tv [untitled] September 11, 2011 9:52am-10:22am EDT
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why isn't there appropriate research financed by a corporation or company let's do serious research tell me where these came trails are and with an airplane will fly there to analyze these trails is that so difficult about the. kitchen floor. isn't anything to hide i don't understand why not to say to the citizens no you don't have to worry because these visual trails don't affect in any way the health nor the climate if no one does this it's probably because there is the answer that it is better not to properly discuss the issue or that it is better not to give any answer at all. with a military machine is similar to the mechanism of an organization unfortunately everybody
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becomes a number in this combination. obviously an algebraic variation cannot change anything where the algebraic result is hardly variable about the wishes to find whys and conscientious people and high command rules people who are able to accomplish their mission in the best way to get out of. a good. laugh about it like tragedy is that in war time the leading principle allowed. to use a french expression concerning ethics and any other value is doomed to be put aside it's like a football match that has to be won any cost. for an act of heroism made by someone who is not in harmony with the rest of the scenario as a romantic appeal but it is not in the conditions to modify anything. an
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act of passion from those in command would be necessary for so much of me but every person has his own will every commander has his own autonomy that every commander has to be responsible for his own men good commanders are able to achieve a goal keeping an eye on the loss a good commander is able to oppose an order or even to change it it's just basically people's autonomy as one of resistance i also think that when you are really involved in a conflict the reactions can be quite different it's going to bug me. when we find something able to solve a concept of four and we see it in daily relationships each one of us decides not to make war to all the people around us probably this thing could become popular slee contagious i don't know how many of us could have these purposes also because we experience injustice daily that we accept to get a job by pulling strings because that is already
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a gesture of war because we trample on the dreams of who was hoping to achieve a start and goal that is already a gesture of war because we trample on the dreams of those who were hoping to achieve a certain goal. i have always been optimistic i'm sure that the good guys at the end when the same as in the movies to wish for a happy ending is a common wish for god but i have to say that we should use the difficult times to rediscover the real values probably we could rediscover our identity if it's a matter of identity if we are able to look at ourselves in the mirror and say i am a good person to make it good how maybe we could be tempted to really become good yes.
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damage that are done not just human damage but damage the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy you come from sims whether it's sonic booms in fact maureen mammals or it's the burning oil field syria and iraq or a good story corps resists the search for grammy purchasers the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that they are shall be taken in the war to protect involved against widespread long term and severe damage the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions political one has taken exception to that.
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today's news and restart stories on our t.v. miracle marks a decade since the tragedy of nine eleven which united a nation brought about two of the bloodiest worse in the twenty first century. in afghanistan which was invaded by the us shortly after the atrocity the relentless tell about a staged another deadly suicide bombing as archie discovers on the ground most afghan civilians don't even know why their country was ever occupied by foreign troops. russia and the sports world say goodbye to the country's top national ice hockey team wiped out in a plane crash that killed forty three people. moscow calls on the international community not to take sides in syria's internal violence as president medvedev says
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it will go syria should is the only way to peace. itself of six pm here in the russian capital this is r.t. it was a tragedy that claimed the lives of thousands in an instant and later brought two wars with an even more monstrous death toll of well the united states is marking a decade since the nine eleven terror attacks where terrorists crashed hard job closer to the plane towers of the world trade center in new york as well as the pentagon in washington a fourth plane came down in the state of pennsylvania remembrance ceremonies are being held at ground zero in new york and. all across america it was the worst strike on u.s. soil in history and the united nation in its determination to seek out the perpetrators and prevent more deaths but the american led invasion of afghanistan followed nine eleven has claimed thousands more lives in what's now the longest
