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tv   [untitled]    September 6, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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bushell explains their slow introduction could backfire. william hague britain's foreign secretary says horrific scenes of brutality have forced this oil burning in syria but bizarrely sanctions were installed for over a month. but they will kick in only when european world firms complete their supply contracts with syria and oil fields developed by e.u. energy giants like french to toll on being touched from magnetic or point of view because that sanctions would start only in november to go on with reduction of oil as a result the e.u. may end up subsidizing the regime they oppose the oil industry can use sixty day payment which means the e.u. could still be funding into next year if a list of crimes the horrific critics also why the e.u. is putting profit above syrian lives. diplomats warn sanctions won't even hit the mark they hurt ordinary people not the leadership they claim to target and most
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importantly europe's oil companies have to be on the shoulders of the syrian people while their companies out of protective the e.u. is also hurting itself think exposed as damascus will simply shifts a ploy to the competition if you look at syria. already the cheney's authorities have said that they would bury any that can be you officials hope new stocks of the black gold from libya would take up the slack but they may be disappointed will not start being there a productive until maybe the end of next year and if they were an embargo on syrian oil today of course they would be short. with the war against colonel gadhafi taking much longer than the west expected maybe cutting off one supply before a secured another new bushel for our team in brussels. the u.n. estimates the number of people killed in syria over two thousand since the uprising
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began in march many are putting the blame on the government but analysts in neighboring jordan believe the opposition is a wolf in sheep's clothing. there's two thousand people. sort of they say about these two thousand and maybe they are insurgents or some of them are young but remember there is also one thousand soldiers killed in syria so these one thousand soldiers impossible that they had been killed by by peaceful demonstration definitely of them demonstrations in syria was not peaceful in any sense because otherwise how could it possible that one thousand army men and policemen have been killed during this five month yes there is the mistrust from both sides but we have the current situation and we should sit on the table and negotiate because there is no other solution. more to come for this the manhunt in libya kicks into high
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gear with a triumphant rebels now accused of being too keen to target alleged gadhafi loyalists and rounding up innocent foreigners in the process to go to support your story also be human rights watchdog urges countries who've been allegedly hosting secret cia prisons to investigate claims of serious violations. tens of thousands of angry italians of hit the streets nationwide to protest the harsh new austerity package being debated in rome a number of violent scuffles between demonstrators and police have already been reported underlying the political and social tensions that city wrestles with his massive debts and as one of europe's biggest economies its troubles threaten to destabilize the euro zone and spur a new financial crisis the dropping of some key provisions such as a temporary tax on the wealthy markets into a spin of spot rumors of a credit rating downgrade mean time across the ionian sea efforts to further rescue
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greece took a hit after athens admitted it won't be able to meet its deficit reduction deadlines let's hear the view them from the euro zone's biggest bankroller germany mine called. ross is the economic analyst north. of us on the line of michael good evening thanks for being on r.t. so on the one hand the say is italy's only way out is through these huge cuts on the other we see the italians clearly outraged at being made to pay for years of fiscal negligence it is a no win situation for berlusconi's beleaguered government right now surely. you know i mean we are really here in not in a win win situation austerity means cuts that means that you have. the income of the chorus that the social world will be on. call means always that you have. fightings on the streets on all this what we see today in italy is rather calm michael last year slightly they're glad to see about whether this let's
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assume these latest deep cuts do go through will that really save the italian economy or just prolong the inevitable after all i mean greece shows us that austerity and bailouts are no guarantee at all to survival. i mean it's always difficult to implement measurements and what we see here is that politicians are promising many many things but at the end of the day the pressure of the street will be so big that they cannot fulfill the promises and this is the problem what we really have and what people in brazil also feel we can make many many. promises we can establish a debt ceiling for example but at the end of the day they're not worth the paper they're written on and this is what we will see also in the future that means we don't really need any debt ceilings and we don't really need any promises anymore
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because when you look at the treaty of moscow it's for example also other treaties like this. you have for where the debt ceiling so you have already. treatments. actions and you have already you all saw that use of the e c b and things written. which are prohibited. for example junk bonds of greece and also others other nations germany's been key to these bailouts and these rescue packages your own country just tomorrow german court is going to decide on the legality of these bailouts but you know given germany's heavy investment in keeping the euro alive what we've seen so far isn't the result of that going to be a foregone conclusion or do you think we may have some surprises to come tomorrow. i don't think that there will be any surprises tomorrow i think the. constitution.
