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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2011 2:01pm-2:31pm EDT

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evening for me kevin owen here in moscow it's now ten pm you're watching r.t. and our top story the stadium where russia's lokomotiv ice hockey team played their last game has been transformed into a venue of mourning and t. is more than one hundred thousand people attended a ceremony in memory of all the team and all the others that perished on board that you had forty two airplanes in a crash on wednesday our correspondent sean thomas witnessed the city's grief. very somber day here in it jaroslav will as thousands of people came to pay their final respects to the team members of the locomotive team today's events saw thousands of people from around russia from around the city of jaroslav all different teams from around the country as well coming to say their last goodbyes to these team members now the fourteen caskets that were viewed here today have been taken away so that they can have a private ceremony with their families and be laid to rest around the jaroslav area
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some of the stories of the people who were part of this team have come to light as these three days of mourning have the past one team member proposed to his girlfriend just before this crash took place and was looking forward to starting a family another woman twenty nine years old and she was a flight attendant on the plane and had just gotten married three months prior to the crash and was planning on leaving the aviation industry so that she could start a family with her new husband we also know of one team player who had decided to leave hockey that this was going to be his last season and of course unfortunately passing away on the way to the first game of his final season one of the tragedies of this entire incident is that this team was so young the young this person being only twenty years old many lives cut short in such a tragic event and now the community looks to move forward to rebuild if you will there is some comfort in the fact that the investigation is starting to brew duce
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some answers we have been told us through the investigative committee that the engines that were working fine on this airplane but people are starting to find out exactly what happened as people pieced together the final moments of this flight before it burst into flames but beyond the actual technical aspects of it there is a sense that this community wants to rebuild the hockey spirit here as well we talk to the next generation. of players. people who hope to become professionals and this is what they had to say about moving forward from this tragedy as a city continues to mourn one very dedicated group of young men have choosing to honor their heroes in a unique way by getting back on the ice with them but you know that the coach told us that we should go out onto the ice and play for all the guys who lost their lives in this crash he told us the win for them says we need to play our best just for these players practicing here is special as it was from this very arena where
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the doomed team on their skates for the final time. i met them on the fifth and sixth of september they had training sessions before minsk they were confident and quite optimistic and determined all of them were in very high spirits. one coach working with this news team was supposed to be on the flight and though he's back working now his thoughts are still strong for those affected by this tragic loss i think it's it's hard hard to put a lot of life than family for relatives friends or so i just wish you to stem the. strength to. go on i'm a mom i ponder this everybody and for the next generation of jaroslava lokomotiv hockey players it's not just about rebuilding the team for the future of the city it's also about getting back on the ice as a form of therapy to help them get through their grief. but also i have a strong wish to win bigger growing crops now when they use championship and
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dedicate a victory to my friends who died as you know and while this team practices an even younger group is ready to follow in their footsteps. some of them play if you don't mind where some are still they told us about them in ca one one hundred eighty page in the team oh never going to talk mark to school i want to be needing that moment he does except have no cooties. do we come for gadgets to be tested for the club you can she's going to come right. proving that even though they've gone from the ice the members of this ill fated locomotive team will continue to be in the hearts and minds of the people of your arse level and the nation for generations to come in your slumber sean thomas marty. but we report on how our city robbed of its sports stars families and loved ones happened you can go out see dot com for the latest updates as we get the details as well the latest as investigators continue
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to rule out theories behind the deadly catastrophe the now concentrating on the possibility of pilot error or technical problems again if you want to keep abreast of the latest r.t. dot com is the place to be. security is being stepped up across the u.s. following a terror threat on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the september eleventh attacks the american intelligence intercepted communications from an al qaeda operative in pakistan indicating plans for a possible vehicle bomb plot against new york city or washington but as artie's report now i have found out a decade or many u.s. citizens still feel vulnerable in their own country. ten years ago america was rocked by unprecedented terror. nearly three thousand innocent lives were lost and a post nine eleven world was born. our war on terror.
