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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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invited so much that each made which is also causing major concern over its costs and does has done to beijing to help this high level talks take place would be to get some chinese children. out of these nine people have been cold and over twenty wounded in a wave of time the bonbon there's been the call to the afghan capital kabul and sometimes them american embassy and nato coalition headquarters with guns and grenades in the woods inside of the city. those are the stories making headlines this wednesday morning now back to you in the show. guys it's time for show and tell on tonight's program the last time we discussed the bipartisan support for the war on terror with both parties backing this ever expanding war an enemy that camp eradicated we have to ask if there's no end in sight let's go to producer patrice and send you to find out what he had to say.
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nine eleven changed everything the way we travel the way our government monitors us most obviously the way we spends money we now live in a world where we are told that we're constantly under threat of attack because of this many people outside washington started to wonder if the war on terror is also a state of mind a self-imposed life altering fear that we adopted into our daily lives even slate dot com speeds on homeland security that we told you about yesterday said that the likelihood of a u.s. resident dying as a result of a terrorist was one in three point five million per year that was on september seventh one day later the white house warned of a credible threat for the nine eleven anniversary so how long will this war last and does anyone believe it will ever come to an end anytime soon as he said the war on terror will never end there's a way too much apathy among the public and too much money being spent by the military industrial complex on you tube for three eight three seven three eight
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said of course it will end like all good intentions you eventually run out of other people's money and corporate america would never actually pay for their own wars paul seems to agree he told us as long as congress is tied to defense contractors their foot will be stuck to the accelerator pedal for armed conflict so the reality is since nine eleven two thousand one hundred domestic security costs go up by three hundred sixty billion and government defense contractors so an extra one hundred billion in homeland security contracts and yes this spending is fueled by the war in terror. many argue we shouldn't be placing a price limit on saving lives inside america but with so few lives lost eleven and so much money spent we have to wonder at what cost to the financial security of the u.s. does the domestic security build up really amount to one thing is for sure it's clear if you look outside on to the streets right here in d.c. with all of the added security it looks like the war on terror is in full swing and
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it is not coming to an end any time soon. now as always we thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you just discussed the staggering figure released by the census bureau today on america more than forty six million people now live below the poverty line and that is the highest number on record that's going to fundamentally change this country rather still solutions let us know what you think what should be done to combat rising poverty rates in the u.s. you can respond to us on facebook twitter and who knows your response just might be on there. now it's quite apparent to everybody who traveled on the tenth anniversary of nine eleven the t.s.a. and d.h. as both massively increase their security just yesterday we told you about how three individuals were detained for going to the bathroom too often. the american airlines flight from los angeles to new york was accompanied to the ground by two f. sixteen fighter jets after air marshals onboard the plane reported strange behavior by three men who were coming and going from the bathroom it turns out that's all
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they were doing and they were questioned and released and everybody else on the plane was like oh. now it turns out there was a similar if not more violent incident on a flight that was going from denver to detroit frontier airlines flight six twenty three was detained at the airport and three individuals from row twelve that plane were moved for questioning of these three people consisted of two indian men and one jewish arab american woman shot ahead she is an american citizen with a saudi father and a jewish mother and despite the fact that she didn't know the two indian men the three of them were greeted with ten cops wearing military fatigues and machine guns so after being handcuffed and taken into custody of the detroit airport have his account of what happens next gets pretty uncomfortable on her blog stories from the heartland she described with the jail cells look like how there were security cameras point that her for hours she also explained she was subjected to a strip search of her phone taken away denied any communication with her husband and the entire time she was never told why she was being detained that is until hours later when officials from the department of homeland security and the f.b.i.
