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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2011 12:52am-1:22am EDT

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lost three friends in russian or their parents of course we have a son and son the thoughts to them all the time thinking about it. every day and we will miss them for the rest of our lives for the best way to go on our own and to do it so it's a dirty game especially when i think about it stephanopoulos or rather than a minor i know the way we've fought about the king of the game a lot of players love every single day of eternity and the way i can honor them and so it is at least to be. proud of what i'm doing now and enjoy the game as much as he does and there he did and. just has to go on tour. who tried to get. over thirteen year on r.t. now still. six more games have been blazing going to plan a champion celebrity lives victory and the look on my sleeve got the you fancy from
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three goals down to claim a five three win over moscow regions long dark and build no it was not skinny to the shootout to decide the winner so the style bids our most through three one at home and the better also scored three times against advances elsewhere it's now easily debated on guard in minsk and finally don't want you bob ward's claim the full suit away with a gaze slovakia's and therefore proud so gay my second with a double in that one. over to russian football now where we're twenty three arrests up on monday with a so much of the informed terry to walk away in the chechen capital assume that shower and open for this is just twenty eight minutes in converting from the spawn after a foul in the box against wood to slough we need the change in sea level matters for minutes afterwards though show me a sindar of the equaliser with his hat or following across from the right hand side
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. after the break chara struck the sack in the fifty third minute to seal the final result as he made most of the defenders mistake there is one stronger as ninth a girl of the season and one six eight in the table. now is howard sound from the beach for the world cup with a very welcome visitor in tel that show fee side beating nines our world champions brazil for their first ever global crowdfunding team touching down the most is the night of the airports on mondays when c aids was the startling story about them not on the winning day brazil went into the final aiming for their fifth straight cycle but russia had blazed the perfect trail throughout that so many other ideas shushan helped himself to have treated well and very well he'd ski was a rug between the posts on who weights and story victory. does that i mean every time we've gone of the world called prior to this we've stumbled in one point or
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another however we can work in correcting those mistakes so this is our hard work pays off in the ultimate way. physiatrist adults of basketball and the european championships in leeds rain and now where russia has kept one hundred percent record thanks to win over macedonia and then lost a group stage game sixty three to sixty one the final score their russia captain said again born as three points against them the narrow way and where the balls are but they did lots of man have to forget all their previous speakers now as they add so they knock out stages at russia place said back in the schools twaddles on thursday. that's it for now you can find some of those stories and more it's our you tube page which is our t sports news marina we'll update you on the main news right after the wildlife.
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world zoo the. green you the latest in science and technology from around the world . we've got the future covered. well when one deals with war for us to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage has gone viral bomb squad napalm boy chemicals limits whether it's hard sonic boom six tractor mammals or it's the burning oil field syria or iraq or it's destroyed coral reefs in the pacific for ramming purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva
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conventions of nineteen forty nine states that they are shall be taken in the war to protect them votes against widespread long term and severe damage to the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions protocol one has taken exception to that.
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if you really are going to take three months for charges three arrangement three. three stooges three.
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we've long term video for your media project a free media god r g dot com. on certain victory short lived jubilation after the fall of gadhafi was soundly beaten saying they're now being abused by those who fought for their freedom. profiting from punishment at a time when the u.s. is tightening its fiscal balance forcing drive a deal see more revenue from cash cow prisoners. and dead zones for tourists ukraine considers the legality of day trips to the contaminated area around trade novel side of the world's biggest nuclear tragedy. the russian ruble is trading close to its lowest level of your figure in the forty eight months war and business in about twenty minutes.
