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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2011 6:01am-6:31am EDT

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just after two pm here in the russian capital and you're watching r.t. the families and fans of russia's local multi vice hockey team gather at the home stadium where the players who died in wednesday's plane crash played their last game russian prime minister vladimir putin also attended to pay his respects to the team our correspondent sean thomas is witnessing the city's grief. thousands of people are streaming to the locomotive stadium here and to pay their final respects it is a cold day it is a rainy day and in many ways the weather echoes the feeling in the air the very sad a heavy and somber tone because this was a much beloved team and they were the stars of this city so people from all over russia the hockey players officials as well as the entire city of the house level is coming here to this a stadium people are streaming up by the fourteen caskets of people who perished in
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this plane crash there were forty three people confirmed dead two people survived it was a multinational team those who are not from. were sent to their home countries yesterday and today the fourteen who will be buried here after this a visitation. they are laid to rest so the people can pay their final respects as this three day mourning period starts coming to a close we know of one player who had just proposed to his girlfriend and was planning on getting married and this of course a very young team their lives tragically cut short we also know of another player who had said i've had enough of hockey but i'm going to play one more season just give it one more go and of course the first game of the season on their way to. the plane crash and of course ending his career and is a life one other story of a flight attendant on board three months ago just got married and was planning to
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retire from the aviation business she wasn't going to be a flight attendant anymore she was going to having children as well so a wide range of emotions here and jaroslav. celebration of the team and their lives also to the somber sad final goodbyes there's hope of moving forward from the investigation itself to the. getting the announcement that the engines of the plane were fine but there may have been some sort of problem with the fuel. some people are taking comfort in the fact that they are starting to get answers as to what caused this tragedy but moving past that former jaroslava locomotive players have announced that they will come back to help rebuild this team so that there can be this spirit of hockey here. so that they don't have to lose that connection with hockey a sport that this city loves so much but we have the opportunity to actually speak to some of the younger players of the. franchise the next generation if you will of the people who are training to hope to become part of the jaroslava locomotive
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professional team as a city continues to very dedicated. have choosing to honor their heroes in a unique way by getting back on the ice with. us for these players practicing here is a special as it was from this very. skates for the final time. i met them on the fifth and sixth of september their training sessions before they were confident and optimistic and determined all of them were in very high spirits . was supposed to be on the flight back now his thoughts are still strong for those affected by this tragic loss i think it's hard hearted. but i am really.
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miss them. to. everybody and for the next generation of jaroslav hockey players it's not just about rebuilding the team for the future of the city it's also about getting back on the ice as a form of therapy to help them get through their grief. i have a strong. now when they use championship. to my friends who guard. and while this team practices and even younger group is ready to follow in their footsteps. some of the players who don't mind where from our school they told us about them in ca one hundred eighty page in the team only ever going to talk mark tidd school i want to be in the new team that does excessive lokomotiv next week i'm scheduled to be tested for the club the count is going to come right cool.