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explained that somebody on the plane reported three dark skinned individuals sitting in the same row of an airplane conducting suspicious activities now according to have his account he didn't even talk to these two men until they were being approached by the cops with machine guns so i think that it's pretty safe to label this as yet another instance of racial profiling apparently being a half arab have jewish housewife on a plane is now a crime when the f.b.i. spokeswoman gave her statements after the rounds of interrogations sandra berchtold said the public would rather us err on the side of caution than not now erring on the side of caution is one thing but to hold an individual for several hours force them to undergo a strip search although not informing them about why they're even being held that's quite a different story just more proof. our society has changed in the decade after nine eleven where anybody who might have a tan complection despite their citizenship is going to be held under the magnifying glass. now here's a story that you haven't heard anywhere else fannie mae may have bailed out bank of
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america to the tune of almost half a billion dollars this month and we say may have because the details of a recent deal that was made are pretty scarce but a little suspicious here's the breakdown in early august fannie mae greeted by the mortgage servicing rights of a portfolio four hundred thousand loans with an unpaid principal balance of seventy three million dollars from bank of america now in exchange for the right to collect the payments from her own owners bank of america reportedly received five hundred million dollars the real prize however isn't known and neither are the contents of this going to perform portfolio now this should make you the taxpayer a little curious since fannie mae that's been bailed out more than once is essentially now government own so your money went into this deal and if the white house's plan national refinance program goes through that means that you may have just gotten a really bad deal but enough of my very cryptic explanation here let's get to our guest to tell us what's really at stake joining me to discuss this is anthony around as though director of economic research for the reason foundation anthony thanks so much for joining us tonight and here now you actually brought this story
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to our attention so let us take it away first of all you know tell us about this deal was this something that we had a lot of people competing for were these m.s.r. is really hot commodities. so behind the scenes the bank of america said we have this portfolio of seventy three billion dollars actually worth a shit as you know the underlying lows but you know millions of billions these days what's the difference. that we've got the mortgage servicing rights is not the loans it's just the right to collect payments on those and then you take a fee off that so they are worth something and about five or six different financial organizations got to take a look at this portfolio of loans to see if they want to bid on it before anybody could bid on it they just sold it to fannie mae which is a little bit curious there was no. no one else submitted a bid just kind of comes in and makes a payment which just on the surface why would bank of america just sell this to fannie mae to do they think that bank of america is paying more than anybody else so is the taxpayer over paying for these maybe they think that no one in the
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private sector even wants these maybe you know in the private sector really did bid on it because it's complete crap so then why is the taxpayer buying this either way it's sort of suspicious now the easiest way to kind of see sift through all these questions is to take a look at what fannie mae purchased but fannie mae isn't telling and neither is the regulator f.h. if a and e. there's bank of america that doesn't seem like it's legal all right i mean i've just seen so frustrating as you would our taxpayers add so it's our money essentially a sense that we may is now run by the government. how can they do that they don't have to disclose anything before they just invest that kind of those will if i'm a member of congress could ask if a to force fannie mae to disclose this and maybe by law they could or you could file a freedom of information act request and maybe you could be able to get that filed when i don't have the resources to push a lawsuit for you know for a foyer and so far this has been a month since this deal went down that your we wrote something on our blog on this the like the first day this report as i put this kind of looks interesting but
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we'll probably get cleared up in the next couple days i'm sure somebody in congress will ask you think that a democrat who is furious at the banks for their view causing all of these problems in the financial year with financial crisis would say wise of the bank getting bailed out you think that a republican would be upset at the possibility of taxpayer funds going to you know some superfluity or costs and some sort of severe cost and taxpayers but no one said anything and so we wrote a piece today so i wonder why why why is nobody sort of calling them out on this now it could be that fannie mae's actually doing a good thing in pop in theory be it fannie mae could own all the loans in this portfolio and they are buying the mortgage servicing rights to give to another company that. better handle them the bank of america to insure that losses in this are lower for fannie mae so that's possible but if that's the case why don't you just come out and say it and this is not the only deal in which they've got their tauriel here but we just want to live there and they actually i want
