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tv   [untitled]    September 7, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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germany's highest score throws out a claim challenging the legality of bailouts meaning berlin will continue propping up europe's creaking economy. was devastation in new delhi at least ten people have been killed and over sixty injured by a bomb blast near the city's hard core of pakistan freeze terror group has reportedly claimed responsibility. and calls for independence from the u.k. growing louder in wales where nationalist fervor is coupled with a desire to have control over its own.
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come back three pm here in the russian capital this is artsy now germany's constitutional court has ruled that euro zone bail outs can it continue after throwing out a challenge claiming they were illegal but the court also said that the german government would have to get the approval of parliament before provided further financial aid in the future archy's down a bushel as well. they have in effect approved bailouts not just one for greece but potentially those in future which is boring growing numbers of people here not just across europe particularly in germany now i'm going to merkel's ruling party has suffered terribly in a recent local elections which gives an idea of the opposition that there is in germany these bailouts they were opposed to the idea what they say the mistakes of greece being rewarded in effect and germany has to pay for the mistakes of people like greece there's been huge publicity over this ruling does raise the pressure on germany to really have another look at whether they go through with these bailouts
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for not the parliament did vote in may two thousand and ten to greece keep it from defaulting on its debts and to back the four hundred billion euro european financial stability facility with some hundred forty seven billion euro and sees the latest opinion polls show really quite strong in opposition not just in. proof of the whole european project the more people are saying is that they oppose this is the fact a movement towards a single european government without really being consulted of course when they were consulted some countries like the voted against further european integration more critics say the e.u. has now decided it's not even consult people because they're worried that they may votes against patrick is the executive director of financial services firm t.v. advisers tells r.t. the court's ruling does not. cure or.
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ultimately this is actually i think what we would call a pyrrhic victory it's an empty victory for mrs merkel yes the realize can go ahead but like all good court judgment read the small print and what is happening today is that in fact the german court which has clearly been very very much split on the issue has come on with an announcement we're still scarring through the small print but what we read so far suggests to us that they're going to request the german parliament and most importantly of all the german budget committee has own grid deal more say on what goes on in the whole issue of the larger because that's what we're looking at today is that yes it can go ahead but at the same time it's still a very very quietly picture of the euro we know that the german people are deeply unhappy about what's going on and they don't see there being any benefit in suddenly giving a credit card another bottle of vodka to and driving drunken man in a department store and that's what we've got here it's going to still be
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a terrible result once the marketers have a bit of a relief rally which is going on as we speak what's happening is greece's essential you being so all hide behind in slavery by the way that the euro debt mechanism is working it's a farce for greece straight a parcel to greece people and it's a total complete and utter disaster for the europe of greece should be allowed to go free and it must make its own decisions its own sovereign decisions that of greece doesn't leave the cancer is spreading and as we know it regionally last month it's already were rooting around a clear since c.n.n. . so far does the disease google for entirely kills the patient i think the question is it's not a question of how much work is there to get every side of the euro actually are much chances are that the euro is going to survive with greece still in it and the answer is really none meanwhile in italy and spain thousands of people hit the streets as their governments crash ceratin measures at least forty five bill. and
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you're a package welcomed by the e.u. includes among other things new tax nights and raising the retirement age for women in spain at the rallies came ahead of a crucial vote by its senate on amending the constitution to limit national debt or you get some rights groups say the death cap would decimate the welfare system and hurt the most vulnerable right you're a journalist maybe your brother believes it's the markets that should be made responsible for spain scurrying predicament not the people. the markets are not rational and they are driven usually by fear sometimes by greed. they just think they feel that spain could be like greece or like ireland or like portugal because the fertile country within the euro so so they tend to lump together countries that are very different but they resemble each other because they are part of the periphery and i think that that's three recently sets a psychological perception and then again it's true that the growth in spain
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economic growth is not very good so that in the long term will be a problem for there we don't have a problem now but we may have it in the future that is true although the financial turmoil raging around europe calls are growing for the worst economies to abandon the euro and return to their old national currencies the german economic analyst michael ross tells r.t. the only solution to the crisis is if stronger economies leave the eurozone. there's no other solution that the weak countries exit the strong country has to exit if germany for it for example pulls out of the euro or all problem would be solved but it means that we will have a stronger currency germany its current leverage and the others will have a devaluated currency and this is exactly what beneath the greens all saw that the get there to have rules be devalued this is what they mean and this is what i mean need and saw in this situation is there is
