tv [untitled] September 8, 2011 7:52pm-8:22pm EDT
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it's this warfare vats around the year two thousand the lebanese and the israelis used the for the israelis couldn't stand the images broadcast by hezbollah's website and so they decided to shut it down and have been able to rescue those who were calling for help that the hezbollah then decided to repay this with a denial of service attack look up block their servers completely. at that point we discovered that the hezbollah have the same capabilities as the israelis they can attack the tell me that strange that they can hit the knesset or the bank of israel in a war that can be never ending. i could get one of the principles that are important is to always keep in mind that when we talk about communication the first one to arrive has a huge advantage. to explain if you give an announcement in this announcement isn't immediately followed by some kind of counter information
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to you people accept some ideas and afterwards it is really hard to change them if . you can to be. ready. you and i create an event and with this event i modify reality that it is true that in times past the states always follow this principle for instance by murdering a political opponent using a hired killer but it's a well known story in other cases they provoked a riot or encourage terrorism in a certain area but nowadays this events theory has been imported into the civilian sphere from the political and the military wants from us that there are schools and communication companies which employ corella marketing means the threat today there are too many communication tools to figure out what is truly happening in reality as it is progressively more difficult realize to. it's what is really going on.
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in from the source information is becoming more relevant for two reasons it became global and most of all it is in real time and it was in the democracies in the news reaches the audience in real time and so the t.v. audience anticipates the government space because the governments need to follow along to get her seizures to know the news me in terms of strategy and politics this provokes a more direct influence of the public opinion in the management of the conflicts compared to the past it will look at our south. along with the representation of the war there are changes about the concept of war
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in the audience at this stage we do not talk about people anymore we talk about the audience in this context it is normal to raise adults about the possible manipulation which can be either intended or not it can be intended when for instance a scene is shot on purpose in order to influence the audience's ideas but it can also be on willed for some reason the fact is selected on the news and for everybody it becomes the expression of everything happening in a certain context he who looks back at the facts of history and no one does the first of all he cannot broadcast a fact after that is what all its representation. before communications were closely tied to human relationships there were many more forms of defense and she said yes there was less space for fabrication as much now as social control fades in from. nation is being turned into something different from reality something in
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between reality and imagination this is what information is a virtual pending world. to invent a piece of newman's diffuse it on the web massively no one can know whether that piece of news really is on the websites because the websites use it or because someone puts it there. it's so our enemy is the news that is the power of a real weapon is the news and the influence that it can have i can probably address a company shot in the back with information in certain situations this is one of the biggest issues. a new weapon is information and the war is in progress eighty five percent of the broadcasted information comes from the same subjects that are also protecting a stop at information just think of the press agencies they give us information
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about their employers the companies they work for. so compatible not just this we have to consider but tv's and newspapers are not stakeholders are not the audience nor the consumers of the product. the ones deciding the political approach of media are the advertisers that if a piece of news does not have to be spread through the subject involves buys a whole page of a newspaper and that piece of news disappears for just a. great thing if there is another thing for the possibilities of misinformation increase enormously the audio visual media is a juxtaposition of very short spots one minute thirty seconds and so on if. you're if there is a smart effect editor he can combine the images to lead the perception of the audience and then get a political reaction out of them. after getting ready for.