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proving that even though they have gone from the ice the members of this ill fated locomotive team will continue to be in the hearts and minds of the people of you and the nation for generations to come in your eyes level sean thomas. now on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the september eleventh attacks security is beefed up across the u.s. to protect against what's been called the credible threat of a new terror attack yet for many people who still feel no sense of safety the clout of this dreadful anniversary has no silver lining but in a port i reports in our special coverage from new york. ten years ago america was rocked by unprecedented terror. nearly three thousand innocent lives were lost and a post nine eleven world was born. our war on terror. begins without god. but it does not in there. it will not end until
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every terrorist group of global reach has been found stopped and defeated washington's military reach began with the hunt for osama bin laden america strikes back afghanistan is pounded with bombs and missiles from the air and sea then a preemptive pounding into iraq. in the decade that followed america's fight for freedom has been stained by torture secret detention and rendition human rights violations symbolized by landmarks like kuantan i'm obey grade and the blogger airbase prison we had garnered the empathy not only of the world but the muslim world and if we had the courage to be vulnerable. we would be far safer and more secure than we are today instead we drank deep from that very dark a lick sort of nationalism journalist and author chris hedges says america's terror
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unleashed throughout the middle east has opened a pandora's box of evil and sorrow over a million iraqi dead since the invasion. you know hundreds and hundreds of civilians killed in pakistan thousands killed in afghanistan not to mention millions of people displaced in the refugee camps and the terror that we have unleashed will not go on paid it is and it will strike us eventually however in a post nine eleven america citizens have been forced to compromise there for. freedom in the name of security the past decade has paved the way for new state practices such as warrantless wiretapping intrusive airport screening and greater authority for law enforcement what some call a police state in the making and is this national security grows as it becomes easier for the government to scrutinize big knives that's in all aspects of our
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lives i think of americans are growing deeply worried about is the issue. is larger than just the specific isolated or there is even a danger that is all around us and much of it may be right here at home from people in our own country. since nine eleven a rising tide of islamophobia has passed through this formerly tolerant nation according to the f.b.i. the four men intended to carry out their plan today dozens of muslim americans have been arrested and convicted in so-called f.b.i. for oil terror plots plots that were orchestrated and manufactured by government paid informants these cases have been created by the government and yet we're supposed to feel safer because criminals that would not have come up with the plot had it not been brought to them on a platter by the u.s. government are now in jail we have you know snowball the violence that's going on
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around the world only raise more hatred only raise more bad feelings only reinforced many narratives and violent you know narratives of american imperialism around the world and we i think we've created more enemies than friends you know if we targeted communities rather than making them partners not only has it not made us any safer i think that it has undermined you know the very fabric of american society the fabric of a post nine eleven america that the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of a. still waging war in the name of freedom americans i guess began the first strike but in the ten years that followed military states. and. around the world the man behind nine eleven may have been captured the international scene and yet the letter arena for nine hearts.
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the u.s. war on terror launched after the attacks was sold as a vital measure to stop further attacks on american soil brian becker from the antiwar asser coalition says there are many who would no longer buy that argument so i would say the american people who originally bought the position that this was a war to stop another september eleventh they have no longer believe that position they they now believe that it's a war for something else ill defined for the broad public bush administration launched the war in iraq for instance on a completely false pretext the war on terror in fact has become a slogan it will be all to meet we know and in history is the ultimate pretext to do whatever the u.s. government wants but in the case of iraq they invaded iraq hundreds of thousands died millions were made into refugees a beautiful country was torn apart and divided along ethnic sectarian lines and iraq had nothing to do all to do with september eleventh likewise in afghanistan we
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have thousands of troops who are going to be in afghanistan for decades because this is part of a grand scheme to keep these countries under u.s. control as part of a u.s. americans fear of influence. our special coverage of the nine eleven anniversary continues and later in the program you ask people on the streets of new york if the post nine eleven world is a safer place. had on our web site r.t. dot com and the stories of those caught up in the fight against terrorism farmers and village elders are clueless while bombs and missiles raining down on their homes. also now after the war on terror the war on drugs but ten years later afghanistan remains the world's biggest producer of opium poppies with much of its income rooted in illegal narcotics but as nato forces struggle to destroy drug production in afghanistan the u.k. harvests a new crop of poppies to plug a growing painkiller shortage artie's laura abbott explains in the rolling fields
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of oxfordshire this time of year you'll probably see we barley ripening for the harvest but dry springs and warm summer's have enabled these farmers to plant a very different type of crop opium poppies that contracts to a pharmaceutical company that turns the opium into morphine and co dean to plug a shortfall in strong painkillers in the national health service in fact there's a global shortage of drugs made from poppies the opium here will be put to good use but thousands of miles away nato troops are wiping out existing afghan poppies with bombing burning and spraying the main question is why are we destroying crops and then having to grow poppies in the fields in which are is being used by the american and british government repeatedly one of the so-called soft arguments of the liberal arguments which is that they're fighting a war on drugs this is completely the point was they it's not true it's not what
