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tv   [untitled]    September 9, 2011 7:01am-7:31am EDT

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two steps forward one step back russia's markets are down to one percent on friday profit taking is the name of the game up to two days of more on the markets and related business news and. just after three pm here in moscow you're watching r t a confrontation between libyan rebels and program off the forces shows no sign of easing battles have been raging near the towns of sarat and body will lead to of the few remaining strongholds of the fallen regime now forces loyal to the colonel fired rockets from body will lead where two of gadhafi sons are believed to be leading the armed resistance now that's despite the interim government seeking to negotiate a peaceful resolution the deadline for get off of oil is to surrender has been extended to this saturday and asked for the colonel himself in his latest audio message the alsa leader claimed he was still in the libya and vowed he'd never
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leave his homeland meanwhile life in the libyan capital still struggles after falling into rubble has this so ever to remove quickly doubt that by fears of anarchy setting in. is in tripoli. a city celebrates for more than ten days the labor and capital has been rejoicing in the dictator's fall where he he wanted to hang his portrait here on the central square for his rules for the second anniversary we put our flag instead we won we're so happy without him. it seems in the last two weeks rebel fighters have fired bullets in the air the to her short tour and they sold on tripoli earlier in august all revealed pheno very very forward. this is her gaddafi. duffy's viktor toward. he told old to be more lovely or the people although we know
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you will see the love him all of us were not afraid i was only going to argue that you don't know what they were like what they are but away from jubilant crowds we meet stars who are not so pleased i thought a man lives in tripoli's slim district historically pro khadafi when the rebels arrived his sister was badly injured she's still in hospital in tunisia other one doesn't want to show his face on camera and ceased want to hidden location for the interview he says revolution has brought much fear in its wake. there is no peace there is no safety in the city we don't let our children side when it's dark we are afraid we always wait for something bad when gadhafi was here at least we didn't have to sleep awake what we do know. of the man says he also want to change and the brighter future for his country but not they sway. and people are dying on both
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sides of the cities destroyed and no one cares do they seriously think that they changed it for the better don't lie to yourself just look around is that what you wanted. and what is around is a scene of widespread destruction and social chaos the badly damaged buildings matched by the rise in stink of garbage and decomposing bodies junctures roam the streets barely old enough to understand that what they carry are weapons not toys many shops schools and hospitals are closed while the cities symmetries are growing bigger and bigger. shortly after tripoli fell into rebel hands the national transitional council libya's new authority claimed it was moving here from benghazi but weeks have passed and there is still no sign of its presence on the ground or of all being raced towards the city functioning by itself and treading
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a fine line between freedom and anik a. rich notion of. tripoli libya. or russia is willing to support different approaches to resolve the situation in syria as long as they send signals to both sides of the conflict president that have made this position clear in an interview after the global policy forum in. artie's peter all over has more. president medvedev has warned against viewing the situation in syria in terms of good and seeing this careful consideration must be paid to certain elements within the syrian opposition before the international community. to dealing with them now the president did have also called on both the assad government and the opposition to bring about an end to violence in the country. i believe the resolutions we would approve to send a strong message to the syrian regime should in fact we address to both sides things aren't just black and white the anti-government protesters in syria are not
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followers of some refined european models of democracy there are different groups within the opposition feel some of them are to put it straight extremists and some might even be called terrorists and the situation is not that simple and we have to take into account the balance of different forces and interests of the russian they support moves but only if they don't boil down to the one sided condemnation of the government of president assad we should send a strong message calling on all the conflicting to come to the negotiating table to start talks stop the bloodshed this is an also in russia's interest because russia has always been syria's friend and our countries have close economic and political ties that's why we'll continue to look for solutions to the situation in syria supports what russia has opposed the sanctions that have been put in place on syria including the most recent ones imposing an oil embargo saying that more time should be given to the assad government to achieve the promises made to bring about change
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in the country the president mentioned there that negotiation is important and russia is playing its part as a mediator on friday representatives of the. the syrian opposition are in moscow for talks with top russian diplomats on monday representatives from the assad government will be here to talk to diplomats to try and bring an end to this situation in syria of course. doesn't want to go see syria go down the same road as what happened in libya with the un resolution it was impose their. will abused. with the international intervention going well beyond the parameters laid out in the monday's they will deceive negotiation bring a peace if you syria. peter all over there reporting from moscow and you can see the full version of that interview president medvedev gave to you or news television on our website that's our dot com meanwhile we've got plenty more in
