tv [untitled] September 11, 2011 2:22am-2:52am EDT
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i believe our relations will evolve into an adult civilized free market partnership . but the door stream pipeline travels directly from russia to you are a bypassing ukraine its role as a transit state has been fractious in recent years resulting in disputes between moscow and kiev ukraine wants a discount on the current price that pays for russian gas under contracts signed back in two thousand and nine it even threatened to take the issue into court however the country's prime minister promised to stick to the current agreement until a new deal is signed. watching r.t. live from moscow with so take a look at some other stories from around the world as many as two hundred people are dad and three hundred seventy missing after an overloaded vessel capsized and sank off the coast of downs of bar after losing engine power in rough seas the ship began taking on water and eventually turned over survivors say the ferry was overloaded with cargo and passengers many of them children sons of bars president
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has declared a three day mourning period. tropical storm nate has its way towards the mexican coast the search is on for several missing oil workers and a dozen fishermen at commercial vessels and two fishing boats were lost during approach and no sign of the crews has been found while coastal areas brace themselves for the storm air and sea rescue teams are continuing their search the spied worsening conditions. guatemalans look likely to elect a former military general as president of hope of bringing order to the country part of paris molina's favorite warring leftist groups and human rights organizations still hoping to prosecute members of the country's former dictator ship but the key election issues for guatemalans appear to be high crime rate and poverty which haven't got the country. now the u.k. looks less than united in one corner of the four nation kingdom in wales
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a sense of national identity has been stoked by calls for independence in scotland and one welsh party has pledged its commitment to breaking away from london laura and explores the small nations and missions. welcome to wales part of the u.k. and a proud nation with its own language and customs and the latest voice to call for independence plied comrie which means the party of wales has always argued the country could be better off without the u.k. and it seems increasing numbers are starting to see their point of view our economy has been run from an interest and priorities of the south east of england to the fore and independent wheels of course will be able to chart a different course. priorities wales is a long way from declaring independence but it's no longer just a pipe dream of people here voted overwhelmingly earlier this year in favor of
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handing the welsh assembly full nor making powers that was considered a turning point in welsh nationhood and plights couldn't read the party of wales have undoubtedly taken heart from the surprise victory of the scottish national party that victory in may gave the s.n.p. an outright majority in the scottish parliament which has many powers devolved from westminster parties promise to hold a scotland wide referendum on whether to declare independence according to applied comrie that marks paternity of the tide for a unified u.k. . i believe that beginning to to use the word independence in in a welsh context which say they wouldn't of jennifer use our last activity valid so i think the people where's it going to see that their church when scotland becomes independent the next logical step is for we're just becoming dependent of course separatism is nothing new to the british isles and the thousands of victims of the
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troubles in northern ireland are testament to how high feelings can run both in the present day and for centuries past while national sentiment may not be a new phenomenon the reasons for it have changed over the years and in these. current turbulent economic times money talks scotland has oil and gas but while wales was a proud coal producing nation its mines are now closed and it's got some of the highest unemployment levels in the u.k. because of that the older generation is reserved when it comes to independence but young people are filled with national fervor but them independence is less about money and more about nationhood and identity and wales needs to be independent because it is a great country and we do we do in it like joining because we really patriotic i think we're more patriotic than england and we have a lot to say we shouldn't. just seem to be like to here at the moment we get free
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prescriptions. education seems to be a bit better applied comrie says it's going to build on that support providing not just emotional reasons why wales should be independent but concrete economic reasons too and it says wales does have resources particularly land and sea for green energy if the scots vote for independence wales might not be far behind nor emmett's r.t. cardiff. and for the fourth time a top prize of the venice film festival is coming to russia alexander socor of the movie found other rivals to win the cult line the jury was united in its decision a word had darren aronofsky praising the picture saying it would change viewers for ever with two years of shooting and an overall price tag of over nine million dollars pounds is of course the most ambitious project inspired by go for strategy
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dialogue in german has yet to be translated to other languages including russian for more about the director and his work go to our website r.t. dot com. something similar to. charlie we ask a former george w. bush administration official for he's views on a fallout from nine eleven that's after be capped off this week's top stories in just a few minutes. welcome
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back you're watching our t.v. line from moscow today's news in this week's top stories the u.s. commemorates its worst terrorist attack the divide of the world the nine eleven assault ten years ago prompted america to launch a policing mission that many experts claim has made the globe more dangerous. rush of bids farewell to the players of the top national ice hockey team who perished in a plane crash the jets went down shortly after taking off jaroslava region killing forty three people on board. and moscow is to stand a fact finding mission to syria to get firsthand information about the crisis there
