tv [untitled] September 9, 2011 3:52am-4:22am EDT
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the the the hours and days after the attacks in new york and washington i agree on that point here but nonetheless i mean you can go before that and you can see this neo con con perception of the world about what america's role in the world is and that was over there pearl harbor a wonderful opportunity out of our the back of the tragedy and i still say and maybe you know maybe i'm just seeing it in in too narrow a form here but i still see that mindset there with the arab spring going on now too i mean picking and choosing who you're going to support to mold the geopolitical situation of the region. i agree. ok let them express and then you go at it. if if i if i may i mean i agree entirely i i personally believe and please forgive me for being a cynic here but i personally believe that nine eleven the attack and once again as horrific and tragic as it was it was used it was manipulated by those who in their minds had some sort of map it was used justification and till now till now and
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forgive me every time i mean as i said that moment could have been a unifying moment for the entire world at this moment of time travel throughout the world and i travel extensively throughout the middle east nine eleven and fourteen that moment of sympathy has gone and now it's a very divisive moment and the reason is because the new cons use it as a justification for whatever happened. afterwards but allow me to just comment on what david and john said in terms of toning down the rhetoric on the war on terror during the obama era i welcome back and i hope and pray for the demise of the neo con ideology that brought the world and brought particularly america to where we are today however we haven't really departed from that moment where still using the very same tactics these ten years we have not only the million lives that we lost but we have countless possibly tens of millions of lives that have been destroyed the thing is someone who's dead may they rest in peace they're dead but whose
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remains are those who are alive still and now see it as enemies and now see seek retribution in revenge for what we did to their loved ones you see we now live in a world that is far more scared form of fear from its neighbors than we were ten years ago i'm quite intrigued by you know the what david said in terms of the kind of his syria the following i understand that i absolutely understand that but how is it that we we made this seismic movements from the moments where we allowed those seventeen people to carry out those attacks so to oblivion from the security forces to absolute understanding and awareness of the security. a threat not only in america but the entire world it's was a huge huge huge mistake the first ten years of the millennium unfortunately will always be a very very dark era in human history hopefully with the arab spring the second decade of this millennium will be far better ok david you want to jump in there go
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right ahead well i. i think it's it's certainly true that the worst twenty or so dark i mean for ways that nobody least of all the united states. i think the big mistake and it's it's not a necessary consequence of the policies that followed by love and was the invasion of iraq the invasion of iraq. people tried to link it to the events of september eleventh but the truth as i wrote with the time was that the intelligence was clear there was no operational link between saddam hussein and al qaeda so this this was a war of choice that was conducted as an os because of a. notion that if you knocked down the biggest scariest dictator saddam hussein a positive change would follow everywhere you could make that argument but the bigger problem is that the united states proved incompetent in iraq and in stabilizing the country and that cheating what it talked about so i think that's
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been a terrible terrible mistake with consequences the war will last and stabilize the region as i look at the arab spring i'm reminded that the story of what's happening to that part of the world is so much bigger it's just on a canvas whose dimensions we forget about and i've been writing about the arab world for thirty years now i i was serving it up the story's going to have a happy ending it may not have a happy ending the next ten years it certainly has the last ten years but it's a process that i think people can take right we're almost out of time john i'd like to i've been here almost time and i want to ask john john do you think you know it's easy to look at to go to war out of choice again in the name of fighting terrorism no. no i think when i disagree with some of the things you promised you made earlier i think it's over there's probably going to be an iraq syndrome in afghanistan syndrome because people's realize that david is right about what he's been saying and the main emphasis on this is let's not do that again present in
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polls repeatedly over the last few years the percentage of people saying we should let the world go away and not all right john i'm going to have to jump in here brother in a time or gentlemen many thanks to my guests today in washington rochester and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching to see in r.t.c. next time and remember crosstalk we'll. see. we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice ceased to face with the news makers.
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waco twenty two look you can scan hawkins. now so it's. grief in the air morial services held in russia and across europe for the forty three victims of wednesday's plane crash that killed almost one of russia's greatest place hockey team. a movie devoted to the strong message to the syrian regime should be to be addressed to both sides just put them one president medvedev speaks out against a one sided approach to the conflict in syria he also confirms russia's willingness to help and the bloodshed plus do they know where it is leading we don't know so that's cause because cuba former neighbor heard about the need to support the world in afghanistan they can't remember nine eleven because they never knew about it it's the country and the problem line of the war on terror but it's people don't even know why.
