading higher the solid one hundred and eleven tell us the peril while doubly chatterer most pressurised by wars over the health of peak u.s. economy. stocks a shopper low in early trading losses come off to steep declines in european indices investors are also worried about the will. the u.s. economy to choose a report on the u.s. service sector is expected to show the fourth straight month of declining growth it comes on the heels of a jobs report friday that was the worst since september twenty ten. and european markets are mixed investors are taking a break from two days of heavy selling if you say it's gaining point six percent both the decks is losing the same number of votes. here's the picture in russia the russian markets are seeing losses indicating shares may fall for the third trading day and it concerns the slowing growth in the u.s. and china and europe's debt woes will spark the global recession as some have
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a look at some of the individual show moves in the my six most energy majors but from monday's losses would look up half a percent meanwhile appliance protégé video is gaining on the news of a possible merger with its rival eldorado and shares have declined with investors taking profits after normally recent cries that rise was softer one of its main shareholders resolved denied the fifty percent buyback often made by the nickel producer. and also in the news russian technologists it's going to high vol its main subsidiary is in an i.p.o. in four years time analysts say it will most likely also electronic biotechnology and engineering assets the state from corp is going to spend the proceeds on a new investment fund to buy into foreign assets russian technology controls twenty five companies including russian helicopters anti-terrorism giant is something of the small. ok that the business stories you can head to our website are two dot com
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again you're watching our t.v. and here's a recap of the main stories we're covering today backing on a sanctions that you use or the bargain was syria could backfire as energy firms cash in for another two modest if you will give losing its condemning. southern europe braces for a stare the anger as italy and spain try to push through more savage on the arduous efforts to save greece appear to be tackling. also turkey suspends all trade and military ties with israel as we will consent to a new low because israel won't apologize for killing activists at last years of gaza flotilla raid. and put into throws the switch on a new undersea gas pipeline to europe her big new great status as an irreplaceable
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