tv [untitled] September 12, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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during the final stages in parliament as you will however long term monday i will be worsening situation about its many greens overaged our continuing fears of the single most of. those the headlines now back to the i don't shout from our washington studio. part of time for you said it i read it take time to respond to my brilliance engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first i want to take a moment to read some of the responses that we received from my fireside friday which aired last week about the nine eleven generation now i gave my personal account and many of you responded with your own so here's some of those personal stories from our viewers who are also part of that same generation brooklyn jew seven said our generation basically has grown up with nothing but war and politics on our mind we're basically used to it so many people have stopped caring about the
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lives lost every day phoenix dragon twenty six said amen i barely remember what life was like three nine eleven as i'm not much older than a loner i'm twenty eight and was just starting my senior year in high school that tragic day so all six o four said i was just starting grade eleven when the nine eleven attacks happened and jamil three sixteen said was twenty years old then why petey auxiliary police lucky for me i got to the world trade center ten minutes late i would not be watching this video today and i sticky six said alona you know how to hit a home every time i was eleven when nine eleven went down just old enough to start to remember and notice the changes that happened ever since and i gotta say it's been a pretty bad decade overall a sea of gold says i was ten years old on nine eleven two thousand and one i remember the night before i asked my dad what the tallest building in new york was he guessed empire state building i told him he was wrong and the world trade center was the tallest september eleventh was a tuesday as far as i could tell it was a normal school day until the bus ride home and i heard about the attacks when i got home i saw the buildings fall on t.v.
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repeatedly suddenly my dad was right but a tragic and scary day i want to thank everybody for your thoughtful responses and we encourage you to keep telling your stories we like hearing that and i want to move on to our next topic last week we spoke with atika sparing of the young turks about the obama administration's dismal record on civil liberties in. david kennedy responded on facebook saying one of the main reasons i won't be voting for obama this time he has done nothing to fix this huge problem and unfortunately that's true the obama administration has fully embraced the bush administration's crackdown on civil liberties in the wake of nine eleven and in fact taken it much further despite promises from the president during the campaign to do otherwise we heard speech after speech of obama where he said he believes you can respect the law and keep american state and yet he hasn't acted on those words his ministration has even taken the war on terror to new levels putting the first american citizen on the cia kill list and expanding the use of drones in both frequency and number of countries that they're being used to now finally jna goes your zero zero said on
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you tube alone let me get you pregnant all pay day child support with no problem. no i thank you for your generous offer i'm going to have to politely decline that they have been back with a more of the ranting later in the week. now just a short while back we told you that the state of florida signed a law that would require mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients now we're going to shift our focus to missouri where a technical college is starting their own mandatory drug testing program for their students. with state technical colleges a two year public school and it's required all incoming students starting this year to submit a urine sample. that's right if you're a new student at linn state technical college or student is returning after an extended period of time you are required to take a drug test now the drug test will take place five to ten days after the semester begins and the policy explains that if a student does test positive for drugs they'll have a second chance to take the test forty five days later without being expelled from
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school of the test look for a wide range of narcotics in an individual system those include marijuana cocaine methamphetamines opiates p.c.p. and oxycontin and the test will also be the financial responsibility of the students there can be forced to shell out fifty dollars for that first test and if they fail it will cost another thirty five to be retested nowlin state says that this new rule is in place to deter drug use among students but on the same page of the handbook it also says we do not believe the l.t.s. c. has any greater student drug issue that other colleges but we do differ in our mission and teaching environment and as you can imagine groups like the a.c.l.u. claim that this move by the state college is a clear violation of a student's fourth amendment rights they also point out that simply teaching about substance abuse is a method that most other american institution to use to prepare students for the real world not necessarily a physical test placed on everyone now in states the first college in the country to make this a requirement for their students a lot of people are wondering if this might become the norm across the u.s.
