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tv   [untitled]    September 7, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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we know that the plane had trouble gaining altitude and then hit some kind of antenna or some other kind of object different people in different witnesses are saying different. kind of different stories of how it happened one of the people we spoke to describe how it was very clear the plane was tilting to the right in the air and we heard some very loud crashes we spoke in fact to several witnesses and also some fans as of course this almost entire hockey team was wiped out in this terrible tragedy let's listen to what they had to say. to look at mostly should we heard the plane take off so we told our granddaughter look there's going to be an airplane then i heard a bang and my daughter told me mom it's falling down to the side then came the flames in the smoke and we wanted to run away but we didn't know where to run then we went to the river and saw the flames which has. come under you just look i'm a chief is my home team we supported him so we'll have this team who was shocked when we found out who went to all of the games knew all of them by name it's very
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difficult. just to bring you up to date on the numbers that are coming in and slowly being confirmed forty five people onboard like you said forty three of them confirmed dead two survivors we're getting conflicting reports about the forward alexander we heard earlier that he was sent straight to the hospital had eighty percent of his body covered in burns was a very good dish and then we heard rumors that it was possible that he had died and now his doctors are saying that they cannot confirm that so it's still not clear how many survivors will really make it out of this terrible tragedy just a little bit of good news coming through tonight when we do keep our fingers crossed that you will pull through here now as you say it is getting late investigators also as you say working through the night now that plane or two thirds of anyway crashed into a river might be vulgar river can you just describe for us i believe the river is the. we saw the tail of the fuselage sticking out on fire how close to the pole was
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what is that area like paint a picture of where this plane went down. of course it's not very far from the airport the airport itself is about a kilometer away i would say we could get as close to it as we would have liked to on the crash site is just behind us here again very difficult to get in there we did we were able to film some of the pictures and what i saw was i mean the. huge river part of the plane is thank god closer to the bank because really as these. as the search was going on if you if you think about the time span it's you know it happened around five o'clock that this happened and already thirty five bodies of the forty three that were were killed were found and that's that's some pretty impressive work when you think about it and it's difficult to search for bodies in water and like i said now it's getting dark and cold really fots with these
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investigators and emergency teams that will be working certainly throughout the night to find those red the rest of those bodies the the officials that we've spoken to are very determined to get this done by at least morning yeah as ever when the when these terrible. awful job that they have to do to try to retrieve the bodies and try and find out what went wrong and of course hold so ready turning to the this was an aging. salvi a plane none the less even though it was an old plane many of the experts we've all i'm saying all the old plane if it's still going to be. what all the theories about what could have gone so badly wrong here. that's the thing i've also been hearing from different experts and investigators that for you choose a pretty reliable plane there have been several incidents over the last decade or so but we do know that the prosecutor general has multiple flights of young forty two since really figure out what went wrong also the airport that was in charge of this. charter flight also being investigated to know what exactly went wrong maybe
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some technical checks were not done overall though we're hearing a pretty reliable plane again human human factor always comes into question in plane crashes like this but. if you take take if you take into consideration the officials that we've had a chance to speak to it does seem like they're leaning towards a technical failure but of course we can't confirm that yet it's still very early into this investigation i mean again we had no way to know the woman saying she lives nearby and she was walking down the road at the time with the family she had a series of loud crashes looked up and saw a plane go into the ground zero policeman said he saw it basically all almost not take off just as it took off big flames of the nine story building also early details that it could have hit an antenna at the airfield you know any more about that. yes i heard the same thing one of the witnesses we spoke to that's exactly