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conflict in u.s. history and art is going education reports the killing didn't stop there. it started as a war on terror spawned by the deadliest terrorist attack in history in the world history with the enemy it's clear but the circle of america's enemies grew quickly and included nations that had nothing to do with nine eleven they were defined by george bush as the axis of evil some of these regimes have been pretty quiet since september eleventh. but we know their true nature. north korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction. well starting a citizens. iran aggressively pursues these weapons and actually terror by one of the elect if you repress the iranian people hope for freedom. in iraq and change the lead toward america interest support terror two years after nine eleven the us invaded iraq on the grounds that it had weapons of mass destruction and was doing
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business with al qaida grounds which proved to be faults hundreds of thousands of iraqi civilians have died since the invasion they use the moment and in the wake of nine eleven to divert from afghanistan our real target children are real target and go to iraq it also was the low hanging fruit north korea was far more dangerous but too difficult one hundred thousand casualties were predicted by the corner on both sides so would be destroyed iran was too difficult seventy million people not fractured like the iraqis and the sunni and shia in question another as for the motives behind invading iraq some top or oil iraq right now is sitting on probably two hundred billion barrels maybe three hundred billion barrels that's correct zone or report. he plans to be a thirteen million barrels per day production capacity in seven years that surpasses saudi arabia now you know why dick cheney went to war in iraq others
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blame america's self assigned rule as the world's policeman the driving idea behind it is that it had him on externality the idea is that the but world is going to be more secure place overall if there is a a universal or world or sole remaining superpower and much of what has happened post nine eleven in the name of responding to nine eleven has been a pretext as terrorism was no longer the only reason for landing on washington's enemy list the us had even more far reaching plans on the table former vice president dick cheney says he urged the bush administration to bomb syria at. one time because of its alleged nuclear weapons program a move which experts say would have had disastrous effects on the region president obama was elected on hopes that he would end the endless wars overseas which most americans are opposed to put he continues and adds one more another will reach nation and this time in the name of removing an evil dictator. some worry
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syria could be next we have a an executive power that is. by the people by the congress or by the courts for war we can go toward the drop of a court we've reached the point now where the president can kill people for purposes any time he or she will fuels and since nine eleven america's war on terror has cost many borders from pakistan to yemen and other countries to chase a handful of carious just turned the lives of entire nations upside down we're talking about hundreds of thousands of innocent lives taken by the constant war and many worry that a tragedy as great as nine eleven has served as a pretext for an even greater tragedy one that has no end in sight i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. all the talk more about the legacy of nine eleven we're now joined live from paris
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by journalists and a former director of the french state michel a column buddy thanks very much for being on the program all right well right after nine eleven the u.s. went to war as we know in afghanistan to track down those who were responsible for the attacks on the u.s. but now with the benefit of hindsight why do you think this stretched itself to a war with iraq going as far as using a false pretext to invade. we all know now that in effect the war in iraq was a pretext and it was a failure big mistake from coming from bush. who was at this time president of the united states. done the was no subject it was a kind of normal defense because everybody you happen to know that. kind of territory which was the protection given by the taliban's in afghanistan so a lot of countries followed the united states normally in the normal way of
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solidarity in afghanistan was totally different and in a way the war in iraq was what. hoped it. would do because then hooked from the war in iraq would create a sort of couse. a low. rise generations of terrorists and that was nearly what happened with the war in iraq so it was a complete mystery and a very dangerous mistake for the united states. kind of totally different. even if we knew. because we saw so many years ago the soviet army in afghanistan that afghanistan is so trepan tree that cannot be concrete and which is very very difficult and. there would be no solution with
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pakistan on one hand on the other hand in afghanistan ok well looking at their perspectives people especially ordinary citizens going there are those in afghanistan and iraq who do feel that the u.s. attack them for no credible reason i mean even if we go back to the reasons that existed at that time do you think there's a danger that the u.s. has created more enemies for. citizens in its efforts to protect. you can say that of the iraq war because going to work in iraq was the period of solidarity of. solidarity with z. u.s. after the attacks of the. years. in iraq know. going in your heart. was. necessarily a way to create enemies of the u.s.