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noone in moscow why not try so good to have you with us here on r t our top story ice hockey in russia has been dealt a terrible blow that's being mourned in the country and across the world almost the entire locomotive team was wiped out in a plane crash as they headed to a match in minsk where an emotional ceremony was held to honor the victims. that is held banners and scarves bearing the names of those who died in the crash as their portraits were placed on the ice during the ceremony who would have been locomotives opponents symbolically scored an own goal as a mark of respect forty three people died in the plane forty two would have crashed moments after takeoff near the city of jaroslava it's believed the aircraft failed
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to gain the proper height and clipped an antenna near the runway two people survived the tragedy they are being treated for serious burns and other injuries and one player did escape the old fated flight because he wasn't aboard the plane or he's shown thomas talked with. the famous bells of jaroslav bring out for a community the grieving a chilling reminder of the tragedy the country with the minds of some of the city's brightest stars. reveals knowledge i knew many of the boys were personally what can i say they were seems i can say this about many of them they were joyful people they loved life and they wanted to live them with a rope and it brought so much joy into our lives. thursday marked the start of the fleeting mourning period as fans of the locomotive gathered at one of the city's central cathedrals question i can't describe how i feel but it's
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a very serious loss to me the only thing worse than that would be to lose my family they were like family to me. but as a support group of thousands work through their grief together one man. is going through his own personal nightmare he is the only member of the team not on board the financial flight his coach told him to take the rest and meet the team for the next game in moscow at least but in a government that is very terrifying for me the hockey team is like a family but i lost a family of forty people people i was close to for such a long time. and now maxine is supportive of rebuilding the locomotive franchise but it's torn by survivor's guilt that i haven't met their families yet i can't imagine how that will break this is horrible for me i wasn't thinking about whether i was lucky or not that i wasn't on that plane. and now he must rely on his
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community sharing in the grief process so that the healing can begin and as a steady stream of mourners continue to come to this central church and to show their support it is clear that this is not just about an accident or a plane crash but it's about the loss of a teen something very important to a community that they will remember forever in your eyes level sean thomas are today. lokomotiv was an international team and the grief is being shared throughout europe hundreds gathered in the center of the czech capital prague to remember the last players changing their names lighting candles in their memory three czech nationals were aboard all former world champions the title track ice hockey official and former national team coach les he says the loss is incredible. they said it was you can just talk about we've lost players in their prime he was a killer of the national team i knew them very well and even though they were playing abroad still it was trying to be aggressive. and i didn't just want to be
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part of the system but i wanted to know the details of the positions and how to get school it's a huge interest in what they did i really enjoyed working with them and that if you click over to our tea dot com you can read about the only hockey player to survive the crash and his request to speak with his family despite having burns over ninety percent of his body alexander gallon of remain conscious and insisted on seeing relatives before going into intensive care doctors say his condition is stable plus . among the dead the youngest player of the team who despite being both injured and this wall of pride wanted nothing more than to be with his teammates a decision that cost him his life. and the recently married flight attendant who plans to quit the job and have a baby or her touching story and many others log on to r t v dot com. turning to other news we're covering confrontation between libyan rebels and
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procreate aki forces showing no sign of easing bottles had been a raging near the towns of syria to end bani walid two of the few remaining strongholds of the fallen regime forces loyal to the colonel fired rockets from bani walid very to have cut off the sons are said to be leading the armed resistance this despite the interim government seeking to negotiate a peaceful resolution of the deadline for gadhafi loyalists to surrender has been extended to saturday. as for the colonel himself in his latest audio message here the ousted leader claimed he was still in libya and vowed he'd never leave his as esther's homeland meanwhile life in the libyan capital still struggles after falling into rebel hands with a celebratory mood quickly dampened by fears of anarchic or he was worried if an ocean has more from tripoli. a city celebrates for more than ten days leave in capital has been rejoined seeing in the dictator's fall. he wanted to be who scores are here in the central square his roof
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forty second anniversary a report are flying instead we were so happy without him. it seems in the last two weeks rebel fighters have cries for help and it's unclear who shot here in this small town tripoli fairly alkies. believe feel free you know it's very very well with. this move get out be clear about these victims or he told the world love the lord the people look at me no you see love him because right of freedom is that we don't we're good that you don't we don't like what they don't care but away from jubilant crowds we who are not so pleased. manley's in tripoli's abu salim district historically pro khadafi when the rebels arrived his sister was badly injured she's still in hospital in tunisia. other one doesn't want to show his face on camera and insists on
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a hidden location for the interview he says revolution has brought much fear in its wake. there is no peace there is no safety in the city we don't go to our children . we are afraid we always wait for something. at least we didn't have to sleep a wink what we do know. of the rahman says he also wanted change and a brighter future for his country but not face way. people are dying on both sides of the cities destroyed no one cares do they seriously think that we changed it for the better don't want you so just look around is that what you wanted and what is around is a scene of widespread destruction and social chaos that badly damaged buildings matched by the rising stink of garbage and decomposing bodies youngsters roam the streets barely old enough to understand that what they carry our weapons not toys
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many shops schools and hospitals are closed while the city's symmetries are growing weaker i'm. sure of the tripoli problem to rebel hands in national transitional council libya's new authority claims it was moving here from benghazi it's weeks have passed and there is still no sign of its presence on the ground or border being restored the city is functioning by itself and treading a fine line between freedom and anneke. river national. tripoli libya. stay with us here on our t.v. still ahead for the obama presidency four hundred billion dollar jobs package with critics saying it doesn't go far enough plus. taking membership power supply and building up or supply. that could grant a long awaited status as a u.n.
