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tv   [untitled]    September 6, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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rocking with a lot of show or look at the real headlines with none of the mercy if you live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look at the euro zone's that prices well they follow a new i am after rector christine legarde warnings against austerity could the eurozone break up and what it all mean for the u.s. were to speak to joe weisenthal from the business insider we're also going to speak to davida gardens to ross about his new book in love and legacy he's going to tell us why he thinks that we're still losing the war on terror because of all of that and more for you tonight including it doesn't happy hour but first let's take
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a look at what the mainstream media has decided. i think that we're all aware that there isn't anything but the mainstream media loves more than a little trash talking i don't we do it on their own although there is plenty of that going on too i mean even they just love it when somebody says something that isn't your usual boring political rhetoric maybe they call someone a bad name throw in a cuss word or two those are the times when suddenly the mainstream media thinks that a serious discussion is warranted now unfortunately we're witnessing this very thing happen right now after a state in the jimmy hoffa jr made a labor day rally in detroit. let's take the shot of the bridges and give them. a little well not surprisingly the tea party isn't really happy with how often this morning. they do anything to advance a dialogue in this current jury jimmy hoffa jr who attacks the tea party with one
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one peeper a lot of people are saying was not very civil discussion last take the sons of bitches out and give america back to where america we belong. did you notice that and there even congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz couldn't contain the look on her face about how utterly stupid this all is has nothing left to do but laugh about the fact that as an elected politician she has to go on t.v. and talk about this instead of talking about jobs and the economy or the wars that we're involved it no no no you see that partisan tit for tat is just so much more and you guys know this stuff drives me crazy seriously spare me the fake partisan outrage and both sides are completely guilty of it depending on who's doing the talking the other side is undoubtedly playing the role of being shocked and hurt and also angry so we're going to let bob's news claim that hoffa statement was hate speech which by the way one commentator did yesterday and i can already bet you the
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tonight on m.s.n. he sees evening shows that we're probably going to hear something about this audio recording that's just surfaced. now that was charles koch speaking at a private events in colorado in june and he's talking about president barack obama and the need to get him out of office this is the mother of all wars and comparing him to saddam hussein so like i say i think you just have to wait and see the clips of the left's outrage at this tea party thunder are going to be on their way but here we get into the larger problem of it all not just our mainstream media wants to make us stupid or are they fill of air time with this waste of words but they once again are playing the key role of the distractor they continue to pretend like it's what divides our politicians that are the key problems rather than what sometimes unites that you know like the fact that when it comes to increasing the
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surveillance state extending the patriot act there's almost full bipartisan consensus there when it comes to continuing our war it's continuing to dole out money to the pentagon make war a business almost full bipartisan consensus and you know we hear a few voices of reason from time to time but there are here and there usually drowned out so let me give you a few numbers to take home with you tonight to show what a business war has really become in this country now we talk about military contractors all the time so here these numbers probably should be too shocking lockheed martin boeing north of grumman they've all about doubled their intake in government contracts since nine eleven lockheed for example doubling their contracts from fourteen point seven billion a year in two thousand and one to twenty eight billion last year lockett is also nearly doubled its share price in those years up to seventy per share in two thousand and ten and of course their net sales of spike from twenty four billion in two thousand and one to forty six billion in two thousand and ten so you can see
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these guys are making a killing thanks to the business of war but our bipartisan congress doesn't really seem to have a problem. but they're not the only once as nick turse from alter net and tom dispatch the great job disclosing there are plenty of civilian companies family friendly corporations but also in big now the top five names are b.p. that acts del kraft and pepsi now b.p. got over one billion dollars in contracts last year vets one point four billion dell over the past decade has gotten four point three billion in contracts from the d.o.d. he might be saying well so what these are all things that our troops need they need fuel to get around the computers they need to be able to ship and receive supplies and of course to enjoy the comforts of home like food products and sodas and all that's true and we also need to realize that war has become a business in america that neither the military contractors nor the largest corporations ever want that war to stop because then their profits will fall so
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they can continue to line the pockets of politicians threaten american jobs here at home because they can't and both parties left them both parties completely given their constituents jobs may depend on these contracts and so it all becomes about the votes about the money and not about the well being or safety of this country not about the long term just about the short term election cycle and that's the real problem the areas where politicians get along a little too well though in unison now a dirty word they use from time to time and describe the other distract everyone from what moves they're actually making behind the scenes but we're absolute the mainstream media is content to miss because it is just so much more of a discussion when somebody throws s.o.b into the mix at a rally. now we ended last week pretty horrible news for the u.s. economy in the month of august zero jobs were created and we start this week the
