tv [untitled] September 10, 2011 5:52pm-6:22pm EDT
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usually silver debt which was commercial debt was left alone but the consumer debt was wiped out on everybody to start over again and the middle ages had a different tack they mostly had usury laws so lending money at interest was illegal also peonage itself so there's always some kind of mechanism to protect others now what happens this time. the first thing they do they get rid of usury laws they create institutions like the i.m.f. or adopt institutions like the i.m.f. as a sort of global debt in force or other ones like the s. and p. you have this giant global bureaucracy essentially financial bureaucracy which is dedicated to the principle that no one can ever default. this is crazy i mean not only economically it's crazy but it's doing exactly the opposite of what people have historically done and if you look at the results well it looks an awful lot like that terrible death trap that everybody was afraid of throughout human history so correctly you're saying that for the first time in five thousand year history of debt in credit we're at an era now where institutional
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a creditor is protected versus the debtors exactly in fact they made bankruptcy laws more difficult they need lending at interest easier you know the usury laws that we did have were essentially abolished in the beginning of the eighty's here in america and similar things happened all over the world suddenly you move from a sort of welfare state model where people can have social benefits this idea where it well you can get credit credits supposed to save the world everyone is for a one k. the one is mortgages the poor in the third world are going to be saved by micro credit. meanwhile the terms of the credit are skewed usually in favor of the creditors over the doubters now the result is that you know most americans i always like to make this point you know we're in a position which looks a lot like that social disaster there but who's afraid of it aristotle were here today he would think the distinction between someone falling into debt and selling their children into slavery and someone. in debt renting themselves and their
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family and to slip into work for somebody else would be probably illegal istic distinction. now on the other hand i think there is reason to hope because well i mean we're talking five hundred year cycles here forty years is nothing i mean maybe they got it wrong the first round but there's a lot of room to fix things up ok well in this area of subject of hope i was just looking on the web and stumbled upon a story about dot org which is a peer to peer lending site and over three hundred fifty thousand individuals in the first world loaned money to three hundred fifty thousand people in the third world micro loans. exactly what you're saying was going on five thousand years ago they've extended credit. terms that are reasonable and they have boosted the economy in huge ways so i mean that's a hopeful sign i suppose you could say if that model can be embraced on
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a slightly larger scale correct absolutely i mean there's a million solutions and the one thing the world doesn't lack is smart people if we put our minds to this it would be very easy to come up with alternative money systems alternative ways to arrange these things i have friends in asheville to set up alternative money systems. software that sort of anybody can use and they've got thousands of people already hooked in who hardly use cash at all and there are many more they simply strange and directly with each other and there's a million ways to do it and the other thing is the political mobilization visit a real problem isn't that the lack of alternatives the real problem is the fact that anything is going to be cut off politically and that's why i think what's happening in europe is very hopeful and what we have in greece what we have in spain and it's beginning to spread to other countries the way i like to think of it is i think in two thousand and eight they kind of let the cat out of the back you know for all these years in saying markets run themselves the people in charge they know what they're doing we may not be very nice people but they're incredibly
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competent in fact are the only people who are running the colony and of course we're also told debts are sacred and have to be repaid but we learned with the crash was that none of those things were true people had no idea what they were doing they did get bailed out markets do in themselves so once we understand that money is actually a political arrangement it's a social set of promises people make to one another well and you know if trillions of dollars worth of debt can be made to disappear if that's convenient for the big players when people are saying is well. over right fine if those are the new terms that make sense but if democracy is going to me mean anything now it means everybody gets to weigh in on how promises are made and how they're in the. and that's what people are calling for and demanding and i i think it's very promising for a new political movement actually one more question this is from twitter and if you want to ask questions on this show go to my twitter account at max kaiser and this is from people the question is are you arguing that money quote in
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a sense of exact equivalence and quote is based on coersion not voluntary exchange i think that it originally emerged in that context and has been maintained remarkably much through that context if you look at you know where the first circumstance where people started commuting values of figuring out the twenty seven of these equals three of those mostly legal cases in situations of potential violence i think that coins have been promulgated through military systems and i think that. the current dollar system is closely tied i mean look at the international currency system the current international currency is the currency of the largest military power that's that's not a coincidence all right david grammer we're going to have to stop there thanks so much for being on the kaiser report claims or having the pleasure the book is called that the first five thousand years i recommend you pick it up that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey armor
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locomotive gets louder try the stadium becomes a place of mourning for the hundred thousand including prime minister vladimir putin paying tribute to the fourth of three victims of one of the things plane crash which claimed the lives of most of the team and he starts. a nation god new security threats emerge on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the nine eleven attacks which unleashed the war on terror and now did by some to help in an even bigger threat to the world. recent rocky relations between israel and egypt have been rather strange as protesters stormed these radio and in cairo down basset hound almost all sunday.
