tv [untitled] September 7, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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it's a real treat. to refute the truth of the use of the single currency rules from one crisis to europe's politicians appear to be on the face of. this is r t the breaking news from our team this hour on russia's worst ever sporting tragedies it's being called a jet carrying the country's triple champion ice hockey team lokomotiv yaroslavl crashed near the runway in their hometown which is two hundred seventy kilometers northeast of moscow there are only two survivors at the moment from long before three five people who are on board. in other stories for us tonight germany's highest court rules that the country's going in for struggling nations are legal but it's warning under merkel she'll have to ask permission next time she wants to run to the rescue. with colonel gadhafi now surrounded by the rebels r.t.
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looks at how libya might become a breeding ground for extremists and face an even bigger city. exactly nine thirty one pm here in moscow now having to stay with us next to get more details of the plane tragedy in jaroslav in half an hour's time but between now and then we profile the controversial balkan war figure rocco markets the former bosnian serb military leader currently on trial at the hague. in late may two thousand and eleven the small serbian village of law as it ever shot to fame leading newspapers in many countries splashed its name across the front pages it was here the serbian police arrested general ratko adage on it this is the place where it happened in. the worldwide manhunt for him lasted fifteen
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years serbia had promised a one million euro ward for his capture. the general's arrests triggered acts of protest in many serbian towns. some of the serbian people are worried because the hague and international media are smearing our hero is. something not it is a war criminal others believe he's a victim many events of his life especially in recent years are still shrouded in mystery. the small village of laos it ever a situation in central serbia or a cash up and a couple of cafes or a one and a church a symmetry and a school or of the other the village looks like many others in servia. brad cohen
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lederach a general of the serbian army spent the last few days before his arrest hiding here in the house of his brother in law bronco. well i've been on friendly terms with branco for six years over there malcolm his garden every day but never saw the general people here are not in the habit of walking the arcades and homes but some time ago brain called began doing just that thought when you lock the door as i'm praying are you hiding your brother. he simply laughed off my question if. as in many villages all the people in the last are ever know one another everything is out in the open here and yet even neighbors did not suspect that an internationally wanted man was saying in a nearby house. i didn't know it was not it was hiding here before the media broke the news otherwise i would have invited him to my place with never been found here . restroom let it commanded the army of bosnian serbs during
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the civil war in the ninety's in the slavia. the international tribunal for the former yugoslavia at the hague charged dropcam knowledge with genocide and the murder of both prisoners of war and civilians during the conflict in july this year try. the small village of bush on a vici when luggage was born is situated on a mountain pass in bosnia. most of the houses are shared by his close and distant relatives. wrecker was born in this house i was born here myself a little later we lived together until i moved into a house and also my earth and now one of our relatives lives here. cash holidays are not a common thing for country folk the mountains of servia are especially rigorous. if
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they want to survive peasants need to till the soil much harder than in the lowlands. i first cut grass with roger when i was eight years old when i know he was the best mower here and i learned the skills from it what i thought it worth and now on the best it was a place. of birth really. in accordance with the patriarchal traditions of peasant families the oldest male is supposed to care for the family. rattlin laddish was born in one nine hundred forty three during world war two his father died in battle america was still a child. from then on he was the man of the house. subcommittee who is now went out to hard working people who were lazy people always got a dressing down on earth he owes me almost all of the pieces whenever i try to get out of my chores than any of them work in the field and school very seriously and always was at the top of his class in military school and we were all very proud of
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him with the world over there that. recommenders began his career was an officer in the yugoslav army is incorporated all ethnic groups live both comes. after world war two there was a multi-ethnic federation and was made up of states with different ethnic populations. in syria all officers of the former yugoslavia were yugoslavia as far as their convictions were concerned these may be concerns or surely after the breakup of yugoslavia or beer dan rather come live each was one of those who believed in yugoslavia he believed there was still a chance of reviving it but he changed his views in one thousand nine hundred three after seeing the muslims murdering serves me or they were trying to create a new flyover country in an area populated by serbs before he himself had been born . a vicious civil war broke out of the slot republic of bosnia and ninety
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ninety two about half of the people here follow his call. cells post muslims a little more than a third of catholic croatians butchered first support of the serbs but ultimately sided muslims. in april ninety ninety two the serbs surrounded the bosnian capital sarajevo muslims made up in the jora to the city's population. the siege of sarajevo lasted four years. traces of the siege can still be found in the streets of syria over many locals lost relatives. i was away at work on alter the tense night in ninety four when i one hundred twenty five millimeter shell hit my house my son and daughter were critically wounded twenty eight days later they died in hospital. find me
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a great place to see their suffering i really wish they had died right there and then when you they wouldn't have suffered so much. damage. according to the hague tribunal the siege of sarajevo resulted in more than ten thousand. approximately fifty thousand people wounded. these figures were cited in one of the greatest indictments of russia come at it. rather the war in sarajevo started when muslim terrorists attacked the serbian waiting. boiled when muslim terrorists attacked a column of the former yugoslav people's. volage the street where muslim terrorists were shooting at civilians and soldiers the muslims did everything to involve the world community especially the nato pact to forge one of their sorry for their goals by staging the various terrorist attack.