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a little bit of truth i completely understand that especially i mean it's not like these things you know we heard so much about warren buffett of course investing five billion dollars in the bank of america than you imagine in this story i just feel like the kind of the past and the right are nobody's even heard about it there's no hasn't been a lot of talk about it and i think a lot of people were just figuring that sort of details what emerged this isn't the first time frame is done this. is possible they've done this with several different organizations and it just isn't getting reported because it's small amounts of money one person commented on the article that i wrote it's five hundred million dollars what do you care it's five hundred million dollars those that you know a lot of money to assure the hero in there in the grand scheme of a seven hundred billion dollars bailout maybe that's a small amount of money but five hundred million dollars of taxpayer money is not a small amount of money and we should we shouldn't be letting you know a several million dollars go by the way we certainly shouldn't be letting five hundred million dollars if that's what's getting wasted go by the wayside without at least asking questions and the principle here is really important because what if the next deal is sort of a ten billion or twenty billion and we haven't sort of established disclosure
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transparency is the norm quite the opposite is that a bad precedent in that sense but why exactly do you call it a bailout ok so here's here's how it could be a bail out this sort of pool of mortgage servicing rights if anybody forecloses one of the loans that they're collecting payments on or for any of those get refinanced or any of those get paid off sooner then the value of that portfolio drops so it's a seventy three billion dollars of loans maybe you can maybe you're going to make five hundred million or billion dollars on that how we might see a lot of refinancing now we're going to see a lot of refinancing is coming or we've already are there is. bank of america has said in this portfolio there's at least three. percent of it is going to become delinquent so at least thirty percent of it is bad at least one organization that i've talked to that looked at this was given the opportunity to bid but actually wasn't given the opportunity to bid so it actually might be twenty five percent is the delinquency rate in this portfolio which means that there could be really heavy
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losses so bank of america doesn't want this on its balance sheet so if they are generous take it now and this is where the conspiracy store thing comes in the united states government has a lot riding on bank of america surviving and they're doing anything they possibly could to short of ensure that bank of america doesn't go under bank of america's got a lot of problems right now this could just be a small part of sort of a broader treasury plan now to try to keep it around to sort of people put now again we don't know at a very simple way of sort of answering these questions is just some disclosure from well that's exactly we're going to try to bring light to it now so hopefully somebody out there will answer because if indeed there is another bailout going on more of this too big to fail business i think the taxpayers should know that and thanks so much for joining us. now still to come tonight congressman says that we should look at ways to violate everyone's first amendment rights. and stick around for happy hour rush limbaugh wants to add a president rushmore class to some of our cops are caught on tape dirty dancing
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uniforms going back. one deals with war. not just. but
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damage to the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts. whether it's. tractor. or it's the burning oil fields. or stroy. for purpose just goes on and on the geneva conventions. and states that shall be. in war to protect. against widespread long term and severe damage the united states. almost. has taken exception to that.
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had it's time for tonight's tool time war and tonight it goes to congressman peter king now the new york republican has made headlines this year for holding a muslim radicalization hearings on capitol hill that were nothing more than a sideshow in a waste of taxpayer dollars but the three hearings sparked outrage by critics who call them just an attempt to spread fear of muslims here in the u.s. and i totally agree unfortunately tang is actually repeatedly defended his hearings i believe it's important to have this investigation on radicalization of the motion community we've seen what happened in england we know that al qaeda is trying to recruit people over here such as they did with the subway bombing in new york west of the attempted subway bombing times square bombing these are all people living illegally in the united states. so today congressman king continued his work of spreading fear of muslims with this time he took a tour on the road he traveled to england today to speak about the causes of domestic muslim radicalization and share with british lawmakers what he's learned
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during the three hearings that he held this year i guess you could say the king is trying to export u.s. islamophobia over the u.k. so during these hearings one lawmaker brought up the recent riots that they had the u.k. for days police and protesters crashed clashed across london and several other cities and the riots began after police shot and killed a resident in the tottenham neighborhood of london was quickly spread with the help of social media sites like facebook and twitter so during those riots police and the british government indicated interest in potentially shutting down social media and other communications like that blackberry messaging in the country that's something that is tantamount to the same type of censorship that they criticized other countries for but at today's hearing congressman king was asked if he had any suggestions about better controls for the internet so take a listen to what he had to say would you like. to be sites like facebook and twitter it's like. we are first. for you.