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tomorrow or in cards or a decision which could be interpreted in many many ways i don't think that go directly into opposition of what. the politicians here in berlin really want i mean you see the political it equally brought proj your. party here not only the city you also the s.p.d. the greens the left wing they are all in favor of the measurements in order to stabilize the euro but at the end of the day they will see that these needs will not show any result that make the situation even worse but means at the end of the day the whole experiment of the euro would go down with the insolvency of germany. a lot of calls for an exit tool for nations unable to meet the euro zone membership criteria put more flesh on the bones of that what how's that going to work and what
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does it tell us it did about the future for greece if they are talking about an exit. i think most of the people don't understand that there is another solution that the weak countries exit the strong country has to exit if germany for example pulls out of the euro the whole problem would be solved means that we will have a stronger currency germany can live with it the others then will have a devaluated currency this is exactly what they need it means all saw that the. rule be devalued this is that what they mean and this is what they mean need and saw the situation is wise or worse or not the strong ones have to pull out but the germans have to pull out if the some of the weak ones pull out then we have to follow through to asian. currency the new currency will be devaluated and their debts will be appreciated and this is really no solution it's
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a complicated picture no matter how much you look at it michael broad economic analyst and author thank you for your thoughts on the subject here on our thank you . because things are a little better across in spain either there's also facing protests after its parliament bowed to e.u. pressure and voted to amend the constitution to limit national debt the assailant is voting today about that but unions and rights groups vow to fight it saying the debt cut would decimate the welfare system and hurt the most vulnerable that is a ridiculous reports the country's predicament leading some to take matters now into their own hands. this was the last time i got him and had guests over at her house just a day after our team to visit she along with her fourteen year old son was evicted from the subsidized flat she called home for five years. i was fifteen days late with a payment i paid five hundred twenty four year zero and they still want to affect me even though i paid everything and it was months ago since then marie carmen has spent most of her time fighting to keep her apartment calm and collected but the
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pressure of losing a roof over her head garment to suffer a heart attack call that these apartments should be distributed in such a way that people can afford to pay for them but a lot of times they can't and i'm going to fight to make this type of housing more affordable. but it carmen's case is not unique in spain the country's in employment rate of over twenty percent means many people are simply unable to make their next mortgage payments in the past two years more than three hundred thousand people have been evicted from their homes as a result of spain's financial crisis this is where members of the fifteen m. movement come in. according to the international human rights convention every person has a right to decent housing it is inevitable they have to make sure these people are not going to go homeless because you just can't kick them out on the street. they're going to zation is known as the indignados or the outraged they staged
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protests by homes of those who are being evicted hoping to prevent court plaintiffs and the police from entering sometimes they succeed like with this woman who kept her house because fifteen m. interfered with the vixen process. these are subsidized housing people who are in tough situation financially so i can't understand how they can evict people who cannot afford to buy their own homes. so far fifteen m. have managed to stop fifty vixens across the country. unfortunately for me carmen in her son they were powerless this time in every vixen is a cement job and the people gathered here believe they are fighting social justice but some wonder with the efforts of this group of people are enough to solve the problems within the spanish system itself in madrid. righty. coming up on the program a few minutes from now the fast fading friendship has turkey's relations with israel saying to a new low r.t.
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here is that that could impact palestinians hopes of getting u.n. recognition we've got their side of the story. in libya next rebels are detaining oil engineers and cooks from former soviet countries suspected him of being pro gadhafi snipers to russians were later released along with the ukrainian couple after the managed to contact the russian embassy but more than a dozen ukrainians are still being held at his where fanaa is in tripoli with this story. well as far as we know thirty two people including two owners of the russian passport and also better russian and ukrainian citizens apparently working for the russian libyan all company here in tripoli engineers and coupes men and women have been arrested here in tripoli shortly after the rebels took the libyan capital and have been put into one of the rebels' training center here in the capital after they've been accused of been snipers of khadafi we have been able to speak to the detainees and they deny all allegations but because of additional for some reason
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the finger of slavic people are snipers we have nothing to do with that we came here to earn money peacefully did this people say that they've been provided with food and water but some of them have been severely beaten and tortured by the rebels the russian embassy has actually managed to release two owners of the russian passports and ukrainian couple but around twenty other ukrainians us to been held by the rebels here in tripoli this group of the ukrainian embassy refused to take them they said they don't have running water they said that they don't have proper accommodation so they would be better to stay and give syria see. what the latest what we are hearing from bani walid southeast of the capital tripoli where the fighting over it off is lost and main stronghold has been continuing in the last few days is that the rabble forces have reportedly reached a deal with the conductor's loyalists on the ground to and to the city without
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fighting this information is yet to be confirmed but if the research you do if the research an agreement between the rebel forces and khadafi is forces belinelli that actually would mean a breakthrough and we also receiving reports that scores of the libyan army as they call have reportedly crossed the frontier border into niger and many believe that gadhafi himself could also be in monday and could also have fled the country we are receiving these reports just hours after khadafi is information to bring in has claimed that the embattled colonel is in the country and has no plans to leave it and it's time soon. middle east analyst rosemary hollis from london city university believes the war in libya could fuel british and french appetites for new interventions as she explains to us in the next hour but it's a taste of what's to come. cameraman's arcos he took a massive gamble that they could pull something off in libya that would contrast
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with the disaster that was the intervention in iraq and you now have president sarkozy talking as though this is a template for future interventions this is very much a kind of proxy war which must be extremely exciting and exhilarating at some level to be involved so the appetite for further interventions will exist. becomes of europe's legal committee is to look closer into swiss claims the fourteen european countries allegedly allowed the cia to operate secret prisons on this soil the report by politician dick marty says u.s. actions in those detention centers violated basic human rights and torture was widely used the chief human rights commission is ready urged poland lithuania and romania to come clean about their roles and told r.t.
