tv [untitled] September 10, 2011 6:52am-7:22am EDT
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if you give an announcement and this announcement isn't immediately followed by some kind of counter information you people accept some ideas and afterwards it is really hard to change them if. you continue. you and i create an event and with this event i modify reality that it is true that in times past the states always follow this principle for instance by murdering a political opponent using a hired killer but it's a well known story in other cases they provoked a riot or encourage terrorism in a certain area but nowadays this events theory has been imported into the civilian sphere from the political and the military wants from us that there are schools and communication companies which employ carrillo marketing is for me to be but today there are too many communication tools to figure out what is truly happening in
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reality as it is progressively more difficult to realize what is really going on. in from the sun this information is becoming more relevant for two reasons it became global and most of all it is in real time and it was in the democracies but a news reaches the audience in real time and so the t.v. audience anticipates the government's case because the governments need to follow along or seizures to know the news he gave in terms of strategy and politics provokes a more direct influence of the public opinion in the management of the conflicts he compared to the past and look at how it goes south.
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along with the representation of the war there are changes about the concept of war in the audience at this stage we do not talk about people anymore we talk about the audience in this context it is normal to raise adults about the possible manipulation which can be either intended or not it can be intended when for instance a scene is shot on purpose in order to influence the audience's ideas but it can also be an will for some reason the fact is selected ends up on the news in for everybody it becomes the expression of everything happening in a certain context who looks back at the facts no one does to first of all you cannot broadcast a fact because it goes for all its representation. before communications were closely tied to human relationships there were many more forms of defense and she said yes there was less space for fabrication as well and now as social control
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fades information is being turned into something different from reality something in between reality and imagination and this is what information is the virtual pending world. to invent a piece of news diffuse it on the web massively no one can know whether that piece of news really is on the websites because the websites use it or because someone puts it there. it's so our enemy is the news that is the power of a real weapon is the news and the influence that it can help i can be a dress a can be shot in the back with information in certain situations this is one of the biggest issues. and you weapon is information and the war is in progress of the family eighty five percent of the broadcasted information comes from the same subjects that are also protests. most of that information just think of the
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press agencies they give us information about their employers the companies they work for. to come down not just this we have to consider but t.v.'s and newspapers are not stakeholders are not the audience nor the consumers of the product they are the ones deciding the political approach of media are the advertisers but if a piece of news does not have to be spread through the subject involves by the whole page of a newspaper and that piece of news disappears. just like the calls me going off think that if there is another thing for the possibilities of misinformation increase enormously the only visual media is a juxtaposition of very short spots one minute one half thirty seconds and so on but if. you're if there is a smart effect editor he can combine the images to lead the perception of the audience and then get a political reaction out of. there for getting. the
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almost three thousand people all stunned the world. and it all seemed like a nightmare. ten years on. r.g.p. remembers the attacks and its aftermath. a look back at nine eleven. commission free couldn't take should be free comes for charges free amazement free. free. to free. dumb old free books just plug in video for your media projects and free medio dot the heart teton tom. great. comes to
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a. unique. subject but the. moscow. stories artsy russia city of yes lovell says an emotional goodbye to the victims of red states plane crash killed almost all of the local ice hockey teams. thousands of people streaming into the studio where the locomotive jaroslav all played on showtime as n.p.r.'s level as a city mourns any grieves the loss of their stars. the u.s. prepares to remember september eleventh the day that it reached the war on terror now feared by some to have been on the go threat to the world. and egypt declares a state of alert after a crowd strong the israeli embassy in cairo enraged by the killing of five egyptian border guards last march.
