tv [untitled] September 8, 2011 11:22pm-11:52pm EDT
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they don't need warrants in iraq or to tap your phone going. through the you know over two hundred thousand in fact the inspector general has a justice department looked into this and said you know there's been a serious abuses here two hundred thousand national security we used to have to get warrants. were our fear levels tom ridge. came out in his own book and talked about how he made the decision to leave government when he was told during the kerry campaign during the john kerry campaign he was told in the campaign to raise the terror level basically wherever john kerry got good publicity in their words the national security state was being used as a political tool. and it actually was quite effective every time john kerry got a little mojo then suddenly big you know. at the airports we now have our church projects ray scanners a company that michael chertoff lobbies for their initial d. was forty million bucks now we're seeing them porno x.
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ray scanners all over the all over the country i mean michael chertoff is doing very well thank you very much we use this is an excuse to buy away power to isolate politicians from voters hate you can't come to this meeting you've got to pay to come into this meeting you always have it it's kind of the end of privacy and of activism that's the that's the national security state part then there's the osama phobia we've seen where islamophobia we talked last night with. there was pressure here from from the center for american progress but how it's a forty two million dollar a year industry it's become a major tool of so-called news to make their viewers afraid and so they're constantly check the t.v. and i was a go and what's going on they've created an other that they have sort of successfully basically demonized and it leaves the series writes the drone strikes and rights abuses human rights abuses you know pretty people in these horrible prisons that the banner writes about what for example we have had two and now the third
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consequence of nine eleven we are in two wars and arguably several others with two full blown wars frankly you're more likely to die from lightning than from a terrorist strike anyone went through the troubles with the ira i mean you had maggie thatcher was the then the prime minister of england they blew up number ten downing street the home of the right house you know they almost killed the prime minister the prime minister of italy eleanor actually was killed he was kidnapped and stuck in the back of a truck and by europe went through this period back in the eighty's seventy's eighty's ninety's where they had terrorist problems and many of their citizens were killed. arguably as a proportion of their population something similar to what we experienced in nine eleven and they didn't turn into a. you know england didn't in italy didn't with the red brigades germany didn't with the bottom line off down hang and so on they didn't turn into a nation of great fear and lowered the instead they said you know we're better than
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that we're greater than that which is what bill clinton did by the way went into him with very tried to terrorize us by blowing up the oklahoma city that so many of bush did exactly what osama bin the water here's one of his one of the quotes from bin laden use of the mosher day had seen recently forced bush to resort to emergency funds if you can in the fight in afghanistan and iraq which is evidence of the success of the bleed until bankruptcy plan with i was permission this is what osama bin laden said his goal he also said that every dollar of al qaeda defeated a million dollars by the regime of allah the site despite the large loss of a huge number of jobs besides in other words what bush did is what bin ladin did and for ten years now america has become a different nation we need to wake up from that and go back to the noble nation we once were.
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it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question ten years later can you name anything important and good that came out of nine eleven your choices are yes i've posted this good thing as a comment or no i posted why i'm disappointed walk out of town arbonne dot com to vote and leave a comment about what you see as a positive legacy of nine eleven or why you're disappointed by how we as a country have dealt with that tragedy the hole will be open until. time for the good the bad of the very very spooky to split a deadly ugly there could argue bishop desmond tutu and the dalai lama they along with seven other nobel peace prize laureates
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a little letter to president obama to oppose the keystone x.l. pipeline the same pipeline that twelve hundred people were arrested for the white house proposed last letter reads the night you were nominated for president you told the world that under your leadership and working together the rise of the oceans will begin to flow in the planet will begin to heal this is a critical moment to be good in that place and make a lasting contribution and well being of everyone from this planet let's hope the president listens to these wise individuals and keeps his campaign promise and says no to big oil the bad senator david vitter republican from louisiana tweeted yesterday that he would not be attending tonight's president of the president's job joint speech to congress about jobs and why because he has to catch a football game and stop it or tweeted family and friends coming over first since game tomorrow on or on the recovery and super bowl that's right senator vitter things football is more important than drafts however now here is senator harry
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reid scheduled votes before and after president obama's speech basically as a way to force senators to attend and vitter was not at all happy about that he wrote in his face with page several harry reid all of us my own sense can party at home sounds like senator vitter has completely forgotten his job description is look at the bright side at least he's not trying to skip out of the president's speech for a rendezvous again with the d.c. madam at least we don't think yes at the very very ugly the bank of america even though the bank is on the verge of class. seen it still found time to harass one of its customers last month deborah crabtree lost her husband to cancer over her husband still owe the bank a three thousand dollars mortgage and bank of america wanted its money so the bank couldn't even wait one day to begin only in her for that money during the during the wake her husband's wake the bank of america called the crabtree home every fifteen minutes and called as many as forty eight times