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or might the courts rule in favor of protecting student privacy and fourth amendment rights i guess only time will tell but in the meantime not only are these students being forced to take the test they're being forced to shell out the cash for it themselves so. much for a little understanding during a recession. well last week's g.o.p. presidential debate we heard a lot about immigration policy actually less so policy and more about building a gigantic fence as if that's going to keep everybody out but there was another interesting element it was something that played during the commercials that you might have missed take a look at what supposedly the real problem one million illegal immigrants and temporary workers or government admits every year they take good jobs in places like california no matter how many californians are out of work you know the economy gets we need to slow legal immigration to california is working again. illegal immigration is a problem that's
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a new one and that in fact couldn't be more wrong why not bring more skilled workers in the same legal immigrants who create businesses and in turn create jobs and why is that something that you won't hear at the debates including the tea party debate that's taking place tonight to discuss this with me is alex norris state policy analyst at the competitive enterprise institute alex thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me now for starters i have you have you seen stuff like this before i haven't seen any campaigns that are anti legal immigration i think that was my first experience actually the three main anti immigration groups united states the federation for american immigration reform center for immigration studies caps as well as a number of us they are all rabidly anti immigrant across the board and they say this on the web site they say they're not only against illegal immigration but they're against illegal immigration they want to bring down immigration down the levels of less than two hundred fifty thousand a year or even lower mark a korean who's head of the center for immigration studies the subtitle of his book the case that is against the case against immigration both legal and illegal so
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they really don't make any secret about it ok so let's talk about what they're actually arguing for and they're using california as an example right there is saying we need to wait until california is ok which you know is when california financial disaster is going to be taken care of until we can bring more legal immigrants in but if we look at silicon valley right how many of these startups were actually created by these skilled immigrants that came in on some of these visas well i mean it depends on the type of startup that you're talking about but somewhere between about a third and roughly more than half of all the tech startups and silicon valley were founded by foreigners either here on work visas or here on green cards or people who had already gotten their citizenship brand is a great example but you know he is a russian immigrant who came to the united states as a refugee as a child and he co-founded google now where would the united states be right now with all google where would silicon valley be but california you know the tech industry isn't be on. anyone there that's dominated by immigrants let's talk about
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agriculture i mean the whole central part of the state is arab culture heavy and that's mainly foreign workers let's talk about hollywood i mean all the major studios were started by foreigners a lot of eastern european and central european jews who came over here to start businesses let's talk about construction industry i mean that's heavily dominated by immigrants so the four largest and thriving industries in california are dominated by foreign born workers both workers and entrepreneurs so those ads really don't know what they're talking about when it comes to economic now has it become more difficult over the you know over the years over the decades can you talk about some of the processes some of these. how hard is it to get one of those these days it's tough and it's getting tougher unfortunately last year the obama administration signed into law provisions that increase the fees and increase the restrictions and regulations on firms that hire h one b.'s. how much money do you have to shell out it depends on the type of worker and other characteristics but between about six thousand and nine thousand dollars per worker and that's just for
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the paperwork that's not even for the fancy lawyers that you need probably to get on your side and i mean some of the lawyers on top of that will cost us several thousand dollars more it depends on the particular circumstance but you can see fees for some workers up into thirty thousand dollars or more for really specialty workers from countries where there's a lot of rules and regulations so it just seems you know we're talking about job creation right we have the president laying out a jobs plan for the future we're talking about the need for more small businesses companies that are actually going to hire i don't understand why why the attitudes have changed so much why the rhetoric is so so negative here and i actually want to show you a clip this is something a debate between ronald reagan and george bush sr just to really show how much the discussion has changed over the years take a look at this. because with this we. sometimes labor that i'd like to see the illegal we're doing two things we're creating a whole society of. really honorable decent family loving people that are in
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violation of the law and secondly we're exacerbating relations with mexico to change the answer your question is much more fundamental than whether they attend houston schools it seems to me i don't want to see the eleven year i don't want to see our. six and eight year old kids being made run totally uneducated and made to feel that they're living with outside the law let's address ourselves to the fundamental. ok so that was a republican debate back in the day and the original question that he had been asked there is whether he thought that the children of illegal immigrants should have to pay to attend public schools and he's saying it's much bigger issue than all of that right and that just seems like such a such a logical approach such a humanistic approach to realize that these are people too we need to figure out how to work them into our system how so how does it change so much of the reason republican debate it's all about building a fence not just zap everybody and keep them out it really is i think it's also just a symptom of the poor economic times that we have i mean think about the people that
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you can blame for your troubles as a politician and not facing the fallout or foreigners you blame china you blame trade and you blame immigrants people who don't vote and don't have a say in the electoral process i mean this has been going back over one hundred years in american history even longer i mean you read the tracks written about the italian immigrants and jewish immigrants back in the early twentieth century they're even worse than what we're hearing nowadays so it's really just a symptom of blaming the foreigner for any problems that happen and it's really unfortunate because immigration is not charity immigrants h. one b. visas even five visas all different types of visas really help america if you become wealthy now if you had to take a wild guess tonight there is a c.n.n. tea party republican debate i'm already getting them all confused in my head there are so many debates but do you think that when they bring up immigration anyone is going to talk about the need for more h one b. visas even five these is like he said for more skilled labor to come over romney has at times in the past talked about the need for this and what's ironic is rick perry before he decided to start running for president five or six months ago of
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prior to that was one of the most one of the best pro-immigration governors around i mean when arizona passed this law back last year that one of the first people who commented on it was him saying this type of law is not right for texas so i think we could be surprised by that but you know it remains to be seen if the last debate is any indication of this republic won't and i thank you so much for joining and us and. i will find out we watch the debate tonight well thank you. still ahead gays are more dangerous for the west than terrorists those comments are in a law maker tonight to all time award and happy hour fund gods that make your children plus of the earth girls have a special night electric people go back for more fun in just a moment. well when one deals with war for us to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage
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that have done not just human damage but damage the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy coming from the city whether it's on a sonic boom say factoring in mammals or it's the burning oil fields in iraq or it's destroyed coral reefs in the pacific for women purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that there shall be taken in the war to protect the involved against widespread long term and severe damage the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions of protocol one has taken exception to that.