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and a very warm welcome from all of us here and also this is also you with me you know should provide our thanks for joining us here us love as a rino two thousand homes stadium for the city's locomotive i hope eighteen have become a pilgrimage side for those mourning the forty three victims of wednesday's plane tragedy which included most of the team ninety start more than one hundred thousand people from all over russia including prime minister vladimir putin came to pay tribute to those who perished on board the yacht forty two minor which crashed after takeoff from a decision on wednesday to survive the horror thomas reports not from a sitting greek. very somber day here in the as of thousands of people came to pay their final respects to the team members of the locomotive team today's events saw thousands of people from around russia from around the city of jaroslav
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all different teams from around the country as well coming to say their last goodbyes to these members now the fourteen caskets that were viewed here today have been taken away so that they can have a private ceremony with their families and be laid to rest around that area some of the stories of the people who were part of this team have come to light as these three days of mourning have a cast member proposed to his girlfriend just before this crash took place and was looking forward to starting a family another woman twenty nine years old she was a flight attendant on the plane and had just gotten married three months prior to the crash and was planning on leaving the aviation industry so that she could start a family with her new husband we also know of one team player who had decided to leave hockey that this was going to be his last season and of course unfortunately passing away on the way to the first game of his final season one of the tragedies
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of this entire incident is that he was so young the young this person being only twenty years old many lives cut short in such a tragic event the community looks to move forward to rebuild if you will there is some comfort in the fact that the investigation is starting to juice some answers we have been told it through the investigative committee that the engines were working fine on this airplane but people are starting to find out exactly what happened as people piece together the final moments of this flight before it burst into flames but beyond the actual technical aspects of it there is a sense that this community wants to rebuild the hockey spirit here as well we talk to the next generation. of players the people who hope to become professionals and this is what they had to say about moving forward from this tragedy as a city continues to mourn one very dedicated group of young men have chosen to honor their heroes in a unique way by getting back on the ice with the book you mother told us that we
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should go out to the ice and play for all the guys who lost their lives in this bridge he told us when for gammas best. for these players practicing here is special as it was from this very arena where the doomed team on their skates for the final time. had met them on the fifth and sixth of september their training sessions before minsk they were confident and part optimistic and determined all of them are in very high spirits. one coach working with his youth team was supposed to be on the flight and though he is back working now his thoughts are still strong for those affected by this tragic loss i think it's it's hard hard to put a photo but then a family for a relative sense or so i just research this them are going to. go on i'm a mom i'm going to this everybody ever the next generation of jaroslava locomotive
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hockey players it's not just about rebuilding the team for the future of the city it's also about getting back on the ice as a form of therapy to help them get through their grief. but also i have a strong reach to reinvigorate cops now when they use championship and did a case to be challenged my friends who guard was young and while this team practices an even younger group is ready to follow in their footsteps. come on the players who don't mind where from austell he told us about them in ca man one hundred eighty page in the team only ever got stock market school i want to be needing that move he doesn't have of not committees next week i'm scheduled to be tested for the club he can she's going to come right school. even though they've gone from the ice the members of this ill fated locomotive team. to be in the hearts and minds of the people of jaroslav and the nation for generations to. slow
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sean thomas. investigation into what caused the tragedies underway so log on to our website dot com to keep up with the latest and after having ruled out some of the initial theories be investigators are now focusing on human error out technical problems so go straight to our web page for all the news on the inquiry into the crime that has shocked russia and the ice hockey world. on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the september eleventh attacks security is being stepped up across the u.s. in response to what the authorities there say is a credible threat of a new terror strike american intelligence intercepted communications from an al qaeda operative in pakistan indicating plans for a vehicle bomb plot attack in new york city or washington as our season marina port now reports despite its so-called war on terror many of its citizens still feel vulnerable in their own country. ten years ago america was rocked
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by unprecedented terror. nearly three thousand innocent lives were lost and if post nine eleven world was born. our war on terror. begins without god. but it does not in there. it will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found stopped and defeated washington's military reach began with a hiking pro summit in modern america strikes back afghanistan has only put bombs and missiles from the air in the sea then a preemptive pounding into iraq. in the decade that followed america's fight for freedom has been stained by torture secret detention and rendition human rights violations symbolized by landmarks like ones hanum obey great and the bog airbase
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prison we had garnered the empathy not only of the world but the muslim world and if we had the courage to be vulnerable. we would be far safer and more secure than we are today instead we drank from that very dark lips or of nationalism journalist and author chris hedges says america's terror unleashed the out the middle east has opened a pandora's box of evil ones are over a million iraqi kids since the invasion. you know hundreds and hundreds of civilians killed in pakistan thousands killed in afghanistan not to mention millions of people displaced in a refugee camp something that the terror that we have. will not go on paid it is and it will strike us eventually however in a post nine eleven america citizens have been forced to compromise their. in the name of security the past decade has paved the way for new state practices such as
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warrantless wiretapping intrusive airport screening and greater authority for law enforcement what some call a police state in the making and as this national security state we're rose as it becomes easier for the government to scrutinize because this in all aspects of our lives i think that we are going through what we worried about is the issue. is larger than just specific isolated orders we can say here that is all around us i think that the right here at home for people in our own country. since nine eleven a rising tide of islamophobia has passed through this formerly tolerant nation according to the f.b.i. for man intended to carry out their plan today dozens of muslim americans have been arrested and convicted in so-called f.b.i.
