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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2011 11:01am-11:31am EDT

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a very warm welcome to you this is live from moscow a nato air strikes have hit the remaining strongholds of gadhafi loyalists in libya helping rebels to attack a key oil town of the east that as the leader of the opposition in his first speech since the colonel was ousted urges libyans to strive for a civil democratic state based on moderate islam meanwhile on this international has called on the country's new all parties to prevent human rights abuses both sides of the conflicts off islands concern grows over the humanitarian situation in libya that seen over two thousand six hundred killed since the uprising began r.t. rare phenomenon has been talking to the people of tripoli about the results of their revolution.
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to free tripoli just can't stop chanting to celebrate the birth of the new leave. all reminders of a recently overthrown dictatorship are suppressed what used to bring nightmares to some for decades is now a cause for laughter. should shoot for his earlier we call him because his hair is so long and he doesn't cut it it's ugly actually but some are not smiling believe in the post gadhafi freedom is nothing but the mirage of crime has been the rest of three times in the last two weeks rebels and target is him and took his documents the reason the twenty seven year old copilot says is his family's ties with gadhafi his regime we cover his face and change his name in supposedly free libya this man is afraid of being thrown to jail again or even killed your current. abud was about to give
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a few but you can see about about wars of water and about libyan national council but they are talking about democracy this is not democracy ikram says libya didn't get rid of a dictatorship but only fell into another one of the rebels' weapons in a city where the gun has become a common accessory just like a cell phone and where one can only cross the town's numerous checkpoints with an obligatory a large bar to the winners this is a reality not hard to believe you. know everybody we are happy we are freedom good there feels good run away this is not true believe me because they are free to war if good returned back to tripoli you see the same people same people same personality they are supporting a revolution can bring much hope that what comes after here is often different. those who drove egypt's revolt this year were still on the streets this week and
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seven months after toppling president mubarak angry at a lot of progress on reforms libya's future too is still far from clear the post gadhafi libyan capital has been the scene of euphoria with celebrate three gunfire and singing heard here around the clock for more than a fortnight already like all parties however some believe they could be a serious hangover after wards in the form of retribution and uncertainty as to how the future country will be governed. ridden ocean ought to tripoli libya. now the latest on the developing story in afghanistan now where at least six people have been killed and fifteen wounded in an ongoing taliban attack in the government district that's according to reports coming out of the capital but the u.s. embassy and nato headquarters in kabul have come under heavy fire several of the sites in the city were also attacks including the office of brown's press t.v.
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channel insurgents stormed in little kid by an empty high rise building from which they're firing guns and rocket propelled grenades afghan and nato forces around of the semen sample insurgents are reported killed but at least one remains inside the building where this comes just weeks after twelve people died in an attack on the british counsel's office in the same districts the taliban has been stepping up its advance across the country since nato began that handing over to afghan forces in july to stay with r.t. for more updates. and a tougher period of financial crises the u.s. is desperate for cash but despite the strength and times there are parts of the country with the green shoots of prosperity continue to flourish as long as he's been important the u.s. policy of incarceration makes for private prison industry worth billions. america's financial crisis has been something of an unsociable monster swallowing
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up millions of jobs homes and businesses throughout the nation yet amid this ongoing economic armageddon one industry has remained recession proof. private prison. with more than two point three million people behind bars the united states trumps china russia and the rest of the world in both the number and percentage of people doing time where it falls short though is being capable of containing such a large population it's a political dilemma turned cash cow for dozens of corporations creaming profits off punishment private prisons make money off of incarceration the more people they lock up and the longer they keep them the more money they make so they have the same perverse incentive to expand our justice system and increase our number of people or our number of citizens who are behind bars because it increases their profit margin. the profitability of private jails depends on the prison population
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continuing to go up the rate of incarceration in the us has quadrupled since the eighty's when america's war on drugs are short in the three strikes policy which ties judges to mandatory minimum sentencing even for nonviolent offenders since the late eighty's and into the ninety's and now today we see a turn away from that rehabilitated model so across the country prison programming is cut rehabilitation is being cut there's less opportunities for education to gain work skills and instead there's just this drive towards isolation towards punishment private prison companies are paid between forty five and one hundred thirty dollars a day per detainee rates for juveniles women and immigrants could be higher. while public prisons are accountable to the public private ones answer only to shareholders and are not subject to external scrutiny that means many private contractors face few consequences for the poor or even inhumane treatment of