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during the war bosnia was divided into two countries. the muslims called their part the republic of bosnia and herzegovina all the serbs called for a public service to read of encourage previously a practicing psychiatry to train leader of the serbs as well as president he was also formally known as the commander in chief. of the. red encourages didn't have the right skills to command troops he had authority humanitarian frame of mind because of his character and occupation running a parliament a republican search good to get that into account when it elected radical luggage the army's chief of staff. the president and the chief of staff for public soaps as an on the easy relationship to three men played according to their own lives and. then thought in under pressure by the international community cards
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signed a plan to divide goes now between muslims and serbs america and europe had guaranteed peace and all sides involved had promised to lay down their arms if the plan was signed but not it showed a map to members of parliament making clear what the serbs would lose if go see it was divided in that way in the payment as a result of parliament refused to ratify the plan it turned it down as it were kurdish had to renounce his signature. by the end of the war tensions between the president and the chief of staff had reached an all time high rather than courage signed a decree forcing laddish to resign. in july of ninety ninety five the hague tribunal indicted go from similar charges crimes against humanity and genocide. delusional some but i have heard those accusations of the hague tribunal against me yes i am a person who belongs to my people. just like my ancestors my people with the
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first to start. i don't recognize any trolls except the troll of my own people here if i don't need to defend myself because these idiotic accusations come from places which have been churning out lawyers true keo publicly. with the result. in one nine hundred ninety six nato demanded that carrot it should not it should be handed over to the hague tribunal. that same year both bosnian serb leaders disappeared from bosnia. when the carriage was on the wanted list he had no contact with any of his relatives he rented a flat in belgrade posing as a doctor dragon davidge he grew long hair and beard and more thick rimmed glasses as a disguise. courage openly appeared on the streets and even found employment. he
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often went shopping and frequented the cafe near his house where he spent time sitting amongst pictures of himself and rush come luggage. for freedom for a camel image. today serbian patriots regard this cafe as a veritable mecca. young people are taken on the going to tour. the cafes owner me charette it was on friendly terms with those carriage which around. the world of distributors to kurdish and record luggage this wish them a fair trial early release because they're not guilty of what their shows will i hope that they can join us here soon as possible and we can drink together. rather than carry this was on a wanted list for twelve years before he was arrested and extradited to the hague in two thousand and eight. nottage was in hiding for fifteen years serbian police
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arrested him on may twenty sixth two thousand and eleven. reticle nobody could have stayed in hiding much longer had he not used a cell phone and had he not been in touch with relatives even distant ones that's when you're cut off from all sources of financing you have to turn to people you know given you the trouble though is that they may already be under surveillance that's how you get caught. the police are in no hurry to disclose the details of how he was able to evade arrest for fifteen years as leaked to the press claimed he frequented his brother in law's house in the village of loss of ever many times . mileage was in the room behind the second window he saw and heard the rumble of the police told me what i was supposed to do during his arrest he did she was carrying two pistols and. this is what he said to them that i could have killed you any time it's over but i didn't do it because you're not guilty of anything but.