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this as russia's president medvedev refuses to take sides in the conflict saying talks are the only way to peace. the decade to follow the nine eleven attack was marked by wars waged under the flag of ridding the world from terrorists lawrence wilkerson a former u.s. official in the administration of george w. bush told r.t. that america thinks it's exceptional and abuses the power it no longer happens. after nine eleven america did not just go after those who perpetrated that tragic vicious attack it only shows a campaign on nations that had nothing to do with nine eleven we're talking about iraq where hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have died since two thousand and three america has been in constant war since nine eleven in different countries are we talking about one of the most profound overreactions in military history to
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talk about that i'm drawing by colonel lawrence wilkerson whose service calling powells chief of staff collin powell secretary of state under george w. bush colonel wilkerson thank you so much for joining me thanks for having me more than six thousand american servicemen have guy in the last decade of war spawned by the nine eleven attack. a tragedy worth remembering and knowing no doubt but why in all those speeches delivered by american officials i never hear about hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians dead in the wars waged by the united states and other countries like iraq but as a collective entity we seem to think we are exceptional and so exceptional that we don't have to think about other people or as i said it's a position you can maintain as long as you are as powerful as we were powerful as rome when it's today post world war two but we're no longer there powerful women
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are powerful recedes even as we speak here today some of the people who were at the helm back then are now writing books saying everything they did was writing closing guantanamo including everything else i'm talking about big changes first of all it's president and george w. bush and at the same time they're all blaming each other for something why all this confusion and should one be worried about the general picture that's being created at the last decade of war because they're all trying to blame each other and trying to get out of some of the blame and yes we should be going to. why are they trying to blame each other let's let's face a fact here for a moment that most americans don't even think about. nine eleven happened when george w. bush and dick cheney's what. they allowed the greatest killing of americans on american territory since florida. a lot of their rhetoric and aggressive actions post nine eleven was to hide that fact and also to keep it from happening again because if it had happened again we parted with impeached on the spot thrown out of
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office so we spent four trillion dollars to counter an attack by bin laden's a laurie that cost maybe half a million that's not very cost effective that's really bad it's bad business so you have to understand that first of all about the bush cheney administration the second thing you have to understand i think is that we have made a cottage industry if not to much more than a cottage industry out of the what my former boss colin powell has called the terrorist industrial complex and lots of people are making lots of money off of this so-called global war on terror you're saying that you had lots of doubts about building this case for war in iraq was it possible at some point. to stand up and say no we have doubts we're not writing this speech where where we're out of it we all did key points in the preparation of colin powell presentation on some of those occasions george tenet and his deputy john mclaughlin said ok ok we'll have to roll
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that out of the cia it is the director of central intelligence at the time. will throw that out and they threw it out the real essence of that presentation and they preserved they being george tenet and john mclaughlin and i think under some strong influence from the vice president's office they preserved and that was the mobile logical laboratory that was the active nuclear program as symbolized by the aluminum tubes and it was the existing chemical stocks and. hard connections between al qaeda and baghdad those were the real faults of the in that briefing that george tenet and john mclaughlin the representatives of not just the u.s. intelligence community but of israel france britain jordan and a host of others who were feeding intelligence and to us. that's what they said was sacrosanct they said that is the case that is what saddam hussein is doing only
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later did we learn that even those elements of his presentation were composed of half truths false words even and i think today after doing more research outright lies lies created in the defense department under undersecretary of defense for policy doug feith and his special iraq team white and allies created in the vice president not in your opinion because they wanted for the same reason but in summer of two thousand and two i have discovered that the emphasis on enhanced interrogation techniques changed suddenly from being to try and find out if another attack were coming after all a lot of time expired for another attack were coming it would have come. in the summer of two thousand and two and shifted suddenly to enhanced interrogation in order to find out of baghdad contacts with al qaida so we were actually portraying people not under the so-called smoking gun argument that we might have another
