tv [untitled] September 8, 2011 4:52pm-5:22pm EDT
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everything that affects our daily life is damage that we create ourselves it doesn't come from terrorism it's actually real the we are more afraid of the things we are told rather than of the real happenings that we progress of the find out that the most important war is the one made through the media. and nowadays it's not information warfare limited exclusively to some professionals it is with the. information warfare is fought by everyone who gets this warfare valves around the year two thousand the lebanese army israelis used the for the israelis couldn't stand the images broadcast by hezbollah's website and so they decided to shut it down and have been able to rescue those who were calling for
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help that the hezbollah then decided to repay this with a denial of service attack look up block their servers completely. at that point we discover that the hezbollah have the same capabilities as the israelis they can attack the television skins or they can hit the knesset or the bank of israel in a war that could be never ending. i could be one of the principles that are important is to always keep in mind that when we talk about communication the first one to arrive has a huge advantage. to say if you give an announcement in this announcement isn't immediately followed by some kind of counter information the people accept some ideas and afterwards it is really hard to change them if you can see. how big the waves. you
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and i create an event and with this event i modify reality that it is true that in times past the states always follow this principle for instance by murdering a political opponent using a hired killer but it's a well known story in other cases they provoke a riot or encourage terrorism in a certain area and nowadays this event's theory has been imported into the civilian sphere from the political and the military wants from us that there are schools and communication companies which employed carrillo marketing for me to start the day there are too many communication tools to figure out what is truly happening in reality as it is progressively more difficult to realize what is really going on. in from it so this information is becoming more relevant for two reasons it became global and most of all it is in real time and that it was in the democracies and
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the news reaches the audience in real time and so the t.v. audience anticipates the governments because the governments need to follow along. to know the news he gave in terms of strategy and politics in this provokes a more direct influence of the public opinion in the management of the conflicts he compared to the past you know because. along with the representation of the war there are changes about the concept of war in the audience at this stage we do not talk about people anymore we talk about the audience in this context it is normal to raise a doubt about the possible. manipulation which can be either intended or not it can
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be intended when for instance a scene is shot on purpose in order to influence the audience's ideas but it can also be an will for some reason a fact is selected ends up on the news in for everybody it becomes the expression of everything happening in a certain context who looks back at the facts no one does the first of all we cannot broadcast a fact because it was really only its representation. before communications were closely tied to human relationships there were many more forms of defense and she said there was less space for fabrication. and now as social control fades information is being turned into something different from reality which is something in between reality and imagination and this is what information is the virtual pending world. to invent a piece of news diffuse it on the web massively no one can know whether that piece
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of news really counts as on the websites because the websites use it or because someone puts it there. to get it so our enemy is the news that has the power of a real weapon is the news and the influence that it can have i can probably address he can be shot in the back with information in certain situations this is one of the biggest issues. for the new weapon is information and the war is in progress every family eighty five percent of the broadcasted information comes from the same subjects that are also protect innocent of that information just think of the press agencies they give us information about their employers the companies they work for. the battle not just this we have to consider but tv's and newspapers are not stakeholders are not the audience nor the consumers of the product of the.
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deciding the political approach of media are the advertisers it's a piece of news does not have to be spread but if a subject involves buys a whole page of a newspaper and the piece of news disappears from the apollo eleven calls i. think that there is another thing with the possibilities of misinformation the increase in norma slate the audio visual media is a juxtaposition of very short spurts one minute. thirty seconds and so on if. you feel it if there is a smart effect editor he can combine the images to lead to perception of the audience and then get a political reaction out of the. wealthy british style.