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begins with al qaida. but it does not in there. it will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found stopped and defeated washington's military reach began with the hunt for osama bin laden america strikes back afghanistan is home to put bombs and missiles from the air in the sea then a preemptive pounding into iraq. in the decade that followed america's fight for freedom has been stained by torture secret detention and rendition human rights violations symbolized by landmarks like one tom obey grave and the bob graham airbase prison we had garnered the empathy not only of the world but the muslim world and if we had the courage to be vulnerable we would be far safer and more secure than we are today instead we drank deep from that very dark licks or of
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nationalism journalist in office chris hedges says america's terror unleashed throughout the middle east has opened a pandora's box of evil estimates are over a million iraqi dead since the invasion. you know hundreds and hundreds of civilians killed in pakistan thousands killed in afghanistan not to mention millions of people displaced in the refugee camps and the terror that we have unleashed will not go on. it is and it will strike us eventually however in a post nine eleven america citizens have been forced to compromise their freedom. in the name of security the past decade has paved the way for new state practices such as warrantless wiretapping intrusive airport screening and greater authority for law enforcement what some call a police state in the making and is this national security grows as it becomes easier for the government to scrutinize big knives that's in all aspects of our
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lives i think of americans are really deeply deeply worried about this the issue. is larger than just the specific isolated as it is in the ether that is all around us much of it be right here at home from people in our own country. since nine eleven a rising tide of islamophobia has passed through this formerly tolerant nation according to the f.b.i. the four men intended to carry out their plan today dozens of muslim americans have been arrested and convicted in so-called f.b.i. for oil terror plots plots that were orchestrated and manufactured by government paid informants these cases have been created by the government and yet we're supposed to feel safer because criminals that would not have come up with the plot had not been brought to them on a platter by the u.s.
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government are now in jail we have you know snowball the violence that's going on around the world only raise more hatred only raise more bad feelings only reinforced many narratives very violent you know narratives of american imperialism around the world and we think we've created more enemies than friends you know if we targeted communities rather than making them partners not only has it not made us any safer i think that it has undermined you know the very fabric of american society the fabric of a post nine eleven america that the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of al qaeda. still waging war in the name of freedom america can't even get her to get out of the small strike but in the ten years that followed a military c. . feature thirty around the world the man behind nine eleven may have been captured but international safety and yet he
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delivered her in a fortnight artsy me. to terrorist attacks that became synonymous with. the senseless slaughter. people stopped for. the vision of a living. ten years old. to. look back at nine eleven and see. egypt is on high alert tonight her for a night of riots in cairo left at least three people dead more than a thousand injured a demonstration for reform in the country quickly turned violent as protesters vented their anger against the israeli embassy a raging mob stormed the building with police slow to react eventually the did manage to push the rioters back with force of his paulus liers the latest from tel aviv. israeli officials have condemned this in the act most terms the israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu saying that it is simply unacceptable now israel has withdrawn all its embassy staff with the exception of one person that it's keeping in cairo in the hope that it can maintain some kind of diplomatic relations between both countries the egyptian prime minister has offered the resignation of both him and his cabinet to the highest military council and this is almost as a form of apology for the fact that the police stood by it for several hours while protesters stormed the embassy and the police simply did nothing this resignation has been rejected there were hundreds of protesters they smashed down the embassy warned they three thousand documents out of the window they say it to police vehicles and lie it they threw molotov cocktails at the police and burnt an israeli flag now please people were killed we're being told hundreds if not thousands were injured many of them by the tear gas of the police were forced to use to disperse the crowd the u.s. defense secretary called cairo while all of this was happening and urged the police
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there to do something and for something to be done to protect the israeli embassy and it seems as if it was almost off of this phone call that the police intervened in the situation was eventually brought under control the incident was actually sparked by israel's refusal to apologize for killing five egyptian soldiers last month and that was in a cross border raid that is still seen as was a mistake but it hasn't gone the step of actually apologizing for those deaths all of this comes just months after the former egyptian president hosni mubarak was ousted he of course was a longtime friend of israel and this is why many here also suspecting that israel because of its traditional behavior is likely to react much strongly in the coming hours if not in the coming days but of course israel is in a delicate position because it needs all the frames that it can have particularly in light of the fact that it is just one week since the israeli ambassador was expelled from turkey all of this coming at a critical juncture for israel just days ahead. palestinians going to the united nations security council to court for
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a palestinian state. has bring in more now one of our top stories get some more comments as we approach the tenth anniversary of nine eleven and with the silver lining is bill van auken he's member of the international tauriel both of his website bill thanks ever so much taking the time to be without international after nine eleven ten years on the u.s. went into war with afghanistan and then iraq in order to protect its people in the world from new terrorist threats but it seems doesn't it we've only achieved the opposite what's your take well i mean i would first start by saying i mean here in new york i think all of us see the need to commemorate this anniversary a terrible crime a terrible tragedy took place ten years ago but i would dispute the sort of foundation of your question which is america went to war first in afghanistan and then in iraq in order to protect the american people i don't think there's any evidence of that so why did you go to war why did you go to war with let's let's