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that countries need to decide if intelligence tires are more important than human rights there is an enormous pressure from washington to keep all this secret in fact instructions from from cia with the support of the way tell us not to give any facts on this so therefore it's not easy to investigate but i think that the some of the european governments have been involved they have to decide whether they think that the corporation between the security agencies are more important than to attack to look into human rights violations and break the fear of impunity. if ukraine is losing its key bargaining chip in europe's energy industry and spain the only transit route for russian gas into europe but all that's about to change is prime minister putin explained the cheering the launch of the nord stream gas pipeline. agreements to go to. ukraine is no longstanding part of any transit
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country is always tempted to use its exclusive status as a transit state now ukraine will lose this privilege i believe our relations will evolve into an ever more civilized free market partnership. what a crane had been using its status to try and secure discounts for russian gas as well as higher transit fees such disputes lead to interruptions in fuel being pumped to europe back in two thousand and six and two thousand and nine an old stream pipeline travels directly now from russia to europe bypassing ukraine and eliminating the middleman leverage we've got more on how the pipeline will change you were telling you mark in our business bulletin in just a few minutes. israel and turkey's former friendly relations a withering fast turkey suspending all trade military and defense ties and the prime minister is threatening more sanctions against israel and a visit to garza. is already expelled israeli diplomats over the refusal to apologize for killing nine eight activists in last year's gaza flotilla raid
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parties paula slee is following the latest developments for us in tel aviv. the turkish prime minister added one has announced that he could be slapping more sanctions on television this follows the release last week of a united nations report into what happened on board the mavi marmara now that was a turkish missile that took part in the first attempt to break the israeli siege on gaza some one and a half years ago and often israeli soldiers stormed the ship some nine turkish citizens were killed israel has repeatedly refused to apologize for the deaths and in response and korea has expelled the israeli ambassador it has downgraded diplomatic relations between both countries to the level of second secretary and it's also frozen all military cooperation the turkish prime minister used the word savagely when he referred to the israeli behavior he also accused israel of behaving like a spoiled boy in the region and he said that the turks would challenge israeli bullying in the mediterranean by increasing the naval presence there the turkish
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government has also rejected another finding of a un palmer report which said that the israeli blockade on gaza was not illegal with the turkish government saying that it would now lobby that with the international criminal court in the hague we've heard from the turkish foreign minister who held a press briefing with the top official now bill shaath in which he said that the turks had a campaign underway to help the palestinians be successful in may but come september the twentieth for a palestinian state now this is no surprise because for several months turkey has indicated that it is supporting the palestinians it has also indicated that it is embarking on a diplomatic campaign to help them in their struggle the official response from the israeli defense minister ministry is that turkey has a lot to lose but most people here really are questioning what israel is going to do because this is a crucial time when israel needs all the friends it can have particularly ahead of
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this u.n. bed which of course israel is against you need to remember. that turkey was israel's closest ally in the region and relationships between israel and turkey are at the lowest they've been in more than twenty years and certainly seeing the same between tel aviv and cairo where relations between israel and egypt are also now at an all time low. middle east correspondent paul asli are there with the latest for you the tension between the two countries may lead indeed to worse incidents than last year's raid on a flotilla ghalia lindenstrauss institute of national security studies and television explaining to r.t. . differently when turkey says that it will start acting more decisively in the eastern mediterranean this might have an effect i don't think the navies the israeli navy and the turkish navy will enter a direct confrontation but there might be mistakes like the flotilla self and this might be even worse than the flu to logan i don't think actually this crisis between israel and turkey has a direct effect on what will happen in the. of course the question is what will
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happen the day after the un recognizes the palestinian state will that cause more violence will that make no difference and then it will cause palestinian frustration. well we've more from israel online as well where the panthers are on the prowl forty years on. really if we look at request for the country has become an enemy of its people if you will citizens of iraq's anger over social injustice is getting louder among israelis and the veteran black panther campaign is a right behind that we've got more of a movement of our t. dot com along with our system needs of course. a royal visit next to russia the danish war families arrived here bringing top