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the war is about and we should own up to that it's easy to understand why afghan farmers grow then sell opium to the taliban there's an effective distribution network and they. can make around seventeen times more profit per hectare than they could on wheat despite the obvious economics farmers are still being encouraged to grow their crops british m.p. frank field thinks that policy has failed but the americans would. america and we follow in behind. this relationship should be. not to be. a. position with the americans to rethink. if we look historically has. frank field and his group poppy relief think afghan opium should be legalized instead it would benefit afghan
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farmers raise much needed revenue for the governments nation rebuild and stop the opium falling into the hands of the drug cartels field says it should be military strategy to. have chosen from the brains and anybody would be thinking about how do we get ordinary people ordinary farmers to see poppies as a cash crop. to protect the troops we will be thinking about how do we harness this how do we pay them for it. to transfer it into. to. burned in afghanistan and kept secrets here in britain no one wants to talk about the u.k.'s opium growing program we asked the farmers and the company they grow for. if they would give us an interview but fallen smith
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said they wouldn't allow the farmers to talk to us because it's part of that contract with the home office that they keep the poppy growing. the home office also declined to comment while. peas are increasingly harvested in britain the so-called war on drugs is being decisively lost the u.n. says opium production in afghanistan has been on the rise since the us occupation began in two thousand and one. that's still ahead for you this hour a pill too big to swallow president obama urges voters on lawmakers in the u.s. to back his job creation and economic stimulus package but some say he's fighting the wrong battle and his war against the other one. and we look at what's behind the reshuffle of america's highest ranks as general david petraeus takes up the top job cia. egypt's police have been put on a state of alert as protesters remain on the streets after attacking israel's
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embassy in cairo they destroyed a wall near the building and tore down the israeli flag replacing it with an egyptian one and at least three people have died and over a thousand were injured during clashes with police and army troops israeli embassy staff including the ambassador and their families simply thrown out of the country anger swelled last month after israeli forces responded to a cross border militant attack mistakenly killed a five egyptian police officers the protests come with a time of change seven months after the popular uprising that ousted hosni mubarak thousands had gathered in the capital structure square urging an end to military rule and pressing for urgent reforms the president of the arab lawyers association . says islamist groups could ultimately benefit from the unrest. in various political movements vying for all of that trying to show who is bigger than the i think this demonstration it's only the liberals not taking each side is
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accusing the other one of trying to show that the bigger power the islamists are not. the election because whatever form the election no it takes they will definitely get higher votes than the liberals the demonstrations will continue i think the egyptian people will not accept the military continue to be in power despite the fact that most of the military as everybody knows are the same old team of mubarak they are the people who were handpicked by mubarak with the approval of the americans americans would be happy for the military to stay there but i don't think the egyptian people without that president obama is urging voters across the u.s. to get behind his half a trillion dollar stimulus package to create jobs and pressure american lawmakers to pass it well the latest white house plan to rescue the economy includes a mixture of tax breaks additional government investment and funding to states but
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you're also led to publisher of the trends journal says the politicians are fighting the wrong battles in the struggle against unemployment. if anybody watched that you could wonder how any self respecting good could have any respect for these politicians jumping up and down and clapping like trained seals that every two bit long all this speech was is obama's campaign speech on one and you have the republicans that want to cut back in title mention anything going to the people bringing our stereo measures and obama promising empty promises the federal reserve and some sixteen trillion dollars in stimulus back to a loans etc and they couldn't create jobs while obama said he wants to create infrastructure jobs perfect but they creating them in the wrong place is creating him in afghanistan rebuilding iraq now they're going to be rebuilding libya which
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simple there's a way to solve this back on these a massive wars and defense spending and repatriate the money number one and then listen to what else obama wants to do he wants to open up more free trade pacts oh great export jobs overseas why don't you export americans over to china panama indonesia and vietnam to do them so we have to re trench we have to stop these trade agreements that are raping america of its resources mental and natural. american its former top commander in afghanistan general david petraeus has taken up his new job as the head of the cia bidding farewell to the army after thirty seven years and uniform military contributor looks at the reasons for the move. he may seem in consequential but. the first decision they general petraeus
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has made on his way from the pentagon to langley was stiff shed his military uniform and to present himself in a new incarnation as a total civilian according to the official story general patroons has an option to come to the cia as of a military or as a civilian and allegedly the white house didn't force him to resign and to cut his image as a four star general and to downsize he's figure on their way to his new job if the official story is to believe general petraeus bend over back wards to appease the intelligence community and to make sure that he could blend easily at langley cafeteria refuse new peers and associates i find it hard to believe that the former commander of u.s.