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start with let's start from what was the event itself on nine eleven you had hijacked planes hit two buildings fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were saudi arabians the man who was accused of plotting the attacks was a saudi arabian the attacks were reportedly funded from saudi arabia and immediately the attempt is made to invade afghanistan and iraq is on the bill within weeks so what are people why the. well why i mean i think if one looks at this you know we're always told that nine eleven changed everything and certainly it is a changing point in american and world history but i think if you look at what took place in the aftermath of nine eleven they don't flow from the events they flow from policies that had been in the works for at least a previous decade and go back one could say to the dissolution of the soviet union and the perception among a whole layer and really what became the predominate layer of american foreign
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policy makers that you know polar moment had a really arisen the united states could carry out its will by military force anywhere in the world and it could use military force to reverse what has become more and more evidently an economic decline decline in its position on the world stage so afghanistan certainly was not a country which the cia and the united states were unfamiliar they carried out a war there a covert war against the soviet back regimes in the one nine hundred eighty s. they had backed the taliban as a matter of fact and osama bin ladin was someone who was extremely well known to them he was a cia asset when you take iraq i mean saddam hussein was an opponent of al qaida they invented reasons to go into iraq they claimed he had relations with a drug cartel which now everyone admits was a lie they claimed he had weapons of mass destruction which now everyone knows was a lie so what you're dealing with are wars not to protect the american people but to serve the interests of the elite that run this country the top one percent the corporations the banks that saw in wars with plunder the ability to get ever more
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wealth as a consolidated more american your current one the oil resources of the outcome will be for your country unaware of this. well i mean i would say one of the great casualties of nine eleven and what followed is the integrity of the american media and what passed for an american telegenic that really they covered themselves in shame they took a not an objective policy towards anything not a critical policy towards anything they became the embedded ones those who would cheer whatever military action was taken to support our troops crowd were sending troops to a war that should never been fought and no critical no critical voice was raised within the media no critical voice was raised within the american two party system the fact that millions of people in this country did come to oppose these wars and overwhelmingly opposed them overwhelmingly support the immediate withdrawal of troops from these countries is a testament to the integrity of the american people for working people who are
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hostile to war see it against their interests is it fair to say just think that instead of uniting people this tragedy nine eleven brought about greater racism greater discrimination especially towards the muslims and islamic communities. no of course it didn't i mean they stoke this deliberately i mean this was utilized whatever they say and of course they've changed their their tone and i got bob when you say they just want to just clarify what you say they are talking about i would say a ruling establishment in this country which is composed as i said of the top layers of the financial system of the corporate system to political parties which they control and a corporate run media which does their bidding and through that media through the parties through the the instruments of public opinion that they control they did for meant nationalism dingell was from the idea of revenge troops who went to iraq were told you're you're getting revenge for nine eleven they were the leaders of the camps in iraq and afghanistan after victims firefighters policemen who were killed at the world trade towers i mean there was an attempt to foment the idea of
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revenge against the people of course no one ever wrote raised why why these people should oppose the don't states use why do they hate us this came out of the clear blue sky as they said or a little media never said well maybe there are foreign policy questions that have created millions of people who see the united states not as a beacon of freedom but as an oppressor bill thanks for giving us your views on the program bill and their member of the international to tell real bored of the world socialist web site joining us on the line from new york thank you thank you for another big story we're following tonight of course the troubles in egypt's on high alert for that said night of riots left at least three dead it's left nearly a thousand injured the demonstration of course also vented anger out against the israeli embassy let's talk about that let's talk in fact somehow made. joining us live a journalist joining us on the line from cairo now very good evening thanks for being with this the egyptian government's promises need to keep all the embassies in the
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country safe from now on it didn't succeed for a while last night does it look like they can deliver on the pledge. well i hope the can deliver on their pledge in respect of international law and international standards and i think this would be something for international law experts to elaborate on but what i can. deliver is we've got to understand why hundreds of thousands of angry gyptian news last night gathered outside the embassy many of them. like spiderman went on top of the building. till like fourteen fifteen stories to reach of the israeli embassy and take the flag out of it that means there is a lot of of anger at what israel did recently which basically they crossed the border from israel into egypt killed
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a number of. projection soldiers and they promise investigation and nothing has not been delivered yet ever sense there are spin huge huge them on the stray sions and the sit in a few days outside the israeli embassy the minus traitors are asking the egyptian government to at least expel the israeli ambassador from egypt taking in consideration this is not the first time that israeli troops kill people all soldiers and the poor their area the egyptian government so mistakingly has not responded to the will of them on the straightest for weeks after weeks they have not been serious enough for responding to the public opinion and because of this inaction those them on the straight is thirds along to their own hands and expel the israeli ambassador out of the u.s. defense secretary and put out about it he called the leader as you know of the