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it's just after three pm here in the russian capital and this is r t for the families and fans of russia's lokomotiv ice hockey team gather at the home stadium where the players who died of wednesday's plane crash claimed their lasting russian a prime minister vladimir putin also attended to pay his respects to the team our correspondent sean thomas is witnessing the city's grief. very somber day here in slidell as of thousands of people came to pay their final respects to the team members of the locomotive yes level team today's events saw thousands of people from around russia from around the city of jaroslav all different teams that from around the country as well coming to say their last goodbyes to these a team members now the fourteen caskets that were viewed here today have been taken
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away so that they can have a private ceremony with their families and be laid to rest around the jaroslava area some of the stories of the people who were part of this team have come to light as these three days of mourning have a past team member proposed to his girlfriend just before this crash took place and it was looking forward to starting a family another woman twenty nine years old and she was a flight attendant on the plane and had just gotten married three months prior to the crash and was planning on leaving the aviation industry so that she could start a family with her new husband we also know of one team player who had decided to leave hockey that this was going to be his last season and of course unfortunately passing away on the way to the first game of his final season one of the tragedies of this entire incident is that this team was so young the young this person being only twenty years old many lives cut short in such
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a tragic event we had the opportunity to speak to a former coach of lokomotiv. it's very hard for me to mke about very hard to find the words i really love distain i'm happy i had a chance to coach them these were great guys a good team wants to play in the current cup and wants to win championships and that was lost in a minute with my friends on that plane and now the community looks to move forward to rebuild if you will there is some comfort in the fact that the. investigation is starting to prove some answers we have been told or through the investigative committee that the engines were working fine on this airplane but there may have been some problems with the fuel and people are starting to find out exactly what happened as people piece together the final moments of this flight before it burst into flames but beyond the actual technical aspects of it there is
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a sense that this community wants to rebuild the hockey spirit here as well we know that former members of the locomotive team have said that they will leave their respective clubs and come back to help build a hockey tradition we also have the opportunity to speak to some of the younger players the next generation of professionals if you will and this is what they had to say about moving forward as a city continues to mourn one very dedicated group of young men have choosing to honor their heroes in a unique way by getting back on the ice with. the ice and play for all the guys who lost their lives in this chris. for them. for these players practicing here is a special as it was from this very arena where the team their skates for the final time. i met them on the fifth and sixth of september their training sessions before minsk they were confident and quite optimistic and determined all of them going to
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very high spirits. one coach working with this youth team was supposed to be on the flight and though he's back working now the stars are still strong for those affected by this tragic loss i think it's hard hearted. really. really give. this them. to. this everybody and for the next generation of jaroslava locomotive hockey players it's not just about rebuilding the team for the future of this. city it's also about getting back on the ice as a form of therapy to help them get through their grief. also have a strong. when they use championship and it gave me to my friends who got it. and while this team practices and even younger group is ready to follow in their footsteps. some of the players who don't mind where from our school they told us
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about them and cannot monoidal made to played in the team i only ever got to talk mark to school i want to be in a new team that does extensive not committees and next week i'm scheduled to be tested for the club the county is going to come right school. proving that even though they have gone from the ice the members of this ill fated locomotive team it will continue to be in the hearts and minds of the people of jaroslav and the nation for generations to come in your eyes level sean thomas our team. now on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the september eleventh attacks security is beefed up across the u.s. to protect against what's been called the credible threat of a new terror attack if for many people who still feel no sense of safety because of this dreadful anniversary has no silver lining as art is letting the port i reports in our special coverage from new york. ten years ago america was rocked
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by unprecedented terror. nearly three thousand innocent lives were lost in a post nine eleven world was born. our war on terror. begins with. what it does not in there. it will not end until every terrorist group of global reach and has been found stopped and defeated washington's military reach began with the hunt for osama bin ladin america strikes back afghanistan as with bombs and missiles from the air in the sea then a preemptive pounding into iraq. in a decade that followed america's fight for freedom has been stated by torture secret detention and rendition human rights violations symbolized by landmarks like one ton i'm obey grade and the block airbase prison we had garnered the empathy not
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only of the world with the muslim world and if we had the courage to be vulnerable . we would be far safer and more secure than we are today instead we drank from that very dark aleck's or of nationalism journalist and author chris hedges says america's terror unleashed throughout the middle east has opened a pandora's box of evil and sorrow over a million iraqi dead since the invasion. you know hundreds and hundreds of civilians killed in pakistan thousands killed in afghanistan not to mention millions of people displaced in the refugee camps and the terror that we have unleashed will not go on the way it is and it will strike us eventually however in a post nine eleven america citizens have been forced to compromise there for. in the name of security the past decade has paved the way for new state practices such
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as warrantless wiretapping intrusive airport screening and greater authority for law enforcement what some call a police state in the making and as this national security state grows as it becomes easier for the government to say you know this guy's in this in all aspects of our lives i think that we are going for it we worry about is the issue. is larger than just the specific isolated workers it is the heater that is all around us and much of it may be right here at home from people in our own country. since nine eleven a rising tide of islamophobia has passed through this formerly tolerant nation according to the f.b.i. the four men intended to carry out their plan today dozens of muslim americans have been arrested and convicted in so-called f.b.i.