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coast's an r.s.s. feed now in the palm of your. question on the. well the grand old party sure puts on a grand old show but now it's obama's turn as long as the person has an interest and it's what pocket so as the president gets ready to take center stage will anyone be listening. sensation i believe that censorship started from the very beginning because when i was telling my story the time we'll put the south could do so well from here is zero r.t. speaks to one first responder who was once the darling of the mainstream press until he started speaking his mind well a lot of his story and look at how far the u.s. has come since nine eleven. and terrorists may kill innocent civilians but what about when the killing is a legally sanctioned by the state or the state of georgia is about to find out it
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has set an execution date for a death row inmate who many from four former presidents to even the poll say is innocent of. all that evening it is thursday september eighth five pm here in washington d.c. i'm lucy catherine of and you're watching our team now it is certainly shaping up to be a busy news day with many critical developments are rocking the headlines on the cable networks and of course because we choose to watch the stuff so that you guys don't have to waste your time with it let's take a look at some of the stories that they're leaving with or at least work this morning but first up a drunken moose i think that's him right there in sweden has finally been rescued after getting stuck in an apple tree he was desperately seeking just one more for men to bite a ferment of apples i guess that's how he got drunk but he's been freed everything is great authorities are investigating the incident i think that was
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a lead some to see this morning and then disaster struck the legally blonde star literally actress reese witherspoon was hit by a car why are they. well jogging in los angeles now c.n.n. this morning wanted you to rest assured that she is ok but a.b.c. news raised a very important question asking whether she was an extreme exercise or now of course we can't really blame the press for their coverage after all depressing real talk on the war of the economy doesn't exactly help sell ads for stuff like let's see what i have here for this right or this which is all the kind of stuff that we see advertised on t.v. now nevermind the fact that growth in the u.s. economy has stalled to less than one percent never mind we created a net total of zero in terms of jobs last month and that two years after the official so-called end of the recession remember that the unemployment rate is soaring still at nine point one percent now the other point we have to bring up as
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we're not factoring in the millions of americans who have given up looking for work or have been unemployed for so long that they're barely scraping by on either not working at all or with some sort of part time jobs that that's a sick one and six americans if you count those folks in unemployed now the president was finally finally said to address the issue yesterday he had planned on speaking before congress and of course the nation to announce a bold new jobs package and historic attempt to revive the stalled economy now obama did make history after presiding over the first ever first ever downgrade of the u.s. credit rating president obama became the first ever president to see his request for a joint session of congress the night the night of so as not to interfere but this take a look a lot of issues to talk about tax cuts to actually close ties to start these tax cuts low reagan reagan review where you know ronald reagan turned sort of reagan
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ronald reagan ronald reagan the reagan tax ronald reagan tax tax the tax reagan tax ronald reagan tax ronald reagan tax increases the tax cuts taxes i didn't raise taxes we had historic tax cuts. well to be fair though the white house didn't exactly move the date because of the debate itself there's there's some some lawmakers are saying that not everyone will be in town but nevertheless perception is everything and right now for obama perception is not looking very strong so let's get some analysis from our new york studio we have a little pair more of the contributing for the contributor for the huffington post lynn thank you so much for being back on the program. i want to hear i want to start off with with the economy of course the president is expected to speak in less than two hours but the mood in this country couldn't be more dismal i mean his approval ratings are an all time low he's competing with a football game some lawmakers are even skipping the speech in order to participate in that and we see a lot of sort of pundits and talking heads saying it doesn't really matter what he
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announces tonight because there's not a political will in congress to really get any sort of real stimulating legislation out of there. how how do you react to that kind of clout climate i mean is there anything that obama can do tonight. well you know the speech and the drama around it with the scheduling and so on is really a testimony to the dysfunction that americans are very fatigued with in our political system you know it's just more of the same and the question with the speech tonight is is the plan the scope of the plan going to be up to the seriousness of the problem and i i think you know my feeling is don't hold your breath on that because of this dysfunction that we are that we see republicans determined to block any sort of plan whether it's a good one or not you know and the fact is we've forgotten what federal government the federal government can do to develop the economy we have forgotten the kinds of large scale jobs programs that we have created before the face of
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a crisis we kept hearing ronald reagan's name moment ago and you know he was really the starting point of this almost manic obsession in hatred of government on the part of republicans that the fact is they don't want to see government working and because of that you know a lot of the firepower we have to attack our economic problems that has just been nullified but i'm curious i mean it's not it doesn't seem to me that it's solely a symptom of a partisan issue here i mean can't you argue that the president could have come out earlier when when he did have a majority and both houses and an act of more forcefully strongly some of accused of most sort of you know sitting back and and focusing more on being bipartisan and seeming like he's. sides and actually acting in the serious crisis that we're in. i think that's an excellent point and instead of putting forward these little half measures and incremental plans you know there's an argument that says go bold and
