tv [untitled] September 10, 2011 6:22am-6:52am EDT
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language cafeteria refuse new peers their associates i find it hard to believe the former commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan roland cheerily decided to resign from the military i'm sure if he had an option he would never resign from. the time after a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world at least forty people have died and hundreds more are thought to be missing after shift some cough mainland tanzania survivors say the ferry carrying some six hundred passengers capsized in an area with strong currents near the coast of zanzibar people express anger that the ship had been allowed to leave the port heavily overloaded rescue efforts continue in the area. in libya want to flow remaining colonel gadhafi strongholds but anybody it is close to being captured by the rebels that's a slight fierce resistance from his supporters there's also continued fighting the city of sirte three that often loyalists have been killed one of rebel fighters is
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reported dead colonel gadhafi audio messages claim he's still in libya despite reports of his family and some associates crossing the border into night here meanwhile interpol has issued red notices for the colonel's arrest along with his son saif al islam. syria protesters say eleven people were killed in new anti-government rallies across the country on friday thousands of demonstrators appealed for international help in the face of a bloody crackdown by the armed forces all more than twenty two hundred people are thought to have been killed since march of the uprising that's call for president bashar assad to step down. state of emergency has been declared in the u.s. states of york and pennsylvania after two rational rains from the tropical storm caused catastrophic flooding some towns were submerged as a river burst its banks with water that's also appeared to be toxic. we southern
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people have been killed and more than one hundred thousand evacuated. but with a decade of follow the dive eleven attacks washington's campaigns in iraq and afghanistan were aimed at ridding the world of terror but ten years later do you people feel any safer the resident laurie harkness asked people on the streets of new york what they think. at that date after the horrible nine eleven terrorist attacks on the u.s. how is the world change this week let's talk about that there were. i would say more dangerous but it's more like our tick saw things are predictable you don't know what what's going to happen next to life is much intense i think so no. every day can can be the last and you think people around the world feel this way. i think in europe in america i think so i don't know you kind of more aware
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of the threat just more on the lookout do you think there are people all around the world still keep that vigilance ten years later probably not as much as we did five years ago do you think that the amount of lives lost in the name of the war on terror has been worth feeling safer i think that's a difficult thing to comment on to be honest i have a lot of friends that have fought over there and i would say it's hard every time they leave they are not for war so no i don't think war is to make us feel safe if everyone lives its own business i think everything would be better if we had been here in new york. several places. the places we find this a lot of security so we understand all the sides because it wasn't before but something we have to. live with. that we might be safer but we have to give up some
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things for that well i don't see will be safe to trust because say for we pretend to be safe return to be safe that's right i mean sure it's a spirit if somebody wants to solve it was good though is there anything that anyone can do or is it just what's going to happen it's going to happen i don't know people should be. hokiness said i shouldn't change her way of thinking way of truth or not or people like accepting that people can be different i'm not just all it's me my way is the right way i'm leadscrew everybody this is not rights no matter what you think it's changed the bottom line is we can only hope the world continues to strive to be a safer place. all be back with a recap of our top stories aftershock right. to
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dynamics. to do friends. must. all come back here's a recap of the main stories on our t.v. brush a city of yet to swallow is saying an emotional goodbye to the victims of wednesday's plane crash the tragedy claimed the lives of almost all of the local ice hockey team. the u.s. prepares to remember september eleventh with security beefed up to protect against a possible new attack the war on terror unleashed that day is now feared by some to be an even bigger threat to the world security. and hundreds of egyptians storm israel's embassy in cairo and rage by the killing of five egyptian border guards last month the israeli ambassador and his family have been flown out of the country
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the work has changed dimensions. has changed both in a practical and in a motivational sense. for than anything else the impulse is for more change rather more is one of the most difficult concepts to find today more than ever but there still classifies using time periods such as from one hundred fifteen thousand one hundred eighteen information forty to one hundred forty five thank god days there's a war and people have ignored it when it started but what is most worrying is not the fact that it's uncertain when it will be and i don't think the real problem is that it is not even known if it is going to come to an. absolute future wars will be won with no soldier troops will still exist but it will be an invisible. illo. thanks.
