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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2011 10:31pm-11:01pm EDT

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stages in parliament you are however slumped on monday i would he was sitting in situation each day and griese i wish there had been tina fey is a deformed possible but smarts of. the headlines up next hour into the show spotlight and today in the studio it's russian politician on a totally true bond as a key figure in the boris yeltsin administration is now head of the russian nanotechnology corporation host no fast same about how to great in the economy spotlight is up next. spotlight the interview. and my guest today is. over the last few years russia has invested billions of dollars into the knowledge
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of something invisible something very small but something that's considered to be a very promising take nanotechnology is an industry that's said to be bringing russia out of the oil and gas are. the twenty first century. but many people say that it's a waste of taxpayers' money since. anything that. supermarkets so is. something that will help modernize. the man who is and the tele. the head of the russian corporation dealing with nano. years ago then present for them to putin but a knowledge of college is a scientific study of the highest priority since then dozens of projects have kicked off some billion dollars of by the state of private investment to coordinated force of the. corporation was created its c.e.o.
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is one of the most experienced russian managers who was part of the team. who launched the market economy. twenty years later is making investments work. thank you very much for being with us first of all the news that. recently launched . a new production line in st petersburg where it will be producing some nano products some ceramic metal ceramics and things like that what was specifically going to produce something wishes of the most important part of the instruments of the i was a cutting the blade absolutely which is a little face with the marks and. all the marks and parameters in the qur'an make
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that a something which may increase all of those parameters this why partner who is the very will. scientist with a good technology experience will develop this technology. we. know if we accept this ideas and we invest in developing these businesses and just a couple of weeks ago the start of the commercial production of nanuk aramic instruments details for machinery but when you we're talking about blade you said mission machinery is it going to be like for blodget machine by drilling or something or like surgery for example you're actually the exact of the land we're speaking about then to produce blades they produce. cutting instruments like drills and things like the. you first begin to show the blades develop in these special technology which based on the idea or the quartering on the blades
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is something which may increase the temperature and increase the pressure pressure which is accepted by the blades. the world economy today is facing a big problem this many say it's entering a period of crisis or stagnation whatever. economists in science say that future economic growth may be based only on new technologies what kind of technologies from your point of view are these. knowledge is that can lead economy out of stagnation and there's no one of these technologies supporting the great discussion. the discussion of both the big waves. and the fall of the theory of because because of knowledge of go waifs scientists can but i think. there are number of scientists all over the world who based on his ideas developed in the beginning of the last century they developed the stages theory of
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knowledge of go waves and according to this theory the station. we should go now there is something which is based on telecommunication on computer or on. this and the next station that something which may be based on knowledge there is no exact. arguments because known technology or that something which is spirit intersect or all so that something which you may apply in machinery in pharmaceutical in the basic materials or in no french mccoll products in the medical equipment the area of wide spectrum or was smart church lists materials much more strength in. future in economic terms. today to be frank it is the gadgets it's not yet a big industry it's a gadget is all you disagree with does it well i am wrong but
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to disagree with you because you first begin to both. we mean something which we may get today in the market you will be right but they will get something which is on the stage of the proof or even on the issue of proof or product the may find something which may fundament have a change in this small budget but which may change the huge industry a little good. just one example. not a composite materials but something which has now become the part of the industrial technology all over the world where they start to be accepted mainly in space. the next stage they are applied in the production if you will to the. boy and so on so on so. you will know that there is about twelve percent of man
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a competent materials inside this board if you will take. eight which is doable and that there are more than fifty two percent of the materials and this understandable because the weight that's absolutely critical in you if you save one q. off weight it's strongly important space number one aircraft number two the next stage this may be ship building next they may be at the railway bogans the next stage may be the car production and we know a number of the it will name a producer who established the program to utilize them on a composite materials but this is the way when something which is started on the very small space shuttle well this is so me good night then why at least i have hope that that that a dreamliner will out thirty kilometers instead of clinton or that's one
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option another option will fly foster the thought option it will take instead of two hundred fifty passengers of it will take three hundred fifty percent so if you have this materials in the you a constructor engineer you are able to convert that into the into the speed into the efficiency into the in the just saving so what they were but bigger on there's the new material there is russia today have the potential to develop such breakthrough technology that can that can help the country make to and from from from from rural material type economy to to high tech one. i believe that we are. thank you. three stage in this question station number one no it can no ship. station number two maybe there is some think. station number three everybody knows it so my understanding is
