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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2011 12:01am-12:31am EDT

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visit to moscow the first by u.k. leaders since two thousand and five relations between the two countries have been strained in recent years over a number of issues notably the poisoning death of a former russian security agent in london well you know across lives over spawn of the so now wait for more on david cameron here in moscow so i need to talk us through what is going to be discussed today. it looks like the two sides have agreed to disagree of course many it's. six years on a british prime minister. strained relations but. when you talk of form of russia i would say that. the reason why died one that was followed by a diplomatic route and paulson's there's also been reluctance to buy british authorities over the past couple of years to extradite very much wanted russian citizens by fourth year. and i think it's pretty much fair to say that although not
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recently absolutely the scandal pretty much high level bilateral cooperation whatsoever and there's some. sources that we're hearing that are hoping that perhaps today will be the day we're maybe we won't see a breakthrough but we could see the first step toward some kind of reset on another issue that britain and russia of course have had their differences on the international stage libya and syria and we know that the two leaders today will be focusing on those issues britain one of the first countries to try to secure that u.n. resolution to go into the country and of course some of the first forces in libya got to be on the table as well overall we're hearing that both sides understand how much they really need together and they certainly do have a lot of common ground where they can begin to rebuild relations well obviously as you just said there's a quite a few issues to be ironed out there and you also mentioned the two sides to have some common ground let's talk about that a little bit more. right both sides understand their responsibility as major
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economies in light of the global financial crisis british investments in russia reached forty billion dollars by the end of twenty ten so obviously russian leader british leader and businessman alike one that relationship to continue in the works is a major project by selwyn russians gazprom and also both countries it seems like really believe that they can learn from each other both gulf coast upcoming olympic events london twenty twelve sochi twenty four teams in both countries are building major innovation cities in russia the silicone like voice over in london east london i should say just a park to be built about something you're going to speak about and again with the two partners obo this is the first time in the six years that such a high level british english was been in moscow president's visit and the british prime minister david cameron have met several times over the last year and a half let's not forget they were together in the g twenty the g eight and now
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they're very close together and you have thirty council they do have a lot of work to do and a lot of issues on which they certainly hope they can begin to see eye to watch our enemies thanks very much indeed for bringing us the details and david cameron's visit here to moscow and he's now reporting there. it'll is much disputed fifty four billion euros terry package to slash the country's crippling debt will go through a final debate at the lower house of parliament on monday it would increase taxes and cut government spending to balance the budget by two thousand and thirteen a constant changes to the plan and squabbling between lawmakers as damaged people's faith in it and as i've been of reports there's a town that's decided it doesn't want to wait for the cuts. welcome to filipino a small town in the middle of italy that also claims to be an independent principality
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and to prove it it's even started printing its own money the man on the new note says town mayor lucas a lhari now self-proclaimed prince i guess everyone dreams of being a prince when they're a little boy and so did i now i get to live that dream filipinos going solo in protest over government plans to slash council funding it wants small towns to merge having the number of local authorities with a population of just six hundred philip teano and its mayor for the chop was a. terrible idea because it makes no economic sense we have everything here to be autonomous and besides the neighboring towns are at least thirty kilometers away so it's not practically possible it wouldn't even save that much money most regional administrations do nothing we should get rid of them instead of the cancer part of a forty five billion euro austerity package italy's in deep debt one hundred twenty
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percent of g.d.p. the second highest in europe but unions a furious with the cuts accusing the government of punishing those already at their poorest even some of silvio berlusconi's own allies now oppose them with amendments piling up but filipinos fed up the term and to be the next san marino a constitutional republic within italy that has no national debt a rare thing in europe the methinks the town can live off its natural resources of wood and water but currently profits go to private companies there are constitutional hurdles but since autonomy is not illegal it could just be a matter of time at the moment these notes are legal tender just souvenirs but the plan is for two theory to it to be worth one euro and for this to be the only current. they could be spent in the shops and restaurants here business is always been slow in this sleepy town but shopkeepers hope the new money will bring new
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cash. i'm sure that once we start using the new currency the economic situation here will significantly improve it will have a positive effect on tourism of course attracting people to the town. far from being a p.r. stunt filipino means business and berlusconi knows it he's visiting the town later this month to stave off the rebellion and he'll have a fight on his hands filipinos the source of rome's water supply and that may is threatening to cut it off if he doesn't get what he wants either bennett's r.t. filipino italy. dead late in greece meanwhile is planning to impose a property tax it claims will let the country meet the demands of its lenders the greek prime minister has already pledged to move ahead with highly unpopular authority measures later we'll talk to a greek m.p.c. mosquita carlos who says joining the euro zone was detrimental to his country's financial health. with the help of the european union
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greek for most have stopped producing can imagine a country like greece right now can't feed its people we don't produce enough me we don't produce enough we even oil we are importing and we had the scheme from the european union that farmers were paid so that they wouldn't produce anything. we've destroyed one of the main assets of our economy the investment of a made europe were only to sell germany you know what's the biggest investment it's made in greece for the past ten years super markets. and we ended up buying german products buying german cause. maybe greece borrowed a lot of money the past ten years. from germany.