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for oil terror plots plots that were orchestrated and manufactured by government paid informants these cases have been created by the government and yet we're supposed to feel safer because criminals that would not have come up with a plot had it not been brought to them on a platter by the u.s. government are now in jail and we have you know snowball the violence that's going on around the world anyways more hatred only breeds more feelings only reinforced many narratives they're going to violent narratives of american imperialism around the world and we i think we've created more enemies than friends you know if we targeted communities or making them partners not only has it not made us any safer i think that it has undermined you know the very fabric of american society the fabric of a post nine eleven america the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of. still waging war in the name of freedom and there.
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again began the strike but it's clear that the military see no need to. be. around the world the man behind me have been. the international c.p. yet the labor. artsy. professor michael black hose at the u.s. naval war college says that the last ten years have shown that america should do. its main achieve forth. and what i think the u.s. needs to do now is to look very harshly and coldly changes that are going on in the world the most powerful truth to come out of the last ten years is the relative ineffectiveness of the u.s. military in achieving the kinds of goals that were set forward and we have to begin to think to rethink very strongly what is military effectiveness how can military
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force be used in ways better advance our national interest that reinforce our sense of who we are that do well for us in the world and also do well for the world as a whole they were of the wrong kinds of choices for what we wanted in the long term to achieve in the muslim world in other words that we were doing things may have felt good may have address tremendous sense. that we felt but in the long run we're treating in many ways the opposite of what we wanted. and later we're out on the streets of new york asking what impact the nine eleven atrocities had on the lives of people living in that city. so things are predictable you don't know what that's going to happen next i don't know you kind of more aware that if it's really just more on the lookout people should. think of a way of. accepting that people can be different. so in about ten minutes
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people on the streets of the big apple have to say about nine eleven ten years after the terrorist our time rocked the city. three people have died while over thousand have been hurt in fierce rioting in cairo during which the israeli embassy was stormed after launched on strange and demanding fast political reforms turned violent egyptology clad a state of high alert with most of the embassies stopped leaving on the israeli ambassador being recalled to ten other arab israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu says his country will stick to its peace treaty with egypt despite that time off his policy reports now from tel aviv. israeli officials have condemned this in the act most terms the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that it is simply unacceptable now israel has withdrawn all its embassy staff with the exception of one person that it's keeping in cairo in the hope that it can maintain some kind of diplomatic relations between both countries the egyptian prime minister has offered the resignation of both him and his cabinet to the high
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military council and this is almost as a form of apology for the fact that the police stood by it for several hours. school with the embassy and the police simply did nothing this resignation has been rejected there were hundreds of protesters they smashed down the embassy wall basically files of documents out of the window they state two police vehicles and ayat they threw molotov cocktails at the police and burnt an israeli flag now three people were killed we've been told hundreds if not thousands were injured many of them by the tear gas that the police were forced to use to disperse the crowd the u.s. defense secretary called cairo while all of this was happening and urged the police there to do something and for something to be done to protect the israeli embassy and it seems as if it was almost after this phone call that the police intervened in the situation was eventually brought under control the incident was actually sparked by israel's refusal to apologize for killing five egyptian soldiers last month and that was in a cross border raid that israel says was a mistake but it hasn't gone the step of actually apologizing for those deaths one
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of those comes just months after the former egyptian president hosni mubarak was ousted he of course was a longtime friend of israel and this is why many here also suspecting that israel because of its traditional behavior is likely to react much strongly in the coming hours if not in the coming days but of course as always in a delicate position because it needs all the friends that it can have particularly in light of the fact that it is just one week since the israeli ambassador was expelled from turkey all of this coming at a critical juncture for israel just days ahead of palestinians going to the united nations security council to court for a palestinian state. egyptian journalist mohamed told r.t. that tensions between his country needs real have been growing for months but says that cairo has done very little to stabilize the situation there is a lot of of anger and what israel did recently which basically
