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tv   [untitled]    September 8, 2011 8:52pm-9:22pm EDT

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slaughter of innocents and therefore she said the president is not telling you what's going on there is not a leftist that's making very clear the united states does not give aid to these really society at all the us gives three billion dollars every year to to the israeli government but the money comes in the form of vouchers by which the israeli government can only buy american made weapons so let's be very blunt about it this is a subsidy to the u.s. arms industry that's what this money is for so when an obama or painting or any other u.s. politician are talking about and sustaining the friendship with israel and the longstanding alliance between the u.s. and israel what they're actually saying the u.s. will continue to subsidize the arms industry and make sure that the middle east will continue to be very volatile very violent so that it will continue to buy weapons so that the neighbors of israel will continue to buy more weapon and that will create huge profits for the u.s. arms manufacturers that make to live the life of israeli citizens any better certainly not but he does make the life of israeli prime minister netanyahu better
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because you know that the one weapon he still has by which you can find the vote it and already he's hoping to send a protest which is what is there going to be another war in the middle east if there's going to be violent clash with the palestinians or with him in lebanon and then or with iran then in the name of a state of emergency you can recruit and the young people and they will no longer be in the streets in the. plaza demonstrating that instead they will be in uniform and fighting a war and that will be the end of the protests i asked my twitter account last pizer at twitter to ask you some questions and one of the questions referred to war and i will get to that a second but before i do continue on these protests so you're saying that the needs of the warfare state and israel's primarily a warfare state cannot go along power. with the welfare
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state so the protesters are they how are they going to square that circle is there any way to transform the israeli economy which is fairly now almost entirely contingent upon the war how are they going to transform the israeli economy what can i do to make israel something less of a pariah and more of a functioning economy that's interested in the betterment of itself and those around it and a good economy is not really contingent or maybe upon war a. military part of the economy is about twelve percent that's a lot that's more than any other country in the world probably but it's the least eighty eight percent which is not military related and these eight percent or more most of the people that's where people where you find the doctors the teachers and the social workers people who are where barely making ends meet and without addressing the deep roots of injustice in israeli palestinian society in the fact
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that there are millions of have been refuted who have every right to return but they're not allowed to do it without addressing the issue and the fact that israel did close it defiance of the jewish state so that it was billions cannot be equal citizens in israel without these issues and of course the occupation of the west bank into gaza strip where at about a third of the population are not citizens their subjects without any rights that are addressing addressing these three issues there is not going to be a real change in the way that these are it works but we were talking before about about violence and should the demonstrators use violence i would say it's very clear any divide the protesters tried not turn violent they don't need guillotine to to change israeli society the need to do exactly the opposite they need to refuse to take up arms and any israeli. youngest lady who refuses to become
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a soldier for yet another imperialist war in the middle east yet another kind of distraction by the israeli government to distract from from the social issues they're going to bring the real change they're going to allow the most important issues to come to the fore the issues of justice well said so do you believe the tipping point of a mass movement toward refusing to serve in the israeli defense. is upon us for the first time there is a clear understanding of most of the protestors that it's likely that the government is going to try to use war to silence the demonstration and that the security and excuse is really nothing nothing more than an excuse and that's that's something very that is never been the case before tried maestro what role has the increase in food prices played in regard to the recent mass protests that it could lead to more food related riots to food. prices where the trigger for the right the
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first thing that protesters organized the first kind of protest was overcrowded she's right and they did this by use of facebook and twitter and they organized a map of consumer boycott within israel and they were excited by the success of this campaign and i think that was one of the reasons that it felt more confident to move into other issues because the cottage cheese is important but it's not the most important thing and there are things that people and need much much more effectively in the cheese but yeah food prices in israel actually very expensive more expensive than they are in countries where the income per capita is double and the reason for that of course is the massive burden of security the cost of the army because of the condition all right second question comes from random u.k. human on twitter he asks what is the probability israel attacking are blowing up iran's this is a big big question yeah this is a very big question and i'm not a prophet i wouldn't be able to answer this but there is a there is a real risk. and unfortunately their world community is not doing enough to try to
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prevent this kind of war which could be catastrophic iran is doing at the moment nothing to provoke israel into attacking by germany for example actually sending israeli air it is wrote the marines that could be used to launch such an attack and i think one of the beacons of hope at least for me is the worsening relations between israel and turkey mean that it's much more difficult for his road sanity strains over to bomb iran without cooperation with turkey and so maybe there is also sort of a line to back there and so they have a thanks so much for the report thank you max and that's going to do it for this edition of the cause report with me back skies are and stacey however our thank my guests here have or if you want to send an e-mail please do so at the report of r t t v dot ru until i stand this is backscatter saying by our. little.