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detainees and we just see you know more and more isolation sensory deprivation and prisoners who literally never interact with human beings when guards would come into the facility there would be a sign out front with their stock price to let them know how the company was doing corrections corporation of america and geo group are the two largest private prison companies which combined revenues of two point nine billion dollars last year but critics say they've been using that financial clout to line their own pockets even further encouraging politicians to keep going with the heavy handed sentencing program by launching an influential lobby campaign in the corridors of power lobbying in an order to influence public officials only a small part of the private prison industry effort to achieve policy change others include campaign donations so the companies make hundreds of thousands of dollars
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in donations to politicians nationwide both on the federal and state levels with most states and the federal government currently operating under record deficits and budget cuts private prison companies are pitching their facilities as lower cost alternatives and while most americans continue struggling during this economic downturn mass incarceration may grow even more profitable marina port nial r.t. new york. well still ahead for you this hour designs despite seeing adventurous travelers will experience of the exclusion zone twenty five years after the chernobyl nuclear plant blast but the government says the tools are illegal. tel aviv will continue to abide by its peace treaty with egypt despite the attack on its embassy in cairo that's according to israel's prime minister he spoke following the assault in which three people died in clashes with security forces on
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friday angry crowds stormed the compound in response to five egyptian officers being killed by israeli troops in a border clash last month meanwhile turkey's prime minister who is on a three day meeting to cairo warns israel it's facing a growing up regional isolation while political commentator and columnist for the istanbul based today's our man the bidar joins me live now many thanks for being with us here on r.t. to speak more on this while there's a turbulent time is not part of the world what does not want to achieve with his visit to cairo do you think. well it was since the arab spring there are about unrest again and. those countries involved in this tournament prostheses. more or less either ignored or supported top flexibly by their are of neighbors in the region and add on's was it first of all aims to tell the
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crowds in egypt tunisia and libya that they are not alone that they are being watched very carefully with and to see as an optimism by a regional act that is turkey which you know way somewhere deep down in the background inspired the new aspirations of oppositional forces and add on today in his speech in our oblique it made it very clear pointing out or going back in history pointing out. what happened in seven hundred eighty nine to the printer evolution eight hundred forty eight and also in one nine hundred eighty nine bill of people matters to the core and freedom equality and fraternity and democracy must remain goals and suppression must and so these are. aimed to be addressing those crowds who push for reform and those words
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coming from regional actor mean certainly a lot of those trials because lot of people are hearing for the first time and neighbor regional neighbor expressing support for their aspirations secondly second second goal of course is. on aims to consolidate relations with egypt by let's rule my by strengthening by let's all ties economically politically so that there's a new balance in taking shape in the eastern mediterranean and to. very important key countries like turkey and egypt get closer. of strengthening their democracies and making helping to make a change in the region for the better sami's have tremendous symbolic importance attacker's prime minister visiting cairo today now and one of your recent articles
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he wrote that israel has now more or less lost two key allies due to having chosen the wrong path so what exactly do you think televisa has done wrong well well everyone knows people keep in mind. is being run by mainly. perceived nice managers in the in the call mission and being irrational regional actor has lost some of this rationality particularly this has displayed itself on israel's relations with. key allies like turkey and egypt it has mistreated them ever since cast iron operation in gaza and it has been unwilling to. analyze correctly what has been taking place particularly in egypt it has also.
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underestimated the powerful role of the elected majority single government of a party in turkey those israel now is getting away from the notion that it needs rational democratic allies in the region and this isolation now taking place because israeli coalition israeli decision makers on the political level are choosing even to to if you will believe those doors allies by refusing to apologize for. turkey for what has been taking place since mavi marmara incident and also killing of egyptian soldiers in sydney and hoping to get away with what has been done against them certainly puts for forward the new in israeli image in the peoples of. the country will
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continue all the fashion of the seas while the world around them in their near vicinity is is really changing powerful the and radically that's why. did warry the anxiety growing in the. un united states is that israel is falling into this deep isolation in this sort of world against us mentality and it is certainly not sending out signals for settlements solutions in these chronic problems the last attempt at all but why do we need to now and the shift in relations that you've been talking about egypt and turkey the bones the tide that moss trying finding as he's been saying while israel is becoming more and more isolated what we caution is the thing that could have that the why do we didn't politic. well. why did
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the politics that's taking place now is mainly focused on the maybe the mother of all problems in the region. certainly has been the major factor of radicalization in the arab world anti-semitism and ties real feelings and now israel's failure to understand democratization. pluralism in the arab world really in the long run be helpful in creating channels to to find solutions more easily and the leverage the dynamic in the read. in the coming decade or so is these changes you continue to take place mr. turkish prime minister has repeatedly stressed the urgent need for the creation of a palestinian state province which you've just been meeting now with only seven days before president takes his plea to the u.n.
