tv [untitled] September 6, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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you're not getting to know who you hate pretty bad situation or terrorist operation worse brian thank you for thank you it's good to see you. and thank you mitt romney for giving us the new republican plan to create jobs george w. bush recycled. coming up the marjorie quake may be long gone but disaster still lingers in japan as the pope ashima nuclear crisis remains largely unresolved so how many people are still in danger in japan and what is to be done to save them . drives the world the growing use by politicians who makes decisions. who can you trust no one who is you view with the noble mission to read see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sad when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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millions of residents in japan and right wingers are outraged by teamsters president james hoffa is a labor day rally for one of the tory is billionaire was caught on tape saying a few months ago something even more shocking. more steely take. we're now nearly six months or move from the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in japan the trickle triggered a global nuclear catastrophe and while some progress has been made to deal with the never before seen nuclear crisis is still a long way to go a lot of questions still unanswered and enormous risks still blanketing the nation of japan and perhaps the world so much so that world renowned physician and anti-nuclear advocate dr helen caldicott recently issued a dire warning to the japanese people not buying into the japanese government's efforts to downplay the crisis dr caldicott warned people living in north or pant
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and around the crippled fukushima reactors to get the hell out of the area after caldicott said the number of people evacuated is nothing compared to the total number of people at risk in fukushima which has a population of around two million or so in the purrfect or people left there are at grave risk of developing cancer and leukemia it will continue to be further contaminated it is the material has landed on the soil so concentrated in the food and will continue to be taken in through the air as large amounts of radiation continues to leak out through the three damaged reactors and the four damaged fuel cores. joins me now from australia to talk more about this this issue. it's wonderful to see you thank you so much for joining us thank you tom you were recently quoted i just read a quote basically as saying that everybody in northwestern should be evacuated is that so and if so why worry should they go and how long do they need to stay away.
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i didn't actually say in the article everybody should be evacuated but there are some very very hot areas and the american planes three months after the accident when talk with measuring facilities and measured three to fourteen point five terabit thrills me three to four starting point seven million back or elles in certain areas in fukushima when the evacuation zone in chernobyl was five hundred fifty thousand baker real sorry by orders of magnitude people living in incredibly dangerous areas the japanese government is not routinely measuring food is not routinely measuring the radiation in areas throughout japan it is thing only irresponsible and my eyes say that north america has received christ in large fallout itself this is just a report from the harmer that there's radiation there and when you inhale
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a tiny amount of say paternalism into a wound like a millionth of a gram from fukushima landing in oklahoma you will not know it's you along but fifteen or twenty years later or a little longer you may or almost certainly will develop lung cancer but you won't know it's been caused by the pre-charge name from the food you inhale twenty years ago is a long incubation time for cancer in other words we're going to see an incredible increase in cancer leukemia and down the time track genetic disease not just in japan thought in the northern hemisphere particularly in north america what about people in the rest of japan for example tokyo was denser ocular area and also how does this affect the fact that there's their diet is principally a sea based as so much of this pollution has this radioactive material has been
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exploded out of washed out into the sea. well my you are out there poured out huge amounts of radiation into the pacific ocean china has found cesium three hundred times above normal radioactive cesium in their water just off the chinese coast this fish imbibe eat radioactive material and it concentrates first the algae concentrated then the crust agency the algae concentrated further then the little fish then the big fish and big fish when thousands of miles over to the pacific northwest for instance tuna fish travel thousands of miles in the continents. the e.p.a. has not routinely measuring the fish then of course they have no plans to do so the japanese people are at great risk they love this seafood almost everything is fish or rice their rice fifty percent of their rice crop is grown in the fukushima
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probably province or near near the reactor so and that's just about to come to harvest in our garden or is what they will do. and though found very hot spots in tokyo they are found radioactivity even south of tokyo so the accident is not over there could be another earthquake there being three actual milk through which is unheard of in the history of the nuclear age milk through the container onto the onto the onto the floor there could be massive hargett explosions still. and building floor is very unstable and it's got a very hot cooling pool on top of that and there is another earthquake that hul could collects the building called traps and god knows how much radiation police state no one knows how and when this accident it's on going and the scientists are very confused it's sunset mark take three used to pick some say. i think aides were
