tv [untitled] September 7, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm charging the big picture. here that we are going to write. i think. well. we never got the book says they're safe get ready because of the air freedom.
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for. for. our it's time for him you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging with your comments on facebook twitter and when you've got some to say i listen now first i'll respond to the word was commenting on my fireside friday right take a look. now the country was graded on its civil liberties nine eleven commission
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ten years after september eleventh now as you can imagine i prayed well it was a failing one iraqi blaise commented on youtube saying bush said the nine eleven attacks were an attack on freedom that al qaeda was jealous of the freedom of americans yet post nine eleven the government continues to take away freedom through the patriot act etc how ironic and you know i have to agree with our viewer here that it is rather ironic that george w. bush came out so the reason we were attacked is because of our freedoms yet he and his administration proceeded almost immediately started fringing on those freedoms in the aftermath of nine eleven and that's what and i just spoke about obama has only continued it now i don't agree with george w. bush with george w. bush and we were attacked solely because of our freedoms i think there's a complicated history ideology which led to the attacks of september eleventh and just using the word freedom is a gross oversimplification but i do think though is that restricting the freedoms of americans in the wake of the attacks and continue it for in the next ten years
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is simply the wrong answer restrictions on our freedoms have not made us more safe they simply made us our liberties he were and our government stronger and i want to respond to a viewer who watched our tool time about a florida law which is still being enforced that makes it illegal for a couple to live together while not married and these are x t comments on you tube g.o.p. is for smaller government when it means giving the rich more money or letting the corporations pollute our environment when the government is telling you where to put your blank can't say the words what to do with your uterus or who you can live with then the bigger the government the better and you know i could not have said it better myself obviously not all republicans are such social conservatives but take a look at the leading republicans for the g.o.p. nomination almost all of that fall into that category which i just find disturbing unfortunate they will preach and freeze until the cows come home about how our government is too big and how this is a threat to our very way of life when it comes to abortion and gave me. marriage
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there more than happy to have government grow large enough to make it all the way into your bedroom if that's not a proper see i don't know what is now finally i want to respond to a kind of the show who commented on facebook rafi koori said the best t.v. news show on us cable is takes courage to be alone are outstanding producers and writers no fear whatsoever alone rocks the world well thank you rafique it really means a lot to me to hear is that kind that he watching our going to do our best to keep bringing you fearless news and commentary as if my rantings today but i would have more for you next week as usual. other new developments today in the capital punishment case of troy davis who was convicted of killing an off duty police officer the convicted killer of a savannah police officer now has an execution date according to his attorney a judge signed the execution for troy davis today davis is now set to be executed somewhere between september twenty first in september twenty eight. c.
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after years of trials appeals and pleas davis is now scheduled to be executed in the state of georgia at the end of the month it's a case that we told you about before where the inmates accused of shooting off duty police officer mark mckay macphail and savannah bus station now since day one davis has maintained his innocence but several eyewitnesses identified davis at the time as the shooter during this trial and he was sentenced to death however no physical evidence has ever been presented tying him to the shooting back in two thousand and ten a u.s. district judge heard from two original witnesses who came forward admitting that they falsely incriminated davis but despite the revelations of the several witnesses and fabricated their testimony the judge called the new evidence smoke and mirrors and not strong enough to prove davis innocence now last year i spoke with georgetown professor christopher chambers on the judge's ruling. do went through this weird machinations and sent it back to the court not for a trial but just for the judge to say who proved to me you're innocent george
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actually supposed to be doing it what would a reasonable jury do if they heard you know that. now we should know that this case is grab the attention of advocacy groups like amnesty international and ugly simply former president jimmy carter and even the pope has a truly horrifying case where there is real evidence to cast doubt on the guilt of the man who is said to be executed in two weeks just another case which proves the fallibility of the u.s. justice system and all davis' case is gained international attention there's one group that seems totally uninterested in troy davis and that's the us media despite the fact that david has been fighting for his life since the early ninety's the mainstream media has consistently turned a blind eye to his case and the injustices of our judicial system in general so more people knew about davis's case they could have stood up for him or at least raise awareness about the judge who sentenced him to death only on faulty eyewitness testimony but all those years they didn't do it and now it could be too late for troy davis. i think that it's safe to say that jesus christ may be the
