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tv   [untitled]    September 9, 2011 7:52pm-8:22pm EDT

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copies quote of if you will look at this situation increases the number of suspects but i understand the authorities approach much more not to give any explanation rather than totally tonight. think about the u.f.o. they have never been categorically denied by anyone watching but if ever there was a huge fraud to compete used at a macroscopic level it is u.f.o.'s. why isn't there appropriate research financed by a corporation or company lets do serious research tell me where these can feel
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it was an airplane will fly there to analyze these trails is that so difficult. if there isn't anything to hide i don't understand why not to say to the citizens that you don't have to worry because these visual trails don't affect in any way the health nor the climate. no one does this it's probably because there is the answer that it is better not to properly discuss the issue or that it is better not to give any answer at all. but a military machine is similar to the mechanism of an organization unfortunately everybody becomes a number in this combination. obviously an algebraic variation cannot change anything . what algebraic result is hardly variable about the wish is to find whys and
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conscientious people in high command rules people who are able to accomplish their mission in the best way we have a lot of. good. stuff about it but tragedy is that in war time the leading principle allowed where called allowed where to use a french expression concerning ethics and any other value is doomed to be put aside it's like a football match that has to be won any cost. cockatiels an act of heroism made by someone who is not in harmony with the rest of the scenario as a romantic appeal but it is not in the conditions to modify anything. an act of passion from those in command would be necessary for so much of the common every person has his own will every commander has his own autonomy that every
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commander has to be responsible for his own men good commanders are able to achieve a ghoul keeping an eye on the loss of a good commanders able to oppose an order or even to change it it's just basically people's autonomy as one of resistance i also think that when you are really involved in a conflict the reactions can be quite different it's going to but. when we find something able to solve a concept of four and we see it in daily relationships each one of us decides not to make war to all the people around us probably this thing could become popular slee contagious i don't know how many of us could have been purposes also because we experience and justice daily we accept to get a job by pulling strings. because that is already a gesture of war because we trample on the dreams of who was hoping to achieve a start. goal that is already
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a gesture of war because we trample on the dreams of those who were hoping to achieve a certain goal. i have always been optimistic i'm sure the good guys at the end when the same as in the movies to wish for a happy ending is a common wish that i have to say that we should use the difficult times to rediscover the real values probably we could rediscover our identity. but it's a matter of identity if we are able to look at ourselves in the mirror and say i am a good person to think that you know maybe we could be tempted to really become good yes.
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well for british science. sometimes.
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put. it. we don't know that's cause because you're a former you never heard about it because the board were not even anything about nine eleven so if afghanistan civilians have no idea why the u.s. invaded their country what terror intelligence to the u.s. missed in the first. and it's not just the countries the u.s. attacks after nine eleven personal freedoms came under fire as well so in a post nine eleven world our assaults on human rights now that are in the form. of this jobs bill pass this bill passes jobs bill this bill all right so there's no mistake about what the president wants but is obama really the man with a plan for the economy or was the john speech just
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a bid to secure his job security. it's friday september ninth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frizz out there watching our team. so in office hour a look at the impact of nine eleven ten years later you know if you ask anyone in america why we went to war in afghanistan most will say one thing the terrorist attacks of nine eleven but how much do people in afghanistan know about why american troops are in their country you know last year our report from the international council on security and development came out the basically show that ninety two percent of those surveyed had never heard of the attacks on u.s. soil on september eleventh two thousand and one the report also showed that four in ten afghans believe the u.s. is in their country for one of two reasons either to occupy afghanistan or to
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destroy islam can this be right ten years later is it possible that the vast majority of a country that has been forever changed has no idea what sparked its invasion the longest war by the way in american history well british journalist adam plus wondered the same thing he is in afghanistan and has this report. helmand in southern afghanistan this province has borne the brunt of the fighting between the taliban and coalition forces but with afghans in this war torn province think about nine eleven and its consequences. while on patrol with the marines i get a first opportunity to ask a couple of young afghan men what they know about nine eleven. and you never heard about before can you share them with you more and to us do they know where it is even we don't know if that's because because your former neighbor heard about the world or sat down with. the two young men and clearly never heard