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store for you this hour president obama presents his four hundred billion dollars jobs package with critics saying it doesn't go far enough also. seeking membership palestine is building itself up to september's vote which could grant its long awaited status as a u.n. member will stay with us for a lot of expert opinion on this story coming your way later this hour. now i saw in russia has been struck a terrible blow that's being mourned in the contrie and across the world almost the entire lokomotiv team was wiped out in a plane crash as they headed to a match in minix where an emotional ceremony was held to honor the victims. hell batters had scarves vary the names of those who died in the crash as their portraits were placed on the ice during the ceremony did album ensue work to the
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motives opponents scored symbolic goals as a mark of respect forty three people died as the plane a forty two crashed moments after takeoff near the city of yet us level at what's believed the aircraft failed to gain height at a clip that had ten here the runway about it had been placed on the use of the airport's petrol supply making fuel contamination a possible suspect for causing the accident that's how people survive the tragedy and they're now being treated for serious burns and other injuries but one player did narrowly escaped the ill fated flight simply because he didn't board the plane are to thomas was able to speak with him. the famous bells of jaroslav will ring out for a community grieving a chilling reminder of the tragedy of that country with the lives of some of the city's brightest stars. i knew many of the boys personally what can i say they were scenes i can say this about many of them they were joyful people they
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loved life and they wanted to live they brought so much joy into our lives. thursday marked the start of a three day mourning period as fans of the locomotive gathered and one of the city's central cathedrals i can't describe how i feel it's a very serious loss to me the only thing worse than that would be to lose my family they were like family to me. but as a support group of thousands work through their grief together one man. is going through his own personal nightmare he is the only member of the team not on board the fateful flight his coach told. to take the rest and meet the team for the next game in moscow. this is very terrifying for me the hockey team is like a family but i lost a family of forty people people i was close to for such a long time. now maksim is supportive of rebuilding the locomotive franchise but is
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torn by survivor's guilt that i haven't met their families yet i can't imagine how that'll break this is horrible for me i wasn't thinking about whether i was lucky or not that i wasn't on that plane. and now he must rely on his community sharing in the grief process so that the healing can begin and as a steady stream of mourners continue to come to this central church and you are sol to show their support it is clear that this is not just about an accident or a plane crash but it's about the loss of a team and something very important to a community that they will remember forever. thomas. locomotive was an international team and the grief is shared throughout europe hundreds gathered in the center of the czech capital prague remember last players chanting their names are lighting candles in their memory three czech nationals were on board all were former. top track ice hockey official and former national team coach laviolette
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said the loss is incredible. to talk about we've lost players in their prime but with the hard core of their national team i knew them very well even though they were playing abroad still they were always trying to get better and i didn't just want to be part of a system they wanted to know the details of their positions and how to best school they took a huge interest in what they did i really enjoyed working with them all if you click over to our three dot com you can read about the only hockey player to survive the plane crash and his request to speak with this family despite having burns to ninety percent of his body alexander made a conscious sister on seeing his relatives before going to intensive care check out our web site for the latest updates on his condition and hear the story of his racket the survival told by the police officers who rescued him also. among the dead the youngest player of the team who despite being both injured and
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disqualified wanted nothing more than to be with his sporting brothers a decision that cost him his life. and the recently married flight attendant who wanted to quit the job to have a baby of her touching story and many others log on to our website that's our dot. all. the images from nine eleven are still a chilling even ten years after the attack ship the world they trigger the so-called war on terror but in a country that's been at the forefront of that war it can be hard to find people who even know why foreign troops were there in the first place we continue our special coverage of the nine eleven anniversary with this report from afghanistan. helmand in southern afghanistan is the province this borne the brunt of the fighting between the taliban and coalition forces. afghans in this war torn province think about nine eleven and its consequences. while on patrol with the marines i get a first opportunity to ask a couple of young afghan men what they know about nine eleven but those who were.
