tv [untitled] September 7, 2011 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT
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twenty years behind the russian pilot arrested any of us to break for a ride period it's a. shame his transponders beyond six dates on charges of conspiring to spawn drugs that mosque he says he's the victim that will be going to read and benediction and. more headlines in. washington some comments on the u.s. current that's going to show you coming up next. welcome to the lone show will get the real headlines with none of the mercy we live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to speak to mark games about the third anniversary of the bailout of mortgage giants fannie mae and freddie mac. it's hard to say whether we're much better off but could have become even
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a worse with a new lawsuit of the federal government is launched against seventeen banks for selling bad mortgage backed securities then the a.c.l.u. has released a new report about the damage that's been done to our civil liberties since nine eleven when you speak to an aspiring of the young turks and ask if we can ever get those rights back and there is a movement to remake the jesus christ image into one of a macho man so we're going to speak to one of the people behind this bush and ask him why or you have all of that and more including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to make. our before we get into today's mainstream miss let me just go back to yesterday for a quick moment so yesterday we were examining the faith and ridiculous partisan outrage mostly over the fox news corner over jimmy hoffa jr's remarks at a labor day rally in detroit now for using the word sons of bitches the right wing crowd immediately painted it as hate speech feigned surprise and shock and outrage
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now i'm not defending what the guy said i honestly just really don't care that much . but as i predicted the left wing media went right into the he said she said tip for tat machine and feign some outrage about remarks from charles koch where he called obama saddam hussein and some other stuff just take a look at shields it was all over this last night the event was hosted by right wing activists billionaire brothers charles and david koch and today mother jones magazine obtained audio from this top secret strategy session. does this audiotape alice i mean does this prove that they're just in it to win it at all costs. now now you really want to gloat but tonight i'm going to go for it i'm going to go ahead and say told you so i can't tell whether it's amusing or their it's sad that the mainstream media is just so predictable but you know
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whatever let's move on today where predictability it once again shines through and tonight there's going to be another republican presidential candidate debate even though the debate hasn't happened yet even though there are plenty of other things to fill the news cycle with we're already just hearing nonstop debate coverage and everybody's talking about it we're going to specifically pick on m.s.n. b.c. for just another minute here since the debates airing on their network and so they are just pimping this thing out like a little teenage girl with a lollipop. publican presidential candidate prepping for the biggest night yet eight o'clock eastern time tonight the first republican debate the big story today perry's first pitch for texas governor gets his foolish national spotlight the n.b.c. politico debate at the reagan library in simi valley this debate is the fourth of the g.o.p. presidential race car and b c news political debate will get underway tonight on i will grow them for the g.o.p. contenders the reagan presidential library in california. now you don't really gets
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me about this aside from the fact that of course the debate hasn't even have it yet and already it's drowning out the wars the economy and all of their coverage but the casey anthony case did that too so i guess i'd rather it be a presidential debate but what gets me is that these people will spend hours upon hours going over every little detail what these candidates where every single word that they utter who their campaign managers are when the most recent renovations were on their house i mean literally they go over everything but they don't talk about well perhaps of be the most enlightening bit of information of all where the money comes from for these candidates oh sure they talk about who's raised more how much of that was from big donors or not but they never actually bring up citizens united they don't put two and two together the politicians and let's face it you can't believe anything that they say on the surface you have to watch how they act how they vote what they sign whose interest they really are poll and the best way to figure that out the easiest way perhaps would be to know who's donating to that
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citizens united is fundamentally changed our election system there is so much money pouring in through pacs and super pacs and it's all secret all donors that are undisclosed. so can you use the magic of what a little bit of transparency there would do for our elections not something that a report by harvard law school and public citizens is saying to you they're saying it as you see should force political disclosure that way you still have the money flow since people are so adamant about it but you know where it's coming from you get real insight into the candidate what kind of a leader they just might be but the mainstream media they paid this report no attention of course they in fact barely even bring up citizens united they'd rather just be lap dogs sit around and pretend to sound smart by talking about campaign strategies when the real meat of the issue the money issue they're content to miss . it was three years ago today that fannie mae and freddie mac.