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on job market in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture about an hour ago president obama wrapped up his jobs speech and detailed plan of his american jobs act he claims to give millions of americans back to work so it will work and what can we learn from the noise coming out of the republican debate last and ten years after nine eleven has a little bitch. with a look at whether or not all a nation of the right choices in the decade after the attacks.
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you need to know this republicans had their chance last night and president obama had his chance tonight unfortunately republicans squandered their chance to talk jobs during their debate last night instead focused on more massive tax breaks for billionaires only social security a ponzi scheme lasting mitt romney a successful health care program in massachusetts and nine global warming and bragging about how many people rick perry had executed in texas so tonight it was up to the adult in the room president obama his jobs and jobs plan to congress he called it the americans job the american jobs act comes complete with tax cuts for employers who hire new workers raise the salaries of their current workers tax cuts for companies who hire military veterans tax cuts for companies who hire people who've been unemployed for more than six months it invests in repairing and modernizing over thirty five thousand. and schools rehabilitates communities
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artistic foreclosure jump starts transportation infrastructure projects all around the nation they push thousands of teachers back to work in an individual basis it extends the payroll tax cut but also extends unemployment benefits from of the year president claims the american jobs act will create jobs for construction workers teachers veterans and giving long term unemployed a shot at collecting a paycheck to president promise this bill will be paid for completely by asking the super committee gang of twelve to find additional savings on top of the want to have trillion already. also pleasure to introduce his own deficit reduction plan in two weeks and he told republicans it's time to put politics aside that these are all policies that both parties have supported in the past and this bill must be passed now so will they pass it will work joining me now for four wrap up of president obama's jobs speech as well as all the shenanigans in last night's
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republican debate is eric burns from a present of media matters for america co-founder of bullfight strategies going back thank you to our good to have you thank you for joining us and it's great to have you with us first of all i'm i'm curious your take on last night's debate as a texan and as if you're going to say as a texan i was horrified when they clapped for all the executions in texas you know that we have more executions in the state of texas i think than any other state in the country or all the other states that have become volunteers are going to two hundred more in the last yeah i mean it's just that was a little disturbing you know as far as kind of the horse race i felt like romney really did go astray that he was the only guy in the room with that actually had a chance to really taking on obama seriously which actually surprised me rick perry did his thing which was a lot of swagger care of his yosemite sam act as i like to call it and he was strong in the first half the bait. but but really started to lose steam because
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there's really lack of substance there and he's going to i think we saw that with george w. bush you know michele bachmann i thought really faded into the background last night i think we're going to see her campaign begin to fade that one surprise was jon huntsman really same will actually really seem like the smartest guy in the world the question is can he do anything without the the problem i thought was the jon huntsman was playing nice and yes and there was a time who would be a democrat now well not only that you know eisenhower came along after world war two and and the korean war was running in fifty two and he ran his campaign slogan was vote for eisenhower vote for peace and use the peace candidate and what americans wanted i mean they were war weary they were depression weary they were what they wanted was quiet they wanted nice calm quiet and so he was the perfect guy for the time where there's been a republican or democrat here that's not america it's not right no it's not and so if huntsman tries to play as an hour which he's trying to do it sure will and i so you know he's so deep down in the polls i don't know that there's enough oxygen for
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him to even make a play it's a really come back and what i think is instructive which is really to your point is that you know we have a very different republican party now the swagger of rick perry just kind of the cocky texas the americans that we saw oil from him which i'm very used to seeing in texas politics this is the new republican party unapologetically get up and call social security a ponzi scheme and it's about it's about you know forceful leadership whether it's right or wrong or driving the america off a cliff that's what in this kind of a.d.d. media environment unfortunately folks care to respond to and clearly the republican base responds to but it just shows you how far to the right the republicans have really gone let's talk about the president's speech assured that there were there was one particular moment in the speech that i thought. actually two that i thought really captured the whole thing the first was in the very beginning when he talked about how there are all these americans who are concerned that they they can't put their kids college through. sure through school that they may be on the edge of