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for oil terror plots plots that were orchestrated and manufactured by government paid informants these cases have been created by the government and yet we're supposed to feel safer because criminals that would not have come up with a plot had it not been brought to them on a platter by the u.s. government are now in jail and we have you know snowball the pile and that's one of the around the world only raise more you can only raise more by fans. reinforced many narratives very violent and the narrative of american imperialism around the world and we i think we've created more enemies than friends you know if we targeted communities making them partners not only has it not made us any safer i think that it has undermined you know the very fabric of american society the fabric of a post nine eleven america the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of al. still we do in the name of freedom america.
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again yeah that's right but in the years that followed the military see. you. around the world the man behind nine eleven may have been. international and yet to live in a fortnight artsy. well the u.s. war on terror launched after the two in towers fell was sold as a vital measure to stop for the retards on american soil but many americans no longer buy that story let's talk more about it with phil reese is a reporter and writer of national relations terrorism and violence and mr reese well the u.s. has been criticized for its leadership of the war on terror looking at the amounts of collateral damage innocent people killed as well as provoking vengeance for extremists behavior but isn't it wasn't it only natural in washington have to react somehow to the attacks of nine eleven. it could've reacted very differently it
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could've tried to capture osama bin ladin at that time that wasn't the priority it declared a war on terror which what does that mean a war on a tactic which is a very stupid thing but it did provide cover for basically a new global vision which was to project american power american imperial power around the world and create a culture that precisely legitimized war on anyone and i think as well as the issues that came up in your your package was played earlier one of the things that is happening now in the west is that war is just accepted as normal after the horrors of the second world war in vietnam even though the nations went to war only when there was a very very serious reason now it appears that western politicians quite loudly go to war and the domestic audiences seem to accept that because they are told about this very general threat to their lives and to everything we find important to us
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because of the war on terror well looking at what washington actually did i mean the methods were in some way successful you said earlier they could have taken out of some of bin laden and they did in the end didn't they so don't the ends justify the means they're. well they could have specifically targeted the people responsible for nine eleven which they didn't do at that time i mean absolutely they invaded afghanistan trying to escape from them and of course they invaded iraq with a grand plan to basically bring american power over large parts of the world you know has it worked i mean obviously bin ladin was captured and yes al qaeda has been weakened in terms of you know al qaeda central there that same group who were involved in the nine eleven plotting they have certainly been weakened but the idea that bin ladin promoted has become much more widespread i look at the u.s. economy one of the things bin ladin wanted to do when and this was in a speech in two thousand and four he spoke about bleeding dry america by forcing
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america into wars that it can't afford and forcing the country to become bankrupt well i mean it's not bankrupt but it isn't you know a terrible terrible economic mess so if you're looking at you know whose ideas survived a decade who's really even though of course he himself has been captured i think i'd have to tilt towards paying a lot in iraq and then of course after all this there has also been in fact in service of perception i mean there's been a colossal close all outburst of islamophobia not just in america it's around the world how do you think that can be tackled. well i think you know we have to reap what's going to happen there and i think a lot of people are looking at the middle east and thinking all world now we've had an arab spring and we've got some kind of pro western democracy coming there well i don't believe that i think you've got a right and salafism of islam is in the kind of values it's certainly been large in shared and indeed you've got a huge swell of sort of islamophobia to some extent you know this is i mean bin
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ladin said no better ally than the american government over the past decade so you know these are serious problems for the countries themselves that is britain france the united states with large muslim populations who basically don't trust their governments anymore so there's a major internal problem as well as all the rest of the problems we've got blue glee as a result of the reaction to nine eleven that could have been very very different and just as quickly immediately after nine eleven is a misconstrued to the muslim brotherhood in egypt to pakistani islamist groups all said that he was wrong and they sided with america but what did america into it simply said you're all terrorists in our mind now and you're all our enemy so i think they had a major opportunity after nine eleven to embrace the muslim world in those parts of it which is the overwhelming majority that actually can get nine eleven but they chose a different path vattel thank you very much for your thoughts there phil restrict water and writer towards us live from london thank you. all right or our special