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here. never heard of. and. we don't know so that's because because we are former we never heard about anything else about the world pickguard more so coming. to young men and clearly never heard of nine eleven. but maybe the elders of the local sure would have more to say you know you see. this ng i just can see the smoke from the buildings and that's a good as anything i can say when you guys show this picture as saying it so i think it was a call what if i just got here i would be surprised but having been here now for six months this is pretty much the stone ages where we are. told what to do about their reactions. to the old guy who said it was kabul was never going to kabul and he just shows you how isolated they are even in their own country without
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understand. how do you know you don't think that america afghanistan come to this point and get the airplane from here to attack in the united states you know how much. thought it was nice to go from iraq to then here is a lot easier to understand you know why you're here and really at that picture you go through fisher minor so it's what you see after looking at it this article where you form a career in the right. to the fact that. you can say to help you did this one funding and did this or ask how many funding and this is going to help you where is the have. done with the missing to give it to our kids. and into the fighting and they do it to their own kids in a paper that i don't read and. i do sympathize or understand what you're saying it's even just from the weather we've had recently people losing their homes and nobody to get help so you know when you have when you can't feed yourself to her house yourself how are you to care about somebody you know six thousand miles away
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. so i can understand that this is all you know about it was about the three of you that i never thought the u.s. was questions of if anybody here that's why we're here amazingly in a country where for ten years all this been for with nine eleven as its root cause and justification it turns out not only were the villages oblivious to nine eleven it was so with the afghan police and even some of the translators working with the u.s. military and you know the saudis if not you know syria at the scene for . a survey taken in twenty ten by the international council on security and development found that ninety two percent of afghan men in element and other afghan provinces had no idea what nine eleven was and with american troops that start with during this year it seems likely that they will leave afghanistan without the vast majority of afghans ever having really understood why they came in the first place from afghanistan for i know and on our website r.t. dot com adam plats recalls how he came up with the idea of that story he says the
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u.s. marines once told them of the day what the moon was high over an afghan village the . united states had some to map to the moon and the laughter made out of wonder what else the afghans didn't know read more of his recollections complete with pictures at our dot com that's all part of our continuing special coverage of the tap out of a. terrorist attack that became synonymous with pure evil. the senseless slaughter of almost three thousand people stunned the world. and it all seems. like a nightmare. ten years on. r.g.p. remembers the attacks and its aftermath. a look back at nine eleven. palestinians have started their campaign for statehood ahead of the upcoming united
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nations they carried a letter to the u.n. mission in iraq saying their rallies will continue until palestine becomes a member state washington meanwhile says it will veto any such bad if it comes to the u.n. security council let's discuss this with the key eldar chief political commentator newspaper in tel aviv thanks very much for joining us now let's get straight to what how likely is a recognition of palestinian statehood by the u.n. . i believe that. the palestinians will give up the security council since as you mentioned the united states is clearly going to veto the. proposal to upgrade the full membership of the palestinian state but then they can go to the general assembly and they will probably get one hundred fifty to one hundred forty votes in favor of grading them to a nonmember state right now you know the palestinians are just observers and the
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fact that one hundred thirty or one hundred forty members will raise their hands in favor of recognizing palestine as a sovereign state will mean a lot for for israel for you could patient for the settlements since even if the u.n. does not accept them as full members one hundred thirty or one hundred forty countries will say the israeli occupation is unacceptable what are your say you're looking at it from a practical said side set of going to the u.n. general you read the security council they go to the general assembly. however there are those who argue that it will still be symbolic if palestine still still six for statehood even though the u.s. is likely to veto it what do you think about that as a symbolic move. it's not just symbolic because even if you look at the chances that they will take
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israeli officers to the i.c.c. to the international quote. criminal court in the hague that is something that israel is very much worried about they will be able to become members of international organizations such as soon as go which means. they will have something to say about the israeli control over the holy sites in east jerusalem in the old city of jews. and i believe that this will be a kind of a snowball it may start kind of a process that may end up with more isolation of israel with more sanctions and what we see in our between israel in turkey i think is a very good example it reflects the feeling that israel is losing the support of the international community and the palestinians are getting more and most
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simplicity why do you see any merit in any of the israeli american arguments against palestinian statehood. actually i think that israel should celebrate the acceptance of the palestinians to the u.n. first of all because this will be the first official condition the armistice lines this is what we call the june fourth sixty seven lines that have never been accepted as an international border and number two this will put an end to the ultimate threat on israel of the one state solution if we don't have a two state solution if we don't have palestine. we may end up with the palestinians demanding one man one vote because apartheid of course is unacceptable which means the end of the jewish and democratic state and i think that this is this should be embraced by israel your proposal to accept palestine into sixty seven borders as
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a legitimate state thanks very much for your thoughts there akiva eldar chief political commentator for haaretz newspaper in tel aviv. now president barack obama has presented his much anticipated jobs act to congress if you're marks more than four hundred billion dollars for putting people back to work but critics say it's too little too late artie's going to check out explains. president obama addressed the lawmakers he put forward measures to create jobs and stimulate the sluggish economy the u.s. has seen several years of massive job loss unemployment remains over nine percent we're talking about millions of people living jobless in this country congress might cut off unemployment benefits starting next year and the jobless in america will find themselves in an even more dire situation president obama in his address called for the congress to extend benefits for the unemployed he also suggested tax incentives for small businesses another measure he put forward is giving money we're talking about one hundred forty billion dollars to states and local
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governments so that they can keep you know the teachers and firefighters employed also hire infrastructure workers so that those workers can go out and spend money and keep the consumption going although experts are saying that the stimulus plan obama is suggesting will not really bring the u.s. economy out of the woods because it will create in the best scenario around one and a half million jobs but it takes a level million jobs new jobs just to get back to the pre recession level there's a lot of skepticism out there in congress many lawmakers are not happy with obama's spending plans while obama is not happy with the lawmakers unwillingness to compromise what's frustrating to many here is that this package of one hundred forty billion dollars in direct stimulus is being debated so fiercely where is the bill giving nearly a trillion dollars a year on defense purposes and on wars get passed easily and quietly that surely leaves many americans really frustrated about their representatives on a product well it's time now for the business update with dmitri.