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what are the chances do you think of actually going through and if you could be brief well we already one hundred forty countries. been known to be expressing support for or such a bid but. really what the european union the main actors within you. know if they come to an agreement and sort of appease the germans. entity if you will be given proper status with the clause clause that they will not be bilaterally recognized then there is a solution i think a lot of people now hold there will be some sort of fiscal commission for the for the palestinian bid and. other work than any other option will be unthinkable i think really are facing a new period where police entities presence will be felt in the international community from from from october on all eyes on the d.p. on the u.n.
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in a week's time. as a commentator on the commonness for the turkey based today's as many thanks speaking to us. ok germany has called on the eurozone members to stick together in an attempt to settle over the potential greek default the chancellor says that greece must stay of all of the block to avoid causing a domino effect has statement came after fears of greece declaring bankruptcy caused a shop for one in global markets on monday it was triggered by reports that germany was preparing for greece to leave the euro saying. it's been struggling to bring its debt crisis under control despite stringent austerity measures financial journalists be confident that there's no easy way and. there are different ways that. the european central bank and the e.u. could go about dealing with a default of greece or an exit of greece portugal or some of the peripheral
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countries they could break the euro into two different types of euro and put the fact that no one is willing to talk about that option openly and kind of admit that that's where we are with an unsustainable debt like greece has and now the fact that you have a country the size of italy which is no longer really able to access the markets the way that they're accessing that for the markets but the e.c.b. isn't there buying italian spanish debt so the fact that you have these countries on able to issue debt paper on their own is frightening for the european union for the eurozone there is no real exit mechanism from the euro if you're part of the v.m. you you're part of it supposedly for life ok and so we saw how chaotic it was when argentina default on its debt and exited the dollar peg in the case of greece it's not even a peg they've given up their currency their french banks that are that are potentially on the hook with a lot of greek debt now who's exposed to those french banks then who is exposed to the banks that are close to french banks a lot of the banks prefer an environment like they've had now which is we can lever up as much as we want doesn't matter and if we lose we just get bailed out there
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they have structurally adjusted their business model and their profit making mechanism to this new environment which has been perpetual bailouts that we've seen since one nine hundred eighty. in the meantime italy burdened by its own debt crisis has turned to china for a possible rescue top level talks were held with beijing are closer to the epicenter of europe's financial turmoil the treasury refused to give out details but it's understood that china was offered an option to buy a stake in the italian sovereign debt the government's. austerity package that includes changes to pensions government spending cuts and a special levy on the rich the lower house of parliament expected to approve it by wednesday. now it's been dubbed one of the most exotic a tourist destinations twenty five years after the chernobyl nuclear disaster the alienation zone around the plant seems to be pulling people in and not to driving
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them away but the government recently banned excursions to the zone amid allegations they were providing unhealthy profits for officials although it was artie's he discovered the area could still serve other purposes. these cars were once heavily affected by nuclear radiation now the radiator for a different reason or an exhibition of did a coup to clear up all the. fallout over the years the museum in ukraine's capital kiev has become one of the top tourist attractions especially in april this year when the world war of the twenty fifth anniversary of the disaster but for those craving for the first post-apocalyptic experience looking at the exhibition here has not been enough. and there is an adventurous alternative the contaminated zone around should know bill itself over the past decade tourists have been floor can hear more than ten thousand of them each year that's why forbes magazine named the dead zone one of the world's most exotic tourist destinations.
