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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2011 2:22am-2:52am EDT

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if any krushchev looks at the reasons for the move. he may seem in consequential but. the first decision the general petraeus has made on his way from the pentagon to langley wants to shift he's a military uniform and to present himself in a new incarnation as a total civilian according to the official story general petraeus has an option to come to the cia is of a military or as a civilian and allegedly the white house did not force hearings to resign and to cause his image as a four star general and to downsize he is figure on their way to his new job if the official story is to believe general petrou was bent over backwards to appease the intelligence community and to make sure that he could land easily language cafeteria his new peers and associates i find it hard to believe that former
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commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan mullen cheerily decided to resign from the military i'm sure if he had an option he would never resign from the active duty. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe libya's rebels say they're close to capturing the town of bani walid one of the whore remaining khadafi strongholds his loyalists have been given till saturday to surrender with fierce fighting continuing in the city of santa three khadafi loyalist happened killed one rebel fighter while forty dead and off the audio messages claim he hasn't fled libya despite reports his supporters have crossed the border and they share meanwhile interpol has issued a red notice is for the colonel's arrest and that of his son saif al islam. syrian protesters say eleven people were killed in new anti-government rallies across the country friday thousands of demonstrators appealed for international help in the
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case of a bloody crackdown. by army forces more than twenty two hundred people are thought to have been killed since march in the uprising of president bashar assad to step down. and a state of emergency has been declared in the u.s. states of new york and pennsylvania after renshaw rains from tropical storm lee caused catastrophic flooding some towns were submerged as a river burst its banks with water that's also appear to be toxic at least seven people have been killed more than one hundred thousand displaced. in the decade that followed that i'm eleven attacks washington's campaigns in iraq and afghanistan were aimed at ridding the world of terror ten years later do people feel any safer there resident laurie harford is asked people on the streets of new york what they think. at that date after the horrible nine eleven terrorist attacks on the u.s. how is the world change this week let's talk about that there were these i won't
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say more dangerous but it's more like our tick so all things are predictable you don't know what that's going to happen next to life is much intense i think so no. every day can can be the last and you think people around the world feel this way. i think in europe. in america i think so i don't know you kind of more aware of it or it's just more on the lookout do you think that people all around the world still keep that vigilance ten years later probably not as much as we did five years ago do you think that the amount of lives lost in the name of the war on terror has been worth feeling safer i think it's a difficult thing the common arms to be honest i have a lot of friends that have fought over there and i would say it's hard every time they leave i'm not for war so no i don't think war is to make us feel safer if
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everyone lives it's own business i think everything would be better if we had been here in new york just last week we had several places right now. the places we find this a lot of security so we understand all the sites because it wasn't before but something we have to. live with. that we might be safer but we have to give up some things for that well i don't see will be safer we try to make you safer if we pretend to be as they appear to be safer that's right i mean sure it's a spirit if somebody wants to solve it was good though is there anything that anyone can do or is it just what's going to happen is going to happen i don't know people should be. should change their way of thinking way of treating other people like accepting the people can be different and not just roads my way is the right way i'm lead screw everybody this is not right no matter what you think it's
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changed the bottom line is we can only hope the world continues to strive to be a safer place. returning now to our top story russia's looking motive jaroslav ice hockey team home stadium honors its players who died in a plane crash on wednesday these are a live video that you're watching from the memorial ceremony where the team last train before boarding their ill fated plane to minsk families are joined by the club's many fans about seven thousand people have gathered for this heartfelt farewell variables for the crash victims will start later today the remains of foreign players for the club have already been flown back to their home countries we'll bring you more from the morning in the city of yarra south. stay with us here on r.t. headlines up next. when
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you look for new clues against. mission barrels. will brain is more. or less.
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the book. to. see some. pretty sure three. years three. months three. three stooges free. and free
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loading video for your media project a free media gun to our teeth on top. ten thirty am in moscow these iraqi headlights russia's city of jaroslav all saying an emotional goodbye to the victims of wednesday's plane crash the tragedy will claim the allies will almost the entire local ice hockey team this is live video we're looking at now from the commemoration ceremony at the local market stadium in. the u.s. prepares to commemorate the september eleventh attacks with security stepped up to forget protect against a possible new attack from the war on terror unleashed that day now feared by some to be an even bigger threat to the world's global security. hundreds of egyptians
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store in israel's under sea in cairo in a rage by the killing of five egyptian border guards last long israeli ambassador and his family have been flown out of the country. but next we explore the deadly legacy of war and the illness that can strike servicemen long after they come home . did he. go through for the relationship between the media and the military develops on a technical level where it's not a very important relationship actually there are ways to use the media for example the media can show a selected situation and convey a particular image out of it what is more relevant is how the other levels of misinformation can affect the different media because the media always belong to someone behind the media there is always a bit a lot of money and someone that decides he is
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a huge. part of the cover up of something new is happening and it would appear in development of neurosciences in all groups he's the neurosciences are different to misinformation he or so-called doesn't format as the soviets used to call it. the neurosciences studied the values of social fantasy. it helps gives us a certain meaning rather than another to the same event people seem to get in this context we could experience some alarming scenarios for the freedom systems inside democracies and fit in.