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nine am in the russian capital you're watching r.t.i. marina joshie welcome to the program amnesty international has called on all sides in the view to prevent human rights abuses and there are allegations of violations committed by both rebels and colonel gadhafi as troops rebels are still finding pockets of khadafi loyalists but took the capital last month always nato's help some people in tripoli say so far the fruits of the revolution are uncertainty and fear are these recent ocean reports. let. it drop you free tripoli just can't stop chanting to celebrate the birth of the new libya. all reminders of a recently overthrown dictatorship are suppressed what used to bring nightmares to some for decades is now
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a cause for law after. years of super curly hair we call him because his hair is so long and he doesn't cut it and they are ugly actually put some out smiling believe in the post and often freedom is nothing but the mirage a crown has been the rest of three times in the last two weeks ruggles interrogated him and took his documents the reason the twenty seven year old copilot says is his family's ties with gadhafi his regime we cover his face and change his name in supposedly free libya case man is afraid of being thrown to jail again or even killed you can say a bad words about gadhafi but you can say about about wars about the. prophet but they are talking about democracy this is not the work of akram says libya didn't get rid of a dictatorship only fell into another one of the rebels' weapons in a city where the gun has become a common accessory just like
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a cell phone and where one can only cross the town's numerous checkpoints with an obligatory a large guard to the windows this is a reality not hard to believe. you know everybody we are happy we are freedom their fears do run away this is not true believe me because they are feared to all returned back to tripoli you see the same people same people same percentage they are supporting a. revolution can bring much hope which was comes after news different those who drove egypt's revolt this year who are still on the streets this weekend seven months after toppling president mubarak angry at the likes of progress on reforms it is future too is still far from clear the post gadhafi libyan capital has been the scene of euphoria with celebrate three gunfire and singing heard here around the clock for more than
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a fortnight already like all parties however some believe they could be a serious hangover afterwards in the form of retribution and uncertainty as to how the future a country will be governed really national r.t. tripoli libya. meanwhile there's growing concern in libya that arms seized after the fall of gadhafi could fall into the wrong hands brian johnston thomas a former u.n. expert told r.t. what needs to be done to stop the flow of weapons. old start off by being legally married only could be sold but at some point the guns that cause the problems end up being diverted and the case of libya the concerns are if you let. a lot of the rebels who are until fairly recently also regarded as being in league with al qaida in some cases so there are some what is the what they might do with that a certain you know what i was looking for they call carter the martyr of which we as always are taking an interest in what happens in the game and once you get
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support for the revolution or any sort. of control of some of the individuals within it's one of the troubles of the. community where you can have a society with a good vision as if it's good you will respect the rule of rule and majority of gun crimes not because people who wants to hold an illegal weapon because they don't have any trust and someone else looking after them so that's the libyan transitional national council and very quickly established the trust the impartial and determined police force and the because main cities but you can tripoli there will be a temptation of people to keep guns with it and you will not then reasons their information to use their guns for something which should be used. and you can see the full interview with brian johnson thomas former u.n. expert on the arms straight up next hour here on. so we have for you this hour extremes of tourism. raving at first hand experience in the political world
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simple way inside the exclusion zone around the church novel nuclear plant in ukraine. and this is the site that will welcome iran xp. residents and you work next week a billboard in times square accuses iran of being our. job hands for the u.n. general assembly. it's deja vu time for the greek economy once again and there's regulation it's close to default thanks to a soaring budget deficit and athens mainlander isn't helping the situation with allies of the german chancellor suggesting greece may need to default and leave the single currency by financial journalist demand. there's no mechanism to exit the euro and there are different ways but. the european central bank and the e.u. could go about dealing with a default of greece or an exit of greece portugal or some of the peripheral
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countries they could break the euro into two different types of euro but the fact that no one is willing to talk about that option openly and kind of admit that that's where we are with an unsustainable debt like greece has and now the fact that the country of the size of italy which is no longer really able to access the markets the way there actually is some good for the markets but the e.c.b. isn't there buying italian spanish but so the fact that you have these countries unable to issue that paper on their own is is frightening for the european union for the eurozone there is no real exit mechanism from the euro if you're part of the view and you are part of it supposedly for life ok and so we saw how chaotic it was when argentina. default on its debt and exit of the dollar in the case of greece it's not even a peg they've given up their currency their french banks that are that are potentially on the hook with a lot of greek that now who was exposed to those french banks and whose exposed the banks that it was the french banks a lot of the banks prefer an environment like they have now which is we can lever
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up as much as we want doesn't matter and if we lose we just get bailed out there they're structurally adjust their business model and their profit making mechanism to this new environment which has been perpetual bailouts that we've seen since and i think. america needs all the cash it can get out of the moment one idea being mooted to save billions of dollars a year is a reduction in the number of people being kept behind bars however one worth of people has a vested interest in keeping prisons as full as possible so he's married important i found out. america's financial crisis has been something of an unthinkable monster swallowing up millions of jobs homes and businesses throughout the nation yet amid this ongoing economic armageddon one industry has remained recession. private prisons. with more than two point three million people behind bars the united states trumps china russia and the rest of the world in both
