tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 2:22am-2:52am EDT
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no longer of our just old and of colored van or just groups of terrorists doing as there's a tremendous support from people on the ground to these kind of attacks i mean this particular attack for example would not have been possible without people in the neighborhood people who have the sewage stated these attackers the terrorists who carried out this attack and this would not have been possible and of course we have the attack on the british council and many more before that so obviously it's not a stable and i think you can see more and more of these attacks to as more and more u.s. troops actually withdraw from afghanistan how can you really stop these attacks if you if you have a huge segment of your population really sidelined nicely and actually punished for the past eight nine years ten years actually you know. well it brings us up to date now let's take a look at what's happening in the world of business dealings here. how and a very warm welcome to the business program fresh concerns about the european economy
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has caused another wave of trouble and some to close the markets and while investors the way the chances of the meltdown in europe take up nell from morgan stanley says russia doesn't have much to worry about so far. russia is actually a much better position and other central european countries and say turkey in the region because it has less strong trade and investment relationships with europe because it's more of a global trading country and it depends on the price of global commodities such as all we all which depend on growth in emerging markets such as china and india above all so russia's fate is tied up with the growth of china and india and that at the moment looks reports and hasn't been affected by the downturn in developed markets as compared to other. countries i think russia has an impulse hit with brazil as essentially a commodity exporter which is exposed to movements in commodity prices which are
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affected by global growth it's not like china and india which are large enough that they can determine their own fate to make their own economic weather to a great degree because it depends on commodity prices which depend upon global developments. let's have a look at the markets now oil prices are heading down crude off six weeks highs and that's just concerns about the euro zone at taking precedence over tightening supply flights we just trading below eighty nine dollars but they're all wild branches that one hundred and eleven dollars. and there's all sorts of mostly lower pulled down by weaker financials europe's debt woes are still in center stage as the threat of greek default continues to loom hong kong so saying is heading for its lows close and more than two years as developers retreated and after premier wen jiabao signal china should not be expected to bail out the global economy. and here in russia the markets are seeing losses in eritrea tracking asia low what
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investors are going to be watching today. u.s. inflation figures to out just sixteen thirty more time looking forward to next on that. magic wall i see the news that both the investors the generate still cautious russia stocks the looking toward more attractive. definitely we will be still fall in the europe and we'll see how you are goes we see especially everybody stricken european banks and all the things that are related to. greek and other countries bond some the potential solution of the situation so we will definitely see all the suits who will from the point see but for us to still stay there the kind of we can call it so then we work now we can call it some say if someone was to say stealing most of those definitely will be co-chairs everybody is some of the investors are sitting on the big cash piles of america little bit afraid of getting green some new ideas and whining some new ideas especially definitely not in the liquid names
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and everybody is looking at the liquid stocks for what is looking at the right time to give you. the rushes considering delaying their primaries ation of a ten percent stake in its second largest bank fee to be a sale planned for next year depends on disposal of another seven point six percent of the country's top lenders burbank earlier it was reported russia could revise its protestation plans due to the latest volatility in the stock markets. but in other news one of the world's biggest. brazil's markopolos applies to start production russia in partnership with com us they'll invest up to thirty million dollars in a joint venture to produce around seventeen hundred vehicles a year here. i believe that we are having now the the birth of a very good company leader in the market for delivering goldstein with a mass technology on the power drain the market all of that knowledge on the
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well one one deals with war for us to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place and tremendous amount of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy coming from saddam's whether it's part of the sonic booms the factory marine mammals or it's the burning oil field syria and iraq or egypt stroy coral reefs in the pacific for planning purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions just nineteen forty nine states that there shall be stages in the war to protect and guide against widespread long term and severe damage to the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions political one has taken exception to that.
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spoke about here with r t here's a look at the top stories italy prepares for a life of a stereo as a government sits down to prove a range of major tax hikes and spending cuts while downplaying fresh outrage over its own lavish budget. in the us in romania seal a deal paving the way for america to build new military bases in the former communist state that brings to fruition a bush era missile interceptor plan for europe. the taliban hit the afghan capital kabul with a wave of attacks killing at least seven people and sparking a nineteen hour a long firefight the gunman targeted the u.s.