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how he described it basically it looked early on through his eyes that something was wrong he said the plane was tilting to the right and the need to use the word then went on to fall into the river but again a lot of people saw this crash from different points we've spoken to a lot of witnesses everyone has a little bit of a different version and that of course complicates things overall though this is a this is a small town it's very modern very european but this is this town is going to be the city i should say is in shock and really i think the rest of the country we saw some incredible pictures coming in from of course another match was was meant to be held as the cage held season opens here in in russia and that was canceled but the pictures of these families just devastated by this tragedy really amazing and of course. just just crushed by this tragedy the global policy forum of course taking place a lot of that is going to be council tomorrow we already know that. meet the maids
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video will be making his way to the crash site himself to pay respects thank you very much for bringing us up to date with what you know nice to know there are a correspondent on the scene tonight this unfolding disaster but. let's bring in our sports correspondent go partridge awful day for russia you know what how you look at it a whole squad wiped out. how's it how's it going to go down amongst the sporting world here in russia with complete devastation as as and he says alluded to before the russian russian sport is dominated very much by hockey and football and the idea that one of the great powerhouses of russian ice hockey three time former champions always the team they're in there about in the new form which is now into its fourth season and was due to start today and suddenly a whole generation of players wiped out it's beyond shocking. it's not going to be filled by the sports community is all going to be of. the whole team wiped out here
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so many friends and relatives affected tonight i mean where do we begin to even try and form a new team after this well i mean that exactly that i mean it is the wiping out of a generation i mean there is a there is a commentator colleagues on the course mike who is a very famous commentator here in russia had suggested that perhaps other teams all contributed players as a goodwill gesture so they could they could form a new team from the from the devastation that something good perhaps could come from this but it is the associations whenever you have a club or whatever a tragedy happens very much in minds me of for instance manchester united the football club back in england when they had the munich head is now called fifty eight i mean that that is something that he is very much remembered even now this is already been described as russia's worst sporting disaster absolutely i mean so much loss of life it is truly devastating or falls very much as well with alexander gleam of the twenty six year old who we heard was pulled from the wreckage we.
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there was an. initial report said he he may have passed away but that is not confirmed the latest we know is that he is still very much alive tonight although he is in hospital very serious eighty percent burns our thoughts very much with him tonight the he pulls through the sudesh embassy of course confirm the stuff and lift the goalkeeper for the country's national squad he is among the dead along of course with the team a coach as well absolutely i mean you're talking about just talking about brad mccrimmon he was fifty two year old canadian coach he was he was a stanley cup winner with the calgary flames absolutely devastating for all the countries involved there were as far as i'm aware eight or nine nationalities and it's not just an it the international community it's the great and the good in russian ice hockey that is that a feeling this too and we can hear from them now how big it is is hockey here in russia it's the biggest sport it is the biggest sport i mean effectively you have you have the russian premier league which is football but beyond that every the world is all about hockey while we've got to which is offered to soften the chair
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of the current show board of directors this is what kate he had to say about these tragic events tonight a plane carrying the locomotive team krrish to right after the takeoff from your slum according to the latest information only one plane has survived our teams don't think we can continue to manage after such news thank you for your understanding and supporting this decision now let's commemorate the players who have passed away with a minute of silence. which is there for to software on the chairman of the board of directors and of course more comment as well coming through tonight to the voters love he's president of the ice hockey federation here in russia he of course had something to say as one. we offer our condolences to the families and the club a must see it is a huge loss for russian ice hockey because there were a lot of good players in euro slava so we will do everything to find out the causes of the tragedy to support the families and help the sport live on in generous level
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to honor those who died in the disaster. well kate as i say the what or how you look at it it's a dreadful turn of events here know that hockey fans through russia are paying their respects pay their condolences and also. here is going to be gathering outside the kremlin in red square as well that spies who are dead have an ether the details on that. ok ok parties thanks ever so much for coming on this very sad day . for that earlier i spoke to aviation expert mark weiss he's a former american airlines pilot he told me he thinks the crash investigation will of course take time but its results should help prevent future tragedy. well go first thing they're going to start with you're going to get investigators and. typically speaking you bring investigators who have expertise in all the various systems and aircraft components and engines. air worthiness.