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much money germany has made out of greece the past. you'll discover that that's more than what we borrowed. can watch the full interview with. just twenty minutes time here on our team also ahead this hour america remembers the victims of the worst terrorist act in history a decade after the nine eleven attacks. and cairo and ankara turned their backs on the jury state israel has warned it will soon be isolated in the region with two of its former allies expressing a growing resentment. wealthy british style it's time to.
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market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. soon which brightened. some from funds to pressure. from stocks on t.v. . iran's nuclear power plants will share will start operating officially when it's connected to the national grid the later on monday it was still the which was built with russia's help came online last year russia's energy minister praised the efforts and working together and promised similar
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projects in the future you would. give the widow you rate income to parts when through difficulties and problems building plans and today we can be proud to the results that are drawing the attention of the whole world i'm sure for the cooperation in operating the station and developing other nuclear energy projects who will be distinguished by the atmosphere we created while working together. russia has agreed to provide fuel for the plan but iran will return all spent fuel to russia to ease western concerns over its uranium enrichment program to iran is once again stressed its atomic ambitions are peaceful and are not aimed at building nuclear weapons. sunday was an emotional day for americans remembering the victims of the nine eleven attacks exactly ten years ago thousands gathered in new york avenue memorial at ground zero and students silence while the names of the three thousand people who died were read aloud ten years ago terrorists crashed
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hijacked planes into the twin towers of the world trade center in new york and the pentagon building in washington d.c. one more plane came down in the state of pennsylvania the u.s. responded back with invasions in iraq and afghanistan which was hugely criticized author and journalist option returns he says washington's response to the attack was inadequate and will eventually backfire. i think institutional structures even in a country as advanced as the sole superpower on earth were at fault for many people of the institutional and bureaucratic procedures didn't allow them to shoot down those planes before they get the world trade center and so forth but perhaps a bigger malays here is that all systems seem to have failed the media the courts the police forces the intelligence agencies government. and this happens when empires start to fold the response from the united states to nine eleven was was so
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catastrophic very wrong that. someone would love him i don't get what he wants but people all around the world are being affected so poorly so badly by u.s. policy lots of people in the global south still remember how their countries have been distorted or destroyed so many ways by americans i think of american intervention in afghanistan. previously the soviet union has proved again and again very dangerous for the super bowl was involved afghanistan is not easy place for america to take over and i think you're more if when i. say his first responsibility is to the afghanistan people. and then to the way the region. not to the united states so the idea that the united states can take succor from what's happened in afghanistan i don't think so and as to democracy building democracy building needs to be created from the ground up but it took a huge toll on the american economy as well and it's a sad day for some and
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a sad day for those who believe in say the constitution the original constitution of united states of america one of the greatest ever and see how superpowers they rise and they fall. other exclusive nine eleven stories and much more be sure to check out our website and here's what's in line for you right now. nearly ninety percent of afghans have no knowledge of the. u.s. or the reasons why. a decade you'll find some surprising details an explosive video online. ten years after the attacks one does not mean make sure your voice was heard and. plus there's lots of video. channel.
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he used to. be official. from the. old. video. of. the palm of your. colonel gadhafi is remaining troops continue their resistance and maybe as the rebels advance on one of his last strongholds would help of nato airstrikes could
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obvious fighters did not lay down their arms before a surrender deadline last week but whereabouts of the libyan former leader who vowed to die in the country is still unknown one of his sons saadi has crossed into neighboring the share earlier reports suggest other members of his family and some associates are already there but with the former leader now on the run journalists says nato is contradicting the initial of its mission. we have now nato was main rebel commander in tripoli who was a for former friend of the so-called jihad the so this is really the big news story of today which in the end hardly any of the new news networks are covering the white house to learn that the west will never give up its domination of the globe without devastating and taken the rest of the world to war so in as much so doing the main lesson for us them how do we develop our effective internationalism against aggression of the west the lessons of oversleeping learned by the west
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because what they've done in libya. you know gadhafi has more of a social support in libya than the taliban do in afghanistan unlike often it's done in libya it's just neighboring europe so with the resistance that is raging in the lead and certain to want to go in in libya i think europe needs to watch its back. turkey has warned israel it faces a growing isolation in the region as the turkish prime minister prepares to visit egypt the jewish state has recently found relations with cairo as well as ankara strained after rioters ransacked the israeli embassy anger swelled after israeli forces responding to a cross border militant tab mistakenly killed five egyptian police officers last month and turkey has vowed to sue israel in the international court over its blockade of gaza that's already cut all military and trade ties with the jewish state after it refused to apologize for killing nine terrorists in a raid on an aid flotilla last year dr jonathan spyer from the global research in
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international affairs center says the role of israel in the changing middle east is diminishing. but it's important to remember that there are there approaches underway in the region right now which are in no way which israel can in no way really exert any influence we are in the midst it might be said of a tectonic shift actually in the strategic picture at least one of the aspects of to move towards making a bid for regional leadership is once again the very distinct cooling to put it mildly its relations with israel so these approaches this of historical magnitude which israel can't really influence israel in a certain sense is only going to be able to pursue a policy of damage limitation hoping very much to keep these relationships with egypt with as much truck as they possibly can. and what you like to live from moscow let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world counting is underway in guatemala as presidential elections for former military general out of paris molina
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thought to be leading leftist groups have warned against a return to the nation's dictatorship passed by the high crime rate and poverty in guatemala have left manny voters seeking top solutions analysts say molina nicknamed the iron fist is seen as most likely to restore order and stability. and march. to remember the victims of dictator augusto pinochet turned violent crowd started pelting police officers and the media with rocks before a full blown riot started on the streets of chile's capital santiago similar marches are held in the country every september eleventh. two explosions have rocked the nigerian city of jaws leaving at least one person hospitalized explosives were apparently thrown from a moving vehicle near a packed restaurant this is the latest blast in the city of jaws which has been a blaze with ethnic clashes for years causing hundreds fatalities.