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business people with them and while the broken seals from regal deals the monarchy's planned a busy show jewel of cultural and significant visit their set visit several museums and exhibitions taste them exclusively brewed beer and opened the russian danish business forum queen margaret the second is also looking forward to visiting some papers as well. as already docked she last visited brushwood nine hundred seventy five and says she's keen on seeing all the changes and developments since they're the queen's a relative indeed of the russian empress the mother of the last russian monarch nicholas the second. warm welcome to them now in a few minutes r.t. investigates how off fragile oceans are choking on what we all throw away every day that's coming up shortly then back down to business next year. hello and a very warm welcome to a business update more on the opening of the north stream gas quite plain russia's
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prime minister is calling the project a window to europe the twelve hundred kilometer length is now being built before pumping begins next month business archies marina costs are up has the details. it was a split gas implosion all by months and years of negotiations testing and construction came down to one blood here it's in all personally set the wheels in motion and the pipeline is now being filled up with gas to get it ready to start pumping it up for the rochelle moon or have to rely on transit countries to get its gas and see europe exports that they know are expected to double in the coming decade and nordstrom mobile carriers at ports are all batts the project has not its fair share of oil in summer seas with her transit countries accusing russia of using nordstrom's as a political leader but the government insists it's only there to save more and supplies to europe as it plans to rely on gas from the majority shareholder all the
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words she has already signed many more would serve some political types of european countries like relative france and that you hate it when the second parallel pipeline comes on stream next year did he not believe given meters of gas will flow from russia to its customers and europe. but it's been confirmed part. of germany will also take part in the sell stream pipeline project the chemical giant along with france's e.d.f. will each have a fifteen percent stake in the gas pipeline across the black sea to hear up there shuffle mean syphilis and he will have its share in the twenty four billion euro project drop to twenty percent. so a look at the markets brant crude has rebounded with you. marcus despite persisting fears the european soaring debt crisis is escalating brant is trading high of a solid one hundred and eleven dollars per barrel while w t iran's pressurize worries over the health of the u.s.
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economy. hundred shopper low losses come off the steep declines in european indices and investors are also worried about the weakness off with the u.s. economy but use the report to the u.s. service sector is expected to show the fourth straight month of declining growth it comes in the heels of a jobs report friday that was the worst since september twenty ten. european markets finished makes investors took a break from two days of heavy selling that's it see one percent of the tax loss the same number of points at the close. and here's the picture in russia the markets here have made it into positive territory at the close of play after they dropped earlier on tuesday i mean concerned slowing growth in the u.s. and china and europe's debt wolf will spark a global recession. let's not have a look at some of the individual show moves in the my six most energy majors bottles from monday's losses with lukoil up one point four percent meanwhile
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applies retail video game to the news of a possible merger with its rival. the world's clinical shows pros will choose day after one of its main shareholders resolved denied the fifteen percent off and made by the nickel producer of the. day straight. we have seen a very volatile session for the russian markets very stressful and certainly playing the bad sentiment from yesterday's massive sell off in the european exchanges the markets started in the green up around one percent and probably we're ending the day in the negative territory marginally down when you have a percentage point the events that we've seen yesterday were highly impacted by several announcements seen from the eurozone most notably the year. bank chairman saying that the european banking sector could be under pressure and some less strong banks to end up being destroyed on the back of the current crisis which has obviously it back to today's performance of the russian markets. and finally the
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wife of the former mayor of moscow has soldier a billion dollar construction business you don't know what would in that became the richest woman in russia with a three billion dollar fortune ensuring her husband's stewardship of moscow forty five percent of the one point two billion dollars phone while the small the bin bank took the rest may find last year by president over a lack of trust the former may often claim to his wife business success had nothing to do with his running for office because to take. that wraps up the business bulletin you can find more stories in our website r t v dot com slash business and join me for another business update in less than one us time.
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hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the newsmakers. headlines from r.t. tonight banking on sanctions the e.u. is oil embargo in syria could backfire with energy firms cash in on pumping for yet another two months fueling the very regime it is condemning. southern europe braces
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for austerity anger is italy and spain try to push through more savage cuts small the arduous effort to save greece appear to be. good in a pollutant throws the switch on a new one to see gas pipeline to europe curbing ukraine status as they replace the middleman which is used in the past negotiate discounts for its supply. programs continue next on our global season turning into plastic soup as we follow the investigation of a tape of environmentalist.


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