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let the republicans take the responsibility for being the obstacle to economic progress you know let them own it i don't think that the country has been well served by you know the kind of ceding the territory before the debate even begins that the obama administration is just become the signature really of his administration you know corporate profits are higher than they have been since the korean war and yet republicans are still getting away with talking about you know. they're blocking the closing of corporate tax loopholes they're denying the possibility of having millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes their corporations giant corporations like g.e. they paid zero federal taxes last year and they're getting away with this they're not really being confronted you know as you suggest by somebody who is you know
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willing to sort of take the political hit for standing up for what's right and for what americans by and large believe in and which is that the wealthy are not paying their fair share right now and the debt is being balanced on the backs of the middle class and working people in and they know that something doesn't add up about that equation well it does seem like pointing fingers is pretty much the only thing that this white house is prepared to do i want to read you one quote from a reuters article that i have here if congress which controls the nation's purse strings is not act the white house is prepared to paint republicans as obstructing this offered to solving the jobless program problem ok great let's move past the parts stuff you talked a little bit before about how in our history we used to have moments in time when we did come up with big ideas i mean we put them in the mood for criseyde right where it is a big ideas why isn't anyone seem to be thinking big. that's a really good question you know if you look back to the nineteenth century the
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federal government gave land grants to railroads so that they could build tracks across this country to deliver goods to people we gave land grants federal government gave land grants to universities so that students could study engineering in agriculture these are the great state universities and even universities like mit and cornell started this way in the twentieth century we created the interstate highway system the federal government did that under eisenhower the federal government contributed a great deal to the development of the aeronaut extended street and you know people joke about al gore and the internet but the fact of the matter is the federal government was absolutely essential to the development of early computers and the development of the internet so we've been and as you say we put a man on the moon and yet we're so tended in response to the stops crisis and if we had been shown a tenth of the enthusiasm that we've shown to attacking the debt issue if we had
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shown a tenth of that enthusiasm in attacking the jobs crisis which is the real crisis that this country faces you know we would have gotten somewhere by now and you know i have to wonder whether obama just has bad luck i mean to his credit he did try and he's pushing the whole clean jobs green jobs thing we saw last month the top three solar panel makers here in the u.s. shut down or went out of business either because of competition from china or loss of funding just today the fed's rate the solar plant that he had visited just a while back and i don't know i mean do you think he's just not reaching high enough is there this are we consumed by this fear of big government as long as it doesn't affect spending on defense. right i mean we're consumed by a fear of big government which is really irrational you know when i list the things that the government has done to end things that have made businesses prosper i mean
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you go back to the aeronautics industry and the way the u.s. government subsidized the development of passenger planes that that led to the prospering of companies like boeing i mean these companies don't just sprout up from nowhere as some of the republican conservative fundamentalist would have us believe they developed in partnership with government and government subsidizing efforts that would lead to the cross spirit of the country but right now there's a loss of the sense that there should be any alignment whatsoever between corporate practices and goals and the goals of the society we've lost the sense of connection and i think you know partisanship is part of the problem but even deeper than that is the money that flows into our political system you know there are votes out there and there are dollars and i think since you know the whole tarp issue came about we have seen the americans have really seen that it's money that matters more
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than votes you know we're now living in a post citizens united world in which the tsunami of money that can be flowing through politics in this election cycle is really unprecedented so who will who are people listening to in congress is it the voters or is it their corporate donors. so well and unfortunately i think i think we all have in the inkling as to what the answer to that is but it is a set point that you bring up you know to some extent these these conflicts that we've gotten involved into has been a boon economically true for example defense contractors all of this as we'll be talking about later on the show part of the sort of military state the post nine eleven war on terror rise up but there really doesn't seem to be any sort of mechanism to filter that down to the rest of our society do you see that changing that leeway do you see that changing not not until we come to grips with campaign finance and you know some of the things that need to happen in order to
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get fair play back into the system i mean you know with things not adding up and americans having a sense of that even if they don't follow politics closely when corporations are making record breaking profits and yet we're talking about laying off teachers and firefighters and we're talking about squeezing nickels you know via social security cuts from seniors and children and the people who are most vulnerable in our society we know that something has gone wrong in our government is not working on behalf of ordinary people anymore well let's just hope that folks are paying attention to that bigger issue and not just football game a little pair more i really do want to thank you for the tribute to the huffington post all right when the nine eleven tragedy struck they saved lives they dug through rubble in search of survivors and of course they risk their own destinies in the process so where are some of the first responders today a decade later archie visits one american hero who's life has been
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a roller coaster ride for the last ten years to say the least archies on associate the story. he says since the fire department of new york a rescue jacket he wore over his torn shirt but a rancher in from the rubble doesn't work another memory from a nail event and a piece of marble from high up on the forty fourth floor this saved for decades i put it in my pocket because it was just such a shocking realization of those memories that relive everything that i was pulled from the rubble and i started looking for other people and i only found pieces of human beings william rodriguez a janitor in the twin towers for almost twenty years and nine eleven survivor who saved hundreds of lives on september eleventh i am locking the door after door for firefighters and dragging out at least a dozen people what is their hands known as the last man out before the world trade