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wealthy british style the sun. that's not on. the market why not. get on the. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds. look at the global financial headlines tune in to guns report on our. side it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to oklahoma state lawmaker sally kern now the republican congresswoman is a hard line conservative and an outspoken critic of homosexuality she's got a new book coming out entitled the stoning of sally current in the book sally makes the claim that there is a liberal attack going on here in the u.s.
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against christian conservatism now it sounds to me like sally is a little paranoid here i bet that she believes that war on christmas the fox news bush is every year now while promoting this book she was asked about comments that she made in two thousand and eight when she made the claim that homosexuality polls posed a more immediate threat to the us than terrorist attacks now listen as she doubled down on that ridiculous claim. which joyed and ended a lie of more people care was attacked here in america or hiv aids ok in the last twenty years fifteen to twenty years we've had made three carry on our soil with a little over five thousand people regrettably losing their lives in the. hundreds of thousands who have died because of. having aids so which one is the biggest threat now keep in mind sally was making a statement just days before the u.s.
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paused to remember the september eleventh attacks but you explain a little bit here you might be thinking what's the big deal if she is talking about what a serious problem hiv aids are in america right not exactly it's more along the lines of there are gay people everywhere and that's why we have aids hiv and aids and the more gay people our children have to see in real life or on t.v. the more hiv and aids they will be. every day our young people adults do but especially our young people are bombarded at school in movies in music on t.v. in the mall in magazines they're bombarded with homosexuality is normal and natural it's something they have to deal with every day fortunately we don't have to deal with the cares that every day. yeah sally really saves out a few screws loose now listen to her last comment in this interview l y c is so scared for homosexuality here in america. we were founded as
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a nation upon the principles of religion and morality if we take bows out from under our society we will lose what has may disagree nation we will no longer be a virtuous people which we see happening already and without virtue this nation will not survive. now casey didn't catch the last part there she said this nation will not survive who the gave people the power to bring down the united states of america now the truth is that they don't this is just the rambling and rantings of a homophobic woman trying to sell a few books to line their pockets but the sad part is that she'll probably make a few bucks off of people who believe the garbage that she's peddling sorry but taking something that's a serious public health issue blaming it on one side of the population and then comparing that to terrorism that's just low not to mention psycho so that's why tonight we're giving oklahoma state lawmaker sally kern article time award.
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if time for half the hour tonight and joining me this evening is our two producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger at black dot net thanks for joining me guys now ok so of course we saw a lot of commemoration we saw the ceremonies at ground zero this weekend to remember nine eleven but we also saw some possible threats of an attack you know first they were saying that the there might be some kind of action by some kind of retaliation or to read to get us to remember nine eleven and then we also saw that there was something going on on airplanes that was really really threatening take a look. at american airlines flight from los angeles to new york was accompanied to the ground by two f. sixteen fighter jets after air marshals onboard the plane reported strange behavior
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by three men who were coming and going from the bathroom it turns out that's all they were doing and they were questioned and released and everybody else on the plane was like oh. turns out they were just coming and going from the bathroom now there was actually two incidents right there is one with the what is coming over the bathroom one where they think some people were just making out in the bathroom . and you had to get f. sixteen fighter jets around the plane i mean this is what i would call an overreaction this is so coming to fear jim i think it was those gay people that crazy oklahoma congress lady was talking about trying to bring down a plane you know and i think it was clearly according to sally kern a direct threat on national security and you know it's just so everybody is a little ridiculous you guys i understand that it's nine eleven i understand they want to take a lot of security measures you know i flew yesterday but security just seemed fine to me but people are just coming and going from the bathroom sorry sometimes you got to go it's a bathroom and you're on
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a plane and it's just ridiculous to me i mean i don't really honestly know what to say about this other than the fact you were clearly jittery yesterday i do think it was a little ridiculous that for two people making out in a bathroom they call them fighter jets and the plane was then as scored to a remote area of the getting much everybody got the nine eleven make out the bathroom i mean. me it's more a love letter they were you know i think they were probably mourning and remember everybody mourns in the room and i got to believe you know forget about joining the mile high club anymore because immediately they're going to think it's a terrorist threat and i think that's true threat to america the death of the mile high club that the death of final ritual deadly. well speaking of nine eleven we'll stick on it for one more minute the hooters girls put out a nice video take a look. this is very serious and really like they are. hear me. it's like you're speaking because you like me and let me