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a worse or more the weak ones have to pull out but the germans have to pull out and europe's economic woes are also being felt in the u.k. driving some parts of it to crave more control over their finances. one stocking becomes independent and the next logical step is for we're just becoming dependent to supper to such about intensifies across the u.k. as we reveal later in the program. ever bought glass house rock the evian capital new delhi killing ten and injuring at least sixty five outside the city's high court now pakistan based terror group has reportedly claimed responsibility for the latest we get now to our correspondent who was in delhi for us what's the very latest on these fast moving developments. that's right well we do have more information this hour actually allegedly there
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was an e-mail that was said by the harkov that all jihad is sodomy otherwise known as quote she to india's national investigation agency claiming responsibility for the attacks today now that group is actually it has bases in pakistan in bangladesh this is obviously interesting as well because indian prime minister manmohan singh was actually visiting dhaka today. released his statement about condemning these attacks and saying that india must stand united against these attacks from bangladesh today actually in an e-mail to the i.a.e.a. the group called on india to repeal the death sentence of a man that was actually convicted of bombing the indian parliament back in two thousand and one obviously all of this is following very close to the anniversary of nine eleven and to shed some more light on all of this is i have a guest with me siddharth rahman i he is a contributor and consultant to world analysis start now thanks so much for joining me so i want to first ask you what else can you tell me about this group. have they
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claimed responsibility for any of india's recent terror attacks were not in the movie some decent ones have been blamed on the indian with i.b.m. and preceding the attack in mumbai you needn't think it was have been in the last goodbye go or the initial investigations into the mumbai attacks there will suspicions of. particular. commanders who have provided some form of logistical support to this particular attack who do you was established during the gandhi hard. it was moving forward holding some of the pakistani i.s.i. would not nor hold ruled this new sort of the moment. is quite strong and what other you know that there's been a lot of speculation say and a lot of experts are coming out and saying that perhaps the clergy could be
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a front for something else what are the other major threats to india's security well who do you is a part of what they called a clean one twenty brigade. is. it a group which have. dressed as for example fortunately. because members of al qaeda and it has a lot of type planet and so on and so forth. so we want to be good has actually looked into the iraqi project one of the we believe the mumbai attack was a part of karachi for that and so this attack should be looked into the aftermath of this and what about the pakistani al-qaeda there has been a lot of talk about them as well today other central u.s. out of the central which is based in pakistan afghanistan is known to be close to come on to the u.s. because we have worked closely with them and so when we talk of the three once we begin we have completed the fact of the lot of groups in pakistan including alcohol
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which are working with them and which is why like i mentioned the policy of this group is what will be interesting to follow this investigation and see we'll continue to bring you the latest from new delhi back to you guys in moscow. correspondent a pretty shrewd are there and we'll be keeping you updated on all the delhi plus there's also more on the story at our web site that's our team dot com and also our free video section we've got pictures for many of vailable for you to download for free to log on to check it out. when you take three. three. three. three. three. three volunteer video for your media project a free video gone to our teeth dot com. heavy gunfire is reported to be taking
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place in central syria with at least six people killed and this comes just hours after activists claim that several people were killed as government forces use on board vehicles in the besieged city of homs the u.n. has been calling for more pressure to be put on president assad well to discuss the situation in syria and in libya we're joined by dr. professor at princess of my versity for technology in jordan thanks very much for being on the program so some of these reports coming out of syria suggest that the a crackdown continues there that's a spike reforms promised by president assad why is that. well we're not actually quite sure because after all. there aren't authentic reports coming out of syria you know the satellites on the whole particularly the arab arabic satellites are not actually trustworthy most of them are not trustworthy when it comes to syria. we've noticed the same in libya as well this is very worrying and we depend
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on reports coming from visitors for example from jordan to syria. colleagues and sometimes even sometimes they paint a different picture from the one we hear in the media. the a.b.c. it's a very confusing situation and of course the syrians claim that there are armed gangs . acting and killing people and killing members of the security forces in the various. areas in syria and these reports could be correct i mean we are not quite sure but obviously. it's a very complex situation so i don't think you can only be i don't think it can be understood the only. basis meaning that there are many forces in the area external forces working inside syria that's my impression ok and of course it's an