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member. but first russia is willing to support different approaches to resolve the situation in syria so long as they send signals to both sides of the conflict president made his position clear in an interview after the global policy. has more the president has warned against giving the situation in syria in terms of goods and saying this careful consideration must be paid to elements within the syrian opposition before the international community. dealing with them now the president also calls on both the assad government and the opposition to bring about the ends of violence in the country. i believe the resolutions we will approve to send a strong message to the syrian regime should in fact we address to both sides things aren't just black and white the antigovernment protesters in syria are not followers of some refined european models of democracy different groups within the opposition feel some of them straight extremists and some might even be called
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terrorists the situation is not that simple and we have to take into account the balance of different forces and interests of russia and they support certain problems but only if they don't boil down to the one sided condemnation of president assad we should send a strong message calling on all the conflicting parties to come to to go see it start talks and stop the bloodshed this is an also in russia's interest because russia has always been syria's friend and our countries have close economic and political ties that's why we'll continue to look for solutions to the situation in syria. russia has opposed the sanctions that have been put in place on syria including the most recent ones imposing an oil embargo saying that more time should be given to the governments to achieve the promises made to bring about change in the country. it is mentioned there that negotiation is in full. and rusher is playing its part as a mediator on friday representatives of the. the syrian opposition are in moscow
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for talks with top russian diplomats on monday representatives from the assad government will be here to talk to diplomats to try and bring an end to this situation in syria russia of course doesn't want to go see syria go down the same road as what happened in libya with the u.n. resolution that was imposed a. full abused as far as russia. with the international intervention going well beyond the parameters laid out in the mandate they want to see because cia should bring a peace if you syria. are all reporting from moscow you can see the full version of the interview president medvedev gave to euro news television on our website.
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images from nine eleven are still chilling even ten years after the attacks shook the world and triggered the so-called war on terror but in a country that spread out before front of that war can be hard to find people who remember why foreign troops arrived in the first place we continue our special coverage of the nine eleven anniversary with this report about that stuff. helmand in southern afghanistan that's the province that's gone the brunt of the fighting between the taliban and coalition forces. would afghans in this war torn province think about nine eleven and its consequences. while on patrol with the marines like a first opportunity to ask a couple of young afghan men what they know about nine eleven but this will go to look forward to school here. never going to be coming for the funeral and us that they know where it is even if we don't know if that's because because we are former we never heard about the need for the world. cup. the two
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young men and clearly never heard of nine eleven. but maybe the elders of the local sure would have more to say. no you see you. just can see the smoke from the buildings and that's a that's what you think you can say when you guys show this picture a good thing it's i think it was a call but if i just got here i would been surprised but having been here now for six months this is from a stone ages where we are what about every absence oh that's nothing so what the guy who said it was kabul was clearly never going to college and he just shows you how isolated they're even in their own country people keep them on them i don't understand. how do you know you're going to get out if you can make up going to send them to. going to get the airplane from here to attack in the united states you know how that much fun for me to go to it was nice to go from iraq to that here is a lot easier to understand you know why you're here in d.c. at that picture you go through picture remind yourself is. to see afghans look at
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this particular where you form if you're in the right. to the fact that war. and saying we're going to help you here to say one thing and it is how many fundings and this is going to help you where is the have. done what they're saying to you to our kids again and to the fighting and to go to their own kids in a paper that i don't envision. i do sympathize or understand what you're some are saying it's even just from the weather we've had recently people lose their homes and nobody to help them so you know when you have when you can't feed yourself for her house yourself are you going to care about somebody you know six thousand miles away. so i can understand if this is all you know about it was about you that i never thought to ask those questions of the body but here that's why we're here amazingly in a country where for ten years a war has been full with nine eleven as its root cause and justification it turns out not only with religious abilities to nine eleven still with the afghan police
