tv [untitled] September 9, 2011 12:52pm-1:22pm EDT
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it's what was a soul insulation for his side but i did a late six and the last of the all blacks were eventually white forty one ten. it was a dream debut for n.f.l. rookie randall cobb is the twenty one year old equal to league record to help the green bay packers beat the new orleans saints in the season opening game the super bowl is most valuable for aaron rodgers and fellow quarterback drew brees to both the room three touchdown passes the latter saying this thirty one yard pass to robert meachem to make it forty seven to the saints but the moment of the game came in the third quarter the saints kicked off and packers caught quote the ball in the zone end zone and then he ran one hundred ninety yards for a return touchdown to equal the end for record speed ripped up the defense and his agility so he write a tackle that it's almost certain to end his run in work he won't forget this debut that score gave the packers a thirty five twenty lead and they went on to win forty two thirty four get the
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title defense after william stuff. now on russia prepares to host the twenty fourteen winter olympics in sochi and with the four world cup four years later the third annual forum has been held in southern russia to promote healthy lifestyles and international cooperation in sport star athletes and top officials gathered for the third year running of what has become a traditional meeting between dual sport in the country mixed quite large and it. was the big attraction at the event. be for general secretary trunk are also paid a working visit to surround which is bidding to become one of the cities to host the twenty eighteen world cup the world athletics champions were also on hand with wealth and great older and it's going to speaking in glowing terms of the idea. that the most good estates in the guy get them and i think events like this are really helpful because those people produce a pleasing ensure. their knowledge and experience and famous athletes also come to
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meetings like this so you can see them in person rather than on the t.v. or magazine covers and people can take photos tracked autographs and also learn and i think we're two for. five years and finally we're rushing to qualify for next summer's european football championships there won't be a single russian referee it's ornaments due to lack of trying to fish rolls to resolve this one of the game's most respected referees robert are certainly has been brought in to raise standards for russia the world cup in two thousand and eighteen and he spoke exclusively to r.t. . the quality of. the performance and the pitch to study and allies to make decisions on russian produce for the future. for you for. the question of the offer for people so this is good this is.
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an exciting and not easy challenge and. the big problem is not. the problem is outside the beach because the community in this in this moment about referees. is not so i. think it is the wrong for a referee it's normal begin to be grappling must be a more the yes. but that. we cannot. i am not a polish nun of course i am only for the. i want absolute i can i can understand a mistake in the future i can not understand mistakes outside of the ph this is clear. the modern rappers must be professional
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like they are. here in a. way they must be fit because. it is very quickly and behind for this must be like players may be more prepared than players. of course of this is a back yet because we need. also for you and. of course we need to. start this job we are in contact when we can wherever we are in contact. we know very well that we must put. our performers in their nation. to be a referee it's not like. each is a style of life i own with my life i was
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a reference now and i feel i am her friend so this is very proper because of this experience is good in order. to be self-criticism in our life i suggest that all too or all the young boys say russia had to be supported because we have to make decisions. and this is important in this and i know you can do better in the future. that's all the sport.
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but libyan rebels prepare to storm some of the last pro get out free strongholds people in tripoli take no comfort from the new rulers as fears of early keep drown out triumphant cry it's. a death would spark the u.k.'s national riot says a funeral procession is held people are still questioning whether he was a victim of police brutality also tonight. we don't know if it's cause because you're a former you never heard about it because of course. there's america's decade long war in afghanistan winds down and many of those punished for the atrocities of september the eleventh two thousand and one are still unaware of where all what nine eleven was as we report.
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watching r t it's nine pm here in moscow my name's kevin zero in and fighting continues in libya as rebel forces prepare to storm to the remaining strongholds held by pro get a few forces loyalists holed up in the towns of sirte and bani walid have been given until saturday to surrender however they vowed to resist despite that they had line kill gadhafi himself earlier released an audio message claiming that he hasn't fled and will never flee his homeland despite reports his supporters across the border to neighboring new gehrke the country's capital tripoli fell to rebels last month but there's no sign of a. life improving there meantime i was out israel for national reports next there is just as much fear on the streets as there is joy of the victory.
