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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2011 2:22am-2:52am EDT

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iraqi army patrol has found twenty two murdered shia pilgrims in the country's western province the victims were hatta to a shrine in syria when their bus was stopped by armed gunmen they were taken to a remote desert area and executed attacks on shia pilgrims have claimed hundreds of lives in recent months. france's national interests the provider e.t.f. says an explosion of more coal nuclear sites poses no risk of radioactive leak a blast described as an industrial accidents not a nuclear one killed one person and injured four others it's thought to have been caused by a fire in the sides radioactive waste storage facility. right we're up to date now that's what's happening in the world of business. and. how did your welcome to your business update russia's largest lenders
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burbank is seeking to diversify its business and buy into life insurance company plans or alliance life of center of german insurance major alliance though almost all businesses has been moved to its other russians absolutely a roster of life alliance life it still holds all the necessary licenses breaking at a very attractive a position target the company says the deal is about to be sealed with wells burbank insists the final decision has not yet been taken. but the rebels trading close to its lowest level against the dollar for eight months investors are concerned europe's assisting that crisis could hit demand for fuel and actively hinder russia's economic growth russian currency has lost more than one percent against the greenback in the last twenty four hours one dollar now costs more than thirty two roubles this by russia's relatively healthy budget position analysts suggest the ruble will weaken further as risk appetite round the world remains low . and other news russia will delay annual gas and power prices
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increases until next summer prime minister ultimate putin says that lower energy consumption in summertime will make the hikes milder than in january and the move is seen as an attempt to tame inflation accelerated by regular terrified by a monopolist like gasp at the start of the year. let's have a look at the markets now it was rising for a second day on speculation current supplies could decrease last week and after storms griddles up short production trading at one hundred twelve dollars per barrel and light switch it's hovering at just under eighty nine dollars a barrel. in japan after monday's two losses the nikkei is climbing falling e.c.v. president statement that the region has enough weaponry to stop its debt crisis from. spreading concord saying is closed for a public holiday on tuesday. and let's have a look at the russian markets they have just opened they are testing the my six are
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growing after yesterday's slump and the wise it's getting our old one percent with energy may just climbing up on high oil prices or time markets are having a say in rational sizes ation drive russia's state run shipping giant says it will hold an i.p.o. no earlier than the second quarter or the next year the government plans to raise between seven hundred fifty million and one point two billion dollars by floating a twenty five percent stake in the company. as usual looking ahead to the coming session michael stein from its pretty fine notion of corporations says the local market will be influenced by quarters of prices fluctuations. given the very light events scheduled in the west and the fact that investors are very much focused on what's happening outside russia many investors will pay close attention to commodity prices in general and people will price in specific with a lot of people concerned that it will retreat from the current level of one
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hundred ten dollars a barrel to something close to one hundred over some girl on the domestic front investors would watch. on the corporate side for second quarter financial results from bank think petersburg i will also see second quarter results from us and our goal and interest will be the normal cynical board meeting to potentially approve a buyback of seven point six percent of the company's shares in a move which will provide a fair amount of buying support and potential open forms from the us michael that wraps up the business bulletin from all stores you can log on to our website r.t. dot com slash business or join me for another business update at last from one last time.