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in the middle of the medical test to see what can people in it for example tokyo in you know in the near proximity in the country and people in the rest of the northern hemisphere what can or should they and we be doing. well we need the data tom and that's not forthcoming the japanese government should be measuring all the food supplies and if they're radioactive bearing and but in fact the elevation levels of radiation in which people particularly children can be exposed more radiation is safe every day or should receive aids to risk of getting cancer particularly if you're asian radioactive food which in the the isotopes large in various organs your liver your land your brain radios you just a few cells for many years giving our own cells a high dose and an almost inevitably many will in jews who will develop cancer the
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other thing is they should be measuring the radio sheen in the soil sarra least systematically throughout japan and evacuate people from the marys of the radioactive they should be measuring the exit children are inhaling the air almost fifty percent of children had this other thousand children almost fifty percent has really rectified in the sarod glen's in a certain part of the fukushima province so those children are at greater risk of developing storage cancer. we have data francina able to share in our from the new york who carried me as science report that i was a million people have died as a result of chernobyl over million well now some people say that the accident. is three to five times worse and she know it will and that rate of action bred around the northern hemisphere i can't tell you as a physician has one eight raise your right to food can't get it out of your body or
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cancer stand back and tell you to tell her i'm sorry we're out of we're on our time but you've made your plan very well and very eloquently and i very much appreciate your joining us troy thank you tom thank you thank you i've said it before i'll say it again let's not let this terrible us and japan are always lots and ditch nuclear power in the united states for good. just. it's the good the bad of the very very modestly ugly good candidate paula tonto the homeland security director. at some airports acuity changes should be coming down the pike soon in an interview with politico to politics we're moving towards an intelligence and risk based approach to how we screen i think one of the first things you will see over time is the ability to keep your shoes on wow i mean like
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all the rest of the year p.n. countries were actually going to go back except for the just our rolling back the security theater trappings they gave us constant headaches at the airport let's hope says the secretary in politics follows through with this and eventually we jump to church x. rays or no scanners as well the bad facts so-called news the mouthpiece of the republican party is trying to manufacture a controversy around tomorrow's republican debate hosted by their rival and b c citing that a number of republicans were not invited to attend the debate a congressman that is for buddy roemer and gary johnson i'm sure you heard about talking head neil cavuto had this hard hitting observation. so i'm calling this podium gate why not just add more podiums for legit candidates who come to the game with legit solutions to our problems surely the t.v. networks i don't care how dire and poorly off they are could figure out how to
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shoot a slightly more crowded stage how could ground breaking ideas ever get through if we don't let the guys offering them break through. noble neil cavuto looking out for the forgotten public and that's unfortunately he didn't have a problem last month when his own fox so called news goes to the republican debate and excluded those very same candidates from her. this is not so-called news your number one source for blatant hypocrisy and the very very ugly dick cheney the war criminals book tour continued this weekend and the man without a pulse showed up on fox so-called news sunday morning to promote his rewrite of american history when pressed on whether or not he's worried about being tried as a war criminal as colin powell's former chief of staff lawrence wilkerson alleged cheney laughed it off. policy former chief of staff lawrence wilkerson not enough you know this is also weighed in and he says that you're worried about being tried
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as a war criminal. that's news to me. i don't pay a lot of attention mr wilkerson i don't know him as far as i know i've never met the gentleman i know he speaks out from time to time and it strikes me as. a cheap shot. your head's up. that's right cheney labs were crimes he last saw people he laughs off line this nation into a war that is still raging today is that cheney's trying to outdo himself when it comes to how evil someone and that's a very very. after the break the battle lines are being drawn in america in my daily take i'll tell you about the dark days ahead for america as the all of guards begin their bombing raids on the new deal. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to
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predict through through to convey who can you trust no one who is you know you do with it global machinery see where we had it state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do you r t question more. my take is the part of our show where you get a chance to make yourself or your comments tonight came to us via the rant. discouraging leave we can get most of our troops home how are we going to employ all of that space temporary workers holding down their jobs currently and what kind of the step of the seven short and long term do you think there's any cause to
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believe that keeping this war machine going about keeping people in flowing in general misguided things that maybe who or something on that very well. that could be a theory for the number of jobs created in the absence of deployed troops is relatively small compared to the country's current unemployment rate of nine point one percent millions and over ten million people fifteen million people uniform services employment and reemployment rights acts of nine hundred ninety four techs civilian jobs for members of the military and requires employers to hold those jobs while members of the armed forces or training are deployed as law covers both public and private sector jobs and requires employers to properly rehire members of the military when they return from a deployment of up to five years a law doesn't guarantee a soldier the exact same job at a comparable job with similar wages around seventy five percent of national guardsmen are part time soldiers most of them work civilian jobs so that means that this law covers approximately three hundred fifty thousand jobs in the u.s.