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coverage of the year nine eleven anniversary continues later in the program and we asked people on the streets of new york if post nine eleven world is a secret place. and on our website r.t. dot com you can read the stories of those caught up in the fight against terrorism farmers and village elders are clueless why bombs and missiles rained down on their homes. or soon after the war on terror came the war on drugs but ten years later afghanistan remains the world's biggest producer of opium poppies but much of its income rooted in illegal narcotics but as nato forces struggle to destroy drug production in afghanistan the u.k. harvests a new crop of poppies to plug the growing painkiller shortage artie's or am it explains in the rolling fields of oats future at this time maybe you'll probably see we barley ripening for the harvest but troy springs and warm summer's have been
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able bees farmers to plant a very different type of crop opium poppies under contract to a pharmaceutical company that turns the opium into morphine and cuttin to cloak a shortfall in strong painkillers in the national health service in fact there's a global shortage of drugs made from poppies the opium here will be put to good use but thousands of miles away nato troops are wiping out existing afghan poppies with bombing burning and spraying the main question is why we destroyed property and then having to grow poppies in the fields in oxfordshire it's been used by the american the british government repeatedly one of these so-called soft dog events that they want with the prologue it was like what is it they're fighting a war on drugs this is completely part was the it's not true it's not what the war is about and we should own up to that it's easy to understand why afghan farmers can grow then sell opium to the taliban there's an effective distribution. network
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and they can make around seventeen times more profit per hectare than they could on wheat despite the obvious economics farmers are still being encouraged to grow crops british m.p. frank field thinks that policy has failed but the americans would. america and we following this behind them. makes a nonsense of what this relationship should be it's you know putting bush's lives at stake not to be able to use it as a position with the americans to rethink a strategy which i think. has if we look historically has probably try a new track frank field and his group poppy relief think afghan opium should be legalized instead it would benefit afghan farmers raise much needed revenue for the
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governments nation rebuilds and stop the opium falling into the hands of the drug cartels field says it should be military strategy to. have chosen problems rather than brains and anybody who is thinking about how do we get ordinary people ordinary farmers to see poppies as a cash crop. to protect the backs of our troops we will be thinking about how do we harness this how do we pay them for it. to transfer it into medicines to cancer. burned in afghanistan and kept a secret here in britain no one wants to talk about the u.k.'s opium growing program we asked both the farmers and the company they grow for. if they would give us an interview but said they wouldn't allow the farmers to talk to us because it's part of that contract with the home office that they keep the poppy growing. the
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home office also declined to comment. while poppies are increasingly harvested in britain the so-called war on drugs is being decisively lost the u.n. says opium production in afghanistan has been on the rise since the us occupation began in two thousand and one euro and its own t. oxfordshire and still have for you this hour a pill too big to swallow president obama urges voters and lawmakers in the u.s. to back his job creation and economic stimulus package but some say the spiting the wrong battle in his war against unemployment. now egypt's police have been put on a state of alert as protesters remain on the streets after attacking israel's embassy in cairo they destroyed a wall near the building and tore down the israeli flag replacing it with an egyptian one but at least three people have died and over a thousand were injured during clashes with police and army troops israeli embassy staff including the abass are and their families have been flown out of the country
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and were sold last month after israeli forces responding to a cross border militant attack mistakenly killed by egyptian police officers the protests come at a time of change seven months after the popular uprising that ousted hosni mubarak thousands have gathered in the capital so here square urging an end to military rule and pressing for urgent reforms the president of the arab wars association doris says islamist groups could ultimately benefit from the arrest. of various political movements vying for power they're trying to show is bigger than the other i think this demonstration is only the liberals not taking part and then it is accusing the other one of trying to show they are going to go on the islamists are not. worried about the election because well for the election no they.
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