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well one one deals with war for us to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage to the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of down. should go by aerial bombs but napalm. come from the city whether it's on a sonic boom say factory or marine mammals or it's the burning oil fields here in iraq or or gets destroyed reefs in the pacific for grammy purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that there shall be taken in war to protect one's own chemistry widespread
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long term and severe damage to the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions protocol one has taken exception to that. wealthy british style sign. restaurant. markets finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mind stronger for a no holds barred look of the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r.g.p. like millions of americans i've lost thousands of dollars in retirement funds and i
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haven't had as bad as many so it's not just about the for them it's about me to. me man brad ya gotta say. it's a. bit. sad. and accede. to. need it. now. since this is my film i get the last word this financial crisis will not be for golf like a light sweet. line . would be soon much brighter than if you knew about song from phones to
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christians. these flintstones on t.v. don't come. back to watching r t these are the top stories amnesty international calls on all sides and leap in civil war to prevent human rights violations with short lived jubilation after the polls could obvious so many in say they're now being abused by those who fought for their freedom. at a time when the us is tightening its fiscal belt for she private jail see more revenue from cash cow for his nerves the are accused of lobbying to expand the american justice system can increase the number of citizens behind bars. to train considers the have day trips to the contaminated area around her novel the side of
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the world's biggest nuclear tragedy tourist visits were banned over allegations they provided a healthy profits to korean officials. with civil conflicts whipping through north africa and the middle east there's a real worry that the masses of weapons involved could fall into the wrong hands next r.t. hears from a former un expert of how serious the flow of guns is and what is being done about it. with all the talk about diplomacy and humanity big power it will be gone still remains the primary means of solving international conflicts just cause the current state of arms trade and arms trafficking now joined by the former u.n. expert on those issues brian johnson thomas thank you very much sir for being with us today let's start with libya in the beginning of their prizing of the revolution whatever you call it there were concerns that those may fall into the hands of
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terrorists has already happened in your view of course it is because it's easier for. leaving arsenal want to get them back it's about to record the most of the guns that were looted you know in the niger and i think that's the missing. in the hands of criminals as much as in the hands of terrorists. start off by really getting maybe you don't know you could be sold but at some point the guns they're called before. in the case of libya the concerns that you've got a lot of the rebels were and so fairly recently also regarded as being in the with al qaida in some cases so there are some orders to what they might do with. you know what i was called to account whole carriage of the market which is always a secure interesting with i'm going to go i want to get support for going to pollution of any sort then you turn to the control group some of the individuals within it now prior to the uprising russia was one of the main suppliers of rappers
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to libya. but as far as i know it was not the only one and some of the countries that are now waging a campaign a military campaign against colonel gadhafi are also supplying weapons to his regime by openly yes because it's interesting isn't it that if you look at really the moral record of the west against the interest not will for the good we've seen to intervene in. iraq and libya because they've got something we want i don't see anyone having any critic he's articulated in syria and this was what president thought so maybe he's going to think what he wants you know so i think that's where the real politic comes into play but yes there was a decision so you can whatever reason to support it if you know. even though the same country needs to go to the security council and get a resolution which imports imposed and you know later and went a long long way beyond those terms of reference you could argue for
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a bombing campaign itself was pushing the envelope so what countries are very actually talking about apart from russia who was supplying weapons to. i think most countries most many countries i mean i know for example a shipment of pistols from bras are unnecessary because they got through molds they made a mistake in the paperwork but it was worth one million euros when you go to play it was nineteen million euros so that was a huge sort of particular i think what they would describe i think is sporting weapons what she wants was you with a pistol but anyway so we know even the italians have been told so you know but you shop so i met a few systems i didn't know whether it was weapons or such and they were sold radar and this kind of thing high tech kits for the regime so yes as for the whole range of supplies from i need all the usual suspects right now all what sort of i want to just talking about and how dangerous that is and your perspective of the program
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with the arms trade with water has a we make more guns that are destroyed every year the total number of weapons on the planet is increasing. quote significantly right here i think there are probably something like ten times more guns somebody's going to destroy or go as united nations are going to visions and culprits are trying to get guns in the circulation i buy books by various programs but they're ready for it but everyone still makes films but i will always been struck by how cheap to break them so now one thing i noticed when i was in the lead bit in march and the ghaziabad. sort of become very very fancy i don't for the young and so it's almost like having an i pod for the american teenager and every young person wants to have his own kalashnikov now wondering whether you can really talk about any serious five arms trafficking by me