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in some of the training courses i held in security and military environments and i talked about a technique that already exists it's called imagining the unimaginable genetic navy no one has yet been able to imagine the unimaginable as well she. the unimagined has already been conquered capable most for we can move from a fax and arrive to be unimaginable or even proceed on the other way around still and turn the unimaginable into a fact. hamilton future just think of the use of radio frequency weapons or other non conventional weapons which are hardly imaginable that will think about all the modifications to the jet stream to alter the high flight air streams and the claimant get it clean. unfortunately there are plenty of banned and non conventional weapons again on conventional means that before the war starts carlie's enter into an agreement with
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the opponents it will for the use of weapons with a huge impact on the population on the environment and so on she can appear paradoxical but that's how it is. up a little but as an example you can think about the in thailand mind campaign because when you do there are some agreements to try to limit the use and the abuse of certain weapons unfortunately when a war starts where everybody ignores these agreements if a war starts the packs have already been broken skin it will be the international courts responsibility to judge but the main goal who is involved in a war is to win it. i. look rooted. in the probability of affecting the territory and the environment negatively is very high it's our main risk critical issue that we're going to. see.
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all of this leave when you bomb something you don't bomb in retail it's. that you drop the bomb on an oil refinery one weapons factories all around chemical tax rates. in that circumstance you pollutants are created if you feel it is that i like to go invisible bullets at that invisible bullets are capable of heat in anybody at any moment and can persist in the environment that is so even when a war is over they conclude that the bills and the gross be used to feed animals so even after some time and still help these fall into treatments of four inside our bodies for example i gave the army the gift that we have seen agent orange in vietnam what happened there with defoliants and the other things what has changed
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there isn't just the weather a whole environment has been altered forever if they. are up for a lot of that in mind the borat sorry i have a pack of cigarettes mortenson ride on out or abandon on the lawn in baghdad oak over out and there are found more of pollution residue and even a bit of depleted uranium to put on just a particle but i have found it. that way or the reason is that during and war of the tobacco cultivation containing its and as the tobacco has a large leaf flakes collects all the pollutants. even i can smoke through warres again even after some time this is why it's a never ending war. but we have gotten word that we have today for the military and a scientific perspective the opportunity to use some technologies or discoveries to
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generate events in order to heavily and almost permanently alter be environment for the whole environment will reveal that. the world. most of us have got it i am convinced that we. i don't need to look for anything else because general mimi's experience is more than enough. nevertheless if someone from or brought one some further proof even though many is one of the great military figures he just needs google which is a search engine accessible to everybody that's just if you type in the search bar a word whether by two thousand and twenty five separated by blanks do you know what the result is. you come upon a pentagon document hosted by an. m i l website domain. this extension stands for air force and military documents states that by the year two
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thousand and twenty five the conquest of the weather is planned that morning the weather literally so the meteorological war is the first of these phenomena the. moment when the name is really interesting but it was created in one thousand nine hundred five so it was around the mid ninety's it's not too recent but what was the purpose of this program initially. it was to see if it was possible locally within the region to modify it to alter the weather conditions to make the airplanes fly i'm to improve the visibility a good bit it was also trying to achieve the complete opposite visibility and no chance for the others to fly while we can still operate when i say us i mean that we belong to that system when someone starts to study the methods to alter the weather the range of options becomes enormous obviously. these.