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of nine eleven. maybe the elders of the local show would have more to say yeah no you see. he's saying i just can see the smoke from the buildings and that's a that's only thing i can say when you guys show this picture and i think it was a call if i just got here i would be surprised but having been here now for six months and this is premised stone ages where we are. what about the yes. so there was a guy who said it was kabul has clearly never been to kabul it just shows you how isolated there are even our own country we come on the one i want to stand. you know you don't think you know that america kind of them come to this point and i'm here to type in the united states you know how much power. it was nice to go from iraq to them here is a lot easier to understand you know why you're here and really get epics you go
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through picture myself because what you can see the afghans look at it in this context will wear the uniform if you're in the right. we have to be back. because our mates and saying we're going to help here they're just so one building and they destroy us how many buildings and they said we're going to help it where is the help. for example to this ng day due to our kids going into fighting and they do it for their own kids in and they've got to write down and read and write. i do sympathize or understand what some are saying it's even just from the weather we've had recently people losing their homes and nobody said elsewhere so you know when you have when you can't feed yourself the earth house yourself are you going to care about somebody you know six thousand miles away. so i can understand that i just said it i thought over the top of this with i never thought to ask those questions of. anybody here that's why we're here amazingly in a country where for ten years a war has been fought with nine eleven as its root cause and justification it turns out not only with the villagers the police tonight
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a lot of this is with the afghan police and even some of the translators working with the u.s. military if you don't know the history of this you know are no i have no idea of i'm serious i guess this is because before. a survey taken in twenty ten by the international council on security and development found that ninety two percent of afghan men in helmand and other afghan provinces had no idea what nine eleven was with american troops that start with during this year it seems likely that they will leave a. against him about the vast majority of africans never having really understood why they came in the first place i don't let's from my friends step forward see you know this is an important story that isn't often told what to they know what do they think and from for more on that earlier i spoke with a veteran r.t. blogger and co-founder of veterans for rethink afghanistan i asked him for his reaction to this report that showed how so many afghan civilians don't know anything about nine eleven. and i think that's the key question i have i'm very
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critical of the hearts and minds campaign because i don't think it works very well especially if you accidentally bomb kids or schools or whatever and this always inevitably happens in war innocent people always get dragged up into it so what it means is when the u.s. drops a bomb tornado or whatever accidentally kills somebody our vision our eventual departure is inherently. flawed when we can't leave we can to do the stuff and also i think the bigger point the united states does not have the apparatus financial or military wherewithal right now to nation build in afghanistan counterinsurgency school building whatever we can do some things but for the most part the what the pentagon's putting forth is not helping the afghans the best way that they need you said we can do something what things i think think those are that u.s. troop u.s.
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military u.s. government still is capable of doing that i think the united states and the coalition can do helpful after two days the mentor judges and legal counsel i think they can do to support n.g.o.s and local. efforts to bring agriculture in that sort of thing and i think in some ways we can help afghanistan. energy and things like that we've seen that you know seen some sort of economic development the last ten years but in terms of defeating the taliban militarily or rooting the world of evil or stopping al qaida all the time you know this is this we've got to get the thought of our playbook at this it's just a hail mary that never works and then when i mean when you were in iraq what year i was in iraq in two thousand and three for the invasion i was in the afghanistan pakistan war very big into the one and i went back to the middle east and afghanistan several times since then doing civilian. with united nations and i know
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dick bigger group we think afghanistan is really active in terms of getting the message out about a lot of the issues on both sides of the aisle lot of the issues that you know the troops face and they come back whether it be p.t.s.d. suicide what's the story that you hope to see on the mainstream media this weekend as everyone looks back and remembers nine eleven i think everybody should look at nine eleven and some sort of some sort of remorse i mean there's a lot of people that you got you know a lot of innocent people that didn't need to die but i really think that we need to take that out and build off of that and make sure that we don't make the tragic mistakes that nine eleven letters to the iraq war surge in iraq nation building in iraq and in afghanistan and of little little. war efforts in saudi yemen and in pakistan and everywhere else and this is the kind of thing that americans should say ok there are bad people and bad people will pose