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a city celebrates more than ten days than even capital has been rejoicing in the dictator's fall where the. he wanted to bring his quarter here in the central square his roof for the second anniversary we report our flight instead we have one we're so happy without him. it seems in the last two weeks rebel fighters have right after this a clear shot during this old country truly early august. or early bill phenol is very busy with. this third gadhafi clearly gadhafi is viktor toward he told told the people you love me or the people wrong we know you would see your job hear me and of course right of freedom is that we going to get back to them with an iraqi with a lower case but away from jubilant crowds we meet those who are not so pleased at
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the one man lives in tripoli is obviously in district historically pro khadafi when the rebels arrived his sister was badly injured she's still in hospital in tunisia . i'm going to have a man doesn't want to show his face on camera and seized on a hidden location for the interview he says revolution has brought much fear in its wake. there is no peace there is no safety in the city we don't let our children outside when it's dark we are afraid and we always wait for something bad when gadhafi was here at least we didn't have to sleep a wink what we do know. the rahman says he also wanted change and the greit a future for his country but not a sway i like jean and people are dying on both sides of the cities destroyed and no one cares do they seriously think that it changed it for the better don't lie to yourself just look around is that what you wanted. and what is around is a scene of widespread destruction and social chaos the badly damaged buildings made
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by the rise in stink of garbage and decomposing bodies and youngsters roam the streets barely old enough to understand that what they carry are weapons not toys many shops schools and hospitals are closed while the city's symmetries are growing bigger and. shortly after triple if i'm going to rebel hands the national transitional council leave is new authority claimed it was moving here from benghazi but weeks have passed and there is still no sign of its presence on the ground zero of order being restored to city functioning by itself and treading a fine line between freedom and anarchy. ridge national r t tripoli libya. ahead a repeat scenario of libya was not unfolding in syria who refuses to take sides
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over damascus saying peace through bloodshed isn't the answer those calling on both the rebels and the regime to lay down arms and turn the dialogue because more on that in a few minutes also keeping face palestinians rallying for statehood ahead of the u.n. vote vow to stay peaceful in spite of possible israeli attacks saying the recognition rests on their image. funerals been held in london for the man whose death triggered a wave of violent riots across the u.k. father of four mark duggan was shot dead during a police operation back in august but his reports. north london is in mourning today as the funeral of mark duggan takes place when you were a member of. this area who was allegedly shot recently by police marksmen at the beginning of august that sparked riots which started here in the wood green tottenham area spread to other parts of london and then eventually to the rest of the country leading to
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a large amount of civil unrest which the government and police are still reeling from the funerals being attended by round about a thousand people far too many to fit inside the small church and interesting the police presence here today is incredibly low key you see any signs there are hardly any police here all dressed in their normal uniforms riot gear. aggressive policing whatsoever and this is a community that has a deep mistrust of the police which has any been intensified by the shooting of mark duggan there is an inquiry underway into what happened to cause his death but there have been no results. and the funeral is an important turning point people are still asking what actually happens people in this community are also asking where is the mini cab driver who was supposed to have been driving at mr duncan at the time when he was shot he hasn't appeared in public. people here are not sure whether he's even being questioned by police there is quite a tense atmosphere here people are worried about the effect of the police in that
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community that will say no particularly welcoming to the media little bit of a hard time when we went to the estates where mr king and his family lived but the . place to be very very very respectful affair and that's how the community here want to keep it but they still have questions that need answering about what happened to mr duggan why was he shot by police marksman what were the events that led up to his death and days of questions which they have no answers. reporting for us it was the start of the world and even the still lives. few people are moved the repercussions of nine eleven are still being felt today in the form of the number line war on terror and yet it seems for the majority of people who bore the brunt of the world's fury in the aftermath of the attacks nine eleven is just another day that implicates reports next from afghanistan for you. helmand in southern afghanistan is the province that isn't borne the brunt of the fighting between the
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taliban and coalition forces but what would afghans in this war torn province think about nine eleven and its consequences. while on patrol with the marines i get a first opportunity to ask a couple of young afghan men what they know about nine eleven but those who are going to work for with us here. never heard of. a few more than us. we don't know so that's because because you're a former you never heard about the need for the world to guard more stuck up. the two young men and clearly never heard of nine eleven. but maybe the elders of the local show would have more to say you know you see you. just can see the smoke on the buildings and that's a good as anything i can say when you guys show this picture i'm guessing it's a i think it was a call but if i just got here i would be surprised but having been here now for six months it's pretty much the stone ages where we are what do you think about the