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a day the man in the chicago and bank even urged her to spend her last five thousand dollars on pain rather than providing her husband with a funeral this is the same bank the gladly took forty five billion dollars in bailout money courtesy of taxpayers by deborah crabtree just when you thought the banks couldn't sink any lower they do that's a very theory. coming up the state of florida passes a controversy a law requiring all welfare recipients to undergo mandatory drug tests so that some violation of the fourth amendment or just standard protocol for screwing over the poor. like drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to create through had through made who can you trust no one who is you know in view with the lobel machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called satchels when nobody dares to
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is this a pathetic attack on the poor just to make extra money for the state and extra money for governor scott himself and the united nations knows how to get us all out of this global economic recession so why are europe of the united states not listening more on this since night still to. it looks like republicans in florida are suffering from a case of selective amnesia when it comes to the constitution that's right the party the touts its constitutional knowledge has no problem shredding up our nation's founding document when it comes to screwing over poor people last may governor of florida and health insurance fraudster rick scott signed a new law that requires welfare recipients in his state to undergo mandatory drug
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testing to continue receiving benefits not only that people have to pay thirty five bucks for their own drug tests and just so happens that a few years ago governor scott co-founded an urgent care medical center chain in florida that in a stores drug tests and will probably make big bucks thanks to this new law that he has championed and now if you sell us something to say about it they filed a lawsuit against the state arguing that mandatory drug tests by a late an individual's right against an. reasonable search and seizure so is governor scott violating floridians right to privacy and our other states next door is florida the only one whose governor owns a large stake in a company that makes money when people have to get drug tests here to offer his take on the issues t.j. walker political commentator and managing editor of daily national digit welcome thanks for having me good to be with you great to have you with us i understand you
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support governor scott in this is that the case. well yes because as you may have noticed the republicans and conservatives have done a great job of demonizing all of government and making it all seem illegitimate whether they want to admit it or not this actually makes a government policy seem more legitimate to most taxpayers still if you believe in government like i do and i think you do you can't simply dismiss this because it makes people feel more comfortable about where their tax dollars are going so why do you hate the constitution. come on i mean it maybe it's not perfect but you and i have to take a blood test to get a life insurance policy that's just raise its hand life insurance companies just. will but no one's forcing anyone to take my welfare check there are strings attached any time you take money if i do our clients are strings and if you are starving i would submit that you are under coercion t.j. . you know should we care about what i mean it's not ideal but again we have seen
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especially in the last few years the republicans and the right wing constantly attacking the very notion of government helping people because the idea is it only makes matters worse here's a measure that is going to give here is a measure that's going to make a lot of taxpayers it least feel as though their tax money is not going to support someone's drug addiction ok t.j. how about this that will you go along with me on this the total welfare budget of the united states is a fraction new i'll know this i'm talking about a single digit fraction of the welfare budget for corporate america how about we start drugs has all the guys on wall street all billionaires on wall street the koch brothers koch industries they get millions and millions of dollars in government subsidies how about all of the welfare queens to use ronald reagan's old phrase in business and industry shouldn't they be drug tested also. might be
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a bad idea but what's going to be the what are we going to hold back from them i mean right now that. right now we're hearing four billion dollars to these big oil companies exxon mobil will not get any more money if they're if we find out that their executives are using drugs or for that matter maybe we should look into whether their love david vitter whether they're using the d.c. madam i mean if we're going to really push this and i go to the rally to the left i think on to the left of you on that i'd rather just take away the big corporations welfare altogether. so. if you'd like to go everybody's wealth around. you know what i've done in favor of taking away i'm not in favor of taking away welfare ok then if your argument is that people on welfare but actually i'm not sure i understand your argument are you are you saying a that some people who are on welfare are on welfare because they have substance abuse problems and therefore we should punish them by not giving them welfare
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rather than deal no substance abuse or are you saying that some people on welfare have nothing better to do so they're going to get high and we don't want to be encouraging that is that your point that's a neither one of those is my point my point is we live in a time when republicans and conservatives have so d. . any government effort to actually help people if this is a measure that is going to make the average taxpayer feel more comfortable that their tax money is not going to rectally to help pay for someone's drug habit then it's going to make everyone feel more comfortable about government and government welfare and it will decrease the likelihood that florida and other states will completely eliminate welfare simon fraser welfare i don't know you don't want to hear what you don't want to stigmatize the corporate c.e.o.'s who get their welfare i'm a sinner when i said time zones and what i said no you said take away their welfare state do you want to think that anybody who owns a home of the is pain mortgage and taking to actually the actions welfare