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losing their jobs and he talked he actually used the word compact which interestingly i've used a couple of times recently in my daily take up using it on the air i haven't heard anybody else use it. in the forty's fifty's sixty's seventy's and early eighty's a compact between government and the people was that government would define the rules of business in such a way that if you had a even a high school diploma you could raise a family and there was there could be a middle class and that compact has been changed you have a square deal has become the raw deal yet again with reaganomics and he just he caught that out he basically said you know we need to go back to that he did and i thought it was one of the best parts of the speech as well in another part of the speech you know he really talks about the american people are really going to small businesses are going to drive this recovery but we need to do our part in washington i think what we're saying i hope is the beginning of an articulation of a campaign to explain to the american people why we actually need
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a government of the people by the people of this government is a reflection of who we are if democrats can't make their argument about why government is relevant especially for the era of the great recession which was of course a result of a lack of government involvement in the markets that i think we're in trouble and so i was really really pleased to see the president do that and i think he really put the republicans in a difficult spot because he gave them a lot of what they want which of course a lot of democrats have been very upset about for a long time but he spoke to the american people and he really is giving this congress no excuse not to pass this bill there's targeted infrastructure spending which of course we know was the absolute best way to promote economic growth is you noted putting teachers back in the schools we're some great in the long term and short term things are good it seems like one side or the other one of the one of the other is going to happen that one saw either the president or the republicans are going to play a game of heads i win tails you lose and the way it plays for the president is he gets this thing. passed the economy picks up somewhat it looks like he's doing
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things and it helps him politically massively on the other hand. if the report and on the other hand if the republicans say no he can he can he can play harry truman and run against the republicans but he's got to do the right yeah and that's a question of whether he's willing to do that i guess on the third hand the third third option is he gets this passed a republican say ok fine go along with us we'll give you everything you want and it doesn't pick up the economy as much as it could or should things take time they do and then they he can't run against congress anymore he can't play harry truman he got what he wanted unemployment still is you know seven a half percent whatever it is you know and and and they say you know we tried which way do you how do you think it's going to play how do you think the republicans are going to play well you know i hope for the good of the country and that they're going to play and they recognize that in some point the american people really just
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want to see things happen in washington that are going to benefit the working families at home and really really get this economy going we don't know what will officers and republicans in congress we have a very disloyal opposition and they are heavily invested politically as i've as we've talked about before and seeing this economy crash on the rocks and saying this president crashed on the rocks and so you know the real question is can eric cantor mitch mcconnell and these characters that we have that are really throwing every wrench in the works that they possibly can overcome their partisan desire to control the white house to actually do something to help save this economy well and get it back and i think apropos of that the question is what let's just play this clip from the speech and through a very very short. passes jobs bill and we can put people to work rebuilding america everyone here knows we have badly decaying grades and bridges all over the country the highways are clogged with traffic our skies are the most congested in the elf. it's not reach building
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a world class transportation system is part of what made us a economic superpower and now we're going to sit back and watch china build newer airports and faster around roads at a time when millions of unemployed construction workers could build them right here in america. here's what i think the question is will enough american people say yeah that's my speech that's my guy that's my that's my policy that the republicans take it seriously or for that matter the democrats meticulously the kind of flaky democrats in the sun take it seriously who i think we were living in for the night essentially if this speech ends tonight this messaging instant i then that's you know it's going to be successful if this is something the president continues to beat on and we heard drumbeat from the white house we stop the circular firing squad among progressives and liberals which is just not helpful that i think we've got a shot and you know it's interesting or interesting point last night in the
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republican debate which i think speaks to this is directly you know we had a whole bunch of republicans namely rick perry up there saying hey government start a solution government can't do anything government can't create jobs get every one of those governors up there was bragging about the jobs they created while they were governors in their state i know this is a cognitive dissonance and that's why i think that i think they can be forced to the table but it's going to take a unified full frontal assault but he has a start part of his speech was he said i'm going to go across the country with this mess and i hope it doesn't going to happen you're absolutely and he's got to be tough absolutely thank you thanks a lot rob by that he was there a lot more on the president's jobs beach and i still take. coming up it's been almost a decade since the tragic terror attacks on new york's twin towers the pentagon here in d.c. so what's changed since then and she would be happy with this new post nine eleven america.