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and everything in this bill will be paid for every time. that remains to be seen as obama did deliver his jobs plan to congress the question remains will it be enough to rally the team and make a comeback in the fourth quarter or was his big moment interested by well everything else we'll get to that in just a bit wants of before making lots of money off of this so-called global rule the world well the money comes power what power the war in afghanistan iraq and let's not forget the overall war on terror so ten years after nine eleven are we any safer and are we less free. and terrorists may kill innocent civilians but what about one killing is illegal
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e sanctioned by the state an innocent man will die that is a claim according to some activists who are protesting the looming execution of anthony troy davis so in the united states are you guilty until proven innocent. good evening it is thursday september eighth eight pm here in washington d.c. i am lucy catherine of and you're watching r.t. but we continue this evening with our economic coverage about twenty minutes post the conclusion of the president's a long awaited speech on jobs and the economy is of course the president's attempt to boost boast a boost both a slumping economy and with it his hopes for reelection now take a listen to how president obama described his four hundred fifty dollars billion dollar plan before a rare joint session of congress. this is the american jobs act. it
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lead to new jobs for construction workers for teachers were veterans for first responders young people and the long term unemployed it will provide tax credits to companies that hire new workers tax relief to small business owners and tax cuts for the middle clips and here's the other thing i want the american people to know the american jobs act will not add to the deficit it will be paid. well it's an ambitious plan you heard the man himself infrastructure spending tax relief unemployment assistance and other aid all paid for by spending cuts first the devil is usually in the details and the details at least according to the president will not be released until next week i guess we've waited long enough for this we can probably wait a little bit more although i'm not sure if the unemployed americans here in this country will agree with that but now i mean pressure hand is whether all of this will add up to action and of course most analysts here in washington are rather skeptical acknowledging that it will be nearly impossible nearly impossible for obama to get this congress to pass his plan and in fact that was
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a college by the president self take a look i know there's been a lot of skepticism about whether the politics of the moment will allow us to pass this jobs plan or any jobs plan already we're seeing the same old press releases tweets flying back and forth already the media's profile aim but it's impossible to bridge our differences and maybe some of you have decided that those differences are so great that we can only result them at the ballot box or is all of them at the ballot box well whether he likes it or not it may just be that the president president's words may prove true well i'm not an economic experts let's turn to someone who is my next guest is richard a sicko he's live in our los angeles studios he is a senior fellow at the campaign for america's future now richard you are a former wall street exact put on your i guess economic out for me and let me know how you reacted to the president's speech. well i think it was certainly
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a step in the right direction but it's very very late in the game you know this country needs three things right now it needs jobs and jobs and jobs and to the extent that he made that case a good we're finally getting more of a direct message about that the the act that he's proposing as he said is it's not a radical or aggressive attack on the jobs problem it consists of things that democrats and republicans both have supported over the years so i guess there are two things about it one is of course you could always be more direct and not obscure his message by talking about spec spending cuts and so on along with it so we could talk about that but to i think it needs to be said that if the republicans don't vote for this and they probably won't then it's clear that they want to sell the country out for their electoral chances next year so this is
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a modest reasonable small by all historical standards point and that's four hundred four hundred fifty billion but more than half of that is tax cuts which probably aren't going to directly and immediately get people hired so if they not vote for this then it's clear that they're putting their own interests ahead of their country and it's time for the president to get really bold and tell the people everything that's needed to fix this problem i love the day when we start calling for a hundred fifty billion dollars smaller than a completely agree with the idea i do know i know you're coming from now i have to ask you product the fact and this is something the president acknowledged has acknowledged that it's not a radical plan it's a moderates plan is that part of this president's problem that he's he seems to have struggled for so long to sort of balance both sides and be practical and be moderate but at a time when we're dealing with this kind of level of depression recession downturn
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whatever you want to call it doesn't call for more radical approaches. well look the the housing crisis alone took six point seven trillion dollars out of this economy there are twenty five million people unemployed or underemployed so yes we need to be pretty aggressive and as for the president again look i'm glad he's talking about jobs he should have done it before but even when he says i'm going to be bold and take a firm stand he does seem to say to the other side now how would you like me to take that and would you like my firm stand to fight throw in some things that you like to is that not confirm for you so i think we've reached the point where we have to say look this is the beginning this is just the start if it passes if it doesn't pass we have a radical right wing congress and the president and the democrats need to get even tougher if by some miracle it does pass then could tell us what you're going to do
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to build on this going forward but let me go back to i want to play a sound bite i thought the president at the beginning of his speech when he was talking about rebuilding america when he was calling on congress to pass the jobs bill let's let's play that really quickly. pass this jobs bill and we can put people to work rebuilding america everyone here knows we have badly decaying roads and bridges all over the country the highways are clogged with traffic our skies are the most congested in the world. now richard these are valid points yes our infrastructure is crumbling that is an issue in this country but i have to ask this is the united states of america we put the man on the moon for christ's sake we built the hoover dam isn't it time to think a little bit bigger then traffic congestion and crumbling bridges i mean really well look well look they did a civil engineer society did a study that showed that over the next ten years it's going to take one point seven