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impression all right you're saying that it can all be understood essentially from the inside but then on the outside those who are watching what's happening in syria at least from what we can the pressure on the syrian leadership is growing and i could see a repeat of how events unfolded in libya. to tell you the truth as i said it's a very confusing situation but you see syria. i mean we have we feel some of us intellectuals in jordan we feel that syria is targeting foreign powers. for obvious reasons first of all because of its stance on. the resistance movement whether in iraq or lebanon. and secondly because it has a certain degree of independence unlike other states in the area. particularly when it comes to be. doesn't have a problem so i think it is
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a country that doesn't of course mean that we have a democratic regime. but you see this is the case all over the world. democracy got abroad this is not only. this is not only peculiar to syria of course it's all over the book you see. i mean in libya sixty thousand people were massacred in the last few months and nobody is talking about. the syrian situation i mean why is it that people don't talk about the situation about the yemeni situation not much is being said about. only syria is focused on this is a bit. you know it makes me suspicious of things all right it's an interesting point you bring up there the focus on certain countries but i do want to go to libya just to see what your your your opinion is on it being controlled by rebels
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right now you were talking about democracy in arab countries what kind of country do you think libya will become under control. well i think. you know this situation yeah well you see i don't think that democracy is coming today i mean after all libya has been invaded by nato countries i mean it is an invasion let's let's be clear about. i don't think it was that in the first place i think it was some sort of. which was back by nato in the back perhaps it was in college so it was not the revolution not a popular. so therefore i think that. the result is similar to what happened in iraq. which is right ok i don't think anybody can currently receiving iraq at the moment he's also. time right now but thank you so much for your insight there. professor represents my interest
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in for technology thanks. paula same with us syria russia and france of course for more dialogue between the government and the opposition there in an attempt to end that the unrest live also wanted there should be no repeat in syria of what happened in libya the comments came at a meeting between the french and russian foreign ministers and for more we're joined now by r.t.c. from moscow are you sure it looks like are the two sides found some common ground although there are a number of differences as well could you break it down for us. well surely there is a number of differences in the approaches an understanding of some international issues between russia and france but to the two countries do call each other a long term strategic partners and they are on common ground when it comes to a great amount of international and local problems now i'm talking about syria moscow and in full understanding that this issue ational not to repeat what
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happened with libya and it's absolutely vital that the opposition in syria has a dialogue with. listen to what russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov had to say . it is imperative to get we start talks and this is actually worked the syrian leadership for this thinks it is extremely dangerous to grant cert its forces in syria to these talks and neither russia nor france wants to see this and this is. let's just be extremely dangerous every. party in the series should stop producing the file and soon we should propose to care resolution to just accept that we encourage the government to carry out their if it is launched and the opposition should not use provocations and recherche invitations to dialogue. why it
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comes to the different approaches on syria between russia and france france calls for tough sanctions on the syrian authorities while russia stands for peaceful dialogue trying to resolve the situation of peacefully and once again all sides agree that the scenario in syria cannot repeat the scenario and with the act but anyway the syrian situation is still to be discussed later in september at the un general assembly meeting in new york at the united nations when it comes to its no secret that russia has been criticizing fiercely the military operation conducted by nato and this was a point of. misunderstandings and different approaches between russia and the west but right now both paris and moscow are saying that they're ready to cooperate and
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work together to bring back peace into libya to help every store of the country its economy its a society and more of course libya is also going to be discussed at the u.n. general assembly later in september all right from the arab countries were other issues were raised. call they talked about wide range of issues from nuclear nonproliferation to afghanistan in the middle east peace process in palestine and israel but just to to focus on some of them. of course quite a worrying issue for russia the u.s. plans to build the anti missile defense system in europe and france has once again said that they are a radio and hoping to talk about this with moscow in the future to continue negotiations and according to the french foreign minister there is hopes that they
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will be able to prove to moscow that the shield is not aimed against russia another issue is afghanistan since it is plans that sooner or later minos forces are going to have to leave the country and both russia and france are monitoring the situation happening in their. fame from moscow for helping nato in terms of giving the air corridor or through its air space for a nato cargo to be shipped to afghanistan russia is also to supply military helicopters to afghanistan which have been initially designed to work in those conditions but the goal for size of stressed that city will have to make sure that this transition of power will be conducted properly so that the afghani authorities will be able to keep the situation under control once nato forces are gone and i thanks very much for that update going on there live from moscow.