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or have a culture of young people really thinking that having a kalashnikov is really what makes them cool to shoot this is a problem in so there's i was in gold some time ago and. sort of the company you know most of them you know there's a muscle there and saying i'm told it's a good without the gun which in the states the problem certainly for you know i mean one of the problems that are you know we have the child soldiers from over the weekend it's actually. more fun to be a soldier with a gun because you couldn't think what you want whether it's food or the woman you just take it because you go to good or they haven't and it's awfully hard to get these young men out through the decades of war some to come back and to discipline your money so here's the real problem i mean there are international markets and try and establish what you might call a better organization but you know i'm struck by imposing going to i'm stunned there is a conference in europe next year ten years of discussions on the left which will
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try and organize an arm strike treaty on one of the problems of the moment is that whatever want to grill you know that almost free trade is a good idea to have some control over the arms trade it's what goes in the treaty which is critical problems there was a famous. time clergyman until something goes through one sort of oh good you can we trust you but not you know it's already going through so you may have what they need to control the whole story but they don't want to put somebody control was a little on their own business now regardless of what you're saying it. would get off track record that either he would support him and nobody have to admit that prior to peace prize england there was a sort of an island of stability and they're relatively good live in africa reaches a pretty turbulent continent. there's everything that is happening there i live with all that a lot of. flying around what sort of implications that could have for being here with us that they really can it has implications certainly for the margaret because
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it's least in terms of criminals they tend not to stay within borders so you know you can teach them to organize a bank robbery and junius over and on the basis of weapons you get from that's sort of more than liberty and so i agree with you one of the troubles is that. really where you can have a society with a good business if you have as if it's about human rights with respect to talk a little so therefore we have to have trust. you know police forces there's never enough police for them to control a population by fools so we have to be policed by consent. countries which policed by consent generally speaking have less of gun crime in countries which are involved which i'm up so pleased with it it's also true that when you have a hard regime well same thing happens but you tend to find the majority of gun crime is up and not because. people wants to hold an illegal weapon
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but because they don't have any trust and someone else looking up to them and to the police to look out for them and that's where the problem starts so and that's the libyan transitional national council can very quickly i stop wish he trusted. impartial independent police force and that because i mean something to protect me and for me there would be a temptation of people to keep guns with it and take turns or not that means a sensation to use a gun for something which is shouldn't be used what sort of naturist do you think believe going to torch is they only been three it's going to take an audience here to create a. percentage of guns for them the population i mean and maybe buying them out there or offering some sort of surrender campaign trying buy guns but is there anything that says there's no good i mean i've been told and several sort of by boat companies becomes one hundred now destroyed and that's when there's one
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occasion i was working i want to browse over them the congo going to. continue as we go in there and i forget the price but we were paying seventy five dollars for this sort of a gun well that was all because of the congo river you can buy all of the books so people were actually bringing guns for the country became a sort of business because a business was sort of the going to get the bouncer so they then tried different ways around this by saying well as a community it's a trial and it was a bit rich if you owe us a weapon sort of the four of us we'll believe you when you will show it or you put station on stuff like that so that seems to work better in some way as i have to say the problem is getting weapons out there so the commission has much more difficult and people tend to think when in kosovo it just felt totally it was a very very expensive company you know it was it was embarrassing you know everyone looked like a look at it like maybe if you can remember it it was easier i'm not sticking guns out of circulation to conclude i mean i should because i'm going to sion is happy it's a bull. run you can have more success and there's no point have you got to go get
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me i mean national so many was sort of i mean there's no there's the key to controlling larson's weapons if they can get i mean this from the i'm going to is not going to them now i have another question i'm not sure about or you can't comment on that but if it's just a lot of personal observations. this uprising began back in march it was primarily driven by these young people like teenagers or young men in that twenty's who ran to the frontlines almost for the fun of it but the pictures we're now getting from tripoli show very different sort of troubles there is a. whole seem to be a far more professional than their handling of boris. how did that shift happen i think first of all you know i mean on the ground all the sort of main. sort of watch myself growing old and when you're young you think your immortal i think what is the revolution. let's go to the stage where it looks like being successful with
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the ground working for all of the people who are in civilian clothes of the middle age i would guess you know this is a go. we've seen the work of the wind just with you know trying to. find a way to have a question regarding the recent allegations or theories that some countries may be. illegally selling arms to grab a list i know what the french have admitted dropping into. some rebel groups and sort of what we should just on the face of it's a breach of the security council resolution which one could only people. particularly when a permanent member of the security council goes wrong crossing resolution but if you put i think it's a bit about true but you know real the real world is sometimes not so nice place to be and. the british foreign secretary couldn't make it so i'm sure he said the words that britain has no permanent friends when you put them in its interests and i think that's true of every country it's true of russia it is true but it's true
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that americans on the fringe so people will look to their interests as they see them at the time because it's a good thing with the recent united nations system is not for me when i worked in it and for it's i'm going to work his way and he's going to spend to the nothing else it is the best system we have and i think it's very unfortunate for the member states of the security council of the need nor the resolutions they voted for us. thank you very much it's a pleasure. i. please keep up. the loop de. loops of.