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forces in afghanistan voluntarily decided to resign from the military i'm sure if he had an option he would never resign from the active duty. well time now for a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world at least forty people have died and hundreds more are thought to be missing after ships some cough mainland tanzania survivors say the ferry carrying some of six hundred passengers capsized in an area with strong currents near the coast of zanzibar people expressed anger that the ship had been allowed to leave the port heavily overloaded rescue efforts continue in the area. in libya one of four remaining colonel gadhafi strongholds bani walid is close to being captured by the rebels and that's despite fierce resistance from his supporters there is also continued fighting near the city of sirte three get off the loyalists have been killed and one rebel fighter is reported dead colonel gadhafi audio messages claim he's still in libya despite
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reports of his family and some associates crossing the border into night here meanwhile interpol has issued red notices for the colonel's arrest along with his son saif al islam. syrian protesters say eleven people were killed in new anti-government rallies across the country on friday thousands of demonstrators appealed for international help in the face of a bloody crackdown by the armed forces will more than twenty two hundred people are thought to have been killed since march of the uprising that's call for president bashar assad to step down. a state of emergency has been declared in the u.s. states of new york and pennsylvania after directional rains from the tropical storm caused catastrophic flooding some towns were submerged as a river burst its banks with water that's also feared to be toxic at least seven people have been killed and more than one hundred thousand evacuated. and with a decade that followed that i'm eleven attacks washington's campaigns in iraq and
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afghanistan were aimed at ridding the world of terror but then years later do people feel any safer the resident laurie harford has asked people on the streets of new york what they think. a decade after the horrible man eleven terrorist attacks on the us how is the world changed this week let's talk about back the world this i want to say more dangerous but is more like our tick so things are predictable you don't know what what's going to happen next the life is much intense i think so no. every day can can be the last and you think people around the world feel this way. i think in europe and in america i think so i don't know you kind of more aware of the threats just more on the lookout do you think that people around the world
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still keep that vigilant ten years later probably not as much as we did five years ago do you think that the amount of lives lost in the name of the war on terror has been worth feeling safer i think it's a difficult thing the common on to be honest i have a lot of friends that have fought over there and i would say it's hard every time they leave they are not for war so no i don't think war is to make us feel safer if everyone lives his own business i think everything would be better if we had been here in new york last week. several places. the places we find this a lot of security so we understand all that. because he wasn't before but something we have to understand. that we might be safer but we have to give up some things for that well i don't say you will be safe we try to make you safer we pretend to be safe there tend to be safer that's right i mean during this is spirit if you can
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somebody who wants to solve it will do it so is there anything that anyone can do or is that just what's going to happen it's going to happen i don't know people should be. and i said i try to change her way of thinking way of treating other people like accepting that people can be different i'm not just roads my way is the right way i'm leadscrew everybody this is not rights no matter what you think it's changed the bottom line is we can only hope the world continues to strive to be a safer place. all be back with a recap of our top stories after a short break. we'll
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. bring you the latest in science and technology from around flushing. we've got the future covered. term wrist attack became synonymous with pure evil. most three thousand people all stunned the world. and it all seemed like a nightmare. ten years on. r.g.p.
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remembers the attacks and its aftermath. a look back at nine eleven. british stock.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred global financial headlines two kinds of reports. historic. dynamics.
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do friends. welcome back here's a recap of the main stories on our t.v. russia city of yet a squabble is saying an emotional goodbye to the victims of wednesday's plane crash the tragedy claimed the lives of almost all of the local ice hockey team. the u.s. prepares to remember september eleventh with security beefed up to protect against a possible new attack the war on terror unleashed that day is now feared by some to be an even bigger threat to the world security. and hundreds of egyptians storm embassy in cairo and rage by the killing of five egyptian border guards last month the israeli ambassador and his family have been flown out of the country. and next we explore the deadly legacy of war.


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