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days when we say that the mild seasons do not exist anymore we get the point because the concept of season is going to disappear altogether. the reason is because it is possible to interfere with by a lot. whole process is through changing the climate about. this particular environmental war that is one made by altering the climate or the productivity of soil is technically already possible. but we mustn't forget but during the fifty's there were already some rockets that could be launched by farmers to generate tail or rain for sure but he had a what i mean is the technology was ready when i was a child though in a much reduced scale at least. so it's surely possible to overturn the climate or the structure of the soil and as such change how productive an area is we don't
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have to imagine tsunamis caused by electromagnetic waves or by undersea explosions . place to stay a bit to get it so i can turn the agricultural areas where there is no state control or there's limited responsiveness into deserts in those areas if you want to eat if you are forced to buy my seeds you. make a baby i'm not saying this happened systematically as the states have lost their surveillance powers while there are super national structures that don't need states because they already have scientists technologies and even armies. well in this scenario the dynamics of splenda are already plausible which they can
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your pussy keeps. slipping about the environmental war is a heavy legacy that we have to carry with us it's a good legacy for the ones eager for war but those who like peace surely rejected and look at it like the worst thing that could. possibly happen before all the conventions used to ban such death tools encountered a lot of obstacles. the environmental war of materially affects our daily life and can even alter the cosmic order without. the fear because of. the type of. the part when i talk about a global environmental the war i talk about tools that technically already exist and that are in the hands of people who are willing to use them. for wanting to use these tools as part of the concept of war while these tools exist and can alter the
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environment almost permanently it is a global war because the earth is a closed in traffic system so you are way a modification of the ecosystem in a certain area generates another alteration somewhere else to see if there are that is why if someone wants to create a tsunami along the open coast surely it realizes that this will effect the earthquake faults from burma to the himalayas. nowadays when we see the sequence of earthquakes and see quakes for instance in china sees one region looking we think of these events on connected but if you look under the seas surface down in the depths of the earth's crust for there are lines connecting these points. for the people familiar with us military piece of hardware is considered
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a sort of totec structure it's a point of reference. there are methods to materially generate rayon or to alter weather conditions. these come from important research made in the course of time to improve living conditions. i mean about if someone uses the same tools for the opposite purpose undersized to completely parch an area that can be unimaginable consequences. for these scientists affirm that cuba's hurricane disaster were caused by haarp. about. haarp is a big entry university project from a scientific perspective but it shouldn't have any link to the military or usage of these technologies. haarp studies high and low frequency waves of the most
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recent applications concerns the high frequency. it was born as a scientific project but there is a small issue with it. with us since the beginning i mean financier of the project is the pentagon that as we used to say in the international intelligence convention if the cia is involved in something stinks. so what is the purpose of hard. it's purpose is to research the high frequency waves transmission to see how they affect the rockets and the satellite systems and some natural systems such as the ionosphere and stratosphere in order to control the influence caused by these waves because. we have to consider that the whole american area is liable to hurricanes and tornadoes so it's liable to the most extreme weather
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conditions. if it were called. before you just had to dump some silver nitrate or any other agent from an airplane to band of tornadoes cold as if you were steering a vehicle with the secret that the problem was that these experiments carried out with good. tension's didn't generate any profit. which is the only industry with enough resources to help the development of these research projects called the war industry when i. think about the staggering progress is made by medical science to base hospitals it may appear a paradox but like in a cycle the war comes back to the starting point just like it happens in a game of monopoly when you pass go if you bring something important on the other hand the price paid was too high so maybe it wasn't necessary. the problem with the climatic war case is that harper became
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a reference point that can be unleashed upon someone like an opponent. what really happens inside this fabulous of the tree is hard to say because it's always the covered with the utmost secrecy. some people claim it depletes the ozone layer because the electrical generators used inside it would be able to affect the ionosphere and cause huge damage that. it isn't easy to simply can the damage is understandable but there are political demonstrations that tend to criminalize certain experiments. it was an american scientist that accused the russians of permanent climatic modifications in the central states of the us many of them. just so there is an experience that suggests something to us if the americans assign to the russians a terrible power that means they already have it or close to achieving it.
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that is the ongoing climate changes worry us we are inclined to assign it something of great importance to you but i consider this as the big door i could lead in any sort of the. ideology i would call it terror because it sounds to terrorism. of the word fear. we are moving towards a world that will be progressively more afraid. if we consider weapons that can produce fear we cannot automatically inserted in
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that list. the emotional impact caused by a sky. trails is increased by the fact that they can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. are valid. concerning chemical trails i'll tell the truth. i try to study this phenomenon. a. now i'll say something that could bulger someone. i used to think it was a swindle to know. better in effect if about the pictures we can find online are really dreadful because the trails intersect regularly.
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will look. like. from what is sure is that it's not a mysterious phenomenon like some people may think these trails are produced by the airplanes especially the military ones and in the course of time they have changed their appearance. that's why i've said this phenomenon is real and it strongly concerns the citizens therefore the citizens need to be informed who has to do that the government through the appropriate ministers both the environment and the defense. on this if it was such a trivial issue it wouldn't have been raised throughout the world. for instance i know that in the us the government made an investigation concerning the subject in there the conclusions were an exhaustive either. probably there is something related to military activity that i think is in shocking the real problem is that when there are experiments and phenomenon of this type the government of the
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country is the first to be aware of them. in any case the citizen should be reassured by saying they are experiments or whatever they are but they are not a concern for the health of the citizens. so i cannot say the difference between the ones caused by the condensation and the ones left up there on purpose i can't speak on the ones left on purpose or what the purpose is i mean why are they left there. was a good. the most worrying thing for me is the fact that we didn't receive convincing answers. look at what they want us because in israel steve i think that often exhaustive answers are not given because the knowledge of these phenomena is very limited.
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companies want to give you a look at this situation increases the number of suspects i understand the authorities are croce much more not to give any explanation other than totally deny my they've got like i think about the u.f.o. they have never been categorically denied by anyone raji but if ever there was a huge fraud but can be used at a microscopic level it is u.f.o.'s. to pay out or the told why isn't there appropriate research by announced by a corporation or company let's do serious research and tell me where these came fields on it was an airplane will fly.


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