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right come laddish was extradited to the hague in early june two thousand and eleven according to his lawyer the former general had suffered three strokes and a heart attack while he was on the run at the hague tribunal ruled the outcome luggage was fit to stand trial. on the estimates are new in any way i hear better in my left ear and my head is cold let me put my cap on. my body is not functioning well as. july the fourth two thousand and eleven syria over the capital of the muslim republic of bosnia and herzegovina this rally has gathered on a square to watch a live broadcast from the trial of broadcom let it show the hake more than anyone else these people blame ratko knowledge for the deaths of their husbands brothers
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and children. the same day the s. and p. thirty nine t. know new from movement held one of its regular protest actions in sylvia's capital belgrade. some still going for consider we are not out to vandalize buildings or the city this is a political act that would be normal anywhere else out there for the s.n.p. thirteen eighty nine supports and the fans are heroes of radical marriage and relevant heritage was the officer they defended the serbian people on their own soil on a lot of that so we founded our organization to help protect our heroes from the slander campaign of the hague tribunal. according to a public opinion poll more than half of the serb population were against refco knowledge being handed over to the hague tribunal. but nearly a quarter of the country's population accuse the government of deliberately
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dragging their feet of the search some of which. hungry for the full story we've got a first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. culture is that so much of the taxpayers' money from egypt a real measure of the time to write a new picture where for the euro as the single currency reels from one crisis to the next europe's politicians appear to be powerless in the face of. client provincial town of cerebral needs is one of many and boston are only the
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walls of several buildings pockmarked with bullets and shells serve as a reminder of the bitter fighting between serbs and muslims. even though there were many serve invalid as arounds for bringing the town has a predominantly muslim population. what was later called a massacre took place here in one nine hundred ninety five according to different sources anywhere between two thousand and eight thousand people were either killed or went missing. the main blame for the killings is on russia co-manage. refinanced all three of my sons the northern and silenced my husband. what can i say dollar it just look around and there were all these people and do you trust anything never was. back in ninety ninety three trowbridge needs or was a muslim enclave on the territory of
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a self declared entity called republika srpska. troubridge that was surrounded by militias troops but muslim troops led by now so all they were in control of the situation inside the town. gender in the seventh is christmas for the orthodox church on that day in ninety ninety three storage his troops launched a massive attack on there by serbian villages. the village of cravats is fifteen kilometers from stripper nitsa christos leon of each a serb has lived here with his family since his birth. on january the seventh nine hundred ninety three he was on the front line and the afternoon he and fellow soldiers were told that the muslims had captured cravats after attacking it from stripper needs. the serbs were ordered to retreat. so then this is your brother and
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i could be in there too crowded somewhere to troops liberated the village zone for two days after there was a hairy stranger burn flash in the village at all i found the body of my father and a hundred meters from the house. had been stabbed in the gut her head got out his face. this footage filmed by police shows serbs massacred in villages around. various estimates put the number of serbian villages ruined by not so rich as troops during the war a more than one hundred. the names of three thousand two hundred sixty two casualties have now being established. post-mortem reports make it clear the most of the people were tortured before they were killed. service minister for public health zoran stankovic worked at the institute for
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forensic studies during the war he witnessed the inquest into the deaths of the serbs and examinations from mass graves in bosnia or did. we saw the bodies of captives military men with their heads chopped off one served for example had been hit on the head with a blunt object and his eyes had been cut out moreover it was clear that his eyes were moved when he was still alive many of the bodies bore signs of a very cruel method of murder we informed the hague tribunal about it and supplied it with all of a little records for the first fifty. one of the most popular theories concerning caesar a stripper an example i'm not of just troops is that it was an act of revenge against muslims. nine hundred ninety three un resolution called on peacekeeping forces to disarm a combat formations that entrenched themselves and strengthen itself the muslim enclave was declared a demilitarized zone. the dutch the talent of group the race was dispatched to
