tv [untitled] September 10, 2011 3:52pm-4:22pm EDT
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as the invasion of iraq was a gift to them that they kind of always wanted but they never expected to get it because the invasion of iraq was the perfect predicate for a job it was a religious predicate it was an infidel country invading a muslim country occupying it and installing man made laws rather than rather than god's law and so as i said earlier in our time we did for bin laden what he had not been able to do for himself and that is to create a situation where defensive john hiatt against the west appeared perfectly acceptable and perfectly correct and the duty of many muslims so there is no upside to iraq's or it's all downside for the united states and its allies mr sure you saw something personal a minute ago and i want to ask you a personal question if i me michael you said i quit my job in the in the in the
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agency because i wanted to speak out publicly those that mean that you think that speaking as a public figure as an independent probably think figure you can do more good for the american people then working in the central intelligence agency. well let me say first of all i left the job that i love that i had no intention of ever leaving but from one nine hundred ninety three when we started to work at least in a small way against al qaeda until two thousand and four i had seen three consecutive presidents tell the american people that we were at war because. they hate liberty they hate freedom in and all the rest of the kind of can't there comes out of the mouths of western politicians and what i thought and it sounds corny certain sounds trite but i thought it was time to be a good citizen and from certainly from the cia i cannot publicly say that
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for example whatever you think about our relationship with saudi arabia our support for a repressive arab police state really empowers al qaeda and other islamists to attack us i couldn't say that from cia and i couldn't say that no matter whether you support israel or whether you oppose israel our relationship with the israelis is a poisonous relationship in terms of u.s. interests in the muslim world i certainly couldn't say that from from the cia so it in rightfully so civil servants shouldn't be able to say those things but as a private citizen i thought i could perhaps at least add to the dimensions of the debate in the united states. those states today are facing serious financial problems and do you think that to some extent it may
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be a result of the hyperactive foreign and military parlance of the bush era and do you think that that that that that today's financial problems may influence and change the military and the foreign policy of the united states. well i think certainly the bush and obama administrations and the clinton administration before hand have been very interventionist in their foreign policy in terms of both military activities and for bombing the serbs back in clinton to the war on terror and the expansion of the effort in afghanistan all of that is very expensive you know i think the main problem for the united states is really an enormous number of useless politicians who spend too much money domestically and will it will it affect our. behavior overseas i think it it has to because we're not going to be able to afford to keep doing what we have been doing and i think it's a very it's
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a very useful thing to listen to what the enemy says and what he intended to osama bin laden from one thousand nine hundred six forward was very clear that the they could not defeat the united states militarily but the through the three things they used the three metrics they used to define whether they were making any progress were the following first to take care its a take advantage of whatever international economic conditions were to help lead the united states the bankruptcy and i think just as we've talked a rock afghanistan and many other things are helping to lead us to bankruptcy the second thing al qaeda mentioned as a goal was to spread out u.s. intelligence forces and u.s. military forces to the point where they had no flexibility and very little reserves and i think we've seen that accomplish and the third goal was to create as much public dissent in the united states as the north vietnamese did during the vietnam
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war and to strip away. our allies kind of one at a time and i think we've seen many many of our allies just abandon us in the field so from my perspective when osama bin laden died he was a success not only in terms of inspiring. young muslims to fight the west but also substantively and what he laid out is the only way that he thought the islamists could defeat the united states thank you thank you very much and just to remind you that my guest on the show today was michael scheuer the former chief of the us gamma bin ladin tracking units have been cia and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your say on spotlight part have someone in mind for us being patient relax time just drop you like you would be back with more first uncommon fun was going on in and out transgressions until then stay on our teeth and take your.