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so we try it for you we have to do it with the first member. oh we have that pesky little first amendment issue do we that's funny i thought it was a constitutional right not an issue but apparently congressman king just can't wait to find a way to get around it just because we have modern technology doesn't mean that you congressmen don't get to modernize one of the basic rights we have as american citizens just love it when politicians try to trample on the constitution ninety nine percent of the time they wrap themselves in the document talking about how great it is how it shouldn't be tampered with until those basic rights and freedoms get in the way and then they just say screw it hell if we listen to every diabolo dish and told us that we need to give up our rights to keep us safe we have none left so for acting like the first amendment is an annoying issue we're giving tonight's told time award to new york congressman peter king.
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all right it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is our two producer jenny churchill an ethnic morris and toro reporter and blogger for talking points memo. thanks for joining me guys. rush limbaugh not a huge fan but could a guest that he was trying to run the excuse me mount rushmore and somebody that he thinks should be added to it take a listen. george w. bush by the way stands tall in retrospect. not one attack great statesmanship if somebody told me today they wanted to put bush's face a lot more i'd be a little supporting him. now i mean really of all people of george w. bush does that should be should be on mount rushmore you know i feel like we have some some better presidents that might deserve to be up there i mean i'm not guess
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i guess i'm not surprised that rush limbaugh actually said this but on mount rushmore no well he didn't say reagan wouldn't reagan be the obvious republican president but i mean when everything all the oil that is actually treasonous that he said that without without saying regular first he should take it out of the republican party actually i look to look this up before the show and the first thing that popped up was a picture of that someone had superimposed reagan and bush it's faces on both of us sure yes it's a big move that is a big no but i have to say there are whole lot of rumors about i've never been about rush where he's been about rushmore i haven't i've only seen my kind what that might be right now you know when talking about this anymore because now we just look like schmucks who never have been there are talking about what faces should be on what we have to do you know there is a guy we had like george washington thomas jefferson abraham lincoln are on mount rushmore i hardly think that george w. bush theodore roosevelt on there i think if we could see that group i think if we could find a way to kind of memorialize the s n l for sharon of george bush on mount rushmore i'd be all for it that would just like it should matter slide or something. else
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you know just. great is greatest hits just kind of playing on the other faces that's totally defacing the rest of them but i don't care it could just read the other fictions yet we could take over and try to do and. then maybe other great things i like that i like that a little preemptive war after. they decide. ok let's move on to something else this image might disturb you a little bit this was taken from new york and this was the west indian festival that was going on in a couple police decided to get in on the dancing. ah ah . i can't dance at the jefferson memorial but the cops are allowed to do that out
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of the street new york it's just disgusting if you. like the most awesome lives you know what was out last video of the guy having sex on the top of his call i think getting fired is one of those really couldn't believe. i did drugs to get the sentiment of a lot of. people whenever you feel like it awesome and honestly if you're a cop you're clearly old enough to go to a strip club and get a lap dance you really need to do this in the street during a festival i mean they're like sixth graders at their first like school then they can hardly contain themselves i mean i'm all for damn thing but i just think a little might be interesting when you were sixth grade have a lot of the kind of action oh yeah who did it where you can write or show they were like i'm hearing so i walk around to be like no no no that yeah north carolina we had you know it was the hand between play that's what the fast songs are for a slow songs when everybody stands at least a foot apart you just doing it because you want to be clear fast around the little