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. that's what history shows shows now ok at ten years on do you think the u.s. has a one anything in the war on terror. yes they have if you will if you look at the ten years you look at the. ten years if you look at the way terrorism spread. in other countries and if you look at the fact that the u.s. were not attacked anymore you can make sort of a balance. sheet. with this all thing but the main thing is that. he has clearly now that the main enemies of al qaeda are all people. who want freedom and democracy and mainly people living in and muslim countries their main
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enemies in those countries and what we're seeing now with. tunisia egypt and syria is that people from muslim countries ask mainly for freedom and for democracy which is the only way to respond to. ok yes they're following what you're saying yes if we can create a balance can we. still operating even though as some of the latin is dead why do you think. nations that can think this particular terrorist organization. what we knew when the attacks. as soon as the attacks occurred in september eleventh is that we have to live for a long period. and when they said they wanted to kill jews and christians we were not enough aware that their. main
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problem was in the muslim countries and now we see clearly that their main enemies are in those countries and those people. responding now. say. the right answer. so you cannot say. their response was. because. they heard. all right unfortunately we have lost mr chairman a column body there however would like to thank you he's the director of the french they want. to write well the suicide bombing in afghanistan has wanted more than seventy american soldiers and killed two civilians it's being seen as the taliban's way of marking a decade since nine eleven but the movement has issued a statement after the attack denying it had anything to do with the tragedy on u.s.
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soil nearly ten years after the u.s. led coalition invaded afghanistan it doesn't seem any closer to winning the war there where the taliban are still relentless complex estimated to have cost over ten thousand afghan civilians their lives as are often caught in the crossfire and as u.s. combat troops begin their gradual withdrawal from the country most locals don't even know why foreign forces came in the first place. helmand in southern afghanistan is the province that has borne the brunt of the fighting between the taliban and coalition forces. afghans in this war torn province think about nine eleven and its consequences. while on patrol with the marines like the first opportunity to ask a couple of young afghan men what they know about nine eleven. commission a few more than us do they know where it is even if we don't know so that's got to be a former neighborhood about the world. cup. the two young
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men clearly never heard of a. local shoe. you know you see it in. this ng i just can see. and that's a that's one thing i can. show this picture the guys saying it so i think that was a call but if i just got here i would be surprised but having been here now for six months this is pretty much the stone ages where we are. about the essence of destiny so the guy you say it was kabul was clearly never going to cause. you to shows you how isolated they are even their own country don't understand how. thing out i. don't think you know you're going to america afghanistan come to this point and they get the airplane from here to the united states and you know how much. it was nice to go from iraq to them here is a lot easier to understand you know why you're here and what do you see at that
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picture you know a good picture of myself because if you can see afghans look at it in this context while wearing the uniform if you're in the right. so you pack that we're. going to make and saying we're going to help you to discern one building and it is how many danes and this is going to help you where is the hand. work your way can work in this ng to give it to our kids again and to book writing and they do it to their own kids in a paper that i don't indeed and. i do sympathize or understand what your some are saying it's even just from the weather we've had recently people losing their homes and nobody to help them so when you have when you can feed yourself there's a house yourself how are you going to care about somebody you know six thousand miles away. so i can understand this i just filled it up out of the thought that if i never thought to ask those questions of anybody here that's why we're here amazingly in a country where for ten years a war has been fought with nine eleven as its root cause and justification it turns
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out not only with the villages and polygamist tonight so with the afghan police and even some of the translators working with the u.s. military the. that is for you to. see if you ever see these pictures before. the survey taken in twenty turn by the international council on security and development found that ninety two percent of afghan men in helmand and other afghan provinces had no idea what nine eleven was with american troops that start with during this year it seems likely that they will leave afghanistan without the best majority of afghans ever having really understood why they came in the first place and puts from afghanistan for a no for full coverage of the ten year anniversary of the nine eleven tragedy you can go to our website that's our dot com where we provide you with all the latest updates interviews and. terrorist attacks it became. the senseless slaughter of this.