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and even some of the translators working with the u.s. military if you go there that is so you know i have no idea what the syrians if you haven't seen the full. survey taken in twenty ten by the international council on security and development found that ninety two percent of afghan men in helmand and other afghan provinces had no idea what nine eleven was with american troops that start withdrawing this year it seems likely that they will leave afghanistan without the vast majority of afghans ever having really understood why they came in the first place and plots from afghanistan for you know and on our website our. plans for how we came up with the idea of filming that story he says how u.s. marines once told him a. the day when the moon was high over at afghan village and the soldiers told the elders how the united states had sent a man to the moon they were applied by bursting into laughter that made adam wonder what else the afghans didn't know read more of his recollections of complete with
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pictures and archie dot com part of our continuing special coverage of the ten kind of our story of nine eleven. the term used to tack that became synonymous with pure evil. the senseless slaughter of almost three thousand people stunned the world. and it all seemed like a nightmare. ten years on. r.g.p. remembers the attacks on a softer man. a look back at nine eleven when archie. palestinians have started their campaign for statehood ahead of the september twentieth vote in united nations but dr ron pundak chairman of the palestinian israeli peace forum says there are forces on both the israeli and palestinian side who would like to erupt in the build up to the vote. now what is happening between us and the police syrians will be judged by whether they would be along if they
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seemed lines between the israeli forces and the palestinians and also between the policies and the second mense within the they west bank but that it's not as i understand the interest of both sites is not to reach any hostility on both sides down to work with the force and the strength of the two governments would be comply and calm down these provocations and not to be carried away by the look of those which would be to heat the area because they don't want to see quiet as quiet is a message for the future for the hope for the peace forces and these people don't want to see peace. pressure on israel building from yet another direction turkey vowing to sue the country international court over its blockade of gaza this falls on her approaching military end trade ties over israel's failure to apologize for the deaths of nine turks last year they participated in
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a humanitarian hotel and tried to break through the blockade imposed by israel in two thousand and seven after hamas came to power in the palestinian authority. the first funerals have been held in new delhi two days after a massive briefcase bomb exploded outside the city's high court twelve people were killed in the blast and dozens more wounded indian authorities detained three men for questioning in the thick pain in the continuing investigation into the explosion the court running was the first major attack in india since twenty six people were killed by serial blasts in mumbai in two thousand and eight. nato has admitted its forces in afghanistan did mistakenly kill a b.b.c. reporter in july a u.s. soldier mistook the journalist for a suicide bomber when troops responded to a militant attack in a southern afghan town the alliance launched an investigation after questions were raised over initial reports that a correspondent had been killed by taliban insurgents and this comes amid the
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withdrawal of foreign troops from afghanistan expected to be completed by twenty fourteen. the deadly legacy of war and its appalling illness that can cause or servicemen even long after they've come home all explored in our special report coming your way in the next hour. you really need look for a new clue would be to get in school. your brain is mush. you have new ideas. new. orleans. president barack obama has presented his much anticipated jobs to congress and earmarks more than four hundred billion dollars for putting people back to work her critics say it's too little too late or she's done each has more. president obama addressed to
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lawmakers he put forward measures to create jobs and stimulate the sluggish economy the u.s. has seen several years of massive job loss unemployment remains over nine percent we're talking about millions of people living jobless in this country congress might cut off unemployment benefits starting next year and the jobless in america will find themselves in an even more dire situation president obama in his address called for the congress to extend benefits for the unemployed he also suggested tax incentives for small businesses another measure he put forward is giving money we're talking about one hundred forty billion dollars to states and local governments so that they can keep you know that teachers and firefighters employed also hire infrastructure workers so that those workers can go out and spend money and keep the consumption going although experts are saying that the stimulus plan obama is suggesting will not really bring the u.s. economy out of the woods because it will create in the best scenario around one and a half million jobs but he.
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