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the war has evolved substantially in time and still terms of where centuries and millennia the war has been by dimensional it is being fought on the mainland and in the sea he must back all of them in the first gap in the war evolution can be compared to a few. in evolution the common man assume the upright position of the upright position in the evolution is the verticalization of the conflict when the airplane became a weapon it starts to become possible to materially turn the whole battle dynamic upside down and to fight back in the day the people had to leave home to go to war because it was like a football match in a stadium but nowadays the people play football in the streets war is widespread. we don't need to wait for sarajevo and for someone to get close to a car to start opening fire here we just need someone clicking with the mouse able to give the first of the impulses to make it again as if it was
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a line of dominoes. pieces fall one over the other until the end of the whole chain if you know. we just have to think about the energy supply finance communications and the transport system. in a while it will be possible to apply it to the whole planet. through let's think for a while back to nine eleven it was a terrorist attack we can all agree on this. call it a terrorist attack we were fair to the purpose of the motivations but if you look at deeply into it gets an act of war highly asymmetrical because no one weapons have been used to legoland toasters because we're so familiar with the airliner and
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to see them and to catch them to us they're like a household appliance the same as a toaster well these household appliances these toasters have been used to become weapons. over to. thousand eight hundred casualties at present i think that there are around seventy thousand workers on the health of oratory is affected by cancer just in the municipality of flora manhattan whole goodish additionally you have over one hundred fifty thousand citizens affected by different illness since is such as a never ending call for the long cancer leukemia me at length the ends of the sickness and so. he kept i hope that the person that's calls that the spirit will realize the all to calm the peace actions. the collapse of two skyscrapers.
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the explosion of to enter the planes over the case of the mainly concludes to have in the till and the dust it generated from these explosions. deprives the facts of the original explosion. we feel. they generated a pollutant and new york citizens are still suffering because of that. when the first airplane hit the first twin tower i was in a military environment and a high command place but with the help of a good teacher. as a matter of fun it was first the time immediately followed by the second one was being seen as the beginning of world war three. i'm not talking about irrational thoughts it was the instinctive response. it was something like an event of fear
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an emerging fear that founded sponsor in the form of a stereotype of world war three. because if it ever happens the world war three will probably not be a clash between two armies either so the class of two take no. ologies. perhaps world war three has already begun g.s. and we didn't even notice it because it's not a traditional war on the battle ground. zero for the we'll let's start by saying that by my reckoning this is the fourth war not the third that we already had a third conflict in the cold of the cold war. in my opinion the fourth world war is already employed breasts but it isn't fought with the aid of weapons it is a mistake to fight using weapons if you always lose all the participants loose it's . kept up especially now we have such powerful weapons that could be dragged into
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a foolish war with hundreds of thousands of casualties this is the main risk we are playing we are assuming enormous risks and we aren't even aware of it is that a big could be. bad. bad if you clear weapons have surely marked a strong revolution in both military and security affairs. he said before their creation there had always been a shortage of firepower in relation to the wishes of stretchy just so while the nuclear weapons provided firepower greater than any political purpose rationally prosecutable. there for nuclear weapons specially during the cold war being known war weapons. what is happening now adays is the normality there is no order a great change with a continuous redefinition of the international order that can lead to unexpected
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results pushing it a redefinition of new roles and a change where we ignore what is useful what is useless and what is harmful to new subjects are emerging almost every day and it is unknown if these subjects will be good or evil. you just have to think about the international finance and so yesterday we thought that that would have been the universal solution to all the problems we are your as now it has become one of the enemies to fight against. cancer. what has changed in the war concept is not just its definition or its idea of the war changed in the way it is fault and in its motivations. more than anything else
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what has changed is the impulses for the war. since the peace of westphalia the war had finally become an affair between sovereign states and the nowadays it is not a war about a confrontation between sovereign states any more want to visit confrontation between wills between different interests. not just between organizations but also between organization. which has modified the concept of war from the. the current one is the fall of the agreement established during the westphalia treaty which the treaty implied that wars are an affair between states when a country was defeated on the battlefield except in the political defeat and turned into an ally of the winner. nowadays the war is not an affair between states anymore because it became more expensive and the prophets have reduced it to. the
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present it depends on the relative productiveness of the different economies in other terms competitiveness of the different countries take in a system. where the states lose power we see on the other hand the growth of the corporations it is easy to think about the american corporations because they are the most powerful ones if we could also talk about the swiss ones that aren't under the spotlight as much as the americans. but they still exist they are strong and can determine the future of the whole world why because they have more powerful means than the state's. corporations or economic but aren't subject to
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a government anymore back in the day some governments have their own corporations today it's not like that anymore today the corporations own the states they have states that up pay their commands. because there are no rules of connection between the economic and the political power where the economic power or at least the people that lead it get the upper hand of the state as an institution. nowadays the state is a mere agency that provides services who is intended to be the user of the services . a part of them are for the citizens most of them are intended for the people that assume economic power grid nowadays in this particular historical context economic power is the only real power. the
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dimension of the war is symbolic. as we said that it's a clash between different wills in order to pursue interests. and manages the interests manages the war. the subject that manages the interests is not the stage anymore. hugo chavez in venezuela something believes that a statesman is the one that manages the state. if that is truth he is the last one left. in the rest of the world we see that strong economic interests develop connections with the state organization we aren't talking about the whole concept of multinational companies. care for a multi-national company with a corporation made of people from different states here we are talking about corporations that can influence several states to have states to bear disposal.