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stuff. over. ten years old. to. look back at nine eleven. this week russia sporting world was rocked that score when one of its best hockey teams all but wiped out in the blink of an eye they thought of once they were lucky with the plane crashed on takeoff on saturday thousands gathered at a team stadium to say their final goodbyes to the victims are shown thomas witnessed a city in mourning. and waves of emotion poured through arsenal as residents realize the full weight of the tragedy that country or the lives of some of the city's brightest stars but ended up with the fans of this team for many years our whole family including a little child that went to all the games for us in europe or below us but it's
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like losing a family member. i knew one of the players he was my neighbor and he was a great person he's got two little kids left how could this happen when we saw the news on t.v. i just burst into tears. just after four in the afternoon on wednesday the charter plane carrying almost the entire jaroslava locomotive cage hill hockey team crashed shortly after takeoff bursting into a wall of flame after clipping a runway and turner forty three of the forty five onboard perished who were mostly serious just we heard the plane takeoff so we told our granddaughter look there's going to be an airplane then i heard a bang at my door and told me mom it's falling down to the side but then came the flames and the smoke and we wanted to run away but we didn't know where to run but then we went to the river and saw the plane with what's yours. in the wake of the tragedy of what he ordered an immediate and thorough investigation as president medvedev led a country in mourning visiting the crash site and paying his respects. meanwhile
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fans of the three time championship winning euro slava lokomotiv team their voices heard in a show of solidarity and support. as you can see from the flowers and candles and momentos left here at the stadium the loss of jaroslava locomotive it was a huge blow to this community but due to the international nature of this team it was a larger loss of for russia and the rest of the world as well. my friends with the play because a way to go a couple years ago and of course one just just want to give my condolences to the families and. sweet stuff for the ceremonies to honor the players were held in minsk in bratislava which somber reflection is from those who knew the players as well. as the title demitra told me he actually wants to quit corky and he wants to play a little bit more and then leave and spend time with his family so this last conversation came back to my head when i heard about the crash i want to only him at least by
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lighting this candle and not only him but everybody who died i would like to express my condolences to his family to his children and wife. saturday march to the end of an official three day mourning period as thousands poured into the stadium to view fortune cafes on the splay and say their final goodbyes we did it was revealed that we have buried our friends the people who brought us joy and played for her country this is an irreplaceable loss for the people of us level and the whole country. and you know some level sean thomas or a t. and so to come for you this is our theory in the middle east find out why a modern cairo to the israeli embassy by store leading to the evacuation of its diplomats from the country. twenty seven people. reported to have been killed by syrian security forces backed by troops in several towns across the country this comes as the arab league announced its reach an agreement with president bashar al
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assad promised reforms the planned outlines proposals to bring an end to the bloodshed release prisoners and hold elections within three years the us and e.u. have imposed sanctions on syria and are calling for the un security council to condemn the violence and because the united nations says more than two thousand have died of the uprising since mid march while authorities in damascus blamed armed groups for the unrest. meanwhile russia is urging both sides to start talking to avoid another conflict moscow plans to send a fact finding mission to syria to get first started from asia are the areas hit by violence the decision was announced after members of the syrian opposition visited the russian capital requesting international help speaking on the sidelines of an international policy for the russian city of. present in the event of said he's concerned about events in syria but the situation is far from simplistic.
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the resolutions we would approve to send a strong message to the syrian regime should in fact be addressed to both sides things are just black and white and he and the government protesters in syria are not followers of some refined european models of democracy some of them are to put it straight extremists and some might even be called terrorists and situation is not that simple and we have to take into account the balance of different forces and interests russia may support certain moves but only if they don't boil down to the one sided condemnation of the government and president assad we should send a strong message calling on all the conflicting parties to come to the negotiating table start talks and stop the bloodshed. in libya the head of the country's interim government has arrived in the capital tripoli for the first starts as it fell to rebel forces well most of libya is now controlled by the national transitional council but get off of oil is have been putting up fierce resistance in but he will need one of the colonels last strongholds all nato airstrikes continue to assess.
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