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reactions that's maybe so there was a guy who said it was kabul was really difficult and he just shows you how isolated area in their own country who he demanded without understand a. thing i would not even know you're going to get out of the america kind of send them to this point and get the airplane from here to attack and united states you know how that might have done a. lot of it was nice to go from iraq to that here is a lot easier to understand you know why you're here and you see a definition of a good picture by yourself is this you have to look at this table where you want to carry a rifle. that we're. going to make and saying we're going to help you to decide one one doing and it is how many buildings and this is going to help you where is the have. done with this is going to take you to our kids go. fighting in the use of their own kids in a paper that i don't indeed and. i do sympathize or understand what some are saying
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is even just from the weather we've had recently people losing their homes and nobody to help them so you know when you care when you can feed yourself this earth house yourself are you care about somebody you are six thousand miles away from so i can understand this but this is a hell of a lot of the god you've never thought to share source questions of the people here that's why we're here amazingly in a country where for ten years a war has been full with nine eleven as its root cause and justification it turns out not only with the villages the gluteus to nine eleven or so with the african police and even some of the translators working with the u.s. military if you go there that is so you and i will be able to see if you have seen the faces of. a survey taken in twenty ten by the international council on security and development found that ninety two percent of afghan men in helmand and other afghan provinces had no idea what nine eleven was with american troops that start with during this year it seems likely that they will leave afghanistan without the
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vast majority of afghans never having really understood why they came in the first place adam phillips from afghanistan fourteen no. one thought more about the lasting legacy of nine eleven let's talk now to keith harmon snow he's a u.s. war correspondent and independent investigator thanks ever so much for being on the programs there tonight i mean a decade on the world's number one terrorist has been eliminated the united states hasn't seen any terrorist attacks since nine eleven some would argue the war on terror is working is that your view. well you have to ask who are the leading terrorists in the world what terrorism is the entire discourse on terrorism is framed in such a way as those people over there those combatants those terrorists they're generally people of color or universally people of color but in fact the united states and israel britain are the leading purveyors of violence around the planet so the question of terrorism working i mean the united states' economy is in shambles social services are being destroyed or are dissipating every single day
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more and more people are out of work more and more people are disenfranchised more and more people in the united states alone are unhappy with the situation and have little power over what's going on so you have to ask what's really happening here and so beyond the side or the psychological operation war in the propaganda about nine one one is the reality that we have a permanent warfare economy and this whole sort of bad economy very well i guess keith you know going to be no surprise i don't hear her chorus but other plants report they're talking to people saying that you know recent survey suggests up to ninety two percent of people have got a standard never heard of nine eleven why do you think the law and share of the afghan population are unaware of what was the catalyst behind the war in their own country are you surprised by that why do you think it is i'm not surprised the first one of the first things i noticed and one of the most lasting impressions i had about afghanistan was there was no advertising and no propaganda. no
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advertising and no prob again and not a single billboard except with the exception of the celebration of one of their former heroes who led the liberation struggle for example nothing no coca-cola no john none of these on their paid advertising that we just take for granted splashed all over everything no media nothing so the question about how do people get their news people are living in gayley in afghanistan with this struggle for survival conditions were very bad out in the countryside very difficult and also in a certain way very wonderful because they don't have the technologies that are causing problems even have the pollution at least not until the united states military right was not asking the question of why the united states military are there and what about according to the seventy eight percent do know that have heard about nine eleven what i think about it but i think a lot of people in afghanistan are quite aware that the u.s. military and the central intelligence agency are there because of the opium and the poppy. drugs big big business and also the oil lines that they're trying to putting
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up in. kurdistan wherever they are that are connected to the oil coming out north of afghanistan so it's a regional issue and they're very meant well aware of their natural resources and what's up for grabs here it's not about nine one one so a kind of he told a different story or they've got a different story and then add to what the rest of us maybe have been told and educated about but looking back over the last nine years what are your thoughts about the u.s. campaign in afghanistan you spend some time there could things be done differently the spread to stop the spread of international terrorism do you think. we can i think the spread of international terrorism was advanced significantly after nine on one by the united states invasion of afghanistan and iraq if you look strictly at the developments in drones unmanned aerospace vehicles pilotless war making machinery that's been deployed all over the world now it's loaded this market marking business for us defense industries. explode and israeli defense industries