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beginning of a new season you could say after labor day with more bad news coming from europe. workers are on strike in both italy and spain over proposed austerity measures greece's odds of securing a second bailout may be flailing and of course in response stocks well not so bad for the u.s. yet as well as ten year treasury note yields decreased to an all time low but if europe situation is as grave as many suggest and what does happen here and do the new i am happier director christine lagarde calls for stimulus rather than austerity a little bit too late joining me from our studio in new york to discuss that is joe weisenthal deputy editor of the business insider now joe i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and for starters i don't know where to start we hear so much bad news so many doom and gloom predictions almost every single day lately so what do you make of what we saw on the stock markets they start to plummet and start a rally and a close down but you said it could actually be
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a lot worse. yeah actually i think people should be pretty happy about what happened today i mean let's go back to friday and since friday we got the full f.h. if a lawsuit against the banks which is made of the financial sector very nervous we had a really rough weekend in europe with more concerns that italy is in making progress on its austerity measures that the greece deal might not have been the german hesitancy towards bailing out greece and maybe increasing these lots of negative headlines and in the end so this is our first you know trading days and in the end he was down less than one percent i think you know if you're in the stock market you're a tribute prepared to be pretty happy about how things turned out today. all right now if we talk about europe christine legarde of the i.m.f. now is warning of doom and gloom saying the global economy is going to spiral downward unless we focus on stimulus rather than austerity but i'm just wondering
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is it a little too late for that after already we've seen so many stimulus measures just go across europe after now we have a debt committee or you know a super committee here in congress that's about to enact stimulus measures here in the u.s. as well and yet it certainly seems like i mean i think from an economic standpoint you could make a very strong case that in the u.s. and in europe stimulus would do a lot of good and is exactly what is needed right now in the u.s. it's all politics preventing it the government certainly has the firepower to do it if the congress were willing to go with it but i don't think there's any chance of that happening and in the europe and in europe it's not even clear that they have the firepower to do it certainly. the peripheral countries definitely don't retire in greece and italy and spain and portugal they have to cut they have no choice and even germany and france it's not clear you know what they really can do they really do have the ability to spend that much more than they are i suppose germany
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probably does but as it doesn't seem like that's in the cards at all that that's the way things are going so unfortunately the one thing that would probably make sense does not seem to be happening in fact we're doing just the opposite but and so how are they supposed to take that i guess coming from the i.m.f. as well the imposer. of course it exchange for more funds now they suddenly change their mind and said oh you know the summer was just so bad and so busy we had so many horrible figures that now it changed our minds. yeah that's the funny thing is that you basically their reputation or their role is to go around the world and tell countries that they have to cut spending so that they can keep enough money to pay their creditors and know when to you have a european. debt crisis has come to europe and injection you know christine legarde follow. your fellow europeans in the same boat now as she's not so keen to imposing austerity for everyone is kind of amusing. but you know i don't think
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really is a new choice i mean i think objectively she's right that more spending is the answer in europe or certainly you know the private economies need more support right now but i just don't think there's any way it's going to happen and i think you know the market is reflecting it the german economy the german stock market despite not directly having any sovereign debt issues in germany is it you know been killed this year it's down over thirty percent. i guess and you know you and i can say that it's amusing to hear you say some things maybe not so much for other people want to talk about switzerland's moved today it was dark it's dark humor very dark humor i guess that's why we have left only talk about the economy these days it's a day it out so hard for one twenty five hero against the swiss franc and so i want to know what you think in fact that's been so far. yeah there's a really fascinating story just in the senate as you know over the last year you've seen central banks around the world stage interventions of various sorts of print
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more of their currency to weaken it kapan does that sometimes you could argue that bernanke is q.e. two was in effect doing the same thing brazil's done the same thing so which will and has just taken it to a whole new level first of all this whispering is going on a tear up until today because of safe haven rushing basically people in europe moving their money into swiss banks where they're not exposed of european crisis and making the swiss disgusted because it increases their currency and makes their exports less competitive and today with his national bank did was set a really hard ceiling on how strong the friend was going to get and it's prime much more dramatic than anyone expected and they're going to print an unlimited number of franken you know to ensure they meet their goals to be really interesting to see the ramifications already of the hunt desire for the safe haven so now it's like ok well if switzerland is going to keep their currency down who's next and people talk
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about the norwegian currency or gold or going back to the dollar which had a nice rally today as a euro alternative so you know this is several more moves to play out but it's a very dramatic move well speaking of dramatic moves to talk about this new vs report that came out that you also wrote about maybe it's really sad that the euro shouldn't exist with the current structure with the current membership. they said it should have been created to be careful i thought it was always wrong do you agree with. i absolutely agree and i think one of the few things they say we're one is that every country that's in the euro right now would currently be better off not being in the euro if you look at all the other european countries that aren't in the euro they're all of the some way doing better than the european countries are so that. it's not working for anyone and i was made a great point was they basically said the whole thing was kind of sold as a lock or mis sold this idea you know really like.
