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tv   [untitled]    September 8, 2011 3:22pm-3:52pm EDT

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typically in the last two months a build up of anger or frustration just continue within the israeli public particularly leveled at the netanyahu government these have been the largest protests in this country if history protesters clashed here in tel aviv with police a number of our the race for hold people accuse the police of treating them brutally and all of this was because the government has started removing tents from the streets of several cities so what protesters are saying here is that they really cannot trust the government and there's also the concern that as the government turns its attention to what is happening externally these are the september the twentieth it will no longer even listen to the concerns being addressed here within the israeli society president barack obama has to speak before the u.s. congress to tackle the ongoing drug crisis gripping america it follows reports that no new jobs have been created in the country during august that's worrying news for a nation with tens of millions classed as employed or underemployed as what press secretary at the progressive change campaign committee told me believes there's no
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more time left to delay no. twenty four million folks unemployed or underemployed in this country what the president's got to do tonight is go big or go home i mean the reality is that we've got to have a massive direct government investment in job creation if we're going to get through this the recurrence jobs crisis here in this country the good thing for the president and progress is that the american people are behind it when you ask folks what they want this country to do they want massive investment in job creation and the way we're going to pay for it is by ensuring that the richest americans are paying their fair share you know right now while republicans are fighting at every opportunity you know to ensure that gee some of these huge corporations don't have to pay their taxes the american people want the wealthiest one corporations to pay their fair share and that's how we're going to pay for what really needs to happen and it's best in infrastructure development making sure our crumbling schools are
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better and can provide for american children and at the same time create jobs that's really what we need to be doing and that's what the president needs to be doing tonight. is exactly twenty four minutes past eleven o'clock mosco time now the tragic jet crushing you know slow live shot of a major political event taking place in the city's change plans including those of president vetted speaking a second final day of the global public see for me touched upon the major challenges russia is facing right now and it's in the reports. almost certainly a lot of debate and discussion took place at this two day forum just by the tragedy nevertheless the president felt it was the right thing to do to begin his keynote speech with a moment of silence why do you believe then you are citizens were killed in the crash as well as citizens of several other countries. minute of silence to honor their memory question what you went.
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on the president went on to give his speech it focused on multiculturalism of course that's the theme of this year's forum here in jaroslav all he spoke about the ethnic divides in russia and also about income divides and about how he thought that is very much why the country needs to push on further with its at konami diversity in order to help society grow in the country growth and it steadies how towards modernization of course a very i think we could say main platform of president made but he also spoke about the situation in north africa and in the mideast saying that countries shouldn't. push forward and try to teach other countries really in one border or another how to build a democracy it's something that has to come from within and of course he was talking about the situation in libya and syria and that's something that has really been a big topic visit today for mccain multiculturalism and it's a failure really we've heard from plenty of critics over the past couple of months
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that it's just not working in europe we've seen violence on the streets of western europe and so this is something that experts analysts leaders have been discussing at this today for. more about the policy forum. on our web site out there you can also find these in this and i was reading russians presidential envoy with africa over the balance both in libya and syria tonight business update coming up next though. welcome to business here on our team new pipelines are sprouting across russia on the other side of the country from north through the roof gas pipeline provides a new artery now to markets in asia and besides he's the democratic obama traveled there for us. this land is surrounded by some of the most and there jihan green nations in the world consumption in places such as south korea and china is growing
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rapidly offering great opportunities for gas prone to cash in especially now as it has loads of gas close to the region and rigid to be exported this new gas pipeline which was the move putin is opening runs from sacrilege in to vladivostok it is able to supply thirty billion cubic meters of gas annually bazza the russians see it is the round here need just a tiny part of that and that's why gas from is desperate to find buyers for its extra gas and doesn't talks with several contras might it's not all so easy as the movement's talks with china are dragging over the prize and possible supplies to south korea are complicated by rescale transit through north korea what's their reason not a project made use of the far eastern gas it is an alan g. plant and lots of us talk gastronomy is considering building the plant with japan's focal corp and if it's on stream in five years as planned the gas from here may be
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shipped to the world's biggest challenge you consumers south korea and japan. and let's take a look at the markets now also where the oil prices have slipped back down as weather conditions in the mexican gulf are still far from call with more tropical storms coming to threaten production let's move over to the your last stocks are trading in the red ever board showed first time applicants for jobless benefits climbed last week which drove in the scenes lower and ben bernanke his comments that he's not worried about inflation didn't help matters over in europe stocks call their way back into the process of certiorari and that's despite their you and central bank cutting its forecast for economic growth in the euro zone the e.c.b. also signaled it was no longer considering further rate hikes here. also markets out of the trading session on a positive note the artsy has stayed quiet super science more than my sets point six percent. i.