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were bailed out by the government now we all remember what happened from there on lehman brothers collapse about a week later everything crashed the government had to bail out. tarp came along but not until another huge crash after that didn't pass it first and from there now obviously was much more complicated that out but it was the financial melt out three years later we're still in the great recession unemployment is still hanging on around nine percent the housing market continues to be in a depressed state and now there's a european debt crisis that looks like it's about to crack course let's not leave out the not a single person from wall street isn't prosecuted added fact their profits in bonuses have shot through the roof so all in all say it's a pretty bad state of affairs but could it get even worse let me explain here last friday as we told you on the show the federal housing finance agency filed lawsuits against seventeen big u.s. and european banks for their role in the subprime mortgage crisis that would specifically be lying to the government investors about the quality of the mortgage backed security portfolios that they sold to fannie and freddie now we're already
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hearing screams this is going to bring banks down and let's face it there's not any appetite for more bailouts and well the government already did that so how do we decipher their. prop them up and then bring them down line of thinking maybe they don't really intend to win or discuss this with me is mark ames' editor of the exiled mark thanks so much for joining us to me oh well for starters i guess let's go back to three years ago from this day did you think at that point when we were bailing out fannie and freddie that we'd still be in such a bad situation three years later well i had actually just returned from russia at that time and i was at first i honestly didn't quite understand what was happening because i hadn't really paid enough attention to america in those years what i've learned since is that it was inevitable that this country is run by an incredibly corrupt all of our key and the fact that obama brought in the same people who helped create this crisis in the first place and frankly the same
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economic team larry summers bob you know the bob rubin and so on who who actually destroyed russia's economy in the late ninety's as well. i realized then that until we actually get new ideas and new people we're going to be screwed for a while well unfortunately we have to live through this moment where it's all the same people who are being recycled over and over and over again through the system but so now we have this law protecting each other protecting each other of course is this revolving door that we talk about all the time but so that how do we factor this lawsuit into that because you could say that wall street has been protected thus far the obama administration isn't really trying to own this thing but it's still it's still a federal agency they're going after seventeen banks some of those american banks some of those european banks as well i just wouldn't hold out much hope for the member the goldman sachs lawsuit what happened to it you know great question fine was paid stuff was it was essentially kind of a negotiating tactic maybe
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a campaign fund raising tactic who knows but ultimately no one paid that's that's the thing right now we're in a state of sort of advance banana republican isn't. in which nobody in the elite ever is held accountable at most maybe they have to pay a fine which is a small portion of actually what they've stolen but they don't pay the actually exist above the law and the rest of us are sort of down below the law so you don't actually think that this thing is going to go anywhere you think that it's. no i don't based on the record i don't i think maybe the old sort of use this as a pressure tactic. maybe they're going to engage in a little fake populism again sort of like what obama did in the campaign of two thousand and seven and eight but there's nothing on the record of the last three years this is just that they're actually going to come down hard on the banks and seek justice and the reason is actually kind of simple i think if you actually start to come down on one or two of the banks and you or you come down on and start
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holding accountable one part of this giant crime the whole house of cards could collapse because everything right now is built on fraud and much and i don't think anybody wants to be the guy responsible for point out that last you know popsicle stick that brings everything crashing the how long could that possibly go on because here you have the exact same thing you have the banks that are already waging a war and this is something that i want to get into with you because they're saying well fannie and freddie here are just as culpable but they're waging a war you have a lot of people screaming that not only is this going to put a lot of strain a lot of pressure on some of these banks but for bank of america they just might collapse because that because they're already not doing well and then do you have something that's actually not too big to fail or is it even bigger than it used to be because now the banks body each other up the other thing they were swimming here is that these guys actually really know what they're doing what they're doing as everybody is coming in covering each others asses here. trying to pass the buck around trying to flood the economy with more paper money to keep asset prices from