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now we're coming from the station number one into the station number two is following here the country is falling is that your wife. number three of what is very important what we find myself in this process i find a normal sources enormous resources resources from tom of the r. and d. support resources and to all the skilled people resources into a more the technological bigger and it's not moving more school we're starting the project for pretty you're seeing. policy to call in the small b. to cheer on the siberia in one of the district of the region and immediately fly and skilled people. to more dickel experience and to support and will produce two hundred to solve and six hundred or four policy to go on in this region and that's typical so wherever will start new businesses some of the russia able to find resources which is already existence within the country who has this resources. mr
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shaath the communist leader of soviets russia once said we will overcome america then mr gorbachev also said and you remember we should go further we should develop technologies now mr putin was more modest remember he said that we should reach the level of portugal like catch up with europe but these slogans are introduced but we're still as you said. a moving following i still level what what's the problem when will or should a breakthrough happen. as all of us know soviet union economy. was able to produce some great scientific results like spain. program like nuclear program. military high tech military here ok
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yeah aircraft yeah. but if you will remind yourself of some kind of the technology that you meant in the soviet union quantum of which was which may be applied for the ordinary people. nothing which the. order of. radio or anything that sort of do nothing so in the soviet union then what does it mean it mean that there was some kind of. technology will be drawn by the quantum itself could not produce which may be consumed by the ordinary people need something like of the space shuttle a space. rocket can be produced but not for the ordinary people but there was a reserve there was resources but there were no demand next to the market the climate which is based on the demat so it would be able to go to the shop and to buy computer unfortunately there will be no computer but the demand is existing and
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i believe the next stage of development of the market economy in the russia this which will create this institutional framework for the you know weight of equipment which will create the eco system for that you know we typical enemy and to make a long shorter look to convience that in the russia in next five ten the u.s. would have absolutely real chances to create more than twenty. in the way to move the ball stoner's says see the russian corporation for now the technologies . will be back shortly after the break stay with us.
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to. us. wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. welcome back to spotlight i'm just a reminder that today my guest on the show is i'm not the only c.e.o. . of the russian corporation dealing with nanotechnologies with a country so rich natural resources not only oil and gas but water. timber who will whatever do we need to do these side say things i mean i mean why do does the economy need them as far as i know and i know it from the new. papers one of your biggest problems is still introduce high tech to governors
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like in fargo he reasons for this country isn't it true they don't want it. actually there is a way to steal based upon the oil and gas. there's the option which is existing but that's the option which is forced. strongly warble to any current of the economic downturns and second there's the option which is not. a ploy option to consume unique resources which is with the economic social human existence now and thought that the strategy which will bring crushing to the thought of all so that's why to answer to your question. can we leave without it yes we can but that's something which means they do they should my understanding is that what russia needs is not division but in the way and there's the lemma the lemma bigger additional in the ration where we have to make overtures
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. if you will continue to go this way and we call attention cation russia needs quality education many people are talking that there are problems in russian education even compared to the old soviet system is rust no one else. participating in developing quality education this country yes we do and we understand it must. i cannot say and i'm disagree there is no educational system in russia that's wrong if you compare the russian and occasional system chaney's with india with brazil in bric countries it's not the war system at the same time definitely it's not the best in the world in this way we need to adjust the skills of employees and our. project to what is demanded by the project itself what a what exact style of our educational project normally at the moment with the new
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business project with the educational project to educate skilled people to this project when we start to produce in this. region this political immediately simul to know the start of the project to educate team which will be the employee in this project we have interviewed a number of people on spawn flights russian scientists russian young specialists work abroad and who want to come back to work and russia but surprisingly money isn't what they need isn't what they're waiting. do you sam how are you somehow interested in the problem of brain drain and what do you think you need to give people to to drag them back to rich. well i believe the money is important but knowing thing it only important and all of the main thing what is the main
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thing it wouldn't go experience the main sink is a real option to implementing your ideas to apply them in the real business process let me give an example we fly in the team of very young people young scientists who left russia left russia to feel that they've grown from the finish go on when they live to a job when they develop some very very sophisticated technology get restructured to produce play to me to. we understand the scientific result is very interesting and i suggest them to come back to invest in this business stuff to build a business in russia based on the ideas which was developed by themselves. the political successful was started production of the russian. i mean to its limits which is now the beginning of september in the shops there's the commercial product