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russia's city of ghetto savile pays its last respects to the forty three victims of wednesday's fatal plague sportsman from the top local ice hockey team who perished in that incident but buried with full military. also coming up tonight a nation on guard new security threats emerge on the eve of the tenth anniversary of nine eleven but some fear that the u.s. war on terror has created more enemies than it's destroyed. and tel aviv in cairo struck the news soured noted relations as an angry mob or the egyptian capital storm of the israeli embassy forcing its staff to flee the country. it's the second time in my week there is radium back that it's a muslim country has been expelled join me quite
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a few in the few moments and i've been you more. welcomed this is r.t. it's just off of midnight now here in moscow kevin know it come first the stadium where russia's lokomotiv ice hockey team played their last game has been transformed into a venue of mourning and t. is more than one hundred thousand people attended the ceremony in the memory of the team and the others that perished on board not yet forty two played in the crash on wednesday our correspondent sean thomas witnessed the city's great. very somber day here in it jaroslav all as a thousands of people came to pay their final respects to the team members of the locomotive team today's events saw thousands of people from around russia from around the city of yarra solve all different teams from around the country as well
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coming to say their alaska advice to these teen members now the fourteen caskets that were viewed here today have been taken away so that they can have a private ceremony with their families and be laid to rest around the jaroslav the area some of the stories of the people who were part of this team have come to light as these three days of mourning have been passed one team member supposed to his girlfriend just before this crash took place and was looking forward to starting a family another woman twenty nine years old and she was some flight attendant on the plane and had just gotten married three months prior to the crash and was planning on leaving the aviation industry service should start a family with her new husband who also know of one team player who had decided to leave hockey that this was going to be his last season and of course unfortunately passing away on the way to the first game of his final season one of the tragedies of this entire incident is that this team was so young the youngest person being
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only twenty years old many lives cut short in such a tragic event and now the community looks to move forward to rebuild if you will there is some comfort in the fact that the investigation is starting to brew juice some answers we have been told it through the investigative committee that the engines were working fine on this airplane but people are starting to find out exactly what happened as people pieced together the final moments of this flight before it burst into flames but beyond the actual technical aspects of it there is a sense that this community wants to rebuild the hockey a spirit here as well we know that former. lokomotiv team have said that they will leave their respective clubs in from back to help build the hockey tradition we also have the opportunity to speak to some of the younger players the next generation of professionals if you will and this is what they had to say about moving forward as the city continues to mourn one very dedicated group of young men
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can choose and to honor their heroes in a unique way by getting back on the ice with you mother because she told us that we should go out into the ice simply for the guys who lost their lives in a disagreeable way above the old us when for them to sleep the bed was for these players practice in fear is special as it was from this area of the team their states for the final. six of september their training sessions before mr morgan were confident and quite optimistic and determined all of them were in very high spirits for a new. one coach working with this news team was supposed to be on the floor and the back working now his thoughts are still strong for those affected by this tragic loss i think it's hard hearted photo by fans families and relatives all so i just wish. to stem the. strength to.
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go on about my mom my going to this everybody after the next generation of jaroslava locomotive hockey players it's not just about rebuilding the team for the future of the city it's also about getting back on the ice as a form of therapy to help them get through their grief. also have a strong wish to reinvigorate going down. championship and did a case to be challenged in my france. and while this team practices and even vanguard group is ready to follow in their footsteps. how to play if you don't mind who has asked the tennis about them and count my money you need to. made in the team only ever bought stock markets are going to be needing to look even successful see if you can schedule to be tested for the now you can't just going to come right . even though they've gone from the ice to members of this ill fated locomotive
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team you continue your hearts and minds of the people of your struggle for the nation for generations to come. sean thomas. the city was robbed of its sports stars family members and loved ones investigation of what went so tragically wrong continues on our website r t dot com you can keep up to date with the latest most of the initial theories behind the plane crash are slowly being focused now shifting to the possibility of pilot error or technical problems you can keep up with day to say the latest on our website. security is being stepped up across the u.s. following a terror threat on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the september eleventh attacks the american intelligence intercepted communications from an al qaeda operative in pakistan indicating plans for a vehicle bomb plot against new york city or washington a decade or many u.s. citizens still feel vulnerable in their own country artie's would have poured more . ten years ago america was blocked by unprecedented