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the number and percentage of people doing time where it falls short though it's been capable of containing such a large population it's a political dilemma turns cash cow for dozens of corporations creaming profits off punishment private prisons make money and purse ration the more people they lock up and the longer they keep them the more money they make so they have the same person simply to expand our justice system and increase or number of people or our number of citizens who are behind bars because it increases their property margin. the profitability of private jails depends on the prison population continuing to go up the rate of incarceration in the us has quadrupled since the eighty's when america's war on drugs are short in the three strikes policy which ties judges to mandatory minimum sentencing even for nonviolent offenders since the late eighty's and into the ninety's and now today we see
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a turn away from that rehabilitated model so across the country prison programming is cut rehabilitation is being cut there's less opportunities for education to gain work skills and instead there's just this drive towards isolation towards punishment at private prison companies are paid between forty five and one hundred thirty dollars a day per detainee rates for juveniles women and immigrants could be higher while public prisons are accountable to the public private ones answer only to shareholders and are not subject to external scrutiny that means many private contractors face few consequences for the poor or even inhumane treatment of detainees we just see you know more and more isolation sensory deprivation and prisoners who literally never interact with human beings guards would come. into the facility there would be a sign out front with their stock price to let them know how the company was doing
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corrections corporation of america and geo group are good two largest private prison companies with combined revenues of two point nine billion dollars last year but critics say they've been using that financial clout to line their own pockets even further encouraging politicians to keep going with the heavy handed sentencing program by launching an influential lobby campaign in the corridors of power are being in the order to influence public officials only a small power and private prison industry. policy change others include campaign donations so the company's made hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to politicians nationwide both on the federal and state levels with most states and the federal government currently operating under record deficits and budget cuts private prison companies are pitching their facilities as lower cost alternatives and while most americans continue struggling during this economic downturn now's
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incarceration may grow even more profitable burring upper nile artsy new york. adventurous travelers are waiting to see if they will ever be admitted to one of the globe's most surreal tourist signs the dad zone around her novel nuclear plant in ukraine twenty five years after the worst avar atomic disaster trips to the area have been halted over allegations they are illegal isolates here she asking has the details. these cars were once heavily affected by nuclear radiation now the radiator for a different reason or have an exhibition in key of dedicated to the plea rubble of the one nine hundred eighty six chernobyl fallout over the years the chernobyl museum in ukraine's capital kiev has become one of the top tourist attractions especially in april this year when the world markets going to fifth anniversary of the disaster but for those craving for the first hand post-apocalyptic experience
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looking at the exhibition here has not been enough. and there is an adventurous alternative to contaminated zone around chernobyl itself over that was decades tourists have been floor can hear more than ten thousand of them each year that's why forbes magazine named the dead zone one of the world's most exotic tourist destinations. and looks on the former resident of the goldstone of pretty good has been organizing the beast wars for several years he told us that this there is are always fascinated by what they see although all their motivations for making the trip have always varied. thank. you people have different reasons but the somewhere to see what an apocalypse could look like. someone to feel the history of. their childhood like the atmosphere of the soviet union has been preserved but for me it's more important not why they come here it's
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what effect it has on them. but since june that this radioactive tourism has been suspended the prosecutor general's office conducted checks and ruled that the emergencies ministry had broken the law with these trips as well as making i don't know healthy profit every tourist to the zone has been paying around one hundred us dollars to do so equating to a multi-million dollar revenue every year. we were to the ministry to inform the government of every dollar earned by the strips and we know that a lot of money only we have no idea. why not put the money into the budget and use it to sort of brazil's problems. the ministry is defined it says it stuck by the law it claims these troops are a vital way of educating the world on how to avoid such disasters and says they can help fund new industrial projects on contaminated land which are not goes on will never again be inhabited but experts say it could still serve other purposes
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proposed almost half of the thirty kilometer area as acceptable levels of radiation both because of the fallout of nuclear particles and decontamination procedures that's why we can use these launch on occupied spaces to build solar and wind power stations which we can even group biofuel here at this nancy emergencies ministry has now filed a lawsuit in a bid to resume tourist to the contaminated zone and the court is expected to start hearings in mid september ukraine's thirty kilometer nuclear wasteland will remain closed to the public until then with the debate remains very much open. alexy russia ski r.t. reporting from kiev and chicken noble in ukraine. for more exclusive stories and video be sure to check out our website r.t. dot com and here's what's in line for you right now the u.k. prime minister of david cameron's visit to russia and the herald
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a rebound of relations between the two functions of the cats our own website for an in-depth analysis. and a russian communications satellite thought to be lost in space since come online after three weeks of radio silence war at r.t. dot com plus check out all of our best videos on our adventure you challenge. me is that event it is you. tube. little to. download the official ulti application to join a phone called talk from the top story. the job she lives on the go.