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essentially you know not paying taxes on the interest that they should have to take a drug test i think you're going to just reduce that right and i want to disagree with you're going to disagree with your premise that having to take a drug test or a blood test is that big of a stigma i'm right here and in new york city a lot of people on wall street a lot of them have to take a drug test it's simply not that uncommon in most companies or you can see curious the rates push this law through knowing that a company that oh he's riddled with conflicts of interest he's horrible there's no doubt about that and our. you're concerned about i mean you know drug tests are used of a fellow by the name of stanley back in the seventy's he was selling he was a chemist and he was selling high times magazine for five or ten dollars its little drug test and use them to test if the drugs you bought were good. when in the eighty's they started mandating drug tests stanley sold his business for three hundred million bucks because the base forty fifty dollars drug test had like seven
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cents worth of chemicals in them aren't you concerned that they're pushing us more and more to have this the giant drugs as an industry they have this nanny state looking into every part of our lives like you're advocating we look into the lives of welfare recipients. well i definitely think we should not have governors owning the companies that make all the money from that scott is riddled with conflicts of interest there's no doubt about that is in a perfect world no but you know we've seen a world where the right wing has absolutely destroyed the whole idea that government should help people so here's a chance for at least the government to seem more accountable to seem more transparent and if that makes the majority of voters not just democrats and liberals but independents and even some conservatives less angry and upset about welfare spending that may in fact preserve welfare spending in the long run so snoopy a nanny state for welfare recipients but not for anybody else but i got it t.j.
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thanks a lot for dropping by tonight. thank you tom you know there's a bigger issue here when it comes to privacy as republicans try to violate the privacy of individuals done in florida there's still one entity that gets to keep its privacy intact and that's corporations and the fourth a member of the united states is basically the one that says you're you know you're from your papers and home can be searched without somebody swearing that a crime is in a committed these you know it's the core of our concept of privacy for them and you have the right to privacy in your home but frankly when you go to work you surrender your right to privacy. to the corporation taken over they can look at your keystrokes they can read your e-mail they can listen to your phone calls and messages they can even ask for bodily fluids from you and you know drug testing for example this is you know but try asking your employers and sure if your employer take a look in your books the fact of the matter is that the very same corporations who
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say to us as employees sorry you have no rights to privacy these same corporations are claiming rights to privacy in fact eighty went before the first the third circuit i believe it was and and with it again there was this forgive freedom of information act and they claimed that this was a viable solution therefore the memorize it was the third circuit court of appeals they said corporations like human bein's face public embarrassment harassment and stigma now fortunately that ruling was overruled by the supreme court but only in this very narrow area of for of the of the freedom of information act the fact of the matter is most corporations in most areas still hold completely and this right to privacy even though they say to us come to work for us the right to privacy it's astounding this is another dimension of corporate personhood and the abuse of corporate personhood that needs to be addressed quickly but a move to amend dot org for more information.
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he science is my opportunity to share with you some of the week's mostly wilderness interesting or weird science news if you go to somebody's got metaphors we use in english language to describe human behavior like gut feeling it takes guts. well or some science behind these phrases because there are open lines of communication between our brains and our guts and a new study shows that in loud noise at least these channels allow got bacteria to change motions and behavior the latest evidence for this gut brain axis comes from javier bravo university college cork who fed mice with a probiotic bacterium called lactobacillus ram gnosis it's often found in yogurt gary products pretty common stuff it's the stuff that makes yogurt the milk of
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a yogurt you know the probiotics that all the yogurt companies are so crazy about and bravos study the bacteria change the levels of signaling chemicals in the world and brains and reduced behaviors associated with stress anxiety and depression this is possible because our guts and our brains are actually directly connected by a very long very fast branching nerve called the vegas now which transports information from the gut and other visceral organs. got organs to the brain prado found that his nice after regularly eating the lactobacillus bacteria were more likely to spend time in the exposed parts of a maze which is a common lab test for lack of anxiety symptoms if they felt just fine or hanging out and they also passed the test for being free of symptoms of depression meaning they were less less like right likely to drift motionlessly and plopped into water . and during stressful situations they built up lower levels of stress hormones
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they got back to real also boosted the world of gabaa g.a.g.a. a brain chemical that calms us down in the house regulate emotions have a works by docking with cattle receptor proteins and brother found that lactobacillus increase the number of these receptors in parts of the brain associated with learning memory and emotional control so one of the most important findings of this study is the these bacteria can influence the same brain chemicals in the brain that antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs to other important finding a broad study is that he was able to prove that the bacteria also had the same impact on the fully formed brains of healthy adult nice not just the developing brains of baby mice scientists say there's no reason to believe that the results of the study can be duplicated in humans so this means it's very possible that probiotics can be used to treat mood mood mood and desire to disorders in the
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future so go ahead and enjoy that yogurt parfaits and i just brighten your mood. after the break the united nations issued a warning to the united states' rights daily take i'll tell you what that warning is and why our political leaders and wilson. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through to them may who can you trust no one who is imbue with a global mission to read see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. for.