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collapsing but i'm not really sure i i don't want to engage in too much speculation cause i'm not sure that they know what they're doing at this point i think it was easier to cover things up at first when they first started flooding you know the banking system with money and pumping up asset prices it was kind of easier first but i think they're finding for example the q.e. two that they can pump in hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars but actually it's not really affecting things as much anymore so i'm. really not sure these guys know exactly what they're doing and when things could collapse i mean i think it's inevitable in a kind of basic law of physics that this can't go on forever but we have no idea when or how i don't think anybody knew that it was going to be lehman brothers exactly that was going to bring the house of cards down last time and. so i don't know we're all just spectators at this point and i live in this fake democracy but you know we're all just spectators in this sit around and watch and it's really unfortunate that we all just happen to be spectators and you know it ends up just
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being dark humor because you're just sitting around waiting for something bad to happen i mean to even speculate as to who who's going to be first in this sense is it going to be europe this time around or might it still be the u.s. you know again i've been through a couple of these because i was in russia when the russian financial markets collapse and i remember watching what happened in asia and this happened just as the i.m.f. and the world bank and all the banks were saying the asian tigers were sort of the model for the future and it turned out oh wait a minute actually there were so corrupt and corruption so deeply entrenched and they'd become so financial lies that the collapse was inevitable and then the same thing we found ex post facto in russia that these reformers that america had actually promoted had in fact or all along been the worst and most corrupt people to put in power so you know i just think. i'm just extremely pessimistic right now i'm pessimistic i don't think we can say where it's going to start how it's going to start if i was a gambling man and i would be if i had some money. i'd bet on your starting in
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europe you know something or maybe china's something just really shocking and out of the blue i have a let's go then to where we are now because we can speculate about what might happen here with uncertain bank or another but i don't claim it's still incredibly high of course the official numbers that they gave us give me nine percent but if you actually go to the use six the real numbers there it's more around sixteen point seven something or other between like sixteen point five and seventeen percent now going to give a. job speech and so far we've been given just a few details supposedly he's going to pump seven hundred billion dollars into the economy tax cuts more tax more tax cuts a winner and and there are some programs to give construction jobs back to construction workers through some of the federal agencies he actually doesn't even need congress to go through that for for more infrastructure projects do you think that that's a good idea or again is that just putting a band-aid on the fact that while we have too many construction workers because we had a housing bubble and maybe they just need retraining to be honest i wouldn't even
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know where to begin i mean. the problem is that that sort of this is a democracy in theory right and the public has been so retarded by so much. so much propaganda and false ideology and so on that obama actually sits on top of the intellectual mush as well i mean i don't think people it's not like the reagan revolution for example where reagan came at the head of. you know thirty years of this sort of new economic ideology and so on there's nothing now there's a bankrupt ideology and nothing else so i'm not really sure you can fix it through you know infrastructure or a little bit of this or a little bit of that we're actually at a point of pretty advance kind of decay i mean it's a good thing that america's an. overall it's still it's sort of a first world country controlled by a third world banana republic elite and ideas and so you know thankfully. we still
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have a long way to fall and hopefully we'll get our get our ideas back and get our democracy back before before it's all just way too late so i don't i don't really think it's a matter of a bomb is going to come up with something clever that he thinks is clever that would have applied to let's say the ninety's you know this mix of tax cuts and this amount of pandering to this lobby in this amount pandering billion are getting my money you're actually need somebody with really different ideas and you need. you actually need a population that's more involved rather than some kind of technocratic elite that has failed at everything couldn't agree with you more there mark thank you so much for joining us tonight i think so you. are now we know the banks are protected from failure when they got their federal bailouts but did you know that they're also protected from the expressions of artists despite the fact that it is public knowledge of the banks engaged in widespread fraud law enforcement has chosen to go after a far less threatening alternative and artist who expresses his anger through his
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paintings lindo shows us how a painter whose work is being treated like an act of terror pulls attention away from those who really should be scrutinized. i'm not a terrorist. i'm not firebombing any banks i never even you know entertain the notion in anything more than just to just like like this alex shaffer has laid out all his frustration with the financial system on canvas bad banks bad businesses should fail and a bank is a business and somehow it's been turned into something else while artists are known for catching the spirit of the times shapers recent paintings depicting bank buildings ingolf and flames caught the eye of the los angeles police chief or was first approached while painting in front of a chase bank three weeks later the police visited his home asking him if he hated banks and planned to do that it's just bizarre because i don't feel like i've done