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you bring them all together and you start with the records of the aircraft the maintenance records of the aircraft the history of the aircraft the history of the crew the weather at the time any problems that were encountered by aircraft taking off before them it's a long tedious process but these people who do this job and here we have the national transportation safety board who oftentimes are called in world wide as experts in forensics of accidents. they're very well trained and they're very detailed and nothing really goes overlooked they will find every bit and piece to put this together because remember the end result of the investigation is not just . you know to give closure to everybody but to prevent something like this from happening again. there were cause keep you updated with the latest developments in
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the night as we get them let's turn to some of the day's other news though at the top court in berlin has thrown out a series of lawsuits that said germany's bankrolling of bailouts to ailing european economies were illegal the judges ruled out giving chancellor merkel a blank check those saying any future aid must now be pre-approved by parliament because look at how put germany's ability to react swiftly to a new crisis but it does set a precedent for other nations to tighten their belts as well opposition parties welcomed the ruling but said merkel it made the crisis worse through delays and a lack of vision but with his thoughts on how this ruling will affect germany's support for struggling euro zone states let's talk economics professor dr christine reich he's from the front technical university. dr thanks for being on the program tonight good to see you in reality does this verdict in reality does this verdict really change anything i mean after all german politics are dominated by pro euro groups almost all of which agree with the spirit of bailouts. well
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if you ask me about the decision today and at first glance it may seem that it doesn't call of anything new. or what i particularly dislike is in a way to reach respect to rubberstamp. behavior by our own government but on the other hand if you look at the decision in more detail you can see that there are some surprises in it so for example what it requires is that. some money is taken to the rescue fund it has to be approved by the budget committee of the buddhist which is the lower house of the german parliament so this very effectively means that for example. euro bonds would not be possible because this would be something like a general agreement on using the money so i am quite convinced that most
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commenters today do not see all the implications of this decision today. well mrs merkel of course gave her reaction as you'd expect she said if the euro collapses europe collapses those are stretching the truth a bit i mean europe did well enough before the euro came along well what's to stop it thriving after the euro's possible demise. well i think it is highly exaggerated that we always believe that the you immediately crashes whenever the rescue fund is not immediately functional in fact if you look at this decision means that the german parliament is able to restrict access to the rescue funds on the other hand this is not it is. but rather this is good this is a good sign it is good news both for the markets and also for the euro because it means that the restrictions that were originally meant to be in place are now much better used so that there is actually some kind of leverage from the german side to
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enforce the funds are being used in the right way how do these bailouts being viewed internally i'm thinking about the internal politics of it all in germany one party took significant dates in the local elections but weren't seen as a significant factor there were they i mean after all parties with even more pro euro views made strong gains didn't they so. i mean the german people are happy to pay up. well i mean talking about bailouts we always have the impression or in the public discussion. the impression that is concerning a bailout about southern european countries but if you look at things as they stand this is just a follow up on the banking crisis which initiated in two thousand and eight. i think the whole bailout discussion goes a little bit in the wrong direction we do not really bail out countries to bail out
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banks. of course we do use some let's say for food behavior by the governments but this is a more or less in direct effect. on the program dr christian right professor of economics at the frankfurt technical university appreciate it thank you. know it's been a day of disquiet in israel where police have started dismantling the tent cities built by protesters during the past two months the camps are part of a nationwide demonstrations over living costs and other social problems of money israelis that move came less than a day after tel of even ministration promise to protect the demonstrators and cooperate with them it led to clashes between the camp's inhabitants and police as well as calls for television med to resign meanwhile in the west. jewish settlers vandalized the israeli defense force base damaging several vehicles was a response to the i.d.f. earlier dismantling several illegal outposts jewish settlers later dolly diana says the authorities will act as they would in a palestinian incident and neither side will achieve anything. vandalism
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called upon. to surrender to the police and also called the police to use all the. capabilities they have in order to. act but they were used exactly the same terminology when violence perpetrated by israelis against the palestinian property you have to understand. we are all playing. a game. only game and. the world including the united states including the united nations including the european community and including russia is the two state solution but the state solution is. focusing on libya now rebels they say they've trapped colonel gadhafi in the ready to take him dead or alive the former leader was tracked down after loyalist convoys left the neighboring country of. the rebels are