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to go back and study history but we have to think that in italy we just experienced a case that can be key to understanding what a corporation is and what a state is is that if it is true but the head of the italian military secret services of the phones under the control of an italian corporation it while i'm not going to mention the name of this corporation but it is easy to figure out i was and this is symbolic of the loss of the importance of the state. status of the state has changed since it lost almost all its profit if so does he have to say the void is always filled by something that is why the corporations are progressively taking the place of the state. in american comic books and movies the theme of a world led by the corporations is nothing new if you did that was because the state is going to withdraw even in that which concerns military and intelligence
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affairs the corporations will be progressively more capable of producing events that events that can result in a war after all and the last wars fought in the middle east the importance of troops back in the day would have been called mercenaries and at present are called contractors is evident sort of the day before your job where nowadays the war really has an asymmetrical dimension but what i mean is that war is not a clash between two different armies. is more a clash between two different wills to a certain idea or to deny something from the whole an assertion and deny. are nowadays the inputs for the war. perhaps they may experience some interruptions where we are to a large extent they carry on being the same wars. we have so
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nowadays there are three different approaches to war three different types of war firstly there is the classic war with an open frontal clash between two armies and so on. secondly there is the stabilization and destabilization war between countries with one of the opponents attempting to stabilize a country or an area and the other one to the opposite of the stabilizing. of the third is the concept of war against terrorism a concept introduced in the last few years by the us government and then brought a classic war scenario such as the iraq invasion which is the proof of the intimate connections between these three different types of war where a clash. in the fight against terrorism the relation between the attacker and the defender is neither equal nor semantical it is unclear who is attacking and who is defending all the boundaries ethical spatial temporal and technological have
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vanished. nowadays an opponent using archaic tools like the taliban in afghanistan can seriously harm super advanced forces and this is really happening now to us british and even a tally and troops in that scenario because. that's what. our weakness in the fight against terrorism consists of the fact that the terrorists specially the suicide bombers are ready to die well we aren't crazy to change due to this fact we already started in a losing position. the second never so. let's take a person but it's not afraid of dying it's on another one that maybe is part of a voluntary military service because he needs
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a better wage at the person that they went back home surrounded by comforts and another one that isn't scared of dying because he doesn't have anything to lose again a person with a strong ideology and another one considering the battle as an ordinary job you know he found wealth and the physical clash begins one of them will surely experience more troubles the sequel it will never. not only different motivations different technologies different tools but also a different idea of what the war is to make this phenomenon of a war phenomena to be highly on balanced unbalanced not in favor of the stronger side but in favor of who has less to lose.
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its let me keep. the al-qaeda does not need to exist because we are using these terms and in negative way reinforcing the al qaeda ideology. it gives us this product of death called x. under the al qaeda brand if it works exactly like a supermarket and. agency or any other economic entity that wants to be recognized under that particular brand of. what causes the real damage is not the terrorism itself the real damage comes from us from our fear of terrorism. if you look into the terrorist attacks that we experienced this may sound incredible but the number of casualties it appears so great to us is still well below the casualties caused by car accidents during the
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normal weekend for example. nevertheless the real strong impact comes from people's reaction to terrorism the economic damage the obstacles to our possibility of freely traveling and so on. everything that affects our daily life is damage that we create ourselves it doesn't come from terrorism it's actually really good that we are more afraid of the things we are told rather than of the real happenings that we progressively find out that the most important war is the one made through the media. this invasion nowadays it's not information warfare it limited exclusively to some professionals just with the. information warfare is fought by everyone it's this
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warfare valves around the year two thousand for the lebanese and israelis used the for the israelis couldn't stand the images broadcast by hezbollah's website and so they decided to shut it down and have been able to rescue those who were calling for help that the hezbollah then decided to repay this with a denial of service attack look up block their servers complain. really for lack of at that point we discovered that the hezbollah have the same capabilities as the israelis before they can attack the tell me of exchange they can hit the knesset or the bank of israel in a war that can be never ending. how could one of the principles that are important is to always keep in mind that when we talk about communication the first one to arrive has a huge advantage. to.
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