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anything outside of everything i've ever done in my art and yet this is really touched a nerve in recent years it seems like large banks and their bosses have been protected from prosecution for their role in the devastating financial crisis now it appears banks are being protected even from an artist's brush stroke the chaos depicted in alex shaffer's painting is just symbolic but the true financial chaos caused by j.p. morgan chase and other big banks is very real to many americans it's a different kind of. of terrorism that that they're causing since two thousand and eight know the bank bosses in charge during the mortgage meltdown have done any jail time instead they were the recipients of bailout some bonuses well millions of americans suffer through foreclosure unemployment and financial ruin shapers
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flames symbolize bringing the current system down i think we need to reform our banking complete system. really besides the repeated visits from police shaffer also says recent online visitors to his blog include employees at j.p. morgan chase as was members of the department of justice well that's what my dad said this morning when to call it you need to get a lawyer and find out somehow if you're on the watch lest schaefer maintains a good sense of humor about the ordeal and his symbolic bank burning seems to be resonating with the public and i started the bidding off at nine hundred twenty bucks and it's a ten thousand one hundred now that's the big money statement he definitely plans to take to the bank in los angeles ramon guillen though r t. well coming up this sunday marks the tenth anniversary of the nine eleven attacks
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translated in english that means in times of war. it's a phrase it's been used time and time again one phase and another throughout history the last ten years have been no exception whereas in the past the time the war is over the rules go back to normal is this time going to be different that's a question of the a.c.l.u. asks in a report issued today entitled a call to courage reclaiming our liberties ten years after nine eleven there they examine the erosion of the rule of law and our rights starting with the bush administration and continuing on with the obama administration it's a detailed account of everything from torture targeted killing extraordinary rendition warrantless wiretaps and overall massive and unchecked surveillance state indefinite detention religious discrimination and profiling and so on so why do we hear so few critical voices today those who were so loud during the bush administration and what is the answer in a global war on terror is it something you can eradicate so is there any going back
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joining me from our studio in los angeles and sperry and host of the young turks and i think so much for joining us tonight now i want to first start with that question that the a.c.l.u. basically posed in their report which is kind of scary when you think about it that's definitely not the first time in our history when we've seen the erosion of civil liberties but in the past for the wars ended or the enemy ceased being an enemy now we have a different dynamic now we have this global war on terror that seems to always be expanding our fighting something like terrorism that you can't necessarily get rid of you can't eradicate it so do you think that we're in some kind of danger where we won't be able to go back to where we used to be. i do believe we're in that sort of danger and i think that the evidence that we can look at from the past is the patriot act and the fact that the patriot act was renewed not only under the bush administration but also as the with the obama administration so the main problem of the e.c.l. you really focuses on. in their report is how the patriot act has eroded our civil
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liberties we have people in government that are now discriminating against muslims we have illegal wiretapping we have something known as kill lists which basically target people where the where the obama administration targets people without transparency without sharing with the american public what criteria they're using to put these people on kill list we're seeing this horrible horrible violation of civil liberties and it's something that these c.l.u. is trying to draw so much attention to but unfortunately the media hasn't caught on to it i think the american public hasn't caught on to it so do i think that this is something that will last for a very long time i do and it does make it different from other instances in the past where we've been in war and you know the law fell silent well the thing is see i just don't believe sure maybe you might be able to slide that past american citizens but i just don't believe that the media out there is not catching this
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right i mean the a.c.l.u. hasn't been silent all throughout president obama's administration they've come out and they've spoken out against his policies there are other people other journalists a lot of civil liberties advocates this stuff is out there you don't have to try to find it and dig for it so so what's the excuse. well you know i really want to specify who is picking up this story and who is talking about it so what you're seeing is people like glenn greenwald from salon dot com blogging about this you're seeing independent bloggers freelance writers journalists online talking about this and yelling at the top of their lives and saying look we've got to focus on this problem in the united states but if you focus on the mainstream media which is where most people get their news they're not talking about how our civil liberties are being violated they're talking about the two thousand and twelve presidential election something that's more than a year away so. so that's why i think that there is a problem you know people are misinformed on what's really going on in the country