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but the law doesn't address what happens when a business closes and in this economy the military is seen more and more instances of soldiers going back to shuttered shops and the greater tragedy still is that our soldiers are coming home to face the harsh realities of transitioning to civilian life without any social safety net there's no g.i. bill for the men and women who serve in the military today or in recent decades over and over again democrats have tried to create a new g.i. bill but each and every time their efforts have been sabotaged by republicans during the course of this year half a million veterans will be on the streets without a home and without work and even though there are some benefits available benefits the pale in comparison to the old g.i. benefits from world war two. these benefits require people to wander through an endless maze of bureaucracy to recover them it's troubling to believe that for example the navy seals who took out bin laden earn on average around forty five thousand dollars a year while the average c.e.o. makes eleven million and the top ten banks years on wall street averaged two
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billion dollars a year each and pay a maximum fifteen percent income tax on that money about half the tax rate that a c.e.o. pays talk about our nation's priorities be another way and while these c.e.o.'s are getting golden parachutes when they retire or retiring soldiers are getting a lead weight to hang around their neck no education no job skills to make it the american economy it's a shame that in today's america there's no payout to a retired soldier can take. to find that elusive american dream that he fought to defend that's it for your take my take the night if you'd like your comments and questions heard in this segment of the show listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the marvin facebook page but twittering at tom underscore when you're in the champ room on the message board you can blog at tom hartman dot com you can also leave a message on the rant line at by three sixty three zero six agree disagree sound
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it's all welcome to remember that your comments may be used on the year. our nation is in the midst of an unbelievable transformation a struggle not seen in any of our lifetimes in response to this transformation james hoffa told a crowd of workers gathered for a labor day rally it was time to go to war take a look. we guarantee beyond a barrier that we face the world workers and you see it everywhere it is the tea party and you know there's only one way to beat and win that war the one thing about working people is we like a good fight and you know what they got a war they got a room with and we're going to be one where it's going to be the workers of a big again and america were you know when there were president obama this is your army we are ready to march everybody here is going to vote if we go back and we keep the entreprise let's take these son of
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a bitches out and give america back to the economy. and of course the right wing echo chamber went absolutely nuts. here be any doubt hot foot maybe obama been think of the republicans as their bitches ever since he was elected by google for this is all over hoffa has to go hide middle east someplace and while battling to save his state from burning to ashes rick perry took time to put in his two cents someone says something like that do you say that's appropriate and appropriate par for the course with your reaction. well you would me believe it if it was appropriate and of course glenn beck sarcasm was the last thing anyone. he's not inciting violence here is. clearly the the right good that i have seen this kind of rhetoric before you know. we all just come together and find a new trial. who better to find that tone than someone with the last name.