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kids you know how to bump and grind telling you. to take away from it. they learn so young. they get to watch you know be on t.v. and they just try to ok. trying to rationalize that so speaking. of things that maybe you shouldn't be happening there is a visual it's a company and they've decided they're going to build a massive underground bunker because there are so many stories out there are so many warnings of course about a possible apocalypse come apocalypse coming at the end or just in two thousand and twelve i'm not quite sure what the date is and so there's another going to build a massive corn bunker this is what you can expect there multiple bars fully stocked with premium lakers a sophisticated content production studio because this is horn after all and operational microbrewery and topless dance cages which is i believe what we're seeing right pictured right there complete with loaded. stripper poles economical
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use of the available space is an important bearing consideration here i'm not quite sure the layering the right thing to specify that these different polls are going to be functional part of this or a case where all the library had a load of the ceiling yet right there holding it up and get it but i love their attitude they're like you know what it is the end of the world doesn't happen at least we have a corner place to film horns yeah yeah i'm slightly disturbed by the fact that there is so good i think that if the apocalypse does happen and we all need you know high quality porn those of us who survived i just never know who you might have to survive with in the know how to sleep with in order to keep the race going so you might need a little corner of your purse about the porn production into its proximity to microbrew production like i don't really want my beer and my porn made in the same building i think ok i think it's a look at building it out of it just to show you that is what i really don't want that sort of. i guess but multiple bars fully stocked with premium liquors like i wonder how long it's going to last as long as the multiple you know fully stocked
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well yeah i mean there are some issues with this obviously they've thought about all of the fun aspects but i don't know how they're going to feed themselves which is ok we're at the end of the road having the least we'll have porn you can do we want it will last a raging party in that bunker. to come we'll bump a growing fear that those are for the rest of us but i guess you know if the rapture ever happens we just get to go to the foreign bunker for a while without now toyota has been doing this campaign it's called your other you and i guess the idea here is that they really want to be cool and be like ashton kutcher and crank the take a look at a commercial for. and
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. i really don't get the boy this is a wide toyota wants to be involved but it's likely that we pick somebody crazy and for five days they'll totally torture your friend and send them calls or text messages and call them in nonstop but it happens to people that don't want this to happen that woman a member do it who sued because of this intrusive campaign because she never signed a very early somebody else signed her up for it and then she had some guy who had her home address tell her he was on the lam from the law he needed to crash at her place to hide out for a bit with his pit bull trigger when she got a call from a hotel having had a drinking problem she had to pay the bill and so she was trying to sue toyota and they were trying to tell her that she couldn't sue them because at some point in time down the line she had clicked yes i can receive promotional materials from toyota and that was what they tried to use in court but luckily judge said no. yes would you ever sign up your friends for this i absolutely would yes i definitely
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definitely was i think this is the most ridiculous campaign ever however i will not go on the record and i would not sign someone else up close you are already signed up for it so all that's true there is coming to your door tomorrow don't worry about it my question is ok so you make somebody miserable for five days and then they say i'm going to go buy a toyota again what's the connection my god is not i don't get i don't have to get what they're getting out of it nothing says i need a new toyota like i hate my friend and i want to murder them i will then buy a car to run them over with all that you know it all may have said i want to go yes mileage yes so it's really a price i got to wrap it up the things are joining me tonight it's a friday night sale thanks for tuning it makes me come back tomorrow james close close to the bottom line is can be on the shelf in the meantime to get to my fantasy life on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's or any other nights ago i was catapulted into the class they want to show and coming up next is next.
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it only prepares for a life of hysteria of the government says down to prove a range of major tax hikes and spending cuts while downplaying fresh outrage over its own lavish budget. with the with of revolution still in the air of the arab world our fear is america's support for regime change could spell trouble for israel and its closest ally in the region. and locked up and left alone controversial extradition laws in britain traffics own citizens and gaps in the justice system spending years behind bars without charge. it's eight am in the russian capital you watching.


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