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very crossed the border from israel into egypt killed a number of egyptian soldiers and they promise investigation and nothing has not been delivered yet ever sense there are spin huge huge them on the stray sions and the sit in the for a few days outside the israeli embassy the minus traitors are asking the egyptian government to at least expel this really and personnel from egypt the egyptian government so mistakingly has not responded to the will of the administrators for weeks after weeks they have not been serious enough to respond to the public opinion and because of this inaction those the minus traitors to the law into their own hands and expel the israeli ambassador out of cairo have been very keen in keeping everything in flows as much as mubarak did but the new variable on the ground is that egypt's public opinion has been liberated and that means they're not going to face silence again when israel commits any act of thuggery and it's an
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hour for that or the people living on our border and that's what has brought down what happened last night so we have to look at the motivation to make a strategic solution to what has actually been happening the u.s. led war on drugs in afghanistan has been ongoing since the fall of the kind of run into a thousand and one despite millions of dollars being spent on destroying crops afghanistan remains the world leader in opium poppy production but it also he's a lawyer and had discovered the crackdown is having an adverse effect with countries like the u.k. now forced to grow their own poppies to plug a shortage in pharmaceuticals. in the rolling fields of all spicher this time of year you'll probably see wheat or barley ripening for the harvest but troy springs and warm summer's have been able to plant a very different type of crop opium poppies that under contract to a pharmaceutical company that turns the opium into morphine and coating to plug
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a shortfall in strong painkillers in the national health service in fact there's a global shortage of drugs made from poppies the opium here will be put to good use but thousands of miles away nato troops are wiping out existing afghan poppies with bombing burning and spraying the main question is why are we destroying crops and then having to grow poppies in fields in oxfordshire is being used by the american and british governments repeatedly one of these so-called soft arguments that they want the liberal organs is it their party a war on drugs this is completely pop was it is not true it's not what war is about and we should own up to that it's easy to understand why afghan farmers grow then sell opium to the taliban there's an effective distribution network and they can make around seventeen times more profit per hectare than they could on wheat despite the obvious economics thomas is still being encouraged to grow other crops
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british m.p. frank field thinks that policy has failed but the americans would punch america rules and we follow him because behind him. makes a nonsense of what this relationship should be about it's. not to be able to use this. position with the americans to rethink a strategy which i think most people think over the years has failed if we look historically has probably try a new track frank feels and his group popular. if think afghan opium should be legalized instead it would benefit afghan farmers raise much needed revenue for the governments nation rebuild and stop the opium falling into the hands of the drug cartels field says it should be military strategy to afghanistan we have chosen problems rather than brains and anybody who is thinking about how do we get
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ordinary people ordinary farmers to see poppies as a cash crop country get them to protect the backs of our troops we will be thinking about how do we harness this crop how do we pay them for it and how do we then used . to transfer it into medicines to counter. burns in afghanistan and kept a secret here in britain no one wants to talk about the u.k.'s opium growing program we asked the farmers and the company they grow for mcfarland smith if they would give us an interview but fallen smith said they wouldn't allow the farmers to talk to us because it's part of that contract with the home office that they keep the poppy growing. the home office also declined to comment while poppies are increasingly harvested in britain the so-called war on drugs is being decisively lost the u.n. says opium production in afghanistan has been on the rise since the us occupation
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began in two thousand and one nor am it oxfordshire. greek prime minister george papandreou has promised to save these that stricken country from bankruptcy and present head with vital reforms in a key speech on the economy quote police fired tear gas to discuss an angry crowd to protest protestors in the city of pass along the cape thousands of officers in the largest ever deployment of police in the country ireland's to stand by with large until stary to protest this weekend's recreate says are accusing athens however of being too slow in counting jobs and privatizing state assets the eurozone will decide by the end of the monthly of big government is growing it is doing enough to get the next eight billion euro bailout installment crucial for the greek economy to staff load but antony while at the political web site the daily dot com says the greek people should not tolerate having the will of humor and he's a.
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