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are one of the biggest producers of. their exploded after nine one one in donald rumsfeld had a bill passed immediately that allowed easy planes contracts to be spread around billions and billions and billions of dollars so in terms of us the pentagon and some of the big businesses it's been a very successful war but in terms of peace truth and basic human why we're in survival and everything that's right in just in the world it couldn't be more wrong. than snow will correspond to talk of pretty good credit investigates joining us from williamsburg usa tonight is a lot more we could talk about with this one for a times for the world over thanks to be on the program thanks so much take care. well as the u.s. prepares to withdraw its troops from afghanistan some already counting all the cash little be say but with record unemployment in the states of the military industries being one of the last stable employers maybe more beneficial to keep those troops
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where they are what you think about that but discussions coming up in just a few minutes in fact also. there was i saw he community grieves the loss of the locomotive team with many international stars white. plane crash in russia city of eurostar still covered but of course as you'd expect on our website is one of our team. russia will send a fact finding mission to syria to get firsthand information about the situation there that decision was announced by the country's presidential envoy to africa. following his meeting over the cation of syrian opposition if this is a moscow rally they blame president bush on the other side for political deadlock in syria saying he's making the same fatal mistakes as libya's embattled leader colonel gadhafi must go the promise is to do its very best to avert a living in scenario in syria telling both sides of the conflict that it's time to move on from the battlefield to the negotiating table present vote have made up
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a clear it is like this interview. we didn't probably the resolutions we would approve to send a strong message to the syrian regime or shouldn't be addressed to both sides things are just black and white but you know he and the government protesters in syria are not followers of some refined european models of democracy some of the most to put it straight extremists and some might even be called terrorists if your situation is not that simple and we have to take into account the balance of different forces and interests russia may support certain moves but only if they don't boil down to the one sided condemnation of the government and present the silent we should send a strong message calling all all the conflicting parties to come to the negotiating table start talks and stop the bloodshed. if you'd like to hear more of presumably it is interview it's on our website r.t. dot com where you can also find more opinion on the timeline to the syrian uprising . people living in the west bank are rising up in a campaign for statehood ahead of the u.n. vote on palestine's fate at the end of september massive coordinated rallies are
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planned across the west bank the leaders of the demonstrations say they are determined to keep the peaceful even if israeli forces move in and try to stop the palestinians about to carry on until the achieve sovereignty and u.n. membership however washington says it will be to the bit if it's put to the un security council that's despite support expected for most other member states and such backing could provide crucial leverage for resolving the settlement issue with israel according to our. chief political commentator for the whole let's use paper . the fact that one hundred thirty or one hundred and forty members will raise their hands in favor of recognizing palestine as a sovereign state will mean a lot for for israel for you can patience for the settlements since even if the u.n. does not accept them as full member this one hundred thirty or one hundred forty countries will say the israeli occupied. is unacceptable they will be
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able to become members of international organisations such as the nasco which means . they will have something to say about the israeli control over the holy sites in east jerusalem in the old city of jerusalem. and i believe that this will be a kind of a snowball it may start a kind of process there may end up with more isolation of israel with more sanctions israel is losing the support of b. international community and the palestinians are getting more and more sympathy lots of times are israel continue as it faces pressure from another country in a region to turkey is valid to sue israel in the international court over its blockade of gaza it's already cut all military and trade ties with tell of even after it refused to apologize for killing nine year they were part of the
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humanitarian for television try to break through the blockade that israel had imposed in two thousand and seven after her mass came to power in the palestinian authority the turkish prime minister promised that in future the navy will a school a chip's traveling to the gaza strip. mall world using rephrases given banks and insurance in almost sixty countries until later today to decide whether they will accept it yet exchange of athens is threatened to cut the deal unless it gets at least ninety percent but there's a place in which will give a country short cashflow relief efforts to further rescue greece took a hit after athens admitted it won't be able to meet its deficit reduction headlights. the world's ice hockey community remains in mourning tonight with the loss of almost the entire lokomotiv team after their plane crashed on wednesday forty three people died when the at forty two crashed on takeoff near the russian city of will people also gathered in prague to remember three czech nationals so were among the many top players killed hundreds of laying flowers and chanting the
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names of the former world champions in their memory candles of also belittle the precious lover remember the ones who died because of the slovakian national team who used to train look at motive as arrived here in russia to pay tribute not only to the players but also to those who work with them. almost six months ago i used to fly with almost all of them two months ago which ended a formal ceremony with the team was awarded the bronze medal that we talk to each other and everyone was preparing for the upcoming season they had serious girls inside the wanted to win bigger in cup and now we see how these hopes were dashed in a matter of minutes i've known the start of the two for ten years we were close friends and have been since i was acquainted with them when i first came to your islam crashes struck me very hard as a serious tragedy for me personally and. with burns to ninety percent of his.
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