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thanks to learn welcome to business and see the guests few between russia and ukraine is reaching breaking point q. of insists on lower prices most who says it's ready to negotiate but the basics of the agreement will not be changed. we are ready to discuss different ways to cooperate with ukraine including ukraine joining the customs union or investment present in ukraine's economy and it's going to transportation network if we agree on the use we might be ready to change our scheme for cooperation but either way will be based on a pricing formula i hope that our ukrainian partners will follow the existing contract for the immediate future then we'll agree on that. so look at the markets now oil is down as investors fear obama's proposed the jobs act worth more than four hundred billion dollars is too little too late to jolt the troubled u.s.
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economy brant is that just over one hundred fourteen dollars per barrel light sweet is below eighty eight. european stocks are trading in the red zone there by losses by four carmaker porsche following it than they do with its merger with g.e. porsche is down more than seven percent this hour tello well is showing some hefty gains after the company said it discovered oil off the coast of french prior. losses are still steepening in moscow the r.t.s. and my sex are down one point seven and one point two five percent respectively this is on profit taking as well as turned lower and as europe is showing negative dynamics too if we look at the main movers as burbank is one of the biggest losers down one half percent so that's after posting a wonder fifty five percent increase in net profits for the first eight months of the year and russian accounting standards non-performing loans have continued to decrease but the level at the bank still is double the market average for the
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industry gold is pretty much the only stock bucking the trend some point four percent on higher gold prices so far september has been a month for a spike for the stock markets compared to a heavy selloff in the previous month however it's too early to celebrate chris we're far from troika dialog believes stocks are at risk of having an even bigger slump in october. october is always the most dangerous months in global equity markets historically that's when investors confidence capitulate and we're heading into a very similar and therefore dangerous period in this october confidence is clearly very fragile if the economic indicators in early october are bad we are vulnerable to another october selloff and i think particularly when we start seeing the third quarter financial results from the u.s. banks i think that's going to be a very critical period if those numbers are bad or if the banks you know start talking much more negatively than they have been about the environment i think that
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could undermine confidence and we could have a crash so we're very vulnerable to an october crash this year more than any other year in the last ten years. business will be back in around fifteen minutes time two of my colleagues in the course of us will be here with an update the headlines and i.
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question is the same us you are going to go right to the front of the market first the taliban bad guys in nine eleven to keep what has been accomplished what has been lost as america's so-called war on terror maybe usna world a safer place and what. the limits to just simply. the band. the be.
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wealthy british style. is not on the tightest. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on.
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these are the main stories we're covering today in libya. with battles raging near two of the few remaining strongholds of the fall of the regime this comes just a day before saturday's deadline for gadhafi loyalists to surrender. president medvedev urges both sides of the conflict in syria to come to the negotiating table in an interview after the global policy forum. the russian leader also warned against a one sided approach and confirmed russia's willingness to help stop the bloodshed . services are held out across europe for the victims of wednesday's plane crash that killed most of the members of a leading russian ice hockey team forty three people died as the plane crashed moments after takeoff near the city of. discuss how the nine eleven attacks transformed the world's politics parties.


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