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most depicted individual of all time throughout the centuries the artistic version the state roughly the same he's scary he's gentle sad and kind but there's a growing movement both here in the u.s. and of u.k. change that made jesus wore macho more tough one ours was even taking it as far as creating paintings were jesus as a tattooed biker and a boxer so what do you make of this movement is it just another way to make religion sexy to try and sell it to more people particularly men or is there something else that they're picking up on joining me to discuss this is paul kaufman founder and president of the protectors of faith and values based solution to adolescent bowling and author of the book no more christian nice guy i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight now we can use for a story. let's let's take a look at why it is that jesus needs a make over in your eyes and what's so wrong with the jesus that we see now everywhere. well this idea that newt was gentle jesus need to buy a suit it's
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a work of fiction the record will not be or that the record shows a much different jesus we see a jesus who is more emotional than those around him we see a jesus who is tougher and more courageous and those around him and we made him basically into a labrador retriever and in doing so we made him of that very unappealing but simply. not accurate he was he was tougher than most people around him and we were called to be conformed to his image and if we think bad image is nothing but gentle jesus weak in my old it's not accurate and it's not very lucky i've given her who is the we that created him in this form. the people that wrote the bible or if you mean art as it is today they go to my certain way trying to say hundreds thousands of years or is it not in society yeah you know if it was in about a hundred year cycles for example the y. m. c. a the original y.m.c.a.
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was the young men's christian association it was designed largely to create a more muscular expression of faith to people like teddy roosevelt was part of that movement and others it's largely the church the church has put out this caricature of frankly of jesus but i'm glad to say that there's been a movement the last fifteen years to to bring about a more accurate portrayal we're not necessarily trying to make a difference jesus we're just trying to show the real one of history and is that a way to get more men to follow jesus and if i am i'm correct i believe there are more women followers are more women tend to be related to a member. well you know it's a good point. i think the world we're treating him more accurately without pandering to a group of people in our case what we're trying to do is just get to love you know
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martin luther king one of my personal bureaus. if he would have tried to emulate his gentle jesus meek and mild we would not have had one of the richest american appearance the civil rights movement dead simply look at flight the world and so it really is an attempt on our for my part of some other people to bring about a more muscular expression of love as opposed to the current sentimental understanding we have but well let me give you one example jesus was asked what is the reduced expression of love you didn't say if your wife spoke long stemmed roses on your in her. he said really sticks for another bed is more marines than mothers and that's really what we're trying to do we're trying to create a courageous expression well from chrysler so for this is what it's all about you just don't want to have to start buying your why long stammer oh there's i get it this is a really good way to die for yourself having to buy women presents for that valentine's
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day and i let me play you a clip of her and i talk about this more masculine version of jesus this was something that was called porn sunday where we saw a lot of professional athletes earlier this year it was tied with the with the super bowl talking about their pointed to actions there are holes is my name on. the chance to play a couple years and in the field my name is matt hasselbeck i put quarterback for the seattle seahawks no one knew that my problem with this sex is an awesome thing the god designed here's how we designed it. so what do you make of all of that i mean did those guys look at look tough or are they submitting to a i've heard you have jesus who doesn't like part. well i don't think it was going to come out in defense of war and it's obviously torn many many families or two and it really does objectify women in a horrible way all the irony all you really yeah there's
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a lot of people that we're trying to defend for and i got yeah i know but i mean i'm going to going to do tomorrow night with a couple paul and there are myriad chews on the rocks in part due to his connection or if you search addiction to porn not against sexual expression anyway super form have people should enjoy themselves but it really is reckon a lot of these lines you know i think it's a great big their professional footballers are coming out and speaking out against it because we live in a celebrity culture and there's a lot of cash eight associated with being an athlete and i mean it's i think it's great that they're using. there. to help other guys and hopefully find to really push against that and take it sectional energy and bring it to their wife at least you know we're very you know they're i paul and i thank you very much for joining us tonight i will see if this this movement is more macho
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jesus really does catch on maybe next time there's a movie out of the arnold schwarzenegger inception chemical plant thanks to. you. still has night air monitoring ahead of the nine eleven anniversary right wing congressmen is doing it just that and it's not full time one at that and happy hour a major clothing company is not happy that a mass murderer is wearing their line and let's roll for the first proudest moment but answer just white stuff like that and not. into the only one which is something that you don't work up to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you
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know so much see a story and it seems so sleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything is all. i'm trying hard look at the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime. i think. one well. whatever government says they're for keeping safe get ready because of the freedom .