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and if americans are asleep and they have no idea what's going on and how the government is violating their rights and their privacy then this can go on for a long time and the patriot act can be renewed over and over again but how about the fact that maybe some people out there are a little too scared or choose not to try to criticize president barack obama in any way because we didn't hear the mainstream media you know during the bush administration show a lot of frustration a lot of disgust with some of their policies and after after the buildup to the iraq war once it finally came out and everybody could accept that it was all sold on complete lies that they were very vocal and especially you could say the m.s.m. dc's of the bunch so you know what what do they do now. well i think partisan politics absolutely played the role in this case and we definitely criticize the bush administration for it and i think the obama administration deserves just as much if not more criticism because he expanded on many of the
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policies of the bush administration past so you do see that the mainstream media is quiet about this now which is very questionable but you know fear mongering has definitely been a way that both the bush administration and the obama administration have sold the patriot act and all of these so-called national security policies and it's just unbelievable because you're seeing innocent americans being wiretapped you're seeing them put on. these kill lists and you're seeing people being investigated for doing something as been as taking pictures of buildings you know takes pictures of buildings i do i'm not a terrorist you know it takes pictures of buildings random turns to come to the united states so why are we keeping all of these files and treating all of these innocent people like criminals it's stupid and you're completely right fear mongering is definitely the way that this is been sold to the america. in public so americans who do know about it are almost complacent and they almost feel like this
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is being done to protect their security and to protect you know their ability to be free americans want to hipsters out there that take pictures of buildings too as we've noted before on the show i want to mention one last thing though right so we see this a russian of civil liberties and the like you said it's going towards people who are taking pictures of buildings and whatnot you see it every time you have to fly go through the airport but there was another chart that came out the really really shocked me because all of this is supposed to be carried out and done under the auspices of investigating terrorism but it turns out that the patriot act in fact has been used more for drugs if that comes to for these warrants that are delayed notice they've been used a much more for drugs one thousand six hundred eighteen times than they have actually for terrorism only fifteen times what does that tell you. it just shows me that the patriot act has not been effective in actually dealing with so-called
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terrorists the patriot act has been extremely effective in violating our privacy appearing into our personal lives and basically making us feel like big big brother is watching us nonstop i mean there's a reason why george orwell was so freakin brilliant ok this is straight out of one thousand nine hundred four we're living in a police state we have the government keeping these heavy files on us when we're completely innocent and doing nothing just just so i'm clear i would favor of finding terrorists i'm in favor of national security measures that are deemed effective and do not violate our civil liberties but that is simply not the case with the patriot act and to think that a president who ran on a progressive campaign expanded on the patriot act it just makes me sick to my stomach. and you could say even a lot of offenses worse than that as they say oh you mentioned the fact that now he's put american citizens on an assassination list on a kill list outside of a war zone with no due process that is
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a really insanely scary scary amount of power that is showing there and i thank so much for joining us tonight. thank you. well still ahead tonight we have our wednesday edition of you said it i read it and this is these are a bunch of make over the ask that question the author of no war a christian nice guy just not. all main story here on our city after plane carrying the triple a champion
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a russian ice hockey team local t.v. got a scalpel has crunched two hundred seventy a lot of these little things to two people out of the forty five all to have survived the disaster but are in a critical condition. with the tragedy touched on a real show but also all the nations the hockey team was made from a lineup of internet school players on their way to balance the fast much of the season memorial service is happening held in cities across year since people gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the. other stories on our team this morning here at moscow germany's high court rules that the billions of euros given by the country to ailing economy is legal eagles he says that next time the government will have to offer permission for us should a european state need another cash injection meanwhile the italian sentence agrees the dates is fifty four billion euro staring back at.
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