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embassy and nato headquarters while suicide bombers hits throughout the city. in a time of electronic gadgets and high tech innovations fly allaying privacy and mining people's personal data is easier than ever up next artie's marina pork not a grills the head of a worldwide investigative agency about the damage twenty four hour surveillance could do to society and its freedoms. r.t. is sitting down with stephen brown bomb founder and c.e.o. of a worldwide investigative agency steve thank you very much for sitting down to speak with r.t. today my pleasure for more than a decade you've been are warning the mass public or least informing them that privacy is dead get over i mean that time people have consciously importing more and more information about themselves online what do you think it's time to
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contribute to your message of privacy being well the truth is people care less and less about privacy or at least they act as if they do the greatest amount of data that's being compiled each of us today is self contributed. your location your likes your dislikes your religion your sexual orientation how you vote where you live who your friends are who your family is what music you listen from what books you read. all sorts of things that frankly are a window into your soul all of these things are so contributing i can go to your facebook page and obtain information equivalent to what people would pay a private investigator ten thousand dollars a few years ago to go out and gather you have consensually put it up there for the
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whole world. and that includes of course the holy grail of investigation which is location and photos you are constantly reporting your location you're constantly posting photos how do you manage your own social network profiles you have any i do and i post just often enough to let people know that i'm alive. possibly once a month. and i'm very careful that i keep location aware programs turned off so it doesn't report where i physically am at the moment and i don't reports what i'm doing or or who i'm with or things like that in an interview with r t julian sonce has stated that our us based social networks provide information to the secret service if they request it could not be true it's more than true and it's not just it's not just social networking sites first of all they
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don't need to provide anything it's right there the secret service certainly which specializes in computer crime computer activities and certainly smart enough to have one of their tech services people go online and look it up on your facebook page or your twitter feed or your you tube feed or whatever. i don't think that the secret service needs the permission of these sites but in fact all of these sites do cooperate with law enforcement and i think they should and it's not just social networking sites google is is so intimately and mesh with the u.s. government and i'm not just talking about. i hate to use this word i was going to say but not the parts of the u.s. code of a sort of implies that there are not or not and that's not what i mean to say but google in fact does several a ship with the cia google has
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a very close relationship with the n.s.a. google has a backdoor that they make available to the secret service and to the f.b.i. i'm not saying this is a bad thing but it is something that that people should be aware of courier major clients we do do work for law enforcement but primarily we do work for law firms insurance companies. people who are. victims of sophisticated financial frauds we do quite a lot of work involving what's called fraudulent death clients people who fake their deaths or try to disappear we specialize in locating missing persons do you care who the agnew's are i hear information and stuff salut like it's a seller i will not provide information or access to the databases that we or for anyone but law enforcement or licensed private investigators and why is it that you want. people to know about us that their privacy is going away why you
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telling them not us well i know it's kind of counterintuitive you think that as a private investigator as the owner of an investigative agency i'd be delighted by this. and i am i take great advantage of this and all the people who post their photos and their whereabouts and their families and their friends you know thank you very much and i appreciate me talking about it is not going to stop these people who are going to motor ahead and continue doing it i just think it's it's in certain respects on america for companies like google and facebook to be aggregating all of this data on each of us without people really being aware of the ramifications you know it's not that you have a facebook page it's that yesterday you posted what books you like to read
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a week before that you posted that you were a democrat a week before that you posted your religion a week before that you posted that you were coming out of the closet a week before that you posted your parents' names it's not one thing by itself it's that facebook google my space. the cell phone companies especially they gather this a bit by bit by bit by bit and before you know it they've got your entire life on disc you know it's the it's the constant edition of everything and there's some some real sneaky stuff going on out there you know there's a reason why facebook is is so valuable you are defined by who your friends are that's what facebook is all about people friending you. and most of your friends are going to be people like you are going to be people who speak the same language
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read the same books have the same politics follow the same religion or follow no religion at all and if i see who your friends are i know who you are and i can sell you things i can say well she's friends with fifteen people who buy donald was like books i need to sell her donald was like i'll tell you the biggest the biggest privacy invader of all suffered this has changed everything if you think about the cell phone you'll understand that this is the greatest invasion of privacy over first of all it tells me where you are at every minute of the day and it tells me who your friends are it tells me who's important feel it's tells me where you work tells me where you live and it tells me where you eat it
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tells me everything that i need to know about you imagine that i am no market often and i want to know who's been participating in the most recent demonstration against. all i have to do is check and see who so phones were in the square where the demonstration was it's really that simple i can tell you that right now today. us law enforcement is making charts of mafia families without doing any surveillance they know that this guy and this guy and this guy spent two hours together in this bar then this guy went here and reported to this guy this guy went here and did something else by following cellphones by following e-mail by following all the communications on a smart phone your entire life is open interesting that you bring out moammar
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gadhafi would you be able to pin down where i'm going to offer you i don't know what information is available but i find it very very hard to believe that he's not already pretty much located do you think he is local based on everything you're saying how easy it is look as khadafi is a nut but he's a very clever and up and he's a nut that's managed to survive for forty five years and i'm sure he took note of how osama bin laden was captured and i'm sure he took note of how saddam hussein was captured. and i'm sure he's avoiding those mistakes but he will make a new mistake you know that the beauty of being someone who hunts for people is you can make all the mistakes you want you can miss the guy here you can get a false lead there but if the guy you're chasing makes one mistake him over. who case so the u.s. government and the british s.a.'s and maybe the french and whoever else has people