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he's a hard line conservative and he's not really a fan of gays women's rights or islam i don't fact he has a habit of attacking islam and muslims on the regular he believes that islam is trying to bring sharia law here to the u.s. so as we move closer to this sunday's tenth anniversary of the nine eleven attacks congressman west is decided to use the date to spread more islamophobia see today here in washington the congressman held this reading of the documentary sacrifice the survivors the untold story of the ground zero make a mosque and let's just play it the film has a little bit of fun and muslim slant we found the documentaries trailer online today and this is how it starts. controversy surrounding an islamic mosque and cultural center in the works at ground zero. this is not. this is. it it's as if there's going to graze all those that they killed. all right so as you can see the film is
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a not in favor of the planned part fifty one community center or ground zero mosque as it's been called the media the film is produced by the christian action network and this group got its start in one nine hundred ninety s. an anti-gay organization but after september eleventh they decided to focus on targeting is on instead i guess they just wanted to be the islamophobia trendsetters so i've got another clip from the film sacrifice survivors listen to the rhetoric of this film uses and you want to put the real pump. and hold the senate blocks away from where we are. mobile. almost with the. bills on what the basic theory is and becomes an area. roy they're right on to it build them up. now i have pointed out numerous times on this show that you realize not an issue here in the us there's never been
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a documented case happening here but that is not stuff the documentary from spreading out why and so finally here is this how the trailer for sacrifice survivors. goes see. yeah i do believe the media i did the work. they are. real. i particularly love the wind it claims that liberals and muslims are working together in a secret alliance to implement sharia law here in the us i mean i think most people consider me a liberal but nobody ever informed me about the secret alliance i feel a little left out but anyway it's a screening congressman west took questions from the media i just listened to his response when asked about racial profiling in a documentary. i think that another thing we have to look at
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a lot of people talk about profiling i never believed that the word profile was a former commander in iraq we called it sort of trend analysis and i think that's where the focus your resources or your efforts you were the laughter maybe that's because trendall now is this is the best euphemism that i've heard in a really long time i suggest that we just stick with profiling since that's what it is and that's why we're giving republican congressman allen west of florida our tool time award tonight for using a government building to screen that offensive documentary. ok guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening is our correspondent christine present and benjy sarlin reporter for talking points memo thanks for
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joining me guys. so you heard my rant the beginning of the show i just find all of this he said she said somebody called somebody and has the he called him saddam hussein i just find it really obnoxious and annoying because every time it's the same anger that's the hypocrisy of blah blah blah so i'm kind of excited to hear what we're going to see or what we're going to hear when people start figuring out that there is a tea party video game where you keep our viewers or a zombie zaid you can actually kill them take a look. all right now i know the middle one was bill o'reilly did you recognize the other two would not try to i don't think one of them like. it would ever get a palin thing that's leaders in there michele bachmann i think what you guys think i mean is that because and further zombies they're not real their kids they're like
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this is on your x. cox this is some flash game someone came up with on some random web site and you know i love video games i love your games i saw this is offensive but it's one of those because i thought i'd try it it's unplayable i mean that is a terrible terrible gag a lot i think a bad game twenty years ago it was just you know it's behind it's understandable because it's too difficult or because it's just the gary holes thing don't work you try to hit something it doesn't hit it was missing girl reilly every time it just doesn't it doesn't work so you were just missing bill o'reilly every time a because you couldn't get him you didn't like the game or no it actually just really just laid out is that what you're trying to spare and i'm all think i'll take your word for it so i guess if you're going to have a tea party friends honors delegates something about it but let's not forget i mean every time i go to a tea party rally there's somebody holding a sign with obama in a coffin you know like let's let's kill him with his own obamacare so it's like you said it's so much back and forth and we first zombies this time and not real people
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i think that i might actually have to give it a try to benji since he went ahead and. did the testament have to confirm that all right let's move on to the next story here blitzer plus. i was talking to an atlanta radio host and he was asked during this interview what his proudest moment was and this is wolf blitzer right he's been around for a long time can't even imagine all the people he's interviewed and all this time as well but he said that his proudest moment was when he was at new words and he did of the so we decided that we just had the proof of this to see what his proudest moment was and we thought it it's not really that pretty. ok the best thing about this too is that later on he said this is proud is still it because they gave him st craye i don't think there's