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thank you amy. thank you. i think that was rather sweet kids you hear anything they had to say. you know when i think looters i think fried pickles i don't know what you're talking about that's what the specialty is they're on aware of anything i thought it was the way the homeless woman who was the way you know you got to everybody says if you're if you're a serious hooters denier you claim it's the fried pickles. ok you are you seriously heard tonight i actually i thought the thing here is video had an interesting kind of tempo people were kind of upbeat and happy which was different so i said congrats i think it was a funny actually like upset or outraged about this but no no i just mean like a lot of the other tributes were so somber and so how do you know we're dramatic i mean rule number one we killed we've killed a lot of other terrorist those are reasons to rejoice all right your nine eleven said but the whole point is why we're going forward and i think the hooters girls
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could lead if they aren't they are going to lead us there going oh thank god for that who. are. speaking about it are going to lead us for a start but the children as we know sponge bob square pants is a popular children's show but apparently it might not actually be very good for them might lead to short term learning and attention problems take a look. well the cartoon character sponge bob square pants could he be hurting your child's ability to learn a new study out of the university of virginia finds four year olds scored measurably worse on mental function test after watching his nine minutes of sponge bob that's a punctuation right now taking out a laugh that's why as opposed to children who either drew pictures or watched a slower paced shows for the same. so now even our cartoons are turning kids into children because they're just too fast paced they want you to sit around and draw a picture or watch something that moves
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a little slower you know that christmas came early so they and again my. dad again. i swear they would probably wait and see the stories we've covered on the show here to about one of those they think that there is a massive liberal conspiracy because sponge bob was on some books talking about global warming or something they will not let this. do you know the krabby patty you are made with crack cocaine oh i didn't. see the whole thing seriously it is designed to turn our kids into gay drug abusing islamophobia anti-american scumbags . attention deficit disorder well all of that aside as a psychology minor which clearly makes me an expert i would like to point out that this study has a few flaws one of which was the sample size was all from the middle class upper middle class another is that there were only sixty people that they did another is that there were they were four year olds and the target audience for sponge bob is six to eleven also this is one study it's one finding it's not supported by further
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well it's funny because fox news obviously jumped all over it as i've other people reported on it but it's everybody mentioned that as a small sample size you have to tell the grain of salt fox to mention that but said but still clearly clearly the evidence is overwhelming and they have a point not to mention the a.p.'s article the associate press article that came out said that this builds on the evidence showing that this is causing a national health problem or you just can't. ok for either of the devils fans of all of the devil let's go to this last story here real clip but this is really just ridiculous thank goodness a new york federal court overturned a search on a hunch the police did see police they said the police can't pull over a call. are simply because two passengers are riding in the back seat according to the september second ruling they said that a trio of new york police department officers had a hunch that
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a passing gold colored ford crown victoria with new jersey license plates might secretly have been charging for a ride so on hunch they just decided to to go ahead and search the car i don't really get to say you have a hunch these days if you're a lot of horsemen official. first of all they're right in a chrome vick that's a crime right there so that's that's probable cause to start with well i mean i've never ridden in the back of a car when there's no in the passenger seat it's really uncomfortable so i i can see that but however as someone who was stopped routinely for random insurance cherrix because i clearly looked too young to drive i guess yeah driving while blind and looking you know no i mean i think it's ridiculous and i'm glad the judge made the right decision you know you like to complain a lot about civil liberties and i think for once you might have actually hit on what i'm going to jump on board with you know i don't want. to be the reason for probable cause well you take the scare quotes off it and use the constitution that we actually agreed on something i got
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a rabbit i was thanks for joining me that's it for tonight's show faith community and make you come back tomorrow as it makes more sense are talking points and that's going to be on the program to discuss the c.n.n. tea party republican debate now the meantime don't forget become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's or any other nights you can always catch telling you tube dot com slash your money show up next is the.
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12:00 am
on certain victory shortly of jubilation after the fall of gadhafi with some libyan saying there are now being abused by those who fought for their freedom. profiting from punishments at a time when the u.s. is tightening its fiscal belt floors take private jails and seek more revenue from cash cow prisoners. dad zone for tourists ukraine considers the legality of day trips to the contaminated area around the side of the world's biggest nuclear tragedy. it is eight am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me arena joshie amnesty international has called on all sides in the bia to prevent human rights of you.
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