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and of course as wouldn't be complete without a shadow from the fox and friends college. it was very very serious language on job creation what the press are you're getting me i don't know i'm not what you hear you want you're saying what i'm going to get out and you have more simulate on a spy lives who are scared face up to the challenges of our nation the president call that's right bill is going to get worse now the white house to say nothing on its head of the d.n.c. i think a lot of people would love to hear a response to taking sides with variations how many times. and how many times have you called out the coarse language at tea party rallies on the on this network n.t. almost never played i never heard you or anyone else i had to rely on a culture where i was dead or slang what is your response. the couch you're fair and balanced. i'm impressed that she was able to keep a straight face as she said that but the point is that these outraged right wingers have a clear agenda to hide the fact that there already is a class war going on in the united states as warren buffet put it back in two
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thousand and six as class warfare all right but it's my class the rich class that's making war and we're winning but the right's feigned outrage is rendered even more ridiculous thanks to a real new report by brad friedman over at mother jones magazine who obtained an audiotape of a secret meeting of billionaires back in june in the mountains of colorado but you're about to hear is billionaire oil baron charles koch the same guy who funds right wing think tanks and astroturf tea party groups rally his soldiers our nation's honor guards behind a mother of all wars to be waged against president obama who koch refers to as saddam hussein take a listen. again that was billionaire charles koch calling president obama saddam hussein and urging
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his rich buddies to prepare for the mother of all wars later code goes on to tell his troops to shell out a million millions of bucks towards that war effort pocket change to most of the army barracks in the room but charles koch is referring to is the billionaires war against working people and it's this very same war that james hoffa spoke of yesterday and on my radio show today. there is a war on workers and you know anybody that doesn't know about the war i mean they started the war and i'm saying ok well somebody's going to is going to be a loser and a winner and we're going to be the winners they got they got the money we got the boat we got the votes the battle lines are being drawn the billionaires are arming up and hoffa was urging working people to wake up and realize that it's a war against the new deal against the contract that our government made with all of us after world war two that if we all worked hard an honorable lives and lived honorable lives and we could achieve the american dream of a comfortable life because the house the car the family the vacation the free
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education and a comfortable retirement a reasonable age this social contract held strong for forty years in america in the thirty's in the seventy's and the middle class through it but the wealthiest among us felt threatened as the marketplace in the workplace opened up more and more to minorities and women in the middle of the twentieth century and more and more americans wanted in on this deal of a good middle class life the dream the billionaires saw their piece of the wealth pie leveling out they saw their massive fortunes growing but not as fast as they would like as workers demanded better pay and better benefits if they wanted to see their empires grow they had to renegotiate f.d.r.'s new deal with the american people they needed to realign the american economy away from a middle class for f.d.r. and republicans like dwight eisenhower positioned it and give it back to the alligators. they started those thirty years ago ronald reagan busted up path into
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the air traffic controllers union and triggered a generation long battle against labor unions today labor unions all of which one in three americans used to belong during the fifty's have largely disappeared with the only real one in ten americans enjoying the protections of organized labor and as labor unions went into decline over the past few decades so too did the middle class is sure the wealth dropped from close to thirty percent in the one nine hundred sixty s. to about ten percent today as the billionaires gobbled up more and more money so much so that just four hundred families now have more wealth than the bottom one hundred fifty million americans combined. with reagan they were subtle about it they said they like social security and medicare they even like unions they just want to protect it but after thirty years of successfully drilling holes in the new deal now they're just openly bragging that f.d.r.'s new deal isn't. the
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new new deal paul ryan's new deal is pretty easily summed up in four words the republicans are constantly pushing in various forms of code using phrases like personal responsibility and freedom these four words you're on your own. paul ryan's budget what he calls the road map is that new contract that billionaires want to impose on the american people a contract that renders the american dream obsolete and no longer rewards hard work with a good middle class lifestyle no social security no medicare in the labor unions no free education health care no vacations no retirement until you're dead no home no car nothing unless you're willing to go into debt up to your eyeballs why because the billionaires don't want to pay their share to make sure the rest of us have any semblance of economic security. through just that simple every publicans when the
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election two thousand and twelve get used to the lifestyle of the working poor and luckily so far republicans only control the house of representatives and not the senate or the white house so paul ryan in the billionaire buddies vision for america can't be fully realized at least not yet which is exactly why charles koch is asking his cobol of billionaires to cough up at least a million dollars each to prepare for his phrase the mother of all wars the billionaires quest to take over congress and the white house next year these billionaires who just want to watch and cycle just one election away from fantasy finishing it off once and for all their thirty year war against working people that have been kicked off inserted by ronald reagan just want to lection away from killing off if the new deal replacing it with paul ryan's new deal for billionaires . james hoffa knows what we're up against he knows that charles koch isn't afraid
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to shell out millions of bucks to win this war so what charles koch and the oligarchy fully committed to the struggle it's time for the rest of us to wake up and decide whose side we're on the billionaires or the rest of america. that's it for the big picture tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and archie dot com also check out our two you tube channel sarah links of thom hartmann dot com entire show is also available free video podcast and i tunes and we have a free thom hartmann i phone or an i pad app in the app store you can send us feedback on twitter at tom others for armin on facebook at tom underscore our of our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom hartman dot com and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag you're it we'll see tomorrow.
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