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believed to have located gadhafi with high tech equipment and intelligence they say they now control most of the country offer a helping hand from western nations but it's in stark contrast to how america and britain operated in libya in recent days before the antique i think campaign now the cia and i my six were allegedly sending terror suspects to libya for interrogation and torture according to documents that have been unearthed in libya and they spot outrage as r.t. done a bushel reports next the signs suggest that the violence isn't over yet and the real chaos yet to come. home with his song is one of africa's most experienced diplomats just back from the libyan capital he says need to just turn it into a ghost town there is no police. there is no administration there is no there is no it's called law and order has been replaced by a more cruel rebels some fear that the various groups who've emerged might soon
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stop fighting each other what's your weapon stores have been raided every man with kalashnikovs if the tribes fight for their independence to come sure will answer and never ends in civil war with brutal urban guerrilla warfare he lists argue that even rebel leaders don't know where therefore it is a from. rebel hands mahmoud jellyroll was a launch to find islamist sleeper cells had joint history clear sense if a vast parallel structure of competence has appeared we have no idea who is in charge of them they tell us hopes of a reliable replacement for more of my good the fear appeared to be fading libya's rebels remain deeply divided while the chaos from nato bombing appears to be spreading beyond the country's borders in the turmoil there are fears that religious extremists could be using libya as a base to further their aims in north africa and from two new zealand ordered to qualify that tunisian women got abortion rights twenty years before women in
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belgium under the last regime divorced women good benefits revived arab sunni just movements are trying to reverse that. before the war leaders from barack obama to nicolas sarkozy and silvio berlusconi a short and even kissed gadhafi rebels got red carpet treatment in paris but the west little so change tack on experts if libya doesn't go for them as planned according to this man who's just returned from war torn tripoli the message from some locals there is that the conflict may have created a frankenstein's monster for europe they warned us that we don't know what we are creating in libya it will be a free haven of extremist groups which are just on the southern border of europe poirot's from failed somalia made their coast a no go. frighteningly some diplomats neal think libya is heading in the same direction but what do we do short of that it is military and will not be if there will be parted and there will be all bloat to control it it. to make it safe i
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don't think french economy can support that western intervention in libya has brought large numbers of new forces to the fore experts fear the west itself may come to regret their emergence daniel bushell see brussels will stay with his troubles the situation in syria was discussed in moscow at a meeting between the russian and french foreign ministers both sergey lavrov and his counterpart stressed the need for dialogue between the syrian government and opposition but the meeting also outlined a few differences in approach to france's seeking tough sanctions on the syrian government while russia wants a more peaceful solution both look forward to discussing possible measures in the un general assembly later this month russia's foreign minister stressed syria must not be a repeat of the libyan scenario. we're convinced that it's vital today to start talks and this is actually what the syrian
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leadership calls for it's extremely dangerous to certain forces in syria to boycott those talks and neither russia nor france wants to see that happen every party in syria should stop using violence and we've proposed a resolution to this effect we encourage the government to carry out the reforms it has launched and the opposition should not use provocations and reject invitations into dialogue. or talk more about serious problems with the rest of the world should or should not do about it would take a whole bag into the future of freedom foundation very good even with the whole bogus thanks for being on r.t. international with the french foreign ministry of moscow's once again as they said the u.n. sanctions must be imposed on the syrian regime but you know what those sanctions strike the regime or the people at the end of the day. sanctions always hurt the people i mean it's amazing that these old colonial powers have now learned that they had sanctions against iraq for some eleven years that killed hundreds of
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thousands of iraqi children it did not accomplish the received change they had wanted we have heads an embargo against cuba rick what sixty years now that in accomplished the regime change it only ends up hurting the people not the regime itself it actually solidifies the power of the receiver so what should be done if you're saying sanctions are wrong what is the best way forward the best the best way forward is to butt out i mean that's what the u.s. needs to do that's what the brits need to do for and this is a problem in syria our legacy here in the united states that the founding principles of our country was that this government would not going to grow out in search of what john quincy adams one of our founding fathers called a monster is to destroy you know that's a problem for the syrian people it is not a problem for the u.s. government all the u.s. government does when it intervenes in the internal affairs of these other countries
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is make matters much worse not only for the people there but for especially here for us the american people but i guess the counter-argument to that is when the opposition currently refusing any kind of dialogue with president the sad dialogue has to be encouraged maybe with external involvement though. well look the world is filled with dictators with tyrants it always has been you know that this is a this is a matter for the syrian people to decide how far do they want to go to oust this dictatorship they want to go to revolution which is a very costly enterprise a lot of people lose their lives this is a choice to people of that country need to make and is not a decision that can be imposed on them through the u.s. government which really doesn't give a hoot for the lives of the syrian people let's not forget that this government the u.s. government actually had a partnership with the assad regime to torture people on behalf of the u.s.