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a threat and try to kill innocents but you don't have to occupy an unpaid every country across the planet to make sure that doesn't happen again and jack i want to switch gears if on a little bit of a lighter note you know a lot of us have been talking about in the last couple days a lot of things going on politically here in d.c. we have the republican debates two nights ago and then last night obama's jobs speech and i want to talk to you about this because you're one of those rare people that consider themselves a republican from what i understand and that voting in two thousand and eight for president obama so i want to get your take on just why you decided that that was the right decision and what your thoughts are now well i guess your errand might dirty laundry thanks chris. with basically what i saw colin powell endorsed president rock obama for me just a turning point to say ok if the alternative is the most lady in the grumpy old man and rock obama and i often rock obama especially when. well alexander like
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tremendous respect. that she would do so as well so that's what led me to it and started lee i could look for somebody that thought the iraq war was a good idea but now that we're here ten years after nine eleven in the midst of one of the greatest financial crisis unless there are serious reforms does it in the condo i think that was there just candidate ron paul is what he or thinks very interesting things to think about criticizing the fed in the words this is good and even brought obama's speech last night we heard a lot of good things there. my political team as a right would think it's a good idea so i think probably among those take is the idea that the president did acknowledge that a lot of people coming back from war veterans have a really tough time getting a job you said that was going to be one of his priorities so hopefully we do see something come out about you always appreciate you coming on we miss you here in d.c. argue blogger and co-founder of that's been for rethink afghanistan takes
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a very tough and there's another part of the story as well a question that i think is finally appropriate to ask now that it has been a full decade after nine eleven what have we learned a looking back there is some evidence that a lot of people call the attacks on nine eleven the failure not of intelligence but in connecting the dots american sense then were promised intelligence reform have they gotten it and ten years later what about all those other theories about what happened that day have they been given any more credence well for more on this i spoke earlier to lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer a senior fellow at the center for advanced defense studies he has a lot of experience in the field and i asked him what the u.s. has learned and where it is still lacking when it comes to gathering intelligence here's what he had to say. well we've learned that the threat no learns very quickly how to adapt i don't believe that we've invested well in this big trillion dollars we spent over the past ten years because there's the old american adage you
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can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink so while i think that we've paid a lot of money relating to conducting operations overseas afghanistan i do believe we should've declared victory in zero three and left iraq would be intel was not there to justify the action and now at this point we're looking at these new threats were were not as well prepared as we should and let me let me answer that in two parts first. we've made a lot of intelligence reforms they've changed the community they've added resources but they've not change the culture that's why you saw the near miss of the faisal shazad call of as you kind of alluded to the pieces are all there is just they were put together so today's terrorism alert the second part of my answer is indicative of a system which is over reacting the idea of putting in a page document about a specified unspecified threat spends everybody up but does not helpful in actually
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putting resources where they need to be to help prevent terrorism attack what about just focusing specifically again you know we've seen so many times. that evidence that came out you know in august of two thousand and one. connecting the dots didn't happen in right so many ways we have the f.b.i. already have the cia we have the n.c.t. the national counterterrorism center how many more you know levels of bureaucracy are there and is it important to keep some of these agencies that threat to what extent do you think well need to change immensely. the agencies have separate distinct missions however the information sharing should be totally integrated and seamless and that's just not happening you again it goes back to my answer of the culture you can change the infrastructure or you want to have the same people who did or did not share information before they're going to do it again and that's what we're seeing here there's too much layering i spoke to one of the nine eleven commissioners about three years ago about his view of did they get it right is the
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director of national intelligence what you do as a commissioner who understands intelligence is that what you want and he said absolutely not they do not want another bureaucracy nonfunctioning bureaucracy sitting on top of other layers of bureaucracy we're supposed to streamline and not make more complex so this is why you see the information sharing and the near misses. i would also argue major assad was preventable as well had people looked at everything in totality so we've not really made ourselves any safer and i think it's just a matter of time before someone who is looking at our system goes around again or president will to figure out how to go through the system in such a way to not be detected and you get the sense was that a kernel say for that this is something that is actively being worked on certainly there's so much information that neither you or i can be privy to based on you know the necessary secrecy of it but do you get the sense that you know you say the things that are just happening the same way that they happened before do you think