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that would make europe economically harmonious it just didn't happen there was never really any prospect that all these disparate economies could make sounds on their one interest rate regime or one currency germany and greece were never going to be the same economies and now you know it took a while but not really that long and the has the euro is a pretty young experiment so you could argue that it didn't really take very long for the market to figure out the flaws really attack it and basically president still seems like it's about to break u.b.s. still doesn't think it's going to break they say the costs are too high for any one country to leave they say their base case is some kind of fiscal integration but it's certainly very dicey and i think u.b.s. really cut right to the heart of the matter but what do you say i could be as basically says you have to pay if they can't dismantle the euro zone at this moment but do you think that that might be in the stars do you think that we might not see at last all that long you know if so what would that mean for the us. yeah
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it's hard to say i mean it's both sides are very defensible i think though a good argument to be made that it will break over two one again it doesn't make sense but eventually these countries just make thrive under this system so that's a long term thing and then the shorter the race against time greece has payments that needs to make in the next couple of months they don't get a bailout deal fast. that you know they could that a default could come sooner rather than later and then eventually just get to a point to where the people in the politicians they might just throw up their hands like why are we still you know why are we still doing this. so i've grown i guess like the market i've grown a lot more skeptical euros existence for the u.s. probably i would imagine you know certainly heard growth because you know europe is a big trading partner so that will be good it will probably hit our financial
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system i would imagine that if your something major happened in europe that are fed to you know really. open the floodgates of liquidity to try and make sure that all our banks you know stayed functioning perfectly. and you know it would definitely hit us i don't you might not be catastrophic could be us although who knows. it's really hard to say would be chaotic i don't think anyone who has a clear prediction about how it would go down really knows what we're talking about every just guessing but we definitely thought why did you go on this show they have had catastrophic predictions for how you know this not only would affect the euro and their banking sector but then of course this will trickle down to you to our banks to the bank of america citi bank whatever you want to call it you know and some think that it's just a race against time hopefully we can stop having these really dark discussions at some point joe thanks so much for joining us tonight. now just ahead quickly what we can weeks and brought whistleblowing for the internet right lookout is
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a new site called globally is on the way to get the details from just a moment and a lobbyist are more power for a powerful than ever in washington because they can look at how they can point policy at the right. into only a military mechanisms and do the work to bring justice work out of the world. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for sleep you think you understand it and then you've lived
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something else here see some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think even one well. we have the government says they're going to keep him safe get ready because you give them the freedom.
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whistleblowing has always existed within our political culture as a way to expose the misdeeds of a powerful government entity yet in recent years but the advent of the internet of practice is transformed into a growing movement challenging the way the government secretly operate wiki leaks
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and most recently capitulated this concept into the spotlight when they released massive it dumps of classified information about u.s. military practices our wars in iraq and afghanistan as well as diplomatic cables exposing some of the darkest secrets of the state department just last week they unfortunately released the full on redacted version of those cables after they had been leaked out on other sites but now we're seeing offshoots of wiki leaks type sites like open lakes which are spoken about on this show before as well as mainstream media outlets adopting their own leaking and these like al-jazeera and even the washington post but there's a whole new operation a starting up which could really change the game of online whistleblowing it's called global leaks so it's going to be the first open source whistleblowing framework in other words it's going to allow anybody to create their own it was going platform and the whole idea here is the global leaks is essentially a software developer the. come up with a program that allows the user to develop a global leaks hub completely separate from any other leaking website or
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organization so unlike we can leaks or other sites where you submit the information to be released this independent organization allows you the user to choose what's released to the public or your own discretion and the entire program is still in the beta phase and the engineers are still working out all of the next but you can go to their website and watch demos on how to operate this program on your computer and we have to point out here not too many people have had the chance to look into this program yet to verify how well it's going to be able to operate and perhaps even more importantly a program will not verify the authenticity of the information that's being late so there's still a lot to learn about global leaks but this is definitely a new step in the world of whistle blowing despite the obama administration's efforts to stifle the whistleblowing community programs like this are going to make the practice of an even more openable an acceptable means of disclosing information to the public so perhaps it's only a matter of time before the government won't be able to operate behind closed doors