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your take my take is that part of our show where you get the chance to make yourself heard or first your comments and i was a post on democratic underground dot com it was a response to my daily take from earlier in the week when i saw that there is a class war going on here in the united states a war between f.d.r.'s new deal and the fundamental american perspective that if we all work hard and live on a ball wives then we can achieve the american dream and the new raw deal i'd say that the super rich don't want to pay their share and the result is that the rest
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of us don't have and some bones of economic security and the billionaires along with their bought and paid for right wing echo chamber have already taken up arms and drawn the battle lines and i called on all of you to get involved. these billionaires are just want to watch and cycle just one election away from fantasy finishing it off for once and for all their thirty year war against working people that have been kicked off inserted by ronald reagan just want to election away from killing off fifty hours a new deal replacing it with paul ryan's new deal for billionaires. james hoffa knows what we're up against a knows that charles koch isn't afraid to shell out millions of bucks to win this war so what charles koch and the oligarchy fully committed to the struggle it's time for the rest of us to wake up and decide whose side we're on to billionaires or the rest of america. that's right i said if republicans win the election in two
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thousand and twelve he used a more and more of the lifestyles of the working poor but one viewer posted this comment over a democratic underground you call for us to wake up and choose a side and i agree but i want you to tell me what you think waking up and choosing to side really means in my heart and mind i chose a side long ago now what do we have the do we do the same thing as we've done in previous election cycles in my pay we need to do more to it what we've done in the past has only brought us here want to action away from a new deal for billionaires your clear thinker this person wrote over again you with a deep understanding of the situation which we find ourselves other than all of the normal election year activities what's your recommendation for success and of quote interposed the way i see it this is a choice between the new deal a strong middle class and the raw deal a class made up of the working poor because we've become too complacent with both parties in previous elections which is led us to where we are now a political environment where the entire republican party and frankly
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a good chunk of the democratic party have been bought out by the super rich and the big corporations. so we need to do everything within our power to elect people to both parties who support the vision of the new deal and the rebuilding of america's middle class don't forget supporting the middle class was a position of the g.o.p. during the eisenhower era after all it was eisenhower who famously said should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear of that party again in our political history there is a chinese splinter group a few texas oil millionaires and occasional politician or businessman from other areas their number is negligible and they are stupid it was eisenhower we need to expose those politicians in favor of the raw deal and do everything within our power things like campaigning in primary elections and becoming precinct committee people in the democratic party to support leaders who will work to revive the ideals of the new deal. our next comment is from it's on arbonne facebook page
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keith asked i want to pose the website the town talks about concerning corporate personhood and changing it and when have that i don't know if tom monitors this page if so you are the truest of patriots and plain q ok if i do see many of the comments that are posed on our facebook page on twitter and on our forums over it's on our radar and thanks for your kind complement the website you're looking for that i talk about frequently is moved to amend or is also sold dot org c e l d f the community environmental legal defense fund in addition of the move to amend a petition to find lots of great information over a move to amend or about how to get involved in putting an end to corporate personhood including webinars local action tool kits and training sessions and strategy meetings in your own neighborhood a final comment came to us via twitter tonight last week i ruffled some feathers over at the right wing web site news busters when i suggested that today's republican party is infected with a powerful strain of anti americanism. for thirty years they've campaign
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and spoken openly about their dislike for our government big government terrible stuff that extraordinary our government that extraordinary gift that was created by the following thought hers is as reagan said the problem not the solution to our problems i beg to differ i love america i believe in america and i'm encouraged by the knowledge that most americans agree with that sentiment that america can be good. it's time to quit pussyfooting around and call the hustlers running the republican party and their mouthpieces on the right but they are there anti-american to graham the new buzz busters columnist who called me out for my anger at the republicans took to twitter to ask and wonder why tom hartman has to make t.v. commentators in a suit coat and jeans does that make him more american. well tim setting aside wondering about your rather odd obsession with how i'm dressed i'm pretty sure
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america doesn't have a dress code but if it did i'd definitely nominate a jacket and jeans tucker carlson bow ties not quite my style that's it for your take my take your take my dick tonight if you like your comments and suggestions heard on this segment a big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore apartment or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on the rant line at two to five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome to remember that your comments made the news on the air. president obama just presented his jobs plan a four hundred forty seven billion dollars.
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