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trillion dollars out of our economy if we don't fix our infrastructure this is real stuff this is people not able to get to work this is damage to vehicles this is injuries and so yes we're thinking extremely small if we allocate forty or thirty to forty billion dollars to fix a problem that's going to cost us one point seven trillion dollars in the next ten years we're thinking really really small that's what this country put an entire generation back to work during the depression with the works project agency. we can think big we can be bold we can be courageous so again i'm glad he's talking about jobs you mentioned the moon landing now let's talk about more than just putting a experimental milestone on the moon let's talk about actually getting a spaceship to the moon let's get people back to work we can do it we should do it we should start right now and again those are all good points i mean if this president is not stupid this president was a senator in the u.s. congress he knows how the system works he knows the political reality that's before
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him and so my question is if he knows that he's facing these uphill obstacles in actually getting this thing passed which he himself acknowledged just moments ago why not aim bigger speak bigger if you know that the republicans as a some folks are alleging are going to in a chip away at whatever it is that you put out there aimed ten thousand times bigger and if you get one time for that then take at least you know you've got something more than where you started i just don't understand the mentality between approaching this from a moderate perch perspective when he knows that he's not going to get his way from the start. and another well you know the strategy may be look reasonable and get turned down but you know i was i got a good way to look reasonable the real course and the real way to look reasonable is just to talk plainly don't mix up spending cuts with drops just say hey look i'm worried about spending but right now this country is sick let's give it the medicine it needs to get better we'll worry about our medicine budget next week
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after we got to the country better let's not complicate matters america you need work we're going to give it to you that's what i stand for if the other guys don't you decide who you like next november that's what he should do that's another way of saying what you're saying just talk plainly to the american people about what the problem is and how to fix it well i mean the whole taking in the ballot box he did he did sort of get to i don't take up another point that he made when he was talking about bringing gas production or manufacturing back to america has made in america a state and i think we have that sound bite for you and second if americans don't buy a key is another is i want to see folks who suffer through a driving force and ships and plants lives and that's. what we plan. now richard very noble and ambitious words of course something that the citizens of this country probably want to hear from the president but the reality doesn't necessarily match up with that fact and we're
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not going to be competitive in terms of cars on the world stage i mean we can barely get solar panels off the ground which has been the you know the whole green jobs initiative the brainchild of this president and just today we saw the latest solar plants were raided by the f.b.i. over financial problems i mean. you know that happens but look number one is if you are talking about our heroes and hung on american streets why mr president are you pushing the korea free trade there that's question number one are you pushing more free trade of the kind that got us where we. to day and number two is listen we have a situation where you're absolutely right we're not going to under bid some of these other countries so we've got to really talk about the jobs that can only be done in the united states really building up our infrastructure and that kind of project he get looking can look at i don't know if it's so confusing i don't know whether to
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congratulate him for putting in seventy or one hundred billion or one hundred fifty billion on the right thing or to be frustrated the murkiness or to point out that cutting the payroll tax undercuts public support for social security and then cutting payroll taxes even for businesses up to five million million and payroll is not going to produce very many new jobs it's not an efficient way to spend money or the fact that you shouldn't call that spending when the republicans don't have their tax cut spending so i don't know whether to applaud the guy for the steps he's taken criticize him for the steps he still hasn't taken or just go home and have a drink oh richard if you're confused and you're supposed to be the expert imagine what the rest of america is thinking although of course i guess the game is on by now and again and by now i don't know what i'm looking for and the confusion is not analytical it's not economic it's political it's clarity it's one of clarity you know you mentioned that i worked on wall street well i've worked with numbers and you know you you have numbers and rows and columns and they come out
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a certain way and you know people say i'm you know politically progressive i stand for positions where the numbers come out a certain way on the vertical and horizontal columns so when you start saying yeah but i'm going to far just this one or i tell you that i'm going to offset this one with that one because i want to please you then it's no longer an analytical or an economic problem it's it's a psychological and anthropological and sociological issue that's what we're up against in washington d.c. right now well it certainly is an uphill battle and richard i don't really know what to make of all this i might have to go home and take a small drink myself but i thank you so much for weighing in for us on this very very busy thursday evening that was richard esko senior fellow at the campaign for america's future. all right well we are coming up on a major anniversary which is of course the united states prepared to mark the ten years have passed since the nine eleven attacks and of course ten years since the launch of the so-called war on terror now it's been
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a decade of military campaigns overseas accompanied of course by headlines of torture secret prisons not to mention civilian deaths but has it made us all safer as we start here at our t.v. our special coverage of the nine eleven anniversary i do want to play you a small story that explores that question. one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history that ushered in a decade of anti terror campaigns across the globe. but is america and the world now a sleeper place ten years on the most recent nine eleven commission report card gives aviation security in the u.s. the worst rate and after s were terrorists experts say the methods used to fight them have spawned even more extremism torture and if we're trying to find out what we're going to follow for thank you it's