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peeking around in libya right now we're probably algeria. you know they're they're missing him here missing them they're dry hole here dry all they're within thirty days they'll all be the consequence of how this all around our use of social and i know everyone has this this orwellian image of what's going on with the internet that they it's always they they never say who they is but they are gathering information on us and the average person assumes that it's the government in fact it's not it's private industry that's gathering information on you and they're doing it for one simple reason not because they want to invade your privacy or some salacious interest or you know they want to spy on you on behalf of someone it's because your eyeballs are worth money they want to find out as much as they can
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about you so they can sell you stuff this is pure naked capitalism i've worked a lot on the issue of fighting terrorism on cannot or information technologies and social networks turning to instruments and that's right you know this is one of the few good arguments for the invasion of privacy that's going on is the is the trade off between privacy and safety and unfortunately there is a trade off if you're going to find out who the bad guys are you have to gather information on everybody you have to be able to say this one's ok this one's ok this one we need to look at a little more the fact of the matter is that if there had been database analysis and proper use of databases nine eleven would have never happened. two of the hijackers were known to the cia they were on a cia watch list every single one of the other seventeen hijackers was linked in some way to those two known and i jackals five of them shared an address three of
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them shared a frequent flyer number two or three of them shared a telephone number some of them use the same credit card there's no question that that first of all had the cia and the f.b.i. been talking to each other and had proper use of databases been made all of these people would have been scooped up no question about it or get out there and right there steve thank you very much for your time thank you. decades back in top one thousand miles from the north pole. kim is taking you on a trip to spitzbergen entrepreneur go look where twenty years after the u.s.s.r. collapsed because between mike is still going strong. when the world's
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food free brokers clothing video for your media drug free video dog argy dot com. prepare a story live it was scary as the government sits down to approve a range of major tax hikes and spending cuts while downplaying fresh outrage over its own a lavish budget. the u.s. and romania seal a deal paving the way for america to build new military bases in the former communist state and brings to fruition a bush era missile interceptor plan for you or. the taliban here afghan capital kabul with a wave of attacks killing nine people and sparking a nineteen hour a long firefight the gunman targeted the u.s. embassy and nato headquarters while suicide bombers hit throughout the city. those are the headlines here in our c.n.n.
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sports next with natasha. thanks marina hello welcome to the sports update and first track i have lines champions league action resumes tonight with last season's run of training ahead of that clash and become involved holders barcelona to their opening game with on tuesday. the old joke of it showcases his year's open trophy following an unfair to win over iraq on a final serve climbing atop the empire state building to celebrate. and also in our traditional goals galore sectional take a look at all the goal scored during the latest we counting the russian football premier league. let's start with the champions league. with a disappointing loss and they're open it up well in cyprus channels but it is not going down to one of. the sixty fourth minute. things i need to lead
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but it was all the hair the softer the cypriot scoring twice within two minutes to grab the victory in the other group g. game. by the same scoreline. elsewhere chelsea got off their winning start at home to violet and the other group teams played a goal is a draw. draw with. defeated. by a single goal. thought the bodies of settled for a one all drawing group h. and reigning champions was all of failed to beat a similar long noles there as if to appease. another which is much closer to come from when we come from things and. truth peace and in the beginning was always things that needed just three years in the hands of time and the competition . i think were clear doing well even though few small things like school and good
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food girl could be. dominated were able to play there and when these teams play so the fencer great things always get more difficult. as usual champions league football continues on wednesday with russia's second scene and actions are hoping to do better than say meet as they take on frenchman away from home in the pick off tonight's action while much the united. have been won six out of seven previous meetings against the portuguese last is beaten finalists in great form domestically so far united claiming four wins in as many matches and they've scored eighteen goals already united also an impressive champions league record having reached the final three times in the past four years iran manager sir alex ferguson is aiming to continue. through the charles bruce who. were common cause of of all. consistency.
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there was. a group. of. girls who progress. and of course. want to continue. and here are a star of wednesday's fixtures on your screens united cross-town rivals manchester city also start the european season tonight against not only in group a where host unique in the other team. group b. in some alarm face jobs on spore elsewhere basel and new boys there will grow a lot see join man united and then see and improve. on while real madrid open their way to the. let's move to new york now where this year's tennis ampara could be seen lording it over manhattan on monday now we're showing off his light latest trophy ever implied state building
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a day after winning the us open one in great spirits after grabbing sound titles in twenty eleven alone including three victories lost and coming crashing rivals where he beat the final jockey richard with an impressive run this season having comparatively lost just once to roger federer at roland garros as the fairytale season is in and the serb explained his recent success came with improvement evasion. it was a learning process from the last couple of years of playing and. i was competing with the best and. played many matches against rafa and roger in most of these matches i was losing you know especially in the major events where i could not find my best game in every time i come to the semifinals of trials i just could not make the final step and i was feeling to perform. but it has changed and i think over the years you just get the necessary experience you know you know how to
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use on the court in on a different i believe in my game much more before. and another champion on american soil martin carr meanwhile has returned to the place where he's going to sell major a year ago the twenty. taking to the greens at whistling straits climber taking part in and exhibiting tournaments against three amateur players who were chosen from over five thousand applicants an emotional day for the former world number one and a bit of a. german eventually carded exactly the same round of two on a par seventy with which he won here last year. for me and percy to come back. with a lot of memories especially when i came to this morning for the club. and of course playing ten seventeen eighteen year. old a few times when i was still a little success in motor sports the formula one title could be wrapped up.
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