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lost lives despair and destruction the constant companions in any war but the impact on nature often goes unnoticed and little later r t focuses on the environmental footprint of war. well when one deals with water it has to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage to the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by obama's by napalm. coming from the city whether it's a sonic boom city tractor or even mammals or it's the burning oil fields in iraq or it's destroyed it's the search for purpose is to list just goes on along the geneva conventions of forty nine states that are shall be taken in the war protect. against widespread long term and severe damage the
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united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions of protocol one has taken exception to that. what your special report in our stand here on our team before that though what's happening in a world of business failures here. hello and a very welcome to the business report well in the harbor news of the duma ought to be believed the world is heading rapidly for a second deep of the recession but influential economist nouriel roubini warns of a perfect storm of high debt rising inflation and political indecision russia's reasonable place to ride out the turmoil with its healthy budget bought troika stretches christopher says that that will offer only limited protection when the mood turns sour. in reality russia is in
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a much stronger position today than it was in two thousand and eight so you know the russia is in a much better position to be able to withstand global downturn. you know to to to remain fiscally solvent and stable ok that's the reality it doesn't matter the perception is that russia is still a high risk environment and most international investors view russia as a derivative of global growth therefore if they become optimistic about global recovery russian asset prices tend to rise higher faster than others and equally when there's a sell off as we saw in august russian asset prices will go down probably even faster than the rest greece is debt problems just won't go away leaving many believing default is inevitable but city's chief economist william believes the e.u. will draw out the process to avoid shocking the market. the. restructurings
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. right. over that of greece most likely to go along with your in bomb fell swoop your europe always tries to be a little bit pregnant but curative expect a lot of the great to sixty five to go through most of all about jobs. that of course will require you to do it capitalization of banks that are exposed to the group especially in greece. but have a look at the markets now oil prices are heading down on stronger dollar well economic gloom down on the outlook for energy use and that's just want to risk a meet here of stooping sovereign debt crisis rights which is currently trading at eighty six dollars a barrel while branches below one hundred twelve dollars and asian stocks are
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posting significant losses following friday's steep selling in the european and u.s. markets exporters are among the main retreat in japan can make a nice in this sort of three percent down while trying to produce a sharp is almost five percent in the red meanwhile banking stocks are the worst performers in hong kong with h.s.b.c. down seven percent hitting a two year low. and hours ahead of the opening bell here in moscow the russian markets ended friday's trading session deeply in the red in my six last two and a half percent while the r.h.s. blinded almost we said. russian equities ended last week on a low despite president obama announcing a new stimulus package for the u.s. economy looking ahead to the next five days and looks like. that for nation's capital is not optimistic as expectations of more poor economic data remain high. very interesting in the sequence of the events i would say about my speech will be
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forgotten at all and actually everybody understands that for obama it was there will be a situation he just proposed and some measure of seventy three problems will block this measure some congress republicans will be the public enemies and that's why john the chances for obama to pass these legislation really high but i think that the real market move in fact there will be. a european which will arise during the next week because we haven't seen them forward to almost like a week it's a pretty long period of time for these condo for events to happen. from renesas capital that's all the business news from the off mall stores you can log on to our website archie dot com slash business.
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like millions of americans i've lost thousands of dollars. and retirement funds and i haven't had as bad as many it's not just about the for them it's about me to. me man brad ya gotta share. that same.
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act g.'s. to say i. need it. now she. says this is my film i get the last word this financial crisis will not be turned off like a light switch. wealthy british style sign. on. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines in two kinds a report on our.
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minds. to be soo much brighter than if you knew about song from phones to christians. who screams don't totty don't come. in mosco g.'s available in hotels for course students but i do know a little old toto keep a promise it is called us photo east west. sensa. as a good. stroke for mr tropico know her job.
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welcome back you're watching live from moscow these are the top stories the british prime minister is in moscow for talks with the russian leadership after years of strained relations and it's the first official visit of a british leader to the russian capital since two thousand and five. iran prepares to plug in its russian build pushchair nuclear stations the country's first atomic power plant will reach about half of capacity after being connected to the national grid. fifty four billion euros package and there's a final debate in the lower house of parliament but open protests. popular cards have already started with some areas in the country going as far as seeking autonomy. measures and a new property tax are also being prepared for greeks.


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