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monitor the cease fire. missile does not unionise but instead of disarming the muslim formations as they had committed themselves to under the agreement on srebrenica signed by me in the general more your united nations forces turned those safe areas into terrorist and fundamentalist bases from where all villages and towns were attacked it's a ship at all it was starting from nine hundred ninety three we haven't taken a single action against threatening despite watching how the muslim side was being oh my goodness sometimes they even used helicopters to airlift weapons from iran and. the serve all may waited for the disarmament of now so rich his troops for nearly two years before wrath come laddish decided to storm trooper nixon in the summer of one nine hundred ninety five. serbian troops captured the city on july the eleventh. according to another theory the governments of bosnia and
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herzegovina simply gave stripper needs or away to the serbs. national divestiture would be was lost in nine hundred ninety three myself and other public figures from stripper needs met with me as president i liaise a bag of it and sarah oh so this is what he said to us if the serbs into trouble and something like five thousand muslims died that would create a good excuse for a nato invasion and nato forces would then stop on all things serbian units and at those nagan us of. thousands of dead bodies on both sides. mothers without children wives without husbands. distrust and hatred between those who were once neighbors. that is the outcome of the standoff in tripoli itself. or for those looking questions crimes were committed by both
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sides most of the muslims were shot and killed in the muslim world cup. tests shows that they were killed from a distance this may mean that some of them died in battle and most of the crimes against serbs were not perpetrated before. they were simply murdered in cold blood or their heads or chopped off. with george the hague tribunal gave the commander of the group of muslim troops. two years in prison after a second trial he was acquitted and four in orange york gilkey in two thousand and eight he was arrested by bosnian police for extortion and unlawful possession of. today the former commander feels comfortable in his home and those named town of close. up both people in my country serbia feel very bitter about the rulings of the hague tribunal simply because there reflect
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double standards the pertinent question is whether the expertise of the tribunal was high enough there are also questions about the professionalism of those who belittled the bills of the queue his choice for the world. although rather candidates was already on the wanted list up until two thousand and three to no special precautions to go into hiding or serve his government had not even stripped him of his bodyguards. in the ninety's when i've come let it slip to belgrade in the house where his son now has an office for his small firm. from two thousand on woods serbian police began regular round ups and such as in the homes of not it his closest relatives it is still unclear whether general was at that time. i don't think i need to talk about my father's life even today it is the subject of too much speculation i will
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not say when i saw him last before his arrest i can only say that we stayed here together during the one nine hundred ninety nine bombardment of belgrade. i did see my father after his arrest but i am not allowed to talk with the media about anything relating to the hague tribunal got us from the part. of the suv in fulton a sion was angered by rep come now that she's arrest there were actions in support of the general in many cities and serbia. demonstrators demanded the government resign because they felt it was betraying the nation's heroes. in belgrade one such protest resulted in a clash with the police. this is a poster from a demonstration we held several years ago calling from a lot it's to be handed over to the hague tribunal it reads our years are not for wasting to the hague. activists from the serbian youth organization want
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all people who committed crimes in the former yugoslavia to be handed over to the hague tribunal this petition count pain is just one example of the frequent activities on the streets of belgrade to support the movement. these young people make no distinction between muslim and criminals they feel tensions in the balkans will die down once all was wanted by the hague tribunal brought to justice. and a. country in the territory of the former yugoslavia has its own version of history reformat each of them has its own heroes and criminals this is a very bad situation it is a breeding ground for future conflict. with. the serbian government has now handed over all the main serbs wanted by the hague tribunal in the proceedings in the run how judge the last suspect on the wanted list was
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captured on july the twentieth two thousand and eleven. the european union wants serbia to meet quite a few conditions before it can become an e.u. member but so far we have been unable to comply with all of them so the arrest of carriage military action had a church has paved the way for talks about our possible entry into the a year of. serbian society is split over the prospect of merging with greater europe more than half of serbs polled distrust the new. car rather than carriage which was still in hiding from the police the phrase rather than courage it street was written on the house ways lived. and after the rest of refco luggage a growing number of images of him might be seen appearing on the streets of belgrade.
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