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anymore. the light will come down. so fast you can hire is going to be singing. well tonight and we have a glimmer of hope when it comes to the way that americans travel we all know that one of the several instructions for people to pass through airport security in our post nine eleven world so after move their shoes but now looks like you might not have to untie or slip off your shoes at security checkpoints anymore homeland security secretary janet napolitano was speaking with politico when she revealed that the t.s.a. would be reviewing and it really formatting its current security procedures now under review is whether or not passengers need to take their shoes off paul dano said in terms of what we see coming in the months and years ahead it will probably be easier and a looks like it will be to deal with issue issues before we can. remove the restriction on liquids he also went on to say the new technology will be
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incorporated into the security guidelines as th us is changing their focus to an intelligence and risk based approach however to paul dano also said the little band that was going to be sticking around for a while that's on the agenda i say we should do something about those extra body scanners as we've spoken about several times on this show the body scanners are invasive they're ineffective and it's time for the v.h.s. realizes that but from the way they're talking they're going to be going back to the drawing board to come up with better techniques for what we currently have at u.s. airports and you know might be a ways from now but at least our government has realized what we've been saying all along that all of these added security measures especially the body scanners are not the best methods for protecting americans i would all of the upcoming anniversaries nine eleven the ten year anniversary of richard reid a.k.a. the shoe bomber it's nice to know the d.h. as is finally taking a critical eye to some of the developments in airport security so even a hint from the government that the t.s.a. might be moving away from that police all mentality to
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a more moderate risk based approach i think all of that is a true glimmer of hope. now today congress returned from the summer recess here in washington so tonight we want to take a little look into how d.c. really works here the end of two thousand and ten lobbyist had given a three and a half billion dollars to members of congress and other federal agencies so what do they get return was artie's killing forty fourth's we may never know. why should my banker morgan stanley have fewer rights than my barber stanley morgan is the subject of jokes now they'll be able to spend hundreds of millions of dollars as attacking banking regulation of the big bucks spent time k. street journal the little guy and main street. but many say the money is no laughing matter it's a fine line between a campaign contribution and a bribe. to go out of jail in order to run for office
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in america we've got a system set up where private funds account for the bulk of the money so what would it take for americans to buy back congress let's take a look at when groups estimate all the big lobbying interests in corporate donations include it that's fifty million dollars per u.s. senator five billion to buy back the senate and another twenty million per congressman that's eight point seven billion to buy back the house of representatives put it all together and fourteen billion dollars is what it would take to buy back an entire branch of the u.s. government acknowledges nations are nothing new congress passed its first campaign contribution limits in the early one nine hundred seventy s. we held one presidential election campaign under those limits in one nine hundred seventy six and immediately thereafter candidates began finding ways around those contributions the amount of money spent by lobbyist has more than doubled over the last decade to a record three point five billion dollars in two thousand and ten this presents
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a threat of corruption things to a two thousand and ten supreme court decision and raising can now include unlimited corporate donations my candidacy will be officially known as the hail to the cheese stephen colbert are now two teams doing. course not all flotations have the same price tag california's barbara boxer is the priciest senator at two point three million dollars followed by harry reid john mccain and tea party darling marco rubio. i come from a hard working and humble family. one that was neither wealthy nor connected whose raked in twenty one point seven million as a freshman senator. michelle bachmann leads with thirteen point five million dollars budget which comes from big oil which may explain her stance on drilling whether that is a lever so whether that is a fruit or whether there is a choice to pay back to you to go over there she lives and when corporations pay big those of us who can afford to write
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a twenty thousand dollars check with the cold can't shell out to buy a congressman full time why not rent him for hearing when american investors shelled out twenty four hundred dollars deli angle. twenty four hundred dollars to encourage him kind of map that five hundred dollars mr oscar mr us grew. sorana and made his cement company the center of a human rights hearing i'm one hundred s. both cheap and expensive but out of reach for the average american the public needs to know their decisions that are being made are they being made because of the merits of the proposal at hand or is it a perk that is due to some sort of backroom deal but with plenty on the budgetary chopping block of the debt committee many expect lobbying dollars will once again set the agenda in ford artsy washington d.c. . all right taking a break but coming up next we have our tuesday edition of show and tell and this sunday as you know march for the tenth anniversary of the september eleventh
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attacks tonight we're going to speak to author david garnsey ross about his new book the modern legacy for back in the. into that only military mechanism to go to prison justice or. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i think taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for sleep you think you understand it and then you've learned something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime. i think. one well. we never government says the income safety get ready to give them their freedom.


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