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terror. was nearly three thousand innocent lives were lost in a post nine eleven world was born. our war on terror. begins. but it does not end there. it will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found stopped and defeated washington's military reach began with the hunt for osama bin ladin america strikes back afghanistan as home with bombs and missiles from the air and sea then a preemptive pounding into iraq. in the decade that followed america's fight for freedom has been stained by torture secret detention and rendition human rights violations symbolized by landmarks like guantanamo bay great and the blogger
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airbase prison we had garnered the empathy not only of the world but the muslim world and if we had the courage to be vulnerable. we would be far safer and more secure than we are today instead we track from that very door a lick sort of naturalism journalist an offer chris hedges says america's terror unleashed throughout the middle east has opened a pandora's box of evil estimates are over a million iraqi dead since the invasion. you know hundreds and hundreds of civilians killed in pakistan thousands killed in afghanistan not to mention millions of people displaced in a refugee camp some of the terror that we have unleashed will not go on paid it is it and it will strike us eventually however in a post nine eleven america citizens have been forced to compromise there for. in the name of security the past decade has paved the way for new state practices such
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as warrantless wiretapping intrusive airport screening and greater authority for law enforcement what some call a police state and then making as this national security the rose as it becomes easier for the government to scrutinize and niceness in all aspects of our lives i think. we worried about this the issue. is larger than just the specific isolated orders you can see the ether that is all around us and not to the right here at home from people in our own country. since nine eleven a rising tide of islamophobia has passed through this formerly tolerant nation according to the f.b.i. the four men intended to carry out their plan today dozens of muslim americans have
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been arrested and convicted in so-called f.b.i. for oil terror plots plots that were orchestrated and now new facts shared by government paid informants these cases have been created by the government and yet we're supposed to feel safer because criminals that would not have come up with a plot how did not and drop them on a platter by the u.s. government are now in jail and we have you know snowballs of violence that's going on around the world and they raise more hatred only raise more bad feelings only reinforced many narratives their violent you know narratives of american imperialism around the world and we got i think we've created more enemies than friends you know if we targeted communities rather than making them partners not only has it made us any safer i think that it has undermined you know the very fabric of american society the fabric of a post nine eleven america the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of al. still waging war in the name of freedom americans
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can't get the get the right but it's clear that the military will see no need to. be turned. around the world the man behind nine eleven have been. international people to get some of our. artsy. course live to washington d.c. talk first of michael of the u.s. naval war college professor good morning to you choose me in your article when i think of post you asked the question did you did the u.s. lose the war on terror briefly as you can what's the answer to that do you think. my commentary was essentially a pouch a critique not so much of the war which i believe is over and in fact be anniversary the tenth anniversary tomorrow is in many ways a useful symbolic opportunity to mark end of the war and to
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collectively look back at what happened and my great concern the burden of my argument or critique is to basically. show that we're not looking. at the choices we may. in ability to adapt in time. are long term on willingness even now to understand what we were facing in the muslim world or indeed what was really even going on in the muslim world from their standpoint and the biggest thing that we have yet to do is to understand how in the kind of exuberant and tremendously powerful situation that we inhabited the day after nine eleven how we could so commit ourselves to a strategy that all. reach and overreach to the point where we can sit here today
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and look at. it very bad outcome in terms of a war outcome if you have a strategy and that strategy takes you to a worse place and you fail to achieve your objectives and that has been nothing more or less than a strategic failure and the key is to be able to face up to that i'm not sure we are i guess it's easy to look ten years hindsight and criticize what was thought to have been the right thing to do then i mean it. difficult isn't it. if you could wind the clock by yourself and you making decisions on what to do then given all the given all the frustration given all the fear just after nine eleven i know you don't think differently now but can you see now that part was chosen there are a lot. well. i wrote off through the last ten years critiquing the decisions that were being made and the choices that we determined on on the
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basis that they were the wrong kinds of choices for what we wanted in the long term to achieve in the muslim world in other words that we were doing things as you just suggested may have felt good may have addressed tremendous sense of. what we felt but in the long run we're cheating in many ways the opposite of what we wanted and i think that's pretty clear now and see if you look at my commentary you'll see that there were. not just one but many things that we did that have ended up putting us in the difficult quakes and it's all too late and just as you said twenty hindsight is twenty twenty but i'm not calling on hindsight now except as a utility of virtue as a way to see how we can avoid making its mistakes in the future but they are being made on their i guess one of obama's election promises was to end the u.s. military campaign as it was engaged in but it does seem to have got the country