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government i mean this is a government that has supported dictatorships is sort of willy nilly it cut deals with the mubarak dictatorship to torture people it cut deals with the can die off the regime to torture people it cut deals with the syrian regime the best thing to do is for this government to stay out of it and let the syrian people decide what ultimately needs to be done with this dictator course it's not just you know considering how france has been held with the nato raids in libya as it's now the head of calling for sanctions on syria to think we're going to see a repayed scenario of what we saw in libya. very possibly but you know these are the old colonial powers you know britain britain france i mean they're they're living in the old days of having their empires back where they're controlling the middle east and controlling the events of the middle east and installing their little puppet regimes extracting oil from these countries i mean this is just a throwback to the old era of imperialism lead of course by the us government the
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us empire it's it's best that people start thinking at a higher level and that is to dismantle these empires once and for all leave people free in those countries and decide how to handle their disputes and oh by the way one of our other founding principles in this country. was open immigration where we don't send our troops abroad we don't send our sanctions abroad to help you but if you want to escape your tyranny you want to escape your oppression you are free to come to the united states no questions asked you can settle and live here jason about a much better way to help people take what you say we don't have a lot of time but i want to get thoughts on this last one where is this going to go come expect any breakthroughs in the syrian conflict after the un general assembly later this month we're going to go is going to go to something significantly worse they're going to keep playing this game with the sanctions the assad regime is not going to budge it you know regime is going to budge to it with respect to sanctions
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so then you've got the pride element what is the government will do what is the u.s. to do at this point and you're just going to see a tightening and tell ultimately yes you may see a libya type situation i don't know if the u.s. is going to go that far but anything's possible with us ok jacob or burger founder president of the future of freedom foundation thank you very on r.t. and you are. well we will of course continue to update you on what is now being labeled russia's worst ever sporting tragedy the awful events of unfolded today almost all of the locomotive jaroslav lice talking to have been killed after their plane crashed after takeoff two hundred seventy kilometers northeast of moscow that's our main news tonight i've got more details on that coming up shortly.
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sure is that so much to me i mean i would like to give it a real treat to tell him to write for the euro as the single currency reels from one crisis to europe's politicians appear to be powerless in the face of.
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this is our breaking news from. russia's worst ever sporting tragedies it's being called a jet in the country. locomotive jaroslav crashed near the runway in their hometown which is two hundred seventy kilometers northeast of moscow there are only two survivors at the moment from among the forty five people. in other stories germany's highest court rules that the country's billions for struggling nations are legal but. have to ask permission next time she wants to run to the rescue. surrounded by the rebels r.t. looks at how libya might become a breeding ground for extremists and face an even bigger civil. exactly nine thirty one. now stay with us next to get more details of the plane tragedy in yaroslavl in half an hour's time but between now and then we profile the controversial balkan war figure raw.


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