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center collapsed is unlikely story had the media glued to him like bees to honey. becoming a voice for the victims or agreed is was honored as an american hero only to be left homeless in the aftermath of the tragically funny thing that i will give the eight hundred number on camera when i call the eight hundred number they deny me the help and shunned by the mainstream media soon after censorship i believe that censorship started from the very beginning because when i was telling my story that on your copy of these are no longer sweetheart of american broadcasts will you now talks mostly to foreign outlets the reason his version of nine eleven differed from the official scenario is high tech like. it was the first how do you know hello there was an explosion of information before the plane hit the tower a spokesperson for many of the survivors william is not the only one discarded by the establishment ten years on when you have more than one hundred fifty first
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responder to have died because of exposure to the ground's who are toxic waste that was created. and the government say no there no seat because he did recognize one they have to recognize old power. or you have here is an effort to control the information that goes out and that he's out of the track the media and politicians are still not shy nor and silent some of the people who risk their lives in the way the sample first responders are not invited to the morial ceremony of the tenth anniversary of nine away including william well first responders see this as disrespect official sites peace as the reason there was enough space for them to save the lives of others while risking their own but apparently not enough for them to commemorate those they couldn't save ten years on and so she took in a new york. well ten years on it's not just lost lives that were counting but lost
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dollars in fact a total of four trillion dollars according to one estimate from the brown university which tried to tally the economic costs associated with the u.s. military response to nine eleven attacks now a decade later some to ask some tough questions was the expense and lives and and reputation and financial expenditures worth it hasn't gotten us to a place where we're safer where we're better able to function as a country and what have we sacrificed in the meanwhile now those are some of the questions that i posted cheney we girl of the young turks he joined us earlier on the program and here's how he had to answer that question. right but i have some mixed feelings on this you know i'm a little bit more conservative on the drone strikes and on special forces operations i think it's gotten some of the top al qaeda officials obviously including osama bin laden and our navy seal team six operation i think that's a smarter way to go those targeted operations especially ones where we use our
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forces rather than the drones and that we need to do that to protect the country to some degree now when you get to the larger wars have they made a safer that's a joke it's nothing but a horrible horrible misstatement iraq war has inflamed entire middle east need enemies out of so many that didn't need to be our enemies and rightfully so because we had absolutely no reason to go into iraq was a horrible mistake well it was a not really a mistake because dick cheney absolutely intended it and it was a disaster now when you get to our domestic issues here in the united states. i am really disappointed in how both political parties are shown great cowardice because i was taught the colors behind me oh the american flag they don't run right what do we do we ran from the terrorists we changed our civil liberties because we were so afraid of a bunch of guys hiding in caves so here are the number of things that have been
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changed and are still in place and we now do indefinite detentions in the united states of america we're not going to give due process to people we're going to hold on forever that's what dictatorships to that's what third world refuting countries do we have targeted killings the obama administration has stepped it up for the united states citizens abroad we can execute them without any trial or due process that's not the country i grew up in that's sick and then you've got a trial by military commission warrantless wiretapping racial profiling continued under the obama administration what has happened to this country you know what the terrorists of done to us is nothing compared to what we've done to ourselves being so damn scared of them i say we stop being scared and we go back to the america that we all knew and loved it was a shining beacon for the rest of the world we restore our rights and our liberties i'm disgusted by what's happened thank those are strong words but at the end of the day there's a lot of financial interests at stake in keeping the system as it is and of course
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war is a profitable business and there are a lot of companies that are heavily invested in fact and these kinds of exercises in the so-called military industrial complex and what strikes me and i want to get your thoughts on this is we have so much paranoia about you know a government and and efficiency of government especially coming out of the right wing and the tea party faction why doesn't that apply to the behemoths security state that has grown in the decade since nine eleven. well that goes to the core of the problem in the united states of america overall now whether it's foreigner to mass. coffee which is that our politicians are bought we have become one fortunately it terribly corrupt nation it's because we're systemically corrupt it's not that hey we've got a couple of bad apples and that congressman or that senator are on the take the whole systems on the take what they do is they get a lobbyist to pay them their campaign donations they run ads based on that that's how they win the elections so they are all almost all of them in the pockets of the
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special interest the corporate interests the military interests and so. it should not be a conservative thing you shouldn't be a liberal thing to say hey yes great let's have a surveillance state. everyone is happy about how do you get past that because you're right it's not unfair to think it's not a liberal thing this is unfortunately the fat fast bowler going on and you know you put a new regulations ok lawmakers can't go to dinner with a lobbyist they can stand and eat you know high table i mean business doesn't have to essentially collapse in order for you to phrase it in somehow change ok we can change it with hopefully one blow and that is a constitutional amendment saying that corporations are not human beings they cannot donate to politicians they can i get involved in politics because we've always had rich people in this country influence trying to influence our elections we get that and we've been able to fight that off and there are rich people who are on the right side of history and on the wrong side of history but when you involve the power of more.
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