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into a new war yet again always seeing this cycle of violence the war continuing looks like we are. well the day to day will look very different the dynamic over time and the concern that i waste in my commentary was that we need to to do a fundamental reassessment now if things went as badly as they did and if things are as negative as they are right now then we need to reassess things and not simply continue as we have and those reassessments are very hard to us came out of the vietnam war in one nine hundred seventy five in the us army went through a tremendous reassessment and the result of that was an army that was a military as a whole navy air force were included a force that was suddenly in the one nine hundred eighty s. tremendously effective at the focal point of u.s. strategy at that time as you recall which was toward the end of the cold war. but
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then full of confidence flush with a sense of invincibility we made many of the same mistakes we did going into vietnam and this is. recurring problem with with great states and what i think the u.s. needs to do now is to look very harshly and coldly changes that are going on in the world the most powerful truth to come out of the last ten years is the relative ineffectiveness of the u.s. military in achieving the kinds of goals that were set forward and we have to begin to think to rethink very strongly. what is military effectiveness how can military force be used in ways better advance our national interest bad reinforce our sense of who we are that do well for us in the world and also do well for the world as a whole and i don't think we've had a conversation that is the focal point of my paper how do we begin to have that
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conversation now and if we don't have that conversation the worst things are going to happen to the united states i just want to touch on one other quick point we've talked about a forum. policy there and the implications of it and i want to look at the implication in the us briefly it is of course one of the most diverse nations in the world but about two million muslim americans living in the states but i ask you has the u.s. war on terror brought more hatred and divide to the country. the war has brought division in large part because of the way in which the war was run and presented domestically and the war was used as an extension of domestic politics in the former administration and that tended to build political strength at home on the basis of division and i think that has backfired terribly and what we see today is a ribbon a light and the only thing as i say in my piece the only thing that two very different political world views democrats and republicans have in common is that
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they both believe leadership in washington as orderly failed so you have i think a tremendous potential political crisis in the united states which is going to be under undergirded and reinforced by a tremendous economic crisis that it's not about to go away what amounts to a depression in terms of unemployment which today is it nine hundred thirty four levels if you look at actual unemployment near like the states and there's very little likelihood that that's going to and anytime soon maybe even a decade from now a final thought from you professor has the world changed become a safer place i think i know what your answer is going to be but is the world a safer place a decade on from nine eleven. the world system has fundamentally. shifted over the last decade the world system the day after nine eleven was a world system that was firmly and fully under us we the u.s.
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was not only acknowledged as the leader but in the wake of nine eleven the nations of the world gave the us there for support. ok we have returned to a nineteenth century like world of great power that's a very unstable world and it's not a good prospect looking had a future first michael virus of the u.s. naval war college thank you for your input into the program very much appreciate thank you. stiglitz more news tonight story egypt's on high alert still after a night of rights in cairo left at least three dead and more than a thousand injured a demonstration for reform in the country quickly turned violent as protesters vented their anger against the israeli embassy a raging mob stormed the building with police slow to react eventually the did manage to push the riot is back with force artie's middle east correspondent paula slee has the latest from tel aviv. israeli officials have condemned this in the act
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most terms israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that it is simply unacceptable now israel has withdrawn all its embassy staff with the exception of one person that it's keeping in cairo in the hope that it can maintain some kind of diplomatic relations between both countries the egyptian prime minister has offered the resignation of both him and his cabinet to the higher military council and this is almost as a form of apology for the fact of the police stood by it for several hours while protesters stormed the embassy and the police simply did nothing this resignation has been rejected there were hundreds of protesters they smashed down the embassy wall they three thousand documents out of the window they saved two police vehicles and lie it they threw molotov cocktails at the police and burnt an israeli flag now three people were killed we've been told hundreds if not thousands were injured many of them by the tear gas that the police were forced to use to disperse the crowd the u.s. defense secretary called cairo while all of this was happening and urged the police
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there to do something and for something to be done to protect the israeli embassy and it seems as if it was almost after this phone call that the police intervened in the situation was eventually brought under control the incident was actually sparked by israel's refusal to apologize for killing five egyptian soldiers last month and that was in a cross border raid that israel says was a mistake but it hasn't gone the step of actually apologizing for those deaths all of this comes just months after the former egyptian president hosni mubarak was ousted he of course was a long time friend of his role and this is mine many here also suspecting that israel because of its traditional behavior is likely to react much strongly in the coming hours if not in the coming days but of course as always in a delicate position because it needs all the frames that he can have particularly in light of the fact that it is just one week since the israeli ambassador was expelled from turkey all of this coming at a critical juncture for israel just days ahead of palestinians going to the united nations through.
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