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all right well hope for a better country but not as part of the united kingdom there's a strong sense of national identity and wales which is how fuel calls for it to achieve independence following similar calls for their north in scotland as artie's or and what reports the debate continues to rage over whether welsh ambitions are driven by economic sense or emotion. welcome to wales part of the u.k. and a proud nation with its own language and customs and the latest voice to call for independence applied comrie which means the party of wales has always argued the country could be better off without the u.k. and it seems increasing numbers are starting to see their point of view our economy has been run from london with the interest and priorities of the south east of england to the fore and independent would be able to chart a different course based on our priorities wales is a long way from declaring independence but it's no longer just a pipe dream people here voted overwhelmingly earlier this year in favor of handing
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the welsh assembly full law making powers that was considered a turning point in welsh nationhood and plights couldn't read the party of wales have undoubtedly taken heart from the surprise victory of the scottish national party that victory in may gave the s.n.p. an outright majority in the scottish parliament which has many powers devolved from westminster the party's promise to hold a scotland wide referendum on whether to declare independence according supplied comrie that marks the turning of the tide for a unified u.k. peeping last i believe the beginning to to use the word into penguins in a welsh context which they say they were going to jennifer to use our last saturday to valid sizing the people in where's it going to see that their church when scotland becomes independent the next logical step is for whispy coming to bengal
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to of course separatism is nothing new to the british isles and the thousands of victims of the troubles in northern ireland are testament to how high feelings can run both in the present day and for centuries past while national sentiment may not be a new phenomenon the reasons for its have changed over the years and in these. current turbulent economic times money talks scotland has oil and gas but while wales was a proud coal producing nation its minds are now closed and it's got some of the highest unemployment levels in the u.k. because of that the older generation is reserved when it comes to independence but young people are filled with national fervor for them independence is less about money and more about nationhood and identity and wales needs to be independent because it is a great country and we do we do in it like joining because we really patriotic i think we're more patriotic than england realise. that we shouldn't. just and should
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be left here at the moment we get free prescriptions. education seems to be a bit much to apply to comrie says it's going to build on that support providing not just emotional reasons why wales should be independent but concrete economic reasons too and it says wales does have resources particularly land and sea for green energy if the scots vote for independence wales might not be far behind nor emmet r.t. cause if. it's not for the business update the. thanks that's right time to get the latest on the world of business and pressure in the gas dispute between russia and ukraine continues to build here says it aims to complete the reorganization of the country's gas motley nafta gas before the end of this year the companies that don't march will either conduct i.p.o.'s all be sold
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privately that would allow ukraine to raise up to twelve billion dollars the country plans to invest the money into energy efficiency systems and its own gas production coupons true real organized enough to pass in order to renegotiate gas conference with russia saying the existing prices are too high. let's have a check on the markets or lose but that's ahead of an energy department report which is expected to show a decline in stockpiles tropical storm lee is threatening production in the car from mexico and also hope that a bomb or speech will provide a new catalyst what kind of a growth in the market. on european markets are rallying after three days of losses being driven by global stocks germany has thrown out a little suit walking the country station in the eurozone bailout case had been approached by a number of euro skeptics who argued the rescue package broke both german and e.u.
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law and this has provided a thorough lift to said to mint. and in russian markets a strong we in the like on the back of high oil prices samples of movement in asia let's not have a look at some of the individual show moves energy majors are among the main game is on the mice it's a move stronger crude with gazprom up three percent meanwhile banking stocks are also on the rise as more than three percent in the black owned fertilise of the stock rose gaining four percent after posting strong first half results the companies that profits rose two point six times just four hundred and fifteen million dollars. that's all we have time for no joy in less than one hour for another business update. the beauty of. the.
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culture is the same elements next mayor is claiming to exist in a real commitment to write future me for the euro as the single currency reels from one crisis to the next europe's politicians appear to be powerless in the face of. the above. the berlin the best
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subsists to. see. the be. cool the latest in science in six months from the influx of the future coverage. worldwide manhunt for him lasted for fifteen year. i one million euro before it was promised for his capture . pitiful minus murder for the west. the national hero so many innocent.


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