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beyond among all keys mind little girls. an r.s.s. feed now in the palm of your. question on the call. iran's first nuclear power plant is now on stream after being officially launched the russian built the city is the only such station in the entire middle east we share is currently running at forty percent capacity and won't reach full power until december russia will continue to provide help and fuel for the plant and iran will send spam fuel back to russia to ease tension in the rest over any uranium enrichment program the u.s. and the e.u. have long been concerned the country is building a nuclear bomb but to iran insist it's immigration's are strictly peaceful. researcher at the school of oriental and african studies at the university of london believes iran has the right to peaceful nuclear energy just like any other
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developed nation we have now a decades long standoff between iran and the west. over the iranian nuclear program this has been very hyped of. the nuclear issue for political reasons in order to be able to garner support and put pressure on iran if you cannot control or influence a country you might go for isolation and weakening of the country in the best way to do that and through economic sanctions economic sanctions if we just listen to the most authoritative source when it comes to analyzing the iranian nuclear program which is the international atomic energy agency and if we read their reports we see that there is no evidence for any weaponization and also this is confirmed numerously on numerous occasions by the u.s. intelligence services and very recently so as well so the world has to face that
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iran as other developed countries has a nuclear program which is peaceful according. according to all the evidence that we have. well there will be no warm welcome for reigning in president mahmoud of money johnny york when he visits for the u.n. general assembly a massive billboard in times square accuses iran of allying with al qaida a huge poster was put out by the united. which proposes to ron's nuclear plans and also wants hotels to refuse to accommodate i'm going to drop out of the independent institute think tank told r.t. that it's happening iran risks increasing its desire for nuclear weapons if you remember after all nine eleven iran helped the united states apprehensive alka people and provided intelligence on them because remember. islamist government is different than the al qaeda which is sunni and the iranian government is shia and
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the. is hostile to the billboard furler demonizes iran so i think the problem with demonization as we've seen in the case of saddam hussein and moammar gadhafi is that the united states then seems to take out those leaders after a while and if you've got a republican administration in who beat obama and next year in the elections by two thousand and thirteen we could hear the drumbeat for attacking iran which of course i think would be disastrous you have to put yourself in their shoes they do have legitimate security fears but i think you have to take them into account and you have to do everything that you can not to demonize them because that in turn creates pressures for attacking them later on this coercive approach merely makes iran want to have weapons more run sees that iraq and libya who gave up their nuclear weapons programs they got invaded or attacked. let's take
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a look at some other stories from around the world turkey's prime minister has described israel's raid on a gaza bound full till last year as a cause for war but said he's country refrain from taking action anger did however expel israeli diplomats and cut military ties with the jewish state after it was used to acknowledge eyes were filling in the operation and they have a trip to egypt turkey's leader of war in israel it faces growing isolation in the region relations between the jewish state and cairo are strained to after ryder's ransacked the israeli embassy. a massive fuel pipeline explosion in khania has killed at least seventy five people and severely injured over one hundred blasts created a giant fireball which in the gulf the heavily populated slum the year by the kenyan red cross system in search and rescue operations as scores of severely burned victims flooded hospitals in iraq the explosion was most likely caused by attempts to size.


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