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in the parameter of the technical parameters of this product is on the level of the best in the war that's on the level of that's on the level of force room and that's an example so when you give the option to implement theoretical n.d.s. to put them in the real practical business that's something which is even more important than just money and i know you would mention the lead laps the new production because many people say that you mention consumer products so many people say that this these. are the first and the only a consumer product today that's manufactured with the help of not technology is it true well it's small. for some more examples but that's true that more product is not. she would be business. but i will you be working on more and more consumer items things that things can be sold well in
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local stones in supermarkets i don't see it as a prayer it's something which didn't mind me the. group a group b. group a is important ruby is not important to me because if there is a consumer business or consumer ordinary people i would support this business of so that's why i wouldn't consider it as a priority you recently showed another product the electronic reader you showed that you introduced it to to the russian prime minister and you said that this is something that may replace. paper books in russian schools that tell us more about it do you think that this really me become products. that will that will make make or stand a famous among schoolchildren. well the whole goal to become famous or will become
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official. first i should say about this project of the. fuel of huge respect to those who developed the project the project was developed in cambridge university and go into up in the company which is located in silicon valley and manufacturing facility in germany but there's the international are based company it was a very we'll based r. and d. support based idea the idea. where the project developed on does the idea of silicon electronics plus to connect one to something which is absolutely new you have to do with nano founded by some really this kind of pull something out on the door of the but no doubt about it but that's some kind of the new technological way for electronic and. so when you say plastic instead of silicone this means that plastic may be a conductor like a semiconductor whatever side of the plastic may be conductive plastic maybe
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semiconductor and plastic is something which is based which is the materials you made the whole management technical management of the screen screen was no goal like the additional screen the and i play it all i remember the plastic screen and the plus stick semiconductor which just meant that the color in this in this screen. the idea of sitting on the twenty that's something which make if huge implementation not only the plastic not only to the reader which we're pretty we're going to produce so the idea is so great this why it was spawned of all of. wonder if you are in a very very complicated negotiation competing with cheney is who who would like to accept this technology and as a bill fortunately we was able to win this competition and now we're starting three
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fewest to build huge manufacturing facilities in the russia which will produce of these products second we. we made the request to our partner to two for the product itself to focus the computer itself on the school school consumers school pupil consumers and they did it in the when else the one you experimental when four russian regions school boys and school girls will start to use this computer instead of paper textbooks and process number three was taught to create the center which will develop the technology of the plastic computers you mentioned that this technology is developed in. lint produced by a plastic logic in california what does risk then have to do with it to build you
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paying manufacturing facility which will which will have the big scale production using it here or in the new thing they have the most gold must be building the most cool below that which will develop the technology so there's that make more maybe in the new silicon plastic value of sort of convoy and all that sort of thing to do you think that may happen but if we speak seriously. there is no exact answer for this could be. electronics we'll convince the market marketable accepted i am a strong believer of the huge option for more complete substitution more for. developing new silicon plastic electronics in the number of electronic sensors my son does a lot of reading which is strange for a twelve year old today and i try to introduce this reader you know this electronic book which is better than a computer because there's not the light i mean i mean it's but he does like to see
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. his eyes he prefers paper pay paper books is this plastic plastic technology any better well son it are enormous which is of the requirement i should avoid of the difference between the normal screen and the screen which we use in our computer into additional classical screen the computer you hear from. the lights are coming into your eyes in this in the reader you don't have to really you don't have this reflected like this right on the plate like on paper it's really is this what this is going is about but still his eyes hurt for some reason definitely a little a look at the sort of the same extent to which they may be heard by the paper you already know that's a lot of the same are true of the electronic paper paper have the same effect which is more. here for less war notable less risky for the pupil people was an especially for children well that's why. it's something which
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a must if you're speaking of all the consumers in the school thank you thank you very much mr and just to remind you of it my guest on the show today was on the tele head of the not and the so for now from all of us here spotlight will be back with more from stan comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take.
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we'll. bring you the latest and sign systems for gold from the ground floor. we've got the future of. the.
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mutual interests of british prime minister visits russia for the first time in six years pushing aside differences to discuss economic partnership with four hundred million dollars worth of contracts signed the countries also discuss the syrian crisis with russia and even conduct no repeat of the event intervention. over a decade of cooperation about its fruit as iran gets its faster tricity from the bush had nuclear plant built with the help of russia's nuclear agency during an engineer's will operate the long run to fifteen with russia especially as stated in the country in the meantime before handing out but. the move center stage in the deepening eurozone financial crisis with a crucial fifty four billion euro austerity package entering the final stages a moment that you will call the slumped on monday over the why same situation followed each one of greens of which there are continuing fears of default on several its months of debt.


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