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mean to me or. lose.
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the book. live from moscow this is r t thanks for being with us tonight my name is kevin our and our top story is the world's icici community is united in grief after russia's lokomotiv team who are almost entirely wiped out in a plane crash in the city of jaroslav the commemoration ceremony is being held right in the place with a team supposed to play the sportsman and found a willing to. pick of them and faces legal action as a set of dogs. has demanded new inquiry into the shady death of an arms inspector he was the man who revealed britain knew iraq had no weapons of mass destruction ahead of the invasion. and the middle east build up palestinians are starting
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a peaceful campaign for statehood ahead of the un vote while in israel tensions are growing as police are clashing with protesters who are calling for a better government. coming up next financial pundit max kaiser looks at the scandal behind the latest financial news headlines enjoy. max kaiser this is the kaiser report let's talk about a market schizophrenia that's right and market collateralized schizophrenia obligation dawns are they in the offing they see her talk to me talk to me talk to me yes its austerity measures one day the realist measures the next i am math global economy faces a threatening downward spiral this is christine lagarde the new i.m.f.
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chief and she says europe needs to take its foot off the fiscal great can shift to growth intensive measures and told the danger has passed insisting that germany has leeway to stimulate demand right so she's saying no austerity measures are bad for the west it is well this isn't the i.m.f. just recommended for greece austerity measures that's correct i'm not sure she includes them in the west well but the prescription that their members offering is schizo from ik they should just offer schizophrenia back bonds and so it goes on some global exchange but pays off on how schizophrenia the i.m.f. can be that's right well it is also the story of this ongoing story between savers versus speculators and as the article points out her comments are certain to cause fear e. in berlin where the i.m.f. is viewed as an agent of keane's ians and french mischief mrs le guard was french
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finance minister until two months ago well yeah germany is sitting on a pot load of money and all these other countries wanted on it and of course the germans are savers the french are spenders and they want germany's money as do all the other countries but germany is the same. or don't examinees money well remember it's all out war max and in fact that's in my next headline all out war bankers vs everybody else so we know christine lagarde is now an agent for these bankers of course and that seemed a bit is pointing out that for the american economy and for many other developed countries including all of europe the elephant in the room is the amount of money paid to bankers over the last five years in the united states the sum stands out in astounding two point two trillion dollars yeah and i just saw
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a story that c.e.o.'s of all companies in america and bankers are lobbying washington to pass a new law that would make it so that they would not have to disclose their pay and bonuses to anybody no regulatory authority got that the f.c.c. has keep all that information private they're raping and pillaging not just their bonuses they're actually their income and this was in the washington post where they were talking about break away well and they're saying that this is just the wealthy the top point one percent and ninety nine percent of americans think they're part of that but it's really only point one percent but they're becoming wealthier by taking the wealth from the rest of the population as not sam to lead points out over the next ten years you're going to see at this same rate if you extrapolate this rate of wealth that the bankers are taking it's going to be another five trillion dollars over the next decade that five trillion dollars is not money invested in building roads schools and other long term truck projects but
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is directly transferred from the american economy to the personal accounts of bank executives and employees i think you should really take the other approach that when the c.e.o.'s and bankers are caught raping and pillaging stealing money as they are doing they should have to go door to door in the neighborhoods that they live and tell their neighbors that they are serial financial terrorist offenders this is a serial financial terror. under law but of course the way to fight this financial war is in that image accompanying the story and that's max keiser silver bullets crash j.p. morgan by silver and with it along with these precious metals that takes us to this next headline in this financial war this ongoing financial war china knows that the u.s. government and its allies in western europe strive to suppress the price of gold and the u.s. government knows that china knows according to a two thousand and nine cable from the u.s. embassy in beijing to the state department in washington so this was one of these wiki leaks cables that were just recently released and in it the us ambassador is
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stating that listening to the radio report from the radio which quoted china's national foreign exchange administration they know that the u.s. and europe of always suppress the rising price of gold they intend to weaken gold's function as an international reserve currency china's increased gold reserves will thus act as a model and lead other countries towards reserving more gold large gold reserves are also beneficial in promoting the internationalization of the room in being right and america tim geitner is always putting a strain of china saying you're a currency manipulator course he's referring to dollars and all the c.r. nonsense china saying well you're a gold and silver price manipulator who's going to win the battle gold versus shia . it also brings into question because this cable was written in april of two thousand and nine and you and i were at the buddhist bank in march of two thousand and seven and at that time we asked the german central bank whether or not how much
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gold china had and they reckon china had more than they than germany did and germany has over three thousand tons of gold now officially china only claims that own a thousand tons but by this report you would it would suggest that in fact the bank was correct in saying at the time in two thousand and seven. china had more than three and a half thousand tons of gold well i'm going to repeat that because it's really the states that have an explosive when we were at the bundesbank they told us officials at the bundesbank in berlin that they believe china have more gold than germany does which means that they would have more than three thousand tons not the stated amount of one thousand tons or that was three or four years ago it was an employee was in an official but it was somebody who said that they obviously have no idea but they suspect that they have more of that china owns more than germany and of course they are the biggest gold miner in the world at this time and they are keeping all that to themselves so as this international financial and currency war
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escalates here's another headline wall street prepares for war. yes that's an image of lloyd blankfein wearing camouflage and even a pistol this is referring to the financial housing finance agency the f.h.a. who has filed lawsuit against seventeen banks including goldman sachs j.p. morgan society general credit suisse barclays and a few other banks but. that's my question here is this just a propaganda war because it's only a civil suit it's not a criminal suit nobody will do any time for this will be a fine paid we already saw at the top of the show that in agent the armed wing of the international bankers the i.m.f. is basically threatening that the whole system is about to collapse if you force these banks to pay the two hundred billion dollars and fraudulent asset backed securities that they sold to fannie mae and freddie mac. well you know the goldman sachs response will be to threaten to crash the u.s.