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interim military government as soon as that unrest broke apparently telling him to step up the protection of the israeli embassy are you at all surprised that washington was so quick to react. really thinking because of course israel is a top ally of america's so i guess there is no surprise there but what if you would take on it. can you repeat the last part again i was saying america america rang your cairo last night telling it to protect the israeli embassy are you surprised by the move. well i'm not really surprised because i think they. the there is their reaction to what happened in the israeli embassy was much quicker than they were then their reaction to what's happened to their embassy in syria and i'm not sure how much they care for their own embassies being attacked that other countries than they do care for the israeli embassy in another country. i would like to. see the united states
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being a fair player in the region. not just you know through all supposing there are after all not just supporting israel or the expense of other parties and being so enthusiastic in defending israeli interests. so yeah that's that's what i have to say about this or i have that's just that it's problematic item of we have to make anyway let's focus but i can at home now why do you think personally the new interim leaders there are listening to you and your fellow countrymen who have something to say what are they listening to what we could have been through over the last year because very much over the past seven or eight months they look they have been behaving like some parcel of the outgoing mubarak regime. i mean those military generals were appointed by mubarak and there is no surprise at all when we find them following the same policies that have been followed by mubarak i
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will give you a simple example the newly appointed foreign minister he's not who is not now in power has been appointed after mubarak was deposed took to the sessions namely that he would end the siege in gaza according to international law and also would have to tell you toys with iran now it seems that the military generals did not like this they depose the foreign minister and nothing happened with regard to the gas the sage and nothing happened regarding with regard to our real life. as with iran so there have been very keen in keeping everything in place as much as mubarak did but the new variable on the ground is that egypt's public opinion has been liberated and that means they're not going to face silence again what is right commits an act of thuggery on its own our poor more of the people living on our fault and that's what has brought down what happened last night so we have to look at the motivation to make a strategic solution to what has actually been happening let's just leave israel if
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we can for a second out of it let's just focus in on the broader picture back at home where you are would you think your country's going to go over the next twelve months or so we've got these presidential and parliamentary elections coming up which way is it going to go where you see it heading you've got your ear to the ground your amount of the know where is it going to go. what the military council which is in power now it's been promising that they are going to help to hold parliamentary elections late november to transfer power and. that's their promise after which they will make constitution and then the said we will hold presidential elections and a complete transfer of power will happen but these promises have been very vague there is no real tight schedule for every step that's going to happen and there's been much doubt that they would actually do so so the only guarantee for us to make sure this would be delivered is to stay on the streets keep the momentum going of
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the revolution which has been so successfully happening last night gatherings at the her square and in other cities mohamad with another incident that have been in the at the israeli embassy which was the end of the day so it shouldn't be taken as it's been three whole mark of the whole day of the want to stray shin some sort and so i'm really helpful as long as there are people on the street keeping the pressure on the military council to leave power because we have not very have not been very much satisfied with the performance on going off to put in there a hero everything you say and i thank you so much for being on the program i just really out of time we're going to hit the bottom of the our headlines in a minute to fatah thank you so much related. do we have time for the quick story i think we do greek prime minister george perper dros promise to save his debt stricken country from bankruptcy and press ahead with vital reforms in a key speech on the economy as he spoke police fired tear gas to disperse a crowd of protesters in the city of thessalonica record number of officers are on standby there tonight as thousands of people holding on to your sturdy protests this weekend as both economic analysts next cricket he told me believes that big in
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the eurozone is doing more harm than good for greece. now i would agree with many that have criticized the fact that we are in the euro it really hasn't benefited us all that much and if one looks at the numbers i mean the euro has appreciated about sixty percent since we actually joined which is done nothing for ak imperatives greece isn't ready to leave the euro and the eurozone would not be able to throw us out at such a whim there is actually no legal exit mechanism in the treaties from the eurozone they could force you out practically by cutting off liquidity but it would not be something that would suit anybody to be done in such a chaotic and us hand manner i think this focus especially out of this weekend on greece is a little bit of nice i think the biggest problem that the eurozone faces is it's on failure to organize and its own say to realize that
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a lot of the underlying problems from the stack that it was never structured properly in the first place. quick but a showbiz news for you airing tonight the russian director alexander movie does won the golden lion prize at the sixty eight venice film festival congratulations to him the critically acclaimed movie was selected on saturday by a jury headed by darren aronofsky was black swan opened venice last year learn more about the director in his work of course we've got more of our t. dot com tonight why is kevin thanks for being with us headlines just a minute and a half away.
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when you look for. barrels.
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shortly but these are all top stories before the. last respects to the victims of wednesday's plane crash that killed it was all of the local ice hockey take says investigators rule two main theories into the cause of the tragedy engine failure and poor quality of fuel. security is being stepped up across the u.s. on the eve of the anniversary of nine eleven as. some fear that america's war on terror is created more enemies than it's destroyed. and tel aviv in cairo strike a new sour note in relations as an angry mob in the egyptian capital storms the israeli embassy forcing its stuff to flee the country at least three egyptians were killed and more than a thousand injured with police car.


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