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a clue who does this gives three credit and i don't think there's anything wrong with this i think he was feeling very nostalgic because he grew up watching soul train and was very excited to be considered hip or invited to kind of do this dance and all the kids were there and i think he was just having fun i mean it is weird that he said it was this. is like the most boring guy in the planet so watching him to do at least he's trying you know there's always that point with any trend where you suddenly see your parents doing it i guess that's the end of it i feel like that was the moment for the dog you were like all right wolf blitzer is doing here is the example you're sixty three years old there's like years old i think it's over. he will never know when the right thing and it all right so a couple weeks ago we did a story here on the show basically the abercrombie and fitch was asking the cast members of the jersey shore not to wear afrikaner clothing any more they didn't like the image that was projecting even though as we discussed here i think i have a calming fish has a few wires makes up or something they're
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a little confused because that's like trying to young kids that are coming thick sorry that's exactly. the customer but i think really costs kind of has a better taste of what cost is asking break to not wear his clothes any more because he was wearing it when he was on his way to interrogation in a picture and he also wrote about the fact that it was a space for brands in his manifesto there we have there we have pictures but he said his look costs have a case. i can certainly see why look cause i wouldn't want to be associated with this person i mean that's kind of scary like jersey shore's one thing when it's like guy that went on terrorist attack and like mass murder i definitely wouldn't want the repercussions pretty gross but i wonder what they can do or if it's even worth raising attention i don't think anyone's going to assume that they're paying him indorsement money or something to wear their clothing but it's it's all for you sometimes you just can't control where's your products anders breivik seems like a man who does whatever the heck he wants so i don't know and he's going to i think
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you make a good point because had they not spoken about this i wouldn't even know in his manifesto he wrote that like it was a paper saying that distinctive you know you see a black sweater you don't really see all the costs you know the little alligator but you're right i certainly wouldn't have known about it in the. all right let's move on to our last story here so there is there's a lot of conspiracy theories out there right that the moon landing never actually happened we have a video of the landing right now. has just released new pictures of simple apollo moon landing sites and they show extraordinary new details about three places on the moon that were visited by humans. ok obviously i missed that that was a video of the original moon landing but now a lunar orbiter has actually found human footprints do you think that's going to shut up all the conspiracy theories like we were there i don't know if that's because i want to jesse ventura's favorite theories as any one of those by. i'm not
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sure i mean i haven't asked him personally i mean to conspiracy theorists always come up with something to say well that wasn't real that could have been photo shopped on somebody's computer but maybe it will give him some to some else to focus on for a little while i think somebody else today made a good point about by just saying that this is proof that anything anything we do anywhere we go as humans we have probably screwed up now there's a footprint on the moon there's no suppose we have footprint on the moon as a footprint or like a tractor like a prince or. suits who. asked a million years to there's no winter weather on the moon just peter so we really screwed up over there that's pretty crazy last a million years can you imagine that i mean what if they would have dropped a piece of gum or something stay there so they could. be the theory there i mean i wonder how long it would just lay in the moon dust i'm sure there's no experiment
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you know mcdonald's happy meals out next time and see how long they last well i'm assuming there's probably now there is there is moon rover tracks on the moon. it's crude it's beautiful shiny clean service is ruined forever for you guys thanks for joining me tonight out there for a night's show thanks for tuning in and make you think that tomorrow editor in chief of reason t.v. and reason dot com nick gillespie is going to be on the program with the nine eleven ten year anniversary fast approaching the discussion about how america's changed over the past ten years and whether or not those changes are permanent and i may be gone tomorrow but more in. history will be filling in for me in the meantime going to get to become a fan of you on the show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's or any other nights it was trashed all of you tube dot com bust a lot of show and close the interviews as well as the shell in its entirety we have next is the needs.
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