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economy again using high frequency trading trading market manipulation that's there that's what they do they exchange in a basically captive as part of their hostage taking of america and they threaten to collapse if this investigation goes any further now what the h. a should do is that they should gather bunch of hedge funds together some friendly has rather crude a few persons of your own sitting have to do and they should make it short so goldman sachs start down zero listen let's go to the next story because i'll tell you i'll prove to you that this is just a fraud max an f h f a is not having any intention of doing anything to harm goldman sachs because they are the same they are j.p. morgan sub prime mortgage bonds getting aaa rating s. and p. denies to u.s. treasuries so standard and poor's is giving a higher rating to securities backed by sub prime home loans the same type of
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investments that led to the worst financial crisis since the great depression then it assigns the u.s. government now these aaa sub prime mortgage backed securities one of the participants of this is a i g. which is owned by the same government that is now suing these other guys who are that it's the same it's the same circle of of a psychopathic schizophrenia schizophrenia is just for the impact on others as i see. right this is pretty bad and you can buy my things change but as you're doing it make sure that you look at yourself in the mirror collateralized by your own image slice and dice and enter buy these tickets pretty much gone and take a couple of anti-psychotic drugs while you're doing it and you yourself can become as rich as lloyd blankfein sitting on trillions of dollars of your currency which actually is one of the article here quotes gregory w. smith the general counsel for the forty one billion dollars public employees retirement association of colorado and he says everybody has been led to believe
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over the years that aaa means aaa means aaa across the board anybody they didn't learn in the two thousand and eight crisis that doesn't apply should find another line of work but there you go again that's more hazard because it's up to whoever the job bad don't discount is running some pension fund for you you have to hope that they learn their lesson because the crooks are not behind bars they are setting policy they have christine legarde threatening countries around the world for them well the rating agencies use the ratings to stabilize the market to create volatility so that their friends can make money trading things like the volatility index the vix and if you have advance knowledge about what the reading injuries are going to do and they give out advance dollars to their friends and on the exchanges you can buy and sell the vix the v.i.x. the bell till the end x. and make money that works well ok so if you think this is all accidental again like . that this is going to start let's look back at another cable viewing cable zero
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seven paris four one zero nine paulson discusses financial markets iran's with our cozy so this goes back to two thousand and seven hank paulson was here in paris meeting with nicolas sarkozy he raised concerns about some prime related market turbulence paulson however underscored the importance of not overreacting he said it would take months not weeks for credit to be right repriced but this was not a major crisis. yes he went on to say anyway it's not a problem the only problem i see in europe for the banks is the german lender spankin but they presented little systemic risk and would be bailed out by the german taxpayer so hank paulson is speaking on behalf of the german government in terms of his plan to allow for the german banks to be bailed out by the german citizens he's speaking for the global elite this is always their intention max and savers versus speculators he's he's negotiating to speculators rule and that he
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knew from then a year and a half before he pretended always hated to have to do tarp well he was speaking to sarkozy a year before tarp saying oh don't worry it's not going to be a problem because the german taxpayer will bail out the german lender spankin let me ask you this one of germany decided to demand the gold held at the new york fed sixty percent of their goal is held in new york what if they did like the french and say we want all our gold back the germans forever gone no european nation no asian nation including china they have a lot of gold in the us they're not getting it back and then finally max one quick headline here before you turn to the second half israelis turn out for largest economic protest to remember back to talk about the break but way wealth this is the same situation that is happening in israel because even though israel emerged from the global financial crisis relatively unscathed the economy is doing rapid growth and unemployment is at its lowest in decades at around five and a half percent so it all looks good on the surface right we've got our the
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statistics show the ranks of the working poor have grown dramatically as wealth has increasingly become concentrated among a small group of tycoons well you've got to go now to change the nomenclature from the arab spring to the arab israeli spring well yes that actually a lot of the people the protesters are claiming alliance with the square of course and also this final image here max this is crashed by silver in hebrew. so long all right steve sarah thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you don't go away much more coming your way so stay right there.