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this week it will be a time for reflection for the united states over the ten year anniversary of nine eleven and chance for all of us to look back at the last decade and ask the question we handle things the right way there's no question this nation is fundamentally different today than it was ten years ago was an unprecedented fear and mistrust of muslims for example gripping the nation causing many of us to forget exactly what religious freedom in america means there are two costly wars still raging in the middle east is asters offshoots of our military response to what nineteen terrorist hijackers did on the september. and there's the new security state apparatus an unbelievably costly and intrusive machine complete with michael chertoff x. ray porno scanners in our airports what was with wire taps and e-mail snoopers in our homes a covert military wing of secret prisons and drone strikes around the world all of which illustrates just how much our nation's definition of privacy and in
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particular warfare has drastically changed since nine eleven and it's on this topic in particular i'd like to hear my next guests take down a priest as a journalist in the national security reporter of the washington post he's also the co-author of the new book top secret america the rise of the new american security state and joins me now welcome thank you you have the book ideas it's not beautiful it's brilliant what is what is che sock let's just get right to this is just a sock is the joint special operations command it's a group of highly effective but very secretive special operations troops from all the military services their main mission after nine eleven has been manhunt being has been to capture or more recently to mostly kill the suspected terrorists that are on their hit list and their supporters around the world not only in places like afghanistan in iraq or we have declared wars but in places like yemen and pakistan
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to some degree where we have where we don't have declared war as you wrote about essentially began with jimmy carter in the arena hostage crisis for a writer it began with an effort to rescue the hostages from the reigning students who held them in the u.s. something in one nine hundred ninety in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine and that unfortunately ended in disaster not only were they not rescued but eight members of that team were killed and they decided at that time that they needed a better system to organize this a joint group that would be partly maybe partly. army partly air force and they set up. j. socks shortly after that but it really wasn't used much so it wasn't used much in till after nine eleven before that some hosty rescues but not not anything like what happened beginning after nine eleven when and when we when the united states
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the president particular wanted to fight a secret war around the world that we would know much about so putting this thing together didn't require any special authorization it was just a reorganization within the military that's right it would but but how does the president of the united states. at any point in time you know now president bush. how does he order the murder of another person including u.s. citizens who have been the targets of trees or how does the president order or the murder of a person without a judicial process. well known to come to us first of all the been lawyers who debated this inside the white house and continue to debate it outside the white house but the legal view from inside is that it's not murder it's self defense we were attacked on nine eleven and we have every right straight back at those you know it is supposed to be at terrorists that people will stop murder it's will
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right but it but it is you know it is they call it targeted killings there are people who call it assassination because you were targeting individuals that the the literal notion of assassination is usually someone with political leaders is a political organization you know up does this amount to us that's the nation that's up for debate it does it's not a rogue operation no by these troops they get their direction from the president president bush gave it to them and president obama has used them even more than president bush with these was was the authorization because i mean you know when jimmy carter first did this it wasn't go kill these people were rescued so when george bush started doing the go kill these people is that the jay bybee memo was. no trying to unite all the cia and the cia actually has a similar force they're called paramilitary force because they're not military people now the interesting thing is that cia because of its past abuses congress
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has said if you're going to use the cia to do covert things you have to tell us and the president has to sign something special bill because these are military troops even though they're doing things very similar they don't have to tell congress and president bush didn't inform congress what they were doing president obama said even though i don't have to i'm going to now inform a select member select members of congress the defense committee the intelligence committee both the defense committee that's and so the answer is for reassurance of one thing. and there's a lot of concern about notification if we you know after the wedding party incident you wrote about the other body heard about you know it was the can killing of many people by any civilians yes by one of those trees are groups. as jay sock been a net positive or a net negative for america between the the the right of the wedding party killings
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the you know i would agree the torture everything else and they've been all they were involved in abu ghraib or there were instances of abuse of prisoners and supposedly those people were picked prosecuted disciplined you know it depends on your definition because they've been in effect the killing force that's what they do in the process they have killed civilians accidentally they would say but they will continue to do those because civilians are mixed in with people that are terrorists so what does that create in you know even the leader of j.c. general mcchrystal at one point he told me in an interview for the book that often their actions were counterproductive because if they killed innocent people if they bombed the wrong house and the the rate of success was only fifty percent because intelligence is so hard to be accurate with you would create hostilities on the
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ground that the conventional army ill equipped to deal with that kind of blowback would have to handle and they were good at handling that we have just a minute left you see i was forbidden from domestic operations that's changed recently is are going to c.j. stock operating in the united states you know water and you know i don't think they will be operating in the united states what they are doing now through a new task force they have in washington d.c. is to help others domestic civilian agencies target their the people they. they're interested in arresting so for instance the immigration service they stop is using its targeting methodology in other words gathering information figuring out where this prisoner to be carrying technology and helping them find the person they're looking for a last question just in a few seconds to appear for his jesus you know if you gain the world lose your soul what was it worth it if we are successful militarily if we win these battles by
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killing these people will we have lost the war by eliminating so many i think that's always a balance that people are aware of and and when you choose the tool that you're going to use to fight a war it's not that it's not just that tool that matters it is what it it's the ripple effect. thanks so much for dropping by we're going to believe they can proceed as i said because sunday's tenth anniversary of nine eleven will be a day of reflection and i fear that many of us will look back at that last decade of war fear an intrusion a lot of thought for when for introspection actually to fear available. there has been a rise in the american security state there but three outcomes of nine eleven but i just wanted to respond here a little bit the first is the rise of the american security state we've seen the the national security letters for example we have the guy asserting.


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