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discipline. spam . spam. support.
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this international calls on all sides and libyan civil war to prevent human rights violations well short lived jubilation after the fall of gadhafi some libyan say they're now being abused by those who fought for their freedom. at a time when the u.s. is tightening its fiscal belt forcing private jail seek more revenue from cash cow prisoners a argues of lobbying to expand the american justice system and increase the number of citizens behind bars in the. ukraine considers bill galatea of day trips to the contaminated area around turn off the sign of the world's biggest nuclear tragedy tourist visits where pan over allegations they provided healthy profits to train officials. here on our t.v.
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i'll be back at the top of the hour and meantime social brings the latest from the worlds. place very near watching sports of dateline r.t. and that's our look at our top stories now with george image proves once again just why he is the world's highest ranked player ever when he has that major cold beer with a comprehensive victory over rafael nadal in the u.s. open final. face off so you know that outside russia the fourth consonantal hockey league season finally starts its unscarred beating here are in mind of the seven openings a thanks. and also the major players here are on tuesday's champions league opener in cyprus a pop well the pick of the action though will seem a long travel to barcelona. let's begin to flushing meadows where not of djokovic
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to pay to draw follow doll to secure is the major win of the year this has been there's been eighteen for most of the season extending his incredible run to sixty four wins now losing just twice and love on the fourth straight time the men's final was rain delay to monday and it was also a repeat of last year's decider one brand by ralph. this was a different story though in a doll managed to break the seventy opening game but that was one of these few highlights in the match a georgia beach controlling the game on his way to beijing and all six consecutive tournaments on meeting the season. well the first two sets were pretty one sided the top seed winning six two six four often came back with no forcing a tie breaker and making it seven three but jack reacher was back to winning ways in the fool's opening commanding point one lead with a couple of breaks. the twenty four year old finishing off battles with yet another
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full hand when a down the line to claim his fourth korea grand slam trophy note of djokovic should becoming the twenty fourth man singles u.s. open champion in front of a sold out arthur ashe arena. they would have. been here in this sort of races in the past because of an obsession. now special because he is doing better than ever but. you know what. i go back home with. knowing that i'm on the way a great match really from the start to the end even though it was that i was three times break up. maybe you know i should not drop my serve in those moments but look. here old. you when you play when you play very well you are you must enjoy i mean you must must bring your smile on your face because you know it's it's all going well it's all going for on your side so. what you're focused you're
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trying to take them for their time and. then winning again so yeah i'm going to have more fun now for what you know the mentions or. some stars are meanwhile already celebrating how women's singles title the past. had korea he also claimed the silverware the day before djokovic just triumphed over an adult shot picture against a three time champion serena williams. now the fourth season got on the when monday after this initial stunt was postponed but you might see it won't be involved this is not the majority of them were killed in a plane crash last week all king charles is now open and started with a minute of silence commemorating that scene in a while says iran had to have a one of the seven games here in moscow. this is the toughest time the young league has ever had to live through. and through this four season southerns.
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players remembered in somewhere tribute to their friends that look and what if you are slowly killed in a plane crash last wednesday and briffa looks on the glimmer of light for to survive in hospital but passed away on monday morning and most cisco new grew up in the season in the russian capital. the army man led by their new coach shipler get off to a first and furious start. just two minutes into the game. produced a mussar piece move to win the scoring one nil. you grow pushed forward with some good chances to level but it was the hosts who scored again. question in here
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to get iska to nil lead seconds from the first intermission ziska didn't loosen their grip in the second period sergei sure of and netting the third late in a poll plea three nil he's certainly looking like a wipe out for you grab. however the visitors didn't go up a couple of power play goals brought them back into the game three two however it wasn't enough to change the outcome and this kuster the new season with a win. with both sides clearly playing in the name of their brothers in healthy who will never touch the ice again. last fall's. fans of. course. and the thoughts from all the thinking about. the stuff i saw was.


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