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for the. right to. remove it. from violence to pressure the sun. starts on t.v. dot com. welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser time now to go to germany and speak with economist share ever hear welcome to the kaiser report i am actually going to take you all right here israel has been hit with protests over the summer with four hundred thousand protesting last week and why is five percent of the population of israel protesting what are their demands well we have to ask ourselves why didn't have it why didn't it happen before because actually israel is undergoing
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a deep social crisis for the past few decades with very rapidly growing inequality . a cared for over two hundred cared for unemployment and we have been expanding and it affecting every aspect of life in israel and yet most people didn't really protest it until very recently and this way to protest there's something very new in israel quite unprecedented there's never been such a large demonstration in israel's history. and a people have a lot of reasons to protest ok now is it possible that the arab spring the arab uprisings and age of tunis and around the arab world gave cover to this protein that israel and if so doesn't this speak to ward a greater need to east. society getting rid of all these divisions have been plaguing the region for decades the first reaction in israeli society today arab spring was was panic actually. because the idea that arab countries could be
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democratic and people can set their own destiny was something that that. intimidated a lot of israelis who were counting on us and it's a void in crushing it is the arab peoples and making sure that they operate within the framework of u.s. interests which also works very well for the israeli and middle east rapidly but i think with the global excitement about the arab spring especially the revolution in egypt a lot of the israelis said what we also want to get some of that international excitement we also want the people because the world to be excited about what we're doing and i think one of the reasons for this is that there is now with an international of campaign against israel against the apartheid that israeli society apply it against that athenian in israel and israelis feel very isolated feeling that there are riots in today's world and because of this global campaign and so by emulating the
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arab spring they're hoping maybe to get some international support ok now you mentioned of course the left of what the u.s. and the enormous support the u.s. gives israel area for decades and the common seders and the american press who are covering this at all the uprising in israel they're finding it difficult to talk about the demands of the protesters because of their mansour protesters are for things like greater distribution of wealth and greater equality and income distribution and these of course are ideas that america equates with socialism and communism and so. there's a huge norma's disconnect here because america eight israel billions of dollars every single year and yet the people of israel don't seem to want to emulate what's happening in america at all i would say the majority of the protesters are talking about race. in taxes they want higher taxes so that there will be sufficient income
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and to it implement social programs and policies that they're asking for which is the complete opposite of of the main discourse in the us that taxes are considered the root of all evil and any call for raising taxes is immediately equated the communism and completely agree with that but we have to remember that this is rooted in israeli history because israel used to be unlike the u.s. equipment of society where which was had a very strong welfare state and a very strong system of union and that worked for jewish citizens only jewish citizens and for and the leader of society with collaboration with the government and with the major employers and to create a kind of society where there were very strong social policies but only for jews and maybe for jews who were originally from european countries and this is a memory that appeals to
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a lot of young israelis who in today's neoliberal economy find that they can no longer count on the government to help them and in finding an apartment they can no longer be sure that their wages will be enough to sustain their standard of living they get very worried and now they're saying let's go back to what we had with the welfare state and twenty thirty years ago forty years ago and all right so the people of israel are for peace and justice they're out there a huge percentage of the population of five percent of the population is in the square in the streets protesting for peace and justice however the government of israel of course is attracting huge a problem america by playing a violence card by playing the terrorism card by committing acts of terror in palestine and around the region now let me ask you a question that when you see a u.s. politician like sarah palin wearing a star of david she's not identifying with the people of israel doesn't ever say she's too. done a fine with that government of israel though is basically so what
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you're saying is he's for a senseless slaughter of innocents and therefore she should be president isn't that kind of what's going on there is that the message that's making very clear the united states does not give aid to the israeli society at all the us gives three billion dollars every year to to the israeli government but the money comes in the form of boucher's by which the israeli government can only buy american made weapons so let's be very blunt about this this is a subsidy to the u.s. arms industry that's what this money is for so when an obama or painting or any other u.s. politician are talking about and sustaining the friendship with israel and the longstanding alliance between the u.s. and israel well they're actually saying the u.s. will continue to subsidize the armed industry and make sure that the middle east will continue to be very volatile very violent so that is will continue to buy weapons so that the neighbors of israel will continue to buy more weapons and that will create huge profits for the u.s. i'm going.


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