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attack so it was justified we were twittering people so we could attack iraq and convince the american people we should do so that's how drastic it got now ask me why they want to go to war with iraq and i'll give you a half a dozen answers if the sky is protection of israel if it's paul wolfowitz the deputy secretary of defense it's a little bit of israel it's a little bit of oil and it's a little bit of bringing peace and democracy and freedom to the middle east if it's george bush it's what i fear the nexus between al qaida and baghdad which cheney had convinced i'm sure george tenet had convinced him of it george tenet didn't think there was that big a nexus. with dick cheney i think it was all over iraq right now is sitting on probably two hundred billion barrels maybe three hundred billion barrels that's a rat's own oil record that surpasses the. do you reckon if iraq is sitting on three hundred billion barrels of oil if that turns out to be true it will be more than saudi arabia now you know why dick cheney went to war in iraq it also was the
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low hanging fruit north korea was far more dangerous but too difficult one hundred thousand casualties were predicted by the pentagon on both sides so would be destroyed iran was too difficult seventy million people not fractured like the iraqis and the sunni and shia christian and other so the low hanging fruit was a rock just use that moment in the wake of nine eleven they use the moment in the in the wake of nine eleven to divert from afghanistan our real target should have been our real target and go to iraq that's exactly what they did you said you would testify if they put someone like big cheney on trial about what would you accuse them off i think he's already done it no one needs to accuse him of anything he has admitted publicly it is on duty ok that he condoned waterboarding that he would still waterboard then he does not believe waterboarding is torture waterboarding is torture there's a ipso facto case the man's guilty but they're saying they did it in the best
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interest of their country it seems to be the ultimate reasoning which can't be confronted what would you say to that i say that the in never justifies the means. and the question is does the lesser evil ever justify itself because it prevents a greater evil there are some real problems with that argument the logical problems as well as philosophical and what i would call value laden problems first is you can never know hypothetical you never know if your lesser evil action actually prevented the greater evil pig cheney spends hours on television and elsewhere and in this book trying to say that his actions prevented a greater evil another attack on the united states and so for what's his interpretation my interpretation of the bureaucracy which is probably far better than his because i was buried in it i heard people talking about it every day so bottom line is i know what dick cheney doesn't know because he was in the ivory pot
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palace and he can't know horse soldiers surrounded cheney the people who surrounded cheney or david addington and john hannah and scooter libby and they killed the cheney what dick cheney wants to hear george tenet told dick cheney what dick cheney wanted to hear oh yes it's working mr vice president we're getting great information and we're stopping terrorist attacks that is broader. they didn't stop anything through inherent and hance interrogation techniques i have that from some of the most respected people in the f.b.i. and the intelligence community so i can't fault the cheney for not knowing the truth because he couldn't know the truth you stress he's trapped in his own. but the truth is the methods don't work and they rebound to your discredit and they recruit as you said for your enemy dick cheney is asked what would happen if an american were captured in iraq and what would happen if they waterboarding because
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they thought he was a threat to the state of iran and so he just skirted around the question what he really said was if you listen closely americans are better than anybody else in the world. americans shouldn't be waterboarding but anybody else we can waterboard especially if we're americans doing it that's essentially what dick cheney said now here's the kicker about forty percent of america agrees with you poll you look at the polls that have been done about forty percent of america at any given time and they think that americans have the right to torture other people and other people don't have the rights to torture americans for various reasons most seven think it's that way because we have a bigger gun that's why they think we can get away with it and do it because we have a bigger gun that's why i say the reckoning is coming the reckoning when we are just another country in the world and that day is coming and may not come in my lifetime but unfortunately i think it's coming in my children and my grandchildren's
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lifetime and this is going to be a hard time for washington because we know are going to have the money where no are going to have the economic might we're no longer going to have the military might and so forth to say to the world we can torture you but you can't torture us and many say that america's support sponsor the nine eleven was one of the most profound overreactions in military history would you agree with that i think initially it was proportional it was rational it was fairly well supported in the international community and it was a sadness that yes the initial reaction what we should have done was gone to afghanistan as we did did what we did about six months later said ok here's your government karzai you've got it go ahead and run your country as best you can we'll give you economic and financial support from afar we are going home oh by the way footnote if you entertain terrorist in this country good will come back and do it
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again in what way could that overreaction backfire. i think it already has and this is a profound change really that's happened since world war two it's been creeping up with us and now with libya it's here we have a an executive power that is beyond any check by the people by the congress or by the courts for war we can go toward the drop of a coin it matters not that the obama administration and i have to say i voted for president obama it matters not that they have protested rather few lee had an idiotic way really that they weren't involved in hostilities that the war powers act was not relevant and so for that it certainly was any time you kill people for state purposes the war powers act is relevant and the constitution is relevant we've reached a point now where the president the united states can kill people for state purposes any time he or she would feels