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alexander a former resident of the ghost town of prepared has been organizing these tours for several years he told us that visitors are always fascinated by what they see although all their motivations for making the trip have always varied. look. you people have different reasons. some want to see what an apocalypse could look like. someone to feel the history. which for some it's their childhood like the atmosphere of the soviet union has been preserved but for me it's more important not why they come here it's what effect it has on them. but since june that this radioactive tourism has been suspended the prosecutor general's office conducted checks and ruled that the emergencies ministry had broken the law with these trips as well as making an unhealthy profit every tourist to the zone has
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been paying around one hundred u.s. dollars to do so equating to a multi-million dollar revenue every year. we urge the ministry to inform the government of every dollar earned by these trips we know that a lot of money has been made but we have no idea in whose pockets it ended up why not put the money into the budget and use it to solve the problems. that the ministry is defined it says it stuck by the law it claims these troops are a vital way of educating the world on how to avoid such disasters the chernobyl zone will never again be inhabited but experts say it could still serve other purposes. due to decontamination procedures almost half of there has acceptable levels of radiation that's why we can use this large spaces to build solar and wind power stations and even grow be a fuel their emergencies ministry has now filed a lawsuit in a bid to resume tours through the contaminated zone and the court is expected to
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start hearings in mid september ukraine's thirty kilometer nuclear wasteland will remain closed to the public until then but the debate remains very much open. sea reporting from kiev and to nobble in ukraine. now the latest on the developing story in afghanistan now where at least six people have been killed and twenty wounded in the ongoing taliban attack in the government district that's according to reports coming out of the capital the u.s. embassy and nato headquarters in kabul have come under heavy fire several other cities sites in the city rather were also attacked with insurgents in an occupied an empty high rise building from which they're firing guns and rocket propelled grenades afghan and nato forces have surrounded the seed and several insurgents are reported killed but wants to find the building this comes just weeks after twelve people died in an attack on the british counsel's office in the same district do
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stay with r.t. for more updates and i'll have a wrap of the day's top stories in a few moments but first a check on the business headlines with marina. hello and welcome to business here on r.t. the clouds of uncertainty continued to pile up in europe rising expectations of a greek default and the possible downgrade of french banks are causing the financial borrowers are to drop sharply russia is not immune of course with the ruble now trading at an eight month low but jacob knell for morgan stanley here russia believes there are reasons not to be so pessimistic. if you look at what's happening to reserves which is the kind of results of the entire set of. transactions between russia and the rest of the world every week we've been seeing an increase in into the school reserves and if you think about oil exports at these prices and what's happened if we took sports i think you'll find that the current
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to kill continues to be very strong. on the capitol hill it's a little bit less predictable but i think with the uncertainty around the elections the may have been an increase in capital flows though not to the level that we saw earlier this year so actually we expect the ruble to strengthen the case and from current levels going forward. but let's take a look at the markets now or oil prices are higher following rebounds in the euro in stock markets the international energy agency cut its estimate for demand growth and some of that supply expectations in the u.s. markets are mixed this hour as well and so let's you continues across the board the dow is losing point one percent while the nasdaq is gaining point five percent in europe investors are concerned by the weakness of the global economy markets are now trading in positive territory with banks among the top performers followed heavy losses in the previous session and here russia markets bounced back from
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earlier losses an end of the trading session in the black both b r t s n m i six added point three percent so let's take a look at some index movers on the my sex most energy my ager's were down the spine strong crude bucking the trend that was normal skin nicole the company's board has approved the terms of the new share buyback it's ready to spend one point five billion dollars to buy a seven point seven percent stake from minority shareholders also russo also says it's ready to discuss the sale of its twenty five percent stake in the nickel if the prize is rights. and time now for an artsy business exclusive the c.e.o. of renault nissan carlos gossoon says his company will soon take a majority stake in after the us it currently owns twenty five percent of russia's top carmaker and the goetia asians to buy more are progressing well. reasonably we should hopefully not be very far from a conclusion i would say it's
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a question of monsters i can tell you are also that russia will become the largest market in europe first saw in consequence one of the largest producers we're seeing capacity in russia being been everywhere through rehabilitation of existing capacity like of like go through building new plants so i think the future of the car industry in russia is very strong and practically all governments which are already in russia and there will be investing in russia and the demand in russia is picking up through the development of the economy so i'm very bullish on the russian market. a course in central russia has declared the recent search of b.p. is not scoff a spy bailiff's was illegal the raid was done at the request of b.p.'s partners in the russian oil firm b.p. they're currently suing b.p. for three billion dollars in compensation and they claim b.p. broke their shareholder agreements by attempting to form an alliance with rosneft to explore the arctic the raid on b.p.'s moscow office was intended so i'll cover
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files relating to the lawsuit. that's all the business news for now the headlines are next with alice. wealthy british style sun. spot on the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports.
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a very warm welcome back it's. the libyan rebels attacked the three remaining strongholds of more feet under a shield of nato air strikes on the sea international war crimes committed by the colonel's loyalists and the opposition with new leadership to restore order in. ukraine questions the legality of toward to the nuclear disaster side to enter novel that made allegations they were providing on health and profits to officials but experts say the contaminated land might be just the place the industrial. many attempts to calm fears over greece's potential defaults by adding members of the year is to stick together but stormy skies in the wake of the euro debt stricken italy to the aryan.


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