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a hypothetical on the curtain call peter and that have significantly set its back i'm having a trying to defeat terrorism america's that case long campaign on terror has created a new phenomena more without borders and as many say without roots torture rape and murder that took place at the u.s. run prison in abu ghraib iraq as well as other u.s. prisons overseas brought global condemnation but key decision makers in the bush administration say what they did was in the best interest of their country and they would do the same again people call it torture you think it should still be a tool yes rendition yes secret prisons yes writer tapping well with the right to prove colonel lawrence wilkerson was collin powell chief of staff when he was the secretary of state under george w. bush he says some of the bush administration members deserve to be put on trial and he would be ready to testify george tenet told dick cheney what dick cheney wanted
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to hear oh yes it's working mr vice president we're getting great information and we're stopping terrorist attacks that is order. in pakistan u.s. drone strikes have killed thousands of civilians and made it only a handful of actual terrorists many of the victims' loved ones seek revenge by joining radical groups. others like this young man who lost both of his legs and three family members in a drone strike gather in protest asking when will the killing stop we have made much more than a crowded industry out of the world my former boss colin powell has called a terrorist industrial complex lots of people are making lots of money off of this so-called global war on terror our war on terror. begins without. but it does not even listening to george bush's declaration of war on terror from ten years ago one is left wondering whether it was the beginning of
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a vicious circle where the revenge would take more innocent lives and would start a new wave of terror i'm going to check our reporting from washington art always as we talk about the intelligence invested in looking into terror threats a developing story right now as we speak the f.b.i. and the intelligence community are apparently investigating some sort of a threat to explode a car bombs in new york and washington either on or some time near the anniversary of the september eleventh terrorist attacks that of course according to a senior u.s. and. some official so is it an unconfirmed credible threat or a credible unconfirmed threat i'm not quite sure but what we do know is ten years after the nine eleven attacks it's not just lost lives we're counting but lost dollars in fact a total of four trillion dollars according to one estimate from the brown university now there are researchers looked in and tried to tally the economic
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costs associated with the u.s. military response to the nine eleven attacks but then seconds later it is time to ask a where this expense in lives and dollars and reputation has gotten us i mean are we safer here today than we were ten years ago and how has the so-called war on terror actually played out well that's a question that i posted girl of the turks take a look at what he had to say. right but i have some mixed feelings on this you know i'm a little bit more conservative on the drone strikes and special forces operations i think it's gotten some of the top al qaeda officials obviously including osama bin laden in our navy seal team six operation i think it's a smarter way to go those targeted operations especially ones where we use our forces rather than the drones and that we need to do that to try to country to some degree now when you get to the larger wars have they made us safer that's a joke it's nothing but a horrible horrible misstatement iraq wars inflamed entire middle east need enemies
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out of so many that didn't need to be our enemies and rightfully so because we had absolutely no reason to go into iraq was a horrible mistake well it was a not really a mistake as dick cheney absolutely intended it and it was a disaster now when you get to our domestic issues here in the united states. i am really disappointed in how both political parties have shown great cowardice because i was taught the callers behind you know the american flight it they don't run right what we do we are we ran from the terrorists we changed our civil liberties because we were so afraid of a bunch of guys hiding in caves so you know here the number of things that have been changed and are still in place and we now do indefinite detentions in the united states of america we're not going to give due process to people we're going to hold them forever that's what dictatorships to that's what third world countries do we have targeted killings obama administration has stepped that up for united
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states citizens abroad we can execute them without any trial or due process that's not the country i grew up in that's sick and then you got trouble by military commission warrantless wiretapping racial profiling continued under the obama administration what has happened to this country you know what the terrorists have done to us is nothing compared to what we've done to ourselves being so damn scared of them i say we stop being scared and we go back to the america that we all knew and loved it was a shining beacon for the rest of the world we restore our rights and our liberties i'm disgusted by what's happened those are strong words but at the end of the day there's a lot of financial interests at stake in keeping the system as it is and of course a war is a profitable business and there are a lot of companies that are heavily invested in fact in these kinds of exercises in the so-called military industrial complex and what strikes me and i want to get
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your thoughts on this is we have so much paranoia about you know big government and and inefficiency of government especially coming out of the right wing and the tea party factions why doesn't that apply to the behemoths security state that has grown in a decade since nine eleven well that goes to the core of the problem in the united states of america overall now whether it's foreigner to mess. which is that our politicians are bought we have become unfortunately terribly corrupt nation and it's because we're systemically corrupt it's not that hey we've got a couple of bad apples and that congressman or that senator are on the take now the whole system is on the take what they do is they get lobbyists that pay them their campaign donations they run ads based on that that's how they win the elections so they are all almost all of them in the pockets of the special interests the corporate interests the military interests and so. it should not be a conservative thing you should be a liberal thing to say hey yes great let's have a.
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