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the day's news and the week's top stories the u.s. commemorates its worst terrorist attack that divided the world the nine eleven assault ten years ago prompted america to launch a policing mission that many experts claim has made the globe more dangerous. russia bids farewell to the players of a top national ice hockey team who perished in a plane crash the jet went down shortly after taking off and jaroslav the region killing forty three people on board. and moscow is to send a fact finding mission to syria to get firsthand information about the prices they are this as russia's president refuses to take sides in the conflict saying talks are the only way to peace. talks is here with all the latest from the world of
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sports. thank you very much you're watching this for live on our t.v. headlines this hour on a dollar a novel djokovic should ransom to be here as the open decide a repeat of big sway and final meanwhile samantha stosur answering a williams will do battle for the ladies title actually he flushing meadows. is now a mall school song premier league leaders and city rivals for new away from home and second seeded suneet also lose on the day. and the loss is by family friends fans and dignitaries pay their respects to be looking much levi's hockey players who were killed in a plane crash this week. and let's begin with the latest from flushing meadows where serina williams not correlative is now came to us open semifinal the american
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through to the championship decider with these winning six two six four over the top seed meanwhile samantha styles are advance to her second career grand slam final in the earlier clash the australian beating surprised. in the rain delayed match starts or started strongly taking the first games to free parking instead of germany pulled back to level the game in for textiles the decider was one sided though with stossel running away five love and then securing a six three two six six two victory to reach the final she's now aiming to become the first australian woman to win a major since evolved gongs ninety eight c. were build on success. had a chance of the french open and. moyes and i would take it in you know now on this that we have given myself another opportunity see just go out there and you know use a little bit of that experience from last year really go after it and see what i can do but it would be. a major highlight of much gary. on the men's side knowledge on
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which to beat it or just perjury in the first meeting of the season the match went to a full five sets over the joker coming from two cents to knock down and saving to make one's conventionally get through six four six six three six two seven five in the final set five down one a better a loss at the same stage and to the same man at last is us open while the top seeded serve is hoping for his third grand slam title. and though. it's always important to. be calm to stay positive and to believe i believe that you can win i mean since you're already in the fifth said he's sorry for the marriage it's only one breaker difference or. images were. so all later after all adults downs but we joke of it shall be true fear offer defeating the full see the andy murray six will six two three six six two in the second set me once again denying the scots hopes of a major success the dull vs djokovic show will be
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a rematch of last year has been won by the battle between the world start to players. on super bowl nonsense is a saw the top four russian sides in action as the day started with a shock has to cross say to ruggles did not buy their first match without national team gilkey but he picked up and seriously three or four nights ago and the absence was a glaring one and they were all opened for the visitors thirty six minutes and now more misery was then heaped on says beattie goalie sergei chipped your goal just three minutes later given you can make it to neil. has to pounce remained all of these actually for the rest of the game this taking advantage of it made way through the second hole vandalising who want to keep and great subsidy that xander nordin were drowned out before neil upsets the stroke of full time.
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but they've chosen. as well the good of and the day on top they had a void the defeated look a might see but that was beyond them to challenge well it's meant throwing away a two girl advantage to lose pool to gun colossal image in the lives of the butt of both striking in the first articles and in the driving scene but back in the second hot summer signing big that i've been launching become by just after the break and now the new arrival really because say the time proceedings are right on the album out there and yet one more man who's just started his style with local manuel but who wants the was left to make the difference the portuguese bagging a brace within thirty minutes to complete before two scoring for the mighty. rubin meanwhile have slipped from false to after a disappointing three one loss at this now but he really hopes the sound open for the hosts eight minutes in following a handball in the box they are meeting international easily putting the ball away
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now straight to the second half where they're hosting double believe through alexander and the slush really as if idaho after a free kick not sure then pulled one back from the spot with four minutes to go given that is if there's a hope for a draw boxer be he presented the loser go out and join his team mates out proud hoping to score in the dying moments and he has managed to deal with that threat while joy brokenly had to put the school beyond doubt in the injury time meeting and them to nets to give the premier league new boys a well deserved a three one victory over the russian champions. meanwhile i could have pulled out of ice hockey skates hell until next season that was extract the other teams would give players to the great stricken team but local officials say they will take a one year break now saturday so thousands of people come out to pay their last respects to the players coffin.
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