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that there are people that are in the white house trying to rethink this think outside the box to change it. well i honestly i don't believe so i think status quo is where we're at there's going to have to be some necessary changes regarding budget we're spending far too much money it's just not sustainable and i still believe you could need to look at value added what is the value added of having these layers of bureaucracy so fundamentally no i don't believe based on the recent attacks that were fundamentally better understanding the other thing to remember the terrorist groups we're talking about primarily al qaida they have a very long memory and a very patient between the ninety three world trade center center bombing and two thousand and one was was almost a decade we're now at a decade after nine eleven these folks don't think in terms of months they think in terms of decades so as much as we study us we try to study them and we always have to get it right to prevent the attacks they only have to figure it out once to
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get around us to be to be successful we stop a lot of attacks but a lot more are inevitable as i see it and you mentioned early on what most people think now which is that there was not private credible intelligence to go to iraq in the first place you also said you know the u.s. should have left afghanistan back in two thousand and three to what extent do you think that's worth paying in these countries has made the terror threat worse. well two reasons first the drone program for example one of the things that one of the recent former obama administration officials talked about as being bad i agree you're creating generations of terrorists we don't have to do i'm not saying we should use drones we should use boots on the ground and grab people because when you kill someone you lose the intelligence value of being able to talk to them secondly and more importantly in many ways is the fact that we have done all this military activity we've reacted but we've really got. to understand the root of the problem terrorism is a symptom of a larger issue does this radicalism which continues to be an issue for
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a lot of countries not just america is going to continue to be something that is the fundamental cause for the terrorism something which even most western countries such as the french and the british are still dealing with but no clear understanding of how we're going to deal with this this this radicalization and that really has to be what we look at for the future to really resolve this for the long term and that was lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer senior fellow at the center for advanced studies. now about some of the specific ways in which things have changed here in the united states since september eleventh two thousand and one and i'm just talking out of two actual policies that have been implemented to deal with the threat and the new face of reality how those policies contributed to a safer world with fewer terrorists or the more people than ever worried that the u.s. has more enemies than i had before our g. correspondent marina port and i examined that part of the story in this report. ten years ago america was brock's light on terror.
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nearly three thousand innocent lives were lost and if nine eleven the world was born. our war on terror. begins with. but it does not in their. it will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found stopped and defeated washington's military reach began with a high pro-sumer bin ladin america strikes back afghanistan as only with bombs and missiles from the air and then a preemptive pounding into iraq. in the decade that followed america's fight for freedom has been stated by torture secret detention and rendition human rights violations symbolized by landmarks like ones hanum obey grade and the baccarat
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airbase prison we had garnered the empathy not only of the world the muslim world and if we had the courage to be vulnerable. we would be far safer and more secure than we are today instead we drank from that very door police or of nationalism journalist in office chris hedges says america's terror unleashed the out the middle east has opened a pandora's box of evil estimates are over a million iraqi dead since the invasion. you know hundreds and hundreds of civilians killed in pakistan thousands killed in afghanistan not to mention millions of people displaced into refugee camps i mean but the terror that we have unleashed will not go on. it is and it will strike us eventual however in a post nine eleven america citizens have been forced to compromise their freedom in the name of security the past decade has paved the way for
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a new state practices such as warrantless wiretapping intrusive airport screening and reader already for law enforcement what some call a police state in the making as this national security state were rose and as it becomes easier for the government to scrutinize guys in this in all aspects of our lives i think that we're. we worried about is the issue here is larger than it was the specific isolated we're here is it is in the ether that is all around us much of it be right here at home from people you know country. since nine eleven a rising tide of islamophobia has passed through this formerly tolerant nation before going to the f.b.i. for men intended to carry out there today dozens of muslim americans have been arrested and convicted in so-called f.b.i.
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oil terror plots plots that were orchestrated and manufactured by government paid informants these cases have been created by the government and yet we're supposed to feel safer because criminals that would not have come up with a plot how did not going to drop them on a platter by the u.s. government are now in jail and we have you know snowball the pile and that's going on around the world and they raise more hatred only raise more that feelings only reinforced many narratives and violent and narratives of american imperialism around the world and we i think we've created more enemies than friends you know being targeted communities rather than making them partners not only has it not made us any safer i think that it has undermined you know the very fabric of american society the fabric of the post nine eleven america the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of al qaeda still going to do what.


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